The Dragon Prince's Consort

Od RMHash

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UPDATES THURSDAYS Desperate people will do desperate things to survive. Wealth, privilege, and power don't al... Více

Glossary and Characters


62 8 0
Od RMHash

**Fair warning, decently graphic descriptions of sex ahead**

Fang worked one arm loose and laid her hand on his ribs. When she touched him Valen pulled in a heavy breath and squeezed her tight, like he was afraid of letting her out of his grasp. Eventually he let the breath go and rested his brow on top of her head. The hand at her back began to move, short strokes between her shoulders at first that gradually became longer caresses down to her hips. Fang smiled to herself when she felt his hearts pick up their pace, thrumming under her hand as his side rose and fell with his breath. Whatever's bothering him must not be that bad. Fang began to mirror his movements, sliding her hand up and down his ribs and tracing the edges of the scales on his side with her fingertips.

Valen shuddered, "That tickles."

"Does it?" Fang grinned, then increased the pressure. "Imagine that."

Valen clamped down on her hand with his elbow, a growl rumbling in his chest. Rigid heat prodded at her thigh and Fang rubbed against it, drawing another growl out of the Drass as he lifted his head and arched his neck. The hand behind her went to the back of her neck and Fang raised her face, welcoming his mouth when it came to meet hers. Valen's tail curled around her ankle and he pushed his other arm under her body to pull her on top. At first he seemed surprised that he'd done it, but as Fang sat up and settled her weight more comfortably on him his excitement grew. He looked down where his hands rested on her thighs, ears swiveling to attention. "Um, I've never had the woman on top before, is this... Is this all right?"

"Yes," Fang assured him, "it's fine." She shifted her hips and Valen groaned at the pressure she put on the base of his cock. "Eyah, I think you liked that." He nodded, eyes half-closed in pleasure. Fang privately marveled at how oddly sexy he was – red skin studded with scales and rolling with hard, flat muscle, backswept horns that added height as well as a touch of weirdness, and of course the tail that wound around Fang's ankles in her sleep. Yet for all his alien strangeness as well as his dwarfed size, Valen had proved to be both a sweet, cuddly friend and a charming, gratifying playmate. That he could be both gave Fang an idea. "Hey," Fang placed her palms flat on his chest. "I want to try something – a game – but it might be a little strange. Do you remember the other day when I told you how I like to be kissed on the neck?"

"Um..." Valen swallowed. "Yes." His eyes had begun to glitter, pupils drawing narrow in cautious interest.

"Well, I thought I'd try something like that, but it's going to be a little different. Do you trust me?"

For one second, Valen tensed and his ears swept back. For part of that second his eyes lost their focus and he appeared to struggle, then he nodded. "Yes."

"Okay. Here's what's going to happen: I'm going to tell you what I want you to do, and you're going to do it. I won't make you do anything dangerous, but it might be something you haven't done before so it might be uncomfortable at first. My tone might change, but as long as you trust me you know I won't let anything happen to you. If I do something that feels wrong, I want you to tell me. I don't want to hurt you or make you feel unsafe. Does that sound good to you?"

Valen took a breath. "All right. Have you played this game before?"

"Yeah, a couple of times." And got paid to do it.

"Well, as long as you know what you're doing... What do I need to do?"

"Nothing right now, just stay put." Fang rolled her hips again, sliding forward and spreading her thighs wide until Valen's cock slipped between. His eyes snapped wide at the sudden warmth and wetness, his fingers burying in the flesh of Fang's hips in surprise. Fang rocked forward, sliding up his shaft from root to head, bracing her hands on his stomach for balance while Valen's eyes rolled back and his jaw opened slack. The sound he made was far from words, but undeniably a noise of total bliss. He moaned again when she changed course, his hands pushing on Fang's hips and pulling when she returned. "A-ashes... Ah, fuck... Fang, that... that's incredible..."

Smiling, Fang scraped her nails over his stomach and felt him shudder. He felt good to her too, his shaft thick and rippling with bands of smooth scales now slick from rubbing between her folds. She pushed forward again, sliding over his length, teasing the head (and herself), listening to Valen pant and groan while his hands kneaded at her. Fang squeezed her thighs around his hips and Valen squirmed under her, whimpering. "Hngh, please, Fang..."

"Please what?"

"M-more," he whined, arching his spine and pushing his hips towards her. "Please, I want to be inside–"

Fang grinned. Time to play. "No." She listened to him gasp and felt his body stiffen. "Not yet. I like how this feels, so I'm going to enjoy it. Understand?" Valen bit his lower lip and nodded, his scaled brows knotted. Fang leaned forward and kissed his forehead, "That's a good boy." 

