Rebirth of Alpha Peach Blosso...

By a54m1ismysoulm4t3

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重生Alpha桃花将军 Author:春泛若耶溪 More

Full Synopsis
101-102 END
103-108 EXTRAS


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By a54m1ismysoulm4t3

Chapter 1 Chu

Yue In the twenty-ninth year of the Chu month, it was snowing in the twelfth lunar month, and a few plum blossoms were blooming in the corner. Doctor Qian arrived, and he was healthy and had no discomfort. It was strange to say that Kunze and Qianyuan were divided.

In February of the 30th year, on New Year's Eve, the spring flowers were falling. I heard that the Turks were invading. The Su family's army fought bloody battles, but the old general was gone. What a pity.

In March, the spring rain continued, and the border war was tense. It was rumored that the former dynasty wanted to make peace with the grassland, but it failed to work out, which made me worried.

In May, the weather was dry and hot, the battle was defeated, and marriage was inevitable.

In June, when the sun was scorching my heart, my father summoned me and wanted to talk about the marriage. Suddenly, the border battle was reported, a great victory, and Long Yan was overjoyed.

In August, the autumn air is crisp, the Turks in front are defeated, the Su family army returns in triumph, and the young general is given a marriage. The

young woman stops writing, looks sadly through the carved window curtains in front of her, sighs, and drops thick ink from the tip of the pen onto the pink Xue Tao paper, blooming a flower A dark blue flower.

"Princess, the wedding dress has arrived. Please try it on, Your

Highness." The graceful maid knelt on the floor. Tomorrow was the wedding day, but the seventeenth princess of Chu Yue Kingdom had no joy on her face. She was already cold. His eyes were getting colder and colder, and he really responded to the name, Leng Shuangxue.

Wind, frost, rain and snow are not enough, but the surname is cold.

She silently put down her pen, folded those Xue Tao notes, put them into the golden nanmu box at hand, and hummed softly.

The fiery red long-sleeved skirt was embroidered with peonies, the plain gauze singlet was full of colors, and the hairpins and hairpins were stacked like a hill. The princess took a deep breath and her face became more solemn.

There was no trace of joy in her brows. The personal maid Nuan Ying was smart and secretly winked at the kneeling slave. The eunuchs and maids retreated one after another.

"Princess, look how beautiful it is." He picked up the crimson wedding dress and said with a smile, "Your Majesty personally selected the tribute silk. When the princess wears it, she will definitely be the most charming bride in the world." The other party said nothing

. Lowering her eyes to look at the screen of peony flowers not far away, with pink flowers blooming and green branches spreading, she was lost in thought, her eyelashes casting shadows on her white cheeks.

Nuanying didn't dare to ask any more questions, as she couldn't figure out why the princess was upset. This consort was a general who ruled the country. It was said that he had a noble character, an extremely handsome face, and that he was from a noble family and was brave and good at fighting.

In the great battle a few months ago, General Su unfortunately died in battle. Fortunately, the young general turned the tide and fought with his life to defeat Fanzi and protect the princess.

She didn't know why she was still dissatisfied with such a wishful husband and an indomitable Qianyuan Lord.

But after all, Shuangxue was the seventeenth most noble princess of the Chu Yue Kingdom, the daughter whom the emperor held dear to his heart. She was born from the same mother as the prince, so it was inevitable that she would have a cold and indulgent temperament.

In the previous paragraph, the Shangshu ordered the young master of the Shangguan family to propose to marry the princess. He only showed his thoughts and was rejected by the other party face to face.

It was the Dragon Boat Festival at that time, and the war in the north was intense. The Turks also sent envoys to propose marriage. Although the emperor was reluctant to give up, the king had always regarded the country as the most important thing and had intended to agree. Nuanying was anxious and advised the princess to agree so that she could find a reason to refuse. For marriage, Shangshu Province is the head of the three provinces and six ministries. It is so powerful that even the royal family will treat him with courtesy.

The princess was unmoved, saying that although marriage was difficult, at least it was for the sake of the country and the people, and had nothing to do with the love between children. But if you get married, you must be with someone who understands your heart and never give in.

Nuan Ying seems to be in a fog, and she really can't see through the princess's heart. Maybe the other party has someone she likes. Who does the princess who has always been in love with Jane fall in love with?

Shuangxue sat by the couch and looked at the room full of red silks. The silks and satins were like a burning fire, burning in her heart bit by bit. From the marriage to the wedding, she was just a pawn, being pushed around by the royal family. , such and such, it is not ridiculous to say that she is the most favored woman in the world.

If you lose in battle, you should use it as a tribute to get married, and if you win in battle, you should use it as a reward to get married.

Change the soup without changing the medicine! Her prosperity is all on the surface, but in reality it is insignificant.

Suniechen, the general of the country, defeated the Turks and brought peace to Chu Yue. She respected him from the bottom of her heart, but she didn't want to get married!

Could it be that she could only be a gift in this life, an item with extremely gorgeous packaging? This was not the life she wanted.

Princess Leng's eyes fell on the half of the white silk exposed by the pillow, and she gritted her teeth.

If I can't get my wish in this life, I hope I won't be born into a royal family in the next life.

In the 30th year of the Chu Yue Kingdom, in October, on the day of frost, the seventeenth princess hanged herself before her wedding. The whole court was shocked, and the emperor was heartbroken. She was buried in Chunling with a posthumous title of Zhaorou.

The author has something to say:

I will write ten thousand words today,

and then I will follow the list before V, and I will update it the day after V, and I will update it when I have free time.

Good luck opening the article, hmm!

Chapter 2 Flowers Fall and Flowers Bloom (1)

The clouds are rolling in the sky and the sun is peeking out from the mist.

The flowers in the courtyard are blooming, and they are clustered around each other. The autumn sunshine is always scattered, and it falls everywhere accidentally.

A little bit of it reflects on the eyelids, making people feel warm in their hearts.

The gardeners were carrying white porcelain watering pots, and the copper shears with tangled branches in their hands were flying on the golden chrysanthemums. In the flower garden outside the palace gate, branches of low-hanging sweet-scented osmanthus swayed, attracting the buzzing of bees and butterflies, which was annoying.

"Oh, the weather is amazing this year. It's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it's still like a furnace." The eldest palace maid Han Yan, who was leaning on the concubine's couch in the corridor, yawned, covered half of her face with a handkerchief, and glanced at the handsome man not far away. The pretty little gardener has really got good hands. He is as white as his face. He must be dressed as a woman.

Nuanying next to her was holding flower porridge and deliberately touched her with her elbow, "Little ancestor, hurry up and get the almond cake. It's time for the princess to have breakfast." She pretended to be upset and said, "Don't wait for my porridge to cool down. Why don't you wait for it to cool down?" Take a nap here."

Han Yan sat up, with a pair of bright and bright eyes, and reached out to hold Jiao Didi, "My good sister loves me the most, sister will go now." Xu was too sleepy, and yawned a few more times, "Besides, how can the princess wake up now? She just came back from Taiji Palace so late last night. I heard-" "

What did you hear? Stop talking about it." Nuan Ying didn't wait for her to finish, and interrupted directly, "Do it well You can do your own work."

The other party snorted, turned around, and leaned over to listen: "The matter has been spread for a long time, isn't it that we want to recruit General Su as our consort, what a great thing, why don't you tell us."

Han Yan was outspoken and told the truth, but unfortunately she only knew one thing but not the other. Although everyone envied this marriage, the Seventeenth Princess was not willing at all.

Nuanying sighed, feeling very sad.

Stepping into the room, he opened the crystal curtain, put the flower porridge on the round table made of rosewood, and looked at the moon-hole canopy bed covered with flying vine branches and peach blossoms. There were layers of moon-white brocade hanging down, and the wind blew through the hall, exciting him. The phoenix luan on both sides swings its white jade and silver hook in its mouth.

As expected, the princess hadn't woken up yet, and it was rare for the other party to stay in bed. She pursed her lips and smiled, then exited lightly.

A sigh spread softly in the air, as if the texture had been diluted by the wind, and disappeared in an instant.

Leng Shuangxue, who was lying on the canopy bed in the Moon Cave, turned over and was still in a daze. She suddenly felt a pain in her neck and suddenly regained consciousness. She - she didn't hang herself!

Why do I still feel pain? Could it be that I have to endure the pain of a mortal even after becoming a soul, or that I was too gentle and was still alive at all.

It doesn't make sense. I still remember the moment when my soul flew away from my body and turned into a puff of gray smoke. In the chaos, I saw the maid rushing in with a loud cry.

The emperor gave her the posthumous title Zhaorou. The word "soft" shows his thoughts. He felt that she was too willful and did not follow filial piety during her lifetime. She should also learn to be submissive after her death.

Shuangxue sneered, her soul separated from her body was light, and floated to the sky with the wind. In the hazy eyes, she saw another pair of eyebrows, with crow-green eyelashes hanging down, half-covering her beautiful eyes. The light in those eyes was bright, clear and firm.

I can't help but my heart is beating wildly, Hun'er can actually have a heart!

She saw that her soft armor was shining brightly, her black hair was tied up with a black gold crown, her black mask covered the left side of her face, blocking half of her amorous feelings, and her waist was as tall as a tree.

Wuzi stood in front of Chunling, the royal mausoleum.

The maid next to her called softly: "General Su, princess, she——"

General Su, Su Nichen!

Leng Shuangxue's heart suddenly tightened and she opened her eyes.

My breathing was messy and my head was heavy. I looked at the moon-white gauze in front of me in a daze. I touched my heart for a long time and found that I was indeed still alive.

She came back to life, and the past was like a dream. She remembered the vow she made on the Naihe Bridge, forgetting reincarnation, just to live another life.

The warm sun fell on the curtains, and the whispers of the maid could be heard in my ears. The curtains were opened, and I saw Nuan Ying and Qiu Yan approaching with smiles.

"Princess, let's have dinner. It's getting late." Nuanying came over to fetch water and knelt beside her. "In a few days, your Highness will have to choose a dress for the Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet." "That aqua-green silk skirt is most suitable

. ." Han Yan wetted her handkerchief with water, wrung it out and said, "But our princess looks good in whatever she wears." During the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner,

Shuangxue was stunned and asked, "What month is it now?"

The two girls were caught off guard by the question, what's wrong with the princess? I felt stupid after sleeping in, and timidly replied: "It's August, it's not the Mid-Autumn Festival yet."

It turned out that it was like two months ago. Today, I had to choose a dress for the Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet. Last night, I just learned from Tai Chi. When I got back from the palace, my father had just announced the matter of recruiting a consort.

She smiled unconsciously, her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were full of love, which made the maids around her even more at a loss. You must know that although the Seventeenth Princess is virtuous and treats her servants well, she is naturally cold-tempered and rarely shows signs of joy. Affection.

Never before has such a little girl been so shy.

Nuan Ying and Han Yan looked at each other, not daring to say anything. They carefully waited on the princess to wash and eat, and then they whispered to each other when they went to the Clothing Bureau to pick up newly made dresses.

"Princess is in a good mood today. I see - people are in high spirits when happy events happen." Han Yan said with a smile, "Sister is still worried that I am gossiping. Look at the way His Highness likes it. It won't take long for everyone in the harem to know it. It's over."

Nuanying opened and closed her mouth, her heart pounding. The princess cried until dawn last night. No matter how she tried to persuade her, it was useless. How could she change her face after just one sleep?

But it's good that she finally got married to Chu Yue's youngest general, who is also a top Qian Yuanjun. The little girl also smiled happily, "We are just waiting to get the glory." "It's you who will get the glory.

" Han Yan pouted, her brows and eyebrows became flirtatious again, and she said, "Sister is the princess's personal maid. Even if she doesn't open a house outside in the future, she will definitely be with the princess. I am different. I don't know where I will go. "

You look so cute and charming, Nuanying couldn't help pinching her opponent's face, "You are so smart, the princess can't bear to leave you." "It's useless to be smart, my sister

is just an ordinary person, and she doesn't have any information, unlike her sister. , it's Kunze, alas -" After saying that, she looked over pitifully and said closely, "Everyone says you have a scent, and everyone is different. Why can't I smell it?" Nuanying was amused by her

. , stretched out his fingertips to push the other person's forehead, "Little fool, not everyone can smell the letter, only people of the same kind can smell it." Han Yan sighed, her eyes full of envy, "Sister, the princess is married, our General Su, oh

no , The Prince Consort must have accepted your sister. The future will be bright, but don't forget your sister." The

other party blushed, lowered his eyes to look at the osmanthus flowers on both sides, and said slowly: "Don't talk nonsense, with a character like General Su, No way."

"Why not? No matter how young and talented he is, he is the best in the world, and he is also a lively Qianyuan Lord! Historically, princes-in-law have many maids, but they don't have any other wives." Han Yan, this

girl She really should give up her mouth. She has no scruples and can speak whatever she wants. Nuanying didn't say a word. She walked around several pointed pavilions and saw the water paving under the eaves. In a blink of an eye, she arrived at the Shangyi Bureau.

