The Tamed

By Freya179

111K 8.2K 1.5K

5 years ago, Xiao Zhan filmed 'The Untamed'. A lot of things happened since then. He woke up one day at a ra... More

Lucid Dream
Lan Wangji's calamity
Internal Screaming
Would you believe me if I say...
Crisis of blade and identity
The one who witnessed it all
Tamed and upgraded
Cold Cave
Black Out
Waterborne Abyss
Not this time
Swoon over
It's spring
Punished together
Getting closer
Song of Clarity
I am not him
Bunnies and lanterns
No longer alone
The duo
7 days of hell
Rise of the Patriarch
Meeting the Wen
Bows and arrows
The unlucky boy
What's black and what's white
Warming up
Just a teenager
Multitalented Head Disciple
Lesson learned
Shameless Bragging
Captain of The Ship
What is composure?
Can't stop staring
He can't stop staring.
Yin and Yang is back (at it again!)
Move over Tessarect!
How to win your Father-in-law's heart with algebra
The lover, his father and his annoying brother
Bloom and Gloom
Lock horns
Lover's feud
Peace before chaos


607 43 45
By Freya179

Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang to stare at Xiao Zhan who was sitting on the bedroll cross-legged, incredulously. Both were still processing what they just heard.

"What the fuck?!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed, clearly very unhappy with Xiao Zhan, "Are you fucking insane?"

Nie Huaisang nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes. That's very eloquent of you, Jiang Cheng. Quite the eloquence."

"Is yelling one of your innate skill, Jiang Cheng?" Xiao Zhan said, covering his ears. "Because I think my eardrums are getting damaged over time from your screaming."

Jiang Cheng glared angrily at Xiao Zhan, "You're telling us to work with Jin Zixuan? You want to put him in my team?"

"Well..." Xiao Zhan paused for dramatic effect. "Yeah."

Jiang Cheng shot daggers at him, "You're fucking kidding me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I?" Xiao Zhan raised his eyebrows.

"Wei Wuxian! Stop joking around!" Jiang Cheng shouted at him again.

Xiao Zhan responded simply, "You all trained together for countless of times before. Just think of it like a refresher course!"

"But this isn't a refresher course." Jiang Cheng replied exasperatedly. "This is the life-or-death situation!"

"You didn't train for months and months under us for nothing, Jiang Cheng." Xiao Zhan reminded him. "Besides, you have no right to refuse."

"Ahhhh! Damn you, you lunatic!" Jiang Cheng yelled as he stomped his feet in frustration. "Why should we work with the peacock?"

Lan Wangji, who hadn't spoken a single word during all the commotion, suddenly piped in, "Jiang Wanyin, I suggest you to stop yelling. Wei Ying has made the best decision in the case."

Jiang Cheng snapped his eyes towards him, "Don't you mean, 'the worst decisions'?"

"I need you two to keep an eye on him." Xiao Zhan finally explained with serious expression. He paused, "No, more accurately, I need you two to keep an eye on him as a leverage against his father."

Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang exchanged confused glances. '"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I don't trust the old man at all." Xiao Zhan said bluntly. He added, "And neither should anyone else."

Jiang Cheng raised a brow, "Is that your gut instinct?"

"It's not just an instinct. It's a fact. He cannot be trusted. So, just do as I say." Xiao Zhan replied with a stern tone before he turned to Lan Wangji with soft eyes, "Lan Zhan, help me up."

Lan Wangji stood up from his side wordlessly and held out a hand for Xiao Zhan, pulling him up gently.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight of Lan Wangji assisting Xiao Zhan. "Can't you get up on your own?" he grumbled, his voice dripping with annoyance.

Xiao Zhan's lips curled into a smile, a hint of playfulness dancing in his eyes. "Of course, I can," he replied with full intention to annoy Jiang Cheng. It was refreshing to bicker with him sometimes. He winked. "But where's the fun in that when I have such a gallant partner by my side?"

