Pokémon-Kanto adventures

By Christopher569218

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In the town of pallet lived two boys Ash Ketchum A boy how wanted to be a Pokémon master and Green how dreams... More

Trainer bio
Pokemon I choose you!
Pokémon Emergency
Ash and Green Catches Pokémon
Challenge of the Samurai
Trainer bio Lexus
Challenge of samurai part 2
Challenge of the samurai part 3
Showdown in Pewter City
Showdown in Pewter City, Part 2
Clefairy and the moon stone
The school of hard knocks
Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
Charmander - The Stray Pokémon
Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
Mystery at the Lighthouse
Electric Shock Showdown
Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Beauty and the beach
Tentacool & Tentacruel.
Maiden peak gym battle
A battle in the misty woods
The Tower of Terror
Haunter versus Kadabra
Primeape goes Bananas
Green and the Celadon Gym Leader
Ash celadon gym battle
Master of entertainment Farrah Fay
The P1-Grand Prix
Sparks fly for Magnemite
Dig Those Diglett!
The Ninja Pokémon showdown
The Flame Pokémon-athon!
The Kangaskhan Kid
Safari Zone
The Bridge Bike Gang
Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
The Battling Eevee Brothers
The marching of the Exeggutor Squad
A problem with prehistoric Pokémon
Holy matrimony

Abra and psychic showdown

14 1 0
By Christopher569218

Bye Bye Butterfree doesn't happen it's more like Hi Hi butterfree due to him being sent back oak's lab after the gym battle. don't worry he'll have good Company soon anyway onto the show.))

Narrator:We join our heroes once again on the road to their next destination to Saffron City. But they find themselves lost when they walked through a dark forest.

Ash:So THIS is the way to Saffron City, huh, Lexus? I knew we shouldn't have listened to you, now we'll never get out of here!

Lexus:As if! Your sense of direction is so bad! Why do you always have start arguments with me whenever I apparently get us lost but with you different story!!!

Ash:Because I don't get us lost I always lead my destinations which are fun and adventure!


Fern:Saur [Fern added ]

Lexus:why you lousy excuse of trainer!!

Brock:That's enough, guys! You two don't want to stand here and insult each other like this. [Brock said as he attempts to break up the fight]

Both:Yes we do! [Ash and Lexus yelled]

[Soon, Ash, Brock, and Lexus start to argue]

Green:Here we go again [groaned Green]

[He can only facepalm at his friends' argument]

Fern:Ivysaur!" [Fern added embarrassed]

[Before he can go in and break up the fight himself, he heard giggling. This also caused Ash, Brock, and Lexus to stop their squabbling also. The gang turn to see a little girl bouncing a ball]

Lexus:Who is that?

Green:I have no clue.

Fern:Saur [Fern said confused]

Ash:Uh, hello! Do you live around here? [Ash asked the girl]

[But the girl just giggled and runs off].

Ash:Hey! Please don't runaway! [yelled Ash as he begins to chase after her]

Green:Wait for us, Ash! [He said as Green and the others chase after him].

[Ash continues to chase the girl]

AshWait! We need directions! [he called]Wait up.

[Ash screams when he finds himself at the edge of the cliff. He lost his balance and falls off]

Bulbasaur:Bulbasaur! [he cried as as he lets out his Bulbasaur]

[Bulbasaur then uses Vine Whip to catch Ash]

Ash:Phew [he said in relief]

[His friends then arrive]

Green:Ash, are you alright?

Ash:Yeah! [Ash replied as his Bulbasaur pulls him back up ]That was close.

Lexus:Hey! What about that cute little girl? Where'd she run off to?

Green:I don't know?

Ash:Beats me. But take a look over there. [Ash said as he points upfront. The gang sees a light up city].

Lexus:Ow wow! It's beautiful!

Green:We finally made it

Fern:Ivysaur! [Fern replied].

Ash:Saffron City.

Brock:Sabrina's the leader of the Saffron City gym. You defeat her, you win a Marsh badge.

Ash:Yes! Look out Sabrina! Here we come!

Green:What he said!

[The gang then walked through entrance to Saffron City]

Ash:This is what I call a city.

Green:You can say that again. It looks nice.

