Dracoria: A New World (Book 1)

By NovaFornax

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Dracoria: A New World (Book 1) Story Description: The story revolves around a woman from earth named Ashley S... More

Story Details
Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: Distant Emergence
Chapter 3: Visions
Chapter 4: Tragedy
Chapter 5: A Uncle's Message
Chapter 6: Preparations
Chapter 7: Entering the Portal
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Town
Chapter 10: A Taste of America
Chapter 11: The Meeting with the King
Chapter 12: Choosing a Master
Chapter 13: The Eye
Chapter 14: First Tasks
Chapter 15: Imprisonment
Chapter 16: Echoes of Genesis
Chapter 17: Kidnapped
Chapter 18: Verax's Vengeance
Chapter 19: A Second Chance
Chapter 20: Peaceful Day and a Mystery
Chapter 21: A New Home
Characters of the Story: [From Chapter 1 to 21]
Chapter 22: Exploring
Chapter 23: Unknown Facility
Chapter 24: The Change of Laws
Chapter 25: Draconic Tyranny
Chapter 26: American Bloodshed
Chapter 27: Plans for a New Kingdom
Chapter 28: Silah's Encounter
Chapter 29: Foundation of a New Kingdom
Chapter 30: Project Genesis
Chapter 31: Days of Training
Chapter 32: Freeing Sidney Village
Chapter 33: Drexath's Treason
Chapter 34: Love and Binding
Chapter 35: Facilities
Chapter 36: Mysteries of the Precursors
Chapter 37: Destiny
Chapter 38: Krex's and Sarah Marriage
Chapter 39: Sarah's training
Chapter 40: The Forest Guardian
Chapter 41: Amilda's Master
Characters of the story: [Chapter 20 to 41]
Chapter 43: Dragon Rider Training
Chapter 44: Arc Magic Bound
Chapter 45: Locking
Chapter 46: Protonic Rise
Chapter 47: Starfall
Chapter 48: Remnants
Chapter 51: Exodus of Dawn City

Chapter 42: Xantarian Attack

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By NovaFornax

Planet Dracoria's Orbit / Xantarian Reconnaissance Satellite / The Overseer Chambers

In our world's orbit above our planet's atmosphere, theres this weird object that is orbiting above our world at high speed from our perspective and is giving The Overseer some intel in his chambers.

[Female AI Voice] Recalibrating Projections, please stand by....... Projections calibrated.

In a global holographic projection, It shows several dots being locked on Dracoria surface and it seems these red dots are all leaving Firewall and heading to other nations.

Elvan: (Arms crossed and sighed annoyed) Dragons..... Always playing the superior being among everyone else...... Please do a scan around the world and check where's Draco...

[Female AI Voice] Scanning initiated stand by........ scan completed; target profile found.

It shows the projection of a dragon and its Draco.

[Female AI Voice]

Profile Name: Draco

Race Name: Dragon

Draconic Species: Dyrelian

Status: Partial Corrupted

Location: Firewall Kingdom

Elvan: (Sighed) I cannot attack him like this.... I will end up killing many more lives if I use one of these weapons and Ashley is bound to kill him. (Unit 3 Entered the room) Yes Unit what is it?

Unit 3: My Overseer, we have detected an unusual find by some of these dragons that serves under Draco and they found something dangerous.

Elvan: Oh no! what these dummies have found?!

Unit 3: The second recon satellite detected they have found a relic from one of our ancient enemies..... They found an object that belongs to the Kall Contingency.

Elvan: Impossible..... Where are they!?

Unit 3: By the Elysium Mountain Range right here! (The projection zoom in and it shows some locks from the Dragons that Elvan locked from Firewall) It seems some of the dragons you are watching are here and I believe this is one-

Elvan: This is the main location during our war with the Kall Contingency. The place is a warzone there!

Unit 3: Scanning Elysium Mountain Range! (Satellites are scanning the area) Biome scanned!

Elvan: Just look at this mess, well despite nature took over but I know several starship wrecks can still be visible.

Unit 3: What our satellite gathers, is they believe theres two artifacts, one from the Kall Contingency and the other artifact one dragon is carrying, is an XFN-3000 Nova Bomb. [Xantarian Forerunners Nuclear Bomb at least 10 times worse than Humans Nuclear Bombs on Earth]

Elvan: (Angry shocked!) A WHAT!?! Where did they find that!?!

