Highschool DXD - Draco Machin...

By Argoniangaming

56.7K 959 897

A young boy, 15, is abandoned at an orphanage. It is there he remains, an outlier due to his... curious accen... More

Prologue - An Orphan No More
Chapter 1 - The Kuoh Academy Queen's and Issei Got a Girlfriend?!
Chapter 2 - A Mysterious Girlfriend and a Life-Changing Offer
Chapter 3 - Enter Prometheus
Chapter 4 - Task Force Zeta and Y/N's First Mission Assignment
Chapter 6 - The Tale of The Doctor and The Gremory's
Harem Update
Chapter 7 - Code Kuoh
Chapter 8 - Silencer of Prayers
Chapter 9 - A Pact of Honor
Chapter 10 - A Servant and a Sideorder of KFC
Chapter 11 - A Rogue Machine and Premonition Made True
Chapter 12 - I Stand Alone
Chapter 13 - An Explanation and a Bioncic Tutor
Chapter 14 - Irae Machinae
Chapter 15 - I Will Save You
Updated Bio
Task Force Zeta - Analysis Profile
DXD NEW - Chapter 16 - One Minute Closer Toward Midnight
DXD NEW - Chapter 17 - Unnerving Premonitions and Old Friends Return!
DXD NEW - Chapter 18 - The Holy Swords Cometh and the Coalition Marches Forth!
A High School DXD Draco Machina - Christmas Special!
DXD NEW - Chapter 19 - Exorcists and Excalibur
DXD NEW - Chapter 20 - Storm Clouds Gather
DXD NEW - Chapter 21 - Some Much-Needed Bonding Time

Chapter 5 - The Stray Devil Viser and The Doctor's Secret

1.7K 45 40
By Argoniangaming


Text - "Normal Talking"

Italic - whispering

(_) - (Thoughts)

*_ _ _* - Radio Communication

BOLD - "Abaddon talking"

(A/N) - Author's Note


(A/N - So... I awoke Monday morning to the shocked surprise of an email from Wattpad that said one of my chapters received a vote. Moreover, I was stunned to see now, for the first time, ACTUALLY, how many people have read this book. I never thought I would reach over 300 reads in six days and see it still climbing. I guess what I'm trying to get at is Thank You. Thank You to everyone who has stuck with this story so far. I'll continue to do my best for you all. Like I said, I'm never going to discontinue a book. I wouldn't dare do that to you guys...

In Honor of this momentous occasion, I can reveal all the NEW additions that have been requested so far to be added to the harem, which include...

- Koneko

- Kuroka

- Murayama

- Katase 

- Xuelan

- Isabela

Also, as for the dilemma of Xenovia? I've also decided to throw her into the harem as well. HOWEVER, as I said in one of the chapter's comments, she will be with Y/N later. She'll be with Issei temporarily, likely not joining Y/N until Season 4 of DXD. For the Fallen Angels that have been requested as well, I don't feel that they'd fit well with the personality of Y/N to be in his harem, but I do have plans for them; don't worry about that. I will also release an updated Harem Chapter sometime soon, which will have all of the ones present in it and up to date.

Again, thank all of you for sticking with me so far. It means a lot to me to have people enjoy something I write, so like I said, I'll keep up the hard work for all of your guys' sake. With that out of the way, BRING ON THE CARNAGE! CAUSE IT'S TIME TO KILL A STRAY DEVIL!) 

(And by the way... Remember when I said the timeline would be f'd up? You'll see what I mean here, but don't worry, it corrects itself. To sum it up, after Rias reincarnated Issei, they, quite literally, did absolutely nothing. Asia had appeared off-screen and met Issei yada yada, but besides that? Nothing much happened, hence why I said we kick back up literally when Rias goes to deal with Viser.)


Third Person POV

Five days after Y/N's Disappearence...

The situation at Kuoh Academy is a tense one. Y/N's disappearance has sent ripples throughout the academy. Some theories circulate, but they often come up dead. The running theory is that Y/N was killed. By who? No student knows.

As for Issei, he has been constantly paranoid. Ever since that evening, he's had constant nightmares... nightmares that won't seem to leave him. After Raynare and Dohnaseek killed Y/N, Issei still died, but fortune would shine down upon him. Rias Gremory, who, to his shock, turned out to be a devil and reincarnated him as a servant in her peerage. He then learned that all the ORC, for that matter, were devils just like he was. All of this information paled in comparison to what, rather who, he had met this morning.

Asia Argento, a nun, had arrived in Kuoh just a few days ago. For his part, Issei would run into her at a park, the two hitting it over rather well. Issei watched as Asia had the innate ability, or perhaps some blessing, to heal the wounds of the injured. By now, he had heard the term "Sacred Gear" be thrown around often. As a matter of fact, he had a sacred gear himself.

The simple issue was that he had no idea, Rias for her part either, precisely what his sacred gear was. The only thing Issei even knew was that One, it belonged to him, and Two, the Fallen Angels, were afraid of it.

This, however, brings us to today. Issei stands before Rias in the ORC Club Room, who looks rather displeased with him.

Rias: "You will never go near her or the church again, Issei."

Issei: "B-But why?

Rias: "Simple. For any devil, the church is considered enemy number one. Anyone would be a fool even to dare approach one alone."

Issei: "B-But Asia was so nice though... e-even if she's part of the church, s-surely we can make an exception... right?"

Rias: "No. If you had even stepped foot in that church, the problems it could have created would be terrible. Surely you felt something telling you to be cautious?"

Issei: "Well... I do remember feeling cold... a tad bit stressed even. Not to mention, my hand tightened up."

Rias: "That was your instinct telling you to be careful." She sighed and rested her hand over her eyes. "Being anywhere near a member of the church is the most dangerous position you could find yourself in. What's worse is some of its exorcists use sacred gears. If they wanted to... they could kill you."

Issei: "O-Oh..."

Rias: "Remember this... if a devil is purged, they are reduced to nothing, gone, permanently. End of the line for good and no way to bring you back." She sighed. "Do you understand?"

Issei: He sighed. "Yeah... I got it."

Akeno stepped in through the door.

Akeno: "Pardon my intrustion."

Rias: "Akeno, you're still here? I was sure you had gone home for the day."

Akeno: "I planned to, but something urgent has come up..."

Issei: (Huh? Something Urgent?)

Rias: "What is it?"

Akeno: "We've just received a message from the Archduke; a stray devil has been causing trouble nearby."

Issei: (Stray Devil?)


(0:00 - 2:15)

Y/N and the remainder of Task Force Zeta entered the Area of Operations, the Kouh's Dock. Erik peered around the corner and signaled them to all keep moving but stay silent. Y/N had his right arm transformed into his Plasma Rifle.

Y/N: (Damn... it's so fricking quiet.)

Spirit: (You're telling me. I've never been this on edge; we know nothing about this stray whatsoever.)

Erik held up his fist, telling the group to stop.

Aaron: "What's the hold-up?"

Erik: "We split here. Epsilon, proceed to the warehouse and keep your guard up. I want you to scan for all heat signatures every ten seconds, understood?"

Y/N: "Copy."

Erik: "Good... the rest of you four with me. We're moving to the cargo crane located near the loading dock."

August/Aaron/Svetlana: "Roger that."

That said, the four of them split off from Y/N and made their way to the crane. This left Y/N alone, who took a deep breath, readied his rifle, and turned on its laser sight.