[Suddenly, firecrackers go off which startles the group]

Lexus:What's going on!?

Brock:This must be some kind of ambush!

[Just then, two hula girls appeared and puts leis on both Ash and Green while giving them both a kiss on the cheeks]

Girls:Congratulations, winners!              AshWinners!? There's something real fishy about this!                                                                  Green:Yeah! I don't remember winning an award just for coming into a city. That's just plain ridiculous!

Second hula girl:There's a simple explanation.

First hula girl:It just so happens you're the millionth, millionth and first, millionth and second, millionth and third, millionth and fourth, and millionth and fifth visitors to Saffron City!

[The hula girls then begins to dance. Both Green and Fern looked at them with suspicion in their eyes while their friends smile at this]

Ash:Oh, boy! Looks like our luck is starting to turn good!

Green:Talk about Déjà vu [thought Green as he recalled the time when they were given a free cruise ticket to the St. Anne by two school girls back at the Vermillion Harbor which was later revealed to be a trap set up by Team Rocket.]

[The hula girls were then leading the gang inside a building]

First hula:Right this way to the grand prize room.

Second hula girl:Please, step lively. [the second hula girl added]

[Just as the gang was walking in the building, the second hula girl grabs Charmander with Special gloves while the first hula girl grabs fern].

Second hula girl:Thank you for your Charmander. [She said in James' voice]

First hula girl:And thank you for your Ivysaur" [She said in Jessie's voice]

[The gang turn in surprise as they saw this]

Green:Hey! Put them down! [Green yelled as he and Ash runs up to them only for Jessie and James to put their hands on their faces]

Jessie:You won a trip through the warp tile! Jessie said as she and James shove them into their friends and they land on a warp tile which teleports them away]

James:That was easy.

[The gang were then teleported in a strange room]

Lexus:Well that happened [She said as they both stood up]

Ash:What's going on here? If this is the grand prize room, then where are all the prizes? Green:Don't you see, Ash? There are no prizes!"

Lexus:Yeah. The only thing we won is this trap!

Brock:There aren't any doors or windows in this room.

Lexus:Then how do we escape?

Green:It has to be this warp tile we're standing on.

Jessie:Bingo! The warp tile is the only way in or out of this room, there's no way to escape. [Jessie's voice said]

Ash:What are you talking about?

[Then a television screen was lowered down. The gang looked as it turns on to reveal Jessie and James]

Rockets:Good evening! You're watching the premiere "Prepare for Trouble, Make it Double" Show [they said as they begin to remove their disguises]

Ash:It's Team Rocket!

Green:Who would've guessed [He said until he realizes something]Oh gross! They kissed us!

[He and Ash both made retching sounds as they ripped off their leis. Jessie and James then begins to recite their motto]

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



[They then notice the gang kneeling at a table while drinking tea completely ignoring them]

Rockets:Hey! Don't sit there ignoring us!

Lexus:Their show is pretty boring.

Greeb:Yeah. Who wants to watch a show about bad guys rambling on about themselves?

Ash:It'll get cancelled pretty soon.

James:We're boring?

Jessie:Just you wait. We'll pull off something they or anyone else won't soon forget, because we have something that'll grab their attention. [Jessie laughed as she and James stepped aside to show Meowth holding Charmander and Fern tied up and gagged]Because now it's time for our special guests'..."

Meowth:Farewell performances!

Ash:You better give Charmander back, right now! [He demanded]

Green:And the same goes for my ivysaur, you thieves! [Green added as they ran to the screen. But as they did that, the screen suddenly turns off].

Ash:Hey! Where are you going?!

Green:Turns it back on right this instant!

[In the room that Team Rocket was in, both Jessie and James are trying to get the signal back]

Jessie:James, something's wrong.

Meowth:Turn it on!

James:We can't! Nothing's working!

Meowth:Dat's what happens when you work with amateurs. [Meowth muttered until he notices something ]Huh? Hey, you guys!

Jessie:Can't you see we're a little busy right now?

Meowth:Yeah. But who's da kid? [Meowth asked as he pointed forward. Jessie and James then looks to see the same mysterious girl that the gang had encountered].