Unit 3: I believe in one of our shipwrecks, and one is carrying that Kall Contingency artifact of some sort.

Elvan: (Frustrated) AAGHH!!! Contact Sarayah now!

Unit 3: Right away! Transmitting Call now!

[Female AI Voice] Transmitting Call........... Transmitting Call............Transmitting Call........ Call Accepted!

The projection shifted and shows the purple dragon in the hologram.

Sarayah: Yes Elvan!

Elvan: (Hand clasped on his back) Custodian, we have a problem and a serious one going on in Dracoria.

Sarayah: Another one?? What's going on now?

Elvan: Well these dragons that I have lock as im watching them, some of them are going extremely rogue and they found by the Elysium Mountain Range, an XFN-3000.

Sarayah: (Angry) From where they got this!?! How did they find this!?!

Elvan: It appears that one of our shipwrecks there were carrying one of those warheads inside during our failed attempt to drop on the machine threat and they also are carrying a Kall Contingency artifact of some sort!

Sarayah: (Angry) We need to stop them now Elvan! Send some drones after them and retrieve that Nova Bomb and the artifact! Draco is enough of the crisis going on in Dracoria!

Elvan: Ill send two XF-25 Fighter drones after them and I plan if you give me the authorization to bombard the warzone area in Elysium Mountain Range.

Sarayah: Permission granted! You may use your Orbital Neutron Cannon! Destroy everything there, Report to me for updates.

Elvan: It will be done! Elvan out! (He disconnects and looks at Unit 3) Send those drones and tell them to pursue these two dragons there and call my Orbital Laser Cannon now.

Unit 3: The dragons are not going to surrender those objects you know.

Elvan: Then the drones must use the tractor beams and take the objects from them and what's that happens........ tell them to eliminate them.

Unit 3: For Dracoria! (He flew away)

He proceeds to keep staring at the global map with his arms clasped on his back while looking at the many red dots of the Dragons from Firewall, theres at least 700 of them. Then in the surface above in his facility, two compound doors in the ground opened up and two drones are ascending by a platform elevator. Once they reached surface they extended their wings and started levitating up as it is powered by anti-gravity and turning their two engines and they are turning towards the direction where the targets are and they proceed to retract their landing gear and flew away at high speed at the same time. From space there's a portal that opened up and a large satellite exited, and it has a cannon in the middle like some sort of cannon. It has engines in the back and proceed to open up some Precursor floating Solar arrays as its power source from our sun. Once it was in position the weapon proceed to stop and started to move its cannon aiming down to the surface of the planet. The weapon is ready and on standby.

[Female AI Voice] Cannon is in position and charging its weapon.

Elvan: Good.. drone 1 and 2, retract the artifact and our weapon.

Drone 1: (Deep robotic male voice) We are currently flying at supersonic speed and Approaching target in about 10 minutes....

The drones are flying at high speed straight and broke the sound barrier. Then by 30 miles ahead of them, theres a group of Dragons heading back to Firewall.

Xyrath: [Red Dragon] Squadron trust me! These artifacts that Vazalor and Draik are holding will surely be used for research! The amount of discoveries we will find!

Halizia: [Blue Dragon] (Xyrath's mate) I trust those new objects will give Draco a new way for more power to subjugate more humans! I want more slaves love!

Xyrath: So do I! By the love of Draco! Ferix ate earlier his own human!

Ferix: (Grey dragon) Well because I was hungry! They are food to me!

Dryax: [Dark grey dragon] But you will eat every living human brother! (Draconic evil laugh)

Ferix: Theres always more human food brother! Ill find another one!

Halizia: Vazalor and Draik are way ahead of us! These two always makes me laugh!

Xyrath: Well! They are excited to be promoted by Draco!

Dryax: I mean! Draco's Mercy! Who can't be excit---(Two fighter drones pass them fast at 400 mph that all of them got their scared of their life as how loud those drones were) [SONIC BOOM] WHAT THE!?



Ferix: They look they are heading straight to the other crazies!

The drones were so fast that they continue hearing their sound in the distance faint and from their perspective.........

Drone 2: (Locking in) (Deep male robotic voice) Target acquired..... Initiating VTOL Maneuvers.

The drones activated some engines from below them and they pass next to the two dragons and blocked their path as the drones turned to look at them.

