Ursa Major | Tormund Giantsba...

By SprintingFox

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She saw firsthand how loyalty could falter, how war destroyed everything in its path, how men died serving fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Final Author's Note

Chapter 22

621 32 0
By SprintingFox

Almost all the fallen had already burned.

Among them were Edd, Beric Dondarrion, Lyanna Mormont, Ser Jorah, Melisandre, and Theon Greyjoy. They and thousands of others had died protecting their people, never again forced to suffer a war with their brethren.

This had been their Last War.

Most of those they burned as they went were still able to be identified for the final tally. They were laid on a series of long pyres, silent and waiting for their loved ones to say goodbye. Sansa held onto Theon's body tightly, Daenerys kissed Jorah's cold face, Thyrsa and Sam stood over Edd and Lyanna simultaneously with blank faces and heavy hearts.

Thyrsa had never truly seen the end of a war. She'd fought for Robb and watched their soldiers be massacred at the Red Wedding, but the war had continued as their battle had been cut short. This was the first time she could truly sit and stare at all the bodies, to watch people come together and mourn.

They stood together, Northerners, Southerners, Dothraki, and Unsullied. Some of them would have never interacted in their lifetime if it hadn't been for this war.

And some would never interact with anyone ever again.

Thyrsa went to stand with her sisters and Smalljon, the four of them bruised and bloody but alive. She reached her hand out to caress Ghost's head, the poor thing having lost an ear. He was a brave warrior, but she wondered how much the animals around them could even understand. He seemed to know what she was thinking, nudging her leg with his paw and trying to comfort her. It brought a weak smile to her face.

Jon spoke over them as his men held torches and waited for his signal, "We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. Our fellow men and women who set aside their differences to fight together... and die together... so that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them, for as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their like again."

The men swept forward at his nod, handing the torches to everyone who reached out for one. They each went to the pyre containing the ones they cared for and let the torch fall. Tormund stood with Thyrsa to light Edd and Lyanna's pyre, then took the torch from her to light the one containing his fallen wildlings.

They united in celebration with a large dinner, the Great Hall filled with so many people that Winterfell could scarcely contain them.

"I've already sent ravens to White Harbor," said Smalljon as they ate hungrily, having imagined they'd never be fed again after that battle. "Astrid and Tory will bring back all the children who settled there until the battle had been won. The crypt wasn't broken into, thank all the gods. They're safe."

"Maja and Munda will be pleased to return," said Tormund, gnawing on a chicken bone, having consumed every last bit of flesh it had on it. He'd already taken several horns of mead, and nothing seemed to fill him. "They like the castle, think it's pretty."

"You know," said Esther, "if you two do decide to disappear into the Gift or beyond-the-Wall with the other wildlings... Last Hearth will always be made available to them. If, when they're older, the girls want to live there, our doors will be open."

Thyrsa smiled, "Thank you, Esther. I suppose... it'll be quiet there, in a short time. The children will grow. Wendel will assume the seat at White Harbor, the twins will rule at Hornwood and Sigrid, you'll likely follow them there while Esther stays with the younger ones at Last Hearth. Ned will eventually be its lord... gods, they grow so fast. I still remember hold them all when they were born. And now, they are set to be the rulers of the next generation..."

She looked over her shoulder at Jon, sitting quietly with Sansa, Rickon, Bran, and Daenerys at the head table. He probably could've been enjoying a conversation if the Queen wasn't there.

He'd told her the truth. That's why she was so upset.

"Gendry," called Daenerys suddenly, when he'd gotten up to look for Arya. "That's right, isn't it?"

He slowly approached the table. "Yes, Your Grace."

"You're Robert Baratheon's son." No one was sure why she was asking this. "You are aware he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered?"

"He won by right of conquest," said Thyrsa under her breath.

"I didn't even know he was my father until after he was dead," said Gendry honestly.

Daenerys smiled thinly. "Yes, he's dead. His brothers are, too. So who's Lord of Storm's End now?"

Gendry was confused. "I don't know, Your Grace."

"Does anyone?" They didn't offer any answers. "I think you should be Lord of Storm's End."