Jiang Cheng's frustration melted into a scowl. He shot a glare at his martial brother who smirked triumphantly in response. The couple was just back to the the base late last night and already got into his nerves as soon as the sun rises. However, knowing the pair had just gone through several intense battles the past days, he decided to let it go begrudgingly.

"Didi, you are getting more and more shameless." Nie Huaisang remarked, but there is only amusement in his voice.

"I think I deserve to be shameless. Thank you," Xiao Zhan grinned at him, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Now, shall we pay a visit to our hostage?" He said, his voice turning serious as he started walking out, his steps purposeful and determined. He led the way towards the tent that was cast with a confinement array, the place where Wen Chao was being held captive.

As they entered the tent, the air was heavy with tension, the atmosphere crackling with anticipation. Wen Chao, his wrists bound tightly, glared at them with fury burning in his eyes. He spat out a torrent of vulgar curses, each word laced with venom and hatred. But his words fell on deaf ears, lost in the ether of indifference.

"You dare to bring me here?!" Wen Chao yelled, his voice filled with rage.

Nie Huaisang sighed dramatically, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You've asked that question so many times already! I'm bored of it now," he replied, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation.

Wen Chao's face turned red with fury, his eyes widening as he tried to intimidate them with his threats. "I'll kill you all!" he shouted, his voice trembling with anger.

Xiao Zhan's expression remained unchanged, his eyes locking onto Wen Chao's with an intensity that sent a shiver down the captive's spine. "Try it." He challenged, "If you manage to do that then, you'll go free."

"Do you think that I won't be able to?!" Wen Chao screamed.

"Then show us what you can do." Xiao Zhan replied nonchalantly, tapping his feet in provocation. "I'm waiting."

Wen Chao lifted his head defiantly towards Xiao Zhan. "You're asking for death!!" He snarled as he struggled against the thick rope binding his arms were tight enough that they're digging into his skin.

"Oh, shut up! Look at yourself! You don't even have the chance to fight back!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed with an irritated voice.

"Do you think that I am afraid? My father will destroy all of you!" Wen Chao still boasted arrogantly.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Do you think you'll be alive until then?" Nie Huaisang snickered. "Even your little plan of attack failed miserably, Wen Chao. How pathetic."

Wen Chao glared at him hatefully, "You are just lucky! And you're going to regret not killing me. Just wait until my father comes for me, you son of a-"

"Do you think your father will save you once he knew you are snitching on him?" Xiao Zhan cut him off. He was getting tired of listening to the screechy voice.

"Snitch? I'll never snitch!" Wen Chao spat.

"Not yet." Xiao Zhan wore a smirk. "But you will tell me everything."

Wen Chao's eyes widened in disbelief, his voice filled with scorn. "You think I would betray my father?!"

"Didi, are you going to torture him? Are you going to cut his fingers one by one or tear his limbs?" Nie Huaisang questioned eagerly.

Xiao Zhan took a glance at Wen Chao and smiled menacingly. It was enough to make Wen Chao froze in fear his eyes widening in terror. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, dripping down his face as his mind raced with the realization that he was in real deep shit. His eyes darted between the figures in front of him, searching for any sign of mercy, but all he saw was the cold determination in their gazes. He realized that he was truly powerless, trapped in a web of his own making.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you recognizable. We'll take care of every detail." Xiao Zhan grinned and turned to Lan Wangji, "Let's get started, Lan Zhan."


"Wait... Wait... What are you going to do to me?" Wen Chao's panic escalated, and he started to frantically back away as Lan Wangji approached him. "Wait!" He shrieked.

Lan Wangji ignored him, his movements swift and precise. Without wasting any more time, he delivered a solid punch to Wen Chao's face, knocking him out cold.

Nie Huaisang, who had been watching with interest, clapped his hands in appreciation. "Wow, that was a great punch!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, looked at Xiao Zhan skeptically. "How do you plan to get him talking if he's unconscious?" he asked, his voice laced with doubt.