Vazalor: (Hovering while he holds the Nova Bomb in his arms) WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS!?!

Drayk: Those are not Dragons!? What kind of object is that!?

Drone 2: [Hovering] (Speaking aloud) Artifact acquired....... Activating Tractor beams

A blue beam hits the bomb and pull it out from his arms same goes for the other Drone 1 who did the same with the Kall Artifact, the Drones got the objects inside of them safely.


Dryak: IM ATTACKING NOW!!! (Proceed to breath attack the drones engulfing them for a while like a solid minute and he is tired) (Breathing for air and shocked) What!? Impossible!?

The dark smoke of the flames dissipated, and the two fighter drones are still hovering like nothing happened as they have their own shield generator. Then they opened up some multi cannons underneath. [Precursor Miniguns]

Vazalor: I don't like the look of this!!

The other group of dragons arrived.

Ryxath: Guys! What is going on!! Those things passed next to us!!

Vazalor: They took our artifacts!!!

Halizia: They did what!!?

Ferix: You two dare to steal from us!?!

[Overseer Chamber]

Elvan: (Face palm annoyed) .................................. Open fire, please....

Then the drones multi barrel weapons started spinning and carnage is about to happen.

Vazalor: (Tilt head confused) Huh??

Drone 1: (Speaking aloud) Initiating Attack. (FIRING!!!!!!)

The drones proceed to open fire on Vazalor and Dryak and their bodies are shredded to pieces and many parts separated like their wings and legs from the many bullets fired and the other group scared they proceed to get out of there and started breathing hard in terror.


Halizia: I DON'T KNOW!! WE NEED TO INFORM DRACO NOW!! (Many bullets are passing her) AAAH!!! XYRATH HELP!!!


The group went in different directions and the drones are pursuing them.

[Overseer Chamber]

Elvan: Theres four of them...... Drones split out and one engage the two groups that are separated.

Drone 1: Understood..... Commencing pursuit..... (Locking Halizia and Xyrath) Targets acquired.... Initiating attack. (Opening fire)

They continue barrel rolling and doing dodging desperately and head to one of the mountains trying to lose Drone 1 but it continues using its VTOL engines and still following them and continues opening fire.

Drone 1: (Continue firing hundreds of bullets at them)

Halizia: (SCARED and many bullet are rushing her) LOVE!! IM SCARE TO DIE!!


They are flying in between the mountains fast but the drones continues to lock on them and it proceed to fired missiles at Hazilia.

Hazilia: (Missiles exploded on a peak of a mountain and almost collapsed flying) WHO ARE THEY XYRATH!!?

Xyrath: I DON'T KNOW!!!

Drone 1: (Locking on Hazilia) Target lock.... Firing missile.

A precursor missile fired from the Drone missile rack and flew fast towards Hazilia.

Hazilia: (Got hit by the missile and she is screaming roaring in pain and dying)

Xyrath: HAZILIA!!!!

She was struggling to fly, and another missile hit her making a small explosion on her body and she is crashing down to the ground and her body crashed in the forest below as she knocks down several trees. Xyrath went directly at her.

[Overseer Chamber]

Elvan: Drone 1 and 2, you may return back to base, let this day be a warning to these dragons supremacist, who really is in charge in Dracoria.

Drone 1: [Hovering high above Xyrath] Understood..... Returning to base now... (Retracted its weapons and turning around and fired its main engines and flew away at high speed)

Xyrath was next to her body and it was so graphic for him... She is dead already and she has a wing broken and one completely separated from her body and she has a opening in her belly as one of the missile hit her there. He was crying in grief as he was about to be a father and she was about to be a mother and expecting offspring's very soon. He proceed to burn her body and start grinning her teeths in anger and deep fury as smoke is exiting his nostrils. He lost everything he loved, a mission that took everything from him. He rage roared aloud, then Ferix came by.

Ferix: (Landed) Oh gods! No! Hazilia??!

Xyrath: I want to burn the world for this!!! WHY DRACO SEND US TO A MISSION THAT WILL COST MY FAMILY!!!!

Ferix: Xyrath look, these things came to us by surprise! We don't even know which nation owns those flying things!

Xyrath: If its human.... I swear I will redeem them to Extinction in days!!!! WHERES DRYAX!?!

Ferix: He too is dead.....