Jessie:How did you get into this room, little girl? You don't belong in here.

James:You can't just come barging in here. [James added as he and Jessie begins to march up to her]

[The girl then glows which causes them to freeze in place]

James:I can't move! I'm f-f-frozen!

Jessie:So am I!

Meowth:You want me to turn down the air conditioning? [Meowth asked nervously]

[Unbeknownst to them, the little girl untied both Charmander and Fern and teleports away]

[Back in the room the gang was in...]

Ash:Team Rocket, give me back Charmander! [Ash demanded]

Green:And give me back my Ivysaur!

[They then heard giggling and they turn to see the same little girl holding Charmander and ivysaur].



Ash:So, it's you again! [Ash said to the girl]

[The girl puts them down and they all ran to their trainers]

Ash:Are you the one that saved our Pokémon?

[The girl nods her head at the question]

Green:Thank you so much. We owe you one.

Fern:Ivysaur. [his Ivysaur said]

[Just then, the girl begins to glow much to the gang's surprise]

Lexus:We better watch out. That's no ordinary little girl! [She warned]

Ash:So, what is she, then?

[The girl then points at the group which causes them to glow]

GreenW-What's going on?!

[And then, they were warped from the room]

[The were then transported outside and landed on the ground]

Lexus:How did we wind up back outside again?

Green:I think we can thank our mysterious little girl for that.

Fern:Ivysaur [Fern said]

Ash:Yeah. That little girl must have done something to get us out of there.

Brock:We should be okay, as long as we don't have to win anymore prizes.

[they all stood up]

[Ash looks around and then notices a large building]

Ash:What's that?

[Then, a man who was jogging, appeared behind them]

Man:You've come to Saffron City and you don't even know Sabrina's gym?

Ash:So that's Sabrina's gym

Green:Looks like that girl teleported us in front of it.

Fern:ivysaur [Fern said ].

Man:If you're trying to enter the Pokémon League, you two, this is one gym I suggest you stay away from. [He warned]

Green:What do you mean? [Green asked as he and Ash turned around but only to see the man jogging away]

Ash:Where is he going?

Lexus:I have no idea [she replied as she watched the man jogging]

Green:But that is strange. I wonder why he told us to stay away from this gym.

Ash:I don't get it either. But we gotta compete here. Without a Marsh Badge, we can't get into the Pokémon League [Ash said as he and his friend walks up to the gym entrance. Once they got in inside, they see that the gym is empty]

Green:Where is everyone?

Fern:Saur [Fern said confused]

Ash:That's weird. Everyone's gone! Hello? [Ash called out as they walked into the interior of the gym]

Lexus:Something about this place is sending chills down my spine it's creepy.

[The gang then notice a nearby door].

Green:I wonder what's in there [Green said as they went over and peeked into the window]

[They see a bunch of people in white coats doing different kinds of experiment at some tables. One of them was trying to guess what is on the card]

Man:A circle [a man said]

Other man:A star [the other man replied as he showed him the card causing him to groan]

[Then a woman was focusing on the spoon and it bent]

Ash:What kind of place is this?

Green:And what are they doing?

[Just then, a man comes up to them]

Man:What are you kids doing here?

[The gang turn to see the man. He was wearing a white lab coat like the others and is wearing a mask. The gang then walk up to them]

Green:We're here to challenge the Saffron City Gym Leader and earn the Marsh Badge.

Ash:What he said.

Man:You two want to challenge the great Sabrina?

Ash:Sure do [He answered]

Lexus:Excuse me, but what are all those people doing in that room?

Man:Humph. You know so little and yet you wish to challenge the great Sabrina. [the man said. He then takes out a spoon and begins to concentrate. The gang watch as the man begins to focus as hard as he can. He was focusing so hard that his head turned red and then, the spoon slightly bend. The man begins to pant]

Green:Are you okay, sir?

Ash:You look like you got a headache.

Man:Fools! It's telekinesis. You can't control a Psychic-type Pokémon completely without using telekinetic powers.

Green:I think this is what this gym specializes in [thought Green ].

Lexus:Is that what those people are practicing in there?