Xiao Zhan chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Jiang Cheng's spine. "Who says I need him awake to get him talking?" he deadpanned, his eyes glinting with a mischievous light.

He sat down on the ground next to the passed-out Wen Chao, crossing his legs and making himself comfortable. Lan Wangji followed suit, sitting behind him and supporting his body weight with his arms.

Jiang Cheng's scowl grew more pronounced as he stared at the couple. "And what the hell are you guys doing right now?" he demanded. This shameless couple is really challenging his patience.

Nie Huaisang chimed in, albeit with a different tone. "Yeah, what is this show about?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Lan Wangji directed his infamous razor-sharp glare towards them, his eyes piercing through their souls. "Shut it," he commanded, his voice cold and authoritative.

Xiao Zhan let out a tired sigh, his gaze shifting towards Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang. "Can you two please sit over there quietly while we do our things?"

"I didn't expect that you two are exhibitioni-" Before Nie Huaisang could finish, Lan Wangji raised his hand, and a shimmering aura enveloped him. The silence spell took effect, rendering him unable to utter a single word. His eyes widened in surprise, but he could only communicate through gestures and facial expressions.

Jiang Cheng glared at Lan Wangji, his frustration evident. "You didn't have to do that," he grumbled, but he begrudgingly moved to sit a few feet away, crossing his arms over his chest.

As the silence finally reigned over the space, Xiao Zhan leaned his back against Lan Wangji's chest before he placed his hand on Wen Chao's shoulder and closed his eyes. With a deep breath, the energy of resentment, dark and potent, gathered around him. Slowly, the energy began to seep inside Wen Chao like a viscous liquid infiltrating his very being. It was an unsettling sensation, as if the very essence of his soul was being tainted by this malevolent force. But Xiao Zhan was in control, his power honed and precise. The energy reached the core of Wen Chao's soul, penetrating his psyche with a relentless determination. It was like a key unlocking hidden memories, exposing the depths of his experiences.

This was unlike Empathy, where emotions clashed and mingled. No, this modified skill allowed Xiao Zhan to simply observe, to look through Wen Chao's memories without the emotional impact interfering.

When Xiao Zhan's head flopped heavily against Lan Wangji's chest, Jiang Cheng frowned looking slightly concerned but mostly confused, "Um... What happened there?"

Lan Wangji answered in measured tone, "It's Wei Ying's skill." He explained, "He can dive into other's mind and retrieve information that way."

Jiang Cheng's and Nie Huaisang's eyes widened in surprise. They looked at Xiao Zhan who looked like he was sleeping peacefully, wondering how much more terrifying the man could be. A bizarre ability like that was unheard of within the cultivation world. It wasn't hard to understand why people would call his abilities abnormal and unorthodox.

After another moment or so passed by, Xiao Zhan's breathing became deeper and steadier, fully immersed inside the mindscape that belongs to the scum. Images and scenes flashed before Xiao Zhan's mind's eye, a whirlwind of fragmented moments that formed a mosaic of Wen Chao's life. It took him an hour plus to gather all intel that he needed because Wen Chao's mind was just mostly useless garbage without context clues. It was not surprising. Wen Chao was just a spoiled brat with no self-discipline and inflated ego, so it should have been expected. However, he was still capable of making use of those remaining brain cells that Wen Chao had and turned it into useful knowledge to help their cause. When he finally opened his eyes, he was met with Lan Wangji's beautiful golden ones and his instantly lips curled upwards in a smile of satisfaction.

Lan Wangji reciprocated the motion, "Did you get everything you need to know?" He inquired.

"Yes, I did." Xiao Zhan confirmed.

Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow curiously. "What did you find out, exactly?"

"The layouts of Nightless city and some other major domains that Wen clan owned." Xiao Zhan stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Also, the forces composition and so forth."

Who needs spy when you can just extract the information out of your enemy's head?