Y/N: (Here we go...)

(2:19 - 4:10)

Y/N made his way through alley after alley. He was turning his head and running a heat scan through each warehouse. He held his rifle up and used his left hand to brace it.

(A/N - Think how Mega Man holds his arm whenever he shoots a charge shot.)

Y/N: (Spirit. You got anything yet?)

Spirit: (No... Not a lick. I am picking up a heightened level of magic signatures, though... chances are that's Rias or Sona trying to make a move.)

Y/N: (And... what do you mean by that?)

Spirit: (I mean, we might not be the only ones on this dock for long. Believe it or not, according to the information I was provided, this stray just recently took up residence here.)

Y/N: (Oh... wonderful.)

Spirit: (Anyway, if either of those two show up... we bail immediately. Understood?)

Y/N: (Wait why?)

Spirit: (Because, dumbass, everything Prometheus ACTUALLY does needs to stay hidden. If they do show up, they should only find a corpse.)

Y/N: (Oh...)

Spirit: (Look, I know they wer-)

Y/N: (Are.)

Spirit: she sighs. (ARE your friends, but as it stands now... that doesn't match up anymore. They will capture you and bring you to one of the Lucifers, and that's something we can not allow.)

(4:16 - 5:40 - Stop once it hits 5:40 or until you see a note telling you to do so.)

A beeping sound is heard on Y/N heart beat sensor.

Spirit: (I've got something. About thirty meters east.)

Y/N: (How many?)

Spirit: (I've got one active heartbeat and one that's fading. It might be her.)

Y/N: (You said east right?)

Spirit: (Yeah. Want me to call it in?)

Y/N: (I've got it. Keep an eye on the sensor and notify me if anything changes.)

Spirit: (Roger.)

Y/N held up his fingers to his right ear, activating an ear piece.

Y/N: "*This is Epsilon. I've detected two heartbeats 30 meters east. Does anyone have a visual?*"

Aaron: "*I got it, Epsilon. It's a small warehouse with a red metal roof.*"

Erik: "*Approach with caution, we've got eyes.*"

Y/N: "*Roger, Epsilon out.*"  Y/N took his fingers off his right earpiece and moved toward the warehouse.

Y/N eventually found the location, slowly opened the massive doors, and crept inside, closing the door behind him.

(A/N - Stop music here)

Spirit: (Turning on NV now.)

Y/N's vision became suddenly clearer. Spirit had activated his Night Vision for his eyes. With this added ability, Y/N scanned the building, looking for any sign of the stray devil.

Y/N: (Spirit. You got anything?)

Spirit watched the heartbeat sensor intently. She gasped suddenly as the faint heartbeat signature had flat-lined.

Spirit: (I've got a flat line! She's here!)

Y/N frantically looked around, but he wouldn't have to do that for long...

???: "My~ My~ Look what has wandered into my precious web~"

Y/N spun around and aimed in the direction the voice had come from; slowly, from the shadows, a woman appeared.

???: "I wonder~ How delicious will you taste~?"

Y/N: (Spirit. Is this her?)

Spirit: (Confirming...) Spirit matched the identity of the picture to the woman's appearance. (Bingo. We have our stray.) Y/N nodded his head, stood up, and glared at her.

Y/N: "Stray devil, Viser. I am known as Epsilon. You've been targeted for direct termination for the countless murders of human beings." Viser's expression dropped.

Viser: "I thought you'd ACTUALLY be fun... it's a shame. You're rather good-looking, too. I might have kept you... but oh well~" Viser started to laugh hysterically as suddenly her body morphed into its true form.

Y/N backed up and his expression grew nervous.

Viser: "Tell me little hunter~ How do you fancy your chances now~?"

Y/N started to chuckle to himself, something which irritated Viser greatly.

Viser: "And what could you find so funny? The fact you are about to face death?"

Y/N: "No, quite the contrary~"

(A/N - Que the music! Also, be easy on me, this is my first attempt at a fight scene so, let's hope I do good!)

Y/N's body glowed a bright red, and his outfit changed entirely. His lower legs were engulfed in armor. Armor, which looked strangely similar to the display of that suit of armor he saw back at the lab.

(A/N - Just the grieves of your balance breaker from last chapter.)

(A/N - Obviously just the clothes, minus the head band, and of course the flesh arm is your robotic one. Image from Pinterest by EremitaSancto -  "Shirou Emiya [Fate/Kaleid])

Y/N: "I think it's... you~ who should be scared."

Viser: "You... insolant... BRAT!" She roared and charged at Y/N in an attempt to crush him. To which Y/N smirked and dodged it.

Y/N: (Alright. Keep calm, keep focused...)

Spirit: (Your boosters are active on your boots, which, by the way... how the hell are you using those?)

Before Y/N could respond, he jetted to the other side of the warehouse as Viser attempted to crush him yet again.


Y/N: "Uh, yeah no.. I'm not gonna sit there and just take it."

Y/N boosted into the air, aiming his rifle down at Viser, and unleashed a flurry of plasma rounds at her. Most of them hit, burning her skin as she shrieked in pain. She looked over at Y/N with a look that could kill. She forcibly grabbed a hold of her... breasts?

Y/N: "Wait... what the fu-"

Spirit: (DODGE!)

Y/N snapped out of it and saw Viser fire acid from them in his direction, which he jetted out of the way, only to be met with a claw launching him into the warehouse wall.

On the outside of the building, the rest of Task Force Zeta watched on. Blue lights and the loud sound of flesh hitting metal thundering into the night sky.

Aaron: "Hey~ He's doing pretty good!"

August: "Indeed."

Svetlana: "GO, BIG BROTHER!"

Erik remained silent, his cold eyes glued to the building.

Erik: (You are on a clock, Epsilon... don't drag this out any longer.)

Back in the warehouse, Y/N ran circles around Viser, who tried to grab a hold of him, anything just to kill him. Y/N switched to his Heavy AR and began spraying bullets in Viser's direction, landing multiple crippling shots on her legs.

Y/N: (She's slowing down.)

Spirit: (Yeah, but you need to speed this shit up. Remember, if Rias or Sona get here, we gotta bail.)

Y/N: (Shit... I forgot about that, well, I guess I should probably get serious. Permission to use the sword?) Spirit sighed.

Spirit: (Fine...) Y/N smirked and jetted back to the center of the warehouse.

Viser: "W-What are you trying now!? You're pathetic bullets... Aren't... WORKING!!" She lunged forward with a gaping maw appearing from her stomach and tried to devour Y/N whole. In response, he smirked, transforming his arm back to normal, and used it to stop the jaws from closing. "WHAT?!?"

Y/N: "I'll give it to you, Viser. For my first stray, you can hit pretty hard. It's just a shame all that "beauty" you have came at a cost... you're own stupidity."

Viser: "WHY Y-"

Y/N: "But unfortunately... these fun and games have to end. For what it's worth... I'm sorry~" Suddenly, a sword hilt shot out from Y/N's back and spun in the air. Y/N grabbed the hilt and extended the blade. It glowed a gorgeous blue, and the plasma crackling could be heard, indicating what energy flowed through it.

(A/N - Image found on Pinterest - Made by gustavo teresin bispo)

Y/N held the blade in his right hand and pointed it toward Viser with a smirk.

Viser: "That... STICK! DOES NOT SCARE ME!" Y/N chuckled and held the blade in a Ko Gasumi stance.

