Heart is happy !

By uniq11

2.3K 230 44

Hoseok a cheerful, bubbly boy who is always happy and thinks positive. He and his mother and younger brother... More



369 20 2
By uniq11



Boys dressed in suits are running fast. A boy wearing his shoe and buttoning his suit shouted from behind.

"Hey, wait."

He started running and caught up to them. "We are running late, right ?" He asked.

They ignored and walked fast. "Walk slowly, please. Why are you rushing ?" He said.

They walked fast and heard announcement. "Now it's turn of bride's cousins that are Wooshik, taehyung, taemin, moon hyung and hoseok."

They ran inside the hall where guests and stage was there.

"They will entertain you with a dance production." Announcer said. "Hey, it's performance not production." Hoseok shouted.

"Hoseok remember you have to stand at back and do steps correctly." Wooshik said.

A boy in a distance saw them coming.

"This is cheating. This time as well you made me stand back." Hoseok complained.

"Oh really? You aren't as good dancer as jhope that we should make you stand in front." Wooshik said.

"Hoseok you could never do group exercises properly back in school. Do you really think you can dance ?" Moon hyung said.

"Jhope also learnt to dance so good. He also struggled at some time but now everyone is crazy behind him."

He stops and flail his arms. "I will dance wholeheartedly in my sister's wedding."

Everyone walks ahead. His brother Taehyung stops. "Brother we have practiced the steps right ?"

Hoseok pouted. "Just come and dance." Taehyung and hoseok went towards the others.

The boy kept on watching hoseok. He was so lost in him that he collided with someone.

He looked back. "Oh, yoongi dear you so early. We haven't even prepared and the groom's family is already here." The father of bride said.

"No uncle we have only come one day earlier groom's family will come later only." Yoongi said.

Jung Minho sighed in relief. "Our yoongi has habit of reaching before scheduled time, that's why he is successful at young age." An old lady came talking.

"That's a virtue." Minho said. "Grandma, Greetings." Minho welcomed them.

"Be blessed" grandma said. "You didn't face any problems in journey right ?" Minho asked.

"I faced many problems, dear. I have got old. My back is hurting like hell. I am growing old." Grandma said.

"No, Grandma you are still extremely young. You must be exhausted you better take rest." Minho said.

They all went and sat in seats. The song started and the boys with hoseok and taehyung started dancing on exo love shot.

Everyone was watching happily when suddenly hoseok from back came in front. "Where are you going, hyung ? Don't do this." Taehyung warned hoseok.

Hoseok went ahead pushed wooshik aside and started dancing in his own style. Everyone watched him weirdly.

Minho and his wife Jungsoo were embarrassed and glared at hoseok. Everyone was laughing but suddenly hoseok fell down and everyone went silent.

Jungsoo scoffed. "If he would do such weird antics he is bound to get humiliated."

Hoseok dusted his clothes and stood up. He smiled. "What happened ? Why did you all stopped laughing ?" He asked.

"For entertaining you all I fell down and you all aren't laughing ?" He said.

Suddenly a laughter was heard. When everyone saw it was yoongi laughing.

Hoseok smiled. "He's laughing... The happiest person is one who laughs and sneezes unihibitedly."

He even sneezed at moment. "I don't compromise on these. I do everything wholeheartedly. I can't control myself because heart is happy. We should do everything uninhibitedly. Laugh,play everything."

Yoongi and everyone laughed. Yoongi's mom said, "Shut up !" But yoongi laughed.

"You know sometimes when I try to get out of car I am unable to. Then I realise that I didn't removed the seat belt." Hoseok said laughing.

Everyone laughed loudly. Minho was looking down embarrassed. "But no.. my way of dancing is different. Like we vomit when we feel like same when I feel like I need to dance. I am not at peace until I dance." Hoseok said pouting.

Yoongi's sister's were amazed by him. "He has guts." Minji said. "She is so funny minji" Suzy said.

"If I would've tripped on stage I would've cried in humiliation. She is laughing at herself !" Suzy said.

Minho got up and went to Dahyun, hoseok's and taehyung's mother.

"Dahyun, what is that boy blabbering about ?" Asked a furious Jungsoo.

Dahyun looked down. "It's good that my leg didn't break or I wouldn't be able to d..." Hoseok said but got cut off by taehyung.

"Hyung , stop or you'll be in trouble." Taehyung said worried.

"Shut up Tae." Hoseok said and was again going to say something but taehyung interrupted.

"Hyung come on, uncle and aunt are getting furious." Taehyung said and listening this hoseok smile faded and he looked towards his uncle and aunt who were glaring.

Hoseok gulped.




"He humiliated us in front of guests." Minho yelled at hoseok and went near him. "Everyone was laughing at us."

