Flower of Death

By XJapaneseX

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◇a young Japanese high school girl going through a time period of strange encounters and paranormal moments b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 13

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By XJapaneseX


I discovered an abandoned headquarters 5 miles from our cult.
And once I got to the main entrance. But it had our logo on it right in the middle of it. the serpent.
the smell once I got inside was horrible. Like a rotten semi-cooked steak. and I figured out that it was asylum. Or was it both a hospital and an asylum at the same time. I was curious. since the rooms had a different scent to it. the doors were broken, so im free to explore every speck of this place connecting to the cult.
I found a burnt note, but I can read it. This is what terrified me the most while reading this entire thing.

Name: Misaki Yuno

Gender: F

Blood type: A

conditions: depression, adhd, bpd, psychopathy.

conditions she suffered after experiment: screaming, attempted murder, tried to do self-surgery, self-harm, twitching, hallucinations, delusions.

conditions she suffered when sick with an unexamined illness: coughing blood
decaying bones and hair loss.
weak body, and hard to breath and pale skin.

failed examination:
machine malfunctioning, putting a dangerous liquid into her brain.

cause of death: deterioration and melted brain.

patient B2843 was executed by a malfunction.


from what I got from this entire note is that it was written by a doctor or an examiner that writes about the patient.
this entire hospital or asylum.
Whatever the hell it is. is supposed to actually be a prison to mentally ill patients under the rule of the medical world.
I kept walking around this place. the smell was so suffocating that it burned my nose. I saw something else horrifying in the room where they experimented with their patients. I figured out where the smell is from. it's a bunch of decomposed rotten corpses in one pile. all of them had questionable injuries when I shined my flashlight to it.
One had a whole cut on their face.
One had their entire jaw off their face.
One had no face but all rotten flesh.
and one had their heart exposed.
I'm starting to peice it together once I nearly gagged at one more decomposed body in the back of the room.
I walked closer to this one. they had green hair. and their eyes were growing flowers on them. which is abnormal.
but it seems like a woman. and her face was pretty but normal.
I zoomed onto her face. trying so hard to ignore the smell. she had a mark of a serpent on her cheek. but the most odd thing I have seen on this person is the literal fact that she has an angry face stuck to her corpse.
Like she received terrible news before her death. but I felt like she was connected to our cult right before all of us, even the founder, got to the idea of this cult.
well... I need to get out of here. but someone locked the main doors. I don't know how much of this is true. but this has to be a prison experimenting on humans and to kill them in the process. but it got shut down because of the controversy behind it. I'm going to leave this note right outside. No, not that.
dig it deep in a nearby spotland and hide this. goodbye."

suiki seen the roots of plants at the top of the note.

"So infinite dragon has much more meaning behind it other than being a clan that did attempted world domination? I remember when kiki is studying them behind my back. I need to give this to her."

"Give what to me?"

"EK! Why do you keep sneaking up on me like that?"

"I need to know."

suiki put down the paper and hesitated to hide it.

"it's nothing."

"Tell me right now."


"it's something about infinite dragon's past and how they changed their name multiple names. but it's different."


the silence was mind-blowing, but suiki had to break it once again.

"S-so, how's you and vladmir?
Did you two kiss yet?"

kiki's fingers were on her chin. she had such a calm but dangerous glare.

"Tell me what's on that paper. I don't need to tell you twice about something I'm studying about. but....isn't it right on your hand. trembling at your warm palms as the sweat starts to make it boil?
while... your sweat starts to stick itself to my fingers and run it through like a water dropping to the ground. show me what it is.
Why refuse when you simply implying to give it to me?"

"A-ah.. I don't know. I guess this just freaked me out enough to look you in the eyes and tremble in no fear but in something else."

"....what exactly do you mean?"

she stood up and grabbed her matcha tea.

"Nothing. if you want to read it, then read it. but I'm pretty sure it's a pleasure to read and congratulate me for that since I found by someone I know♡"

she shut the door back to the silence of her computer rendering.

"I wonder what this is. I'm gonna take this to my room because I need to pick out a dress to wear for this stupid banquet."


peko rubbed her hand to her waist while she's being pushed back in the table.

"you..keep..pushing me back. how long do you need this?"

"You kissed me into all this mess. you should be grateful that I even decided to make out with you."

"Come on. don't test me when im

"Oh, come on. the two low-level families. making out right here and right now. what if I exposed you two to the internet and don't try and fight me on this."

Nuviei landed with a recorder in her hand.

