The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

69.3K 1.7K 532

Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 74: Two Options

216 12 1
By Zach42799

Amity colosseum

6:05 PM

The Fall is Here

Red Hood Pov

Pyrrha threw her arms out, as if she was trying to push something away from her. Penny had just sent her swords at Pyrrha when Pyrrha reacted. Before I even had a chance to even process what I was watching, it was over. I couldn't tell if the crowd had gone silent or if I had somehow lost my sense of sound from the shock. 

It only took everyone three seconds to even realize what they were looking at. One moment of shock. One moment of apprehension. And one moment of fear, realizing that Penny laid in pieces on the arena floor. 

Ruby sank to her knees and I just stared at Penny. She was looking towards the tunnel that Ruby and I were in. All I could focus on was her eyes going wide before they dilated and stared out into space. It felt like she was staring at me. Accusing me of this happening to her. 

In a way, it was. There's plenty of things I could have done to stop this. One of them is not worrying about Mercury. If I hadn't taken that time for him, I would have made it. This was entirely my fault.... 

I felt numb looking at Penny. I felt like I was looking at Roy again. Knowing that this was the second time I failed to save a friend. I felt my head throb, as if it was trying to sooth what I was feeling but all it did was snap me back into the moment. Suddenly, a burning rage that I had buried deep since I had came to Beacon reemerged. It came out every now and again but this time, it was here to stay. This was going to be worse than Atlas. On que, the howls and roars of Grimm from the surrounding areas rang out loudly, despite how far away from the ground we were. 

Ruby: ....P-Penny....

Ruby started sobbing and that was the moment when I broke. I screamed out, ready to inflict indiscriminate violence on whatever or whoever got in my way. The months that I spent here, healing and being happy was over. Y/n Rose was buried once again. He wasn't needed anymore. In my rage, I started critically thinking and taking note of the situation. The most obvious was the video feed. It was still active. 

There was several reasons this could have been but the most likely was that Neo and Roman were in the wrong place. Atlas had already lost total control. That was why the Knights turned on the soldiers. It was so Cinder could contain the situation so it would be too late once everyone realized something was wrong. Taking it further, to my knowledge, Ironwood never scrubbed the transmit tower after Cinders break in. That was probably our fatal mistake. 

Ironwood had proven me right in the worst way possible. They couldn't be trusted and now, because of the incompetence from both Atlas, Ozpin and unfortunately, myself, we all were about to pay the price. I should have just had Neo and Roman come with me. It was already too late to stop Atlas' loss of control. Now they were on their own against a ship full of hostile mechs and League assassins. It was a total fuck up on my part. 

Almost as if it was too confirm my thoughts, the video feed flickered to reveal a black queen chess piece on the screen. The same as with the Knights, and my scroll from months ago. It caught everyone's attention. I knew that this was it. This was the start of the fall of Vale. Cinders voice rang out over the speakers. The anger growing at the sound of her voice. 

Cinder: This is not a tragedy. This was not a accident. This is what happens when your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be your guardians, but are in reality, nothing more than the same as any other. Power hungry. Selfish. Incompetent. Our academies headmasters wield more power than most armies, one of them had the audacity to have both. They cling to their power in the name of piece.... And yet, what do we have here? One nations attempt at a synthetic army mercilessly torn apart by another star pupal? What need would Atlas have a soldier disguised as a innocent little girl? I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference. 

I had enough. I stormed out into the arena.


Cinder: Oh, and the guest of honor appears. Now people, I ask you. Why would a boy who died ten years ago be doing alive? What would he be doing dressing up and playing hero, committing all of these crimes all while claiming that he's bringing people to justice. Wake up. He's just a little boy who lost everything and is grasping for anything to make him feel as if he has control. Violent tendencies run in the family apparently. Look what Yang Branwen, Or Xiao Long did to poor Mercury Black. Look what even the youngest did.

The video feed switched to when we were going after Walker. The footage looked like it was recorded from far away but the video was as clear as day. I already knew what was about to be shown. Our fight with the White Fang as we switched the tracks.... And then Rubys accident. The man she knocked from the train that was eviscerated by the signal pole. All caught in high resolutions.