"What was the need of him to go on stage and humiliate us ?" Jungsoo said.

"I had been awaiting my daughter's wedding since the day she was born." Minho said.

"I worked hard and wanted my daughter's wedding to be lavish. I wanted it to be top notch. Why did I did all this hoseok ?" Minho said.

"I wanted my family to be honoured. But you grazed my reputation and made a mockery of me in front of everyone." Minho shouted.

Hoseok looked down. Tears were stinging in his eyes but he didn't let them fall.

Hoseok shook his head and said. "No, uncle no one was laughing at me they were laughing with me. Don't worry you haven't been humiliated.."

"Shut up !" Minho shouted. "Dahyun knock some sense into him. People were laughing at us. Boys like you become laughing stock and don't even realise it. Boys like you never get married. You stay single and lonely whole life."

Hoseok looked at his mom who just looked away.

"If it wasn't my daughter's wedding I would I have sent you three to gwangju. While staying here be in your limits." Minho said gritting his teeth.

He turned towards dahyun. "Don't forget your stature. Do you get it?" He said and left.

Dahyun came near hoseok while wiping her tears. "Hoseok dear.." She began.

"I know mom. Children who don't have father shouldn't be bold or others will speak ill of them." Hoseok said.

"Hoseok, after your father's demise it was your uncle who supported us. We are indebted to him." Dahyun tried to reason.

"Please, mom." Taehyung groaned. "I know after father's death uncle supported us but if he had to do this to us he shouldn't have taken our responsibility." Taehyung said irritated.

Dahyun looked down and went to sit on couch. Hoseok looked at taehyung.

"Why are you getting worked up Tae? So what if uncle scolded us ? He does that to everyone. He taunts everyone. It doesn't affects me." Hoseok looked at his mom.

"I am only affected by mom and her reactions." Hoseok said and went in front of his mom.

"And I know that you enjoyed it. I saw you laughing." Hoseok said while Dahyun smiled.

"You know hoseok when you fell on stage my heart skipped a beat." Dahyun said caressing hoseok's cheek.

Hoseok stood up. "You worry over trivial matters mom. You know what dad said. He said we fall at some point of time but what matters is how we pull up together." He smiled.

Dahyun got up and caressed his hair. "You know hoseok I am glad and proud on how you handled things today."

"Are you happy ?" Hoseok asked. Dahyun nodded. "Then I am also happy. To heck with the world." Hoseok said smiling.

"Hyung please stop it. This happiness is a loan and our life is also a loan. Uncle and aunt always taunt us. I just hate it." Taehyung yelled and went from there.

Hoseok went behind him on terrace. He stood near him. "What happened ? Are you angry ?"

"What you expect ?" Taehyung said turning around.

"We listen to taunts most of the time so we can spare some time to get angry, right ?" Taehyung said pouting.

"Yes, right let your anger grow. Let it grow." Hoseok said fisting his hand in hair.

"Hyung, you won't stop your drama right ?" Taehyung said turning away.

"I won't. Never." Hoseok replied. "Haven't you heard of the dialogue. "Every dog has a day, we will also have." Hoseok said.

"Really ? How will that happen ?" Taehyung asked.

"How will it happen ? Don't you know when we go to gwangju I will have my degree then I will get job and then everything will be good." Hoseok said enthusiastically.

"Degree ?" Taehyung scoffed. "Despite the hard work you put in you only scored 55 percent marks. You haven't done anything big that companies are eager to give you job." Taehyung said.

Hoseok smiled nervously. "You are right. I only scored 55 and none is eager to give me job but you know what dad told us." Hoseok turned Taehyung towards him.

"He used to say that only those people are called winners who don't accept defeat easily. I believe in it. So what if I got 55 percent. I won't get big job but and ordinary job is also enough." Hoseok reasoned out.

"Oh really ? What will you do after getting a job ?" Taehyung asked.

"What will I do ? Folirst of all I will make sure that our mom helps her head high like this." Hoseok said raising taehyung's head by his chin.

"When our dad was alive our mom walked with dignity. She would do whatever came in her mind. She wouldn't care about what world thought. But after dad's demise." Hoseok eyes pooled with tears.

"She learned to compromise. She listens to every nonsense uncle and aunt utters.
She agrees to whatever they say. Never speaks her mind. She is living a life of slavery." Hoseok held taehyung's shoulders.

"Why she is doing this ? For our sake. She made us educated. So that we get a job and atleast get out of this place." Hoseok said.

"After getting job I will get a house. I will put a big nameplate outside, Tae. Jung Dahyun." Hoseok said boasting. Taehyung smiled.

"Then buy three rooms house because I need my separate room." Taehyung said.