The palace maids inside have been waiting outside for a long time. People who come out of Princess Chenxiang Palace, even cats and dogs, must be treated with respect, let alone the personal maids who come.

The two of them picked and picked, and finally chose five sets of underskirts and several pairs of jewelry. They took two young maids from the clothing bureau and returned to Chenxiang Hall.

When I entered the door, I saw the princess sitting in a daze beside the bronze mirror with the grape pattern of sea beasts. The golden hairpin in her hand was wandering around, seemingly falling but not falling.

Nuanying came to her, and she just came back to her senses, smiled softly, and put down the hairpin that was already warm.

Then there was a fitting and make-up, and the princess cooperated very patiently. She usually didn't like make-up, but now she was very interested, and she looked sweet at the aqua silk.

Everyone could tell that the princess was in a happy mood, and the maids were also chattering, unlike usual days where they only dared to work quietly.

Finally, I chose a goose yellow, purple and gold peony flower skirt, with rippling purple fabric, light powder, and a light touch of lipstick. It was more delicate than the autumn flowers blooming outside the flower window.

She had always only worn a moon-white dress, looking cold and aloof. Now even her clothes had changed colors, and everyone smiled knowingly.

It was late at night, the moonlight was like water, and the fragrance of the garden floated into the half-opened flower window. Shuangxue leaned beside the imperial concubine's couch, watching the maid cut off the lamp, then quietly opened the red sandalwood cabinet hidden by the bed, took out the golden nanmu box, and saw Xue Tao's paper is full of words written by himself in his previous life.

On the seventh day of the tenth lunar month, in the Taiji Palace, my father wanted to recruit Suniechen, the general of the country, as his consort. I would rather die than obey. It has nothing to do with the general's rights and wrongs. But Shuangxue has a special purpose and it is really difficult to obey.

October - but today is still August. It turns out that turning back time has not erased everything. These words were left behind by accident. Who could have expected that the mood at this time would have changed drastically. At that time, I was so sad and determined, all thoughts were despaired, and everything was gone for a while. It dispersed like light smoke.

I felt that I was willful and lost my life without understanding the ins and outs.

She should at least take a look. With just one glance, she would be able to recognize those eyes that were engraved on the apex of her heart. It didn't matter whether the other person was in military uniform, plain clothes, men's or women's clothing, she could tell the difference clearly.

"Su Nichen——" the princess recited softly, with only three words able to fluctuate, her cold eyes ignited, and her emotions flowed.

I casually turned over the pink Xue Tao paper and accidentally saw the words I wrote when I was a child. When I just picked up a pen, the handwriting was crooked under the moonlight.

In the tenth month of the fifth year of the Xuanyuan year of Chu Yue, it was snowing. Today, my husband punished me with silent writing again. I was upset and upset.

In November, there was heavy snow, and the plum blossoms were blooming in the courtyard. I folded a few branches and put them in a vase, but I met a small farm slave① who came from unknown sources and broke the Jiqing grass vase. It was bad luck! This slave has an ugly face - she chuckled, and saw that the word "ugly" was carefully crossed out, and underneath it was written in black that the face is not ugly. If not ugly, it was painted out again, and finally the word was written crookedly. This slave's face - OK.

The wind slipped in from the window, blowing the thick flower paper, and she murmured to herself: "This little farm slave will be back soon." The author has something to say: ① Tian Shenu means

country bumpkin

, of course in the princess's place It's a nickname, haha.

Chapter 3 Flowers Blooming and Falling (2)

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and the good news from the frontier is coming frequently. The emperor is in a happy mood, and orders a grand meeting to be held in the Qilin Hall. He also wants to enjoy the moon with his ministers. The most important thing is Su Shao, who has returned from the great victory. The general washes away the dust.

The whole court was filled with joy, and everyone from the royal family to the common people were making careful preparations. Only the general's palace was dim. Although there were red gauze lanterns hung for the occasion, everyone knew in their hearts that this battle would not only bring down the young master. He became famous in battle, but the old general also lost his life on the battlefield!

The emperor wanted the scene to be lively and the whole world to celebrate together, so the Su Mansion couldn't ruin the scenery. Besides, the head of the family had been buried in a grand ceremony, so there seemed to be no reason to continue mourning.

General Su was nearly sixty years old and had never married a concubine. He had only one wife and three children. The eldest daughter was married to Lin Yunyu, the son of the Minister of Etiquette. The second daughter was engaged to Ouyang Lin, the second son of the Dean of the Hanlin Academy. The third son was Suniechen, who has been traveling with his father since childhood.

The two young ladies inherited their mother's letter, and all of them became the top Kunze, and married the well-matched Qianyuan Lord. Only Suiechen became the top Qianyuan at the age of fifteen. There were countless people who proposed marriage, but the old general never Make a decision.

Just because the Su family has a lot of troops and a good reputation, they are afraid that their achievements will shock the master. If the marriage of their children is too high-profile, it will arouse the royal family's jealousy and bring disaster.

Another matter related to the third son, no one in the house knew about it except the general and his wife. Su Nichen was originally a rich man, but he was raised as a boy by the old general since he was a child. Chu Yue has always respected the man Qianyuan. If this matter is exposed, the consequences will be endless.

Fortunately, she was born with extraordinary beauty, heroic appearance and rebelliousness. She was proficient in riding and shooting. She was brave and good at fighting on the battlefield, and her killing and decisiveness was inferior to that of thousands of men.

Therefore, no one doubted her, and only regarded her as a boy or girl, with a clear voice and a naturally romantic appearance.

His face was so beautiful that if the peach blossoms were burning in March, he would inevitably be in trouble on the battlefield. The young master had to cover half of his face with a black iron mask.

The Turkic cavalry were ferocious and cruel, which had always made people frightened. She was young and was ordered to be in danger, and the emperor even thought about getting married. Who knew that Suniechen would die and write a letter, "If Chu Yueru sends the princess away, as a general protecting the country, how can he have the face to survive?" ."

He crushed his teeth and bones, fought to the death, experienced a disastrous defeat and then won a complete victory, saving the country from crisis, and was honored as "General Peach Blossom".

The ballad sings: "The peach blossoms are splashed with blood, and the souls will not return."

People in the capital say that General Su is unparalleled in the world. I wonder which fairy-like Kunze Lord is worthy of him. Now he has been named a general, and he is more powerful than the weak. Years ahead, the future is bright.

Until it came out that the emperor wanted to recruit a young general to be the consort of the seventeenth princess. Princess Shuangxue was famous far and wide. The talented man and the beautiful girl were a match made in heaven. Before the general returned to the city, the storyteller had already begun to write a story that would last forever.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the sweet-scented osmanthus blossoms are in full bloom, and the streets are filled with beautiful fragrance. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival is different from the past. It is the day of Major General Su's triumph. The army camped outside the city last night, just waiting for the hanging door to open in the early morning. Then he assembled his army and entered the capital.

The sun was halfway up, and the morning mist was hazy. Chang'an Street, the main road, was already crowded with people. Restaurants were lined with diners, and pedestrians were snuggling under the trees. The rouge shop, study room, and weapons room were all open, and there was a space where people could stand. Dark.

Chuyue's folk customs are open, and men, women, old and young can gather together. Now there is no taboo. People are bustling and crowded, everyone is happy to welcome the young general.

The lively crowd was noisy, and there was a burst of compact footsteps not far away, from far to near, which sounded like a military-disciplined formation. Everyone's hearts suddenly rose to their throats, they became quiet, and waited with bated breath.

The team opening the road in front was huge, with armored soldiers lined up side by side, shining golden light in the sun, gradually captivating the eyes of pedestrians on both sides. Horse hooves stepped on the streets moistened by autumn mist, making a sound.

People whispered, and as soon as they saw a powerful and vigorous war horse, they would immediately start shouting like a stormy wave, "Young General, General Su——" The

shouts were loud and resounded throughout the air.

At the railing of the restaurant, a row of graceful and graceful Kunze women smiled lightly, and their words were enchanting, like a hundred flowers blooming, which made Qianyuan in the crowd want to move, but the seductive aura was obviously just for Su, who was sitting high on the horse today. Major General.

The rich fragrance spread in the wind. As a man wearing a black iron mask appeared in the team and reached its peak, the whole capital seemed to be boiling. The whole building was filled with red-sleeved moves, "Major General, look here!" "General,

General— —"

Flowers were flying all over the sky accompanied by silk handkerchiefs, and layers of light rippled under the golden light, quickly covering the eyes of the man wearing the mask. He frowned lightly, tilted his head slightly, and the waiter next to him hurried forward, "Young Master ——General."

The man sighed, "Excuse me, no one can hear me, what kind of general are you calling me?" The

other party couldn't help being happy and immediately changed his words, "Vice General Hao, how does it feel to wear the general's armor? "

It doesn't feel good!"

Hao Zikang wanted to cry helplessly. He had returned to the palace in glory, but instead he was suffering from this punishment. The instigator would hide away and run away to someone unknown, so that he could pretend to be back in the palace.

Fortunately, the emperor granted him a pardon today. The generals will go back to their homes to rest and then go to the palace to see him in the evening. Otherwise, he would have to be beheaded.

The tip of his nose lingered, filled with the overflowing messages released by the Kunzes. As a mature and differentiated Qianyuan, Vice General Hao felt a little uncomfortable. He deliberately pulled up the unsuitable Xuantie mask to block those naked bodies. Flying temptation.

If you think about it, if Major General Su were here, he would probably be hard-pressed to resist.

Hao Zikang was originally the personal bodyguard of General Su. Before the war, he was assigned to the young general. He was several years older than him. When he first saw Su Nichen, he was a handsome young man and looked down upon him very much.

But after a few hard battles, I was immediately convinced. The opponent was not only resourceful but also decisive. Before the two armies faced each other, he always rushed to the front line. He had the demeanor of an old general. He could be said to be better than his opponent.

The confrontation with the Turks was difficult this time. After the old general died on the battlefield, the morale of the army plummeted, and two important cities, Sunset and Yuesheng, were lost one after another. If Suniechen hadn't turned the tide and purged the army, the Turks would have already invaded the capital.

He couldn't predict how many injuries he had suffered, and even he was scarred. Fortunately, the two of them belonged to the top Qianyuan. As long as they had lives, they could come back and nurse themselves back to health.

Vice General Hao was thinking wildly on his horse and was unexpectedly hit on the head by a flower. He raised his eyes angrily and met a group of Kunze women in all their beauty. They were smiling beautifully and swaying their waists lightly, making him lose all his arrogance.

The woman is charming and charming, but it's really terrible!

Wuyi Lane, adjacent to Chang'an Street, was deserted. A tall figure inadvertently appeared under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree at the corner.

The long black hair is tied up with a black gold crown, a few strands of green silk fall on the white cheeks, the red dress is like fire, covered with precious patterns, two-color carved gold butterflies are pierced through flower arrow sleeves, revealing the length of the sleeves and wrists, and a unicorn jade belt is tied out of a thin She has a beautiful waist, beautiful eyebrows, and her eyes are like a sky full of stars reflecting on a quiet lake. A glance at her makes her look like a heavenly being descending from the earth, occupying all the romantic places.

He has a handsome manner and looks like a young master. However, his face is too beautiful, but he is not as handsome as a man can be.

Su Nichen, the newly promoted Chu Yue National Protector General, rode a sweat-blooded horse, Qingfengying, and walked slowly on the warm pebbles of Wuyi Lane. Almost everyone ran to Chang'an Street to join in the fun. She just happened to be leisurely here, taking the time. Follow the path to the left and you will soon reach the back door of Su Mansion.

From time to time, the shouts of the crowd could be heard in her ears, and the mountain wind was like a tsunami. She let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was not in the team. Such glory was left to Vice General Hao to enjoy.

The corners of Su Nichen's lips curved slightly, and she wanted to laugh when she thought of Hao Zikang's glaring look while blowing his beard. His mood became more and more leisurely, his red lips lightly pursed, and he played the flute slowly and leisurely.

Now that there was no one around, she didn't bother to wear a mask. She closed her eyes slightly and enjoyed the warm autumn sun and gentle breeze.

Wuyi Lane is a gathering place for literati. It has green-tiled eaves and shady trees on both sides. It has a very Jiangnan scenery. The Su family's ancestral home is Jinling, but she rarely goes back. Her thoughts are flying, wondering when she can return to the Qinhuai River to relieve her homesickness. .

Homesickness is not her sorrow, it is the sorrow of her father and the longing of her mother. She has been away from home for several years and has been staying at the border with her father. She just returned home today, but she is alone.

The Su family and the Turks were not just a national feud, but a family hatred. How could they resolve their hatred by driving each other to the desert? Sooner or later, she would wipe out the north to honor her father's spirit in heaven.

The young general's gorgeous eyes suddenly became filled with a murderous look, and in just a moment, they had the cold glare of a sword on the battlefield.

