Fortress Vader

By KenobiReads

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A Vader Dark Romance The end of the Clone Wars didn't come with a cease fire and peace treaty. It came all at... More

Author's Note
Prologue - Her
Prologue - Him
One - Incipiency
Two - Hermitage
Three - Adjudicate
Four - Asunder
Five - Seminal
Six - Conundrum
Seven - Aegis
Eight - Iniquitous
Nine - Emasculate
Ten - Convalescence
Eleven - Métier
Twelve - Licentious
Thirteen - Aptitude
Fourteen - Infallibility
Fifteen - Circumspection
Sixteen - Ardor
Seventeen - Iconoclast
Eighteen - Recalcitrance
Nineteen - Scatological
Twenty - Prevarication
Twenty-one - Imperium
Twenty-three - Explication
Twenty-four - Logomachy
Twenty-five - Persiflage
Twenty-six - Ecumenopolis
Twenty-seven - Abstruse
Twenty-eight - Bipartite
Twenty-nine - Extrapolate
Thirty - Penultimate
Thirty-one - Dereliction
Thirty-two - Unbosomed
Thirty-three - Penitence

Twenty-two - Vituperation

388 22 4
By KenobiReads

Being able to admit you're wrong is important, but so is standing up for yourself when he's being an ass.
Year 5



That went surprisingly well. I end up leaving with the same man I entered with—a kriffing clone! I truly never believed I'd get to meet one, and there's been one here the whole time! Amazing. I want to ask him everything.

I've been with him and the admiral for a mere twenty minutes when my datapad pings. I excuse myself and separate from their search, smiling at Letty across the room.

My heart putters out when I see the message from Yellow Eyes. Of course—his name in my system is Apprentice.

Vader's office

Is this a summons? There's no time attached. That's literally all it says.

Shit, I have no idea. I work my way to Letty who must see my expression because she meets me halfway.

"I need to meet with Lord Vader. Continue this for me?"

"Sure thing. Holler if you need me."

I nod and don't bother to inform the admiral of my departure. Walking briskly, I make it back to the south wing without interruption. Outside his office, I take a breath, but my mind is everywhere.

When the door opens, there's no one there. I frown and am about to call out for someone when a warm hand grips my wrist and tugs me inside.

Reddish yellow eyes shine back at me, a devious, wild grin on his face. "How was your meeting?"

I gape at him for a moment, trying to understand what is going on. Looking around for Vader, I clear my throat.

"Uh, good I think. Has something happened?"

The next thing I know, he's kissing me. Hard.

The whiplash I'm experiencing is nothing compared to the way my body responds. I feel like soft rubber in his hands—one of which is pressing my waist hard against him, the other is pulling my hair out of its pins. I'm aware of our feet moving as he guides me backward, but the rest of the world has faded away. He spreads my lips apart with his tongue and a soft moan slips out.

When my butt hits something, however, I break the kiss with a gasp and look down to see it is Vader's desk.

Reality slams back into me.

"Stop," I breathe, shock rolling through me.

"No," he says before his hands slip under my jacket to work up my stomach.

I try to push them down, but he's so strong. "Seriously! We can't do this here!"

"I can do whatever I want, Kitten." His lips meet mine again, but I'm still trying to push him away.

"Stop!" I say against him, my hands still fighting his through the fabric.

And yet, I'm so turned on. Gods, I don't want to stop.

"No, Kitten. I need you right now." His hands break through my resistance and squeeze my breasts.

"Sir," I whine. "I can't. If we're caught—"

"I'll tell my master I forced you—I don't care, Kitten."

A moan rolls out of me when he pinches my nipples, his mouth leaving a trail down my neck.

I open my mouth to continue arguing, but a deep growl erupts from him. "The harder you fight, Kitten, the harder my dick becomes." He presses it against me to prove his point, and I think I may explode. My core is squeezing around air, begging me to take him inside me.

"Please," I beg. "This is his space, sir."

"It is. And I want to fuck you on his desk." As he speaks, he's tearing my jacket open and undressing me.

No! I can't do this here! It's bad enough we do this at all when Vader was very, kriffing, clear!

And yet, I cry out in pure ecstasy when he pulls my now-exposed breast into his mouth. Then his hands are pushing my pants down and I have no idea what to do. My body is screaming for him but my mind is torn.

"Please," I try again, albeit weakly. His eyes meet mine, but his hands continue. My shoes are pulled off at the same time as my pants, and suddenly I'm fully naked—even my hair is free.

Still staring at me, he straightens and tugs my body flush against his. Our faces are a mere inch apart, and my heart is pounding.