(A/N: Not sure if it's Ko Gasumi or Te Ura Gasumi Stance. But it's essentially the stance Genji does in his ult in Overwatch.)

Y/N: "Oh... but you should be~"

Y/N used his boosters and shot forward directly where Viser stood.

Viser: "How foolish..." She opened her maw again. "COME TO ME~"

Y/N glared and shot up into the twirling the blade and landing it in his left hand, transforming his right arm into his plasma rifle and unleashing hell down upon Viser. She shrieked in pain, falling backward onto her back and onto the concrete floor. Y/N's eyes focused on one specific section of her body... the neck. He lunged forward toward it.

Viser: "N-NO! S-STAY AW-" Her voice fell silent, Y/N slashed through her. Holding the sword out in front of him, coated in Viser's blood.

Y/N flicked the blood of the blade and slowly sheathed in on his back. The stray devil Viser fell silent, her body falling to the side. Cold and Lifeless. She was dead. 

Y/N breathed a sigh of relief, thank god it was over.

(A/N - Stop music here.)

Y/N: "Well. That wasn't so bad."

Spirit: (Well... besides the amount of time you wasted just running circles around her, yes, I'd say you did very well.)

Y/N: "Aw~ Thanks, Spirit~"

Spirit: (S-Shut up...) A beeping noise catches Spirit's attention. Five new vital signatures randomly appeared on the heartbeat sensor... right outside the building. (SHIT!)

Y/N: "What? What's wrong?"


Erik: "*Epsilon, we've picked up an additional five life signatures, report.*"

Y/N: "*Uh... everything's okay down here, ha...*"

Erik: "*Evacaute the AO, our mission's complete.*"

Y/N: "*Roger that.*"

Y/N made his way to one of the exit doors but froze when he heard the doors to the warehouse open and a voice behind him he knew all too well shout over to him.

Rias: "HALT! In the name of the Great Marquis of Gremory, I order you to reveal yourself at once!"

Y/N: (Spirit... what the fuck do I do here?!)

Spirit: (Working on it numb nuts!)

A new voice is heard, one that makes Y/N's very breath run cold.

Issei: "The president asked who you are! Don't just stand there! Answer her, NOW!"

Spirit POV

Suddenly, my entire interface started flashing red.

Spirit: "W-What!?" I heard another voice, this one more booming than Y/N's, so it wasn't him.


Spirit: "Y-You're Abaddon... aren't you?


Spirit: "W-What do you mean?!" The rapid sound of scrolling could be heard. Spirit and Abaddon watched as the kill list popped up before them. "W-WHAT'S GOING ON?!" She kept watching something... a target kept ticking up, higher and higher in priority. Until, eventually... it stopped.


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:̷̼͌̋͗̈́̚̚ ̶̡̨͙͎͙͒͌̏͝B̷̛͖̼̌Y̴̢̞̪͖̥̔͛̌͂ ̸̛̬̙̊̉ͅR̸͈̪̝̦̫̀̏͘͘A̸̧̞̮̠̜̒̓͝N̸̢̖̪͖͌̑̀̕͝Ķ̴̱̄̇̊͠͝ ̴̬̜̀̇́̒Ŏ̶̜̝͗̌̊̚F̷̡̱̻̰̳͑́̆͐̾͗ ̸̬̙̗̦̃́T̸̩̯̝̰́̈͘A̴̻͍͎͕̮̓̚R̷̢̲̣̥̹͛̄̓̊̈͘G̷̫̿̈́̌͆E̸̡̢̖͐̓ͅT̸̛͇̋̓͂̂ ̶̘̪̲͚͗̒ͅÄ̴͓̰̜̲̹́̾N̴̛͕̤̦͆̃͆Ḍ̶̖̆̈́̓̐͝ ̵̣͇̻͇̖͂͂͜C̷͓̪̙̍̃̑͝L̵̨̙̹̜̱̈́̋͊̿͂̕ͅÀ̸̛͎͍͉͔̻̣S̵̘̣͙͑̆S̷̢̭̤̏̂͋̓̈́̔ ̴̝̋D̸̞̳͒̄E̶̘̺̦̕S̵̤̞̻͛̉̓C̶͍̥̙̗̮̾̈́̓̕E̵̛̻͖̟͋͒̌̃͝Ñ̷̨̘̣̟͗̑̄̾̓Ḍ̷̮̩̈̀̎̌͝I̸̡̼̜͇̊͊͐̒̍N̵͚̪̲̽̔G̷̻̜̩̐̅͝ ̴̨̲͔͔̟̐̋̋̓͘̕:̴̠̲͍̤̽̂̏͠ͅ