A faint scent of jasmine floated in the air filled with the scent of osmanthus. She couldn't help but come back to her senses, her murderous aura was soothed by the scent of flowers. She looked around carefully and saw no jasmine tree.

After smelling it for a long time, it carried a cold fragrance. It was a bit familiar but I couldn't guess what it was. I couldn't help but stop and stay for a while.

Not far away at the end of the street, the sweet-scented osmanthus fell, and the corner of the moon-white dress floated up, giving a startling glimpse and gradually dissipating.

Curious in her heart, she rode forward quickly, but she only saw a two-story building. The front hall was smoked with apricot blossoms. Through a row of half-open flower windows, she could see various flowers displayed in sandalwood cabinets. Dew, incense tablets, incense sticks, the rich aroma came, drowning out the smell of jasmine.

There was no one inside and the door was closed. Maybe she was dazzled. She raised her head and saw several beautiful characters engraved on the vermilion gold plaque: Luoxue Panchun Pavilion.

Su Nichen has been working hard in the military training field since he was a child. He has no knowledge of writing. He only thinks the name is nice and the font is beautiful, and he smiles slightly.

It turned out to be an incense making workshop.

The smile didn't fade away, but I felt that I was being rude and chasing him here just for the slightest smell. He didn't look like a general who ruled the country. Maybe he was too relaxed after returning to Kyoto.

The author has something to say:

Princess: Don't come in even if you're here, little fool.

①Blow the flute: whistle.

Chapter 4 Flowers Bloom and Fall (3)

Suniechen smiled to himself, turned the horse's head and walked home.

Luoxue Panchun Pavilion, inside the impatiens screen on the second floor of the small building, Seventeenth Princess Leng Shuangxue sips hot tea. The gauze under the curtain lifts up, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes, and her eyebrows are furrowed.

"Alas -" he sighed, finally disguised himself, and took advantage of the chaos to come to Chang'an Street. He just wanted to take a look at the other party, but he missed it.

The person sitting on that tall horse was not Su Nichen at all. Maybe she saw the wrong person when her soul was flying. She felt uneasy and suddenly turned upside down.

The maid Nuan Ying came up, holding a plate of nephrite cake in her hand. Next to her was a woman with extremely white skin. The blue veins on her forehead could be seen in the sunlight. Her eye sockets were deep. She was over forty years old and thoughtful. She glanced at the princess and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness is in a bad mood?"

Nuanying shook her head, "I don't know, she was very happy when she came out." Beaming

- Bai Yaoqing, the proprietress of Panchun Pavilion, couldn't help laughing. , it's the girl's nonsense again, she and the late queen were old acquaintances, this child only knew how to smile politely since she was a child, never seen an excited look.

Shuangxue is naturally cold-tempered, and the queen left too early, leaving her unattended. She couldn't help but feel sad. "Please say goodbye,

Mrs. Bai -" Nuan Ying smiled helplessly, "I brought the princess here just to show mercy." Your Highness's heart, Madam is worried."

Before she finished speaking, Bai Yaoqing raised the corners of her mouth instantly. She has always been a cheerful person who can cry when she wants to cry and laugh when she wants to laugh. She said: "Don't worry, Miss Nuanying, I have my own way."

After saying that, he came to the princess and gave a slight salute, "Bai Yaoqing, a commoner woman, has met Your Highness."

Shuangxue raised her head and saw that the other party had a spring breeze on her face. Madam Bai had never been like this in her memory. She didn't seem to have anything to worry about. Thinking about it, The first time my mother took her to Panchun Pavilion, she was less than three years old.

Time flies and cannot be kept.

"Madam, there is no need to be polite." The princess stood up and helped her, "I can't sit still because you are so polite." Bai Yaoqing took the

opponent's hand and pressed her eyes, "His Royal Highness will be getting married in a few days. There is a good thing, dedicated to the princess, which is rare in the world."

There were many good things in the palace courtyard. What kind of objects could be seen in front of her? Shuangxue hesitated for a moment, but saw that the other party had taken out a gold thread from his sleeve. The embroidered mandarin duck purse was handed over and smelled, and it smelled of a fascinating fragrance.

Madam Bai was in high spirits, and deliberately lowered her voice. Her expression alone made people think of it, "Your Highness, the incense in the purse is called Luan Feng Rao, but it was carefully prepared by civilian women, and it is most suitable for the wedding night. "

Shuangxue blushed. She was not stupid. She knew what the other party meant and pushed. "Thank you for your kindness. I - I can't use it." "

Why can't you use it?" Mrs. Bai was anxious. She was so secretive just now. He immediately threw it out of the sky, thinking that the princess had a cold temperament and the queen passed away early. Could it be that she still didn't understand the matter of Qianyuan Kunze? She said sincerely: "Your Highness, the women of the common people can speak directly when they have something to say. Those useless imperial doctors in the palace understand." What, there aren't many Kunzes who can pull it off from the front and back. Who knows what our Kunze has suffered? It's easy to say it with a bite, but it's not ordinary——" "Madam!" Princess Leng was really embarrassed to listen, and she spoke directly if she had anything to say

. He could talk about anything he meant, without thinking at all. He put away his wallet carelessly and said, "I know, thank you for your kindness." Mrs. Bai was also a

discerning person, so she immediately sealed her mouth, and with the kindness of the late Queen, Seventeen The princess still has her place in her heart.

The sun was rising higher and higher. On the other side, Su Nichen returned home. The servants in the backyard were shocked when they saw the young master. They didn't expect that the young master actually entered the house through the back door. If it weren't for the gold and jade waist badge, he would be the most beautiful in the world. The gatekeeper really didn't dare to admit it.

Su Nichen smiled and said, "I haven't been home for several years, and our yard is getting bigger and bigger! The eldest sister got married, the second sister got engaged, and the house was empty, except for my mother--" He paused suddenly, feeling the pain of losing his father

. My heart ached for a moment. Before returning, I made up my mind not to cause any more pain to my family. I calmed down and threw the cloak away. The piece of black gold was floating in the air. The servant quickly caught it carefully, knowing that it was a gift from the emperor. The old general's possessions now belong to the young general again, but they are the glory that belongs exclusively to the Su family.

The madam and the two young ladies were waiting in the front hall. The maids and servants were standing on three floors inside and three floors outside. Xinxinran was waiting for the third son to return home. When he was not paying attention, he saw him coming out of the backyard, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

Mrs. Su burst into tears before she even opened her mouth, and choked with sobs: "Nie Chen——" Her eyes wandered up and down, looking at the person in front of her eagerly, for fear of missing something strange and unable to say the next words.

"Don't be sad, mother, the children are fine." Su Nichen looked at the other party's gray temples and said softly: "When I come back this time, I will definitely stay longer." The lady just nodded, took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears, and it was still Su Er

Miss Xue Ning, who is born to be lively, first grabbed her brother's shirt, her beautiful almond-shaped eyes were full of smiles, and teased: "General Su, now you have returned in triumph, and you will be successful in the future, don't forget your sisters." "Sisters still love me so much

. Just kidding, the Su family is of the same body, how could we forget to mention it?" He took the osmanthus tea from the eldest sister Xue Pan, sipped his mouth and asked: "I heard that the eldest sister is pregnant, I wonder when the baby will be born? It's best not to be too late. , I can see it too."

The second lady also picked up the tea and drank it, and there was something in her words, "You will see it sooner or later. I don't want to leave until I stay here for a year and a half." "

I don't want to leave either, but the border is stable. It's not easy to stay for a long time." She helped her mother sit down, raised her eyes to meet a pair of worried eyes, her mind sank, and she heard the second young lady sitting on the rose chair happily, "Good brother, it's not up to you whether to leave now, Gong. There has been news early in the morning that His Majesty intends to hire you as the consort of the seventeenth princess, how can you get away with it? "

Consort! Su Nichen was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but look at her mother. Only then did she understand the worry in the other person's eyes. It turned out to be because of this matter.

If she disguises herself as a man, her secret will be exposed if she is recruited as a consort. Besides, the seventeenth princess has a distinguished status. If the time comes, the crime will be increased, and this family relationship will definitely not be possible.

Just as he was about to reply, his mother suddenly slapped her on the wrist and deliberately interrupted: "Xue Ning, don't talk nonsense. Even if it is true, Your Majesty will see what Princess Seventeen means. We, the Su family, must stay calm."

2 The young lady stuck out her tongue and immediately didn't dare to say anything. Although her mother was kind and kind-hearted, she was usually good-tempered. If she really got angry, no one would be able to offend her.

But being able to marry into the royal family is like pie in the sky. My father always said that the Su family was too popular and that keeping a low profile would save his life. He married his eldest sister to the son of the Minister of Rites. Her position is still just a doctor. Although he has a relationship with the Hanlin Academy, The eldest son is engaged to be engaged, but the other party has just entered the officialdom, and is just a small five-level enshrinement.

Now that I am married to His Majesty's favorite princess, I will be a family from now on. What do the royal relatives have to fear? I don't know why my mother is frowning.

I'm really worried that this marriage will fall through!

She did not dare to complain and looked at the eldest sister Su Xuepan next to her. After all, the two sisters were of the same mind, and the other party was not willing to let her husband be the doctor of the Ministry of Etiquette for the rest of his life. Even if the Su family was noble and regarded money and reputation as trivial, her husband's family would not agree. There is no reason why marrying your daughter will hinder your career. Everyone is good at relying on their own strength, but they are eager to get rid of them.

The eldest sister Su Xuepan has a different temperament from the second lady. She is elegant and quiet, and she is older. She does not care about these officialdom matters. As long as her family is safe and healthy, nothing else matters.

I have also heard people talk about her in private, saying that she is a gourd with a sawed mouth, not saying a word in her mouth, and just accepting everything.

It's okay, young lady, just pretend you didn't hear it.

At this time, she brought this skill to the extreme. No matter how the second young lady winked at the side, she remained silent. It was not until everyone finished greetings and the mother took Nichen and walked into the inner room that she slowly opened her mouth, and she was able to make Su Er The lady was so angry.

"Mother, my daughter has actually heard rumors about recruiting a consort. It is said that the princess is not happy. I'm afraid it will be difficult to do." Seeing that the other party's eyebrows stretched a little, he followed the old lady's intention and said: "Besides, it is not easy to be a royal consort. As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. The seventeenth princess is too delicate, so it's better that the third brother doesn't pinch this point."

Mrs. Su nodded and took a deep breath, "That's what I mean too. If your father was still alive, he would definitely consider it carefully. ."

Miss Su Er's nose was crooked with anger. This family is full of strange people. How come she, a crystal-hearted person with a glass heart, was born here? The autumn breeze could not blow away the fire in her heart. She casually called her maid Jinse and went to the courtyard together. Went here to enjoy the flowers.

The second young lady was willful, but the old lady didn't mind. Ranichen returned to the back room, first offered incense to the old general, and then dismissed the servants. The mother and daughter talked privately by the couch.

"Chen'er, look at you - you've lost weight!" Her eyes were red again. Mothers all over the world always think that their children don't have enough to eat, and wish they were fat in vain.

Su Nichen took out a handkerchief to test the other party's tears, "Mom, this is nonsense, the child is obviously very strong, don't forget that I am Chu Yue's general!" It's okay not to mention this general, but to mention it makes

Mrs. Angry, his brows were furrowed, like insects fighting together, "Oh, a daughter can be a general, and she is still strong. Does that mean women?" "It's wrong for my mother to say that. What about women? How can they be ridiculed?

" If you can't ride a horse or hold a gun, your daughter is no worse than them!"

Mrs. Su choked, that's not the case - in this world, there is no male Qianyuan who can compare with her daughter.

If they are both women, it is common for Qianyuan to marry Kunze and Chuyue. However, if there is a person who is originally a letter, the marriage will be different.

She originally planned to buy a Kunze daughter from a small family. She only needed to be smart, beautiful, and did not care about family status. She would make it known privately when the time came. She would look like Nichen, and she could hide it by disguising herself as a man. But if she wanted to Being a prince-in-law would be the crime of exterminating the family, and there was really no risk to be taken.

It's all my fault that my husband insists on cultivating generals, this is going to be self-defeating!

"Alas -" sighed again.

Su Nichen smiled and reassured her, "Don't worry, mother. Sister Shicai didn't say that the princess was unwilling, but - the daughter has her own way!"

Chapter 5 Flowers Fall and Flowers Bloom (4)

On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the emperor held a banquet in the palace to welcome Major General Su. Now Su Nichen has become very important, and he is no longer the young man who accompanied his father on the expedition a few years ago.

Wearing a purple and gold unicorn official robe, and a gold and jade belt clasping her slender waist, her heroic appearance made the second lady's eyes bridle.

Xiaoxue Ning was naturally happy that her younger brother was rising to prominence, and couldn't help but think about her fiancée. If there was no sunshine in the court, it would be just as glorious to go to the border with his younger brother to make contributions.

