My Sister's Baby Momma

By basicbitz

32K 592 172

Stacie is Beca's Friend with Benefits. Things are going fine until Stacie's two older sisters, Chloe and Aubr... More

Party time
Oh Baby
The Middle Sister
How it Started
Bath Time
The Dance
The Grinch
Our First Date
Kicking into the New Year
Seeing Red
New Priorities
You didn't
Plans Change
Moving on
Happy Birthday
Its Normal
The Fight
Blast from the Past
Wake up
Goodbye Barden High

Hear Me

251 9 2
By basicbitz

Beca's POV

I drive us as quickly but safely as I can to the hospital. I have no idea what time it is but its dark out. I get us to the hospital and we rush in to Emily's room. "Em! I yell rushing forward and gently wraps my arms around Emily. I notice her jump at the contact until she relaxes when she sees its me. She wraps me up until she pulls away and wipes a tear from her eye. "I was so worried about you. And I'm going to kick your ass for that stunt you pulled." I warn seriously. I'm going to. When she is less injured of course. Emily turns her head slightly to the right as I talk.

"What've the doctors said?" I ask sitting on one of the chairs. Stacie hugs Emily before joining me. "Thank goodness you're still preggo. I was worried I missed the birth." Emily says with her normal smile. Stacie and Emily continue to chat and I take my chance to check over Emily. She looks pretty beat up, multiple unique bruises line her skin. I feel like there's something she's not telling me. I continue to study her until something hits me. I see how she seems to have to turn her right side to the person whose talking.

I can feel myself starting to lose control of my temper. "Is the the hearing loss in your left ear permanent?" I spit out. Stacie looks startled as she studies Emily. Emily turns to face me. She lets out a low sigh. "Can't hide shit from you huh?" Emily says. I don't say anything. I'm frustrated with her avoiding my answers. I just proceed to stare at her, she can't keep changing the subject. I'm getting freaking worried.

Emily has been my best friend since we were born. We are Irish twins and always shared a bond, hearing her avoiding telling me something freaking hurts. "I'm sorry, its just... I'm still trying to accept it myself. Basically I took a bad blow to the left side of my head and there's a lot of swelling and I can't hear anything until it goes down. Worse case... its not coming back." Emily says quietly. I feel the words hit me hard. I understand why she was having trouble telling me now. She's scared. Hell we've all been scared, I get it, not wanting to accept what could be. But deep down I feel anger. Allison did this to my sister. She insulted my girlfriend. She assaulted my friends. She had to pay for what she did.

"Em... its gunna be okay." I quickly say shoving aside the anger and running up to her and carefully wrapping her into a hug. I hold her as she lets out a few sniffles. "We're here for you. We'll get through this." I assure her as we finally break away. I take my seat next to Stacie and she quickly takes my hand in hers. "We're gunna get through this. Just like we have done with everything else in this kick ass family." I say to both my girls. We smile at each other. We start to fall into casual conversation until Luke comes rushing in, his hug startling Emily yet again since she didn't hear him.

"I missed you Em. I talked to the doctor, how are you?" He asks her. She looks at me and takes a deep breath. "I'm gunna be okay. It just sucks right now." Emily says with a shrug. Luke nods as we go over everything the doctor said. I think its late morning by the time we hear a knock followed by the arrival of the delinquents. Everyone is so excited to know Emily is okay. When Emily's ready she informs everyone about her hearing loss. I can see several of my friends boiling with anger realizing how badly Emily was hit.

I smirk to myself. An idea for revenge hit me but I'd need their help. I knew how to make Allison pay. I look over at Stacie and see she dozed off in her chair. I frown and look at the time. It was late morning, we've been up all night, that can't be good for her. "Alright Em, keep me updated. We're gunna get some sleep and walk Darth, he misses you." I say giving her a hug and saying goodbye to my buds. I gently wake up Stacie and take up back to the house. I can see her struggling to stay awake.

"I'm sorry love, I didn't realize how tired you were." I say as we pull up to the house. Stacie rubs her eyes and chuckles. Its funny, we used to pull all nighters like weekly. Growing a baby takes more energy then I thought." She says with a sigh as she rests her hand on the bump. I nod trying to imagine what its like. Seems rough. I hurry out of the car to her side to help her up. Darth runs to the door and looks arounds excitably. "Not yet but, soon." I tell him patting his head. He whimpers as he lays back down on his bad.

I help Stacie upstairs and to bed. I don't feel to bad as I take Darth for a walk. I decide to hit the books since my test is only a few days away. I spend an hour or so studying before I join Stacie in bed. I scroll on my phone before the tiredness hits me like a brick wall.

I wake up to the pleasant smell of food. I reach next to me and don't feel Stacie next to me. I jump up and rub my eyes. I follow the smell of food and see Stacie at the desk and a box of pizza nearby. Stacie must have heard the bed shift because she shifts in the chair and smiles at me.

"Good morning... well afternoon my love." She says with a warm smile before reaching for the wonderful smell. "I got us pizza, figured I can work on my speech a little more while you cram then we can go back to see Em." Stacie says with a shy smile. I get out of bed and walk up to her, moving the pizza box so I can smash my lips against hers. I can't help a few gropes as we explore each other's mouths. "Does me getting you pizza always make you horny? Cause I sense a patten." Stacie teases referring to our first almost sleepover. I chuckle and grab a slice.

