A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.6K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

My Thanks
Sequel Release


2.5K 82 155
By Just_Another_IDK

In which you rebuild with friends
And get into trouble with a friend
In an ancient city


The soft glow of dawn cast a warm hue over Pogtopia, where (Y/N) lay peacefully asleep on her cot. Technoblade, ever vigilant, approached with careful steps, his gaze lingering on her serene form. The surrounding forest echoed with the awakening sounds of nature, a stark contrast to the conflicts that brewed in the waking world.

"Why are you even here?"

"Friends look out for each other." His response carried the weight of unspoken bonds, and the first rays of sunlight illuminated the silent determination etched across his face.

"She's done nothing for you."

"Leaving her alone with Tommy and Wilbur? Bold move. They'll get her killed."

"Their election is why she's in this mess."

"She can handle it. She's resourceful and cunning, she can handle herself."

"But she's so smol."

As Techno considered the delicate balance of alliances, a hint of concern crept into his thoughts.

"What about Schlatt? Thugs are lurking about in Manburg."

"She doesn't wear armour."

"She could get beat up again."

"Or worse."

"Don't let them near her."

"That's why I need to gather resources. We can't afford to be caught off guard." His eyes lingered on (Y/N), a silent vow to ensure her safety amidst the looming shadows of Manburg.

"Tommy can be reckless. What if something happens?"

"She'll be fine," Techno assured.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as Techno weighed the risks and rewards, the delicate intricacies of alliances and friendships playing out in the quiet of dawn.

With each step he took away from (Y/N)'s slumbering form, a silent promise resonated within him. The voices continued their murmured counsel, a cacophony of conflicting thoughts that mirrored the internal battles he faced.

"What if she can't handle it? What if she gets hurt again?"

The thought made Techno nervous but he needed to have faith, she's smart enough to survive the nether without armour she can outwit Schlatts goons "she'll handle it, and if I get good materials I'll make sure she's safe." He had no idea when the voices became so attached to her.

Techno's path led him away, heading toward the nether to collect the resources they needed. The forest seemed to whisper its approval, the sanctuary of rebellion acknowledging the unspoken vows that bound them together.

"Leaving her alone might be a risk."

The dawn unfolded, shadows giving way to light, and amidst the awakening world, Techno ventured into the nether, his purpose clear. The echoes of dawn lingered, a prelude to the battles that awaited, and the unspoken bonds of Pogtopia stood resilient against the trials that loomed ahead.


(Y/N) awoke to the soft rustle of leaves outside the cot in Pogtopia's infirmary. The morning sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a gentle glow on the surroundings. A sense of determination kindled within her, and she realized that while others had set out on their missions, there was something she needed to do as well.

With careful movements, she rose from the cot and stretched, the lingering soreness a testament to the ordeal she had faced. Pogtopia's makeshift infirmary seemed to breathe with the quiet rhythm of the forest, offering a haven amidst the chaos. (Y/N) took a deep breath, mustering the courage to embark on the journey back to her house.

The unfamiliar paths of Pogtopia guided her through the dense foliage, and as she approached her home, the memories of Schlatt's aggression surfaced. The house stood, a quiet witness to the trials faced, but (Y/N) steeled herself against the echoes of vulnerability. Inside, she gathered her tools with a sense of purpose—her trusty pickaxe, a spare sword, a bow, and a quiver of arrows.

Her gaze fell upon the potion-making equipment, each vial and ingredient holding the essence of her craft. (Y/N) carefully packed them, determination flickering in her eyes. She packed spare clothes, a blanket, books and food from her kitchen that she could still use.The forest outside seemed to echo with the whispers of resilience, and as she shouldered the tools, the weight felt both familiar and empowering.

She glanced at her home one last time, she didn't know if it would still be waiting for her by the end of this conflict but for now it was time to say goodbye

As (Y/N) ventured back towards Pogtopia's heart, the forest enveloped her in its tranquil embrace. She couldn't shake the sense of gratitude for the sanctuary that Pogtopia provided. With each step, the quiet of the woods spoke of unity and defiance.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a warm light on the clearing where Pogtopia stood resilient. (Y/N) emerged from the forest, tools in hand.

