Bella Vita: a Tale of Love (C...

Par real__bu

704 38 0

"People don't believe in things like destiny, until destiny hits them one day, just to prove its existence... Plus

Episode 01: "One-Way Ticket"
Episode 02: "The Guy from Busan"
Episode 03: "Where Do Broken Hearts Goes?"
Episode 04: "The Star That Guides Me"
Episode 05: "Paris, Memories, and Everything in Between"
Episode 06: "Spain; It takes two to tango..."
Episode 08: "Life Is A Bitter Pill To Swallow"
Episode 09: "This is Not a Fairytale, Or is it?"
Episode 10: "The Man Who Broke Her Heart"
Episode 11: "Truths Hurts and So As Lies"
Episode 12: "Only Heart Could Remember"
Episode 13: "The Young Master"
Episode 14: "Michaela of Amalfi Coast"
Episode 15: "Is it Faith, Or just a Coincidence?"
Episode 16/FINALE: "Bella Vita (Beautiful Life)"
Epilogue: "Claudio"
Character Index:
Author's Letter & Dedication

Episode 07: "That Night in Greece; I wanted you to have it..."

27 2 0
Par real__bu

At the Cruise Ship - Royal Mediterrania;
Under the soft glow of the stage lights, Yeol's eyes search the sea of faces before him. He's looking for one face - Mi Cha's. But she's nowhere to be found. Ever since their intimate moment in Spain, she's been pulling away, her radiant presence replaced by a distant aloofness. His heart feels heavy as he sings, his gaze constantly drifting towards the crowd, yearning for a glimpse of her. But she remains elusive, her absence casting a shadow over his performance.

At the viewing deck;
Away from the lively crowd, Mi Cha finds solitude on the upper deck of the ship. In a hidden corner, she sits alone, her fingers wrapped around a cool can of beer. Her gaze is fixed on the stars, their distant glow reflecting in her eyes.

"Why does happiness always come with a price?" she whispers to the silent night. The fear of losing the joy she's experiencing is palpable, her heart heavy with the dread of impending loss. She's afraid that the happiness she's found with Yeol will be fleeting, that she doesn't deserve to feel this joy. Her heart aches with sorrow, her solitary figure a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere below.

Meanwhile, Claudio, the young chef, steps out onto the deck for a much-needed break. After a long day of preparing dishes for the night's dinner set, he craves a moment of solitude. He leans against the railing, taking in the cool night air. Then he spots her - Mi Cha, sitting all by herself.

As Claudio approaches Mi Cha on the deck, he notices the solitude that surrounds her. Her gaze is fixed on the distant stars, her expression thoughtful, almost melancholic. The usual light in her eyes is replaced by a deep pensiveness that tugs at his heart.

He observes the way her fingers absent-mindedly trace the cool metal of the beer can, the way her shoulders slightly slump - signs of a burden he wishes he could lighten. Her solitary figure against the backdrop of the starlit sky paints a poignant picture, one that reveals a side of Mi Cha that she often keeps hidden.

Despite the lively chatter and music filtering from the alfresco dining area below, a profound silence envelops Mi Cha. Claudio can't help but feel a pang of concern, sensing the undercurrent of sorrow beneath her calm facade. His heart aches to see her like this - alone, lost in her thoughts, and seemingly carrying a weight that's too heavy for her to bear alone.

Seeing Mi Cha alone on the deck, Claudio can't help but feel a wave of concern. He's used to seeing her vibrant and full of life, her laughter echoing around the ship, her presence a source of joy for those around her. But the Mi Cha he sees now is different - her laughter replaced by silence, her vibrant energy subdued.

He knows that everyone has their moments of solitude, their moments of introspection. But there's something about the way she's sitting there - alone, her gaze lost in the stars - that tugs at his heart. He senses a deep sorrow in her, a heaviness that she's trying to carry on her own.

Claudio cares deeply for Mi Cha, his feelings for her extending beyond friendship. It pains him to see her in distress, to see her struggling with her thoughts. He wishes he could take away her sorrow, wishes he could bring back the joy that he knows she's capable of. His concern stems from his deep affection for her, his desire to see her happy and content.