Ferix: Lets head back to Firewall and let know Draco of everything.

Xyrath: We must investigate who is responsible!! I swear if the humans did this!!!

Ferix: Come on Xyrath lets head back, I know you lost your mate but theres nothing we can do. She is gone now. Come im sure we will bring justice against who are the responsible.

They both took off and heading back to Firewall to report back to Draco.

[Overseer Chamber]

Unit 3: My Overseer! The drones returned back to base and we retrieved the artifacts safely!

Elvan: Contact Sarayah.

Unit 3: Contacting her now!

[Female AI Voice] Transmitting Call...... Call Accepted

Elvan: Well! You really accepted my call quite fast!

Sarayah: I mean! Is a big issue going on in Dracoria! of course I will accept your call! So I need updates!

Elvan: We got both artifacts back to base!

Sarayah: Excellent!! And the war zone?

Elvan: Im about to open fire now and clean the place.

Sarayah: Very well! Ill send one ship to collect these two artifacts so it should arrive shortly. You may open fire Elvan.

Elvan: Acknowledge! (Changing to the orbital cannon view and has its lock on the region) Commence the attack....

The orbital cannon is now locking on the warzone location and theres many dots at least 40 dragons in the area scavenging around and retrieving old pieces of technology back to Firewall. The cannon zooms in to the area and is ready to fire.

[Female AI Voice] Weapon charged at 100% Initiating neutron sweep in 5........4.........3..........2........1.... Firing

The cannon has a cyan bring ball of energy in its cannon muzzle and all the sudden it shoots a cyan bright laser towards its target and once it hits the surface of the region, it started disintegrating everything is touching in its path as the many dragons are flying away scared for their lives but once the blue energy wave is coming to them, they are getting disintegrated out of existence.

Vikas: (SCARED and seeing the bright blue laser coming from the skies) WHAT IS HAPPENING!!?!?

He continues flying away fast and seeing many of his fellow getting disintegrated out of existence while they scream and then silence each time a dragon gets bathed by the energy of the weapon.

[Overseer Chamber]

Elvan: Very good! You may stop.

The weapon stopped firing its blue laser and started retracting its cannon and its solar arrays and a portal opened up and the cannon enters and portal closes. As for Vikas, he perched on a mountain and he sees nothing but horror. Where he stands theres life and the other area is a wasteland as all life ceased to exist. He is there breathing in terror as he is the only survivor. He proceed to head back to Firewall.

Sarayah: Good job Elvan! Now we can secure those artifacts and lock them away.

Elvan: Of course Custodian! Im just doing my job in keeping this world safe from threats to its life. Once the ship arrive ill proceed to transfer the cargo.

Sarayah: Good work Elvan. Dracoria has his gratitude for your service. You may dismiss... (She disconnects)

Elvan: (Grabbing a sphere) Tell Drone 1 to send this device to Firewall Citadel.

Unit 3: As you wish my Overseer.

Hours passed and Xyrath Reported to Draco of what happened and the King is quite mad.

King Draco: Im so sorry to hear that Xyrath.... It wasn't my intention to let your mate die.... Guards do we know who's these objects belong to?

Caralex: We don't know my Lord but this one really concerns me. No race has the capabilities to make things that can fly.

Ferix: I agree with Caralex! We are the only thing that rule the skies! Next to the wyverns! Is impossible to think humans or any other weak race can manage to construct such things!

King Draco: But these objects they are not natural? Then who built it!?

Vikas: (Entering abruptly breathing hard in terror) MY LORD!!!

King Draco: Woah! easy Vikas! Whats going on? And why you are in terror?

Caralex: Vikas are you alright?

Vikas: (Breathing in terror) No im not! I just witnessed something horrifying!!

Xyrath: You saw those fast-moving objects too??

Vikas: Fast what??

King Draco: Some objects that have killed Xyrath's mate and Ferix friend.

Vikas: No this was worse! Guys I was at the area in Elysium Mountain Range where your friend gathers these artifacts and beside for that, where are they? Where's Valazor and Drayk!?

Xyrath: Dead! By these flying objects!

Vikas: What!? And what about the artifacts!?

King Draco: Those flying objects they took those artifacts!

Vikas: How!?

Xyrath: We don't know!! But explain what happened in the area everyone is working in the excavation site before I lose my patience and start burning villages and towns from humans!!

