The Amethyst || Marvel

By tomhollandsumbrellaa

691 11 0

Bucky's daughter Amelia was born with unimaginable powers, but one day on a mission with the Avengers Amelia... More

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11 0 0
By tomhollandsumbrellaa

I wake up and bring a hand to my head. It's pounding. I manage to stand up, everything's in pain. If only I had managed to realize what was going on, I could've put a shield around the building. No one would have died. Everything would have been fine.

Firemen begin to run into the room, carrying out injured people. One man comes over to me and asks me if I'm alright, and I just wave him off with a flick of my wrist.

After a bit I manage to find Nat outside.

"Oh my gosh y/n! Are you ok?" She says running over to me and engulfing me in a hug.

"I'm fine just a little banged up. How about you?"

"I'm ok. Come over here there's something you gotta see." She leads me over to a small tv set up inside of a window to shop, set to the news.

"Breaking news, A bomb hidden in a news van, ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakandas King T'Chaka."

"Oh my god." I say, my mouth gaped open at the news that T'Chaka had died.

"Officials have released a video of a suspect, who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes."

"What the hell? My dads with Steve in London right now. There's no way he could've done that, he hasn't been under HYDRA's control for years!"

"Something's obviously up, I think its time for us to go to work." Nat begins to walk away, I try to jog to catch up with her. We walk to the UN building, where there are tents, fire trucks, and police cars everywhere, A fire still ablaze in the building. My eyes search the crowd around the building until they fall upon one specific person. T'Challa.

Nat and I walk to the bench next to the one where he sits. "I'm very sorry." I say, on the brink of tears myself.

"In my culture, death is not the end. It's more of a stepping off point. You reach out with both hands and Bast and Sekhmet, they lead you into the green veldt, where you can run forever."

"That sounds very peaceful." Nat says into a condoling tone.

"My father thought so." T'Challa says, slipping his fathers ring, which he had been fiddling with onto his finger. "I am not my father."

"T'Challa, task force will decide who brings in Barnes." T'Challa stands up. "Don't bother Ms. Romanoff. I'll kill him myself."

Before he can walk away, "Hold on a minute here. This is my father we are talking about here. This wasn't him. And no one is killing him. I'll make sure of it myself." I say give him a death stare, not breaking eye contact.

"You are powerful, Ms. Barnes, but not more so than vengeance and revenge." He doesn't give me the chance to say anything before he walks away, not turning back.

Suddenly, Nat gets a phone call. "Yeah?" She put the call on speaker so I can hear. "Are you and y/n alright?" It's Steve. "Uh, yeah. Thanks. We got lucky." Her eyes begin to search the crowd of people, clearly looking for Steve. I begin to do the same.

I spot Steve about 60 feet away from us, wearing a jacket, hat, and sunglasses. Not a very good disguise. I nudge Nat on the shoulder and nod my head in the direction of Steve. He hasn't seen us luckily, yet.

"Do you know where Barnes is?"

"We were together at the funeral, then you guys left, then he eft to go get us some food, and he never came back. Shit." He says finally connecting the dots.

"Look, I know how much Barnes means to you and y/n, I really do. Stay home. You'll only make this worse. For all of us. Please."

"Are you saying you'll arrest me?"

"No. Someone will, if you interfere. That's how it works now."

"If something really did happen to him, Nat, I should be the one to bring him in."


"Because I'm the one least-likely to die trying." With that, he ends the call.

"Shit." Nat says under her breath.

"What are we going to do? That wasn't him, I know it. I can't let either of them get arrested either."

"I don't know. We just need to find your dad, in case something really did happen, and we need to find him quick."

I quickly take out my phone and click on my dads contact. It rings two times before someone picks up.


"y/n oh my god I've been needing to talk to you."

"Dad are you ok? Where are you?"

"I'm at a safe apartment in Romania. That wasn't me who bombed that building. As soon as I saw the news while I was picking us up some food, I went to the farthest safe house I had."

"Ok. Good. I know you didn't do it, but there are people coming after you that think you did."

"I'll send you my coordinates. Meet me here as soon as you can."

"ok dad.I love you."

"love you more doll. See you soon." With that, he ends the call.

"So?" Nat asks. "He's at a safe house, in Romania. He asked me to come. Are you coming as well?"