The strange thing is that the future husband's father-in-law, the Dean of the Hanlin Academy, is also stubborn and never considers the children. The second young master is also Mrs. Ouyang's biological child, and he is not a concubine.

She sighed to herself here, and Su Nichen looked back and said, "I haven't seen you for several years. I seem to have changed a lot." "Why have I changed? Maybe I am

getting older!" The second lady picked up a flower cake and chewed it in her mouth. , the golden hairpin on her head flickered in the candlelight, and she sighed: "The face ages easily, but time is hard to bear." Suniechen couldn't help laughing, turned his head to look, and suddenly stretched out his hand to shake, a ring with dozens of gold rings The necklace

fell in front of the second lady's eyes. The soapstone in the middle was so delicate that it almost dazzled her eyes.

"This is the chain my younger brother got from Luoyue City. There are two chains in total. The bloodstone is for my sister, and the other is malachite for my eldest sister." She took the other person's hand, "My sister is so young, don't always talk about how old you are. "

Secret Miss Su's heart suddenly filled with honey. What woman wouldn't like it when her third brother showed off his sweet words? She started to think about the consort again and couldn't help but say: "Brother, you know your sister, you can't hide things in your heart, tell the truth. , don't listen to the eldest sister's nonsense, maybe it's all rumors. The princess hasn't met her brother yet. I won't believe that she won't be tempted until she does." Su Nichen stood up and said casually, "Sister is too fond of me

. Confidence, we are our own family, no matter what we look at, we are all pleasing to the eye. The princess is so noble, I'm afraid it won't be like this." "No matter how noble you are, you are still a human being, don't your

eyes look different?" The second young lady also stood up in a hurry and stretched out her hand for her brother. Smoothing the neckline, not missing any small wrinkles, "You have been outside all day long. I wonder if all the young masters in Kyoto know how to dress up. My brother is so beautiful today. Show your face."

It really felt like a blind date. The second sister was not only a lively person, but also had a talent for being a matchmaker. Su Nichen didn't talk to her, so this marriage definitely couldn't happen. The stability of the Su family was the most important thing.

She lowered her eyes and whispered a few words into the other person's ear.

The second young lady was immediately shocked.

"You - it's true!" Su Xuening's face turned red and he hesitated for a long time.

Su Nichen nodded with a solemn expression.

The other party's face looked like it had been struck by lightning, and after a while he asked: "Mother - does mother know?"

She hummed, and then sighed, her beautiful eyes trembling, as if she had suffered great grievances, but she was very tolerant. "Mother knew this a long time ago, that's why she said that recruiting a prince-in-law would not work."

Su Xuening slumped on the rose chair and became a grasshopper after autumn. She could no longer jump up. A surge of hatred arose in her heart. Su Xuening slumped on the rose chair. The family worked hard for the Chu Yue Kingdom, and the father died in the battle. Now even the younger brother is seriously injured. Being unbiased actually hurts his life. The emperor only rewards a general, how can it be!

It was already late, and the moon was rising above the willow branches. Su Nichen hurried to the banquet. Seeing Xiao Xiao's devastated look, she couldn't help but feel happy. She actually didn't want to say it out loud, but her second sister was too noisy, so just in case. First, it's better to shut your mouth first.

As for the injured lifeblood, it didn't exist in the first place, so it didn't matter at all.

It is late at night, the sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant, the fog is blurry, the fifteenth moon is hiding in the clouds, and a shadow appears from time to time, like a shy girl who dare not look directly at the person coming.

The broad corridor was lit by candles, and the eunuch came out early with a lantern to greet him. General Su was taken to the Qilin Hall. There were countless officials he met along the way, and they all exchanged greetings. She had the patience to agree, and she was also elegant in her speech and personable.

Lieutenant General Hao, who was approaching from behind, couldn't help but look at him with admiration. The Major General was a man of few words in the army, but brave and fierce on the battlefield. He didn't expect to be able to act like a deputy scholar, so he sighed.

"I originally thought that the general was not sociable, but now it seems that he is so well-rounded."

They were on the battlefield and talked casually in private. When Suniechen saw a little official in scarlet clothes who came from nowhere and wanted to get close to him, he immediately Turning around, he turned towards Hao Zikang and raised his voice: "General Hao just said that we have something to discuss. Let's take a step closer to talk. There are too many people here."

The man heard from a distance and stopped halfway, feeling very embarrassed.

Su Nichen pulled the confused Hao Zikang into the palace and sighed, "Thanks for coming, otherwise I would have been eaten by these people before I could see His Majesty." The other party laughed loudly

. Laugh, this is Su Nichen. He usually hates those stupid people in the officialdom.

He patted the other party's shoulder and said carelessly, "As military officers, we are most unsuited to formal situations. Normal, normal, this civil servant will do one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes, scheming and fighting until he is full."

Suniechen He said yes in succession, deeply convinced of it.

When they arrived at the Qilin Hall, the emperor was greatly delighted and loved the two of them very much. He also rewarded the generals who returned to the capital this time. Regardless of their position, they were all high-ranking officials and generous salaries.

Su Nichen was young and sharp, and only half of his face under the black iron mask was stunning. The brown gold made the skin more delicate. Hao Zikang looked at his dark hands, and really doubted whether the sunshine in this desert grassland was shining on them. Why didn't the other party have any influence on me at all?

He couldn't blame the emperor for recruiting him as his consort. As soon as he returned home, he heard that it was now known to the whole court that he would be Chu Yue's most noble consort from now on, and he probably wouldn't be able to go into battle to kill the enemy again.

The Qilin Palace was bustling with activity. The emperor's favorite concubine, Liu Shi, winked at Yawen, the maid beside her, and signaled to call Princess Seventeen.

Concubine Liu Guifei has always been with His Majesty since the Queen's death. Unfortunately, she does not have a son or a half of her children. However, Concubine Liu is aware of current affairs and knows that the Emperor's most precious prince and seventeenth princess have a very close relationship.

Recruiting a consort is a big deal. The princess was not willing a few days ago, but tonight she will let him take a look behind the flower screen. People like Su Nichen will be tempted by everyone.

Seeing that Yawen hadn't left yet, she saw Suniechen approaching and giving a slight salute, "My dear concubine, I have a gift brought back from outside the Great Wall. Although it is not very valuable, it is rare. Please Your Majesty is happy to accept it."

Ms. Liu's eyebrows were curved, and her future consort was also very good at being a good person.

On the left side of the Qilin Hall, behind the dragon-carved red sandalwood mountain water screen, Shuangxue had long lost the temper to look at it. The person he saw on Chang'an Street today must be a fake, but if it is real - I dare not think about it, wouldn't it be a bamboo basket? All water is gone.

I shuddered thinking about it, it was absolutely impossible - I could see clearly at that time that the little farm slave was born with a pair of peach blossom eyes, with heroic eyebrows, eyelashes like wings, and thousands of emotions in his eyes. He would never admit his mistake no matter what!

The thought made her breath slightly confused, and her eyes kept wandering in the hall.

Nuan Ying, the personal maid, was full of doubts. She had been serving the princess since she was a child. She was never surprised by her changes. Even the separation period was passed smoothly. She didn't even drink the rain and dew soup prescribed by the Imperial Medical Bureau.

You must know that Kunze's decomposition period is very unbearable. He almost didn't survive it. He drank the rain and dew soup as water for one day to survive those two days.

It can be seen that the princess is really cold from the inside out, which is rare in the world.

Now I am hiding behind the flower screen and peeking at people, as if the sun is shining in the west.

She couldn't help but look back and forth, searching for the shadow of the major general in the hall. She walked back and forth, looking carefully one by one, but couldn't find him for a long time.

She looked at the princess and saw that her face was pale, and hurriedly came to help her, "What's wrong, Your Highness? There are a lot of people at tonight's event, and you might be able to see where the young general stumbled." Little did she know that Shuangxue was worried

. Suddenly there were footsteps behind her, and Concubine Liu's eldest maid, Yawen, bowed and said, "I see you, Princess. Concubine is waiting at the Moon-Wang Pavilion behind. Please come over." The Seventeenth Princess responded and looked at the hall


The crowd was filled with darkness, the dancers were graceful, and the sound of bells and drums filled the ears. It was annoying to hear, but the other party could never be found.

She had no choice but to walk outside, passing through a nine-fold corridor, and saw a hexagonal pointed pavilion in the distance, with red gauze lanterns swaying on both sides, and the breeze blowing, swaying and breaking up the darkness.

The princess was in a bad mood and couldn't help sighing.

Nuanying was so scared that she didn't dare to say a word.

Maybe it rained at night, or the autumn frost wetted the corridor and the ground was wet. She was absent-minded and accidentally stepped on the willow-green silk. She staggered and almost fell. The maid hurriedly came to pull it, and suddenly a black shadow flew in front of her eyes. , with a gentle ring, he was already in his arms.

Shuangxue's heart skipped a beat, and she smelled the fragrance of cedar on the tip of her nose, which was quiet and cold. She immediately raised her head to look, but the other party had already let go of her hand. She waved her purple and gold embroidered robe and saluted gracefully, "I don't know if this little lady fell. I'm sorry. Su Nichen, what happened just now was sudden and abrupt. "

Su - Nichen! The seventeenth princess stood there blankly, looking at the dark iron mask reflected in the lingering candlelight, speechless for a long time.

The author has something to say:

Princess: General Su really knows how to find a way~

Thank you for voting for me or irrigating nutrient solution during 2023-05-07 11:58:57~2023-05-08 14:00:22 Little angel ~

Chapter 6 Flowers Bloom and Fall (5)

There are trees of peach blossoms planted under the corridor leading to the Moon-Wang Pavilion. When autumn comes, the flowers have fallen away, but the fragrance is still there, attracting unknown insects.

Some of the brave ones flew into the red lantern, moths flew into the flames, and the candles exploded, bringing the Seventeenth Princess back to her senses.

She was standing in the dark, so the other party couldn't see clearly. She probably didn't know that she was the princess. Seeing that General Su still lowered his body, he abided by the rules and did not raise his head to offend.

Nuan Ying couldn't help but ouch, she was shocked by this sudden scene. She looked at the princess out of the corner of her eye. Although the night was blurry, she could feel her cheeks reddening.

"Su——General, there's no need to be polite." Shuangxue bit her lips unconsciously, her usually cold and cold hair rising softly, "I'm fine, and I'd like to thank you, General." She looked at the elegant arc of her eyeliner under the moonlight.

, slender and flew into the temples, full of sharpness in the night, the crow-green eyelashes trembled like cicada wings, watching the other party straighten up, his eyes were still downcast, "The night is too dark, little lady, please be careful when walking. Since there is nothing, I will Then leave."

After saying that, he bypassed the master and servant, leaving only a handsome figure, which fell on the princess's heart, looking like a demon under the moon.

Shuangxue couldn't calm down for a moment, it was really Xiao Tianshe's slave, absolutely right - boundless joy suddenly surged in her heart, and she even forgot to ask why the other person was here.

She didn't see her clearly, so it didn't matter if she couldn't recognize her. She couldn't help but feel happy thinking about it, she was still so stupid.

At that time, he lied that he was the tenth princess Le Jue, but the other party didn't believe it. She also lied to her, saying that he was the son of an actor who came to the palace to perform.

I always thought I would never see her again in this life, but now that she is here alive, my life has not been in vain.

But has she forgotten her? Thinking about this, the princess sighed to herself again.

Nuanying looked at the other person's happiness and sadness, and became more and more curious. Could it be that Qiu Yan said that her daughter's family would be emotionally unstable before marriage? She just accidentally saw the prince-in-law being shy, and she didn't expect that the princess, who had always been cold and cold, would be like this.

Carefully taking a few steps forward, she reminded, "Your Highness, Concubine Liu Guifei is still waiting."

Shuangxue nodded, thinking about the night being too dark, the little lady walked carefully and slowed down unconsciously.

Concubine Liu stood up to pick her up, took her hand, and sat down in the pavilion affectionately. Then she suddenly sighed, and her cheeks, which were usually full of spring breeze, were actually stained with a trace of worry. Shuangxue was not in a hurry, and asked calmly. : "The noble concubine has something to say to me?"

The other party opened and closed his mouth, but hesitated to speak. After everyone on both sides had retreated, he hesitantly said: "Princess, this - how do you want me to say it!" Shuangxue

Yanran With a smile, Concubine Liu is usually the most flattering person. She knows that she doesn't like to interact with concubines, so she never deliberately gets close to her. But tonight she comes alone to make an appointment. She must have something to hide, so she patiently said: "Concubine, if you have something to say, just say it." "Oh, not yet

. It's all for the sake of the princess's marriage. Just now General Su told me - his injury!"

"General Su is injured?" His face suddenly changed, and he was afraid that the other party would become suspicious. He quickly calmed down his expression and said calmly: "I There was nothing strange about the general when I saw him just now."