"If I touch your pretty pussy, what will I find, Kitten?"

"Oh gods," I whimper. What does this man do to me?

"That's what I thought." His hand tightens on the back of my neck. "I am going to fuck you until you are drooling on his desk, Kitten. And only then will you be crying for those gods." He leans closer, his lips against my ear. "But even they cannot save you from me, little one."

Then he's kissing me, just as hard as the first one. I'm forced back, almost flat on the desk, only his hands keeping me from lying down. I can feel his hard cock against my stomach, and within seconds, I'm trying to shift my body higher, rubbing myself against whatever part of him I can find.

Fuck, Vader is going to kill us both.

I gasp when he's suddenly turning me around, the cold desk against my stomach and breasts.

"You know," he says in a dark tone, and I feel him rubbing himself against my ass and down to my clit. "I hope he walks in."

I gasp at that because absolutely not!

But then he's slamming into me and I'm crying out. His hard, incredible cock spreads me apart—and yes, I'm soaked, pulling him in like it gives me life.

He stops once he can go no further, and then somehow pushes in harder.

"Yeah, that's right, Kitten. Take every fucking inch," he seethes the word and tries to go even deeper, never once pulling back. I have no idea if his whole dick is sheathed, I just know any further and he might as well rip me apart. "You'll take me when I want you, where I want you." He leans down while pulling my upper half up to meet him, his breath tickling my neck. "Isn't that right, Kitten?"

"Yes," I moan.

"What's that?"


He growls. Why do I love that sound? It's barely human, but it makes me squeeze around him. By now, I'm not sure how much of my body is touching the desk. I'm almost flush against him, and he still hasn't pulled back, still hasn't started thrusting into me.

"That's right, little one. Your body knows who you belong to." Slowly, so damn slowly, he starts pulling out of me. "You can serve my master like the good little girl you are, but your body is mine."

He slams into me, and I am completely under his control. My bones are gone, I think. One of his hands is on my stomach, the other on my neck, both of them holding me still. This time, he doesn't hold himself inside, immediately pulling back.

Oh, thank the stars. I'm making noise, I know this, but I just want to come. I just want the release. He feels so good, and I know he is right. I have no control over this, the way I feel as if I physically cannot live without this.

I'm coming within seconds, my body shaking in his arms. I hear him praise my cunt, but I don't care. I don't care about anything but the mind-numbing pleasure.

He stops again, so deep inside me I twitch against him again, even once my orgasm has faded.

"Did that feel good, Kitten?" he rumbles into my ear.

"Yes. So good." I try to rub my cheek again his face, somehow wanting more contact.

"Yeah? Still hoping my master walks in?"

I gasp, my eyes flying open as I remember just where the hell we are.

"No!" I say in alarm. "I don't."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, gods. Yes!" I try to pull away from him but then his hands drop me, only to reattach at my waist and thrust out and back in.

Again, he holds himself there. My hands are on the desk, trying to push myself up even as I moan.

"You don't want Lord Vader to see this red cunt?"

What. The. Fuck. I go to say absolutely not, but my voice is caught in my throat.

"Odd," he says, his voice cracking slightly. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just got even wetter."

I shake my head and try to push off the desk again.

"I'm not letting you go, Kitten." He pulls out and slams into me, once, twice—and stops.

I whine and wiggle my hips. My mind is fractured, all I know is he feels so good.

"I'm a jealous man, Kitten." He pauses, but when he continues, his voice is suddenly closer. "But if Lord Vader ever asks you to get on your knees," his teeth skim my neck, causing violent shivers to rock through me, "I expect you to get on your fucking knees."

He cannot be serious!

He lets go of my waist and wraps a hand around my neck, pulling me against his chest and turning me a fraction so I'm forced to meet his eyes. They seem darker than I'm used to, and for just a moment, I forget his absurd words, melting under his stare.

"I am so serious, Kitten."

Wait, had I said that out loud?

"What's wrong? He's human," he says, and a dark grin spreads across his face. "He isn't old." I gasp when he tries to shove himself in further. "He's got a dick." The grin grows at whatever he sees on my face.

"Ah, you were curious, weren't you?"

Finally, he starts moving, but in our awkward position, he only pulls out a little each time, watching me closely.

"Yeah," he says almost softly. "You were. But now you'll be picturing a man beneath that mask, won't you?"

I don't know what he wants right now—but yes, I'll probably never see him the same again.

I try to drop my head down as a moan tears through me, but he keeps me in place.

"Look at me while I fuck you, Kitten." My eyes pop back open. His mischievous grin is gone. 