Man:Indeed [the man said]

Ash:That's what you think. Telekinesis is okay, but I have my own secret method for bending spoons.." [Ash said as he takes the spoon. He then uses his hands to bend the spoon].

Ash:Muscle over mind! [Ash said with a laugh]

[The others are embarrassed by this]

Green:This just got awkward [Green said with a facepalm he loved him but sometimes ash can be ridiculous].

Lexus:I know.

Fern:Saur [Fern said as it shook it's head].

Brock:Let's Just pretend we never met him before.

Charmander:Charm char [Charmander said embarrassed by its trainers actions ].

Ash:Now, hurry up and take us to Sabrina so we can start the match!

Green:Yeah. We want to see the gym leader!

Man:As you wish [the man replied]

[The man opens the door and led the gang into a battlefield]

Man:Here we are.

[The gang gasped at the sight of the battlefield in the gym]

Brock:This is more like some kind of temple then a Pokémon gym.

Lexus:A little scary if you ask me [she said  nervously]

[The man then knelt down in front of a gate]

Man:Oh, great Sabrina! These strangers have come who wish to challenge you! Though I don't know why you'd waste your time on this group of losers. [he said with a laugh]

[Green couldn't help but glare when the man called them losers. Then, the little girl from before appears. The gang gasped as they saw her]

Ash:It's the little girl that brought back Charmander and Fern!

[The girl's eyes then glows red and causes the man to glow and begin to writhe in pain].

Man:Forgive me, great one! It's not my place to decide whom you battle! [the man yelled. The glowing then stopped and the man begins to hightail out of the room.]

Brock:who is she? [wondered Brock]

Green:Are you the Saffron City Gym Leader, Sabrina?

[The girl nods her head as she giggles]

Ash:Sabrina! Me and my friend demand official matches to compete for Marsh badges!

Little girl:Mmmhmm. I'd like to have a match. You'll go first, Ash [the little girl said]

Ash:Well that was easy [Ash said with a grin]

Little girl:But if you lose, you have to be my friends and let me play with you and some of your friends[the little girl said sinisterly]

[Lexus and Green both gulped as she said that. Fern looked on nervously]

Ash:Be your friends? Okay, you bet! [Ash replied as he looks to his friends ]You all gotta have a little more faith in me. Even if she does have some telekinetic powers, she's still only a little girl.

[His friends become shock as they look ahead]

Brock:Just don't let your guard down, Ash. [Brock said as he points forward]

[They turn to see the gate open up to reveal the little girl sitting in the lap of an older woman sitting on a throne. This is Sabrina, the Saffron Gym Leader]

Sabrina:So, now. Time for us to play.

[Suddenly, the doors closed much to the gang's shock. Green looks back at the woman]

Green:Oh boy [he thought nervously]

[Ash was facing off against Sabrina]

Ash:So, you are really Sabrina, the gym leader.

[Sabrina floats out of the throne and lands on her side of the battlefield. The lights turn on]

Sabrina:One on one. An all out match. Agreed?


[The little girl that Sabrina was holding let's go of a Poké Ball. It floats]

Sabrina:Come out, Abra.

[The Poké Ball thrusts forward and opens. Out comes yellow Pokémon]

Ash:Go get em, Pikachu! [Ash ordered he sent out his electric mouse on the field ].

[Pikachu did that and races into the battlefield to face Abra]

Pikachu:Pi Pi Pi! Pika Pikachu! [Pikachu said as he got ready to fight. But he then notices Abra just sitting there and not doing anything. Pikachu was confused. He then begins to circle around Abra]

Pikachu:Pika Pi! Pikachu! [Pikachu said to his trainer]

Lexus:I'm confused.

AshI don't get it! Nobody sends a sleeping Pokémon out into a match! Maybe she's making fun of me! [Ash yelled as he takes out his Pokédex to scan Abra]

Ash's Pokédex: Abra, a Psychic Power Pokémon. It sleeps eighteen hours a day, but employs telekinesis even while sleeping.

Lexus:That makes sense.

Ash:Telekinesis?! [Ash yelled in shock]

Green:Be careful

Ash:No problem! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

[Pikachu begins to charge his attack. But just as he does that, Sabrina's eyes glowed red which makes Abra's eyes open and glows red also. Pikachu then unleashes Thunderbolt at Abra, but it disappears into thin air. Pikachu was surprised by this, but Abra then appears behind him which startles him. The gang gasped at this].