"I mean... you're not wrong. Pizza will definitely get my pants off." I smirk back as I untie my shirts and let them fall off. Stacie bites her lip before shaking her head. "You're too hot Mitchell." She looks me up and down, her gaze resting on my boxers. "Yeah, noted. If I wasn't this pregnant I'd have you shoved onto the bed right now." Stacie says with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

The waves of flashbacks hit me and I quickly get them under control before I get a full hard on. Sex was a bit difficult since Stacie looks like she's about to pop. It also is so exhausting for her and I get it. I'm fine with waiting, but that doesn't mean no teasing and flirting and maybe  some simpler pleasures. "God the sex after Thumper is born will legendary." I say with a dreamy smile. "Oh yeah. Don't get me wrong the sex is still good but I miss that rough shit. I know you've been gentle since you found out and I appreciate it, but god the rough sex is soooo gooddd." Stacie practically moans out.

This doesn't help me with my arousal. Honestly I haven't really noticed that I've been holding back a bit. But now looking back I have been taking extra steps to make sure Thumper and Stacie stay perfect. "I promise a good round of hot rough sex after Thumper comes out." I tell Stacie. "3 rounds." Stacie counters. I raise my eyebrow and smirk. "Hmmm." I say pretending to think about it while grabbing another slice.

"You drive a hard bargain, but I agree to your terms." I tease back. We enjoy more pizza before I hit the books again. Stacie works on her speech and we fall into comfortable routine. I send Emily a quick text checking in on her and telling her we would be sure to come back later. Darth comes up to lay on the bed with me while I read what feels like endless amounts of textbooks. I listen to Stacie practicing her speech and smile to myself. I really like what she had so far. She had a great way with words which made it feel like she was speaking for everyone. I'm damn proud of my girl.

I look back at my book and sigh before closing it. I have a headache forming from all the reading. I glance at Stacie and see she is deep into her speech. I send a quick text to the deliquents asking her what they've found.

Jessica <3 Ashley: you were right, this bitch. Forwarding it to Benji and Jesse so they can do their thing.

Jessie the nessie: got it! We will start gathering data

Benji D2: also working on finding the deleted messages. Not positive if we can retreat them but the files will be more then enough

CRrrrr: talked to some students, I got more I'll send

Croc Wrestler: awesome. Talked to my bf and he is interested in the case, will show him what we have so far

¿¿¿Lilly???: ... I hacked the police database and got a copies of all files that we need. Sending them over

I blink several times reading what Lilly just said. That would be more then enough evidence. Also I didn't even know Lilly knew about the plan...

Big Boss Becs: you guys are the best. I'm sending some to my lawyer. The rest we can work on getting together for the school board.

I smirk as I put down my phone. I was going to show Alice what happens when you mess with the delinquents.


Finals are done. I freaking did it. I'm done with Barden Fucking High. The extension was nice and I did feel a difference as my head healed.  I don't want to be too cocky but those tests were too easy. I'm hopeful.

I nearly skip to my car and unlock it. I was eager to get home. Stacie's due date is getting closer and I'm a bit nervous. I want to make sure I'm there for her when her water breaks. Plus Emily is finally home. Darth hasn't left her side.

She's healing well. The bruises are fading and she is starting to get some strength back. Her ankle was luckily only sprained and she had a nasty cut on her knee which was also healing as expected. Her hearing in her left ear isn't back still. I know she's hiding how much it worries her that it will never come back but I was hopeful. We've already been through hell in this family and this is just another speed bump.

I make it back home and run inside. I feel so relieved. I'm done with the studying. I know I did my best and that's a first for me in school. As I enter the kitchen I hear a collective 'congrats!' I smile at my family and see the decorations and a cake. "We are so proud of you Becky." Luke says wrapping me into a hug. I can feel my heart grow three sizes at their warm gesture. "Thanks guys, but you know I won't know if I passed for another day or so?" I remind them.

"Baby you've been working so hard though. We all see how much you've been trying since we found out about Bumper. As Luke said, we're proud of you." Stacie says. I walk up to her and give her a gentle kiss, letting my hands fall on her stomach.

"Seriously Becs, you've inspired me. I'm already enrolled to start online school. You've shown me and the other delinquents that we're wasting our potential. We can be even more badasses when we try." Emily says with a big smile. I match it and take in the precious moment. "Wow, you guys flatter me. Thank you. I couldn't have made it here without each of you. It just took me a while to get my head out of my ass." I tell them. "Group hug!" Luke yells wrapping me into a hug. Emily and Stacie make their way over well Darth runs around us barking. We laugh and dig into the cake.

"Oh, Thumper got you a gift. They said you deserve it for doing all this for them." Stacie says sliding a bag towards me. I smile as I open it. Its a nice bottle of whisky. "I think we can all agree you deserve to let lose for a night." Stacie says leaning over to kiss my check. I smile and thank her for the gift. I'm looking forward to enjoying that bottle. "Whisky and cake before noon, this is awesome." I tease making the others laugh. "Who'd of thought we'd have to convince you to drink and eat junk food." Luke says shaking his head, but he has a proud glint in his eye.

I appreciate Luke so much. I know we didn't make it easy on him. Hell he's only 25 and he's been able to raise two teenagers and run a successful business and never complains. He truly is an incredible person. It really means so much to see him so proud.

Darth whines which breaks me from my thoughts. "Sorry dude no cake for you." I say patting his head as he begs below me. I roll my eyes but smile around the group. I'm so lucky.

"Oh by the way, your party starts in a few hours." Emily says with a teasing smile. "Party?" I question confused. "That's right baby. You think we weren't going to celebrate?" Stacie says with a smirk. "Are you sure? You're like really pregnant. And Emily you're still recovering." I try to argue. I really don't need a party if they are uncomfortable.

"Oh no, we deserve it. We made it through this crazy year." Stacie says with a smile. "And don't worry about me. I'll be sure to take it easy." Emily adds. I study them before nodding. "Okay, if you guys insist." I chuckle and give in. It would be nice to celebrate, with the baby coming so soon it may be one of our last chances before parenthood. We should celebrate our achievements.

"Well then let's freaking party."

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