"What are you doing here? Are you going to plan to kill us or just keep destroying us? because your tricks aren't going to work."

"Ah, peko. you told someone that I briefly sabotaged you into blackmail. why would you do that when we made a deal. You don't want to be sucking on stinky cock when you decide to give up everything just for me.
But no. It's beyond what I was expecting. I saw you hear making out with clorina. aren't lesbians maybe mandated by the law?♡ because I don't know if they are♡"

peko sighed at her nonsense.

"It seems like you are just making up shit just to scare me. you have to grow up and get your act right. we are literally invited to an elegant occasion, so in an attempt to embarrass us. all of the families that we know and don't know will see how childish you are? Do you not have enough attention in your childhood?"

"I don't listen to bitches that has one polygon of attractiveness to men and women. let's get to the point.
As someone who is carrying a family more powerful than all of you. I don't think it's wise to learn my backstory. otherwise. It's clearer than this situation is going to go destructive enough to involve the innocent. But I don't care about the innocent."

" I don't even care about the backstory. this is my final warning.
If you are going to act like this, then you are making a fool out of yourself."

she shrugged it off and then left.

"crap..this banquet is in a few hours, so we have to get dressed soon. but I'm still worried about youxia. she won't speak to me. and she has been missing too."

"you had fucked up as a mother. so just give her some space. I don't know much about your daughter. but she's very talented to match your role in the future."

'But she isn't like me. That's the issue I'm worried about."

"Just give her some space. she been through a lot with both asumi and with you. so don't try and deny it that she doesn't find the goal to try and be in a relationship with you. and to be honest. asumi high school should be shut down upon all the cases that rest in that school. To death, to extreme bullying, and depression. so come on. just let her rest and chill out for a while until she can fully talk to you."

clorina put her hand on her shoulder. looking at a picture of baby youxia.

"maybe I fucked up or maybe my parenting skills are terrible. I don't know how to feel about all of this. and I don't know how to approach her. my involvement in sexual harrassment and rape doesn't involve her, so why is she mad about it? she's my daughter -"

"she never caught you on the act of being a pedophile. She expected her mother to pay attention to her for once in her entire life. But you only paid attention to pointing a gun to her head that is filled with thoughts like.

"Maybe she doesn't love me?"
"She is using me. She doesn't consider me as her daughter."
"Why am i even alive if my purpose is to be a machine, made to be controlled."
Come on, peko."

"I don't know anymore. let's just change the topic. I have some dresses from some events I went to in the past. so let's just change into those.
I just.. I don't know. I keep saying that as if I'm dumb enough to not think. but. all things are mandatory. I won't try to be forceful with it. so I will buy her an apartment. so that...she can have enough time to speak to me."


she put her heel on the stairs and walked up.

"Yes. now let's go. I don't know what this banquet is about, but we just have to wait and see through the very end."

"You talk too much."

"Shut up♡"


kiki walked around in her garden, looking at the roses.
And with an old looking book.

"I keep finding more lore about the infinite dragon cult around our home. and I keep finding these notes that have marks of plants and greenery. even one outside of an abandoned cathedral. this is about a girl who wrote a small documentary about her time in an asylum or a mental hospital...
And this dress is actually kind of itchy."

she flipped through the first page.

"I'm Yukosabi Guri.
I was born in 1854 in an environment of blood and death around my presence. I have much experience with being used for rituals and getting my blood exchanged for summoning the devil. my father was a strange man. used his own money to buy samples of cheese and sold drugs to japanese mafia men and yakuzas.
once I decide to quit the cult and start my own life without having to be involved in a cult that kills people just for the work of hell. my father sent me somewhere that I never wanted to remain at.
It's St. Infinite hospital.
I have been here for a long period of time. and this entire experience of being in this hospital had been nothing but a purgatory for humans. to suffer and die.
I saw a little kid get grabbed into the "experiment room"
and then their body just deteriorated once they got back. It happened in the middle of the night. it's finally my time. and the decomposed smell started to spark off in this entire hospital.
I had a special connection to someone in the future. I had long curly hair that had dark green streaks on them.
black eyes, and a beauty I have that is reached by so many.

But something is weird about me. I have a birthmark that looks like a serpent. and that isn't normal at all. so the hospital workers called me a witch just for having this. they examined me so aggressively and didn't give me food like the others. I was scared.
And here is the part that I had to suffer with before my death.
this hospital and the cult I was in. both have a connection, and someone must have been the founder of both of them. the founder of Serpentine's Hellden and the founder of St. Infinite.
so.. I was taken into a room that looks like it's performed on surgeries. and I had machines stuck to all over my body. to my head.
All of it.
I can't describe it to the fullest.
so they put anesthetic into me for some reason, and then it was a couple hours later in what the hell is going on and what they are doing to me.
So. I woke up with whatever they were doing to me. Like right in the middle of some kind of surgery. Since this is the 1800s. technology can be sucky at times.

