Satisfying The Alpha (Book #2)

By Dusk2Dawn

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**This book is completed but will be edited immensely later (by which it may be very different to the origina... More

Satisfying The Alpha
Chapter 1 - Tristan
Chapter 2 - Free Will
Chapter 3 - Dead End
Chapter 4 - I Trust You
Chapter 5 - Exposed
Chapter 6 - Questioning Knowledge
Chapter 7 - The Rebel
Chapter 8 - Typical
Chapter 9 - Mixed Emotions
Chapter 10 - Destiny Cheated On Us
Chapter 11 - Break Through
Chapter 12 - Balancing Urges
Chapter 13 - Price Of Fame
Chapter 14 - Exclusive
Chapter 15 - Ambushing Nightmares
Chapter 16 - Sibling Rivalry
Chapter 17 - First Taste
Chapter 18 - Snowdrops
Chapter 19 - The Young Ones
Chapter 20 - Quick Reaction
Chapter 21 - Sacrifice
Chapter 22 - Battle Cry
Chapter 24 - Fear Against Strength
Chapter 25 - Distractions
Chapter 26 - Begin The Fire
Chapter 27 - Fearless
Chapter 28 - The Hardest Part
Chapter 29 - Temptation
Chapter 30 - When Player Meets Player
Chapter 31 - Love and Lust
Chapter 32 - Forgotten Promises
Satisfying The Alpha - Epilogue

Chapter 23 - Warzone

9.1K 214 52
By Dusk2Dawn

Warning: May contain material that may offend some readers.

I felt sick as I sat on the chair. It was my fault that Tristan was here, in a coma-like state. It's only been about ten minutes since the doctor told me my venom was about to kill Tristan but it felt like forever.

This is what Immorals do. They feed on blood from their prey and replaced it with their venom. That's horrible. That's vulgar. That's... me.

I couldn't get away from the fact that I was one of the monsters, it was in my blood. I had unknowingly traded my uncompatible venom with Tristan's blood for my own selfish desires. I hated myself so much.

Self-loathing was the only thing that made me feel like I wasn't alone. I stared at his neutral expression and my heart sank. I wanted him to wake up but at the same time didn't. How would I be able to explain? I wanted him to rest until he was one hundred percent better, never letting him out of my sight.

I walked over to the bed that he was placed in and ran a hand through his soft hair. I missed him, his voice, his laughter, the way he looked at me, his mysterious smiles, seductive whispers, everything. I even liked the way he was so lazy in the morning that I had to get everything for him.

His sleeping face reminded me that he was so close to me yet so far away. In his own world. My heart ached for him to come back.

"I don't know what to do." I whispered to myself.

I took my shoes off and slid into the bed with him, resting my head on his shoulder and examining his emotionless face.

"I hate what they've done to us." I said to myself, looking at him.

I felt so lonely apart from the silence that occupied the room.

"It's all my fault. There's going to be a fight tonight and you and Daniel aren't here to help me. I don't know what to do."

Somewhere deep down inside me, I was expecting a message of help. A sign for my next step. Something. Anything.

As I looked at him, I realized how he meant so much to me. I trust him with my life and I love him so much it hurts. I heard the thunder shake the sky outside and the rainy weather cast a dark atmosphere inside the room.

I thought for a moment. Instead of talking to myself in this gloomy room, I needed to get things ready. I needed to be strong and fight. To keep the pack's name. To keep Tristan's name. Losing was not an option to me anymore.

Tonight, I was fighting to keep the rankings up. Just me. I was the Luna of this loyal, trustworthy pack, and I haven't done anything to show them that. It was my time to prove that I was actually useful. They didn't all need to protect me like Tristan does. I was going to show all of them exactly what they weren't expecting.

Nicole's POV

I didn't have a car.

I needed a car.

I locked the door as I called up Lucas.

"Hello?" he said.

"Come to my house." I replied. "Quickly."

"Why?" he asked.