:̶̯̥̭̻̾͐̐̆̂̕ ̵̣͝Ĺ̸̼̹̐͌͂̚Ḯ̶̡̢̢̻͗̇̐͜S̸̻͆̒͝Ţ̵̯̄̈́ ̷̪͍̫͂̆A̴͕̣̍N̷͇̯̋̊̀͑D̴̡̲̟̀̄̈́̚ ̵̨̰̹͌͌R̵̨͕̪̥̻̻̓A̴̺̼͉͗͆̆N̵̮̭͎̱̊̐̿̈̄Ķ̵̩̊͌ ̵̛͔̯̤̓̽͑̌̊O̷̲̼̟̅̆͌͝F̵͙͋̄̾̋͠ ̵͓͖͈͎͉̅T̸̡͈̦́̊̀̎͝A̷̞̟̰̘̒͒̈́̒̾R̵̫̤͓̔ͅG̶͈̭̙̯̀͝Ë̵̜̦̖̟́͋͑̈͊̔T̷̡̬̽̎̊͝ ̶͙̥̣̐ͅH̵̯̻͖͙͛̐̐A̸̮̍̊͐̀̐Ṿ̸̮̿̓E̴̠͛̆̏̕͘̚ ̵̤̙̞͍̩̭̈́̽̄͘B̶̻͇͙̘̃̍̄̔E̴͕̋Ë̷̝̻̓N̵̛͕̹̯̪̣̊̾̀̕ ̸̦̠̠̭̮̆̑̏͛̍͝M̵͕̤͈͔̫͆͆̈͋̒̔ͅO̷̟̝̒͂̿̓͌̽D̶͚̺̻̱̦͇̋͆̉I̴̡̹̟̝͕̲̓̓͑̈́̚F̸̧̬̫̘͉̦̔I̵͈͝Ë̶͍́͑̎͆̃D̶̩̟͐̓̓̂͝ ̸̞̭̦̘͚͙̅́̈́͑̈W̴̱̮̊̋̊̇͑̒Į̵͕̠̹͚̭̂̃̈̈Ṫ̵̲͍͈̻͖̝͑̋Ḧ̴̥͔̘̘̣̱̿̈́͋̕ ̷̟̃̇͂̏̊̀Ö̵̘͓́U̶̻͛͋̽͊͛̅T̴̮̲̙̰͈̈́́́̓ ̴͍̊͘͝C̸̡̣̀̃̐O̵̤͕̫͓̩̊͑͘͠͝ͅN̷̘͈͎̝̤̊͌̋̾S̶̫̖̯̖̒̑͝ͅE̵̗̠̥͎͉̓͜Ṇ̴̱͕̪͗̿̾̾Ṭ̷͔͈̓ ̶̳̇͑͐͛-̷̡̤̰̤͖͐ ̴͓̞̺̖͚̑͂͜W̶̧͎̹͑̎̐̓͒A̷͔̭͆̾̑̕I̶̘̿̐͂̂́͝T̵̘͛Ì̸̡͎͇̠̩Ņ̸̜̈́G̴̟̰̪̲̪̒̚ ̵͚̹̬̣̱̺͌̕F̴͔͕̦̺́͜O̴̪͍͍̞͉̽Ṙ̵͉̺̳ ̷̛͉͚̻̖͆̌̋́͜F̷̯̬̯̓̉͝͠Ḭ̷͖̟̺́͂͜N̷̳̥̬̟͆A̶̗̖̿̍͘ͅḺ̵͌̿̉͊Ḯ̵̮̜Z̸̛̛͉͇̠͐͛̉̆Ą̴͉̒̀̓̈́T̵̢͍̣̙̯͖͂͆́͂́͝Ȋ̴͈O̶͓̹͍̅͐͝N̵̰̩̫̜̤̈́͝ ̷͔͈̰͕͔̍-̸̤͈̘̇̾̊ ̸͖̇͠͠E̴̢͈̖̐͛̇̀̈̃Ř̷͔̘̃̐R̸̦̜̱̒O̵̭̙̱̼͇͑̓R̴̜̮̔͗͌͝͝!̴̮͓͗͊̆̅ ̷̗̠͐̿͌E̴͉͂͆R̵̻̲̋̉Ŗ̸̗̙͖̇̒͜Ồ̸͙̮̳̥͚̿̿R̴̺͋̑!̶͎̟̟͚͖̽͑ ̴̓͜F̸͚̎̏͂̆̕Ȋ̸̟̫̗͕͗̾̏͊N̸͎͈̞̰͓̒̈̚ͅA̴̪̱͉͋̿̈́͊L̵̛̯͈͒I̵͈͓͎͎͓̍̒̑̾͛Z̷͕̦̃Ä̵͖͖͈̼́̀̽̓T̴͍̔́͑I̶̡̟̠̗̗̭̾͂̀O̴̩͛͛͊͋͝͝N̸̮͒̔͑̏͊ ̸̫͖̝͍̤͔̇P̶̧̼̰̭̤̝̀̿E̵̱̥̠̦̠͒͋̒͘Ŕ̴̛̰́̚M̷̭͉͆̑̽̂͑̓I̸̡̤̠̭͖̓͛Ș̴̋̚S̶̙͕̥̓̽O̵̡͉̲̥͎̙̍̀̐̈́͆̄N̶̛̰͓̺̠͑̓͜ ̴̳͓͎͇̀͐͝B̶̛͎̙̟̣͙͂̎͛͛̾Y̵̯͔͒̆̓͌͛̈P̵̧̝̪̽̄̈̽͘Ą̶͚̯̽͛S̵͔͙̹̞̤̮̕Ṣ̷̃E̸̘̹͠D̶̢̩͕̓̒͆ ̶̧̘͖̌͊̄͌R̸͕̜͕̰̈́͜ͅU̸͕͎͛̓̀̄͜Ǹ̴͚̯̭̊̈́̂͠Ņ̵̰͖́͘I̸̭͍͙͍̓͂͋̊͝N̴͎̈́̈̏̈́͂̇G̵̖̃ ̷͚̦͛O̶͖̭̳̪̽͒̔̍̅͐V̸͕̝̬̯̽̇̌͐ͅE̶̹̣̳͛̽̎R̷͕̈́R̴̢̳̾̈̑͂͑͝I̸͔͖̘̭͓̐D̸̡̡̫̲̝̔̒̍Ẻ̵̡̝̩̱̀̋͜ ̵̨̹̇̃P̸̬̞̈́R̵͎̈́̑̑̈́́Ǫ̸̆͂T̸̛͚̝͔̺̟̓̀̉̇͊Ò̵̯͋̏̊C̷̦̝̾͆̀Ő̶̥̫̯̜̻̐̋̎͆ͅL̶̛̥̠͠ ̵̘̞̣̓͛̾̽:̸̲͖͓̟̳̘̏̆͋͗̒̕                                                                                        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Her eyes widened. What was going on...


She did as instructed, unknown to her though. Krauser already knew what was going on.

Dr. Krauser POV

I stared up at the screen. The facility was sent on high alert. I don't know what was happening with Y/N, but whatever it was. It needed to stop.

J. Barnes: "Dr. Krauser, Sir!"

Dr. Krauser: "What..."

J. Barnes: "We have an incoming S.O.S. transmisson coming from Epsilon!"

Dr. Krauser: "That's Spirit... patch her in!"

J. Barnes pressed a button and Spirit appear on the screen. She looked terrified.

Spirit: "D-Doctor?!"

Dr. Krauser: "Stay calm, Spirit. We're doing all we can here."

J. MacMillian: "Sir."

Dr. Krauser: "What is it?" MacMillian brought up the kill list on a separate screen.

J. MacMillian: "Epsilon's kill list is running an override command. If that finishes, this... Issei Hyoudou will be the only one registered as his target."

Dr. Krauser: "We have to stop that override. Spirit!" Spirit looked ahead, directly at me.

Spirit: "Y-Yes, Doctor?!"

Dr. Krauser: "Listen closely. Right now, Y/N's code is running an override program to that kill list. It's likely to have just started..." MacMillian mouthed the word 27%. "Correction. The progress is already at 27%; do whatever you have to, but you MUST NOT let that program run. Understood?"

Spirit: "Y-YES DOCTOR!" She disappered from the screen and was replaced by Erik.

Erik: "Doctor."

Dr. Krauser: "Beowulf, listen closely. Epsilon is running protocols I or anyone here didn't know he had. I want you, as soon as his emergency shut down is initated, GET HIM OUT OF THERE!"

Erik: "Affirmative Doctor, it shall be done." He disappeared from the screen. I sighed and clutched a necklace I had concealed around my neck, staring up at the screen.

Dr. Krauser: (Old Friend... Please... I pray now, even for your own daughter... I will not let what happened to mine happen to yours...)

Third Person POV

Y/N slowly spun his body to Rias and the ORC's direction. His head still lowered, eyes staring down at the ground.

Rias: "Again, answer me! Who are you!"

Slowly Y/N's head rose and his eyes... whatever blue color they once had...

Was gone...

Y/N: "̸̤̃̌̓̈́̈́Ỳ̶̧̨͎̹̠̖̫̼̽̆̀̓͆͂̉̌̑͝ͅO̸̡̗̙̙̯̮͎̳͔̻̍U̷̞̟̹̺̜̺̬͎̮̰͊̾!̵̨̨̡̧͇͕̰̮̠̯̹̿͐͆̐̆̀̑͘͜ͅ!̶̡́̊̽͊̓̏͑̌̄́͘͜"̸̢̙̦̝͉͔̥̰̝̬̟͒̂͊̈́͐̈́͆͒̋̅̀̒̊

Rias and her peerage stepped back. Y/N was looking straight at Issei, no one else. His beaming red eyes stared into Issei's soul.

Issei: "U-Uh... Rias?!" The sound of cracking concrete thunders throughout the warehouse, the mechanical clanking of machinery joining it.