I looked back at Ruby and saw her mortified by that. We didn't tell her for exactly this reason. For just a second, it snapped me out of my rage. I hated seeing her like this. But just like that, everything came back tenfold. 

Cinder: None from that family fight to protect you. They fight for themselves, just like all the rest. 

The crowd started to stir. Cinder was winning. All I could do was continue the fight and hope that I could control this. To convince people not to fall for this. We were on the edge. I was trying to keep us from going over. 


Cinder: This is the type of person who Ozpin has working for him. With him protecting people like Y/n Rose, what exactly is he teaching the students at Beacon? First a dismemberment and now this? Huntsmen and Huntress' should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither, and it's no surprise. Just look in the arena at he merciless killer who claims to be your protector. If this is the type of person a headmaster supports, then this is the type of Huntsmen you can expect to come to your aid.


Cinder: I only need to look at the mangled, broken bodies that you leave in your wake to know just who you really are. Perhaps you felt that way at one point, but your words and actions conflict. Perhaps Ozpin thought that in defeating Atlas, people would forget their colossal failure to protect Vale when Grimm invaded their streets.


Cinder: Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied a unsuspecting Kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong, but I know that the existence of peace is fragile and the leaders of our Kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves. As someone who hails from Mistral, I can attest that the situation there is equally undesirable. Our Kingdoms are at the brink of war and we, the citizens, are left in the dark. So I ask you.... When the first shots are fired.... Who do you really think you can trust?

The line cut, leaving everything in silence. I looked around and found all eyes on me. All of them thinking about what Cinder had said. The worst part.... She wasn't entirely wrong about me. It took all of a second for the crowd to turn. All of them screaming and pointing. Blaming.... As if I had did this. Like I was responsible for everything....

Alarm sirens started to sound. The mass amount of negative emotions that were concentrated here was drawing any airborne Grimm. The automated warnings sounded a threat level nine. I guess it was a small mercy that it wasn't a threat level ten but that's not saying much. The biggest Nevermore I had ever seen slammed into the colosseums outer walls. Port and Oobleck were trying to advise people to calm down and evacuate calmly but that went about as well as could be expected. 

I called Ozpin, hoping that this time I would get an answer. Thankfully, I did. 

Ozpin: Y/n. I'm glad your at the colosseum. The Knights-

Red Hood: I know, their hacked. What do you need me to do? 

Ozpin: Gather any Huntsman, student or otherwise, and head up the defenses until Ironwood can get there. Right now, you all are everyones best chance of survival at the colosseum.

Red Hood: Done. 

Ozpin: One more thing. Get Pyrrha to me. If the transfer is going to happen, it needs to happen now. 

Red Hood: I'll do whatever she chooses to do. 

Ozpin: That's all I ask. Good luck. 

The line disconnected and I looked up at the Nevermore before calling Neo. I needed to make sure they were getting out of there. This was going to be too much for them. Hell, this might be too much for me. The line connected and thankfully, Roman was on the other end. 

Torchwick: Y/n, all hells breaking loose. What are we doing? 

Red Hood: Take Neo and get out of there. Get somewhere safe. 

Torchwick: What!? Have you lost your mind!?

Red Hood: Just go! We've lost too much already. Take her and go. If I survive this, I'll make contact and we'll go from there but until then, this is too hot. 

Torchwick: ....We aren't going anywhere. 

Red Hood: Roman-

Torchwick: No. I've spent most of my life as a petty criminal and ever since you came around, I actually got to be apart of something that was worth being apart of. I'm not about to abandon all of that just because of a bump in the road. What do you need us to do?

I thought for a second. This was the first time Torchwick ever told me that. I had always wondered why he and Neo have gone this far to help me. I guess I finally got my answer. After that, I just couldn't say no. I needed whatever help I could get and he said he wasn't cutting and running. 

Red Hood: Alright. Your already on the bridge so try and reset everything. Maybe if the system resets and you can keep the connection off of the transit tower, it'll give you control. At the very least get the Knights back under Atlas control. 

Torchwick: Got it. We'll do what we can. 

Roman cut the line before I could say anything else. The Nevermore was about to come through the barrier between the colosseum and the outside. It was time to get to work. I pulled out Withered Rose and the crowbar, ready for a fight. 