Gendry blinked several times. "I can't be, I'm a bastard."

She corrected him, "No, you are Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End, the lawful son of Robert Baratheon, because that is what I have made you."

As sweet as it was probably meant to sound, it only seemed to Thyrsa as another show of power. A reminder that she was the one that would sit the Iron Throne, she was the one with the dragons.

Yes, she'd saved them. But simply because she was a hero didn't mean she would be a good Queen.

The men started to clap, congratulating Gendry. "To Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End!" called Ser Davos politely, though the look on his face suggested he was skeptical about Daenerys's intentions.

Who did Daenerys have on her side now? The new Lord of Storm's End would surely be loyal to her. Yara Greyjoy had declared for her before any of them. Whoever sat the throne in Dorne would likely follow her over anyone else.

And the rest of them?

"Let us play a game!" said Tormund, raising his horn of ale. "Come, come–" he beckoned Thyrsa after him, grabbing Gendry by the shoulder before he could get too far away and offering him the horn. "To the new lord– drink all of this."

"What?" said Gendry with a light laugh. "No, I couldn't."

"All of it, go on!"

He took it, and forced himself to drink as much as he could. Tormund laughed, receiving the horn back and finding there was still a great deal left. "Now, that's nothing!" He turned to Jon. "Here, you, we must celebrate our victory."

"Vomiting is not celebrating!" said Jon.

"Yes it is!" Tormund insisted.

"Come on, I believe in you!" said Sansa.

"Bet you can't drink it," chirped Rickon, who thought it would be funny.

Tormund laughed heartily when Thyrsa plucked the horn away, drinking it herself. "That's how it's done!" he said when she sat the empty horn down, holding her belly and stifling a burp. "The next horn I fill is for you, Jon Snow." He took the empty horn anyway, "To the Dragon Queen! To Arya Stark and Jon Snow, the heroes of Winterfell, and to my beautiful Thyrsa–" he put an arm around her and kissed her head. "If only I had a dragon to give her."

"I'd like a bear, perhaps," said Thyrsa, holding onto him as she began to feel dizzy. "Or I could borrow Jon's dragon!"

Tormund held the horn even higher, "I saw him riding that thing. That's why we all agreed to follow him." The other men began to laugh, joining in on their conversation. "That's the kind of man he is." He put an arm around Jon, rubbing his head, "He's little but he's strong. Strong enough to befriend an enemy and get murdered for it. Most people get bloody murdered, they stay that way." He smacked Jon's chest, "Not this one."

"I didn't have much say in that," said Jon honestly.

Tormund snickered, "Comes back and keeps fighting. Here, north of the Wall, and then back here again. He keeps fighting, he keeps fighting–"

"You're drowning in your own words," giggled Thyrsa before he could reach for another full horn from his wildling comrades. "You don't want to be too drunk when the girls arrive."

"But I must tell them all this story!" said Tormund. "You saw him, he climbed on a fucking dragon and fought. What kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon? A madman or a King."

The men laughed, but Thyrsa caught sight of a jealous look in Daenerys's eyes. She wasn't happy that Jon was being celebrated, she wasn't happy that the Northerners had still not warmed up to her.

And she'd made this known to Jon.

"She's not happy with any of it," muttered Jon to Thyrsa and Samwell. "People in Essos looked at her with wonder but not here. Everyone distrusts her and elevates me."

"Perhaps because you're a better ruler," argued Thyrsa. "Come on, Jon, the Great War is won, you can admit that you'd be a better monarch than her! She snuffs out anyone who challenges her power, she uses dragons to burn anyone who doesn't bend the knee instead of listening and trying to see why some people here act one way or another. She's a foreigner and yet she is attempting to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms without giving a damn what each of the Seven Kingdoms does for fun, prefers in a ruler, needs to survive."

He hesitated, then admitted, "I told her I don't want to be King. She said it didn't matter what I wanted. She asked what would happen when someone demands me to push my claim and take what is 'hers.' I swore I would refuse but then she asked me to swear you both and Bran to secrecy. To tell no one else. But I must tell Sansa, Arya, and Rickon at the very least– they're my family! I will not live a lie."