Lexus:It teleported itself!

Green:It sure can. That's what makes Abras so hard to capture in the wild

Sabrina:Childish fools. [Sabrina said as she begins to glow. Abra then glowed and evolved. The gang gasped at the sudden evolution].

Ash:What's that? [Ash asked as he points his Pokédex at the newly evolved Pokémon].

Ash's Pokédex: Kadabra, a Psychic Pokémon. The evolved form of Abra. Employs powerful telekinetic attacks.

Green:Wow. I never expected Abra to evolve just like that.

Fern:ivysaur" [Fern added]

Ash:That isn't fair! I thought this was one on one!

Green:But evolving during a match isn't against any rules! Be careful, Kadabra's really powerful!

Lexus:He'a right, Ash. Something tells me this isn't going to be easy [She said in worry ]

Ash:This time you won't get away from Pikachu! It's against the rules to leave a stadium, even by teleportation! Pikachu, fill up this whole stadium with lightning! Hit it with your best shock!

[Pikachu unleashes the attack into the air and a barrage of lightning fell towards Kadabra. But Kadabra's eyes glows red and the controls the lightning. Pikachu was shocked by this]

Ash:Now what?!

Sabrina:Confusion! [Sabrina commanded]

[Kadabra then directed the lightning using Confusion and towards Pikachu. The lightning has formed into a dragon as this happened. Pikachu tries to run away from the attack. Despite Pikachu's attempt to escape, the attack finally caught up to Pikachu and hits him. Pikachu then skids on the ground].


Green:Oh no!

Fern:Saur! [Fern said in worry].

Sabrina:Psychic attack! [Sabrina said as her eyes glow red. Kadabra's eyes glow red as well as it uses it's Psychic attack to force Pikachu onto his feet]

Ash:That's right, Pikachu. Don't give up! [Ash encouraged]

[Suddenly, Pikachu starts to dance]

Ash:Look at that! Pikachu feels like dancing! [Ash chuckled]

Green:That's no dance! Kadabra's using it's psychic powers to control Pikachu's body!

[Kadabra then uses it's psychic power to slam Pikachu onto the ceiling. The gang gasped]

Ash:Pikachu! [yelled Ash]

[Kadabra then made Pikachu slam back on the ground and back on the ceiling. The gang could only watch in horror at the brutality of Kadabra's attack]

Green:This is just like back at the Vermillion City Gym [thought Green as he watched Pikachu getting pummeled by Kadabra. Even his Fern was horrified at this]

Ash:Pikachu! [Ash yelled as he sees Pikachu continue to get beaten up. He finally couldn't take it anymore ]That's it! Stop the match!

[Ash raced onto the battlefield just as Kadabra stopped it's attack. Pikachu then lands on the ground. Ash then picks up his partner while his friends goes up]

Ash:Pikachu, are you alright?

Pikachu:Ka [Pikach answered]

Ash:I. I forfeit.

Little girl:Be my friend. You promised I could play with you three. [the little girl said as her eyes glowed]

[Suddenly, Ash, Brock, Lexus, and Ash Pokémon all glowed and got teleported away. Only Green, and Fern remained].

Green:Guys! What have you done too them?!

Little girl:I put your friends somewhere in a safe place where I can play with them. But don't worry. You will be joining them once I defeat you next.

Green:Not gonna happen. Ash may have lost his match to you. But I will avenge him and earn that Marsh Badge!


Sabrina:Bring it on, young Jake [Sabrina said with her eyes glowing red]                                                    [Green was standing on his side of the battlefield with Fern by his side. Sabrina was still on her side of the battlefield holding the doll who is holding a Poké Ball]

Sabrina:The same rules will apply. One on one. An all out match.

Little girl:But if you lose, then you will join your friends and play with me.

Green:I don't know where you're keeping my friends. But after I beat you, you better give them back, Sabrina!

Sabrina:Kadabra! [Sabrina said as her doll levitates the Poké Ball and lets Kadabra out].

