A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

بواسطة Just_Another_IDK

74.5K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... المزيد

My Thanks
Sequel Release


2.1K 81 25
بواسطة Just_Another_IDK

Hello again
In which your friend from the nether makes another appearance


The first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of orange and pink as (Y/N) stood at the edge of her home, bow in hand and a gleaming diamond sword secured at her belt. The air was charged with tension, and the quiet hum of nature seemed to hold its breath. (Y/N) had heard the rumors of Schlatt's impending revenge, and she was determined not to be caught off guard.

The distant sounds of footsteps echoed through the stillness, gradually growing louder. As the silhouette of Schlatt emerged from the morning mist of the forest , a chilling calm settled over the scene. Behind him marched ten stern-faced members of his security team, their presence casting a formidable shadow.

"(Y/N), what a sight. Ready to face the consequences of your defiance?" He smirked, there was nothing stopping him from teaching you a lesson. You notched an arrow, drew back your bow and fire, the arrow landed in the tree behind Schlatt, barely missing his head.

"I won't be bullied into submission, Schlatt. I do not condone violence but I will stand up for my lifestyle," she snapped

"Prior to contrary belief I'm a kind and understanding person," Schlatt smirked, he pulled a document from his pocket. "Sign the document, become a citizen of Manburg, and we all move on, I'll let bygones be bygones," he smiled.

"And if I refuse?" (Y/N) glowed

Schlatt extended a parchment, a quill, and an inkwell towards (Y/N). The ultimatum was clear, but her determination held fast. "You don't want to find out," he smirked

"I won't sign away my freedom. You can't force me to be a part of this corrupted Manburg." She yelled

"Stubborn till the end, huh? Well, then, enjoy the consequence." He chuckled.

(Y/N) pulled a potion from her pocket the gold gleamed in early rays of dawn, "you forget Schlatt, I'm a potion maker," she grinned as she drank the potion of strength.

With a nod to his security team, Schlatt signaled the attack. The air crackled as the thugs surged forward, weapons at the ready. (Y/N) swiftly drew her bow, arrows cutting through the dawn air, three fell within the first few seconds, but the sheer number of adversaries overwhelmed her defenses.

She had no choice but to draw her sword. As the clash of steel, (Y/N) fought valiantly, her diamond sword flashing in the morning light. Yet, the tide turned against her as Schlatt's thugs closed in, their relentless assault taking its toll.

Bruised and battered, (Y/N) refused to yield, they kicked her to the ground, snatching her sword and bow but she refused to give in, she staggered to her feet, her resilience a testament to her unwavering spirit. The thugs grinned as they cracked her knuckles, she raised her fists in defiance but it was no use as soon as she landed a hit, two more sought retaliation and she was on the ground again. Outnumbered and overwhelmed, she eventually succumbed to the onslaught. Schlatt stood victorious, his security team securing the area as he looked down at the fallen figure of (Y/N).

She laid crumbled at his feet, he face nearly unrecognisable, bruised and bloodied

"Sign the document, (Y/N). It's for your own good." He grinned

"Fuck off," she rasped as she spat on his shoes. Schlatt looked down at her with disgust.

"Don't kill her but remind her who she's messing with," he snarled as he walked away, the remaining 5 thugs surrounded her but she didn't have the strength to get up.

The laid into her. She thought they'd never stop. The kick her in the stomach, head, chest and they seemed to enjoy it. Black spots invaded her vision, and the last kick to her face sent her unconscious.

The dawn bore witness to the aftermath of defiance, as (Y/N) lay battered but unbroken, the consequences of resistance etched in the bloodstained soil. The once serene morning now held the echoes of a struggle, a stark reminder of the price paid in the pursuit of freedom.


The winds whispered through the dense forest as Technoblade approached Pogtopia, a sanctuary hidden from the prying eyes of authority. The towering trees stood as silent sentinels, guarding the secrets of the resistance against oppressive regimes. A rustle in the leaves announced Techno's arrival to the inhabitants of Pogtopia, and soon, he found himself facing the wary but relieved gazes of Tommy and Wilbur.

"Techno! You actually came! We really need your help right now." He screeched with joy

"Well, I heard there was an election and that things got a bit chaotic. What's the situation?" He asked

As Techno listened to the hurried recounting of the events surrounding the election and Schlatt's rise to power, a sense of grim understanding settled upon him. The whispers of rebellion that echoed through Pogtopia carried the weight of defiance, and Techno recognized the familiar scent of resistance against authority.

M "It's bad, Techno. Schlatt won, and now he's taking control. L'Manburg is no more."he said grimly.

"Typical politicians. They always want more power. What's this got to do with me?" He grumbled.

"We need your help. We're planning to resist Schlatt's rule, and we could use the Blade's assistance." Tommy practically begged.

Techno's gaze shifted from Tommy to Wilbur, sizing up the determination in their eyes.

"So, you want me to help you take down a government." He smirked

Wilbur nodded

At that moment, a realization struck Techno, and his eyes narrowed with concern. "Do you know (Y/N)?" He asked

Tommy and Wilbur exchanged glances, the color draining from their faces as the weight of forgotten worries resurfaced.

"(Y/N)... we forgot. She's in danger. Schlatt already threatened her, and now that he's won, he might come after her for revenge." Tommy pointed.

"After she outed him at the debate, he'll definitely be out for revenge," Wilbur said worriedlyz

Techno's expression hardened as he processed the information.