Jaune: PYRRHA!

I looked back at Jaune, Ren and Nora before looking at Pyrrha. She wasn't responsive. Just staring at Penny. Jaune jumped the barrier and into the arena as the Nevermore jumped back. It was about to come through. I petal burst at Pyrrha and grabbed her, yanking her back as the Nevermore smashed through the barrier and slamming into the ground. We landed hard from the shockwave but the alternative was we stood there and got crushed. I practically threw Pyrrha at Jaune. 

The Nevermore screeched as I stood up. The Nevermore looked at me, as if it was sizing me up before it lunged at me. I was ready but before it reached me, it was slammed backwards by a red blur. That same red blur leaped off the Nevermore and landed next to me. I looked at Ruby and saw my reflection. The same look in her eyes that I had for the last two years. Ruby had one of Pennys swords in her hands. She was in the fight. 


The Nevermore screeched and took off again. This time going faster and being more aggressive. I hit the vibration trigger on Withered Rose and was ready to carve up the overgrown chicken. It swooped down fast and I raised my sword up. Just as it was coming around, it was then pelted by weapon lockers. 

One after the other, they landed on the Nevermore, pinning it down. It had everyones weapons. Neptune, Sun, Coco, Yatsu, Jaune, Ren, Nora and many more. Everyone was getting in on this. The Nevermore screeched and fought against the weight of both the lockers and the dozen people standing on it.

No one wasted time getting to work. Everyone had their own roles to play in this. The more agile fighters kept the Nevermore busy while the heavy hitters got in position. I didn't even need to get involved. I watched as Ren ran in and got a good hit on the Nevermores eye, making it flinch back for Nora to slam its head down with her hammer. Followed by Yatsu and another student working together to take the Nevermores head off. 

It was amazing to see since when everyone started, we struggled with the Nevermore. Now it was bagged without any hassle. The Nevermores head plopped down and started to dissipate. It was a small victory but this was only the beginning. I looked back at Pyrrha. She was still mostly unresponsive and just staring at Penny. I put my weapons away and tried to think about what I could do to help her. It wasn't until she reached out and picked up a piece of Pennys blouse that she finally spoke.

Pyrrha: Ruby.... I'm.... I'm so sorry....

Ruby: I am too.... But this wasn't your fault....

Red Hood: She's right. The bitch on the microphone is the one who did this. 

I kneeled down and picked up Pyrrhas weapon and shield before I brought them to her. This was the only thing I could think of. To keep fighting. I held out Pyrrhas weapons for her. 

Red Hood: It's our job to make this right. We fight to make sure that they don't take anyone else.

Pyrrha looked at me for a moment. I looked her in the eyes, hoping that she would keep fighting. She narrowed her eyes and took her gear. I looked at Ruby who looked determined. I hated seeing her look like me but it was too late. I said this would happen sooner or later in this line of work. I never wanted to see it but I knew this day would come. 

I looked back at the rest of the students. Everyone was ready to go. They actually looked like they could fight off anything that came our way. That was good. We needed that now more than ever. The roar of the Grimm made all of us look up. It was time to get to work. 

Neptune: Griffins.... So anyone have a plan of attack!? 

Ruby: Y/n, I need your scroll. 

I took it out and tossed it to her. She quickly grabbed it and used it to call her locker in. The Griffins were all stalking towards us, getting ready to attack. I kept my eyes on them as Ruby grabbed her scythe. I then heard a screech from behind me and saw a Griffin on Rubys locker. I grabbed Black and fired a single round into its skill, knocking it off the locker. It was then that Port and Oobleck joined us. 

Port: Students, I believe it would be best for you to leave. 

Ruby: But we can-

Oobleck: MISS ROSE. This day will surely go down in history. I would love it if my students were around to tell of it. 

Red Hood: He's right. We'll head for the landing pads and set up defenses there until Atlas gets off their asses. Lets go. 

No one argued, not even the senior students. Ruby grabbed her scythe and deployed it before tossing my scroll back to me. I grabbed Withered Rose and the crowbar and led the pack. I certainly wasn't qualified to be leading anyone but now wasn't the time to ruminate on it. I was going to get them out of this alive. All of them. 

