Alpha King's Missing Mate (Bo...

By AutumnShore1

1M 31.2K 1K

Regal Eclipse Pack Series is now available on Kindle More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 46

13.2K 439 12
By AutumnShore1


Daniel was dead.

The truth hit her full force, and Jenna fell to the ground with a scream as the pain of loss filled her. First her mother, and now Daniel. How much more could she take? Sobs wracked her as she wrapped her arms around herself. Why was this happening to her?

She wanted to blame someone. Charity for not agreeing to be Jason's mate. Talia for telling Jason about her and Noelle. Daniel for reassuring her over and over that he would be fine. He'd lied to her, and she was angry about that, but at the same time, none of them were to blame. She was being selfish, expecting people to give up so much for her. The only one she could truly blame was this arrogant weasel of an Alpha. He didn't deserve his title. Or Daniel's.

She had just found Daniel again, and he'd been ripped from her in the cruelest way possible. Noelle would grow up never knowing her father, if Alpha Jason even allowed them to live. Part of her didn't want to. She'd experienced so much loss lately, she wasn't sure how much more she could take.

Someone had knelt down next to her and wrapped their arm around her, offering some comfort. Jenna realized all she wanted now was to find Noelle and go home to her father and her brothers. She felt empty inside, and completely exhausted.

"I will be claiming you now." Alpha Jason stepped in front of Charity interrupting her thoughts, and Jenna suddenly wanted to attack him. He was the cause of all of her pain. He was the selfish one.

"You bastard," she screamed, launching herself at him. Charity jerked her back before she reached him, and Jenna growled at her.

Surprise crossed Jason's face before he smirked at her. "Keep that human back and I met let her live."

Charity laughed in Jason's face. "You think you've won?" She laughed harder, and Jenna began to wonder if Charity was losing it. Jason had won.

"You'll kneel before me," Jason released his aura, making Charity laugh even harder.

Jason growled at her, his brown eyes flashing. "I will make you submit. Beneath me!" He roared.

Charity smirked. "Not if you're dead."

"You think you can kill me? I just killed your king! I won! And I will have you," he roared.

"No. You won't."

A large black and white wolf suddenly knocked Jason over and Jenna watched in fascinated horror as the wolf ripped out Jason's throat.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Jason bled out, the pack not the least bit upset to see their leader dead.

Jenna stared down at him. She couldn't feel sorry for him. He'd brought this on himself. Her gaze darted back across the field to her mate's dead body but it was gone.

"Charity," she murmured, grabbing her sleeve, her eyes never leaving the spot where his body had been. "Daniel.." Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

Charity grabbed Jenna's arm, turning her body towards her own. She placed her hands on Jenna's cheeks. "It's okay. Look." She turned Jenna back to the field.

The large wolf was still standing over Jason's body, though it was looking at her. It stepped towards her and the sound of breaking bones echoed across the field. Suddenly, Daniel was standing before her in the wolf's place.

Blood spattered across his naked body, and he crossed his arms across his chest. The pack loudly cheered. Jenna's vision tunneled and then everything suddenly went black.

Daniel saw his sister grab Jenna before she hit the ground. Guilt filled him at what he'd just put her through. He'd really have to beg for her forgiveness on this one. Hopefully she'd give him a lifetime to make it up to her.

Someone approached him with a towel, and he used it to wipe the blood off of himself before dressing again. He'd let Jason think he'd won, let him believe he'd kill the Alpha King mainly because he wanted to see how his pack would react. The silence that Jason had met when he'd proclaimed himself the victor hadn't surprised Daniel much. He glanced around the pack and saw fresh hope in their eyes. Hope that maybe something would change.

Once he was dressed, he hurried over to Jenna, who was just starting to come back around. He knelt down in front of her. "Are you okay?"

"You're alive?' She whispered.

He smiled and pulled her to him, giving her a hug. He could feel her disbelief as she hugged him back. Laying there for the few moments that it had taken his body to heal from the broken neck that would have killed any other wolf had been agony. Her emotions had been overwhelming. Shock, anguish, anger which had quickly turned to fury. He was glad Charity had stopped her from acting on her rage, or he was afraid Jason may have tried to kill her too.

"Jenna, give me a moment to make an announcement, and then we will go find Noelle," he said, brushing her tears away with his thumbs.

She nodded, disbelief still visible on her face, and he stood and walked back towards the center of the training grounds. No one had left yet. They were all waiting to see what would happen next.

"Virginia pack, your Alpha is dead!" Another cheer went up from the pack at this news. "The Princess Charity will be taking over as the Alpha for the time being until new leadership is installed."

Charity walked out to Daniel and stood next to him. "I would like all of the pack leadership to meet me in the Alpha's office in two hours. I will call another pack meeting in the next few days to keep everyone apprised of what's going on. The way Jason ran this pack was atrocious and I refuse to allow anyone else to run this pack into the ground. If anyone wishes to speak to me, my office will be open, starting tomorrow. Everyone is dismissed"

The pack cheered once more before they slowly began to leave the field. They talked amongst themselves, laughter occasionally audible from the once hopeless pack. Charity smiled to herself, pleased that she finally had the opportunity to make a major difference in this pack. She walked back over to Jenna, who was still sitting on the ground being comforted by Daniel. You're going to have to apologize to her for the rest of your life, if she doesn't reject you first, She mind linked him.

