Let Me Hear You

By Missyboosweet22

6.3K 108 0

Min Yoongi is a famous rapper from the South Korean pop band BTS. In a world where soulmates exist, you can... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

110 5 0
By Missyboosweet22

koran speaking English speaking

Previously on Let Me Hear You

Kai and Jas conversed in Korean, which left the lady clueless about the conversation. She only understood when the girls were paying. After bidding goodbye to the lady, we all headed to the food court as we hadn't eaten anything and it was almost 2 o'clock. Fortunately, we found a place with seven chairs which was enough for all six of us. We used one of the chairs to keep our belongings while the girls placed their bags behind them.

Constants POV 

We searched for food but found limited options. There was a Chinese restaurant, a sandwich/subs place, a pizza joint, and a small cafe that served coffee. The cafe had few options but made the iced Americanos Yoongi and Kai ordered. Brook and I opted for pizza, while Jas and Scarlett got subs. Kai and Yoongi wanted Chinese food, so they ordered from the Chinese restaurant. I paid for myself, and although he didn't mind, he was thoughtful enough to remind me not to spend too much. After eating, Jas inspected her nails, and I knew what she wanted.

"You want to get your nails done don't you ?" I asked her as if I didn't know the answer already.

"Yes, how did you know that?" She asked me and I shooked my head at her

"I know you enough that when you look at your nails with that face you just had that means you want them done. When that happens we all go and get them done." I told her and she smiled and nodded as if she knew I was right

"I hate that you know me so well, I have wanted them done for a while, but been so busy with school and this trip I haven't had the time for it." She said back

" I saw one when we walked in, we can see if they will let us in or if they are busy?"

Scarlett said to us, after we finished eating we left to the nail store to check it out. We then looked inside and they looked full, then Brook walked in and talked to someone at the counter, she then came back a minute later

"They have an hour wait she said there was another nail place that's on the other side of the mall we can try there." She said and we nodded our heads and went to the next store

"If they are full we can try next weekend at ours to get them done,"

I said to them and they nodded their heads. On our way there we stopped at other stores to either look at or get some things. Once we got to the store only two people were getting worked on, so we got to the desk and got a note saying to ring for service, I rang it, and not long after someone came up to us

"Hi," She said to us and we all said hi back to her 

"We were hoping you could fit us girls in for manicures?" Jas said to her and she nodded her head 

"Yes we have enough, one is almost done so we can have you get done at the same time if you want to do that?" She said and we nodded our heads at her 

"Ok it shouldn't be much longer if you guys are doing color can look at our collection." She said as she put us down in the books and left what we were getting done out for later. 

Jas and I do French tip nails, so we don't have to look for color, while the others get an actual fake nail, ours will be about half an hour to an hour while the others will be an hour to an hour a half. 

"It will be a while for them to get done, why don't you and Yoongi, look around and one of us will text you when we are almost done so that you can come back just in time. Go have a time you guys don't see each other much because of scheduling anyways this is the perfect time for it." Brook said to them, which was nice since I know me and Jas were thinking the same thing anyway. After that they looked at and as if it was okay if they left us alone for a while.

"You guys go have fun we'll be ok there are other people around, we'll keep our bags with us." 

I suggested to them, particularly to Yoongi, that Brooke was right. They needed to spend some time together as they hadn't been hanging out much. However, things would change once Jas and I moved to Korea with them. I knew we would be spending a lot of time together with the boys tagging along, mostly during the first few months. It would be great to explore the area unless Jas gets the approval for her Korean ID and driver's license so that we can drive around ourselves. Until then, Yoongi or the driver will take us places, which is fine. However, having our car would be very convenient.

They then looked at each other and nodded their heads, Kai kissed Jas on the lips, to which we girls Ooed at them while Yoongi kissed my head. They said bye and that they would be back if they didn't find anything to keep them occupied, we then giggled at them and nodded our heads, and not long after they were walking away looking back at us till they were out of sight. 