"Didi, you really got to teach me this skill later." Nie Huaisang remarked.

Xiao Zhan hummed thoughtfully before shaking his head, "I don't think you can handle it."

Even if you can handle it, I'm afraid of the possibility that you'll become the greatest evil on planet earth.

Nie Huaisang pouted and complained, "Why does everyone else have such amazing powers but I don't?"

"You have your brain, Er Ge." Xiao Zhan replied dismissively. He glanced briefly back at Wen Chao who was still lying on the floor unresponsive and proceeded, "But I'm sure you can figure it out on your own. You're smart."

Before Nie Huaisang could fly to heaven with the compliment, Jiang Cheng interrupted, "So what are we gonna do with him?" He pointed at Wen Chao.

"Keep him alive." Xiao Zhan replied flatly. "He is useful. For now."

Afterwards, the four of them immediately went to the main tent where the strategy planning took place. Their gazes landed at the center where Sect Leader Nie, Jiang Fengmian, and Jin Guangshan stood. The atmosphere was tense, heavy with the weight of the impending battle. Xiao Zhan's uneasiness grew as his gaze fell upon Jin Guangshan, the cunning and opportunistic leader of the Lanling Jin Clan. He knew that Jin Guangshan wouldn't stand with the side that would lose. Besides, Wen Ruohan would already know Lanling Jin's stance and consider the clan to be one of the enemies by now.

Suppressing his unease, Xiao Zhan kept his thoughts to himself. He knew that they needed all the allies they could get, even if it meant working alongside someone as untrustworthy as Jin Guangshan. With their common enemy being Wen Ruohan, there was no room for personal grievances. They had to put aside their differences and focus on the task at hand.

"Did you two manage to catch some sleep?" Sect Leader Nie asked as the young men gave their greetings. Xiao Zhan and Lan Wangji nodded in response. They had taken the opportunity to rest and recharge, knowing that they would need all their strength for the upcoming battle.

"What about our casualties, Father?" Xiao Zhan asked, his voice filled with concern as he took his place at the table in the middle of the large tent. The table was covered with a huge map, a visual representation of the battle they were about to undertake.

Sect Leader Nie was appointed by majority vote as the person-in-command in the alliance as his military leadership experience was far greater than that of any other cultivators since Qinghe Nie clan fit the criteria of military-like sect with its rigid structure and strict adherence regulations. His expression grew solemn as he addressed the question. "I'm afraid we have lost several hundred men along the way. The healers and physicians are working nonstop to stabilize the injured right now."

Xiao Zhan grimaced, his heart heavy with the weight of the lives lost in this conflict.

Still so many deaths. How many more must fall before this war is done? What happens if we don't win?

"Oh, don't be too down, Young Master Wei. Their sacrifice is truly worthy of great praise and admiration." Jin Guangshan remarked.

Hahh! You just came in and you already run your mouth?

Xiao Zhan turned and met Jin Guangshan's eyes, replying curtly, "Is that right, Sect Leader Jin?"

The elder scrunched his brows together, slightly offended with Xiao Zhan's tone. "Of course. They are all true patriots. They died for a good cause."

"They died." Xiao Zhan replied bitterly, "It doesn't matter if they were patriot or not, their lives were cut short."

Xiao Zhan's words hung heavy in the air, the bitterness and grief evident in his voice. The tent fell into a momentary silence as everyone absorbed his words.

Sect Leader Nie's expression softened, understanding the weight of Xiao Zhan's words. He knew the pain of losing comrades in battle, the sense of loss that couldn't be easily dismissed with words of patriotism.

Jiang Fengmian, always the voice of reason, spoke up, his tone filled with empathy. "Wei Ying is right. Each life lost is a tragedy. We mourn their sacrifice and honor their memory."

Jin Guangshan shifted uncomfortably under the weight of the truth, he looked down and said nothing more, the mood in the tent was solemn as the tension rose thickly.