The sun rose higher in the sky (Y/N) surveyed the expansive ravine of Pogtopia. Her belongings, now neatly piled near her work space, waited patiently for her attention. A determined gleam lit her eyes as she sought out the perfect spot to fashion a temporary home.

Amidst the rugged beauty of the ravine, (Y/N) selected a sheltered nook against the stone wall. The pickaxe in her hand echoed through the hollow space as she began to dig, carving out a cozy enclave for herself. The stone crumbled away under her efforts, revealing a small alcove that felt like a refuge within the heart of Pogtopia.

But her thoughts turned to Technoblade, a silent ally in the rebellion. With renewed vigor, she expanded her efforts, carving a larger space adjacent to hers. It would be a place for Techno when he returned—a gesture of camaraderie etched in stone.

As the nooks took shape, (Y/N) emerged to gather resources for her makeshift abode. Wild sheep dotted the landscape, their wool promising comfort in the form of makeshift pillows. She sheared them gently, their soft bleats harmonizing with the rustle of leaves overhead.

With raw materials in tow, (Y/N) turned her attention to the lush vegetation surrounding the ravine. Trees bowed beneath the weight of their leaves, providing the wood necessary for doors, chests, and a simple bed frame. The rhythmic hum of the pickaxe blended with the symphony of nature as her temporary dwelling took form.

Utilizing the stone she had excavated, (Y/N) fashioned a furnace—a symbol of resilience amidst the harsh terrain. The orange glow of the furnace mirrored the fading sunlight as she prepared to cook a humble dinner.

As evening draped its shadows over Pogtopia, the distant voices of Tommy and Wilbur reached her ears. They returned with news of their reconnaissance on Manburg, bearing meat, vegetables, and a few pots. (Y/N)'s makeshift kitchen came to life as she concocted a hearty dinner, the aroma mingling with the natural scents of the ravine.

But amidst the camaraderie, a sense of concern lingered. Technoblade had yet to return, leaving (Y/N) to wonder about his whereabouts. The night wrapped around Pogtopia like a cloak, and as they shared a meal under the open sky, the unspoken question hung in the air—where had Techno ventured, and what shadows lurked beyond the sanctuary of their temporary homes?

"Have you seen Techno?" She asked Wilbur and Tommy.

"He was gone well before we were up, he's likely out gathering materials," Wilbur replied as they sat around eating a rabbit stew, (Y/N), had cooked.

"Do you know when he'll come back?" She asked, she had seen him space out in the nether, if he spaces out again he could get killed.

"I know what you're thinking but Technoblade never dies ," Tommy grinned.


The Nether's harsh echoes resonated in Technoblade's ears as he delved into the depths, mining ancient debris with calculated precision. The voices in his head offered a cacophony of commentary, their murmurs guiding his actions in the treacherous realm.

As he toiled away, his thoughts meandered towards (Y/N). The passing of time in the Nether blurred, and he couldn't shake the worry that crept into his consciousness.

"How has she been, Techno?" The voices asked.

"Hopefully she's dead."

"Don't say that she's really nice."

"She's dead weight, just get rid of her."

"What if something went wrong."

"Lost track of time. Need to check on her." The decision crystallized in his mind, and Techno emerged from the Nether, greeted by the night's embrace in Pogtopia. The rhythmic hum of the ravine seemed to resonate with the unspoken tales of his absence.

Silent footsteps carried him to the infirmary, but (Y/N) was nowhere to be found. A brief moment of concern flickered in Techno's gaze. The ravine, however, whispered its secrets as he spotted two doors—one bearing her name and the other, his own.

Curiosity led him into the room crafted for him by (Y/N). The tall roof, extra chests, and a spacious inner room hinted at the thoughtful effort she had invested. A flicker of warmth touched his expression as he realized the extent of her care.