"Then don't," said Thyrsa. "Not unless she gives you what you want."

He was left conflicted. "I told her we can all manage to live together. And then her eyes went dark. She told me we can live together in peace only if I do not say anything to Rickon and my sisters."

Samwell and Thyrsa shared a look. "You know we'll support you if you push your claim," whispered Thyrsa. "I think you should. The majority of the Realm would follow you. The rest will follow in line when they see what we have. She is a strong woman with the heart of a dreamer but not the brains of a ruler, not with the kindness of a Queen who at times must be wrathful and at other times merciful. You really think Tyrion Lannister will manage to counsel her into showing restraint? Soon she won't have any Small Council because she won't be able to handle anyone telling her not to do something she thinks is right. She will rationalize everything and she'll have two dragons to make people do whatever she wants. Her world will be perfect... to her and her alone. The rest of us will burn and suffer. She wants to break the bloody wheel? She's only building a bigger one that encompasses every person that isn't her and her Essosi warriors."

"What would you have me do, then?" he said sharply.

Samwell cleared his throat. "I'm with Thyrsa. You ought to tell your sisters." They were all quiet until Thyrsa spoke up, "Say the word and I'll kill her."

Jon's expression dropped. "Thyrsa, no."

"If you don't want me to, I won't," she said simply. "But if you want me to or if she threatens my family's safety... I will. I don't care what consequences fall down on me. I can defeat any of her Dothraki bloodriders in single combat. I can defeat the commander of her Unsullied. If they wish to return to Essos we can give them the resources they need. If they wish for land here, we can accommodate that. But I refuse to allow us all to be ruled by a tyrant. She won't let us be free, Jon. We have to be. It isn't right."

His hands trembled. "We'll discuss this later," he whispered. "We have a War Council to get to."

They met once more, the room less packed than it'd been a few nights ago. The final tallies had been made to inform Daenerys how many men were left to continue on for a siege of King's Landing.

"Half are gone," said Grey Worm about the Unsullied forces.

Jon stepped forward next, "The Northmen as well." He removed half of the blocks from the left flank while Thyrsa removed half of the ones on the right.

One Dothraki removed significantly more than half of the squares representing his army. Podrick moved away those that represented the men of the Riverlands and the Vale.

"And the Golden Company has arrived in King's Landing," announced Lord Varys, "courtesy of the Greyjoy fleet. The balance has grown distressingly even."

"When the people find out what we have done for them," offered Missandei, "that we saved them..."

"That won't do anything," said Thyrsa honestly. "Not only will Cersei lie to them, but look at the board. Few showed up from other Kingdoms; we hardly have markers for them. They could have come to help and they did not. The Reach is in chaos with Olenna Tyrell's execution, the Stormlands may not rise to the occasion fast enough what with their new lord being inexperienced and the people under the Baratheon rule having lived practically on their own for many years. Whoever your Queen can count on is outlined on this map and this map alone."

Daenerys's lip twitched. "We will hit her hard. We will rip her out root and stem."

Tyrion didn't seem to like this. "The objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying King's Landing."

Daenerys didn't seem to appreciate his comment. She didn't even acknowledge it. Varys changed the subject, "Thankfully, she is losing allies by the day. Yara Greyjoy has retaken the Iron Islands in her queen's name. The new Prince of Dorne pledges his support."

"No matter how many lords turn against her," said Daenerys, "as long as she sits on the Iron Throne, she can call herself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. We need the capital."

Tyrion nodded, "I watched the people of King's Landing rebel against their King when they were hungry, and that was before winter began. Give them the opportunity and they will cast Cersei aside."

"I agree," said Thyrsa. "To destroy that city and kill the millions that live in it would be suicide for your intended reign, Queen Daenerys. Doesn't matter if you take the Iron Throne that day, you will be hated. No Kingdom will take kindly to such destruction. The people can do the work for you. They can be made to hate Cersei even more. They can deliver her to you if you're patient."