Xiao Zhan then felt Lan Wangji's hand gently placed itself over his lower back, giving it a comforting squeeze. He forced himself to calm down.

Right. I shouldn't make him the enemy now. If I want to end this war quickly, we need every hand that we can get. I need to control my emotions.

After an endless amount of painful seconds passed, He finally broke the silence "How about the others? Are they back?" He spoke up again to change the subject.

"Mingjue is still in Hejian." Sect Leader Nie said before he shifted his gaze to Lan Wangji and told him, "Xichen is still going around the stretch of Southeast region to incapacitate the divisions there and your uncle went with the support group to evacuate the civilians that lives nearby Qishan."

Xiao Zhan nodded his head in acknowledgement, "They need to be moved to the temporary refugee camp fast. We need more people to help with that."

"That shouldn't be much of a problem." Jin Guangshan spoke up. "I can arrange for teams to escort the civilians safely."

"They will need food, medical care and shelter as well." Lan Wangji stated.

"You can trust me with that, Second Young Master Lan. I'm already working on some provisions that we could send over to facilitate the movement of people and supplies to the camp." Jin Guangshan said proudly.

Such a sly old fox.

Xiao Zhan glanced at his father again, "We shall send some covert teams to accompany them then. Just to be on the safe side."

Sect Leader Nie reassured, "I will arrange for that, Ying Er." He understood that Xiao Zhan didn't have favorable impression on Jin Guangshan who was probably looking for any opportunity to make amends for his late participation and his insensitive remark earlier. It didn't make a difference though for Xiao Zhan knew the true colors of Jin Guangshan even if he didn't say anything. "Now, we have other cultivators from different sects here, but they have yet to be organized into formations."

Xiao Zhan and Lan Wangji turned their attention to the newcomers, their gazes sweeping across the room as each sect leader introduced themselves.

Baling Ouyang clan. Laoling Qin clan. Tingshan He clan. Pingyang Yao clan. Tangxi Yang clan. Hedong Fu clan. Runan Wang clan. Xiaoguan Sun clan. Wuzhou Li clan. Shangqiu Wu clan. And there are also a few groups of rogue cultivators on board as well.

Well, this is more than I expected. But even so, we are still far more outnumbered. But since they are here, we can now slowly move in to surround Qishan.

"We should preparing for siege now since their support divisions had cut off." Xiao Zhan said, looking around the map to distribute the forces they have available.

"The siege machine and the artillery should be finished within a fortnight. We should be able to attack on time." Sect Leader Nie inputted. The construction of the heavy weaponry had going on for months but due to the quantity needed, it took a long time.

"How about the supply of transportation talismans?" Xiao Zhan questioned, his mind already working through the logistics of the upcoming battle. "Do we still have enough?"

"It is sufficient for emergency retreat for now." Jiang Fengmian replied. "As for additional supply, Xue Yang does a perfect job in copying the pattern and crafting them. He's very talented."

Xiao Zhan had never wanted to involved the boy in this war but he couldn't deny the boy's intelligence. The smart kid was one of the few who could imitate his invention to the finest detail and now he was using his talents to create transportation talismans from Lotus Pier, insisting on helping the couple in their fight for justice.

At least he is using his talents for good now.

The discussion went in further as Xiao Zhan revealed some necessary information that he extracted from Wen Chao earlier. He was halfway through his speech when he suddenly stopped talking as he received an alert from one of his owls signifying a potential incoming enemies outside their perimeter.

"What's wrong?" Lan Wangji asked.

Before Xiao Zhan could answer him, a team leader of the patrol team burst into the tent, his face etched with urgency. The man quickly made his way towards Sect Leader Nie, his voice strained as he reported, "Sect Leader Nie, there are two battalions of enemy troops heading towards this direction."

They must be coming for that damned Wen Chao.

"How many?" Xiao Zhan asked, his voice steady despite the chaos swirling within him. His eyes flickered to the map spread out before him, his mind racing to come up with a plan.