Concubine Liu paused. The princess was worried just now. It was absolutely true that she was a little confused. It stands to reason that the other party did not agree to the marriage, so she just declined it. She could do it as a favor. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

From this point of view, it is not easy to draw conclusions.

"Oh -" I had to say something anyway, so I pulled the shawl and said slowly: "Princess, we are also close, so I won't beat around the bush. This injury of Major General Su is not a matter of fate, but it is still a matter of fate." It's a big event. If we get married, I'm afraid it will affect His Highness!"

After what she said, Shuangxue became more and more confused. She was not a person who guessed. She was still thinking about Su Nichen in the front hall, with a trace of impatience on her eyebrows. .

Concubine Liu Guifei is the best at judging people. The princess is still young and has no understanding of human affairs. It is really not possible for her to be so careless. She simply echoed: "Your Highness, isn't that where you hurt-the lifeblood." The lifeblood

! Shuangxue was stunned, and for a moment she suspected that she was hallucinating, and asked blankly for a long time: "Your Majesty, where did you hear this from?"

She did have the lifeblood - Su Nichen!

"That's what I said. I just met the princess just now." With eyes full of certainty, he repeated again for fear that the other party wouldn't believe it, "The young general can't help but shame, but this matter is not child's play, so he asked me to tell it to your majesty. I understand, but I think it's better to talk to the princess first."

"I said it myself—" She looked astonished, as if in a dream. Concubine Liu quickly comforted her, "Princess, don't panic, without Young General Su, our Chu Yue can still Some of them are very good Qian Yuanjun. I think Vice General Hao is pretty good too. Besides, His Highness was not willing in the first place. This just gave him the opportunity to persuade Major General Su to decline the marriage. Although Your Majesty loves talents, he will not make fun of the princess's life. "

The autumn wind was getting colder and colder, causing fine rashes on people's faces. Princess Leng lowered her head, looked at the hem of her skirt swaying at the soles of her feet, and took a deep breath. It was so obvious that she was too lazy to get married.

Anyway, if you live a new life, everything will not necessarily remain the same.

Her face darkened, and Concubine Liu Guifei opposite did not dare to say a word. She looked at her from the corner of her eye, wondering what the princess was thinking.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for planning for me." Shuangxue raised her head. Instead of the expected bad luck, her eyes wandered, "In my opinion, there is no need to tell the father about this matter." Liu Guifei said, as if falling into the fog

. middle.

Shuangxue smiled and said: "I still have something to trouble you, please give General Su a message, just say - I don't mind." Concubine Liu's eyes widened, wondering if the person opposite was crazy

! A man's Qianyuan is different from a woman's. If the vitality of a man is damaged, he will not be able to have children in the future. Since ancient times, there are three types of unfilial piety. The greatest is not having an offspring. The Seventeenth Princess is an extremely talented woman. With such a good seedling, it would be a pity not to have children.

And the other party has always been unwilling, why did it change now.

Concubine Liu couldn't just open the skylight and speak openly, "Your Highness must marry her, even if General Su is so seriously injured!" The princess hummed, her cheeks flushed, "I've thought a lot in the past few days, what

if If General Su hadn't been fighting bloody battles on the front line, Shuangxue would have married a Turk long ago. Now that he is injured, I can't be ungrateful." "Your Highness, have you thought about it?" "Well, please give me


message to my father. Let's do it."

This sentence came to Concubine Liu's heart. The emperor was worried about this matter. Since the princess was willing, why not do it for her.

Midnight has arrived, and the officials in the Qilin Palace followed the emperor to the courtyard to admire the moon. The long table of huanghuali was set up early, and fruits and pastries were served. The maids and eunuchs shuttled among them, filling the ministers with osmanthus wine. The candles flickered, and there was singing and dancing. Everything was peaceful. There was great joy.

The seventeenth princess stood under the large eaves, looking at this prosperous world from a distance. The crimson and green official robes were blown by the autumn wind. She saw at a glance the purple and gold satin robe of Major General Su, which was full of brilliance and unparalleled dignity. .

The other party was chatting with the prince. Everyone said that his brother was the most elegant Qian Yuanjun in Chu Yue. At this time, he and Su Nichen were standing together. There was no difference in height between the two, but the general's figure was slightly thinner. It feels like a jade tree approaching the wind.

Maybe she liked her no matter what.

Shuangxue couldn't help but purse her lips. This man was so clever that he even hurt his life. He was a majestic general who could tell lies very smoothly.

She refused to expose her, saying she didn't care, just to see what else the other party could do.

The little farm slave knocked over the purple vase left by her mother more than ten years ago. She was so angry that she cried. She had never cried like that in her whole life, and it makes her heartache to think about it now.

But at this time, it was tenderness and sweetness. In that cold winter, because of having each other, she knew how to cry and learn to laugh. After her mother left, the first words out of her mouth were - "Where did the little farm slave come from?" , why don't you rectify the law on the spot!"

His eyes were full of tears, falling down his white cheeks, and he stared at the little boy in front of him in a mist.

The other party was also at a loss. He immediately threw away the slingshot in his hand, leaned over to pick up the broken porcelain pieces in the snow, and said hurriedly: "I-I didn't mean it. I saw a bird just now, and I accidentally hit you." vase."

He took out the handkerchief, put the fragments away, and handed them over carefully, "My dear, I'm so sorry - I'll buy you another one." As he spoke, he suddenly smiled playfully, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, "Fortunately I didn't hit you."

She actually smiled when she saw her, and became even more angry. She was so angry that she grabbed the fragment wrapped in the veil, "You might as well hit me, this bottle is the best thing in the world." It's the only one, tell me how to compensate - how to compensate! Use your life to pay for it."

It's just a bottle, no matter how valuable it is, it can't be compared to a person's life, and the other party is not happy to get up, "No matter how much money, I will compensate. It's too much for a little lady to always talk about human life!"

It's too much - she has never heard these two words in her whole life, and she was so angry that she trembled, "whatever human life is, it is not my life! From the emperor to the poor, , you will be punished if you do something wrong! You - where did you come from!"

"I! I am the son of an actor. I will return to Jiangnan in a few days after the spring."

"The son of an actor!" She snorted, her tone Contemptuously, "You are not honest enough to sing an opera in a troupe, why are you running here with a slingshot? You keep asking for compensation, do you have any money?" The person in front of him frowned his slender eyebrows, "Whether I have any money is my own business, don't bother me

. Madam, I'll bring it tomorrow." She

was obviously fed up, and her original apology was gone due to her arrogant attitude. She turned around and left. Shuangxue couldn't believe it, so she stretched out her hand to pull, but before she could touch him, her whole body Surrounded by Teng Di, she has a delicate body and is no match for this little farm slave!

She was scared and was about to confess her identity when she was unexpectedly in someone else's arms. She raised her head and met a pair of golden eyes. She held her breath and shouted: "Da-daring!" The other party ignored her completely and just pulled her up

. His hand looked like a fool, "Are you okay! I didn't know there were fragments in the veil, but I still held it so tightly. Look - it's bleeding. Does it hurt?" The author has something to say: Thanks for posting


2023-05- 08 14:00:22~2023-05-09 14:08:41 The little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Su Nichen returned to the house just before dawn. Passing by the Lihua Garden, she found that the light in her mother's room was on. She hesitated and walked in.

Mrs. Su's eldest maid Nianqi stood under the eaves and yawned. Her bright red nails were as long as green onions. When she saw the third young master, she immediately cheered up. "Young master is here. Madam is reciting sutras in the room." Su Nichen nodded and asked

. : "Have you had breakfast?"

Nianqi answered while picking up the curtain: "Not yet. Madam likes to wait until dawn to have breakfast with the second lady." She had been away from home for too long and was not familiar with her

mother's habits. She didn't talk to her and went around. Under the pine, plum and bamboo flower cover, I saw the other party flipping through scriptures in front of the Buddhist niche, so I simply stopped by the screen and waited silently for Mrs. Su to finish reading, as well-behaved as a cat.

The sun shone through the flowered window and fell on her eyelids little by little. She was so sleepy that she half-closed her eyes. After a while, she shuddered and saw her mother coming over and putting the windbreaker on herself. "It's cold, be careful with your health. I just came back." Just stay up most of the night, worrying about others."

Su Nichen smiled and folded her clothes, "Why did mother forget that the child grew up in the desert, so what kind of hard work is it!" Mrs. Su frowned distressedly, "It used to be Before

, now, now, when you are with me, you have to be careful.

The little daughter I love the most was thrown into the training ground after she was born. She never lived a stable life, and her eyes lingered on the other party's purple and gold robe. , although they are luxurious and handsome, they are men's clothes after all. Could it be that Nichen wants her to dress up as a man for her whole life. She couldn't help but feel


The corners of Su Nichen's lips curved, and he put his arms around his wife's thin shoulders. She was tall and tall, and was taller than her parents and sister. They are all much taller, and I don't know who they resemble, so they are so blessed.

The figure blocks the increasingly dazzling sunlight outside the house, and gently advises: "Mom, don't worry, the child will stay for a while this time, just follow the most delicate way of living, and live well." Keep it for a few days. "

After saying that, she smiled, like a beautiful phoenix, full of energy.

But she was a heartless person.

"Alas -" Mrs. Su sighed, her sorrow was never over, "You are playing tricks again, pretending that I don't know what's going on behind my back. Your second sister has come to me with a frown on her face a long time ago. As you can imagine, is there any use in using this reason to break off the engagement? "

Su Nichen was confused. She really couldn't understand the temperament of the seventeenth princess. She was even willing to marry the disabled Qianyuan. She asked curiously: "My mother has been in Kyoto. Have you ever heard of this princess? What kind of princess is she? people? "

The face was full of seriousness, which made Mrs. Su think that she had changed her mind temporarily and wanted to get married, "Who is it? Wuzi walked to the couch, sat down and said, "Isn't she the emperor's favorite daughter, the prince's sister, the most beautiful woman in the world? Why - could it be that my son is moved?" "

What's the matter? I've never seen the princess. Tell the truth to the mother. The child's method won't work at all. The princess asked Concubine Liu to speak tonight and said she doesn't mind at all. It seems that there was a rumor in the palace that she didn't agree to the marriage. , also false. "

She leaned against the flower screen helplessly, feeling very worried.

Mrs. Su was also surprised that the princess could even do such a thing. It seems that recruiting a consort this time is doomed. The two of them

paused for a moment, looking at each other speechlessly.

If the old general is still Now, by fighting bloody battles for Chu Yue for half his life, he could tell the truth to the emperor in private. At worst, he would be dismissed from his official position and reduced his rank, but there was still a chance of survival.

But at this time, Nichen was young and had no one in his family who he could talk to. How could he not Worried.

After a while, Su Nichen spoke first, "Mother, how about - agree to the marriage first? Since we have already mentioned that the child is injured, we can always stall for a few days. As long as the marriage is not consummated, it will be fine. The border is unstable now, so go back early. That's it.

"I'm afraid you can't leave! " She

shook her head and was very confident, "There are Su family troops over there. It won't be easy to replace anyone else. The child will definitely be lost. Our princess of Chu Yue has a very high status. There have been many divorced husbands in the past. As time goes by, the princess You will definitely regret it and let me go. "

Mrs. Su smiled helplessly, and after thinking about it carefully, she had no other choice but to accept her fate, "That's all, you have always been smart, so you have to be careful after marriage. The seventeenth princess is noble after all. The so-called companionship of the king is like the companionship of a tiger, nothing can go wrong. Wrong. It is said that this princess has a cold temper and may not be easy to get along with. "

It turned out to be a cold beauty! Just right - Su Nichen immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't like cold people the most. As long as she didn't develop any feelings for her, she could

get away easily.

The emperor was waiting impatiently, and since the princess agreed, the order will come soon. Then we arrived at Su's house.

The wedding was scheduled for the winter solstice. The second young lady was the most ecstatic. Originally, her marriage took precedence, but now in order to make room for the third brother and the princess, it has been directly postponed to the spring of next year. But Xiaoxiao was happy in her heart. , the Su family has worked hard for so many years, and finally made it to a bright future.

Autumn has passed, and winter has come early. The wedding day of the Seventeenth Princess and Young General Su became the most solemn event in the cold winter of Chu Yue. The streets were filled with noisy

crowds , firecrackers rang in the sky, causing snow to fall from the branches, red gauze lanterns hung from the plum blossoms, and red silk hung gracefully on the green pines. The sun set in the west, burning like a sea of ​​fire, and the whole of Beijing was extremely enchanting.

The figure of Princess Frost and Snow in the palace Wearing a bright red wedding dress, she stood in front of a bronze mirror with a sea animal pattern and stood in a daze for a while. She looked at her own eyes, which were filled with affection and her expression was in a trance. I was afraid that it was still a dream, and maybe she had died long ago. This was just an unwilling soul

. It's just a dream.