"I'll explain later."

"I'm on my way."

I paced back and forth infront of the house, worrying about Tristan and Scar. Why did she always have to run away from her problems? How does Tristan put up with her?

But I knew how she felt. In a way. To be honest, if I was her, I would run away too.

I shook my head vigorously. Why do I keep switching sides? Do I like her or not? Why do I keep doing this? Why do I keep annoying myself?

Lucas arrived about 15 minutes later on a motorcycle.

"A motorcycle?" I asked as he took off his helmet.

"Yeah, motorcycles are much more fun than cars."

"But you've always driven a car." I stated.

He looked at me silently.

"So where do you want to go?" he asked.

I sat on the motorcycle behind him quickly and directed him where to go. As soon as we got there, I told him to wait as I stepped inside my former house.

"Liam! Dorothy!" I shouted. There was no reply. My heart fell.

I searched through the rooms with a mask of horror on my face. No. Not them too. I was about to go upstairs when I froze and stepped back, staring at the wall.

You're next NA.

The words were written in blood which made a million thoughts rush through my head. And they had put down my initials. Who's blood was it written in? Why didn't they write down my name?

I looked down at the floor, frowning, my brain thinking fast. Maybe they didn't write my name because of the police... if someone say this, no one would have known who Nicole Adams was... no one, and I mean the public and even my personal work colleagues didn't even know I lived here. No one would think that 'NA' stood for a famous model.

Liam and Dorothy weren't here. What happened to them? I knew I should get out of here quickly but I couldn't bring myself to move. I sensed someone behind me and slowly turned my head around even though my heart was beating fast. I was expecting Lucas to be standing there and not some guy with a creepy smile like they showed in the movies but what I found made my heart beat even faster.

"Who are you?" I asked bravely. There was a man with dark blonde hair and icy blue eyes standing there with a sinister smirk as he stared at me.

"Who am I?" he asked, leaning towards me. "Who are you?"

I didn't feel comfortable with him so close to me so I stepped back but I felt another body behind me, as soon as I made contact with the person behind me, I jumped forward but they dragged me back. I was so scared right now, my breathing was uneven as the two men looked at me as if I was their next meal. I tried to look past them to see where Lucas was but the front door had closed. Where was he?

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a neighbor hood so..." the one behind me stopped to smell my neck and I felt myself becoming more and more nervous. "Dangerous?"

He whispered the last word into my ear and the sound made chills climb up my back. I gulped, trying to stay quiet so they don't hurt me. I just hope they didn't know that I was Tristan's sister, or Damario's daughter.

"I like this one." the other man with dark blonde hair said as they both sandwiched me between them. "She's quiet."

He moved closer to me and I stumbled back away from him to get pushed into the one behind me.

"Hmm... it looks like she's already been marked." the one behind me said sadly as he glanced at my neck.

"Hopefully not mated though." the blonde one said, grinning as his hands lowered towards my jeans. I panicked and pushed him away, I realized that that was a mistake when he recovered and growled at me. I made a run for it, ripping myself out of the other guys' arm and running upstairs. I already heard them chasing me and I quickly ran into my room.

As soon as I closed the door, the two men barged in and the dark blonde was angry while the other smirked with an amused expression. I looked around for ways of escape and I saw a window that I could easily fit through. I knew I shouldn't go to it so obviously and so I made up a plan.

"You're right." I said, doing what I do best. I swished my hair to a side and walked seductively towards the one with dark blonde hair. "I haven't been mated yet."

He seemed surprised as he raised his eyebrows and his expression grew softer, but the other one's jaw had dropped in jealousy.

"Who's your mate?" he demanded.

"Shh..." I had this power to charm men and I knew it. I already had my eyes closed and my head was leaning towards him, this shouldn't be a big deal for me. Kissing guys and playing with them was something I've been doing all my life but something was holding me back. Lucas.

But if kissing this guy meant that I will survive without getting raped or something, then I'll do it.

