strings attached ; firstprince

Par lgbtangel

7.8K 239 50

Alex is an aspiring musician studying in college to become a music teacher. Pez asks for a favour in return f... Plus

chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight

chapter three

798 26 5
Par lgbtangel

"So, how are things going?" June asks. She sits on Alex's couch and looks at him with a grin, blinking innocently.

"You're so nosey," Alex sighs from his bed, lying down, his eyes focused on the ceiling.

"What are sisters for?" June shrugs. "Other than to pester their brothers, especially when it comes to their love life."

"I don't think you can really call it a love life," Alex mumbles. "Especially when there's nothing really happening."

June pauses. "Honestly, I think this is the best favour you could have ever been asked," she says genuinely.

Alex sits up, pivoting so his back is resting against his wall and his legs extend over the side of his bed. "How?"

"You get your college covered just for flirting with a super hot guy with an undoubtedly rich family," June says animatedly.

"I wouldn't say hot," is all Alex says.

June sighs. "What would you say then?"

"Conventionally attractive," Alex begins. "...With a nice body."

"Ha!" June points at him. "I knew you were frothing over him!"

"Okay, I wouldn't go that far," Alex puts his hand up to shush her. "He's just annoyingly perfect in every way and it makes me want to punch him," Alex pauses. "Not sure what that means... Do I still hate him?"

"Cute aggression is definitely what you're describing," June says.

"What the fuck is that?"

"When you find something so cute it makes you mad or aggressive," June explains.


June laughs, knowing she's right. Alex isn't sure what to do with that information. Before Alex can think too deeply about it, June's phone buzzes.

"So, Pez just texted," June announces. "He wants to know if we want to get lunch with Nora and Henry."

Alex groans. "Do I have to?"

"No," June says.

"Okay fine, stop asking, I'll come," Alex sighs, getting up from his bed.

"Okay," June says, poorly concealing her amusement.

Approximately an hour later, Alex and June arrive at a nearby café that Pez texted June to meet at. Henry, Pez and Nora are already sitting at a table outside of the café as they approach, immersed in conversation.

"The party has arrived," Alex announces, drawing their attention. "Oh, and June's here too."

June rolls her eyes as she and Alex take a seat. Alex sits across from Henry and June across from Nora. "He's been rotting in his room up until now."

"That was me recharging," Alex corrects.

"Anyway," Pez says suddenly. "What would you guys like? Nora and I will go order if you guys keep our table."

"I'll get the beef burger," Alex says immediately.

"I'll get..." Henry trails off, skimming the menu in front of him. "The eggs your way on toast. Scrambled."

"Boring," Alex says. Henry lets a quiet sigh escape.

"Can we share something, Nor?" June asks sweetly.

"Like what?" Nora asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Um..." June drawls as she stands up from her seat. She shoots knowing eyes to Alex and then casually glances back at Nora. "I'll just come order with you."

"Okay, we'll go order then," Pez says as he, Nora and June go inside the café. Alex laughs under his breath. Alex looks at Henry, his eyes staring at his fidgeting hands in his lap.

"You can't be British and boring, like, pick a struggle," Alex says, breaking the silence.

Henry looks up, a glint of amusement in his eye. "What? Because of my scrambled eggs?"

"Yes, because of your boring toast, which you can just make at your penthouse dorm by the way."

"Scrambled eggs is a perfectly reasonable dish."

"You cannot call scrambled eggs on toast," Alex puts on a British accent to mock Henry's "A reasonable dish."

"Well, I can and I did," Henry says, a smile pinched in the corner of his mouth. Alex cracks a smile, finding his attempt at a comeback both amusing and endearing. Henry's brows furrow, his lips dropping into a frown. God, why can't Alex stop staring at those lips? "What's so funny?"

The question breaks him out of his trance. "Nothing," Alex answers, failing terribly at concealing his growing smile.

"You're smiling," Henry points out. "Something has to be funny."

"You're just cute," Alex hums. Henry's ears tinge pink and Alex can see him processing it in his eyes as they flicker back and forth.

Henry coughs. "How so?"

"It's just cute when you get all flustered," Alex's smile only widens. The flirting is definitely becoming way too much fun for him.