But my heart is beating, strong and full of joy. The

golden steps of Luan and Phoenix sway under the candlelight, and the light and shadow fall on the gold-woven red big-sleeved cardigan, making people close their eyes slightly and the princess's red lips curl. Turn around and look at the last ray of light gradually disappearing on the horizon, and the tide of love is surging. It

's time to see you later!

Xiaotian Shenu.

The maid Nuan Ying and Han Yan couldn't help but look at each other, knowing that His Highness is happy today.

The General's Mansion, Su Nian Chen was sitting on the rose chair, letting her maids wash and dress, comb her hair and put on makeup. She was so sleepy that she yawned. After a while, she opened her eyes and saw herself in the bronze mirror, standing like a red candle. There, he raised his eyebrows.

"Well, sisters -" He blocked Jintu's outstretched hand with his fingertips and smiled helplessly at the jade powder box, "I'm not a bride, so why should I wear makeup!" The face looks like it just crawled out of the noodle vat, which will frighten the princess! What crime should be committed. "

The third young master has a good face, he is happy and angry, and he is not offensive even if he gets angry. Instead of being afraid, the maids cover their mouths and are happy.

As the lady's personal maid, Jin Kou's status is naturally more noble than others, and she said with a smile: "Young Master, what you said is wrong. Today is a wedding. Everyone talks about important events in life. The wedding night, the wedding night, the gold medal inscription, how can you not dress up!" What does it have to do with the bride and groom? "

After saying that, the maids rushed forward. Su Nichen blocked her from the left and right. Although she was good at martial arts, she couldn't do anything to the women. In the end, she had to submit obediently. She suppressed the fire and packed it up as if she was being tortured. She didn't want to worry about anything

. It had just begun, leading the team into the palace, welcoming the bride and paying homage, completing the wedding under the watchful eyes of the entire Kyoto, and making noise until late at night, which was more tiring than charging to kill the enemy before the war. It was not over yet, there was still a wedding banquet. The Major General wanted to


. Tears.

The gluttonous delicacies, agar-agar and jade dew were all tasteless to her. Listening to the hustle and bustle in her ears, she just wanted to end it quickly, but more and more people gathered around her. Suniechen couldn't push him away anyway, so he simply let go

. Without refusing, Hao Zikang poured glass after glass of strong wine down his throat, drinking water as if drinking water. He even poured it out for himself when he was in the mood, which frightened the people across from him and did not dare to offend him. Hao Zikang took advantage of the chaos and snatched the wine glass and helped her to rest on the corridor, "General, take your time. Come on, how can we end up like that on a big day - drinking to drown our sorrows? "

He knew she was a good drinker, but she didn't know how to drink.

"Otherwise, there will be no end!" Su Nichen leaned under the railing, the cold winter wind blew by, and finally became more awake, but his face was still full of irritation.

Hao Zikang laughed loudly, lifted up his robe and sat next to him, "My consort, I married Kunze, the most beautiful girl in Chu Yue, and she is the seventeenth princess of the most noble and incomparable way. What else can't be satisfactory? In my opinion, the general is very anxious to go back to the bridal chamber. There is nothing wrong with him." It's time to take care of us!"

Su Nichen closed her eyes and was too lazy to speak.

The other party drank wine and was in high spirits. He continued to talk, "The general has now become the prince-in-law. In the future, he can only sit in the middle of the court. It will be difficult to return to the grassland. I thought about going back to the court to take a rest, but I didn't know that there was no one to fight alongside him." Opportunity. Alas - but that's okay, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of the soldiers, and -" He actually became complacent, and with the strength of the wine, the spring breeze blew on his face, "In short, I will take good care of them all." If you don't understand

. , I thought he wanted to get ahead of himself, but he couldn't help but be beautiful here.

But Su Nichen knew the other person's nature well and understood that there were other thoughts between the lines.

"Save it--" She did not respond directly. She sat up straight and blocked half of the candlelight behind her with her slender body. It was faint but full of oppression. "I have no plans to take off my armor and return to the field. I don't want to fight! I still have time to live in this life. What do you mean, let alone the hatred of the country and the family, how can we live in peace."

Hao Zikang was waiting for this sentence and jumped up happily, "Very good, very good, the general must keep his word." The

excitement made him angry. Su Nichen wanted to laugh, but his eyes dropped, "So - you should stop thinking about what you have and be calm."

Vice General Hao on the opposite side waved his hands, "No, no!"

Unfortunately, his wheat-colored face turned pale. He blushed, disobedient in his heart, and couldn't hide the thoughts he had. After a long while, he saw that Sunie had not left, and reluctantly tried: "Major General, let's go through life and death together. You know me, I have always been single-minded, even if I have some ideas, The general can definitely figure it out. In fact, there is nothing else. That is, since the general is married, why not give Linglong to me." The author has something to say:


Nichen: Night of Flowers and Candles! Don't be afraid ~

Chapter 8 Flowers Blooming and Falling (7)

The room was still noisy, and it seemed that it didn't matter without her as the groom. Su Nichen rubbed his eyebrows with his hands. He knew that Hao Zikang was interested in Linglong, but he didn't expect to mention it so directly.

In fact, there was more than one person who had Linglong's idea. Ever since this little girl came to him, she was all looking at her with eager eyes.

She didn't want to take it as her own, but Linglong was too young, not even sixteen, and had no plans to let it go.

Linglong's real name is Huan'er, and she reports her family name as An. She is a girl that Su Nichen dug out from the dead during a war with Fanzi a few years ago. She has no father or mother, and is lonely. From then on, she stays by her side because she is smart and desirable. Her name is Linglong, and she looks like a little maid to outsiders, but in fact she is like a younger sister.

This time I wanted to bring him back, but the journey was far away, Linglong grew up in a foreign country, and he couldn't understand the language, so he left her in a border town.

Major General Su glanced at the half-drunk Vice General Hao. To be honest, if he really wanted to find a husband for Linglong, the man in front of him was indeed a good choice.

But she still had to ask what the owner meant. Besides, Linglong had no attributes, and Hao Zikang also had to think about this.

"Linglong is not yet young, let's wait a few years." Su Nichen smiled, "To be honest, I think you two are good, but you have to consider your attributes. Linglong is the person next to me, and I will never be too small."

Hao Zikang was immediately happy, but still a little unbelievable, and quickly agreed, "Don't worry, General, I've thought about it all." Su Nichen nodded, and could already see the

second sister looking back and forth at the door, definitely looking for him.

Huazhuye, she still had to bite the bullet.

There is a quiet little courtyard in the back garden of the Su Mansion, named Fengqi Pavilion. When I first named it, I didn't expect that it would become a lesson. Now, Chu Yue's most beautiful phoenix has truly arrived.

She walked on the corridor with mixed emotions. The trees on both sides were withered, but the phoenix tails were thick. The moonlight hit her slender wedding dress like flying red waves, which stunned the maids Zhuyao and Lingqing who were following behind her. The third young master was extremely handsome, no wonder Can become the Prince Consort.

Unexpectedly, I was very worried, and I was thinking about how to survive the night, and whether I could get away by pretending to be drunk.

She deliberately wandered to the door. Nuan Ying and Han Yan had been waiting for a long time. The four girls did not go in. They opened the door shyly and made a creaking sound, which made the young general shiver.

I felt like I was alone in an enemy camp. The red candles in the room fell into my eyes, and even my eyes warmed up. The green bamboo screen with falling cherry blossoms in front of me was also burned into a ball of fire. I looked through the gauze curtains and saw someone sitting next to the couch. .

The scent of spring swallows lingering in the incense burner is gorgeous and luxurious.

The red hijab remained motionless, graceful and as quiet as a virgin.

She took a breath, not having any joy at the wedding. She just thought that if the secret was revealed, the Su family would suffer a big disaster.

The Hexin wine was placed on the octagonal desk, and the slender gold scale next to it was carved with dragons and phoenixes in auspicious forms. Su Nichen walked slowly over, hesitantly picked up the gold scale, and found that his wrist was shaking a little.

The hand that has always been used to bend a bow and shoot arrows is actually struggling to carry a stick that lifts the hijab.

The seventeenth princess hid under the red silk. She heard the door ringing and saw the black Liuhe boots under the No. 1 Scholar's uniform. She knew the opponent was coming. Her heart was pounding and she held her breath for a long time, but she couldn't wait for any movement.

The boots stood quietly in front of her eyes. She was still here, so why were she in a daze? Shuangxue couldn't help complaining. She had been hungry in the house for a long time, and she was still hungry. She was full of food and drink, and she was still here as a pillar.

Sighing slightly, the red silk rippled, reminding the other party to quickly remove the hijab.

Unexpectedly, she heard a thud, her boots tilted askew, and the red skirt brought up the wind, almost blowing her hijab off. Shuangxue was anxious, so she simply opened it by herself, and saw her lying completely beside the couch.

Half of his cheeks were red, and he was so drunk that he fell unconscious.

Winter was coming, and the ground was very cold. She was afraid that she might get sick, so she hurriedly came to help her. The fragrance on her sleeves spread to the tip of her nose with her breath. Su Nichen couldn't help but squint her eyes and glance at her secretly.

Chu Yue's most favored princess, she had long wondered who she was.

The golden hair on the bun is like clouds, and the water is sparkling when walking, just like the desert oasis outside the Great Wall. The eyebrows are like distant mountain daisy, and the eyes are like the lake under the moon. The deserted place is full of rays of sunshine, pink peach blossoms, and red lips. Mei, she couldn't get out after just one look, so she was so scared that she quickly looked away.

The so-called bright light should not be looked at.

It seems familiar, but I can't remember it clearly.

In short, she must not look at her tonight.

But she was lying on the ground. Princess Kunze couldn't pull her up no matter how hard she tried, so she deliberately moved her and pretended to be half drunk and leaned on the other's arm. She walked slowly to the side of the couch, and when she was almost there, she fell down on it.

It should be okay to close your eyes and sleep for a night.

Her long black hair was tied up with a gold and jade crown, her eyelashes fell on her cheeks like wings, her skin was white but not bloodless, and she looked absolutely beautiful in the eyes of the princess, but she was still wearing a black iron mask, which was really different from this charming face. Not worthy.

What's more--it's not comfortable to sleep either.

Shuangxue smiled and didn't mind if the other party was drunk. She stretched out her hand to take it off for her. When her fingertips touched it, she felt a biting coldness immediately, and then she retracted it.

Thinking of the rumors in the court, Major General Su stabbed his cheek during the battle, so he wore a black iron mask. She couldn't tell whether it was true or false.

If so, wouldn't the general be embarrassed?

The princess smiled distressedly, covered the other party with a brocade quilt, and stood up to pour tea.

The white tea soup is crystal clear, and the aroma swirls between the lips and teeth, bringing a moment of tranquility.

Everything was silent outside the window, and my peripheral vision lingered inside the gauze curtain. I saw that the other party was sleeping soundly, and I couldn't help but be disappointed. As long as I was with this little farm slave, something unexpected would always happen. Who would have been drunk on the night of flowers and candles? Woolen cloth!

Shuangxue rubbed her temples and yawned late at night.

Drowsily, she felt a heat in her heart, slowly spreading to her limbs. She took a sip of tea, but the more she drank, the thirstier she became.

The aroma in the room was strong and penetrated into the heart. My heart jumped suddenly. I felt the pain in the glands on the back of my neck, which was like tearing. I couldn't help but let out a soft scream, which shocked Su Nichen inside the curtain.

She was a young general galloping on the battlefield, and she reacted very quickly, "Your Highness——" She came to her side in an instant and supported the princess, "What's wrong with you?" Her hands were very cold, and when she touched her gauze-covered arms, Shuangxue couldn't bear it

. He shuddered, raised his head, met a pair of concerned eyes, and curled his lips, "General, are you willing to give up?" Suniechen paused, looking at the other

party's teasing expression, maybe he had fallen into a trap.

The Seventeenth Princess is really elusive.

"Your Majesty, you drank too much tonight." She let go, shy and polite, "It's too lively outside, and it's hard to refuse the hospitality." Her eyes were lowered, her body was slightly bent, and her red clothes were like fire, covering the general

. Usually unruly, like a tamed little leopard.

But her tone was too respectful, causing Shuangxue to frown and feel a little displeased, "As the general of Chu Yue, the Prince Consort must have a good capacity for drinking. Maybe the wine is not intoxicating, but people get drunk, so they have something on their minds, right?" She

used Holding his head with his hands, his eyes fell on Chunyan holding the incense burner not far away. A wisp of green smoke puffed out, and suddenly his glands began to heat up again, and he bit his lips tightly.

The flowers in the incense burner added something.

His cheeks turned red. He deliberately turned his face to the side and softened his tone, "Since the general is drunk, there is no need to stand here. I'm fine."

The candlelight cast light, carving out a curvaceous shadow on her side, like a character in a shadow play. The peony embroidered neckline was loosened, revealing her white porcelain skin. The spring scenery below her neck was boundless, and Su Nichen could see it as soon as she raised her eyes. , feeling inexplicably confused, forced himself to lower his eyes.