He continued to kiss me and I put my hand into his hair, giving him my best kissing skills to mesmerize him. I heard the door close and knew that the other one had gone. His hands lowered again towards my jeans and I pulled away.

"I think I'd feel better if you took your clothes off first." I whispered smoothly into his ear while unbuttoning his shirt with one hand.

"Okay." he replied huskily.

I rolled my eyes. Men were so easy.

He turned his back to me and I started taking his shirt off from behind before dropping it to the floor. Next was his jeans and his boxers before he stood completely in the nude.

"Now it's your turn." he said, turning around to face me but I kept him the way he was.

"I'll be taking my clothes off myself." I said in a hot voice while gathering his clothes together behind his back.

"What, I don't get to do that part?" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes behind his back before letting out a fake giggle. "You know, I didn't think you were like this. Most girls would be afraid in a situation like this, but you, you cooperate. I like that. If my girlfriend found out..."

I let him babble on as I quietly unlocked the window and crawled out of it with his clothes in my hands. When I was halfway out, he turned around and set his icy eyes on me, I quickly climbed out as he rushed over to the window and I pulled the window down so that it crushed his fingers. I heard his loud scream and saw him glare at me as I smirked at him and pushed myself off the window sill up onto the roof.

Stupid guys.

I threw his shirt to the back of the house where it was in obvious view, but I stuffed his jeans and boxers down the chimney. He would have trouble finding those. He deserved it.

I moved my hair away from my face as I crouched down on the roof, I've been trained all my life for situations like this, it's time I put those skills to action. I saw his head poke out of the window and he looked up at me with his cold eyes.

"Why'd you run away, baby?" he asked coolly. "Was my manhood too much of a choking hazard?"

How cheap did he think I was?

"Choking hazard?" I frowned at him and cocked my head. "Isn't that a label they use to describe small objects?"

His face went expressionless but then it filled with rage as he climbed out the window, swearing and cursing at me.

"You little b****! You watch what I'm gonna do to you dirty s***! I am going to f*** you up so badly!" he screamed at me, his face was red and he was clearly not impressed with my witty comebacks, but all I did was laugh at him.

From the opposite side, his friend climbed towards me, he made a grab for me but I slid away. I lead them to the back garden but used my skills as a werewolf to zoom through to the front again. I scanned the area quickly for Lucas but he was no where to be found.

"Lucas!" I said loudly but not loud enough so that they would hear.

"That was some fancy footwork up there, I'm impressed." I heard a voice from behind me. It was the guy in the nude. I turned around, petrified, though I didn't show it. I had no escape now. "But not as impressive as your kissing skills."

His ice cold eyes pierced through me, when I looked into them, there was no emotion and that scared the hell out of me. All that was staring back at me was my reflection. There were two bottomless pools and there was no hope, love, or anything in them. They were cruel eyes of an infuriated man.

He grabbed my elbow, his nails clawed through my flesh and I screamed because of the pain that he had inflicted upon me. It hurt so bad and made me think about how delicate my skin was. Who were these men and how did they get in my house?

"Pure or Immoral, I will make you wish you were never born." he said, twisting my arm so that I went lower and he towered over me, every word he spoke, every time I let out a pained cry.

"Let go of me!" I screamed. "Let go! Let-"

I saw a figure run up behind him and a pale fist emerged out of the black hoodie to strike him right in the back of his head.

"Ah!" the dark blonde's grip on me loosened and his eyes gingerly closed before he collapsed on the ground. I ripped my hand away from his and looked up at Lucas wearing a black hoodie, I never really noticed how fair he was but in this outfit, he seemed fairer than usual. His green eyes seemed like they had enlargened and he stared deeply into mine for a split-second.

The other guy was running at full speed behind Lucas but behind I could open my mouth to warn him, he had grabbed the guy and elbowed him at the back of his neck. The guy immediately followed the footsteps of his friend and collapsed. I stood there, panting while Lucas stood silently, staring at me. I stood up to my feet slowly, keeping my eyes on him at all times.