- - - - - Time Skip - - - - - 

After finishing our nail appointments, the boys returned just in time for us. We settled the bill and decided to leave the store and the mall together. It was late and we wanted to join the others. After gathering our belongings, Brook and Scarlett returned to their seats, and I followed suit. Yoongi handed me our belongings and joined me in the car shortly after. when we got back Yoongi got out and offered his hand to me, which I most definitely accepted. When Jas got out of the car, she was the last one out of course. 

She then gave the keys to someone, and then someone working came over to us asking if we needed help taking them to our rooms, we told them that we had it and they didn't need to do anything. They smiled at it and left us alone and we went into the elevator, once it got to floor 20 we walked to our rooms. Kai and Yoongi took our key cards to open the door, while Brook did the same thing for her and Scarlett. We got inside and unpacked things to put away or keep out, and Yoongi did the same thing. 

"yoongi I have a theory about something," I said to him, he looked at me 

"What is it about?" He said back 

"Have you noticed that Brook and Scarlett do the same things we do? I think they are soulmates." I said to him, he tilted his head like he was confused and thinking about it at the same time

 "I can see it, but that won't be for another year or two," he said to me and I nodded my head 

"About two Scarlett is 17 and Brook is 16."-"Wait Brook is 16 I thought Scarlett was younger?" I then laughed at him, it was funny

"What are you laughing about?" He said to me I then stopped as it looked like he had a plan to get back at me. 

"yoongi what are you doing?" I asked him, he didn't say anything

"I'll give you something to laugh at." 

He said to me, oh crap, he's gonna tickle me. I then got up from my stop and ran away from him, I didn't have a lot of spots to go, so I dipped into the bathroom. As soon as I got inside, I was about to close the door when Yoongi got in. I then walked backward away from him but then tripped and I landed on the toilet seat cover. He then got close to me and started to ticket me, I was laughing so hard that I was snorting like a pig 

"Okay, okay I give," I said to him, he then stopped 

"That was cute by the way, do you need to take a shower tonight?" He said to me and I nodded my head at him 

"Ok you can get your shower first, I'll do mine after you.

He said as he left and I walked out after he did. I then went into my bag and got my things for a shower, and my night clothes, a tee shirt, and booty shorts. He won't know they are short till I get out of the bathroom. I got into the Bathroom and turned it on the shower. I then played my regular music, I don't think Yoongi wants to hear the music he hears every day. I turned it up all the way so I could hear it over the shower, there were some songs that I liked so I sang them, not caring if Yoongi could hear me. 

When I got done I put my hair in my hair towel and changed, into my night clothes. I then got rid of my music and walked out of the bathroom, Yoongi looked at me saw what I was wearing, and smiled at it, I then giggled since his face was cute and funny. 

"Why are you wearing that? The others will see your legs." He said to me I then looked away with a blush on my face.  

"Or we can stay in here since it is the last night we have together," I said to him as I sat on the bed next to him

"That can work as well, I'll let the others know we are staying in for the night, and then I will go take my shower."

He spoke, and I nodded my head in agreement after he mentioned that he was on his phone. Soon after, he received a message, which was most likely from Namjoon, stating that it was okay for us to stay in for the night. He then looked at me with a smile, confirming my suspicion. He picked up his shower essentials and headed to the bathroom. Meanwhile, I was scrolling through TikToks on my phone while he took his time showering. 

As soon as he came back from the shower, I couldn't help but admire his shirtless body. His abs were on full display and his long hair was still wet, framing his face and making him look even more attractive than usual. However, I quickly snapped out of my daze when I noticed him smiling at me. I knew right then and there that he had caught me staring, which wasn't surprising since I had been unable to take my eyes off him. He sat down on the bed and started drying his hair with his towel, but I took it from him and began to dry his hair myself. He looked a bit confused at first, but then he relaxed and let me take care of him.

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