I did drink too much tonight.

After growing up in the desert for many years, there are many beautiful foreign women. Their exquisiteness can be said to be the most beautiful in the country. She stays by her side every day without even thinking about it. Major General Su has great confidence in himself.

Opposite her is the most delicate princess of Chu Yue, and all her glory is just superficial beauty. If the world knows that the revered general is actually a woman, even if she is a top Qianyuan, she will be abandoned by everyone.

I just hope that this farce will end soon and return to the grassland.

Now that he had made up his mind to act as coldly as possible, Suniechen said nothing and turned around and walked to the couch, looking like he wanted to fall asleep.

"Husband-in-law—" As soon as her feet touched the bedside, she heard the other party ask softly: "Husband-in-law, are you going to sleep in your coat tonight?" She lowered her head and glanced at her tight-fitting wedding clothes, hesitated, and suddenly a pair

of Yingrun's arms wrapped around her from behind and hit the chili-patterned jade belt around her waist, causing Su Nichen to shiver.

The young general, who was listening in all directions, did not notice that the princess was coming behind him.

Maybe it was because she had never been on guard, maybe it was because of the wonderful aroma, the rich smell of jasmine, which was full of pride, not the scent of flowers in the incense burner, and realized that it was the smell of glands.

Kunze Xinyin.

Leisurely and sultry, Su Nichen held his breath, held the other person's wrist habitually, turned around, picked up the person behind him and put him on the couch, his movements were clean and agile.

Looking at the princess' expression again, she was no longer as calm and self-possessed as before. Her arms were tightly wrapped around her neck, her eyes moving.

"Husband-in-law, why don't you take a good look at me!"

Su Nichen's voice was charming and her breathing was messy. She didn't dare to answer. She deliberately missed her gaze and stared at the flowers on the jade pillow. She asked carefully: "Your Highness, is it the rainy season? "

So what!" The other party was obviously unhappy and persisted: "Consort, can't you take a good look at me? Is it possible that Shuangxue is so ugly that she can't even get pity from the consort!"

Suniechen Taking a deep breath, it was said that the Seventeenth Princess was cold-tempered, arrogant and quiet, but at this moment there was no trace of her, and she was far different from the person in her arms.

It can be seen that anyone will lose their true nature when they reach the Rain and Dew Stage. As Qianyuan and Kunze, although they have more abilities than ordinary people, they are also limited by this.

"Your Highness, I'm going to get the Ningxin Decoction. I'll be back soon."

She couldn't help but feel distressed.

He stood up, but before he could sit firmly, he was pulled back by the other party's arm. He met the princess with swollen eyes, and her lips were as sweet as blood, "Husband-in-law, during the wedding night, I still have to use the breath condensation soup to survive the rain and dew period. What do you think-" -Is it normal?"

"My lord——"

Su Nichen was speechless.

"Don't you want your consort to help me?" Looking at Chu Yue's general, Shuangxue looked embarrassed, and Shuangxue couldn't help but joke: "Are you not the upright Qian Yuan Lord?" He smiled, charming


She is Qianyuan, unique in the world, but if she marks the princess on a whim, she will never be able to marry again in the future.

Su Nichen lowered his eyes and said with a bit of solemnity in his tone, "Your Highness is in the rainy season, and I don't want to take advantage of others. Speaking of which, I and the princess have never met before, and they have been married for a hundred years with just a piece of imperial edict. Although the Su family is grateful , but from the bottom of my heart - I am still afraid of wronging the princess, I am hurt after all." Still

saying that I was hurt, I didn't recognize myself even though I was so close, and even told me that I had never met her before! Sure enough, this little farm slave wanted to regret the marriage. Shuangxue was furious, and her chest was aroused by the rain and dew. She simply let go of her hand and snorted angrily.

"Do you really mean what your consort said?"

"Of course, I only wish the princess a happy life, and I have no intention of blasphemy." "Okay,

since the consort has made up his mind, let's go and get it." Turning over, the bright red wedding dress His shoulders were bare and trembling slightly.

She was angry, and maybe a little sad, Suiechen could feel it, but she couldn't figure it out, and she didn't dare to think that the princess would be happy with her. That was the moon in the sky.

It must have been affected by the rain and dew period.

"Your Highness, please hold back for now. I will come

as soon as I leave." He stood up in a hurry, and before he could even take a step forward, another soft whisper sounded in his ear: "Young General, everyone says that you are the best in the world in martial arts, and that you have sharp ears and eyesight. Even if you can move a hundred steps, You can also detect the enemy's movements from outside, is it true or not?"

Jasmine's message became more and more intense, making people unable to move at all. "This is a bit exaggerated, but - I should be okay." "

Then, why Shuangxue You don't have the strength to tie a chicken, but you can catch the general in one fell swoop?"

The air was silent, and the candlelight was distracting.

"And, twice."

The soft head leaned over and touched her glands covered by black hair.

Su Nichen was completely unaware.

The author has something to say:

Su Nichen: Ah ah ah ah, my martial arts skills will be useless!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-05-10 12:21:07~2023-05-11 11:55:48~

Chapter 9 Flowers Fall and Flowers Bloom (8)

A small insect flew into the lamp with a buzzing sound, and with a popping sound, the moth flew into the flame and disappeared in an instant.

The crisp sound seemed to hit Su Nichen's heart, making her panic.

Shinyin's breath was strong, and as he breathed into his lungs, the glands in his neck were ready to activate, making him unbearably anxious.

We cannot sit still and wait for death, as the consequences of this continue will be disastrous.

"Princess, I just didn't pay attention."

"Really!" He put his chin on her neck and asked coquettishly: "Then general - why aren't you leaving now?"

Weak and boneless, leaning against her back, Su Nichen had no choice but to turn around again and saw that the person in front of him was as docile as a cat. Although he was controlled by Yuluqi, he was still very cute.

She unconsciously lowered her voice, like coaxing a child, "Princess, you pulled me so hard. If I leave, wouldn't it hurt Your Highness?" Before she finished speaking, she suddenly stretched out her fingertips and touched the other person's shoulder. Shuangxue

immediately Oops, he fell down with his big, sparkling eyes, "General, you are cheating!" Su Nichen smiled slightly, "Your

Highness is too naughty, so I can only make this move until the princess calms down. , I can go and get the Ningxin Decoction."

Shuangxue blushed, wondering if anyone in the world had said that she was naughty, my mother, but the memory was too far away and was blurry, and the person in front of her was like this. Spoken.

But she didn't remember her at all. The word naughty was spoken easily, and she didn't know how many people she had told it to.

The youngest daughter's temper became brighter and she turned her face to one side, "Who are you calling naughty? I think it's the general who likes to cause trouble." "Yes, I have been restless."


Nichen responded with a smile. He grew up in the military training ground and touched She's not a pretty young lady raised in a boudoir, so it's nothing to cause trouble. Who knows that the young master of the Su family can do anything in heaven or on earth!

"Don't worry, princess. You'll be able to move in a while." She stood up, covered the other party with a brocade quilt, and said comfortingly: "I understand that the princess is worried. I'll go get it myself and won't make any noise." "You'd better do what you say

, Don't let anyone find out!"

Hua Zhu Ye! Even Nuanying, the closest person around her, blushed when she saw it.

Su Nichen walked out of the door. Fortunately, he had made arrangements in advance and ordered the maid to take away the listeners. The whole courtyard was extremely quiet, except for the wind blowing the half-withered branches, teeth and claws dancing.

He jumped up, climbed over the wall, and soon came to the small kitchen of the Su Mansion. He first looked in through the window to make sure that no one was there, then he gently opened the door and found the breath condensation soup in the alcove. Except for himself, everyone in the house was Kunze. , no effort at all.

She put the glazed blue porcelain vase into her sleeves and walked outside the house after a few steps. Suddenly she heard someone talking behind her. She turned around and hid behind the rose stand in the corridor. She looked out through the half-yellow leaves and saw two little girls walking towards her, one pink and one blue. , should be the maid keeping watch in the kitchen.

The girl in the pink jacket yawned, "Oh, today is the young master's big day. When the princess enters the house, we will be very busy." "The princess will bring her own entourage with her, so why worry.

" The maid in blue coat answered the words casually, pushed open the kitchen door, her eyes immediately lit up, "I'm really hungry at night, so it's normal to find something to eat first." "You're a glutton, no wonder you call me Chan'er -"

Then You stretched out your hand to pinch your face, "Look how fat you are now. By the way, I just went to serve tea and saw a girl sitting in the madam's room. She was really good-looking. She had deep eyebrows and didn't look like much." We Central Plains people just don't know where we came from."

Chan'er walked in excitedly and replied casually: "My wife called her Linglong. It seems that her home is outside the Great Wall, and she said she was following the third young master." The door creaked shut, and

Sunie Chen straightened up. The two of them were talking about Linglong just now. This girl had a fierce temper. When she left, she was clamoring to follow her. It was really possible that she would come here secretly.

Linglong was not familiar with the place, so she was worried, but the princess was still waiting in the room, so she couldn't go too far on the wedding night.

There was wind under Su Nichen's feet, and he returned to the house after a while. He turned around and saw that Shuangxue had sat up from the bed and was playing with the ashes in the stove with incense sticks.

"This fragrance is so unpleasant that it should be thrown away."

Her slender fingers flew around, her mist-like eyes were lowered, and her eyes were full of impatience. She tried her best to light the incense given by Mrs. Bai, but she didn't know that it only hurt her. Kunze's glands are useful, and General Su is as stable as a mountain, but it embarrasses himself.

I don't know how much I sucked in, but the Breath Condensation Soup tube doesn't work.

The back of my neck felt hot, and the air was filled with the scent of jasmine. I raised my eyes to look at the person opposite me, but I couldn't help but feel aggrieved, so I sat back on the bed angrily.

Su Nichen just thought she was being tortured by the rain and dew period, and quickly poured the medicine into the golden peony bowl. "Your Highness, don't worry, you will feel better after taking the medicine. The Su family's Breath Condensation Decoction should be no worse than the palace." Seeing the princess twisting. She kept her face silent and turned her head to take a look, "It's not bitter -"

"If it's not bitter, you taste it first! It's obviously not good to drink."

She took a real sip. It was indeed not as good as Qianyuan's, but she didn't expect it. The seventh princess will lose her temper after taking medicine, like a child.

"Princess, drink the medicine first, and then I'll give you something good."

The tone was so gentle that it made Shuangxue look at her with enchanting eyes. There was also a hint of cedar wood fragrance floating on the tip of her nose, with the unique harshness of the wilderness. , making the princess sway physically and mentally.

"Consort, are there really good things?" He leaned over with a charming look in his eyes, "Then you - feed me."

Suniechen hesitated and nodded.

He put his hand around her waist and brought the medicine to her mouth. The princess had a slender figure, but was much smaller than her. She leaned softly on her shoulder and sipped the medicine like a cat.

I feel very lovable again.

If it weren't for such an awkward meeting, maybe the two of them would be different.

She suddenly began to have wild thoughts and took a deep breath, "Princess, why don't you drink it quickly and it will be over in a moment." No

matter how bitter the soup was, it was not as bitter as Shuangxue's heart. Why did the other party always look at the young general's waist from a thousand miles away? On the jade belt, I suddenly became enlightened when I thought about the idea of ​​a woman disguising herself as a man.

She was on her shoulder, and it was really easy. With a tug of her fingertips, she removed the bunch of red silk. The black gold crown was still there, but half of her black hair was scattered. It brushed her sword eyebrows and hit her eyelashes, showing her daughter's appearance.

A cat suddenly hid in his arms and whispered softly, "Since the consort is with Shuangxue, there is no need for men's clothing from now on. I hate this outfit and ruined our lifelong marriage." Su Nichen's face was full of shock

. , didn't understand what the princess meant, but the other party actually saw through that she was a girl, which was incredible.

He immediately let go of his hand, and doubts flashed in his eyes. After all, it was the young general who was not afraid of danger in the face of the battle. He regained his composure in a moment and said with a smile: "Why did your highness get drunk without drinking? It seems that the rain and dew period will still make people confused, so why not do it earlier?" Rest."

It was Shuangxue's turn to be stunned. The other party was angry. It would be a serious crime for a woman to dress up as a man and marry a princess. If the news spread out, she might be exterminated.

On the contrary, I am too proud and do things too abruptly.

The effects of the Ningxi Decoction hit her, and she fell into a drowsy state. She just avoided the topic and leaned on the bedside with one hand, "The prince-in-law is right, I - it's time to sleep." The candle was almost burnt out, and the

lamp It gradually dimmed, and for a long time she didn't hear a word from the other party. The princess had to ask timidly: "Consort, can you accompany me?" "Yes

." Suniechen just responded.

The third watch has passed, and a layer of chill has risen in the room. The moonlight falls on the marble-carved floor, making the blue-white color look like fog.

On the large canopy bed in the moon cave, a red mandarin duck brocade quilt was billowing, and two people sleeping separately on the jade pillow were lying on it.