"Let's get out of here." he said, taking my hand and pulling me towards the motorcycle as I let him drag me in a daze. I climbed on and wrapped my arms around his waist, holding him tightly. I just didn't know what to say but the time he took to our destination, gave me some time. Who were those guys? Did they have something to do with Liam and Dorothy?

He stopped the vehicle and I got off, looking around at the location he had brought me to. His apartment. We walked silently up the stairs and I waited patiently as he opened the door and made me go in first. The whole place smelt of his scent and it was very messy as usual.

"Heh... sorry about the mess." he said, clearing some space for me to sit.

"It's fine." I sat down and smiled at him. He walked into the kitchen that was linked with the living room. He had two long windows half covered with the curtains that lead to the balcony.

"So why did you want to go to that house so urgently?" he asked while doing something in the kitchen.

"It's my old house." I said without thinking. I panicked for a moment but then soon let go off the stress. Who cares? He was completely trustworthy to me now.

"So, you wanted to get a few extra stuff or something?"

"No..." I replied.

"Then what was it?" he questioned, looking at me. I looked up at him nervously.

I spent the next few hours speaking to Lucas about my past, Dorothy's most strict rules, the way I've been a player ever since the age of 13, how I've always been taught to avoid people who may suspect I was Tristan's sister, how I've always had to wear this perfume to mask my scent, how these two people never even tried to be the parents I never had. I've never opened to someone so much, especially someone who wouldn't even tell me a single fact about his past.

"Sorry, it's just macaroni and cheese today." he said, handing me my plate with a fork stuck in it. "I can't cook to save my life."

"Really?" I peered at my plate. "But this is still edible, right?"

"Yes, mac and cheese is all I know how to make that doesn't burn, blow up, or make people sick." he chuckled and I joined in. "Why did you take so long in the house?"

I looked down as I was reminded of the blood on the wall.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"They're gone." I replied quietly.


"Liam and Dorothy. They weren't here." I answered back. "They took them."

"Who took them?"

I turned to face him, feeling the grief in my eyes.

"The Immorals."

His face paled and his expression hardened as he looked at me. I wondered if he had any events happened to his life to do with Immorals.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Fine." he replied before he continued to eat his mac and cheese.

Scarlett's POV

My phone beeped and I looked at the message Adrianna sent me.

Party's cancelled. Maiko Watanabe wants to interview you in an hour.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I couldn't tell her that I was due to fight in a battle later.

I already told you. I can't go anywhere today.

I texted her back and she replied 30 seconds later.

If you don't come this time Scar, I'll have to fire you.

My heart sank as I stared at the message; I didn't want to get fired. I loved being a model so much, the fans were so sweet and I realized how much I've been letting them down. Eventhough it was tiring, I should just step up to it. I wish I had realized this earlier. I put my head in my hand and rubbed my temples, closing my eyes in a stressed manner.

"You need to rest." the female doctor said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Maybe you should go downstairs and relax."

"I need to go downstairs." I decided. "I need to make an annoucement."

I looked at Tristan's face and gathered the strength left in, nodding to myself before walking out the door and going downstairs. I needed to take control and lead them. This was my pack.

This was our fight.

"I have an annoucement to make." I declared when I stepped into the living room. Everyone's eyes turned on me curiously and I felt so nervous but I let it all go. If I was nervous infront of my own pack, I was useless infront of my enemies. I straightened my posture and looked confident, directly into everyone's eyes, speaking from the heart. "Tonight, there's going to be a fight. And I need your help."

There were loads of whispers that mostly consisted of shocked voices saying "A fight?" as they glanced at one another and looked at me.

"A fight?" Brendon, a guy with jet black hair and blue eyes said. "With who?"

 I paused.

"The Immorals."