"We'll surround the city," offered Jon as Daenerys glared at Thyrsa. "If the Iron Fleet tries to ferry in more food, the dragons will destroy them. If the Lannisters and the Golden Company attack, we'll defeat them in the field."

Tyrion agreed, "Once the people see that Cersei is our only enemy, her reign is over."

Daenerys refrained from arguing further. "All right."

"The men we have left are exhausted," said Sansa. "Many of them are wounded. They'll fight better if they have time to rest and recuperate."

"How long do you suggest?" asked Daenerys tightly.

"I can't say for certain, not without talking to the officers."

Daenerys didn't want to wait. "I came north to fight alongside you at great cost to my armies and myself. Now that the time has come to reciprocate, you want to postpone."

"It's not just our people," said Sansa. "It's yours. You want to throw them into a war they're not ready to fight?"

"The longer I leave my enemies alone, the stronger they become."

"The Northern forces will honor their promise and their allegiance to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms," said Jon quietly. He looked at Daenerys, "What you command, we will obey."

"So," said Tyrion shakily, "if all are in agreement, Jon and Ser Davos will ride down the Kingsroad with the Northern troops and the bulk of the remaining Dothraki and Unsullied. A smaller group of us will ride to White Harbor and sail from there to Dragonstone with our queen and her dragons accompanying us from above. Ser Jaime has chosen to remain here, as a guest of the Lady of Winterfell."

"We have won the Great War," said Daenerys. "Now we will win the Last War. In all Seven Kingdoms, men will live without fear and cruelty under their rightful Queen."

When Thyrsa noticed Sansa dared not say anymore, she burst out, "No, we won't."

The room went silent. "I am tired," said Thyrsa, "of this Queen acting as though we are not her people yet demanding we bend the knee to her. With all due respect, Queen Daenerys, you had a duty to come North and fight for the lives of those in Westeros because that is exactly who you are trying to rule over."

Daenerys began to breathe heavily as Thyrsa continued, "You would've had to confront the Army of the Dead eventually. You act as though you did this as a service to the North yet it was a service from all of us on behalf of humanity. For the innocents. For our fellow Westerosi. If we all need to rest that does not mean we are abandoning your army, it means we need to fucking relax after what we've just been through. We can deal with any stronger threat as long as we've had time to recover."

Thyrsa added, "How selfish of you to stand here acting as if we are doing you a disservice, as if we are traitors for wanting a reasonable period of rest, when you are here imposing your will on us. No, I will not obey your command. In fact, if we are not given a period of rest, I will march no Umber, Manderly, Karstark, Hornwood, Cerwyn, or Mormont men down to King's Landing. I will make sure no wildlings accompany us. And I can almost bet that if the other Houses see us doing so... remaining here... they will join us." She eyed Daenerys closely. "You already don't wish for the North to be free. Do not push your luck."

Daenerys was fuming, "How dare you?"

"How dare you? In fact, I offer this now. Either you let the North be free or I will speak of things you'd like to keep hidden. So hidden, in fact, you might even kill me for this. But I have no fear. I've survived worse than you, Daenerys Targaryen. I've lived in this land all my life. I've lost most of my family fighting for the North and I have bled for it a thousand times over. It is because of my brother and I that we're even standing in Winterfell. I killed Roose Bolton, one tyrant, and I will gladly kill another if they dare to force us onto our knees."

Thyrsa scoffed, "You've hardly lived here, hardly taken the time to understand our customs. I think I know better what this realm needs. Those in your army are kind and selfless and I've enjoyed fighting beside them. I admire the way they look at you. But they know a different life, different trials and tribulations, different values than the Westerosi. You are the right Queen for them, not for us. You liberated them but you seek to keep us under your thumb? At the very least be consistent if you're going to proceed with that vision. You've become as power-hungry as Queen Cersei.

"Thus, I believe that this 'rightful' queen shit must end now. You're not the rightful Queen of Westeros. You're simply a woman with dragons and the inability to contain herself from burning the land and everyone in it to the ground. Were it not for your advisors, I imagine you would've fried everyone alive by now and you'd be surrounded by corpses and a charred city. So, either you consider my ask or I will continue talking, in which case I will gladly–"

"Thyrsa!" said Jon sharply. "That's enough. Your King commands you to hold your tongue."