He approaches her, his heart aching at the sight of her solitude. "You're all alone here," he observes, his voice gentle, filled with concern.

"Just needed some time to myself," she replies, her gaze never leaving the stars.

Their conversation flows naturally, filled with shared laughs and understanding. Yet beneath his casual demeanour, Claudio's feelings for Mi Cha are clear. His eyes hold a certain warmth when he looks at her, his words carrying a gentle concern. But he refrains from confessing his feelings, choosing instead to offer her comfort and companionship.

Their interaction, although one-sided in terms of romantic feelings, adds a touch of warmth to the cool night. The ship sails on, carrying stories of unspoken emotions and budding romances under its sails.

Meanwhile, after his performance, Yeol makes his way around the decks looking for Mi Cha, his eyes search for her. When he finally spots her, he sees her laughing with Claudio. A pang of jealousy hits him, but it's quickly overshadowed by concern when he notices the empty beer cans by her side.

He approaches them, his pace quickening. "Mi Cha, Claudio," he greets, his voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside him.

Claudio looks up, his friendly smile fading as he takes in Yeol's serious expression. "Yeol," he greets, his gaze shifting between the two.

But Yeol's eyes are solely on Mi Cha. "Are you okay?" he asks, the worry clear in his voice.

"I'm fine,..." she assures him, her voice softer than usual.

Feeling the shift in atmosphere, Claudio rises from his seat. "I should get back to the kitchen," he says, his tone casual despite the tension. He offers Mi Cha a comforting smile before heading off, though for a second he's hesitant to leave, but he did, he felt like he must; leaving the pair in a bubble of silence.

With Claudio's departure, the air grows heavy with unspoken words and suppressed feelings. The jovial laughter that once filled the space is replaced with a silence that speaks volumes, the tension between Yeol and Mi Cha palpable.

The distant chatter from the dining area and the soft lapping of waves against the ship's hull fade into the background, leaving only the two of them in their silent bubble. They become acutely aware of each other's presence, their shared silence speaking volumes.

Breaking the silence, Yeol turns to Mi Cha. "Why didn't you come to watch my set?" he asks, his voice laced with concern.

Mi Cha looks at him, her gaze steady. "I was afraid," she confesses, her voice barely above a whisper. "I was afraid of getting too attached to your music, to you. It feels so good, it feels like a dream. I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up someday."

Her words hang in the air, a poignant confession that leaves Yeol speechless. The conversation, filled with unspoken emotions and concerns, takes on a more serious and introspective tone. Despite the heaviness of the moment, there's an underlying current of mutual understanding and care, a testament to the deep bond that has formed between them.

The next day – in Greece;
As the cruise ship docks in the picturesque port of Greece, Yeol and Mi Cha find themselves standing at the ship's edge, their eyes taking in the breath-taking view. The sparkling blue waters, the quaint white-washed buildings clinging to the hillsides, and the vibrant hum of life that radiates from the city - it's a sight that leaves them both in awe.

Stepping onto Greek soil, they're immediately enveloped by the warm, welcoming energy of the country. The lively chatter of locals, the inviting aroma of Greek cuisine wafting from nearby cafes, the brilliant sun casting a golden glow on everything - it all adds to the charm of their new adventure.

Yeol turns to Mi Cha, his eyes reflecting the excitement of the moment. "Let's explore and enjoy?" he asks, offering his hand to her.

Mi Cha, her heart fluttering at his gesture, takes his hand. "Shall we?," she smile as she replies, her voice filled with anticipation. Their fingers intertwine, a silent testament to their growing connection.

Their shared excitement, their eagerness to explore, and their mutual affection for each other makes their arrival in Greece a moment to remember. It's a moment that deepens their bond, a moment that marks the beginning of their Greek adventure.

Their day in Greece unfolds like a beautiful story, filled with shared laughter, new experiences, and moments that deepen their bond. They explore the historic ruins of Athens, their fingers brushing against ancient stones, their shared fascination for history drawing them closer.

In Santorini, they find themselves captivated by the stunning views. The brilliant blue sea, the iconic white buildings, the vibrant flowers - it's a sight that takes their breath away. They stand there, side by side, their hands brushing against each other, their hearts beating in sync.