"The Immorals?" someone gasped, and as I looked around, most of their eyes had popped out of their skulls. "But-but we can't fight the Immorals without the Alpha! We won't stand a chance!"

"You shouldn't think like that." I said lightly before saying the next words in a different voice than my normal one. I felt power sweep through my body, my inner Luna was coming out to motivate her pack. "We have one of the most powerful and strongest packs in the werewolf world. Each and every one of you in this room today is special, there's a reason why we are powerful, there's a reason why we are strong and tonight, we are showing them that reason.  I've always been the useless one in fights. I'm always the one you guys have to protect and I'm tired of that. But this isn't about me. This battle tonight is about that one unconscious guy who's on a bed upstairs right now."

"Isn't he going to wake up soon?" a scared, young girl asked me.

"Not for another three days." I replied.

"Why? What happened?"

"It doesn't matter right now." I said firmly. "We have to prepare for this fight."

"How many Immorals?" a guy asked, standing up.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Okay guys, go get the weapons down in the basement, and get the house stabili-" the guy started ordering people around

"No, wait, stop. Um, excuse me? What are you doing?" I questioned. How could he just order people around like that?

"I'm preparing the pack like you said Luna." he answered back respectively.

"No offence intended, but why are you doing that?" I asked and another guy chuckled.

"You're so new to this." he shook his head and smiled at me. "Women can't control or order a pack around. Tyler here is in charge after the beta."

"Women can't control or order a pack around?" I repeated, raising my eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I'm the Luna."

"Yes, and the Luna only works with the Alpha." he explained. "The Luna can't work alone."

My lips stayed parted as I stared at him.

"Hold up!" I said loudly to make everyone look at me. "I will be the one leading you into battle."


"No arguments." I said. "I will be fighting alongside with all of you so woman or not, we are all equals in this room."

I saw some of the girls give me encouraged smiles, but some of the men had concern flash across their eyes.

"But we have to do what the Alpha says." a man spoke quietly. "Even when the Alpha is awake, the Luna is one step behind him."

"I am not only speaking to you as the Luna," my voice came out powerfully, like something had taken over me. "I am speaking to you as a member of the pack. It doesn't matter who orders who around as long as we get things done, and fast."

They all atleast agreed on that and we quickly got to work. Their armor was pulled out, strategies were made, children were evacuated into safe zones, positions were debated, and we all sorted out who goes where. We also needed to decide where to put Tristan.

"You might not have the Alpha for this one, but you have me." I said, meaning to address it to my pack but it came out more personal and quiet. I didn't know if I was ready for this. "I hope that I'll be enough."

Nicole's POV

"It's getting late." I said, lifting myself off the sofa.

"Are you going to go home?" he asked, standing up.

"Scar told me not to come." I replied.

"You had a fight?" he frowned, knowing I would have told him about it.

"No," I smiled. "I don't know what's going on but she made it clear not to go home."

"You could..." he put his hands in his pockets, smiling softly, and shrugged. "Always stay here."

"I don't think my brother would be very happy with that." I smiled back. His smile vanished and his whole body posture changed.

"You're right." he agreed. "So where are you going to stay?"

"I mean," I replied hastily. "My brother isn't here right now... so... maybe..."

"And if he found out?" he raised an eyebrow and I took notice of how he stepped closer and the tension in the air became more pronounced.

"I don't know." my voice came out as a whisper as I stared up at him. He looked down at me and I found myself staring back in wonder as his hypnotizing eyes. My hands found themselves on his chest as my heart beat faster.

"We should mate soon." he said all of a sudden.

"I don't know." I repeated the same words but in a different voice. A stronger voice.

"I want to claim you." he stepped forward and I stepped back.

"But-but-" I stuttered.

"But what?"

"I'm not ready to be pregnant." I blurted out. He stopped walking towards me, a smile broke out on his face which turned into a short laugh.

"You won't become pregnant." he replied.

"Hello, you can still become pregnant even if it's the first time you've had sex." I said.