The voice's basically sang their approval, no one had ever given him this kind of gift or second thought.

A small table adorned with beef jerky and apples stood as a testament to her consideration. Techno seated himself, taking in the surroundings—simple yet resonant with the camaraderie that thrived in Pogtopia.

"She made this for you, Techno."

"She did." He smiled.

The night outside carried the murmur of the ravine, and Techno savored the makeshift haven, contemplating the bonds that forged in the heart of rebellion. The humble room bespoke a silent alliance, one that defied the oppressive shadows beyond the stone walls.


The morning sun painted the ravine in hues of amber, and as Technoblade stirred from his slumber, the enticing scent of bacon wafted through the air. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he emerged from the room (Y/N) had crafted for him, following the aromatic trail to the outdoor stove.

There, (Y/N) stood, tending to breakfast with a deftness that hinted at her familiarity with the task. The rhythmic sizzle of bacon filled the air, accompanied by the gentle hum of the ravine.

"Morning." Techno yawned

"Morning, Techno. Breakfast is almost ready." She smiled

"She can cook." The voices screamed together.

Seating themselves at the makeshift table, they exchanged glances that spoke of unspoken camaraderie. The clink of utensils against plates accompanied the exchange of updates and tales from their respective endeavors.

"Thanks for the room. It's more than I expected." Techno thanked

"No problem. It's the least I could do." She beamed, "you have been away for awhile and Tommy and Wilbur already set up their dwelling so I thought you could use somewhere as well."

As they shared breakfast, the voices in Techno's head murmured their persistent thoughts, urging him to keep (Y/N) close.

"She's valuable, Techno. Keep her."

"I know, I know." He mumbled, he glanced up at her and then back at his food.

(Y/N) smiled, seemingly oblivious to the internal dialogue, and with a sip of tea, she broached the topic of her plans.

"I was thinking of going mining today. Need anything?" She offered. Techno felt that he could melt, no one ever offered to go mining and bring him back stuff.

"What if there's a cave in?"

"What if she runs into a cavern of mobs."

"Or an abandoned mine, the cave spiders would end her."

"There's also worse things in the depth."

"I could join you. Two heads are better than one, right?" He grinned

A spark of interest lit up her eyes as she nodded in agreement. "Do you like death defying adventures?" She asked

"Oh no."

"The deadlier the better," he nodded.

"Wait here," she asked as she scurried off into her room she then came back with an enchanted book, she slid it over to Techno.

His eyes widened in shock, "this is swift sneak II," he said in awe. "These are incredibly rare you can't just trade for these."

"A couple of days ago I stumbled across an ancient city, deep underground, I was only able to loot one chest before a warden almost caught me," she shrugged.

"How is she alive?"

"Techno who?"

"I only know (y/n) never dies."

"Let me guess she wasn't wearing armour."

"I thought you didn't wear armour?" Technoblade questioned.

"But you do," she smiled, "I thought I'd take the opportunity and get you something nice."

"So what do you have in mind?" Techno asked.

The grin on her face was more mischievous than Tommy with a lighter.


The underground world unfolded before (Y/N) and Technoblade as they delved deeper into the shadows, the stone corridors leading them to the ancient city that lay in the heart of the earth. The air was heavy with the scent of dampness, and the distant echoes of their footsteps resonated through the cavernous expanse.

Shulk sensors and shriekers, ominous and unseen, lurked around every corner, their subtle hums warning of the dangers that hid in the darkness. (Y/N) motioned for Techno to be as silent as possible, her finger pressed to her lips in a gesture that spoke volumes without words. The torchlight in techno's hand flickered, casting eerie shadows on the stone walls as they treaded carefully through the labyrinthine passages.

"C'mon, voices. Just this once, be quiet." He mumbled, he knew that if they distracted him both he and (y/n) would die.

His plea was met with a persistent murmur, the voices seemingly impervious to his appeal. (Y/N) shot him an understanding glance, her eyes reflecting the shared determination to navigate the subterranean enigma.