In the vibrant streets of Mykonos, they lose themselves in the lively energy of the city. The bustling markets, the inviting cafes, the charming locals - it all adds to the magic of their day.

As the sun begins to set, casting a golden glow on everything, Yeol takes Mi Cha by surprise. He pulls out the bracelet he bought in France, the delicate piece catching the last rays of the sun. "I saw this and thought of you," he says, his voice soft. "I wanted you to have it."

Mi Cha looks at him, her eyes welling up with tears. She's touched by his gesture, by the thoughtfulness behind it. She never responded, she simply gave Yeol a sweet smile, as if accepting his heart at that very moment.

As Yeol puts on the bracelet around her wrist, their eyes meet. It's a moment that's filled with unspoken emotions, a moment that cements their connection. The day ends on a beautiful note, their shared experiences in Greece adding another chapter to their unfolding love story.

At the Villa – In Santorini;
As part of their Greek adventure, all the cruise guests are provided with a two-day and one-night stay in a hotel that boasts a magnificent view of the Aegean Sea and the city. Yeol, privileged by his contract, enjoys these perks and naturally, he chooses to share this experience with Mi Cha.

Their rooms are separate, yet linked by a balcony that overlooks a pool connecting the two units. As night falls, Yeol takes a dip in the pool – topless; revealing his well-toned physique. The pool-light casted warm glow to his skin, highlighting his defined muscles. His hair, tousled, adding to hi allure.

He plunges into the pool, the water ripples around him. As he resurfaces, water droplets trickle down his chiselled body, adding to his irresistible charm; the cool water a welcome relief from the day's heat. His eye meets Mi Cha's, with a playful glint. The sight is breath-taking, a perfect blend of raw masculinity and effortless charm.

Mi Cha, as she steps onto the balcony, has a weird flashback of images in her head. Spotting Yeol floating in the pool, her heart skips a beat, the sight triggering a traumatic memory - her mother's death by drowning. Panic surges through her, her breath shortening as she cries out, "Yeol-ssi! Yeol-ssi!" Her voice is filled with fear, her hands clutching her chest as she crawls towards the pool, desperate to save him.

Yeol, hearing her panicked cries, quickly gets out of the pool and rushes to her side. "Mi Cha-ssi, it's okay," he reassures her, his voice calm yet filled with concern. She kept of resisting Yeol's hand by forcing to move around, while Yeol grabbed her arms harder to stop her squirming; "I'm okay~. I'm not drowning,.."

Mi Cha seems to gain back her senses, she pause realizing Yeol is okay and in front of her, calming her. She then grabbed Yeol and embraced him so tight; "Please don't die,.. Please don't leave me..." – she said over and over, while crying.

After a while, Mi Cha calms down, her breaths slowly returning to normal. She looks at Yeol, her eyes welling up with tears. "My mother... she drowned," she confesses, her voice choked with emotion. "She committed suicide in the bathtub because of my abusive stepfather. I was 9-years old when I ran away...And ended up on the streets of Venice..."

Yeol, hearing her confession, feels a deep ache in his heart. He wraps his arms around her, his presence offering her comfort and solace.

As the night deepens, their connection becomes more intimate. Yeol, moved by her vulnerability, can't hold himself back anymore. He gently lifts her chin, his gaze meeting hers. "You're not alone anymore, Mi Cha-ssi," he whispers, his voice filled with sincerity.

In that moment, they both feel an irresistible gravity pulling them towards each other. Yeol leans in towards her, his lips meeting hers in a tender, intimate, passionate kiss. Their surroundings fade away, leaving only the two of them, their shared kiss marks a new chapter in their relationship.

Their moment of intimacy continues in the pool, Mi Cha overcoming her fear of water for a moment, leads Yeol to their passionate, romantic pool-kiss. As they dipped in the pool, Yeol holds her tightly close with his arms around her waist. Their shared connection turns into a romantic memory, a night filled with shared confessions, irresistible romance, and a deepening bond. Despite the pain of the past, they find solace in each other, their shared connection offering a beacon of hope and love.

Original Fan-Fiction by BU

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