Vikas: Well! Everything was going well until some blue beam of light fired from the skies destroyed everything! I was the only survivor!!

King Draco: Hold on! Beam of light and you were the only survivor?? Please explain more because im lost.

Vikas started explaining more in detail. As for outside of the Citadel, Xileth was there watching the city and seeing dragons taking more slaves and some eating them in the distance as they are hungry or just for the fun of it.... then he looks at the clouds and some object exited fast and went towards the citadel and started hovering close to Xileth while he was confused and gasping. then the drone speak aloud.

Drone 1: You dragon..... take this device and show this to your king..... all you have to do is place it on the ground.

Xileth: WHO ARE YOU!?!

Drone 1: It doesn't matter who we are.... (The spherical device floats towards Xileth) Take that.

Xileth: (Taking the spherical device)

Drone 1: That is all, have a great day... (Drone turns away towards the clouds and fired its dual bright blue exhaust engines and flew away at high speeds and breached the sound barrier)

Xileth: By love of Draco is that??

He went to the throne, the room is now terrified as Vikas finished explaining what happened and everyone is terrified.

Xyrath: Everyone!!? You literally said that everyone got disintegrated by this beam of light!?!


Vikas: I don't know!! But this doesn't look like human to me my lord!!

Xileth: (Entering) My lord.... Umm sorry for the interruption but....

King Draco: But what!?

Xileth: Some weird flying object appeared here and gave me this sphere device.

Xyrath: Wheres that floating object!?

Xileth: It left just now! I don't know I really don't understand this.

King Draco: Then come forward!! I want to see who is behind this dammit!!! Im already about to burn this world from whoever is killing our kind!!!

Xileth proceed to walk in front of the ten dragons inside the Throne room and he puts the spherical weird looking device on the floor. Then the device started to float as it glows cyan and it projects a Holographic person in the air and is Elvan with his hands clasped on his back.

Elvan: (Speaking with hand clasped on his back) Well well well... Look at what we have here! (Looking around) So many supremacist dragons in this room huh? And I'm supposed you are the so call "King" of Firewall am I right?

King Draco: (Snarling) Who.... Are.... You..... Human?

Elvan: Well my name is Elvan..... and I just came here to say that well..... The artifacts that you all collected, will be transported away from this world for safety measures.


Elvan: And you dare to play with stuff that your kind does not even have a brain cell to understand...


Elvan: (Turns to look at him) Im attacking you all because IM defending Dracoria's life!! This world is under my protection from threats such as Draco!

King Draco: (Evil laughter like mocking) He called me a threat!?! Aahahaaahaa!!!! Human you are a joke!!!

Elvan: (Points at him) And you are a fool for touching an artifact that belongs to The Darkness you know that right? Ive warned you and you didn't listened to me!!

King Draco: The Darkness?? (LAUGHED) WHAT KIND OF TALE IS-

Caralex: WAIT!!! GUYS HOLD ON!? You said The Darkness!?

Elvan: You heard correctly.... Please I hope you are the only smart Dragon in this room from all of these idiots if you could listen the truth, see! You heard of them before right! And may I ask from where YOU heard The Darkness from?

Caralex: (Looking at everyone as they are all looking at him) Should I.....

Xyrath: This is stupid!! I DON'T BELIEVE IN SUCH---

Elvan: (YELLED ALOUD and points at him) YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! (Looks back at Caralex) Now you speak!! Where did you learn my enemies from!?

Caralex: I heard from the stories of The Creators! The ones who made The Eye!

Xileth: The Creators?? Did they mention this??

Ferix: Wait!! Are you one of them!?

Elvan: That's what they call us?? (Laughing) ahahahahah!!! Oh that's funny!


Elvan: Well! (Arms crossed) I love when you lose your patience Draco because as of today ive killed not 1 not 2 not 3..... But .... 42 Dragons from your kingdom today!?

Xileth: (Angry) YOU DAREEE!!!?


Elvan: (Points at him for a split second) I did!! That was my doing! I hope you enjoyed watching that beautiful Neutron Laser coming from my weapon in space!! (Points to Xyrath) And you! I was the one who sent those Drones to attack you because your friend was carrying a bomb that can destroy a whole nation! And your other friend for carrying another artifact from our enemies!!