Kadabra:Kadabra [Kadabra said as it got into a fighting stance.] Kadabra. When Ash's Pikachu fought it, Sabrina had it used it's Psychic powers to beat him senseless. It's almost like she knows where the attacks are coming from. Which means I'll need a Pokémon that can fly fast in the air and take it by surprise' [thought Green as he takes out a Poké Ball]Beedrill, come on out!

[He tossed his Poké Ball in and Beedrill comes out ready to face Kadabra. Sabrina blinked in confusion]

Sabrina:Is this some kind of joke? [she asked emotionlessly]

Green;Oh it's no joke, Sabrina. I'm going with this one.

Sabrina:We shall see. [Sabrina said before her eyes glow red ]Kadabra Teleport.

[Kadabra teleports away. Green and Beedrill look around to know where it is]

Green:Keep your eyes peeled, Beedrill. You never know when Kadabra will strike.

[Beedrill looks around until Kadabra appeared behind him. ,Jake saw this]

Green:Behind you, Beedrill!

[Beedrill looks behind to see Kadabra]

Sabrina:Kadabra, Confusion.

Green:Quick Beedrill, fly up!

[Beedrill quickly flew in the air before Kadabra can use his move].


[Kadabra looked in confusion as it saw Beedrill in the air]

Green:Now use twin needle!

[Beedrill shot needles at Kadabra who shielded itself]

Sabrina:Kadabra, Psychic attack! [Sabrina commanded with her eyes glowing].

[Kadabra's eyes glowed as well as it prepares to use it's Psychic powers]

Green:Beedrill, dodge by flying!

[Beedrill begins to fly very fast to get away from the attack. It then begins to fly to one part of the arena to the other while Kadabra tries to keep up on where Beedrill is flying. While Fern was amazed by this]

Fern:Saur [He added]

Little girl:Slow down!

Green:Beedrill, Tackle! [ Green said with a smirk].

[Beedrill got behind Kadabra and used tackle on it. Sabrina could only gasp from this]

Green:You got it, Beedrill,Keep it up!

[Beedrill nods it's head as it flew very fast in the sky. Kadabra attempts to get Beedrill with it's Psychic attack again, but Beedrill just zipped to other parts of the gym while in the air and used tackle on Kadabra when it was distracted. Beedrill then followed it up with twin needle. Sabrina was starting to get frustrated despite showing no emotions. Green took notice of this while also seeing Kadabra feeling frustrated too].

Green:Hmmm. A Pokémon can sense a trainer's feelings. Maybe I can use that [he thought]

Sabrina:Kadabra, Confusion.

[Kadabra eyes glowed blue as it uses Confusion. Beedrill end up being caught as it was being forced to ground as it took major damage. Green and Fern gasped at this].

Green:Oh man. I almost forgot. Beedrill is part Poison which is weak against Psychic types.

[Beedrill was struggling from the Confusion as it tries to crawl up to it's opponent.]

Fern:Saur [Fern said in worry].

Green:I hope this works [muttered Green ]Beedrill, fire a String Shot in Kadabra's eyes!

[Beedrill looks up at Kadabra and then shot String Shot at it's eyes. Sabrina gasped at this. Beedrill then slowly begins to get up as it glowing ].

Green:Yes. Okay Beedrill, fire twin needle!

[As Kadabra tries to get the String Shot off of it's eyes, Beedrill flew up and fires needles at Kadabra. It was super effective Although it did more damage, due to aura as it faints,He checks his pokedex and learns that his Beedrill has the ability swarm ].

Sabrina:No! [Sabrina yelled as she fell to her knees]

Ivysaur:Saur! [Ivysaur added]

Green:Yes yes! Good work, Beedrill!

[Beedrill flew in and tackles Green with a hug].

Green:Heh heh. You did good. Return [he said as he returns Beedrill to it's Poké Ball]

[Sabrina used her psychic power to return Kadabra to it's Poké Ball. Her doll then levitates a yellow circular badge and hurls it in front of Green. He kneels down and picks it up]

Green:This must be Marsh Badge [he puts it away in badge case ].

[Sabrina then floats in front of them].

Green:Okay, Sabrina. I won"[Green said as he stood up ]Now give me back my friends.