Y/N: "̵̢̣̘̏̈́̒̅̚Y̵̥͍̣͔̑̈́̑̐Ŏ̸̜̈́͋̓̿U̸̺̐̈́̓ ̴̱͚͇͠L̶̨̖͙͆̐͒E̷͚͓̳̹̼͛̏Ă̸͎̠̻̟͋̀Ď̷̡̢̯̥ ̸̠͍̈́͐̐M̸̨͓̼͊͜Ě̷̮̻̞̪̅̊͗ ̷͚͇̱̩͎̓̀̃͠Ṱ̸̨̗͖̗̐̊̕O̷̜͎̠͛͗͘͝ ̸̖͉̖͉̩̏Ṁ̸̡̹͈̼́̋̍Y̶̢̻̦̙͑̍̌̿ ̴̠̼̱͂̈́̓͜͜͠͝D̶͕̊̈Ę̶̤̏͂Ä̸̬̗̲Ṭ̶͇̩̋̔̀̚Ḥ̸͊̽̾!̴̨̔͂̌̋!̸̧͔̗̀͆͆"̸̜̋̅͝

Issei backed up once again. Left for dead? He did know what this... thing... was even talking about. A new sound is heard, the sound of a transforming arm... and the spulling of a barrel. The ORC looked over to the figure to see his right arm had taken a new form...

Koneko, due to a secret only Rias knew. She smelt something in the air, a smell of someone familiar. She gasped.

Koneko: "Rias!" Before Rias could hear an answer, a metallic roar came from the figure in front of them, and bullets started flying.

(A/N - Play until told to stop. Also, I don't own this song, or the game, CoD Zombies where it originated from. The song is was used to express the severity of the situation and the fight.)

Rias and Akeno summoned two seals in front of the peerage that blocked the oncoming bullets. While that may have held those back...

Y/N: "̸͙͋̿̃̈́̒͋̉̓̓̓͘͝͝͠Į̸̢̺̮̗̞͚̲̞̃͜S̸̤͙̱̹̭̞̪̮̉̽͐͑͌̿̓͆͜͠Ś̶̨̝̯̗̘̮̼̭̣̜̹̜̣̿͒͛̉̓͒Ḛ̶͕̝̯̟̪̃̒͑͒͊͌̈͑̌̌̚͘͝͝͠Î̸̡͈͜!̷̠͍̱͈̳͎͌́̍͑̔̄͒̔̉̂͐́͝͝ͅ!̴͓̹̭̜̳̪͙̰́̆̓̔"̴̨̛͙̟͕̈͌̆͂̑̿̓̐͝ͅ

The very, VERY, angry mechanoid... was a different story.

Rias: "Kiba!" 

Kiba: "Yes, President!"

Kiba gritted his teeth and kept the swords locked. Y/N's head was spazzing to the left and right, glitching. A shifting metal is heard, and Kiba watched in absolute horror. Y/N's right arm shifted again to an entirely new weapon.

Y/N: "̵̗͈̀̇́̊̌̊͛̽͜͝Ơ̴̛̯̳̲͎̣̰͋̎̈́̑͝ͅƯ̷̢͓̺̹̻̬̦͕̆͊̂͋͒͐̄͝T̵̛̠͉̦͙͓͎͕̃̿̑̔́ ̸̼̭̃̿͂̀̐̊Ơ̸̢̟̗̐̊͒́F̷͍̩̲͙̬͊̏ͅ ̵̫͎̃̓͌͋̅͐͛̆͠M̶̢̝͋̅̎͂ͅY̴͎̓ ̷̧̙̳̮̳̭͔̓̅̄̓͐̄͘̚͜W̵̛̮̠͓͕̲̝̪͓̓̈́̿̌̈́̚͝Ȃ̸͓̣̀̃͂͝Y̸̱̿̔!̴̟̆̌̿̾͠"̵̱͕͒̓̐͊̌̋̃

Kiba gritted his teeth and kept the swords locked. Y/N's head was spazing to the left and right, glitching. The sound of a shifting metal is heard and Kiba watched in absolute horror and Y/N's right arm shifted again, this time to a completely new weapon.

(A/N - Without the grip, remember, it's like an arm cannon. All your weapons are, bar the sword.)

Rapid firing spreads of bullets launch Kiba back. He crashes down on the concrete floor. With him out of the way, Y/N rushed forward toward Issei. Yet another determined devil stood between him and Issei. Koneko stood, arms ready, Y/N towering over her, but she would not budge.

Y/N: "̴̥̳̆̀̍͂̇͗̍̓F̵̗͇͚̐̉́̐̀̔͊̕͝Ī̵̢̩͙͓̖̪̠̞̞̬̅N̷̡̡̡̖̮̻̞̬̰̙̞̍̐͛́̋͂̋͗̾͘E̵̡͉̫͎̯̭̫͊͝.̶̠̅̓̈͘.̴̢̲̦̦̹͔͇̯̠̦̓͊͊̿̊̅̀͜.̴̧̡̧̞̗͚͓͒̆̏̈̽̌ ̷̫͑́̐͋̂̈́̕Ÿ̸̢́͛͑͑̆̈́̅͋͠ͅO̷̧̲̥̟̩͔͎̖̠̊̈͂̊́͂͐͋́͂͐́͝Ů̴̮̟͍͉̰̞̪̩̅̿͋͜͝ ̸̧̛͙̘̩̺̻͕̝̟͕̝̮͊̅̀̐́̄̀̽̕W̵̗͉̬̰̟̆͊͗̐̄̈́̑́̓̀͗͝͝Ĭ̴͓̠̋̽̏̈́͌̑͘͠͝S̴̢̧̬̤̩̽̇͜Ḩ̵͍̠͓͈̤̭̙̠̞͇̤͛͂͑́́̊̆͜ ̸͚̤͇̠͙̭̩̹̬̤͑͒̊̽̀̄̉͝ͅF̷̫̺̝̙̱̊͐̇̈́̂͛̈́̕Ǫ̷̢̭̹̲̪̅Ŕ̸̼͕͙̦̟̦̾͛̉̅̏̏̿̅͘͝͝ ̸͎́̏́́͗͊̕͝D̵͖̫̣̮̠͍̳͓̗̩̻̫̭̈̽Ě̴̱̟̺̠̮͔̱̯̠̮̄͆̒͘À̵̡̛̼̥̲͙̜͈͇̬͉̼͖̟̒̋̑́̀̆͝͠͝͝Ṫ̴̞̮̘̖̯̄̇͆H̷͙̩̼͂͐̒͆̆̑̂̈́́ ̷̛̩̙͙̝̫̹̜̮͈́͊̒ͅS̴̼͍̭̐̌̈́̅̽͊̉́Ǫ̵̪̹̝̲̖̞̦̘̭̈͐̌͋̋̑̋̀̍ ̶̡̯͙̞̳̦̠̯̤͇̺̦̽̃̌͌̋́̅̓͊ͅB̷̬̣͖̘̞̾A̴̘̠̝̱̦͌̈́̾̃̑̈̌̊́̕͘͠D̷̰͍̪͕̼͚͛̓͒̃̂̇L̷̟̗͎̍͋͒̾̿̌Ỳ̷̦̝̩̬̫̪͍̆̿̈́͜.̴̛̭̦̿͑̅̂.̷̡͕̱̞͂̋̌̽.̶̨̠͚̆"̵̨̢̖̳̘̝̻̦̖̿̿͋́̈́̆̃̃͘̚͠͠ His arm transformed again. 