The team leader took a deep breath before answering, "Each battalion consists of approximately a thousand soldiers. And around ten percent of them are high-level ranks."

Two thousands... The author really did not exaggerate of the numbers huh? The scale of this war is truly staggering. How big is this world exactly??

Rubbing his chin in thought, Xiao Zhan's gaze fell back on the map, his mind analyzing the geographical terrain surrounding their position. His fingers moved the wooden pieces representing their forces as he assigned the new addition of their allied forces and re-directed the flow of existing troops to relevant areas. He looked up to Nie Huaisang, "What do you think of these battle formations, Er Ge?"

"It's very well constructed. And it's efficient. But..." Nie Huaisang paused, his eyes narrowing as he moved a couple of wooden pieces towards the northeast side of the map, and another to a narrow path among the valleys.

Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up with realization. "Yes, that's a better position for us to flank the enemy," he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Nie Huaisang's insight had provided a fresh perspective, a way to turn the tide in their favor with less effort.

Nie Huaisang smiled happily, "Exactly! Our men can strike hard and surprise the attackers."

"In that case, I will leave the tactical planning to you, Er Ge. You can stay in this base and deploy the forces as you see fit." Xiao Zhan said before he looked at his father and his uncle, seeking for approval.

"If that is what you think the best course of action, Ying Er." Sect Leader Nie told him. Jiang Fengmian nodded in approval as well. The two sworn brothers had their full trust on his decision.

However, not everyone in the room seemed convinced. Sect Leader Yao, who had been observing the conversation from behind, spoke up skeptically, "That means, the Young Master will be the battle strategist? I mean no offense, but he is still young."

That young man is the most cunning mastermind ever. What are you saying?

"Sect Leader Yao, my second son together with Young Master Jiang had defeated the troops under Wen Chao's command with no casualties on our side," Sect Leader Nie continued, his voice firm and resolute. He added, "If you do not trust him, then trust my youngest's judgment."

Sect Leader Yao glanced at Xiao Zhan, who stood tall and imposing, radiating an aura of power and authority. The pair's reputation was renowned, and it was their prowess that had convinced many to join the fight. If the man acknowledged another's intellect, he must be someone to reckon with. Realizing his mistake, Sect Leader Yao quickly backed off. "You're right, Sect Leader Nie," he conceded, his tone filled with respect.

Satisfied with the resolution, Jiang Fengmian stepped forward, his gaze sweeping across the room. "Do we have any other objections regarding this matter?" he asked rhetorically. Silence filled the air. "Good. Now let's listen to the young ones. You might change your mind afterwards," he said after a moment, a warm smile gracing his face.

Nie Huaisang, usually known for his playful nature, forwent his usual demeanor and adopted a serious expression. It was evident that he was determined to prove his prowess to those who doubt him. "First, we need to focus on targeting their high-level cultivators. By taking them out early in the battle, we can disrupt their command structure and weaken their forces. Secondly, we'll use the element of surprise. The enemy will expect us to attack head-on, but if we can strike from unexpected angles and utilize diversionary tactics, we can confuse and disorient them." As he began to relay the details of his tactics, there was a bunch of 'oh's and 'ah's throughout the discussion as they were impressed with him.

Once he was done, the grin on his face was back as he asked Xiao Zhan, "Did I do well, Didi?"

"You did really well, Er Ge." Xiao Zhan praised sincerely. The young man had always been underestimated, his true capabilities hidden behind a mask of laziness and indifference. But now, as he revealed his strategic brilliance, the room couldn't help but be in awe of his intelligence and foresight.

Nie Huaisang patted himself on the back, satisfied. He whispered to Jiang Cheng, "See~ I did well."

Jiang Cheng's eyes did a couple of backflip as he grumbled, "Stop gloating."

Xiao Zhan turned to Jiang Cheng, "I trust you will be able to keep the camp safe while we're not here?"