"That rule applies to humans." he answered back. "Normal werewolves can have sex once without getting pregnant, just to seal the mating bond. But the first time an Alpha and a Luna mate, they most probably will become pregnant."

"But my brother's an Alpha, my dad was an Alpha... I have Alpha blood. Does that make a difference?" I questioned.

"Are you an Alpha?" he asked in a teasing way.

"No, are you an Alpha?" I repeated.


"I still don't know you that well, Lucas." I said. "You don't tell me anything about yourself so until then, nuh-uh."

"If you really don't want to do it, you don't have to." he sat back down, seeming a little upset. My stance became more relaxed as we stayed in a silence. "Not until tonight anyway."

And with that last sentence, his arms had caught me around the waist and slammed me under him on the couch where I panted as I stared at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You have a fear of commitment." he said.

"No, no, I don't." I replied, trying to get away from him.

"Then let me mate you." he answered back.

"I just don't want to become pregnant... I'm not ready for all that." I said, hoping he'd understand.

"You won't get pregnant, trust me on this." he leaned over me, staring into my eyes. "But it's not just that, is it?"

"No." I sighed. "It's Tristan."

"Scared of your older brother?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No... it's just... well, the fact that he is my older brother, and that..."

"What is it?" he pressed on.

"I want everyone to meet you first... you know, join the pack, and meet my brother and Scar, and all that but most of all, I want to get to know you better."

His weight on me became lighter as he leaned back and stared at me.

"You can get to know me better..." he said, looking down. "But I won't meet your brother, or his mate, or his pack."

I straightened up a bit and looked at him.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I..." he looked around. "My reasons aren't be good enough."

"Afraid he won't like you?" I questioned seriously and he nodded slowly.

"Yeah..." he replied. "I guess you could say that."

"Who knew you were so insecure?"

He rolled his eyes and smiled at me, warming my heart everytime he did.

Scar's POV

As the sky's appearance became more and more like a painter's canvas, my heart pounded and adrenaline rushed through my veins as every minute that passed got closer and closer to the time set to fight. We were all ready in such little time but I wasn't sure about how all this was going to go. I knew I'd never be as powerful as the Alpha in this pack but I was going to show them what Tristan didn't.

Tristan believed in our pack which is why he always called them to our aid but he never showed them his true feelings. After meeting them and getting to know them, even after their uncertainity to win this fight, my faith in them was strong.

It has to be.

"So, you guys were trained to fight without weapons?" I asked Tyler who stood next to me.

"Yes, Alpha has kept our pack very traditional." he replied. "Using weaponry in the past was looked on as shameful."

"Oh." I said a little dully, staring at the spear thing I was clutching, I also had a belt of knives wrapped around my waist.

"Well, you haven't got that much experience in battle." he said hastily.

"Not to worry." I laughed, easing his desperation to not hurt me. "But I bet they'll be bringing a lot of things with them."

"Immorals are known to be more modern." he said thoughtfully. "They don't always-"

I put a hand up to stop him.

"Do you hear something?" I whispered, peering into the forest. "I think they're here."

"Tighten forces!" Tyler shouted to the rest of the pack that was surrounding the house. Tristan was laying down inside with security stationed around him, and also guarding outside the room he was in.

I'll find you... The frightening voice hissed in my head again.

Find me, Athena. I dared back.

Slowly, one by one, they stepped out of their dark, gloomy forest of a comfort zone, revealing the pale faces contrasting with their black clothes. I saw Raelynn and I felt myself cringe as I stared at the group that emerged with sinister looks on their face. My heart hammered inside my chest and I could hear the fast rhythm of it pound in my ears.

For a second, all I wanted to do was run away but I forced myself to stay, reminding myself that Tristan wouldn't have wanted that.

"What happened to your Alpha?" Raelynn smirked and shouted so we could hear. "Did he run away like the little girl he is?"

I felt anger boil up inside of me as the rest of the pack let out furious growls, reacting quickly to the comment.