I know. I could feel her emotions while I was laying there. I know it was the right decision not to tell her because Jason would have been suspicious if she wasn't upset, but I never want to put her through that again.

"Alpha?" Daniel and Charity both looked up as a wolf approached them cautiously. The wolf stopped before him and bowed his head.

"Your name?" Charity asked.

"Shane, Alpha, pack Gamma," He said, keeping his eyes lowered.

"What can we do for you, Shane?" Daniel asked him.

"I came to take you to Miss Talia and your daughter," he said, never lifting his eyes.

Daniel felt his heart jump at the wolf's words. He glanced at Charity who nodded once, then helped Jenna up. "Where is she being held?"

"At the pack house, Alpha," Shane answered.

"We'll take my car." Daniel reached out for Jenna's feelings. She was anxious but he wasn't getting much else from her. She let him take her hand and lead her towards the SUV.

'Mate is numb,' Rafe said. 'She's still shocked from everything that has happened.'

'We're going to be making up to her for a long time, Rafe,' Daniel replied.

'Be careful and don't screw this up. She is still hurting and angry,' Rafe sniffed cautiously towards her. 'Seeing our pup will help.'

'I hope so.' Daniel opened the car door and turned to Jenna. "I'm sorry I scared you."

She met his gaze but didn't say anything, instead climbing in the car and pulling the door closed.

'She needs some time,' Rafe said quietly.

Daniel climbed into the driver's seat and started the vehicle. He looked at Jenna in the rear view mirror, but she was looking out the window. He noticed the tears in her eyes and felt his own heart break.

Charity climbed in next to Jenna and Daniel took off to the packhouse, everyone quiet on the short ride over. Once he had parked, they all got out and followed Shane inside.

The packhouse was run down from neglect, the cartpets thread barren, the furniture dusty. Shane led them through the entrance, down a hall, and up a set of stairs. The building was only two stories, and once at the top, he stopped. "The Alpha's office is over there," he pointed to a closed door on his left, then turned right. He walked down to the last door on the left and pulled out a key. He knocked, then opened the door.

Talia was seated on the bed, a baby in her arms, while the other baby was nearby laying on a blanket. She looked up as the door opened. "Alpha Daniel!" Talia put the baby in a car seat and quickly approached them, kneeling before him, her head bowed. "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Daniel reached down and gently laid his hand on her head. "We'll talk about it here in a few minutes, Talia," he said softly.

Jenna felt numb as she followed Daniel until the room. Her mind refused to process everything and she was still in shock. She walked past everyone and straight over to the bed. Noelle was laying there asleep, but Jenna didn't care. She picked her up as her feelings suddenly rushed forth and she was overwhelmed with tears. She cuddled her little one close, breathing in the baby scent and sighed happily as she felt her anger all dissolve away, and she looked at Daniel. He was watching her, tears in his own eyes. She realized she couldn't be mad at him. He had kept his word, and she was reunited with her daughter; their daughter. She gave him a weak smile.

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief when he felt Jenna's anger slip away. He watched her turn to him and hungrily eyed the bundle in her arms. He wanted to approach but waited until she was ready.

"Come meet your daughter," she said softly.

He took a few tentative steps to the bed, then slowly reached out a hand to Jenna's back, and was relieved when she smiled up at him. He looked down at the baby.

She looked like Charity and his mother, though he could see Jenna in her as well. She opened her blue eyes and stared up at him in wonder and he gently reached out and stroked her cheek. His heart squeezed with love as he gazed at her. She was perfect, and she was his. His heir. The future Queen of all werewolves. These arrogant alphas were going to be in for a shock.

Daniel gave Jenna a kiss. "Thank you for such a beautiful gift. There are some things I need to take care of, then we can get out of here. I want you two all to myself."

Her lips curved into a smile as she looked up at him and nodded. "I need to feed her," she whispered.

Daniel kissed her forehead. "Stay in here. Can you watch Matthew?"

She nodded, glancing at the baby still in his car seat, then to Talia, who was still crying. She suddenly turned to Daniel and thrust Noelle to him.

Daniel blinked in surprise but took his daughter from her. His pup's gaze still hadn't left his own and he stared back at her, a smile on his face.

Jenna walked over to Talia and pulled her into her arms, hugging her friend tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Jenna. I'm so so sorry," she whispered. "I wouldn't have ever given you up, but they threatened to kill my pup."

"Talia, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm not angry with you," Jenna said quietly. "I'm sorry for your loss." She let go of her friend and turned back to Daniel, taking Noelle from him.

"Jenna, my mom is going to be up here shortly. She'll keep the men out until you're ready. I'll come back to you as soon as I can." He brushed her hair back from her face, then turned to Talia and Shane. "Shane, take me to the Alpha's office. Talia, come with us."

The wolf, who had been quietly watching everything, nodded and led them back down the hall.  

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