[But instead of giving back his friends, the Psychic gym leader used her psychic powers on him which makes him float up]

Green:Oh no! Not again!

[He were was teleported out of the battlefield]

[Green, and Fern were then teleported outside. They then fell down and hit the ground hard. Fern landed on his stomach while Green landed on his back].

Green:Well that was unexpected.


[Green turn to see the same man they encountered walking up to him].

Green:You again?

Man:Didn't I tell you to stay away from this gym?

Green:Actually sir. Check this out [Green said as he held up his Marsh Badge from badge case ].

Man:Impossible. You defeated Sabrina?[the man gasped]

Green:Uh uh. My dad told me that Psychic types are weak against Bug types when I was little [Green explained ] I even noticed that Sabrina and Kadabra had a psychic link to each other and used that to my advantage.

Man:I see. Most impressive [the man said before noticing that some people are missing ]Where are the rest of your friends?

Green:They were captured by Sabrina. You see, my friend Ash forfeited his match with Sabrina. She then teleported them somewhere to play with her"

Fern:Saur [Fern replied]

Man:That is really bad [the man said]

Green:Can you help them?

Man:I'll do what I can [the man replied before teleporting away].

[Green, and Fern waited and after a few seconds later, Ash, Lexus, Brock, and ash Pokémon were teleported outside and land on the ground]

Brock:This is a real place,We made it.

Green:Guys! [Green said as he and Fern walk up to them].


[Pikachu and Charmander run up hugging fern he happy see them as well ]

Brock:Boy are we glad to see you.


Green:What happened to you guys?

Lexus:You're not gonna believe this, but Sabrina shrunk us to the size of dolls and teleported us inside her toy set.


Brock:It's true,We were there. Everything inside one of the houses was fake.

Ash:Then her doll tried to make us into her bowling pins Luckily, the man we met outside the gym saved us.                                                                              Green:I see. It's good to see that you guys are okay

[Ash, Lexus, Pikachu, charmander and Brock stood back up]

Ash:By the way, Green. Did you defeat Sabrina?

Green:Sure did, buddy. Take a look [he held up the Marsh Badge]


Brock:But how did you beat her?

"I just used Beedrill to fight Kadabra. According to my pops oPsychic types are weak against Bug types .Plus I used Sabrina and Kadabra's psychic link to my advantage

Lexus:That was very clever.

[Then someone cleared his throat. The gang look to see the man in front of them]

Ash:Thanks for the help.

Green:Yeah. If you hadn't, then they would be Sabrina's playthings forever.

Man:Sabrina is a dangerous Pokémon trainer. I got the chance to help you this time by the request of your friends, but next time you won't be so lucky. You'll all be trapped in her toy box for eternity. [the man warned]

[The gang was shocked by what he said]

Lexus:You mean this has happened to other trainers who have lost to Sabrina?

Man:I'm afraid so [the man said before looking to Ash ]Give up your crazy idea of challenging Sabrina. Leave Saffron City and never come back here!

Ash:I can't do that! I have to win Sabrina's Marsh badge so I'll be able to get into the Pokémon League![He argued]

Man:Your friend may have been able to defeat her, but you will never be able to defeat Sabrina and her Psychic Pokémon. [the man stated]

Ash:Yes, I will! We just need to make a quicker attack before she can kick in with her psychic powers!

[In response to this, the man's eyes glowed red causing Ash to glow as well. Then his pants fell down revealing his boxers].

Lexus:Oh my gosh! [She yelled as she and covered her eyes in embarrassment while Green and Fern looked shocked while Green blushes ]

Brock:Ash, what do you think your doing? [Brock asked as Ash begins to dance around]

Ash:It's not me! My body's moving by itself!

Green:That man is using his psychic powers to control him.

Man:Ha! If you can't beat me, you haven't a chance against Sabrina. [the man taunted as his eyes stopped glowing which release Ash from his control]

Ash:What do you mean?! [Ash asked as he pulled his pants back up and ran up to the man]Can you use telekinesis, too? Please! Teach me how to use psychic powers!

[But the man held up a finger and pushed Ash back with his psychic powers]


Green:Such power.

