Dracoria: A New World (Book 1)

By NovaFornax

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Dracoria: A New World (Book 1) Story Description: The story revolves around a woman from earth named Ashley S... More

Story Details
Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: Distant Emergence
Chapter 3: Visions
Chapter 4: Tragedy
Chapter 5: A Uncle's Message
Chapter 6: Preparations
Chapter 7: Entering the Portal
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Town
Chapter 10: A Taste of America
Chapter 11: The Meeting with the King
Chapter 12: Choosing a Master
Chapter 13: The Eye
Chapter 14: First Tasks
Chapter 15: Imprisonment
Chapter 16: Echoes of Genesis
Chapter 17: Kidnapped
Chapter 18: Verax's Vengeance
Chapter 19: A Second Chance
Chapter 20: Peaceful Day and a Mystery
Chapter 21: A New Home
Characters of the Story: [From Chapter 1 to 21]
Chapter 22: Exploring
Chapter 23: Unknown Facility
Chapter 24: The Change of Laws
Chapter 25: Draconic Tyranny
Chapter 26: American Bloodshed
Chapter 27: Plans for a New Kingdom
Chapter 28: Silah's Encounter
Chapter 29: Foundation of a New Kingdom
Chapter 30: Project Genesis
Chapter 31: Days of Training
Chapter 32: Freeing Sidney Village
Chapter 33: Drexath's Treason
Chapter 34: Love and Binding
Chapter 35: Facilities
Chapter 36: Mysteries of the Precursors
Chapter 37: Destiny
Chapter 38: Krex's and Sarah Marriage
Chapter 40: The Forest Guardian
Chapter 41: Amilda's Master
Characters of the story: [Chapter 20 to 41]
Chapter 42: Xantarian Attack
Chapter 43: Dragon Rider Training
Chapter 44: Arc Magic Bound
Chapter 45: Locking
Chapter 46: Protonic Rise
Chapter 47: Starfall
Chapter 48: Remnants
Chapter 49: Draconic Language
Chapter 50: Alliance
Chapter 51: Exodus of Dawn City
Chapter 52: Crimson Dominion Attack
Chapter 53: Firewall Ambush
Chapter 54: Dragon of Light
Chapter 55: King's Retreat
Chapter 56: Sarah and Krex Journey
Chapter 57: The Truth
Chapter 58: The Queen and the King
Characters of the Story: [Final]
Author's Notes
Southern Islets Map
Chapter Extra: The Isolated

Chapter 39: Sarah's training

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By NovaFornax

Southern Islets / Evening / Sarah's Training

He landed on a beach and Sarah proceed to dismount. Now he is going not just her husband but her mentor.

Sarah: Now that we are in here, what do you want me to learn?

Krex: (Walked and laid down) You will be now in the process of training sword combat. I want you to learn how to fight.

Sarah: Well I mean ive already know how to use a sword and fight with it!

Krex: Then show me!

Sarah: Okay but I need a target or something.

Krex: (Shape shifting to his human) (Withdrawing his own sword) Now fight me.

Sarah: Fight you!? hell nah! I don't want to injure you!

Krex: You wont love.... Come clash me!

Sarah: Are you sure about this??

Krex: I am! Come on engage me!

Sarah proceed to went and they are now on a defensive position as they are waiting which one will attack first. Sarah proceed to attack and Krex one handed block the attack and heard the metal clash on both their swords. Krex has so much strength with his block that Sarah is pushing her sword even further but he is blocking it hard and he manage to push her sword and her by using his weapon.

Krex: (One handed and point his sword to her) Come on! Impress me!

Sarah: (Two handed the sword and rush at him and started clashing)

By surprise she was fighting him well as she was attacking and blocking his attacks, but she somewhat struggles. He has so much force with his blows.

Krex: (She is blocking his attack) You are doing well! After several rounds I want you to get to fight me in my form.

Sarah: Oh no! I will lose that battle!!

Krex: (Push her hard by using his sword) Love! You must do this test! You and I we will be fighting dragons in the future and I want to train you! you wont kill me and neither am I.

Sarah: As long as im not be able to kill you im fine. (Charged at him)

They are clashing and Sarah was fighting well against Krex, all he was doing was blocking her attacks as part of the training. He knows she do not want to injure him but he was testing her.

Krex: (One handed his sword and block her attack) Well! I can say im impress by your sword skills! I say I think is time to test your combat on an actual scenario where you must fight for your life.

Sarah: Wait! What are you get-(He put a hand in her checks and she is being casted to a dimension to test her skills)

She is on a dimension that has fire around just like the dimension I cast Ashley in her test when she fought me but this one has fire around and lava and dark skies.

Sarah: (Freaking out) KREX!! WHERE AM I!?