(A/N - Image from Artstation - made by Leo Barreto - "DOOM ETERNAL - Rocket Launcher")

.̸̛̺̥̯̣͓̈͛̒.̷̨̢̣̫̀̀̽̍̔̕͠.̵̢͙̝͇̗͂ͅT̴̥̥͕̥̞̟̄̓͒͂̍͑̔̈Ḫ̶̱͙̤͓͎̏̌ͅȄ̸̛̘̦̞̅̀̐̒̽͝N̶̼̆͒̀́̅̚ ̷̡̭̼̟̀͆̄̇͐͘I̶͖̹̣̫̹͉̼͂̓̂̌̐͘ ̶̛̮̤̠̘̃̏̽Ş̴̢̻̝̓̿͌̎̏͗̕Ḧ̶̡̛̘̝̜̤̬́̾̽̕͝À̸̮̮̯̘L̷͔͓̜̘͑́̒̕L̴̛̙̤̮͔̺̍̿̈́͊ ̶̦̯͕̮̤̟̀͝G̶̟̖͎̳͎͔̪͍̋͛R̵̩͉̗̼̉͗́̋A̶̡̨͕͈̳̅̊̑Ņ̵̘̟͔̈͗̂̍̏̄̓̚T̴͓̙̲̩͙̹̈́̊̿͜͝ͅ ̵̢̘̺̣͓̀͌Y̴̬̣̟͎̫̺̥͉͑̀̈́̍͝Ỏ̷̱͗̌͑U̸͎̖̱̬͂͜ ̵̣͕̗͙̩̻̝͕̈̈́̈́Ì̷̲̯́̚͜T̷̛͉͇̱̋̽̅͠!̴̖͚͙̖͚̺̞̈́͂̃́̋́̚͠ͅ"̴͙͇̠̰͙̫̈́

Koneko gasped as four rockets fired from the barrel directly in her face, blasting her back, she landed unconsious on the ground next to Kiba.

Issei: "KONEKO!"

Rias and Akeno grew nervous. Whatever this was... isn't natural. Was this the stray devil they were sent to terminate? Y/N stopped before them, his arm returning to its original state. Issei stepped forward, his sacred gear appearing on his arm. Y/N emitted a glitchy and robotic-sounding laugh as he grabbed Issei's left hand, the one with the sacred gear, and started to twist it.

Issei: "A-AHH!"

Rias/Akeno: "ISSEI!"

Y/N: "̵̛̺͔͓̥̮͙H̸͎̫̲̱͖̤̎͊͝A̷͎̙̹̺̭͙̐͊̿͠ͅȞ̴̨̱͖͍̠̠͗Ą̶̨͇͓̹̞͊͘Ḩ̸̨̧̙͈̳̯̅A̶͕̤̺̓.̸̰̞͕͉͑͛̿̓̍̔̀̑ ̸͇̘̣͛̀́̒Ý̴̡̤̠͋̉̔̏̚̕O̶̡̡̹̰̹̮̓̓̇Ȗ̵̹͓̝̭̖̯͈͌͒͆ ̶̼̻̑̆͐̾̀̀Ȧ̴͎͕̤̯̬̟̓R̴͖̭͎̼͒͂̔́̋̎Ë̶̛͈͕̣̰͓̞̞́̈́̚͜ ̵͉͍̗̖͊̏̾̈̈̈́P̸̨͓̥̖̋̈́͗͜͠A̴̰͉͕̩͚͗̽͋̚T̷̺͍͈̳̦͕̾̉̈́͗͝H̵̗̖̩̜̘͆́́̄̇̽́̌͜͜Ḛ̶̝̱̋T̷̯͉͌̔͋̈́͗̋̾͠I̵̭̺̬̋Ç̶̯͇͐̄̾̅̉̔͜ͅ!̷̬̀̋̚ ̴͂́̋̀͌́̕ͅÁ̷̲̩̦͇̺͉̥̫̍͗̉̈́̒͊ ̶̪̲̼̀͊͂̈́̕͝͠W̶̧͈̹̳̺͈͒̏̑͑̍͝A̴̛͇͕̯S̷̫̅̔̎T̴̻̲͍̔̒̔Ẹ̵̬̉̇͆̔ ̷̯͎͆̃͠Õ̷̲̏̽͠F̸̰̈́̅͋ ̴͇̙̗͙̞͈̬̭̄͆̎̾͘F̵̗͙̔͌̊̚͜͝L̵̛̳̗̠͊̅̌͝͝Ȩ̷̛̣͓̳̪̐͋͒̈́͆Š̴̡̬̪H̴̯́͌̇̍!̶͍̞̬̖͊̿̌ ̶̦̗̄́̈́̚͜T̶̤̞̓̒̍͂̌̇̚O̷̫̖̬̱̎͆̓̔̍̈́͜ ̶͔̯̯̤̮͚̓̋̑̎̒͝E̶̢̼̮̓́́V̵̘͙̬̩̉̒̾̈̅̕͠É̶̻͚͖̜̼̓̽̋̎͐̕N̵̨̛̫̰̲͕̘̹̾̋̈́̈́͝ ̶̨̛̥̘̣̮̩̓͆̔͂́̕͠ͅṰ̵̨̐̂͒̈́͐ͅH̶̥͖͎͆I̷̧̠̮̼͔͍̟͐̐͝͝N̷̡̧͔͎̠͎̭͎͛K̸̦͙͍͆̈͊ ̶̘̞͇͔̹̳̪̾̉̋̀̒̿̂͜I̷̗̐̿̏̽̋͜ ̸̧̮͂̾C̴͚̃̇̍͒̚͝Ā̵̛̬͈̳̞L̶̥̪͉̪̥̹̎͑̀̽͒̍͘L̵̢̩̞̖̼̭͕̂̽̄̀ͅE̸̲̫̥̣̹̰͑̇̋̎̕͜D̶̛͖̤̘͚̭̒̈̌̈́̚ ̷̫̫̅͑͗̇̃͑̇̈Y̴̢͕̭̫͍̳̥͆́̚Ô̸̘̖͍̤̯͎̲̙͗̆͌̀͘Ư̸̢̛̠̣̻̼͚̺̽̇̚ ̵̩̙̄̃͊͘B̶͉̌R̷̡̛̟̱̞̟͉͍̂͂̏̿͋̕͜͝Õ̵̡̻͇̳͠T̶̘͉͆̏̾̎͗̈́͘̚Ḥ̶̫̑͛̈́̇̋̇̀͝Ȅ̴̡̳̱͈͔̤̠̍̀͐̐͛̔R̶̡̰̫͚͇͎͍̋͒̃̀͂̾!̸͔̋̈́̈́̿̊̅̐͗͜"̸̻͈̬̺̟̒͆̉̾͑ͅ

His voice was barely audible, but Rias and Akeno heard the one word they both needed to hear. Brother... They knew who this was now, but... how?! What happened to him?! This wasn't the Y/N they knew before he... he acted like he wasn't even human!

Rias: "Y/N! STOP!"

(A/N - Stop the music here.)

Y/N's entire body froze up; her voice... her words... echoed throughout his mind. His head ached. Y/N released his hand that grabbed Issei's and brought them both to his head.