Hoseok slung his arm on taehyung's shoulder. "Granted ! You will remember my generosity." Hoseok said.

Taehyung laughed. "I cheered you up." Hoseok laughed. "Let's go we have to get ready for sister's bachelor party." Hoseok said taking taehyung's hand.

Taehyung stopped and whined. "Hyung, uncle and aunt are already angry with you. If we get caught we will be in real trouble. Taehyung said worried.

"Nothing will happen Tae. Noona has asked us for one thing if we don't give her she will feel bad. We can't afford a gift for her so let's do this only." Hoseok said.

"We would party but without uncle's knowledge. Let's go." They both left.





Hoseok was driving the car. There were 8 people in four seater car so the car was going very slowly.

The little son of Minho said. "Hyung."

"I want to pee." He said. "What ?" Hoseok said. "But don't stop the car. I will come back after peeing but you wouldn't have gone too far." He said which made everyone laugh.

"Ha ha ha was it a joke ? Was i supposed to laugh." Hoseok laughed sarcastically.

"Look at size of car and no. of people travelling in it. It's like elephant is travelling on an ant." Hoseok said last part in taehyung's face.

"Why are you telling me that ! I was going. They stopped me." Taehyung pouted.

"We knew that hoseok would goof up. Why should you have all the fun?" Taemin said.

"Why should you have all the fun ?" Hoseok mimicked taemin.




"The poor guy was shamed to death." Yoongi's grandmother laughed.

"I heard he humiliated him very much. Even cracked jokes." Yoongi's father said while taking oxygen from oxygen cylinder.

"Thank god he didn't put garlands of shoes." They all laughed except yoongi.

"Obviously he had to go out of control he has no father after all." Yoongi's mom said. Yoongi wasn't liking it.

"When he was 13 Jung Minho's younger brother died." She continued.

"Hoseok doesn't have father ?" Yoongi asked. "I guess that's why he tends to be jovial." Yoongi said.

Everyone stared at him. He quickly removed blood pressure machine from his father.

"It's normal dad." He said. "Yoongi." Grandma called.

"Yes ?" Yoongi said without looking. "What do you mean ?" She asked. "It's normal blood pressure." Yoongi said.

"Forget bp. What were you saying earlier about hoseok ?" She asked.

"Grandma..." Yoongi looked towards his sisters who were smirking.

He got up and sat beside Grandma. "Those who hide pain inside them somehow find fun in everything. Have anyone else fallen on stage would be in tears but he laughed and made others laugh." Yoongi said remembering that moment smiling.

"But brother was laughing too much." Minji said. "Was he laughing or feeling shy ?" Suzy said.

"Keep quiet or I'll pull your hair." Yoongi glared. Grandma laughed.

"You are blushing yoongi." She squeezed his cheeks.

"You should have danced in place of him. You would have made all crazy." Everyone laughed.

"Look son, don't dance on tunes of boys but make them dance on your tunes." She said.

"Mom, he is a charted accountant. Is it what is left for him, CA, to do ?" Park Seojoon said.

"Will he keep dancing and singing instead of accountancy ?" Seojoon said.

"Anyway all the responsibility of family is on his shoulders now. After my post heart attack if he hadn't managed this family and his job we ,Parks, would have lost all worth and identity." Suddenly he coughed.

Chareyoung came and rubbed his back." We are lucky to have son like him. Don't worry. Everything will be fine." She said.

"One son is like this and the other. Your darling grandson, Jimin." Seojoon said.

"Having expectations from him is like hammering nail in wall with your head." Seojoon said grimacing.

On other side a group of friends is yelling at top of their lungs. A girl is sitting in front of an open jeep. Two boys at back and one boy is standing and driving with his feet.

They are going at high speed.

"If you could've you would've made him the prime minister as soon as he was born." Grandma said.

"Seojoon jimin is still young. And if elder brother is prince he will also be a prince right ?" Grandma said.

"You can tell a plant from it's seedling,mom." Seojoon said irritated.

"He is not a prince. He is a beast. See his doings. Last month the great Mr. Jimin's photo had been published in the newspaper. He was protesting against the college." Seojonn said.

"It's rule of college that length of girls dresses should be below the knee. What problem does he have in that ?" He said shouted.

"Relax" Chareyoung said. "Tell me Grandma. Is modesty a bad thing ? But no your grandson is as indecent as the girls." Seojoon scoffed.




The group of friends were still shouting. "Jimin jimin jimin." They were encouraging him more.

Jimin also shouted and kept on driving while standing with his feet.

On other hand hoseok's car was few meters away. They were driving like tortoise and jimin was like a rocket.

Jimin on nearing their car gave a hit to their car breaking the side view mirror.

The boys shouted with hit. Hoseok looked out and saw jimin winking at them and he drove ahead at full speed.