As they ventured further into the ancient city, Techno's foot connected with an unnoticed rock, a quiet clatter that reverberated through the silence. They both froze, the weight of their stillness magnified by the pulse of their surroundings. A skulk screamer, responding to the inadvertent disturbance, let out a piercing wail.

The torches lining the cavern dimmed in response, casting elongated shadows that danced along the walls. The ground beneath them rumbled, a subtle warning of the chaos that lingered just beneath the surface.

(Y/N) held up two fingers, a silent signal that echoed through the tense air. If they tripped two more sensors, a warden—a formidable guardian of the ancient city—would be summoned.

The underground realm seemed to hold its breath, and with cautious steps, they resumed their journey through the city's hidden corridors. The voices in Techno's head, though still present, hushed to a subdued murmur as if acknowledging the gravity of the situation. In the subterranean depths, (Y/N) and Technoblade pressed forward, their footsteps echoing through the forgotten city, each one a careful dance to evade the guardians that slept in the shadows of the ancient earth.

They arrived at the first chest, they looked left and right for any signs of anything that would make a noise. (Y/N) opened the chest and pulled out a few diamonds, a golden apple and a mending book. She carefully handed them all to Technoblade and they continued on.

The rhythmic clicking echoed through the stone corridors, a haunting cadence that heralded the presence of a lurking threat. (Y/N)'s eyes widened, and a subtle fear crept into her gaze as she glanced at Technoblade. He nodded solemnly, an unspoken acknowledgment that they had no other choice but to face the impending challenge head-on.

With a determined breath, (Y/N) drew her bow, the wood creaking softly in the cavernous silence. The arrow soared through the shadows, finding its mark as it pierced the skeletal creature ahead. The bones crumbled to the ground, the ominous clicking silenced, but the victory came at a cost.

The fallen skeleton triggered another skulk sensor, a chain reaction that resonated through the cavern. The shrieker screamed, a shrill wail that reverberated through the stone, and the torchlight flickered in response to the disturbance. The ground beneath them rumbled, a muted warning of the impending consequences.

Technoblade held up one lone finger, a gesture that hung in the air like a solemn decree. Another sensor tripped, and they stood on the precipice of summoning a warden—an entity that guarded the secrets of the ancient city with unrelenting vigilance.

The silence that followed was pregnant with anticipation. (Y/N)'s gaze met Techno's, a silent exchange that spoke of both determination and the lingering uncertainty of what lay ahead. In the underground realm, where shadows held ancient secrets and dangers lurked in every corner, their journey became a delicate dance with the echoes of a forgotten city and the unyielding guardians that safeguarded its mysteries.

(Y/N) opened another chest. Among them, a looting III and a swift sneak II enchantment book awaited discovery, the bad found what they had come for. (Y/N) retrieved the valuable items, recognizing their potential for enhancing Techno's equipment.

Turning to Technoblade, she handed over the enchanted tomes, her eyes gleaming with the prospect of newfound abilities. Techno accepted them with a nod, appreciating the significance of the discoveries they made in the depths below.

However, as (Y/N) closed the chest, the lid met the frame with an inadvertent thud that resonated through the cavern. A hush fell over the surroundings, and an eerie silence gripped the air. In that stillness, realization dawned on them—the sound had not gone unnoticed in the hidden chambers of the underground.

The shrieker screamed one final time. The torches went out and Techno grabbed (Y/N)'s hand to make sure he didn't lose her in the dark.

A low, ominous rumble emanated from the depths, and the torchlight flickered in response. The spectral form of a warden materialized, its presence an imposing reminder of the consequences triggered by the unintentional disturbance.

Technoblade's gaze sharpened, and (Y/N) felt a surge of tension in the air. The warden, a guardian cloaked in spectral armor, now stood sentinel, responding to the echoes of their actions in the ancient city.

(Y/N) met Techno's eyes, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The underground world, once serene and mysterious, crackled with an electric charge as they faced the consequences of their inadvertent awakening. The warden, an ancient guardian awakened by the echoes of the past, loomed ominously, casting its spectral gaze upon the intruders who dared to disturb the slumber of the forgotten city.