Y/N: "̷̙̺͎͖͇̪̯͈̯̥̽͜A̸̢̝͌̔̍̋͜Ḥ̵̱̦̲͙́̊͒̐̅̑̓̋ͅH̴̨̡̢͈̗͕̠̻̗̭̿͗̓̈͐̍̄̋͗̕͜H̶̙̞̹͒̎ͅĤ̴̡̘̜͈̫̙̥̼̳H̸̢̧͕͎̙͕̻̣̅̇͐̓H̴͎̠̘̅̏̚H̵̨͈̜͇̙̲̮̦̄͆́͆̈́̇͠Ḩ̴̜̘̙͎͎̮̱̾͆͂̇͑͛̑̀͆̎͝H̴͙̎̉̎̾̆̔Ĥ̶̦̗̩̍͛͊͂̏̿́̊͆Ḣ̵̛̩̯͙͎̹͉͖͔̯̪̣̐͗͆̽H̸̢̲̱͈̤͉̬̥̆̄̋͌̌͝H̴̢̡̤̗̝͔̼̳̜̦̀̅̍͆͑͝͠H̶̲̏̈́̑̊́͠H̷̭̃̍͜H̸͙̾̓̐̍̌̀̽͊͐Ḩ̶̣̦͕̳̝̳͖̫̗̓͌̐̾̐́͆͂̓̃̕͜Ḥ̴̪͊͗͑͛̓̕͝͝͝H̴̡͈̙͙̙̲̪͓̲̟́̔̀͜͝Ḧ̷̰͇̝̙̣͖̹̼̱̹̼́H̷̡͔̰͖͔͔̝̑̉̇͆̊͐͗̏̂͝ͅḨ̷̗̲͉͍̼̻̱̉H̷̢̛̛̞͈̋̐̓̿̆͆͝͝H̷̨̗͈̭̉̉̎Ḥ̶̢̗̦͇̓͒̾̿͆͐̓Ḧ̸̖́̈́̓̈́̈́͂͗͠H̸̻̓̈̕Ḥ̷̟̙̃̑̒̂͐̀̂̕!̷̠̿̓̽́́̊̂̅̽̕!̴̹̭̳̖͍̝̦̉̆̅̕ ̶̦̱̘͎̺̦͖̦͍͋M̶̘̖̔̋͆̃A̵̝͍̠͚̅́͒̄͊̈́̐̐Ḵ̵̨̢̺̪̭̲̈́͊̃̓̎̍̏̽̅͆Ȩ̶̧̧̻͔̯̞̖̩̯̣̿̈́̈́̓͗̉́͋̿͝ ̷̡̛̖͙͉̠̭̞̱̍Ḭ̴̢̱͇͌̂̈̌͐̈́̇̽͜͝T̶̰̗̰͇͍͉̤͈͂̀́̋͜ ̵͈̯̩͉͍̜̌S̸̱̍͌̈̓͒̅̎͗̚͘͝-̷͍̼͖̭̘̲͍̺͆͊̿͂͛S̶̨͇̊̅-̵̧͈͌͋̿̀̃͊Ș̵̔͐̑̈́͛̈́-̵̧̗̺̼̫̞̘̤̳͊̂́́͗̌͛̒͂ͅͅŞ̶̱̪̹̬̤͉̩̟̿͊̇̄̕͠͠͠Ţ̴̧̟̫̫͎̠̙̗͔̀͆͜O̷̬̰͖̬͈̰̲̥̓̈́͂̆̍̀̔̕͘̚͝P̸̹̭̖͔̜̞̣͗̇͗̄̚P̷̡̳̲̫͉̻̫̯͙͖̦̀̊̏̇̐͐̐͘͠P̴̨͕͕̠̑͒̄͋̉̽P̸̡̩͕͇̰͋̊̔̍̐́̃͆͊͜P̶̪͑̀͗̎̈̐̉͒͊͊͝P̶͖̞͛Ṕ̵̢̯̬͓̩͕̻̹̀P̸̤͝P̸̧͎̦̞͖̤̤͕̐̃̇͋̃̐̇̋͌̕͜P̷̨̡̠̹̝̜̿̄͋̆̊͜P̷͙̩̜̜̐͊̅͊͜͝Ṗ̵̧̢̪͓̻̦͋̓̀́͑͂̑̏̋̚ͅP̶̨̹̼̹͓͔̺̙͍̠̀̿P̷̧͔͖̟͇͖͉̙̂̔̅̍͑͛̌P̶̼̫̏P̷͚̣͚̙̼͔͖̠̹̀̈́͒̋̌̏͊̂͒̕͠ͅP̶̨̙͔̠͔͖̪̩͐̒P̴̢͇͎̥̾P̸͈̓̏͋̕͝͝P̷̲̰̤̺͋̏̍͊͛̿̊̇͘͠Ṗ̵̢̤͖̝̫̞̗͇͒͋͌P̵͕̮̪͚̮̪̿̊P̴̗̩͚̎̀P̵̛̮͓̝̼̙̩͔͉͐͊P̶̢̛̻̹̩̽͛̉̐̐̂̄͒͆͘P̸͇̪̭͐̎̇P̶̣̖̱̑͌̏P̴̛̬̗͇̂̆͌͑͊͗̊̾P̶̢̩̖͇̲̭̥̠̜͑Ṗ̷͔̈́̕!̸͙͎̓́̔̽̏̿͑̑̍̓̚!̵̮̃̀̓͊͜͝ ̷̨̠͓̣͎̗̼͖̜̉́͒̏̄̽̈͛̈̕͜͜͝Ť̵͚̖̘̠͊̀͑̾̈́͆̚͠-̴̞̞̉̅̃́̔̍̈́͘͠͠T̸̡͇̱̜̺̬̐͑̍̍̓̆̑̊̚-̸̳͎̓̈́̊̓͂T̷̡̻̗͕̱̫̟̫͓̏̔̉̏̅̀̀̄͝ͅ-̷̞̪͇͓̖̳̘̲̱̱̻̈́̍̅̅̓̅̕T̸͎̥̦͔̺͊͐̓̑͐͗̀H̶͎̦̳̊͒Ȩ̸̤̩̞̜̅̅̕E̵̢͖͍̯̟͗͒̆̋̈́͜͜Ę̵̹̣͉̾̌͑̓͜E̸̞̱̣̺͌͂̎̓̎͒ ̶̦͕̹̝͕̘͍̯̮̰̩̈́̿͛̈̅̌̅͠͠͝Ṙ̸͈̪̫̻̼̖̏̓̏̾̈̿-̵̧̢̹̖́͐͆̕͝R̷̲̗͇̱̠̜̪̦͕͚̅̕̕-̵̧̡̛̰̞͔̙̄̋R̴͕͋ͅͅ-̸̢̨̠̩̜̤͎̮͗ͅR̴̢̞̻̯̞̥͔͇͂̉-̴͕̘̼̞͆̓͗͒́̓̅͂ͅR̸͍͖̭̞͔̱̮̿̓̍̚Ì̸̡̱̣͍̱̻̳̓̒̓͛́̏͗̈͝N̸͚̐̈́͆̀́͐͝N̵̞͉̟͈̳̤͎̻̜̓̊̈́̈̀̃̎G̶̥͍̞͖͚̈́̇̄͝Ģ̶̝͔͖̹͈̪̠̫͕͑͗̇̀̈̉̈́͘͘͝ͅG̸̨͎̯̠̝͚̭̲̻̙͎̉͒̎Ì̵̩̭̩̌̒̐̄̚͝͝N̸̰̈́͂̅̚̕͠N̷̢͈͈̻̼͍̭̱͇̥̈́̀͊N̷̹͍̗̼̺̹̘̲̘̤̆̈́̏N̴̡̦̠̥͇̿͜ͅN̶͉͈͚̞̝̘̈̏̅̅́̚Ǹ̸̪N̸̨̡̺̖̥͙͕̞͉̻̙͑̋̊͒̒̕G̵̳͎̩̟̠͚͇̫̮̓̅͛͒̀̏͝ͅG̵͇͖̬̟̐̋̋̋͛͛G̷̬̗̤̫̣͕̠͛̌̐͜͝G̴̛̰̙̔̀̀̏͌̋̄̕͝Ģ̸̜̋̒Ǵ̶̯̦͐̕G̸̨̨̳͎̱̈́̍̐͑̂̐̈́̋͂́̒Ģ̸̗̲̗͉͓͇̩̜̌͛̆̈́̈́̊͆͛̚̚G̶̛̞̼̹̮̰̪̥̜̰̈́̇̈́͒̎̒̈̕͝͠G̴̢̛̜̥͖͐̓͆͊ͅG̴̨͔̫͍̭͊̈́̊͂͌͜͝G̵̥̟̈́̚̚G̷͉̈́̐͒̀̌͘G̶̡͙̦̱̠̞̭͆Ǧ̵̢͚̺͙̰̳͎̹̣͌G̵̨̪̯̖̪̯̰̠̓G̷̡̧̞̳̹̜̗͖͌́̄̋͛̂̈́̚͝ͅG̵͇̻͈̩̮͌̒͘G̸͎͉͇̣̰̰̬̊̎̀͂̿͠͠͠G̷̢͓̲̦͈̠̝̈́̐G̴̻̤͆̉Ģ̷̞̪̟͖͚̮̳͊͐̍͆͗͌͒͠͠͠ͅĞ̷̨̤̺͇͍̘̝G̸̢̠͚̬̤̬̈́͗̈́͐̈́̈́̽̔͂͜ͅG̴͈͇̮̬͕̐̿̐͒͒G̶̬̭͔̠̗̤̹̘̏͑͊̃̈́̐̀̚G̸̹̜̱͉͚̠͍̼̦̤̽͗̚̚!̵̘̩̺͚͓̜̖̳̇͂̀͆̃̀͘!̶̗͓̙͔̜̻̮̓͐͠"̴̧̩͚̥̘͚̿̒̎͒̂