Henry juts out his chin and straightens his posture. "I am not flustered." He says, smoothing his hands across his pants before resting them back on the table. He's so endearing.

"Sure babycakes," Alex says. Henry's eyes soften and he lets a quiet laugh escape, averting his eyes back to his hands with a bashful smile.

"We're back!" June says in a sing-song voice as she places a table number on the table. Nora and Pez follow shortly after her, taking their respective seats. "Happy to see y'all didn't kill each other."

"Surprisingly, I can behave myself in public," Alex retorts, as Henry looks up at him and grins.

"Surprisingly so," Henry says with a smile that threatens to knock out all of Alex's senses.

It's not long before all their food arrives and they all dig in, ceasing most conversation. Alex is quick to grab his burger with both his hands, opening his mouth wide to take a bite. After the first bite, a combination of grease and sauce leaks from the burger and onto his fingers.

Alex feels Henry's eyes on him, giving him a sick but wonderful idea. He purposely makes eye contact with Henry who is watching him intently. He holds the eye contact between them as he slowly wraps his lips around one of his fingers and sucks the juices off them, overtly sensual. Henry is immediately flustered and begins to squirm in his seat, diverting his gaze back to his sad plate of mushy eggs on bread. Alex watches him inhale deeply as if calming himself down before he turns towards June and Nora, purposefully doing everything in his power not to look at Alex. Alex grins wildly.

Choosing to show Henry mercy for the time being, he turns to Pez. "Hey man, do you have Venmo or something?" Alex asks, tearing his gaze away from Henry.

Pez pauses eating. "It's my shout."

"No," Alex says.

"Yes," Pez says.


June laughs, watching the two of them bicker. "Alex is terrible at accepting kind gestures."

"Can't pay me back if you don't have my details," Pez shrugs as he resumes his eating.

"Henry," Alex pointedly glares at him. Henry freezes mid-chew. "What's his venmo?"

Henry, who is still flustered from earlier and has a mouth full of food, only musters a short "Sorry?"

"Pez's Venmo," Alex repeats. "Do you know it?"

"What's got you so hot and bothered Hen?" Pez asks, a small glint of knowing in his voice. Henry's eyes widen a little and a devilish grin overtakes Alex's face.

"Er-," Henry stutters, all eyes on him. "Could I have one question at a time, please? I feel like I'm being interrogated. Alex, no I don't know his Venmo."

"What about my question dearest-" Pez starts.

"Aren't you meant to be his best friend?" Alex interjects.

Henry's eyes flicker between Alex who is sitting across from him and Pez who sits beside him. "I haven't had any reason to pay Pez for anything."

"Cool, I'll get some cash then," Alex decides.

"Alex, you beautiful, stubborn soul, can you please let me take this bill? I promise you can be furious all you need afterwards."

"Fine, but I'm not happy about it," Alex pouts, crossing his arms. Quietly he adds "Thank you, Pezzy."

"My pleasure, Alexander darling," Pez says with an amused smile.

"So, Nora and I wanted to ask you something," June says, drawing attention to the two of them.

"So, June and I are organizing a fundraiser event for extra credit where all funds will go to underprivileged kids. We've decided we're going to do an end-of-summer ball, for all students to attend. Everyone brings a date, alcohol provided, all that jazz."

"That sounds spectacular," Pez comments. Alex and Henry nod in agreement.

"So, Alex..." Nora looks directly at him. "We were hoping you could perform a few songs, especially the slow dance type of songs."

"Yeah okay," Alex agrees. He thinks for a moment and adds "Do I still have to bring a date?"

"Yes," June says a little too quickly. "You're definitely not getting out of that."

"Fine," Alex smiles at her. "It'll be a tough pick from all the options I have lined up."

"You are so full of shit," June laughs outwardly. Alex rolls his eyes but notices Henry watching him.

"What about you, Henry?" Alex says, looking directly at him. "Do you have anyone in mind?"

"Um," Henry clears his throat. "Not at this stage."

Alex hums in acknowledgement. "Good to know."

"Anyway, it would be cool if you guys all came," June says. "It's late August. Two weeks before the fall classes start."

"Sounds good, I'll be there," Alex says.

"Yeah, Haz and I will definitely make an appearance, right Hen?" Pez looks to Henry who just nods politely with a tight-lipped smile. Pez gives Alex a knowing smile and a not-so-subtle wink.