"Didn't you like him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nah," she shook her head slightly. "Pures just aren't my type, but they're yours, right?"

I didn't know what to say.

"Does your pack even know you're one of us?" she said and there was silence, my heart beated fast. Did they?

"What is she talking about?" Tyler asked from next to me. So they didn't know.

If they found out... would they judge me?

Would they treat me differently?

Would I still be seen as the Luna of their pack, or would they disown me?

"Your mate is leader of the werewolf world's most powerful pack and they don't even know who exactly their Luna is." she said tauntingly as she stepped forward, wearing a half amused, half evil expression. I knew I shouldn't react to this so I showed no reaction but inside, it was a whole different situation.

My heart was beating fast and my thoughts were running wild. Insecurity, embarrassment, anxiety all attacked me in their most natural forms, but I got effected mostly by fear. The brain puts fear before anything else.

"At my signal, attack." I whispered quietly, and I saw Tyler slightly nod his head before I stepped forward. "All that is needed from my pack is loyalty... and I have that."

"Loyalty?" she shouted, laughing, and the rest of them soon joined in before she raised her voice and there was a fire in it. "Tristan Adams is known as a cheater!"

"He used to be, until the real story broke out." I snapped back. "In case you've forgotten, your Alpha was the one who set him up in the first place! My mate was so loyal to me that Andrew Smith had to trick him!"

"No!" she glared at me and I sensed the tension coming from the Immoral crowd. "Tristan Adams was so stupid, he forgot who his mate was!"

"Well, atleast he didn't sleep with them!" I shouted back. "Andrew came running back to my mother! A woman he had had two children with before your w**** of a Luna met him! How many children did he have with her then?"

There was no response and I noticed how the sky had gone much darker but when I looked back at them, something extraordinary happened. All at once, their eyes all stained into a blood red colour as the night approached. It made everything all the more scary because at the same time, they all glared at me.

"You say Tristan forgot who his mate was?" I continued like it had no effect. "Maybe Andrew forgot his mate existed!"

She let out a horrifying scream that sounded more animal than anything else. With her features taking on an angry expression, she charged at me with two short, sharp knives clutched tightly in her clenched fists, leading the rest of the Immoral group.

I stared calmly at the scene before while signalling behind my back. Suddenly, I was dragged into a life so different than my own with that simple gesture, one filled with violence and gore where I stood motionless as the world erupted around me, when my pack ran past my frozen body to battle. A world where the sounds of war were growls and monstrous roars that pounded in my eardrums, where 50 or more Immorals raced eachother to kill me and my mate, where I realised I now lived in a place where everyone was out to murder me, and power meant more than blood.

Through all the frantic cries and ripping nosies, one was more important to me. As my eyes scanned the chaos around me, I saw Raelynn on a bloody mission to eliminate me from the world. She killed everyone who got in the way, and made sure I knew she was coming. My brain worked fast to make a plan and I soon ran away from her, running to where I nearly got killed by Athena, leading Raelynn away from everyone else.

I didn't know if it was a good idea, but it was the only one I had.

I got myself ready in the clearing, waiting as she came, hoping nothing went wrong. My grip on the spear tightened as I saw her figure slowing down her pace and staring at me with something dark and cold in her eyes. No... that wasn't it.

There was nothing in her eyes.

Like something had drained the life from inside of her, her eyes were the doors to the missing soul that made her icy hatred reflect on everyone she met.

I felt sweat build up on my hands and I discreetly wiped them on my trousers before she could see, and clutched the spear again, raising my chin to show that I wasn't afraid of her.

"There's no Tristan to save you now." she said, and I heard the panting in her voice that she tried to hide.

"In the fights between us, there never was." I took a step closer, staring in her emotionless, dark eyes.

"It ends today." she smiled in a frightening way and stepped closer to me. "And it will end here."

"For you." I smiled back casually, almost acting as if we were friends.