Fern:Ivysaur [Fern added]

Man:You usually have to be born with telekinetic powers. You can't just learn them. [the man said as he begins to walk away]

Ash:Please, wait! [Ash yelled as he got back up]

Brock:Just forget about it, Ash!

Pikachu:Chu. [Pikachu added ]

Charmander:Char [Charmander said]

[Green didn't say anything as he knows how stubborn Ash can be. Ash then stubbornly walks up to the man]

Ash:I may not have telekinesis, but I've still got the guts to take on Sabrina again!

[The man used his psychic powers to throw Ash back. Lexus and Green winced at this]

Man:Wise up, kid. Not even I have the powers to defeat Sabrina. Guts don't count in this contest. I'm telling you this for your own good. [the stranger said]

[Ash begins to get up]

Lexus:Don't, Ash!

Brock:Better call it quits, Ash!

[As Ash slowly hobbles over to the man, he used his psychic power to stop him which forces him on his knees]

Both:Ash! [Lexus and Green yelled]

Fern:Saur [Fern said in horror]

[But Ash still pushed through much to the man's shock. Even his friends were surprised by this as well]

Brock:Ash, give it up!

Ash:Please! I need, your help. I've gotta defeat Sabrina for the Marsh badge! I have to! You gotta help me beat her. Please, show me how! [Ash begged as he crawled up to the man before collapsing]

[Green smiled at his friend's fortitude that's what he liked about Ash and so much more ].

Man:Well, that's one determined kid.

Green:He's right about that, sir [Green said as he stepped up ] My friend is not the type of person to give up. And so am I. We've come too far on our journey and we will not quit just because we're told to do so. So please, give him a chance to defeat Sabrina.

[The man was surprised by what Gren said. Lexus and Bulbasaur both smiled at what Green said].

Man:They're pretty stubborn. I'll give them that [he thought]

ManThere may be just one way you can beat her. [the man said to Ash]


Man:Only one other type of Pokémon can battle the psychic type aside from bug type. If you capture a Ghost Pokémon from Lavender Town, you might have a chance. [the man advised]

Ash:A Ghost Pokémon, from Lavender Town. Thank you. [Ash said before collapsing].

[The man smiled and then teleported away. His friends then run up to him. Lexus and Green both helped him up]

Green:Are you okay, buddy?

Ash:I think so.

Lexus:Are you sure? Cause those psychic powers really did a number on you?

Ash:Very funny. I should be okay for now.

Ash:Anyway Let's go! On to Lavender Town!

[And with that, the gang began to leave Saffron City unaware that the man was watching them from a tree from behind]

Man:With some luck, that kid may be the one who can rescue Sabrina.

[The sun was setting as the gang were walking down the road to Lavender Town] Ash's Pokémon:

Charmander:(Dragonbreath,Flamethrower,dig,Scratch) Butterfree: (String shot, tackle , Sleep powder,poison powder)

Skarmory: (Steel wing, whirlwind, Aerial ace, Leer). Squirtle: (Water gun, tackle , Growl,Rapid spin)
Bulbasaur: (Tackle, Vine whip, Leech Seed)
Tentacool: (Tackle, Hex ,Leer,water gun)                      Pikachu:(Thunderbolt,sweet kiss,nuzzle,Quick attack)
Green's Pokémon:

Fern: (Tackle, Vine whip, Leech Seed)

Gyarados: (Ice fang,Tackle,water gun, Twister)

Pikachu (F): (Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack, Slam)
Helios:(smokescreen,Flamethrower,Scratch,Seismic toss)
Fearow: (wing attack,assurance, Quick attack,leer).   Beedrill: (String shot, Twin needle, Tackle,Harden)

Oak Lab: Mankey: (Night slash, Swagger, Low kick,leer) Geodude:(Rollout,Iron defense,Tackle) Krabby,horsea,Tentacool , Squirtle: (Water gun, tackle , Growl,Rapid spin) Pidgeotto: (Tackle, gust ,leer)

Lexus's Pokémon

Tauros combat breed: (Take down,reversal,sand attack)

Striker: (Horn attack,quick attack,Sand attack,Trailblaze)                                                       wave: (Wave crash,Payback,Tail whip)

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