While Nora, Pez and June get into a conversation that Alex can hear but isn't really listening to, Henry pulls out his vibrating phone and looks down at it with furrowed brows. Before he answers, he makes eye contact with Alex but is quick to avert his eyes and get up from his seat.

"Hello?" Henry says. He quickly walks away from the table, far enough for Alex to not be in earshot. Alex watches as Henry stiffens and his usually soft features become sharp and downturned. Alex feels his heart sink into his stomach and it turns into a nauseating kick in his gut. Who could possibly make Henry look so miserable?

"Is he bloody talking to Connor?" Pez asks angrily, not directed at anyone in particular.

"I think so," Alex sighs. Everyone looks to Henry who's back now faces them. "He's still talking to him?"

"I thought he stopped," Pez says defeatedly. He looks at Alex. "I thought maybe it was working."

Alex tries to ignore the pang he feels in his chest but quickly regains his composure when he realises Henry has hung up the phone and is rejoining them at the table.

"So," June says just as Henry retakes his seat.

"Everything okay?" Pez asks immediately.

Henry inhales deeply. "Uh, yeah. It was Connor but I think I'm just going to block him."

"Finally!" Pez cheers loudly, then pauses. "I mean, yeah, good idea. I'm proud of you, Henry."

Henry smiles sadly and suddenly Alex has a vendetta against a British man named Connor.

"This calls for celebratory drinks!" Nora announces excitedly. June nods along enthusiastically. "Regroup tonight? Let's go bar hopping."

"Sounds marvelous," Pez agrees.

"I'll never pass up a good bar hop," Alex grins. "We should make it a mission to get Henry on the D floor before the end of the night."

"Not happening," Henry interjects.

"I'll make sure of it," Alex says grinning.

"You cannot make me."

That night, when it becomes a couple of bars, many cocktails and one too many tequila shots later; all of them, especially Henry, are considerably drunk. Alex isn't sure where they've ended up but all he knows is that the club they're in is definitely overcrowded. Everyone is almost body to body and he's unsure if he loves or hates it.

It's the first club they've entered so far and Alex feels his skin buzzing with an alcohol-induced confidence that may cause problems throughout the night. Alex also notices Henry hasn't stopped smiling all night and Alex finds it positively contagious.

The five of them immediately head for the dance floor, mouthing song lyrics to one another and bopping to the beat. Alex watches for a moment as June and Nora jump and scream the lyrics of the song playing, their hands intertwined and smiles engulfing their faces. He smiles when Nora grabs June by the face and places several fast kisses from her forehead to her chin and June becomes a giggling mess.

In front of him, Henry is swaying to the music awkwardly and he finds it incredibly endearing.

"What, you don't dance?" Alex yells loud enough for him to hear.

Henry laughs, shaking his limbs. "I don't really know what to do with myself."

"Here," Alex grabs Henry's hands which are cold and noticeably soft. Henry's smile falters slightly and his eyes watch their hands intently. "I'll show you."

Without another thought, Alex laces his fingers through Henry's and guides his arms in a drunken mess of a dance. Henry stares at Alex, his expression is unreadable and Alex during his drunken state doesn't notice the slight change in the air. He then drops one of Henry's hands and uses the other to twirl him. After Henry stumbles out of his twirl, he's laughing in Alex's ear and suddenly alcohol isn't the only thing he's drunk on tonight.

"June and I are gonna go!" Nora is shouting over the music. The trio nods and say their goodbyes as they slip and vanish through the crowd of people. The club gets stuffier as more people keep entering and there's barely any room to move. Henry is shoved by someone behind him into Alex who is quick to catch him. Henry looks up and their faces are inches apart, so close that he can feel Henry's breath against his skin.

Alex leans forward and whispers into Henry's ear. "Should we get out of here?"

"Please," Henry says hoarsely as Alex pulls back to look at him. Alex nods and taps Pez, he nods towards the exit and Pez instantly understands. The three of them push through the crowd and eventually stumble outside into the cool air.

"Now what?" Pez asks, Henry looks at Alex expectantly.

"Bar?" Alex offers.

"Anything but that," Henry agrees.