Krex: (Somewhere) Calm down Sarah.... im still here with you... Is time to put your skills to the true test! Fight me in my actual form!

Sarah: Why is there so much fire and lava around!?

Krex: This is the Fire realm dimension! The source where my magic comes from! You can touch it! It wont burn you.

Sarah: Alright then.... (Calming down) If you think I must put my skills to the test then show me what you got! You Fire Lizard!! (Immediately hears a loud roar coming from somewhere)

She is looking around in the area and she is hearing wing flaps in the distance until he revealed himself and started orbiting around her and snarling at her.

Sarah: (Defense position while holding her sword two handed) Show me what you got!!!

He turned around and breath attack her and she dodge it and she proceed to sprint towards him while he still flying away from her and he turns again and went at her and tries to snatch her but she dodged by throwing herself to the ground and stood up again. Then Krex proceed to turn back and land aggressively that made the ground vibrate as he has his head lowered on her snarling aggressively. Sarah with eyes wide she never seen him in this aggressiveness ever. Krex was walking slowly around her while still looking at her vicious and smoke exiting in his nostrils as he is grinning his sharp teeths.

Sarah: (Deep breath trying to control her nerves) Okay... I know I can do this.. (Charged!!!!)

She was swift and precise with her attempts as Krex breath attack her and she use magic shield spell and block incoming fire as she is engulfed with his attack and she can feel the heat. He stops and she charges and slashed his face off and backed off from him, he touched his face and theres blood coming and he looks at her more angrily but smiles.

Krex: (Walking with body lowered and growling while she was backing off) Well done!! Now.... IMPRESS ME!!! (Roared!!!!!)

She charges at him and cast her magic shield as he breath attacked her while she is running towards him and he dodge her slash and slapped her away and she flew by a few meters and she is injured. She dropped her sword somewhere and she cannot find it, while Krex from behind her is walking slowly to her like a predator and about to eat her. She got up and started running looking for her weapon desperately and immediately Krex pounced on her but missed and she almost got snatched by his claws. She saw her sword in the distance and she is running towards it so fast that she stumbles herself from a rock and started crawling to her weapon and Krex again runs and jumps on her as he was above her about to eat her alive until she grabbed her weapon and rolled her body away from him as she escaped from his jaws. She hears the bite sound from him and she stood up next to a fire geyser on her right, she was looking both at him and the Geyser.

Krex: (Walking and body lowered and head while growling at her showing teeths and more smoke is coming on his nostrils) Come on! This is your test, Sarah! do not be afraid! Face off your fears!!!

Sarah proceed to move her sword to the geyser as the blade was touching the fire and the golden metal is overheating and all the sudden the sword completely lights up in flames and the red gems lights up bright red. She was there standing still looking at Krex as he was there standing looking at what she just did.

Sarah: (Moving her sword around feeling the heat of the flames and looks at him) (Charged!!!!)

She cast her shield and Krex engulfed her in fire and he continues until he got tired she runs again to him and breath attack her again but he was becoming weakened, her magic is strong but also she is becoming weakened, she slashed his face and he screamed in pain.

Sarah: Gods!! Krex are you-

Krex: You are doing great!!! Come on!! We need to finish the test!! (Roared at her!!!!)

She charged at him again and did the same this time once he stop breath attacking her he proceeds to bite attack her and almost she did got bit and dodged and slashed again and went and slashed his front right arms

Krex: (Screamed in pain!!!!!) AAAGHH!!! TSSSSSS!!!! (Walking slower as he is injured) GOOD!!! CONTINUE!!!

Sarah: Krex are you sure!? I don't want to ki---

Krex: Love you wont kill me in here! We are using our astral bodies this is like a simulation but we can feel pain in here. Come on knock me down!!!

Sarah: (Charged at him!!!!)

Sarah really worries for his well being but she tries not to go full on him, she decide to stab his other legs and he collapses from pain. And she stood looking at her sword and her new ability, fire magic.

Krex: (Collapses and making sounds as he is in pain) Eeegh.... (Breathing) You.... You fought well.

Sarah: (Went to him to check if hes alright) I don't feel great to stab you Krex....

Krex: I know you don't. We can just end here, you won this! Come lets head back. (He hold her and she is being transported back to reality)

Sarah: (Wakes up and still being hold by Krex arms as he was in his dragon form and sitting) (Breathes air!!) Oh gods!!! That felt so real!!! Are you alright??

Krex: Im all great love! You fought well!! You passed my test! (Puts her down) I also want to congratulate for binding fire magic with your weapon! What you did there was an enchantment!

Sarah: I did not think what else to do, I just did it!

Krex: Well im proud of you my love! You did well! Now lets spent the rest of the day together.