"You're so beautiful. Do you know that?"

My face falls as I whimper from his words. He nods, his breath becoming heavier with each thrust.

"I wish I had heard your speech. Did you do good, Kitten? Did you make Lord Vader proud?"

I manage to nod, but I'm not even sure what he asked. I'm lost in his eyes and his strong, even thrusts.

He groans a sound of pleasure and I realize that right now, he's as crazed as I am.

It makes me feel bold.

"He listened in," I croak. His eyes widen a fraction, probably surprised I completed a sentence. "Where were you?"

Before he can answer, one of his hands touches my clit and I jerk in response. My body is alive and hypersensitive, and it's enough to make me lose focus once more.

"I want my cum dripping out of you, Kitten. You come when I say, okay?" His finger presses harder against me and then he's rubbing me faster. "Okay?"

"Okay," I moan. "Please."

"I know, Kitten, I know."

Oh, no, I can't hold it back. I squeeze around him as hard as can, trying to coax him closer to an orgasm. He jerks against me and releases an incredible moan, a sound I'll never forget.

"Again," he groans. I obey, and then do it again and again.

"Come. Now."

I cry out as it slams into me, our bodies losing their rhythm. It spreads throughout me, the pleasure like a living thing.

He hoists me up, and I give him one more whine when he falls out of me. In the blink of an eye, he sits me down in the chair behind the desk, and I melt back into it and close my eyes as I try to catch my breath.

When I am calm enough, I open my eyes to see what he's doing.

Just staring at me, his naked body leaning against the desk. I smile. I feel relaxed and content. I love looking at him.

He raises an eyebrow. "I thought for sure you would throw a fit about this." His eyes drift down my body, so I glance down too.

And comprehend what he's referring to. I'm naked. In Vader's chair. With his apprentice's cum seeping out of me.

Now that I'm not lost in his dick, the panic returns.

I try to jump out of the chair, but I'm restrained by the Force.

"Stop this!" I sound unhinged. I feel unhinged.

"No, my little cub." His what? "I want that chair stained."

"This isn't funny," I snap, anger beginning to take form.

"Oh, I'm not laughing. I take our orgasms very seriously. You know, our senses are stronger than the average human, right?"

My eyes widen. Is he saying Vader will be able to fucking smell us?!

I struggle against the Force, but it's no use.

"He's going to kill us."

"No he won't, Kitten. Believe it or not, we're quite close. He wouldn't kill me. And I don't think he would know what to do without you."

My rage falters. "Really?" I whisper.

He snorts. "Please. He'd be lost without you handling his security. Now squeeze it out, Kitten."

I feel my face flush in my embarrassment. "Please. I don't want to..." I fade off.

"You don't want to what?"

I was going to say hurt him. That seems...unusual. "Upset him," I say instead.

He cocks his head and studies me. Then, suddenly, his head jerks to the side as if he hears something.

I frantically start fighting his Force hold again—we can't be caught like this!

His head falls back and a laugh booms out of him. For a moment, I'm struck dumb, just watching him laugh. He's...amazing.

And then I'm pissed.

"Are you serious?! Fuck you! Let me go!"

His eyes return to me, wide with surprise. "Wow. Such a naughty mouth. Did you really just say that to me?"

"Yes!" I snap. "Let me fucking go! I don't find this comical! You're crossing every damn boundary there is! I don't serve you!" He draws back, his face one of pure shock. "This is infelicitous and I won't be a part of whatever stratagem you're trying to unleash. Go disrespect Lord Vader without me!"

The Force disappears and the moment I feel it happen, I shoot out of the chair and stomp around him for my clothes.

"I can't believe you," I say when I start pulling on my clothes. "How dare you drag me into whatever this is!" When my head pops through my shirt, I shoot him a glare, only to see him still standing behind the desk with that same look of surprise. "If you ever inveigle me to do something like this again, I will lose my damn mind."

Seems I'm already losing it.

I yank my jacket on and shove my feet into my shoes, pulling them on as I walk. At the door, I spin around and level him with my most serious expression.

"And I swear, if I don't see a chair being delivered to replace that one within a week, I'll find where you sleep and burn it down. You'll be resting in ashes the next time you come home. And clean his fucking desk!"

I spin around and storm out of the office, my heart going a million miles an hour.



My mouth is hanging open when the door shuts behind her. She truly just chastised me.

I glance down at the desk, then the chair. My chair.

Am I really going to have to buy a new chair?

I look back at the door.

"I think I'm going to have to buy a new chair." And a dictionary.

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