Valen's entire body rippled, the shiver starting in his belly and traveling outwards as he sucked air through his teeth in a trembling hiss. His cock twitched and Fang looked down, not terribly surprised at his reaction. I knew it, he's a sub! Fang ground her hips on the Drass's groin and watched him moan, eyes rolling back again. "Valen, look at me." 

He did, raising his eyes to hers with a shaky sigh. Savoring the adrenaline rush of power, Fang gave her instructions: 

"Until I say otherwise, you will call me 'My Lady' or 'Lady Fang.' You will do what I say, how I say it, when I say it. Do you understand?"

Valen's eyes widened, the black slits of his pupils growing to fat ovals. His mouth dropped open, tusks glinting, the muscles in his stomach tightening as he shuddered with surprise and arousal. He clenched his jaw to control his shaking and growled through his teeth, "Yes!"

"Yes what?" Fang demanded, "What did I tell you to call me?"

The words came out in a snarl and a fresh tremor rolled through his body, tension battling with excitement over this new game; his tail lashed on the bedding, snapping against the silks. "My Lady."

"That's better. Now, like I said, I like how it feels when I do this," she demonstrated with a slow roll of her hips, grinding on Valen's cock trapped between them; Valen moaned, a wordless howl of mad rapture. "I'm going to keep doing it until I decide I'm done. Whatever happens you are not allowed to come. You can move, you can make noise, but you will not come until I say you can. Got it?"

He repeated "Yes, My Lady," in a breathless sigh and dropped his head back. One hand slipped from Fang's thigh and curled into a fist, gripping a handful of black silk.

Fang slapped lightly at the wayward hand. "Put it back." In an instant he palmed her hips again, cock twitching, and as quickly as she'd commanded Fang gentled her voice again. "That's better. Good boy." She took one and laid it on her breast, closing his fingers around the soft flesh. "You can touch me anywhere you want, as long as both of your hands are on me." The tone of her voice, confident and authoritative, sparked along her skin and warmed her blood. Fang rocked her hips, riding the thick curve of Valen's not-insubstantial organ and the power she had now over one of the most influential Drass in the Empire. Under her hand the Dragon Prince was reduced to a squirming, whimpering thrall, lips drawn back from his teeth in a silent snarl while his body pulled taut to fight his desperate need for release. Fang gripped his shoulders, thrusting and squeezing her thighs around his hips. A sweet, drawing heat bloomed deep inside and Fang reached down with one hand to stroke Valen's swollen head, pressing it tight against her clitoris. "Good boy, Valen," she panted, "Don't come yet, I'm not done with you."

Valen bucked in time with her, adding friction while his hands pulled her body hard to his, keeping her in place as he thrashed. His growls and pleas grew in volume, spine arching and tail whipping violently, stirring the flames that swelled and spread in Fang's belly. "M-my Lady, please, say... say it again, say I-I'm–"

"You like being called a good boy?" Valen gave her a frenzied nod and she grinned. "Of course you do. You are a good boy, Valen." Fang purred as she curled her fingers around him and listened to the piteous moan it drew from him when she pumped her hand. "Such a good boy, holding back for me..." The threads holding her together began to fray and she lifted her hips just enough to position Valen's cock. "You're being so good, I'll give you this." Fang slid down and seated his shaft deep, Valen loosing a breathless howl. "Not yet," Fang warned him, "I'm not done."

Under her the young Drass's hold on himself was wearing down fast; small tremors quaked over his stomach and his cock throbbed. Red lips pulled back from short but sharp ivory teeth, gold-plated tusks bright. "Please," he begged between gasps, "please, Fa– Lady Fang, I-I can't–"

"Just a little longer, you're such a good boy..." she praised him, the threads snapping one by one, twanging like an overwound spring until it finally burst. "Fuck!" Fang cried, shuddering as her spine turned to jelly. She pulled a breath through her teeth with a hiss, gulping oxygen to feed the wildfire searing her belly. Lungs full, she could finally give the command her thrall was waiting for: "Come for me, Valen, come for me now!"