Sarah: Please! I want to have this moment! Where you want to go now?

Krex: To the waters!! (He runs in four happy to the waters and splashing water particles everywhere)

Sarah: (Laughing hard) AHAHAA!!! KREX!!! You looked like a wolf running happily!!

Krex: (Half submerged and looks at her) Come!! Swim with me!!

Sarah puts her sword in the sand and proceed to swim towards Krex as he was on a deep area swimming. He started using his wings and making waves of waters splashing her down.

Sarah: (Getting completely wet) Pffft!!! What was that for!?!

Krex: For winning against me!

Sarah: Aaww... don't be a crybaby Krex!! (He proceed to submerge completely in the waters and went at her) Oh no!! You are not doing this!!

Sarah was panicking, she knows he is now below in the waters swimming at her. As soon she was going to swim back he appeared and grabbed her with his claws and hold her.

Sarah: (Getting hold) Aaagh!!! Let me go!! (Laughing!!)

Krex: (Growled aloud) I'm not! You will stay here with me! (Hugging her and wrap his wings around her)

Sarah: (Smiles and hugs him back) You cannot take your loss kindly right!

Krex: I will get you eventually.... I will win next match!

Sarah: (Chuckled) Sure you are!

They remained in the water while Krex remained hugging her and she did to him showing their love for each other. Minutes later they are swimming together as Sarah was on his back holding herself while Krex was swimming fast around enjoying the view of the beautiful Islets. They are now proud Husband and Wife. In a few hours we got visitors in the Central Islet as we have two Sea Dragons that landed. They are the Princess and her brother the Prince of the Sea Kingdom, I waited for them in the beach as the two are walking towards me and bowed.

King Verax: Princess Aldarith..... Prince Elverath, welcome to Virandas Kingdom!

Princess Aldarith: [Ligh blue Sea dragon] (Bowing still) King Verax, is an honor to meet you!

Prince Elverath: [Darker blue sea dragon] Same here, its an honor to meet you at last! (They both finished bowing) Me and my sister we have come to discuss what we have talked about.

King Verax: (Looking around and looks an islet that is empty) We can talk over there since I don't want people here to hear this, also this is my Ward! Meet Ashley!

Princess Aldarith: Oh Hello Ashley! You look pretty!!

Ashley: Oh, thank you! and you look beautiful Princess!

King Verax: She also must come with us.

Prince Elverath: Well lets talk business there then!

We decided it was the best to keep our pact in secret as we are still building and growing, She mounted on me and we fly over an empty Islet that we haven't expanded yet. We landed ten seconds later on a beach and we proceed to talk about business.

King Verax: Now we can talk! So where should we start with?

Princess Aldarith: We can start talking about our coalition pact and I can start discussing what mother are proposing.

King Verax: Sure! What Queen Alerath is proposing for us?

Princess Aldarith: She wants to offer a secret alliance with your kingdom but you cannot show yourself to the political forums that you are building a kingdom. She suggests to stay away from international politics for now and continue to grow until you are strong enough for the well being of humans.

Prince Elverath: That and she offers to send secret sea squadron to patrol around these regions for a period of ten years.

King Verax: Very well! I agree these terms! And what can my kingdom repay back to the Sea Kingdom for their service on us?

Princess Aldarith: We can use minerals of any sort like I don't know..... maybe silver? We use lots of silver for our economy.

King Verax: I have to set up a mining district then we are so much focused on planning city districts as much as possible as we are freeing many humans from Firewall.

Prince Elverath: We totally understand that, you can pay us whenever you can.

Princess Aldarith: Near these regions theres area rich of silver maybe by those mountains in the distance you can set up mining districts.

King Verax: Then silver is the payment. Alright ill set up several mining districts on those mountains outside of our islets.

We continue talking and discussing more treaties like trade and food supplies between our kingdoms and we had aggregable terms. Sea Kingdom are always be known as peaceful nation among Dracoria, they are very pacifist and always looks forward to trade and other peaceful negotiations and its very rare for them to go into a war against another nation. As of Draco and his guards, he is having a bad time as many of his dragon squadrons are reporting to him the many empty villages and the continue missing Princess Syleth.

Feredith: We went to several regions and we cannot find a trace of her!!

King Draco: (Angry) Dammit!! Where she went!?!

Feredith: We don't know my lord! We also breached several nations airspace and flied above their city illegally!

Caralex: My lord you know we can get denouncements from this?

King Draco: And!? Someone denounces us we will make them pay for it!! We can go wherever we wanted!! Who will stop us? Drakes? Tirexians? Forest Elves? Humans?? Who Caralex??

Caralex: No one??

King Draco: Exactly! Then Shut up! Now...... We must go ahead and enter the nation of Savarry Empire.