Jiang Cheng nodded solemnly, a sense of responsibility filling his chest. "Leave it to me."

And so, the stage was set. Outside the tent, the camp was a hive of activity. The forces were mobilized, the battle formations were in place. Soldiers were being organized into squads, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. The sound of clanging metal and the murmur of voices filled the air as preparations were made. The war drums echoed in the distance, their rhythmic beats fueling the anticipation and adrenaline that coursed through the air. The time for talk was over. It was now time for action.

As if on cue, the sound of shuffling of footsteps and clunks of sword mountings as everyone began to disperse accordingly, each person with a sense of purpose and determination. As they charged into battle, the clash of swords and the roar of war cries filled the air. Time seemed to blur as the battle raged on but even then, they pushed forward. The air crackled with energy as cultivators clashed in a mesmerizing display of skill and power. Swords clashed, spells collided, and the ground shook beneath their feet.

The allied forces gained the upper hand. The strategy devised by Nie Huaisang allowed them to outmaneuver their enemies, striking from unexpected angles and exploiting weaknesses. The enemy forces grew disoriented and overwhelmed, unable to match the combined strength and intellect of their adversaries.

It didn't help that Xiao Zhan took the enemy by surprise and closed in on them from their rear. He raised and commanded his own forces, his summons weaving through the chaos. With a wave of his hand, dark tendrils of energy erupted from the ground, ensnaring enemy cultivators and rendering them immobile. His flute's sound echoed through the valleys like a symphony of death.

Beside him, Lan Wangji moved like a whirlwind, his sword dancing through the air. With each swing, enemy cultivators fell, their bodies collapsing under the weight of his righteous fury. His stoic expression belied the intensity of his fighting, he moved with a fluidity that defied human limitations, dodging attacks with ease and striking back with deadly accuracy.

The fight was over few days later. But the victory wasn't without its cost. After all, there were two hundred of enemy members with high cultivations. Due to that, there were still a small number of men who died in this face-off and the lives lost would forever haunt Xiao Zhan's conscience.

They might win this one battle but the war was still far from over. It only intensified from there on. 

"I'm so freaking tired," Xiao Zhan complained to Lan Wangji as he collapsed to sit beside the latter when they got back. The battle had taken a toll on him, physically and mentally. His body ached, and weariness seeped into his bones. "But every time I close my eyes, all I can think about is the next battle," he added in a small voice, his eyes heavy with the weight of the fallen. 

Lan Wangji gave him a soft pat on his back as a reply, his tone comforting as he said, "I'll help you forget, Wei Ying."

"Please then, Lan Zhan." Xiao Zhan replied, a soft smile gracing his tired face.He longed for a moment of respite, a temporary escape from the haunting images and the voices of the dead in his mind.

Lan Wangji leaned forward and kissed him. "And I will help with the excess Yin energy too." He murmured against Xiao Zhan's lips.

Xiao Zhan closed his eyes and sighed in contentment, feeling the warmth of Lan Wangji's embrace, the safety it provided. "Okay," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.

Their shared tent felt unusually quiet compared to the rest of the night sky, courtesy of a silence talisman. The soft glow of the moon spilled into the tent, casting a gentle light on their intertwined forms. A light breeze caressed their skin, carrying with it the scent of grass and earth. It was a moment of stillness amidst the chaos, a sanctuary in the midst of war. In each other's arms, they found solace. They held each other with a tendernessthat spoke volumes, their bodies fitting perfectly together as if they weremade for one another. Their breathing synchronized as they clung to each other, their heartbeats acomforting rhythm. Here, they could pretend, just for a little while longer, that they hadn't gone through hell and back. They needed this break, this brief moment of peace, to replenish their spirits and gather strength for the battles that lay ahead.

And as they drifted off to sleep, their bodies tangled together, they knew that tomorrow would bring new battles, but they would face them together, their love unbreakable, their spirits indomitable.


Bonus art: (Crossover with Jujutsu Kaisen)

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