They end up at a bar only a 2-minute walk away. Pez and Henry take a seat in a booth and Alex volunteers to get a round of drinks. It's quieter than the club but still busy enough. Alex leans against the bar, waiting for his turn to be served.

"What are you doing on your own?" A feminine voice asks beside him. Alex looks beside him to see there's an undeniably beautiful woman, she cocks her hip and places a hand on his bicep. Alex looks back to the booth where Pez and Henry are both busy in conversation. Henry's head falls back in a laugh and Alex feels a smile creep up on him.

"I'm not," Alex says, still smiling when he looks back at her.

"Oh, not with a girl I hope?" She asks, her eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks.

"No girl," He gestures to the booth. "I'm with some friends."

"Ah," she hums, moving closer. Alex stiffens. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

Alex looks back to Henry, who is already watching him but immediately blushes and looks away when their eyes meet. Alex smiles to himself.

"Sorry, not tonight," Alex tells her, still watching Henry and subconsciously pulling his arm away from her grip. She stands silently while Alex turns back around and finally orders their drinks.

"Well, let me know if you change your mind," She flashes a smile as she walks away. Alex watches her for a moment as she joins a group of girls across the bar.

Alex carries their drinks over to their booth and places them on the table.

"Why'd you turn her down?" Henry asks, smiling as he takes his drink. Alex slides into the booth, sitting across from Pez and Henry.

"Not interested," Alex shrugs. He leans in and smirks. "Why? You jealous?"

Henry rolls his eyes, he goes to take a sip of his drink. "You wish."

"I do actually," Alex grins, leaning back casually.

Henry puts his glass back down and coughs loudly.

"Guys, I'm knackered," Pez says suddenly. Alex notices he's already finished his drink.

"I can wait with Henry if you want to go now? You look exhausted," Alex offers. Pez thinks about it for a moment.

"If you don't mind," Pez smiles gratefully as he gets up from the booth. "See you at home, Henry?"

Henry nods and Pez waves at them as he turns away and walks out of the bar.

"So," Alex says, breaking the short silence that settled between them. "How are you feeling about it so far?"

"Connor?" Henry asks. Alex nods. "I mean, it's okay. I've definitely been checked out of that relationship way before I ended so cutting contact was overdue."


"Yeah, he wasn't the best boyfriend," Henry says, smiling sheepishly.

"I've heard," Alex says, smiling as well. "Pez definitely wasn't his biggest fan."

"Yeah, well he did break my heart last October," Henry shrugs, his smile fading as he continues. "It took me a long time to just, open my eyes and realise this isn't what I deserve."

"Love is blind," Alex says in an attempt to be comforting.

"I just," Henry starts, his brows become furrowed and he hesitates for a moment. He avoids Alex's eyes but continues. "I thought, no one else could possibly love me and I couldn't do better. He just made me feel... So small... Every time something hurt me, my feelings weren't valid and he was always the victim. It got to the point where I was afraid to tell him when something upset me."

"Henry..." Alex feels his heart tighten in his chest. He wants to tell Henry that all of his feelings are valid and they always have been and he never deserved that but he doesn't. "I'm so sorry."

Henry continues to avoid Alex's eyes by staring at his fidgeting hands instead. Alex wants to place his own hand atop them. He decides against it. "Is it alright if we go now?" Henry asks, finally looking up at Alex again.

"Yeah, of course," Alex says, sliding out of the booth. When Henry slides out, Alex follows closely behind him as they walk out.

The fresh air hits his face and the soberness starts to kick in. Alex falls in step with Henry, looking at him as Henry stares ahead. Henry's face looks like porcelain under the streetlights, the tip of his nose is a rosy pink and his cheeks are flushed. Alex sucks in a deep breath.

"Henry," Alex says quietly as they walk. Henry looks at him, his eyes glassy and his lips bitten red. "The way you felt..."

"Don't feel like you have to say anything," Henry says, looking back ahead. "I shouldn't have dumped that on you."

"I want to, I'm glad you felt like you could tell me," Alex assures him, Henry hesitantly looks at him again. "I just want you to know that you didn't deserve any of that... Your feelings have always been valid and you deserve someone who doesn't make you feel like you're constantly walking on eggshells around them."