"Lead me to her." Techno demanded

With newfound urgency, Tommy and Wilbur guided Techno through the paths of Pogtopia. The winds carried the whispers of rebellion, and Techno's resolve mirrored the silent defiance of the forest that surrounded them. As they ventured deeper into the heart of resistance, Technoblade prepared to face not only the tyranny of Schlatt but also the personal stakes that now fueled the flames of rebellion.


"Through these trees is (Y/N)'s clearing," Wilbur said as he pushed through the low lying branches.

The clearing was still in the mid morning light. "(Y/N)!" Tommy called out. They emerged from the forest behind her house.

They circled around, "gods (Y/N)," Wilbur called out. She laid crumpled in the dirt and not Tok far away laid 5 bodies. They rushed to her side.

Techno was the first to fall into his knees and check her pulse, breathing and lines. "She's alive and didn't lose a life," he said bluntly.

"She trusted you, Techno. Look at what they've done to her."

"I know." His voice was a low rumble, resonating through the quiet clearing. The voices in his head, usually a cacophony of chaos, now unified in a singular call for justice. They too were furious, her bruised, bloody and swollen face made her almost unrecognisable

"Avenge her, Technoblade. Schlatt won't get away with this."

"He won't." He muttered

As Techno's fingers gently brushed against (Y/N)'s matted hair that was cakes in blood and dirt, the voices continued their relentless insistence, a chorus of wrath and retribution.

"Take them down, Technoblade. Make them pay."

"I will." He whispered. He gently scooped her up in his arms, she was so small.

Rising from his kneeling position, Techno's gaze lingered on (Y/N), a silent promise forged in the quiet depths of his resolve. The voices, now temporarily sated.

"Let's get her back to the ravine," Technoblade said to the other two.


The sunlight filtered through the thick canopy, casting a gentle glow on Technoblade's solemn face as he carried (Y/N) in his arms, her battered form cradled protectively against him. The journey back to Pogtopia was a solemn procession through the shadowy paths, the forest bearing witness to the aftermath of Schlatt's vengeance.

Arriving at Pogtopia, Techno gently laid (Y/N) down on a cot, the makeshift infirmary bathed in the soft illumination of torchlight. The voices in his head murmured, their hushed whispers urging him to tend to the wounds that marred her face.

"You can't let them get away with this."

His fingers traced the swollen contours of (Y/N)'s face, a silent vow resonating within the caverns of his mind. A damp cloth wiped away the dirt that clung to her skin, revealing the vulnerability beneath the bruises.

The voices echoed their approval as Techno meticulously treated the visible injuries, the tender care he bestowed a stark contrast to the brutality she had endured. As his hands moved with a practiced precision, the forest whispered its support, leaves rustling in silent solidarity.

Gently, he shifted his attention to her ribs, carefully wrapping them to provide support. The soft exhales of (Y/N) punctuated the stillness, a testament to the resilience that lay within her.

"She'll need time to heal."

As Techno waited by her side, the voices continued their murmured counsel. In the quiet of Pogtopia, a guardian stood watch over the wounded, his silent promise echoing through the confines of the sanctuary.

The night unfolded, and as the first light of dawn graced the horizon, (Y/N) stirred. Her eyes fluttered open, meeting Techno's gaze filled with a blend of determination and concern.

"She's waking up."

"Welcome back." Be said with a small grin

(Y/N) began to stir from the depths of unconsciousness, a silent echo of a rebellion yet to unfold. "Do you have an enderchest?" She rasped, she felt like she had been trampled by a herd of cattle.

He nodded, he grabbed the one from the corner of the room and placed it down next to her bed. She weakly reached over and pulled it open, she reached inside and pulled out a potion. She gulped it down, wincing as the potion of healing put her ribs back into place, the stinging from her cuts and the dull pain of the bruises faded away.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Wilbur and Tommy asked for some help to take down a corrupt government and so here I am," he said boastfully.

You rolled your eyes, "my hero," you replied sarcastically. You sighed, "I don't think I can go home anymore."

"That may be for the best," Techno nodded. "Without armour a killer bunny could beat you up," he teased.

(Y/N) smacked his arm, "it's a personal choice, it's so heavy and wearing armour makes my shoulders sore," she grumbled.

"What are you going to do?" She asked

Techno's gaze, a blend of determination and simmering intensity, met hers."I'm going to get rid of Manburg permanently. No more governments, no more oppression."

"And how can I help?"A quiet determination filled her words, a resilience that echoed the spirit of Pogtopia.

"Why would you help me?" He asked in shock, no one not even Tommy and Wilbur offered to lend a hand.

"Because you're my friend, Techno. Friends help each other." She smiled

The simplicity of her response lingered in the air, a testament to the unspoken bonds that had formed amidst the chaos. Techno regarded her with a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

"You're willing to help me dismantle Manburg, even after what happened?" He asked. The sight of her bloody and beaten wouldn't leave his thoughts.

"I've seen what they're capable of. I want to stand against that."As (Y/N) spoke, the torchlight danced in her eyes, reflecting the quiet determination that mirrored Techno's own. The echoes of a rebellion, forged in the bonds of friendship, began to resonate within the sanctuary of Pogtopia. Together, they faced the shadows that loomed over Manburg, their alliance an unspoken vow to defy the oppression that sought to shroud their world.

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