Elvan: (Mocking his feelings like crying) "Oh mua mua!! Draco! he killed my wife!! I will seek revenge against humans because im just a stupid dragon that I have nothing better to do with my life!!" Someone is salty about this! Good luck with that!!

Xyrath: (GROWLED ANGRY!!!!! while grinning his teeths)

Elvan: Now I know because of this, you may ask which nation is attacking you and let me tell you.... I do not belong to any nation in Dracoria....

Caralex: But you are Human! You suppose to be a nation from here and how are you managing to kill many of us this easy!?

Elvan: Because my nation use to be a Star Nation and your kind in here are playing with fire.

King Draco: Star Nation? you really think I will believe in such stupid words that will come from your mouth pathetic human!?

Elvan: Keep that same energy if you keep interfering with Xantarian Forerunners protocols you Idiot... (Long silence and many dragons inside the room are making sounds either confuse or some are scared by that revelation) What's the matter?? Yes! We the Xantarian Forerunners are watching you all! And I have over 698 Dragons from THIS Kingdom alone marked and lock to kill if I desire to do so!! (Looks at Draco) Ashley will come to kill you Draco, you are a threat to Dracoria and its life! You are destroying Human life and any other race in this world that is not Draconic! You will meet your own demise once the Dragon of Light emerges in this world! Consider this as a death threat against you! Elvan out... (He disconnects himself and the orb dropped to the floor)

The many of the room remains silent and Draco is still confuse and a little bit concerned then...

Caralex: Gods..... Xantarian Forerunners...... Guys these people....

Federith: What now Caralex!?

Caralex: They are Precursors!! They are a powerful race!!

Federith: Even still! We can try and defeat them!!

Caralex: Federith!!! Didn't you hear what he just said!?! He just said it now he killed 42 of us by himself!!!

Xileth: He did say it....

Caralex: On top of that! He said that he has us on lock!! He knows where we at right now!!

Vurkas: [Black Dragon] That also triggers me..... He knows where we at and claims to know every one of us and where they at.

Xyrath: It doesn't matter how powerful these Xantarian weaklings are!! He is a human I will BURN every Gods dammed town for what he has-

Caralex: Xyrath!! I understand your rage with humans! But you need to know we were wrong about them!!

King Draco: Caralex! Explain to me what exactly do you mean by that!?

Caralex: Draco.... There are reasons to think humanity is more powerful than we realize! Tell me then how even Ashley herself manage to kill several dragons by herself!! And she is not from this world even!

Vurkas: The woman has capabilities I also never seen before either, she has weapons never crafted in this world by anyone.

Xyrath: Caralex! What are you getting at!? Tell me how these human cowards are more powerful than we think!? You aren't asserting that Humanity is superior to us aren't you!?!

Caralex: That's exactly what im asserting Xyrath.... I believe humans can outsmart us in any way!

Xyrath: Then you are a fool to believe in such things!!

Caralex: Then you clearly aren't taking consideration what humanity is capable of!?

Xyrath: I hate humans because of what they did with my mate!! because even still if she is not from this world then we must find a way to open The Eye and enter her world!! We are going to burn her world too!!

Caralex: Ah yes! Us invading a strange world that she claimed that her own Humanity is WAY Advanced and powerful than these humans living in our world and she did prove that she can kill us without even using a sword Xyrath!! Smart idea!!

King Draco: ENOUGH!! Xyrath, I reject the idea of us invading her own world because she stated very solid her humanity is far more advanced and Ashley is extremely dangerous to all of us. The only way we can kill her is if I use my new powers from my artifact!

Xyrath: I refuse to believe her own kind in her world is this advanced and powerful my lord!! You said you view her the same inferior humans I have to deal with!!!

King Draco: And yet I did, but after the occurrences with her killing more than ten dragons by herself really change my views only on her and she is the ONLY Human I believe I underestimated. Which is why I must declare her the primary target we must erase!

Fexath: (Yellow Drake) But what about the threat this human did? He mention of a suppose Dragon of Light? Who is it?

Vurkas: A new species?

Ferix: I never heard anything regarding to a Dragon of Light.

King Draco: I think is an upcoming adversary that will challenge me soon..... Ill continue growing more my powers... you all may dismiss....

The dragons left the room all concerned and somewhat terrified by the news of the Xantarian wrath. Let this be a warning to them for their despicable views on Ashley's race.

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