Hoseok stopped the car and got down to see damage and the side view mirror was all broken. Hoseok gulped in fear.

"We are done for ! Say it's not true" Taehyung shouted.

The little chaewon said. "Hyung I didn't came with you. I didn't accompanied you." He said in fear.

"If uncle comes to know about this he will break us in as many pieces as this glass of side view mirror." Taehyung said sweating.




They arrived at the restaurant. They parked the car in front of it. They all got down.

Hoseok looked at the car gloomily.

Jungha said "Dad will scold us really badly. We are done for. Come on let's go home." She said worried.

"No, noona. We are used to uncle's scolding. It's okay. But you won't have your Bachelorette party. We will deal with it after we go home. Let's enjoy now." Hoseok said.

They were going inside when they heard a commotion. "Step out of car sir." Hoseok looked around.

"H-Hey leave my hand." Jimin said. "Hey. Stand still." Police officer said.

"What were you doing ? Are you a superman ?" Officer asked.

"Show me tour driving license." He asked. "Rash driving and me ?" Jimin said innocently.

"Sir, I think your misunderstanding is worth 1000 yuan." Jimin said taking out money and giving to officer.

Hoseok saw this and gave the keys to jungha. "Noona take the keys and go inside. I'll go and teach this brat a lesson. You go in." Hoseok said.

"Hey.." jungha said but hoseok already went.

"Hey, we had to chase you at 100 kmph and you are saying you didn't Rash drive?" Officer said removing the hand of jimin from his shoulder which was holding money.

"Sir, the thing is me and my jeep likes to talk with air. If speed goes below 100 my car gets annoyed." Jimin said making sad face.

"You are getting 1000 won be glad." Jimin said. Hoseok reached there and said.

"Yes, sir. He was the one." Hoseok said pointing towards jimin. "Hey, I, jimin still exists and will always be there." Jimin said.

He checked him from head to toe. "Who are you ?" He asked.

"Sir , I saw with my own eyes. He.." hoseok began but got interrupted by the girl who was with jimin.

"You'll obviously see with your own eyes. Who else eyes will you borrow to see." She said.

"Hey, don't you dare. Yes mam." Officer said.

"I will tell you sir. I saw these people speeding and their car.." hoseok got interrupted by jimin.

"Is police department of our town so miserable that they have to listen to a poor boy driver." Jimin said mocking.

Hoseok pushed jimin. "What do you mean ? So what if I am a poor boy driver ? I am aware of all rules. I have valid driver license."

"Hey, I, jimin make my own rules. You better keep your lecture to yourself. Get lost ! He's here to enjoy spectacle.. Hey." Jimin again got cut off.

"Hey, I am not here to enjoy spectacle. My name is hoseok. Jung jiwon dahyun hoseok. Got it ?" Hoseok fumed in anger.

Jimin laughed. "Are you telling your name or residential adress ? Decide first that your name is jiwon, dahyun or hoseok. He doesn't know his name and is locking horns with jimin." Jimin said.

"Oh jimin. Do heck with you." Hoseok said.

"How can you say that I don't know my name. My name is hoseok. Jiwon is my dad's name, dahyun is my mom's name and jung is our surname. Got it ?" Hoseok said flaring his nose.

"I, jimin don't waste time to understand nonsense like this. Get lost from here. Hey you officer..." jimin said.

"Oh really. You don't waste your time on nonsense then let me come to point." Hoseok said and turned to officer.

"So officer point is that I was driving happily with my siblings. We were enjoying driving. We don't even believe in speeding to have fun. We were driving normally when he drove his car out of nowhere at lightning speed and banged into our car." Hoseok said last part looking towards jimin.

"He broke the side view mirror. This spoilt brat did this." Hoseok said.

"Sir who are you listening to ? A poor boy driver ?" Jimin said.

"So what if I am a poor boy. You asked me to come to the point that's what I did." Hoseok said.

"The point is.." jimin said but got cut off. "The point is.." hoseok started but he got cut off by jimin.

"Sir ask him driving license." Jimin said. "I have my driving license." Hoseok said.

"Then show him." Jimin said. " should I show you my side view mirror ?" Hoseok said to officer.

"It's confirmed now." Officer said. "What's confirmed ?" Jimin asked.

"It's confirmed that.. thank you sir." Officer said to hoseok.

"Hey, arrest them." Officer said to his underlings.

Hoseok smirked at jimin. Jimin glared at him. "These spoilt brats need a lesson." Officer said and dragged them.

Jimin kept glaring at hoseok and he kept smirking.


Word count - 3486

Note - Chapters will be long.


"Someone's car is crushed." Hoseok's smile faded.

"This is what you get for annoying me." Jimin said.


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