Valen's chest swelled with a sudden gasp, and the rows of muscles in his stomach fluttered and seized; he bellowed and a font of fire erupted deep in Fang's hips, spilling over onto her thighs and the Drass's belly. Hands tightening painfully on Fang's thighs, his back bowed and hips thrust at the ceiling. Gold-enameled claws pricked at her skin, not quite breaking, but left pink traces that would gradually redden to mark where he'd gripped as he poured white-hot pleasure into her like a crucible. Eventually though, the firestorm ended, his hold weakened and Valen fell back limp on the silks, legs trembling. Fang toppled slowly forward, easing herself down to lay on his heaving, sweat-damp chest while she caught her own breath.

"My... Lady Fang?"

"It's okay," Fang shook her head, rubbing her cheek over the smooth plate over Valen's left pectoral. "You don't have to do that now." His arm laid across her back, hand slowly stroking between her shoulders. Fang raised her head. "Are you all right?"

Valen nodded, eyes closed, his breathing still somewhat labored. "I've had women tell me what to do before, but not like that. That was... eyah..."

Somehow I knew you'd feel that way. Fang reflected on the small things she'd noticed that had given her the idea: the subtle ways he sought her permission to touch her with looks and gestures, the tight control he maintained on himself even when she gave him free reign, even seemingly innocuous things like remembering how hot she liked her bath and which soft cheeses she liked best. Beyond his obligation to her as his concubine, he paid attention where others might dismiss or ignore. For a prince, he's a bit of a people-pleaser. "Which part?"

"Um..." he considered for a moment, then chuckled softly. "I guess when you called me 'good boy'. No one's ever done that before."

"How did it make you feel?" His body's response was one thing, but the emotional impact could be something wholly different.

Valen took a slow breath; Fang rocked on his chest, patient. "It felt like... Like I finally did something right, like I wasn't a disappointment any more."

"You're not a disappointment," Fang tucked her hands under his back, sleepy and warm as fingers of mellow flame spread from her pelvis. They were both sticky and a shower was well in order, but for the moment she was content to lie here and listen to the counterpoint rhythm of the Drass's hearts in stereo. She closed her eyes, feeling the smooth tips of his claws run over her skin and the gentle rise and fall of his chest. For a moment she thought she felt him pause, thought she heard him open his mouth to speak, but it passed as quickly as she thought she'd sensed it. Instead, his earlier words came back to her and she asked her own question. "Valen, if you weren't a Dragon Prince, what would you rather be doing?"

"If I wasn't a Dragon Prince?" Valen's hand stilled on her back. "Well, I might have joined up with one of the trading companies down in Kitsara, they might not mind having someone my size on one of their vessels. Or a manyu breeder – I've been thinking about breeding Ika to see if I can get another silver, it's a rare color."

"Maybe you still can, after the colony gets moving."

"Maybe... I suppose I'd have more time once that happens. Right after I finally feel like I know what I'm doing, probably."

Fang smiled drowsily. "That's how it always goes. And as soon as you figure it out, something stupid happens and you don't know anything again."

"Speaking from experience?" Valen looked down his chest at her with a vague smirk. They both chuckled, a moment of shared understanding. Then Valen sighed, "At least I'm not the only one who feels like an idiot."

"Everyone does, some are just better at hiding it." Covering her mouth with her hand, Fang yawned and decided that shower couldn't wait until morning. "Be right back."

She stood under the stream and jumped only slightly when Valen slipped his arms around her from behind, letting him pull her back against his body and touch his cheek to her ear. "It's supposed to be clear tomorrow afternoon," he said, water splashing up from Fang's chest onto his chin. "Spring won't be far off and Ika will be getting restless – I was meaning to take her for a run, you could come along."

"I don't know how to ride–" she started to protest, but Valen gave her a squeeze.

"I'd say you did pretty well just now."

Fang giggled and splashed water on him, but Valen turned his head and she only got him on the neck. "You're terrible."

"That's not what you said earlier," he ducked when she splashed again, popping up to nip at the side of her neck. Fang used the advantage of the water and slid out of his grip, escaping the shower and toweling off. But Valen caught her again, sinking his claws into the soft, heavy cloth as she dried herself and pulling her back against his wet chest. "Come ride with me tomorrow," he burred into her ear, "when it gets warmer I can show you the ruins of an old castle, and the steppes that turn green and then white when the snowgrass flowers bloom."

"Sounds beautiful," Fang murmured, dozy from the warmth. "You know, you're really smooth when you want to be." She leaned into him, trusting that if she fell asleep standing up Valen would carry her to bed. "I bet you could charm the robes off of the Fed envoy if you really wanted to."

Valen nuzzled the side of her neck, "Why would I? I have you."

"You never know, you might like her more than me."

"I highly doubt that."

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