I woke up to immense agony and pain all over my body. My eyes scrolled to the bottom, which is my hand, and I see blood all over it. so the doctors had to stop and put me back to a short-term coma or instant rest. but something bad happened to me right when they had to stop the machine all over my body.
my bones broke, and the machine started to malfunction and act on its own.
It was horrifying. and the machine also led to my spine. and I felt everything once I felt that big
behind me. and I couldn't even think about what I was doing. but all I know is that I was screaming in pain. but I passed out due to the pain."

kiki covered her mouth in shock. and went to the next page.

"I was put into intensive care. the bones on my body were shattered, and I had to have someone feed me, which is the bad part.
From being stuck in one position. I hear the screams of patients being experimented with them turning into mentally insane people with no fragment of their humanity. I was so scared. and I saw one of the other patients when I was taken back into my bed to heal my body since my wounds healed in a short amount of time. Like in over 2 months.
so anyway. I saw them stab someone in the head and then kill themselves right in front of me and everyone else. So I guess that this hospital makes everyone insane. And that it examines and kills people.
In the shorter term. It's human experiments. the cult... this hospital has so much connection to it. and the cult isn't going to end once someone is the true heritage of our cult. But to me. In the near future. a family is going to take in place. but I have the key to their future. as my looks are the estimated looks to rule the cult.
green eyes
Black and dark green hair
face of a model
And a psycho.
Ahh.. I don't know what I'm talking about with this. Maybe I'm hurting, or maybe my fate is already written. I don't know what the word "infinite" means in the hospital's name. but we will see soon enough."

kiki put the book down on the roses and sighed.

"So this cult had more lore than what I saw in sword art online and in real life. But why haven't I investigated more about this sickening cult??
ahh..goddammit. why am I going back to something that truamatized me..it's like I'm replaying my own past."


vlad came up smelling the rose with a fancy suit on.

"Oh hey vlad..."

"Are you ok? You seem troubled. it's about to be 6 pm, and the event starts at 9. and plus.. you look really pretty with that dress on."

"Thanks...ehm vlad."


she looked to the dark sky. in a mentally exhausted face.

"Is having to go back to your past constantly to find out something so dark so you have to have the curiosity of a cat? I'm feeling like that right now. I just...I been through hell to defeat this cult and their family, basically. mimi had already beat me to it in that game that got discontinued. it's like a matrix of having to repeat the same thing every day of your life while your mind is either trying to aim for the future or is still stuck in the past.
It's like reality right now.
having to do the same thing every time you wake up as a living human. eat, sleep, school, college, work, gaming, writing, reading,
it's all a cycle, and it's driving me insane too. I just need a break. Being involved in a secondary war is having me exhausted."

"So you're saying you're basically fatigued and that your past is what is stopping you from moving forward?"


vlad gave her a hug all the way to her waist.

"You don't need to suffer through your past constantly as an everyday cycle. you don't deserve that. and you don't deserve what happened on that war years ago. just try not to drain
yourself out of the Infinite dragon lore. It will bring you back to your past."

"I know.. but I-"

"Shh.. don't think about it anymore. just think about a spotland..full of soft grass and flowers that can be served as a blanket to rest on. a beautiful sunset that looks like light lava pouring from the sky.
That is true peace. reality can't uphold the pure definition of peace. peace is no such thing in this reality. wars and death.. This is the truth about our reality. If God really is real, then he would make the world a better place and try to save this ruined world from its overflowing dispair.
But he didn't. He never did. If he made this earth for harmony and peace, then this world is the complete opposite of what he wanted this world to be. even miracles can't save you from death, even praying to God as soon as your death hour comes. isn't going to save you. but people had a mindset of denial. I guess this is the bad point from being a realist."

"...I guess you're right.
but enough of this. we need to go get ready more. I'm going to bring my weapons..just in case."

she sighed and opened the door back to her mansion.

"Don't do mass murder like you did in that nightclub.
please keep it as normal as you can possibly be. This is supposed to be an invite to meet all the families from different nationalities."