She narrowed her eyes at me and before I could blink, she had me slammed up against a tree, holding my throat, just as Athena was doing.  Her grip wasn't as strong but her eyes had the same amount of hatred and animalistic fury. She was squeezing tighter and tighter every second and the air was disappearing around me. I thrashed about and struggled but my actions became slower until I stopped, my eyes gingerly closing.

I was dying.

But my hands were still clasped around the spear and I found the strength inside me that was looking for all along. Even if the muscles in my arms weren't as strong or as hard as Tristan's, I used them to slam the spear into the ground and use it to hold on and kick Raelynn as hard as I can to get her off me.

She went flying and I gasped for air as I fell onto the ground on all fours. I quickly pulled on the spear and dragged it out but stumbled around without balance with it. She came charging at me full speed and jumped but I ducked and watched as she landed on the tree where I thought I was going to die.

She walked towards me and I spun the spear around so she tripped over it, I used the small amount of time to get up and aim the spear at her but she grabbed it, twisted it, and made me fall over. As I was looking up, not close to recovering, she threw one of her knives at me which narrowly missed my thigh, grazing the material of my trousers.

I pulled the knife out of the ground and slipped it in one of the empty holes in my belt of weapons. She was holding the spear, my spear, and aiming it at me. She opened her mouth wide and did her famous battle cry that made my heart do a roll while rushing at me but I rolled on my side just as she stabbed the spear into the place where I was a few seconds ago.

I kicked her shin and she collapsed out of shock, I grabbed the spear, kept her locked under me by straddling her tightly and aimed the pointed end at her neck.

"It does end here, Raelynn." I said. "You've ruined my life, our lives, and it's time I took yours like my father did with so many others."

I was just about to stab it into her throat and kill her instantly but then just at that moment, I got distracted. My mind was burning again and I grunted, rolling off her. I let out painful screams, this time was worse than any other time I've been tortured and I hated that it was at this time.

Athena, get the f*** out of my head! I screamed furiously as my physical body dug its nails into the soil around me, screaming torturously.

Don't talk to me like that, honey. She replied as if she was my mother, making me all the more angrier.

For a few minutes, all I could remember was that I was swearing every profanity I knew at her, swearing and cursing at her, at Andrew, at the world, at the Immorals, at anything that ever made me mad and messed me up.

My body twisted and writhed like a headless snake and I felt something take over me, my eyes widened and I burst into a wolf.

I stared at Raelynn who was smirking at me. She could have killed me by now... but she didn't.

My wolf... was my wolf back?

No. I felt so different. So... so different.

This wasn't me.

You're one of us now.

Without permission, my body shifted back to human form before I could put a finger on what was different, or how I looked like.

I looked up at Raelynn with fear in my eyes, because I was naked, and that made me feel vulnerable. I put my arms across me in an attempt to cover myself because her eyes pierced into me, making me scared and uncomfortable. Everything just happened so fast and all of a sudden, she was straddling me, looking directly into my eyes.

"To answer your earlier question," she murmured lowly. "Andrew and Athena did have two children."

Two children? Andrew and Athena had-my thoughts all stopped when I found myself getting pecked on the lips gently by Raelynn. She stared at my shocked, horrified, expression while I thrashed out, screaming louder than ever, with a smirk before lowering herself so that her lips were near my ear.

"And I'm one of them." she whispered cruelly before stabbing her dagger roughly into my stomach, handing me into death's arms.


Hey guys!

SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT and trust me, I need my updates to be much quicker too. I HAVE TO GET IT FINISHED BY THIS MONTH... the deadline for the Wattys is next month OMG I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO! SO STRESSED OUT!

My computer's has broken and won't open up, and ALSO, my Wattpad App, the creating section isn't working properly so... AAARGH!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and you think it wasn't too long... or too short. I thought this chapter was probably the most interesting I've had in a while... or maybe not... I don't know. My head's just messed up right now.

Thanks for reading!




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