"No. I'm going to stay here and sort out a few things. You go and get your dad."

"Ok thanks Nat."

"Anytime kid."

I quickly run off to go find the Quinjet so I can get to Romania. So I can get to my dad.

After about an hour and a half F.R.I.D.A.Y. announces that we have arrived. I make my way up the stairwell, eventually finding my way to his door, number 217.

I knock on the door. Five times to be exact

"y/n is that you?"I hear called from inside the room.

"Yea its me dad."

"Ok come on in."

I walk into the apartment. It's very small. The only things inside of it are a mattress and a small kitchen.

"So what are we going to do?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." He responds, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Suddenly a noise comes from outside the window closest to the kitchen.

"Dad? What is that?"

"I don't know. Get behind me y/n."I do as he says.

The window begins to slowly push upwards, as a large man comes inside.

"Steve?" My dad asks, lowering his gun he held.

"What are you doing here?" Steve questions at both of us.

"Well I mean it is my apartment."

"I mean where did you go in London. I thought that was you. I thought that they got to you again." He says, with a sadistic tone.

"I saw the news. I knew people would try and come after me. So I came here. It's one of my old safe houses, I set up when I first joined the Avengers."

"There are people currently surrounding this building who think that was you in Vienna. I don't think they're planning on taking you alive."

"That's smart. Good strategy."

I can hear footsteps coming up the stairs, approaching the door.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight Buck."

"He's right dad."I say, finally piping up.

"It always end in a fight."

Almost as if on cue, a grenade flies through the same window Steve came in mere minutes ago. Steve hits it out of the window with his shield.

Another grenade comes through the other window, closer to the mattress sitting on the floor. It lands next to my dad and he kicks it over to Steve, and Steve covers it with his shield as it explodes.

Gun shots begin to pour in from the same two windows. I throw up my hands and create a purple shield around us, with my powers.

Banging starts coming from outside of the door. Soldiers begin to break through the glass on the windows. An all out fight breaks out.

Gun being shot left and right. Kicks and punches being thrown too and from us. Blasts of purple energy coming from my hands.

Just as the fight seems to stop, another wave of gun shots begin to flood to us. Suddenly, my dad jumps through a window onto the building below us. I quickly follow behind him, but instead of landing on my feet, I'm carried by the purple glow coming from my hands and feet.

"God. I love my powers." I whisper to myself.

As i'm flying above my dad, whose running on the building below me, I sense something.

I quickly turn around to find a person in a black suit, that looks like a cat coming straight for me. It latches onto me by the shoulders and throws me onto the building that my dad it running on.

I land with a hard thud on the ground. It takes me a second to get back up, having the wind been knocked out of me.

As the cat man lands on the ground gracefully, it begins to attack my dad. As soon as i'm able to compose myself, I start throwing energy balls at the man, knocking him down.

It throws me back into a wall as it tries to dig its claws into me. I quickly dodge his attacks, but he does manage to dig his claws into my arm. I try to hold it in, but a scream of pain manages to squeak its way out of my mouth.

After what seems like forever, Steve finally jumps onto the rooftop with us.

"Took you long enough." I say under my breath, which he clearly heard, as he rolls his eyes and stretches out a hand to help me up. "How's it going?" He asks sarcastically.

"oh just great"

Gun shots flood my ears as I see them coming from a helicopter above us, the shots being aimed at the cat man.

The shots deflect off of his suit. It must be bullet proof. Suddenly, the helicopter falls, as Sam crashes into it.

"About time." I scoff.

Once my dad has the cat off of him, he begins to run again, jumping off of the building, on to another smaller one.

The cat quickly runs after him, Steve and I doing the same. The cat, Steve, and my dad, all jump into a tunnel, which leads to a road. 'I'm not about to get hit by a car today.' I think to myself.

I see Sam flying in the distance, most likely to the end of the tunnel. I quickly follow him as I take off flying myself.

I see all three guys being aimed at, by Rhodey and many other soldiers.

"Stand down now." He says. I land in the middle of the four men.

"Nice to see you y/n" Rhodey says to me.

"Ditto." I say in between breaths. I haven't flown much before, so I'm very much so out of breath.

The falcon lands the same way, a few seconds after me.

"Congratulations guys. You're officially criminals."

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