bloodshed... (solarballs fanf...

Oleh essielicious

2.2K 57 33

This is a sad fanficton about the moons instead of the planets- {beacuse I love the moons} I'll only do ship... Lebih Banyak

{ganymede's thoughts.}
{{The mental start.}}
{{{ crying. }}}
{{{{ attempt }}}}
[ thank you.]
{{{{{{{ belive.. }}}}}}}

{{{{{ caught.....}}}}}

236 10 0
Oleh essielicious

{Jupiter's pov} : ''What happened ganymede?'' {I reasure him as I take him back to his orbit to mend him up.}

But ganymede was too weak to even scream or say barely a whisper. He was knocked out already so how could he be fine after that.
I started to panic beacuse he could die because of this. I went behind Saturn so he doesn't get to panic about his favorite moon titan. Beacause he is always panicing if titan was gone for one second. I started rushing at the back of callisto's orbit not even borthering her as she was hanging out with europa putting on mascara. I checked if ganymede was still alive after that asteroid attack or something else mysterious.
And luckily he was breathing still with all the wounds on him I needed to get to work fast.

time fast {2 hours later}

{ganymede pov}'' Ow my head is in alot of pain..'' {ganymede questions as he tries to get familiar with his surroundings.}

It took me a good 30 minutes to see that i'm in my orbit but who put me there? How am I still alive I thought that'll end me. Wait a minute....
Oh gosh did jupiter take me here.....
I just realised that there's bandages on my head.
What would the other moons think of me as. I neeed to make an excuse . Maybe a asteroid attack or even a solar flare a- nevermind that's no use I have a magnetic field, guess i'm going with asteroid attack

As jupiter came to check up on me I got my excuse.

{jupiter} ''What happened ganymede?''{Jupiter asked with a calm and comforting expression.}

{ganymede} ''I got beaten up into pulp by asteroids and only one asteroid is covered in water from my surface.''

I screwed up so bad if I was really beaten up I shoudn't have said about the exact number of  the asteroids ot asteroids.  Why was I so stupid,dumb and so bad at lying! It took jupiter a bit of time to think if he belived it or not. I panicked  while jupiter made his choice to belive me or not to belive me

{ The comments can now change the story! So if you comment what will happen it will most likely be in the book i'm writing!}{ by 50/50 percent! }{and this is edited! <3 } Thanks for reading!

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