"I can't promise that. If I need to protect you, then any means necessary. if it's a trap, then its worth is to defend and fight,
not be weak in a corner. To be honest. my past self was weak. constantly complaining and crying about how I got stuck in that situation. being a vigilant and turning dark enough to let one person consume my soul and be obsessed with them enough to kill them only because I was the first.
and...malori is the first to be my ally when there were only two members of my guild in that game. but now. I'm trying to grow and continue to be the "rich and powerful hero" everyone expects of me."


she kept that exhausted look when she took a glance at him through the shoulder.

"I miss her. It's not like I'm in love with her, but she's the one who gave confidence to my guild members and helped them grow by her words. I can remember.. when I was still in my vigilant role to beat ouroboros myself and selfishly.
I had been hurt and sucked into a state of psychological trauma and pain only by ouroboros. and then here comes the final shot.
Was locked in a pre-school cafeteria with a bunch of tvs around the near ceiling. along with high-level fighters, I needed to beat ouroboros. and then..
boom. seen malori get impaled with spears...
I shouldn't speak about this again since it gives me the perfect opportunity to remember her death and have her blood spatter on my face."

she closed the door to have him think about that.



"Are the preparations complete?"

"Yes, miss suki. The dining hall is freshly royal and neat, and the food is finished."

"Alright. I'm going to put up some rules for this banquet since some children of them can not seem to act right. No conflict.
No weapons
And no poisoning in the food. I want this to be an easy-going banquet without conflict. It's that simple♡"

she looked to the balcony to see decor of gold and white.

"Money does buy happiness. and also. aim for Nuviei when she tries anything. i hate to admit this, but she's a dangerous person to handle, so I'm also going to set up some gaurds in some balconies just in case if anything goes wrong. I want this to be fancy and welcoming♡ now people wonder why in so used for fancy events and money. I could buy a poor wedded couple a million dollar wedding if I want to."

junko sat down when she put on her bra.

"I'm so scared. uri sent a letter to my doorstep spelling out words in fresh blood.

"This ain't over you little bitch."
I'm guessing she's talking about me and my dead daughter. I literally had to cry so hard at her funeral. but I still don't understand why my father's death is such a big deal to her."

"uri is an antihero and a killer for those that are sick to this world. but what part don't you understand?"

junko blushed when she put on her bra.

"I mean.. I don't know. The whole trial had been in kind of a standstill. I mean. After all of this..I never knew my daughter took his death too literally."

You haven't fully understood what kind of path your daughter took to take length to try and kill the next heritage of the rose family?"


"she had mental issues or wasn't stable. so she took the chance to kill someone of the rose family because of her grandpa's death. And that led to umi. which is a new student at asumi High School. she's too young to be dealing with that kind of truama. The same goes for umi. so let me get this straight. you didn't care. Or were you oblivious to your daughter's pain and decided to take it too literally or too far in that trial?"


"Don't be dumb and think about it without being braindead. understand that it wasn't just the rose family that caused all of this. It was you."

she handed her a dress while she had to think about this.

"How was it me??"

"You had your father do terrible shit without any investigation whatsoever. but now that he's currently dead by the hand of uri. your daughter had been influenced by his death, and it affected her mentally. so then. she targeted umi.
The daughter of uri.
to take revenge on her dead grandpa since umi is a link to the rose family. so come on. do you think your father's actions are what led your daughter to her downfall and to her insanity?"

"Ah- well...your right..
I really didn't think about that once I had to fight against uri in a logic battle. she called my daughter a psycho so I had to shoot back -"

"Think about this more. junko."

her perfume hit her nose. it's sweet roses. once her chin got grabbed.

"Maybe I'm on uri's side here. the key of knowledge is never wrong to the person that killed and didn't ignore.
so don't be a stuck pumpkin on one end of the field. And then other vegetables have much more than you. And then you rot. along with all the others in this war.
Rot in their graves."

"Ah.. yeah. my daughter is one to hold grudges, but I didn't know what else to do."

she applied her makeup and light pink lipstick.

"Try not to think about it too much. that case was not long ago, but it was long ago at the same time. uri is a good specimen and also has the same power and strength as me and Nuviei.
she's very powerful in her prime. but to be honest... if she keeps making the batter and then gets the wrong ingredients. she loses her power by making the cake burnt♡ so..I never had anything against the rose family. I was on the sidelines.. watching everyone argue like little roaches and try so hard to fight against uri."

"..what are you planning."

she braided her hair with a ribbon of pink and red.

"I'm not planning anything. but let's make it simple for us and this banquet. shall we?
and you do look pretty as well♡"


junko left the room, a wicked smile put on her smile once she left.

●to be continued●

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