We all ran through the colosseum, catching up with the crowd of civilians who were getting caught between the Knights and the Grimm. I was wondering how Beowulfs and Ursa were getting up here but that question was quickly answered by a White Fang transport flying by and opening its cargo doors and releasing them.

Sun: Ideas anyone!?

Red Hood: We push the Grimm and Knights back to give the civilians time to escape. I don't care if its a Knight, White Fang or Grimm. If it's attacking, kill it. Got it?

Everyone pulled their weapons out ready to fight. I took that as affirmative. I looked back and saw a young boy and his mother about to be ripped apart by a Ursa. I started the fight by petal bursting into it, tackling it away from them before raising my crowbar up and smashing its skull in. I leaped up and yanked the two to their feet before rushing them to safety. 

Everyone picked their fights. Ruby indiscriminately attacking both Knights and Grimm with no regard of what was going on around her. She was hyper-focused. That was strike one. Strike two was the look in her eyes. As previously stated, she looked like me. That was strike two. There better not be a strike three or I'm getting her the hell out of the fight. If she's falling into the pit that me and Blake did, there was no way she would survive. 

Jaune was fighting defensively, trying to help the civilians evacuate while Ren used his semblance to help them along. Ren was looking pretty drained. Pyrrha and Nora were on offence, keeping the Grimm at bay. CVFY and SNNN both made a wall as instructed, making sure that any attention was on them, while Ruby and some of the other students covered the sides. 

I ran forward into the fray, dodging Grimm along the way. My target was the assholes that was bringing them in. I jumped off the edge and landed on one of the cargo crafts coming in. I slid down the outside of the airship onto the nose of it. Now looking at the pilots, I pulled Black and White and unloaded into the pilots. The airship jerked as the pilots leaned on the stick. I ran back along the airship before jumping to the next. 

If I can stop them bringing more Grimm into the colosseum, then we can regain control. At the very least, I can cut down how many Grimm we have to deal with. The next airship saw what I did to the first and tried to adjust to keep me off. I slammed into the side of the airship and held on for dear life. The side cargo door opened and a Beowulf poked it's head out. In a moment of desperation, I kicked out, nailing it in the head. All I did was piss it off. 

It clawed at me, nearly knocking me off. I started trying to shimmy along to get away from it so I could climb up. The Beowulf decided that it was brave and started climbing up the airship. I pulled myself up just in time to kick it in the face again. It howled before I jammed a grenade down its throat and jumped. 

I used my grapple to catch the underside of the third transport. The Beowulf exploding behind me blew a chunk out of the airship, making it lose altitude and start dropping. I was a little worried that it wouldn't be enough to take it out. Reaching the underside of the transport. I climbed along the bottom, trying to get up. I grabbed my grapple again and jumped outward and fired. The grapple bringing me up to the roof. I put it away and grabbed Black and White again before firing along the roof. 

The airship buckled and I petal burst upward, back towards the colosseum. I landed and took stock of the situation. No one was dead so that was a plus. There were exponentially less civilians running around. Even better. I took a step and felt something pierce my back. I stumbled and reached over my shoulder and ripped whatever it was out. 

Red Hood: *Grunt* ....Shit....

I turned around and came face to face with the assassin that was on the Bullhead I came in on. I hoped that she had gone down with the ship but apparently not.... I grabbed Withered Rose and the crowbar, actually having the room to use them instead of just my knife. 

Red Hood: You just don't quit, do you?

Assassin: My orders are clear. You are to be eliminated. 

Red Hood: And here I thought you people wanted me alive for something. 

The assassin didn't speak. I narrowed my eyes. I wasn't going to get anything out of her and frankly, I was done with her. I petal burst forward and just as I got close, changed my direction, throwing her off. I came out of the burst and swung Withered Rose downward, hoping to cleave her in half. She reacted a split second before the sword made contact and spun around trying to take my sword arm off. I caught her katana with the crowbar and readjusted to try and run her through.

The assassin dropped the katana and pirouetted around me kicking me in the back of my knee and taking a dagger out. She tried to bring it down on me but I dropped to the side and brought Withered Rose to my side, hitting the vibration trigger. As her dagger passed by me, I rammed the sword up and into her shoulder, taking her arm off. She screamed and fell down, holding her bloody stump. I looked out and saw Atlas airships coming in. 