Henry smiles sadly. "Thank you, Alex."

"Hey, what are friends for?" Alex nudges him with his elbow and grins.

Henry raises an eyebrow, grinning now. "Oh, so we're friends now?"

"I suppose so," Alex grins. "I mean wasn't it obvious when I twirled you in a club?"

"Wasn't sure if it's only drunk Alex that likes me," Henry shrugs amusedly.

"Hey, it was drunk Alex who decided he hated you, remember?" Alex smiles as a loud laugh erupts from Henry. "No, but seriously," Alex stops walking, placing a hand on Henry's arm.

"All Alex's like you," Alex says softly. Henry averts his eyes to his feet and sucks in his bottom lip, trying to refrain from a face-eating grin.

A comfortable silence falls between them as they start walking again. All that can be heard is their footsteps on the pavement and the wind that brushes through the leaves in the trees as they both smile to themselves.

"Have you ever been in love?" Henry asks suddenly. Alex thinks for a moment, leaving a short silence.

"I don't think so," Alex tells him honestly. "I've always been too scared of that stuff... Don't tell Nora I said that. She thinks I'm just trying to enjoy the college experience."


Their footsteps suddenly get quieter and all Alex can hear is his heartbeat in his ears.

"Well," Alex shudders out a breath. "I haven't really told anyone this... But-"

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to," Henry interrupts, now looking at him softly. Alex feels like he could tell him all his deepest, darkest secrets when he looks at him like that.

"I want to. You told me something personal, I want to tell you something personal," Alex assures him, their eyes locked as they walk slowly. "My parents are divorced and just the way they spoke to each other when I grew up it just... made me afraid that love wears off eventually and it's only circumstantial. They were so in love when they were younger and now it's like they hate each other and I feel like because I exist, they're stuck with each other in their lives forever and I just feel like such a burden... All they do is fight during family events and holidays and it's so hard to enjoy spending time with the both of them."

Henry looks at him with a vague look, something that Alex hasn't seen before and panic sets in and regretful thoughts begin to form. However, they quickly halt when Henry speaks. "Alex," Henry pauses, his eyes soft and sad. "I hope that one day, someone shows you that love isn't conditional."

Alex laughs sadly, a little embarrassed. "I guess we both need to be proven wrong."

Henry smiles gently. "I guess we do."

Alex feels himself growing closer to Henry the more they talk and it's terrifying. This wasn't part of the plan. Henry finally cut contact with Connor, does he really need to do this anymore? But what if he goes back to Connor?

Alex is interrupted from his inner turmoil by the sound of Henry's shuddering breath. He looks at him to see his arms crossed closely to his chest. Without a word, Alex takes off his leather jacket and holds out his arm with the jacket in his hand.

"What?" Henry says as he notices the jacket.

"You're freezing and your dorm is further than mine," Alex says. Henry's eyes soften as he takes the jacket, putting it on himself. Henry looks at Alex and smiles. Alex isn't sure if he loves or hates the fact that Henry seems to pull off his jacket better than he does.

"Thank you, I'll give this back to you tomorrow," Henry tells him.

As they approach the building, Alex walks past him and stands in front of the stairs that lead to his dorm. He turns, facing Henry. "Well, this is my stop."

"Thank you for a good night, Alex," Henry smiles. It's a smile that makes Alex want to melt on the stairs. Despite the darkness of the night, Henry's eyes still shine like moonlight.

"I had fun," Alex agrees. There's a comfortable silence as they smile at each other in the dark. The conflicting urge of wanting to say so much but being afraid of saying too much causes an ache in Alex's chest. "See you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Henry tilts his head. Alex gestures to the jacket Henry is subconsciously tugging closer to himself. "Oh, right. Of course."

"Unless you wanna keep it," Alex winks. "Smells like me."

Henry lets out a short laugh and looks down at his feet. "I'll have to get it dry-cleaned thoroughly in that case."

"Mhm," Alex hums amusedly. He takes a step up towards his dorm. "Goodnight Henry."

Alex turns to see Henry still watching him, a soft smile on his face. "Goodnight, Alex."

Alex walks through the front door of his dormority block, but not without looking back and watching Henry walk inside his first. Just to make sure he gets inside safely. Of course.

Continuer la Lecture

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