"Run," was all Techno said. As he dragged her through the ancient city, desperate to get out.

There was no fighting a warden, they had lost the element of stealth and now all the could do was run.

The warden, a spectral sentinel, surged forward with an otherworldly speed that belied its imposing form. The air crackled with a palpable sense of danger as it closed in on (Y/N) and Technoblade, its unseen force poised to unleash a devastating blast.

Sensing the imminent threat, (Y/N) reacted on instinct. Without a second thought, she threw herself against Technoblade, a desperate attempt to push them both away from the warden's impending assault. The impact jolted through them as they stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding the invisible sound wave blast that the warden unleashed.

The cavern echoed with the ethereal resonance of the warden's power, and the ground beneath them quivered with the aftermath of its unseen force. Technoblade steadied himself, glancing at (Y/N) with a mix of gratitude and concern. The close call hung in the air, a testament to the danger that lurked in the underground shadows.

The warden, undeterred by the near miss, continued its relentless pursuit. It seemed to glide through the cavern, an ethereal guardian determined to defend the secrets of the ancient city. (Y/N) and Technoblade, now acutely aware of the formidable foe at their heels, pressed forward, navigating the subterranean labyrinth with a shared determination to outpace the spectral guardian and uncover the mysteries that lay within the forgotten depths.

As the warden closed in, Technoblade's quick thinking kicked into action. Without a moment's hesitation, he scooped (Y/N) into his arms, her lithe form surprisingly light as he effortlessly hoisted her onto a nearby ledge that stood just out of the warden's immediate reach.

"Get out of here! Follow the ledge and find an exit!" He bellowed the command, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and determination. (Y/N), propelled onto the ledge, glanced back at Techno with concern etched across her features. But there was no time for hesitation. She nodded, the unspoken understanding between them driving her to heed his directive.

As (Y/N) swiftly navigated the precarious ledge, Techno continued to lure the warden away, his footsteps echoing through the cavern as he led the spectral guardian on a pursuit. The warden, relentless and undeterred, cornered Technoblade in a cavernous chamber.

"So much for Technoblade never dies."

"She abandoned us."

"No, I saved her."

Before the warden could deliver its final blow, (Y/N) retraced her steps along the edge of the ledge. With her sword drawn, she leaped into action, driving the weapon into the back of the warden with a determined thrust. The warden convulsed, shaking her off, and turned its spectral gaze toward her.

As the warden prepared to charge, (Y/N) deftly evaded its advance, ducking and weaving The dance between the two continued, the warden fixated on its elusive prey.

Spotting an escape route, Technoblade's voice echoed through the cavern.

"Over here! Follow me!" He yelled.

(Y/N) seized the opportunity, she dashed by the warden to join Techno. The path was too confined for the warden to follow, and the duo managed to outpace the spectral guardian. The distant echoes of the warden's roar faded as they navigated the labyrinthine tunnels, finding solace in the narrowing passages that kept their otherworldly pursuer at bay.


(Y/N) and Technoblade burst out into the relative freedom of the cavern, their breaths heavy and laughter bubbling up from the depths of shared relief.

"Haha, we made it! That was close!"  (Y/N) cheered, glad to have gotten out of that nightmare alive.

A genuine smile played on Techno's face as he turned to (Y/N), his eyes reflecting gratitude. Without hesitation, he pulled her into a tight embrace, the kind born from shared triumphs and the unspoken understanding that existed between them.

"Thanks for saving my life... again. You're a real one, you know that?" He chuckled, he as well thought they were goners

Their laughter echoed through the forest , mingling with the distant sounds of the subterranean world. In that moment of shared victory, the bonds of friendship grew stronger, forged in the crucible of danger and triumph. (Y/N) and Technoblade, having faced the warden together, stood on the edge of the underground abyss, their laughter carrying the echoes of an adventure that had tested their mettle and strengthened their alliance in the hidden depths of the ancient city.

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