Federith: My lord..... Those Humans are advanced! Are you su---

King Draco: Federith!! My stance will not change!! They kill one of us we will crush them all!! Dracoria belongs to us! PERIOD!!

Caralex: (Thinking for himself) "What the hell are you doing Draco....?"

King Draco: Now! since for some reason humans are becoming "Smart" and started to leave our Kingdom, im going to send several more dragons to the remaining remote areas that we have human settlements! If someone attempts to leave..... kill them, even children's!! (Every dragon nodded in acceptance) Now dismiss!!

After the meeting, Caralex decided to fly around and thinking about his king tyrannical changes, he knows Firewall might bring total chaos to the world but at the same time they will be declared as a crisis and be defeated in a war. He is now thinking either stay with him or defecting. Now the new law as there several villages becoming now heavy guarded by dragons, one tortured human collapsed as he is working for a red dragon on a farm.

Vikas: (Slashed his back as he was pinning him down and the human screamed) I SAID WORK!!! NO BREAK TIMES YOU WEAKLING!!!!

Jaime: (Hurted badly) Aaagh!!!! Please im tired!!! Ive worked for you for like 16 hours today!!!

Vikas: (Growling) Then get stronger!!! You humans are all weak and soft for labor work!!

Jaime: (Standing up and collapsing as he is in deep pain) And you dragons..... think..... (Standing straight) You think you are the rulers of this world!?! You are not gods!!!!

Vikas: (Draconic evil laugh) Aaah!! We will rule all Dracoria, Jaime.... My kind is far superior than every race in existence of this universe..... you humans are just jealous of us! Now.... Shut the hell up and work!! If I see you taking a break im going to devour you. Understood!?!

Jaime: (Death threatened) (Sighed scared) Yes..... Understood....

Vikas: Good! Now get back to work I have other slaves I need to check!! (He left him as he was watching him like a warning look towards Jaime)

Jaime: (Collapsed frustrated) Why im living in a hell!? Who can freed us?? (Proceed to start working on the farm still exhausted)

Its been one hour and he is about to pass out from exhaustion. Jaime and the other humans there haven't eat breakfast, lunch or even diner or even sleep time but their overlord can have all the luxury as his servants gives him what he wants and those servants too are being treated badly by him as one got eaten by him for being disrespectful to him. It was night and many are still out working and Jaime is slowly collapsing as he cant keep up. He sees more dragons checking on the other humans, hope for him is lost since he knows if he falls asleep he will be killed. He started to look for a suppose way out in the farm, a blind spot for the several dragons checking the other human slaves. He is trying not to fall asleep and thinking this is life or death. There was a river that Is use as a water source for the farm, he thinks of the idea on going there and let the current take him but in doing so he needs to make sure no dragon sees him and not even Vikas once he slip out. He waits and waits until most of them are far away from him, he decided it was time and makes the run for it and not making a sound. Moments later he drops all his tools and proceed to run towards the river and jump in it and it was deep and the current was strong and the water is really cold. He decided to let the current take his past and he was going fast and trying to use his remaining energy to swim and trying not to drown. He was now several meters away from the farm and he is thinking now this is the best course of action and that his escape plan works. Jaime continues in the river as the current of water is taking him away and let nature do the rest of his escape plan.

Ten minutes later he was far away from the farm and still getting tired and becoming somewhat unconscious. He proceed to move himself to a rock by the edges of the river while the current is still strong he use his remaining energy from his body and started to drag himself up from the waters and he was cold not knowing if he will survive. He stood up and started walking and tumbling himself from the exhaustion of his body and went almost to the forest to hide himself but he couldn't go any further and proceed to completely collapse to the ground and his body is shutdown, he cannot open his eyes anymore and remained there sleeping his face on the dirt and stones while his legs almost touching the river as the water continues flowing relentlessly.

Two hours passed and is midnight and the dragons were alerted of a missing human slave in the farm as many are looking around but Jaime is at least 16 miles away from the farm and none have flew around where he was until sounds are being heard in the woods, and it's a large creature looking around and once the creature exits the woods where Jaime is unconscious, is a female Forest Dragon with two light green horns on her head, dark green scales in her body and light green as secondary, with glowing yellow eyes and it seems she has forest magic as her arms has yellow tracing lines of magic and it glows. She looks at him unconscious and decided to go to him and inspect him around as she lowered her head close to his body sniffing him. She looks at his back and he have deep scratch from Vikas and she knows those wounds aren't fully healed. 

She growled in anger with the abuse he received from this dragon. She proceeds to pick Jaime up with her left-hand claw and went to the river water to clean all his blood, she puts him in the flowing water and its cleaning his body from all the blood, she then carries him away with her as she walks back to the forest while holding him on her chest with her left claw hand.

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