Shuangxue drank the Ningxiang Decoction and fell into a deep sleep, leaving Suniechen tossing and turning.

The first night was already so difficult, and the days to come together will only be even more difficult.

There must be a way out.

Linglong happened to be here, and it shouldn't be difficult to say something to the other party, saying that the border troops were not mentally stable and needed to take charge themselves.

I also thought that I really shouldn't agree to sleep with the princess. Although Kunze Xinyin was much lighter, it was still clearly audible. The strong jasmine fragrance faded away, leaving a trace of snow lotus fragrance. It smelled so good that I always felt very familiar.

After all, she is a mature and differentiated Qianyuan. No matter how good her concentration is, she can still endure the discomfort.

"Niechen, Niechen——" The person next to me was still murmuring, and from time to time, she would be close to her body, and her eyes would fall down. In the moonlight, the princess was still like a delicate flower, murmuring to herself, "Niechen——" It felt

like It was strange. Listening to her silently reciting his name, a sudden warmth surged through his heart.

Warm fragrant nephrite surrounds me, which is far different from the desolation of the desert. Look at the seventeenth princess sleeping like a baby, with the corners of her lips slightly curved.

Crushing teeth and bones and fighting bloody battles on the frontier, isn't it just for the sake of these peacefully sleeping faces, talking about marriage! As long as she is alive, this kind of thing will not be allowed to happen. Watching a good-looking woman far away from her hometown and being treated as an object and sent to a wilderness for a ridiculous reason, without knowing whether she will live or die.

"Niechen——" The princess tilted her head, and she realized that the flower hairpin on the other person's bun was still there, and reached out to take it off. The green hair was like a waterfall, and it was breathtakingly beautiful in the dark night.


He was still shouting, as if he was reciting an ancient mysterious spell.

"Yeah." She agreed jokingly, "My name is so easy to pronounce, I can't stop shouting it." She stretched out her

hand and put a piece of honey into the other person's mouth. She watched her lick a few mouthfuls and swallowed, and whispered: "Now Don't be miserable, I said there are good things." It is

widely said in the world that Chu Yue's seventeenth princess, the most noble and noble, is like a coquettish and gentle kitten around him.

Soft and waxy can be bullied.

The author has something to say:

The treasures don't speak, and I don't even know how they write. TT

Chapter 10 Flowers Blooming and Falling (9)

Shuangxue slept deeply. She didn't open her eyes until three o'clock in the morning. She turned over and saw that she was the only one in the curtain. She vaguely thought that Suniechen was beside her last night and she didn't know where she went.

She sighed, there is no more irritating night in the world than this!

Suddenly, my lips felt as sweet as honey, accompanied by a rich milky fragrance, a taste I had never tasted before.

Could it be that the Su family's Ningxiang Decoction has crisp tea added to it, which tastes bitter but has a sweet aftertaste? This is a good method, and the palace should learn from it long ago.

Since the separation, she has been drinking several times a year. Every time she was tortured, she was in so much pain that she locked herself up ruthlessly and refused to touch him.

Even hearing the words Ningxi Tang makes me feel sick.

Unexpectedly, I drank another bowl on the wedding night. The more I thought about it, the more I felt wronged and angry.

Nuan Ying and Han Yan came to serve them with water, and opened the curtain with a smile, "Your Highness is awake, the sun is rising so high. After breakfast soon, I have to go to greet Mrs. Su." She was a pampered princess in the palace

. In the Su family, she was a newly married daughter-in-law, so there was no reason to sleep until lunch on the first day of marriage. She complained hurriedly, "Why didn't you call me? It's so rude to come to say hello so late." The two maids looked at each other and smiled coldly

. He sent a warm handkerchief and replied: "Slaves don't have the guts. When the consort went out in the morning, he ordered not to disturb the princess' rest. He also said that the Su family didn't have many rules and the lady didn't wait to say hello." "What a treat.

" I can't be too polite to a solid person." He wiped his face and hurriedly got out of bed, "The more people in the palace, the more they have to be particular. If word spreads, it will appear that we are frivolous and careless." Picked up the dress and sat in front of the bronze mirror

. Then he asked tentatively: "Did the consort say where he was going? When will he be back?"

Nuanying shook her head and combed her hair, "I'm leaving in a hurry, so I don't have time to ask."

She said oh and stopped answering. All my worries are on the rouge box in my hand.

Among the maids, Han Yan was the most alert. Seeing that the princess was displeased, she said slowly: "I see that my consort is refreshed this morning and in a very good mood. If there is nothing important, he will definitely not go out." That's nice to say

. , Even if the sky falls, you should not disappear early in the morning after your wedding. It is only second that outsiders see the joke, and the main reason is to feel uncomfortable.

But she couldn't be wronged in front of the maid. The whole Su family had never seen her before, and she was rude for the first time, and she would have to bear the name of pampering for the rest of her life.

In fact, the seventeenth princess, who is so aloof, has never cared about other people's thoughts. She is so willful that even her life can be used to resist her will. Now she is more cautious.

Since I was already late, I had to dress up carefully. I wore a fairy bun with a bright hair, a red forehead and rippling tassels. I chose a goose-yellow jacket and skirt with willow green edges. It was delicate but not ostentatious, and Han Yan was welcomed to the palace. The night pearl I brought here to honor my wife.

She didn't have time to wait for her husband who had suffered a thousand cuts, so she came to Mrs. Su's house before lunch, opened the curtain and went in. She saw two elegant women sitting on the rose chair. When she saw her, she immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.

"Your Highness."

Shuangxue had known the Su family before her wedding. She said it must be the eldest sister Xuepan and the second sister Xuening. A smile appeared on her lips, "Sisters, you don't need to be polite. They are all members of your own family now. I can't stand it." Can't help it."

Such polite and gentle people were completely different from the rumors. The two young ladies of the Su family were stunned for a moment. It was Xuening who had a lively temper and had the courage to hold each other's hand, "Your Highness is joking and can talk to you. It is our blessing that the princess becomes a family member. How can we not bear it?"

Shuangxue still whispered softly, "Sister also said that we are a family, so I will be the younger sister from now on. If you really want to give me a big gift, it's my younger sister's turn to come.

" When he was about to kneel down, the frightened eldest lady also came to help him. They were being polite here, when someone suddenly cleared his throat in the flower screen, and when he heard it was Madam, the room instantly became quiet.

"Mother, princess - oh no, my brothers and sisters are here to pay their respects to mother." The second young lady did her duty, walked a few steps quickly and put her arm on the madam's arm, and said with a smile: "Mom is so lucky. The third brother married the most noble woman in the world, and still like this Sensible."

Hearing the compliment, Shuangxue blushed. The golden light outside the house was all painted on the window sill. It was all the fault of that little farm slave. If he hadn't drank the Ningxin Decoction last night, how could he stay in bed.

"Mother, my child is unfilial and drunk at night, so I'm late today."

"Not too late, not too late -" Mrs. Su smiled with a smile on her face. She was surprised that the Seventeenth Princess came to pay her respects. How could she be late! Who doesn't know that the person opposite is uncontrollable? The former empress died early, and the emperor left all his love to the little princess. Everyone in Chu Yue knows this.

If it weren't for the bitterness of the Turks, His Majesty would not have the heart to marry his favorite daughter. The reason for the marriage granted to the Su family now is because Nichen won the war and left the princess in Kyoto.

She naturally knows how to behave, and will not regard herself as a mother-in-law. She is ready to sacrifice the other party, and it will be done without any fork.

"Princess, sit down quickly, we will have dinner later." Mrs. Su said cautiously, "If the princess is hungry, you can eat now." One mouthful of the

princess, making Shuangxue helpless.

It's still the same as in the palace.

Simply giving Han Yan a wink, the little girl was smart and took the futon in front of the Buddhist altar, and the two of them knelt down with a pop.

"Mother, since Shuangxue has married Nichen, there is no Seventeenth Princess now, only the daughter-in-law of the Su family. If mother does not agree, it means she is not satisfied with her daughter-in-law. I will report to the father today and ask your Majesty to give the Su family another daughter-in-law. Marry a worthy lady."

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was in an uproar.

If Her Royal Highness the Princess wants to return to the palace and complain in front of the emperor, the whole Su family will suffer. Even if it is a joke, it will be scary.

"My son, get up quickly." Madam came to help her in person, "Why do you kneel down for no reason? The Su family doesn't have this rule. If you don't believe me, ask them. None of them kneel down." The two young ladies had good eyesight and quickly agreed, "That's right

. That's right, our family kneels down to the gods and the emperor, and to our ancestors, but nothing else."

This made Shuangxue purse her lips and smile, and ordered the maid to present the night pearl. The atmosphere finally calmed down, and everyone went to the dining room together.

Walking around the withered lotus pond, half of the flowers on the one-sided corridor have fallen, and the flowers are pushing the blue waves leisurely. There is also a kind of bleak beauty in winter. The scenery is really not inferior to that of the palace. Soon, we came to an amber glazed stone boat, where wine and food had already been placed.

The lady sat down and asked, "Young Master, you are nowhere to be seen so early in the morning!"

The maids on both sides did not dare to answer.

Mrs. Su sighed. Nichen had grown up with her husband. Even though she was a man of power outside, she knew nothing about etiquette at home. There was no rule about abandoning the bride on the second day of the wedding.

The other party is the seventeenth princess.

"Princess, don't blame me. This child Nichen has been growing up outside the house. She is not afraid of making people laugh when she says it. She doesn't understand any rules. I need the princess to remind me more in the future." Shuangxue meekly replied: "Mom, call me Shuang

. Xue or Xue'er, Nichen's affairs are my business, don't worry, mother." Suddenly

there was a movement outside the stone boat, and before anyone arrived, the sound was heard, "I'm late." Everyone looked, and the curtain opened Picking it up, Su Nichen walked over quickly, bowed her hands and saluted first, "Don't blame mother if you

have something to do in the morning." "What's wrong with me? You should ask the people around you."

Mrs. Su frowned, and there was a hint of pampering in her complaints. Wink at the baby girl.

She just turned to look at Shuangxue, who lowered his eyes and ignored her, obviously angry.

Su Nichen sat down next to him and whispered softly, "Princess, I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again in the future." With a serious face,

Shuangxue suddenly lost her temper and asked, "Who is your highness?" , is it possible that there is a princess in this room?"

General Su thought for a moment, and saw the other party looking over at him for a moment, his heart skipped a beat, "Madam, then I won't dare anymore." He responded quickly, with a sweet mouth, and the corners of

Shuangxue's lips gently touched.

She put a piece of sweet and sour pork chop into the other person's bowl. Their eyes met and they smiled at each other unconsciously.

After the fuss last night, a certain tacit understanding developed between them, which made everyone around them envious.

Xiaoxue Ning was a pistachio, so when she saw this, she also pushed the small bird's nest, "Oh, eldest sister, no one can hurt us." "

I love you." Xue Pan wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and said with a smile: "Don't be sad, sister, I'll give you this bowl of bird's nest."

Shuangxue blushed, and everyone laughed.

The bamboo curtain not far away banged, and in a blink of an eye, another girl in red walked in. Her black hair was tied into several braids and flowed down from the top of her head, with invisible golden diamonds hanging down like flowers. Also like leaves, the black eyes are sunken in the eye sockets and are so big that they can occupy half of the face. The lips are slightly thick and slightly raised, giving them a sense of coquettishness.

Holding a plate of roasted mutton in her hand, the steam made her close her eyes, and she came to the table to say goodbye, "Madam, Young Master, ladies, the newly roasted mutton is ready. It's the warmest thing for the stomach when it's cold." She was not fluent in Zhongyuan dialect

. .

Su Nichen was startled and looked up to see why this girl Linglong came back again. She had been busy for a long time in the morning to arrange for her to return to the border.

He had obviously ordered people to be sent to the border town.

"Try it first, madam." Linglong's face remained unchanged and she came to Mrs. Su's side obediently, "The middle part is the freshest." Xiaoxiao was so curious that she couldn't hold back her words, "Oh, when did our

family have such a sign? The girl doesn't look like a Central Plains person."

Mrs. Su didn't know what was going on and thought the little girl was Nichen's attendant. She said slowly and calmly: "We have a big family, and she is your third brother's personal maid." "My name is Linglong.

, the young master."

The little girl bent down to salute, charming and pretty.

Shuangxue's eyes also fell. There were as many beauties as stars in the palace, but a girl with such a unique temperament was rare. Although her appearance was not a stunning one, her movements were indescribably lively and free, and she also had a sense of exoticness. The style is unforgettable at first sight.

"It turns out she's your girl." She turned her face and asked, "I wonder how old I am, and have you been following you?" Su

Nichen didn't say anything for a while. Linglong was not a girl. She was good at everything but too naughty. She hummed in a low voice. , "Yeah - right."

The author has something to say:

Linglong is not bad, she just has a lot of character.

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