Rias held out her hand in an effort to reach to him. Tears rolling down her face. 

Rias: "Y/N..." She felt arms grab her and turned around to see Akeno was the one holding her. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! H-H-HE'S RIGHT THERE!!" Akeno shouted back with tears in her own eyes.


Rias looked over and saw the bad shape both Kiba and Koneko were in. Tattered clothes, bruises, and each of them were bleeding. She then looked to Issei, who was panting, trying to bear through the pain he had just gone through. Rias reluctantly bowed her head. Akeno was right. They needed to withdraw.

Rias: "ISSEI! WE'RE LEAVING!" Issei's head jolted over, and looked at Rias with a shocked look of disbelief. "NOW!" Issei stood and ran over. Rias summoned a teleportation seal beneath the ORC and left the warehouse. Leaving a still glitching Y/N whose scream echoed until finally... it stopped.



Uh... my head... what the hell happened? I opened my eyes slightly and was blinded by the light above me. Once my eyes adjusted, I noticed where I was. I was back at the Prometheus Foundation.

Y/N: (What... when did I get back here...? Wait... did I complete the mission?)

I heard the doors opening, I watched a very... VERY... angry Dr. Krauser walks in and glares down at me.

Y/N: "H-Heya... d-did I complete the m-mission?" I felt the Doctor slog me in the head, and I looked at him, stunned.


I was caught off guard by his sudden reaction. He walked back over and slammed the door shut, locking it. Huh. I didn't know those lab doors had locks.

Dr. Krauser: "Spirit. Activiate soundproofing." Spirit, who I didn't know was here, walked into view in her other form.

Spirit: "Affirmative Doctor." She clicked a button, and suddenly, the walls were blanketed in sound foam.

Y/N: "Uh... what's this all about?" Krauser sighed, sitting in a chair and rolling over to me.

Dr. Krauser: "What do you remember about the last twenty-four hours?"

Y/N: "Uh... that we went after the stray devil?"

Spirit: "Nothing else?"

Y/N: "Uh... no? Did we kill the stray?"

Dr. Krauser: "Yes, you killed it. But that doesn't compare to what you pulled after..."

Y/N: "Huh...?"

Spirit: "Y/N... after Viser, the stray devil, was killed, Rias... showed up." My eyes widened. Don't tell me... "We still don't know what brought it on, but you malfunctioned... badly. You disobeyed orders, overrode protocols..."


Dr. Krauser: "No, you did not. However, Kiba and Koneko you did." Wait a second...


Spirit: "I concur... Doctor, that is the first I've heard you refer to those names." Krauser sighed, walked over, and opened a drawer, staring longly at it.

Dr. Krauser: "Spirit, deactivate yourself." 

Spirit: "W-What?!"

Dr. Krauser: "Just temporarily..."

Spirit: "O-Okay..." Spirit vanished from both our views. The Doctor turned his attention back to me.

Dr. Krauser: "I didn't want her here to hear this..."

Y/N: "W-Well get on wit-"

Dr. Krauser: "Have you wondered where Reyla has been?" I stopped speaking. Huh? What did he mean by that?

Y/N: "At... your house?"

Dr. Krauser: "Well... this IS my house... and she's not here." Krauser walked back over and handed me a picture frame. One with him holding Reyla high on his shoulder's in front of an actual house. "That was my home... our home..."

Y/N: "W-Wait... what are you saying?" Krauser held up his hand. His ring looked burned.

Dr. Krauser: "I'm a widower... my wife passed away six months after Reyla's adoption and..." He paused, even starting to weep a little. "Reyla... died with her..."

I sat in utter silence. Reyla was dead... 

Y/N: "H-How..."

Dr. Krauser: "A fire... a fire a year and a half ago... I lost everything that day...

Y/N: "I'm sorry..."

Dr. Krauser: "I'm sure you've noticed..."

Y/N: "Noticed what?"

Dr. Krauser: "Look at that photo of Reyla. Then compare it to Spirit for me." I did as he asked.



My eyes widened. They looked the same...

Y/N: "T-They look the same."

Dr. Krauser: "That's right... losing Reyla was worse for me than anything I had ever experienced before. Now look where it got me... I was selfish... and built her again..."

Y/N: "Spirit... even acts like her to..."

Dr. Krauser: "In her way. However, they are still different at the same time."

Y/N: "Does she know...?"

Dr. Krauser: "Not yet... and I'd like to keep it that way."

Y/N: "W-Why?"

Dr. Krauser: "Its... what's best for her, believe me..." I nodded, slowly.

Y/N: "B-But wait. D-Did you try and go back in and save them?"

Dr. Krauser: "Of course I did, against the fire brigades judgement."

Y/N: "Then... how are you still alive?" Dr. Krauser sighed.

Dr. Krauser: "That... my dear, Y/N. Is thanks to two men... a father and son." He paused, took out his necklace, and flourished it to me.

"A Father and Son, bearing the last name Gremory..."

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