I didn't really have time to deal with her but I was going to have to make time. I nudged her onto her back with my boot and put Withered rose away. I held the crowbar under her chin to make her look at me. She was going to die regardless, but the question was how painfully it was going to be. 

Red Hood: I'm not in the best of moods so I'm only going to ask you once. How far does the Leagues involvement go in all of this? 

The assassin didn't answer. I wanted to know if I was going to have to deal with the League as well as White Fang, Grimm, Knights and whatever else comes my way. Oh well.... I warned her I wasn't in a good mood. 

I brought the crowbar up and slammed it back down. After everything that's happened as well as how badly she had injured me alone, I wasn't about to run the risk of her somehow coming back. I slammed my crowbar down again and again until I was sure that the deed was done. Strangely enough, I felt bad about killing her. Probably because she was the first woman I've ever killed. I was always gunning for Cinder but I didn't think it would feel different from killing a man....

I shook my head and focused. She was a assassin from the league and she helped cause all of this. I shouldn't be feeling sorry for her. If anything, she got what she deserved.... At least that's what I kept telling myself....

I took a few more swings at the air to clean my crowbar of viscera. Looking back, I saw that the fighting was mostly over and Atlas was finally setting down. I pulled out Black and White before running to rejoin the students. If it was more Knights, I didn't want them getting blindsided by them. 

The doors opened to reveal none other than Ironwood himself, along with a contingent of soldiers. None of them paid me any mind but the General and I locked eyes. I tightened my grip on Black and White expecting the worst from him. He was the one to look away and at the students behind me. Ruby ran up behind me asking the million lein question. 

Ruby: What's going on?

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city, the White Fang has invaded Beacon and to make matters worse, some.... Clown has seized one of my ships.

I flinched when I heard the word "Clown". So that was Tais play.... I just hope that it's not the one that Neo and Roman are on, otherwise their going to have a lot of problems.... 

Ironwood: Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. 

Red Hood: Tell me it's not your flagship....

Ironwood: It is. I would assume that you would have something to do with the breakout that I had received word of just before the ship was commandeered. 

Red Hood: We don't have time for the petty bullshit. 

Ironwood: Your right, so I'm-

Ironwood lifted his gun, aiming it just past me and fired, killing a Grimm that was missed. I stared him in the eyes, utterly unfazed. He lowered the gun but not before making sure that he flagged me with it. I wanted to knock his ass out but I had to restrain that urge. 

Ironwood: -Going to take it back. 

Jaune: What should we do?

Red Hood: There's two options. Either you cut and run or you fight. 

No one spoke. I wouldn't blame anyone for leaving now. This was only going to get worse before it got better. They've done well so far but the chances of survival only go down from here. Ironwood looked back before ordering his men to load up. There was another airship further down from where we were. If we were going to head back into Vale, that was where we would go. 

Red Hood: Who's ready for another fight? 

Everyone looked at each other before gripping their weapons readily. Jaune being one of the more vocal supporters. We all were ready to do this. If that was the case, the first stop was Vale. We had enough people to split into two groups. One group would head into Vale while the other headed back for Beacon. 

Jaune: We're all ready to do this!

Sun: Yeah! 

Velvet: Your the most experienced out of all of us. 

Neptune: She's right. If anyone can get us through this, it's going to be you. 

I looked at the group dumbfounded. Huntsmen hated me.... But all of them where ready to fight with me, a criminal, to save the Kingdom. I never would have dreamed of this happening. Ruby patted me on the shoulder, bringing me out of my mind. I couldn't help but feel happy that after everything that's happened, Beacon was still my home, whether I was the Red Hood or not. 

I took a deep breath and released, refocusing on the task at hand. If they were looking to me to get them where they needed to be, then I'll do it. I never wanted to be a leader, not after Roy, but I didn't really have a choice here. But that's ok, because this time will be different. 

Red Hood: We can take the Bullhead further down and get going.

Jaune: Then lets go!

All of them started running for the Bullhead. Ruby stayed with me and looked out towards Vale. The whole city was on fire. I couldn't help but think back to Atlas. I wasn't going to make the same mistakes again. This time WILL be different. It has to be....

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