She held her hands up in surrender, unable to hold back a smirk of satisfaction as many in the room looked at Daenerys without breathing, the majority (perhaps) believing that she'd said what the Dragon Queen needed to hear.

Maybe Tormund was right. If Thyrsa and Daenerys even somewhat liked one another, if they trusted one another fully, they probably would've already taken King's Landing.

Daenerys was glaring at Jon as if to say, 'That's not enough.' He hesitated, then said, "As I said, the Northern forces will honor their promise and their allegiance to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I will lead the Northern forces to war as promptly as she commands, and Houses Umber, Mormont, Manderly, Karstark, Hornwood, and Cerwyn will join. You will remain here with the wildlings to protect my siblings."

"Fine," said Thyrsa, bowing deep. "As my King commands."

Inside, she was furious.

"How could you say that?" she asked Jon as he found her in her room after she'd managed to cut eighteen thick logs in half with repeated swings of her swords. "How could you–"

"I know what it means to you, I know that you want to protect me," said Jon, "but I don't want her to hurt you because of it."

"Then stop her, Jon!" Thyrsa pleaded. "You can do something, so do it!"

"I will tell Sansa and Arya today. I will tell them what you suggested about bargaining for a free North if we keep it a secret. You will be here to protect them, Bran, and Rickon. When the war is won, I will speak with Daenerys. I will ask that she give us what you ask and I will return as your King. Allies to the Crown, always, but we will let her do as she pleases in exchange for us doing the same."

"You cannot trust her, Jon, she won't listen–"

"I do trust her, Thrysa. You may not want to accept that, but–"

"Robb trusted the wrong people and it got him killed. I don't want you to make the same mistake. We are so close from surviving all these awful things."

He turned away for a brief moment. "I don't want to be King, Thyrsa, I don't want to be King."

"Then don't be! But you have to admit that she is not the right person to rule us all. Someone needs to put a stop to her. Don't let love blind you. Please."

"I won't," he promised. "I won't."

She saw Arya Stark and the Hound sneaking away before their armies took their leave. They most likely planned to go to King's Landing on their own and kill the Mountain and Queen Cersei to enact their revenge against those who had hurt them.

It gave Thyrsa an idea.

She planned to wait for Jon to leave. Tormund had instructed the wildlings to remain at Winterfell until the winter storms had passed. Then, they could go back to Castle Black and return to their life beyond-the-Wall.

"We must remember to send ravens to each other," said Thyrsa, hugging Sam and Gilly to say goodbye. "You take good care of little Sam and your new blessing."

"If it's a boy, we'd like to name him Jon," said Gilly. "And if it's a girl, we'd like to name her Thyrsa."

Jon smiled, "I hope it's a girl." He hugged Sam, who whispered, "You're the best friend I ever had."

"You, too, Sam," said Jon. "Take care of each other. Thyrsa... keep my sisters safe."

"I will," she promised. By making sure their lives are not threatened by your Dragon Queen.

She and Tormund set out before the sun began to set, informing only Sansa of their plan. They moved quickly on two horses, speeding through the Barrowlands as far west of the Kingsroad as they could to still pass through the Neck without being seen.

They didn't rest, knowing that the army would probably stop to rest at Moat Cailin. They rode around it, tiredly continuing with minimal rest (knowing that while Jons army would move slow, eventually they could be found if they didn't have enough of a lead) until they were well past the Twins and nearly at Ramsford.

"This is where we were, right after the Red Wedding," she said, snuggled up to Tormund between the trees as the horses slept. "So long ago, I decided to go to Castle Black. I decided to serve Jon. I don't regret my choice. I stand by my desire to protect my King, to protect the North. Thank you... for coming with me."

"I wouldn't have let you come alone," Tormund noted. "If you believe this is the right course of action, then it is."

Thyrsa smiled. "It is. We will help Arya Stark and the Hound kill Queen Cersei. We will remove her from that throne without Daenerys burning down half the city to achieve it. And when I have her close... I will kill the Dragon Queen."

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