Something About Him

By bert3005

9K 636 248

[bxb] After a traumatic event, Mathew- or Matty as everyone calls him- moves into a family/friend's home; the... More

I. Welcome to Hell
II. Meatloaf and Bad Behavior
IV. Mr. Popular
V. Potato Chips
VI. Q-Tip
VII. Not My Business
VIII. Friday Night Football
IX. You Look Like a Bird
X. Silver Spoon
XI. The Ridge
XII. I Better Not Be Dreaming

III. Naked

679 57 18
By bert3005

I don't know what time I managed to fall asleep last night, but what I do know is that it wasn't enough. I want to set my alarm on fire when it goes off around seven in the morning, but I force myself out of bed and get ready for my regular weekend run.

This ritual started with my dad. On Sundays my dad and I would wake up early in the morning and go for a jog around the neighborhood. By the time we got home, mom would be making breakfast for all of us.

Now I run alone, but I refuse to stop. Younger me was chubby and got made fun of a lot due to my weight, so the summer before high school I decided to change that. I changed my eating habits and started running with my father. I lost forty pounds since then and I don't plan on gaining any of that back.

I throw on my grey hoodie and matching shorts before pulling on socks and old sneaks that really need to be thrown away, and I slip outside before anyone can notice me. With headphones in, Arctic Monkeys playing, and my Apple Watch strapped onto my wrist, I begin my run in the brisk October air.

Remembering directions has always been pretty easy for me, so I'm not too worried about getting lost in my new neighborhood. At the end of the block, you have two choices, the woods straight ahead or taking a left turn onto the next road. I plan on taking the road, but something catches my eye. There's a path peaking out through trees at the end of the street, so I take that instead.

The path is a small dirt road that goes further and further into the woods and I'm starting to think I should head back because I've seen way too many horror films, until I spot an opening up ahead. I speed up just a bit until I'm at the clearing and I slow down.

Breathing heavy, I lean on my knees for a moment before walking closer to the beautiful scenery up ahead. A crystal clear lake- small enough to stay hidden, but big enough to not call it a pond. Set in the middle of woods with a waterfall that sparkles in the ounce of sunlight that breaks through the trees.

"Holy shit," I breathe out in awe at the beautiful scenery. Illinois could never.

Looking around, there's no one here, but that makes sense considering the fall season. I'm sure come summer time, this place is crowded, but right now, I can't imagine a more peaceful place.

The peacefulness ends when I step too close to the edge and the dirt caves under one of my feet. Half of my left leg dips into the freezing cold water. With my right foot still on the ground, I push off it and fall to the ground, backing quickly away from the water.

Horrid memories of me drowning rush back as my heart rate rises. "Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath," I speak out loud with my eyes squeezed shut and will myself not to have a panic attack. My hands are shaking, but I fold them into a fist and press them into my eyes to keep me from crying as I tell myself to calm down.

I lay on the ground for ten or so minutes before building the strength to stand up and I walk the rest of the way to my new home.

Despite my panic, the waterfall is still an amazing sight to see and will be a nice place to be alone, so I plan of jogging down that path again. I'll just avoid the edge next time.

Everyone's still sleeping by the time I get home- a little after eight in the morning. I make myself a bowl of cinnamon toast cereal, then head back upstairs quietly as to not wake anyone.

To get rid of my sweaty smell and lake-watered leg, I grab a towel from the linen closet in the hall and head to my bathroom to shower. I knock on the bathroom door and slowly creak it open when I don't hear a response. Realizing it's empty, I turn the shower on, setting it to hot, before stripping my clothes off.

After testing the temperature with my hand, I step onto the tiled shower floor and let my body relax under the steaming water. I let out a sigh. I needed this, especially after my 'almost falling into a lake' incident.

I don't want to think about it and raise my blood pressure, so instead I think about everything leading up to this moment. How in a blink of an eye, my whole world flipped upside down. This is my new life now. Not just a new home, but a new town, a new address to memorize, a new school I have to worry about. Fuck, a whole new state. At the beginning of September, I was complaining how I hated Illinois- I don't even remember the reason why- and now, beginning of October, I'm living in Oregon.

Just thinking about attending a new school with new evil teachers and even eviler (is that a word?) students fills me with dread. I barely made it in my hometown school. I was thankful I even have one friend, my best friend, Quinn.

I guess now I have Kayla, but she's a freshman, I probably won't see her being a junior. But with my credits I can graduate early. I just gotta keep my head down and-

My thoughts on my new school stop short when I hear a door open. Not my door. "Julian?" I don't get a response, only the sound of the toilet seat clinking against the top. "Oh my god, are you peeing?

"Can you not be so loud? I just woke up, fuck." he tells me in a raspy, morning voice.

I scoff, "I'm showering. Naked," I empathize. Oh God, I'm naked! I cover my intimate area with my hands. I can barely see his tall figure through the glass walls with all the steam and I pray I'm too blurry for him to see me.

"Well, I wouldn't expect you to have clothes on," Julian speaks casually which pisses me off. "Unless you're one of those freaks who showers with their socks on."

"Get out!" I shout through my bewildered state. I can't believe this is happening.

"Chill, I'm almost done."

What the fuck? "You're unbelievable," is all I can say.

"And you're in my bathroom, if I need to take a piss, I'm gonna take a piss," he tells me almost angrily. "I didn't ask to share."

"And I didn't ask for my parents to die," I retort so swiftly, I surprise myself. Did I really just say that? I must have because my sentence grants me a pause.

Good, maybe he feels guilty-

"Touché. I'd step back from the water," Julian warns me.

"What?" And he flushes the toilet. The water turns freezing cold in seconds, "Julian!" I scold, turing the shower head away, but he's already left the bathroom. "Asshole. Didn't even wash his hands."


I know I said I'd just keep my head down at school, but when Monday rolls around, I change my mind. If this is my town for the next few years, then I need to try to make friends. Maybe more than one this time.

Walking in the school building with Kayla by my side, I might not need to try that hard to make friends. A good amount of people seem to like Kayla. She's already waved and said "hey," to more people than I can count on both hands.

We stop at her locker, "Um, Kayla, is there anything you forgot to tell me?" I ask her.

"Huh? Like what?" She puts books on the top shelf of her blue locker before looking at herself in the small magnetic mirror that hangs on the metal door.

"Like that fact that you're the most popular freshman I've ever met."

Kayla laughs and swings her locker shut, "I'm really not that popular," she deflects.

I scoff, "that's equivalent to rich people saying 'I'm not rich, I'm comfortable'."

"Julian was popular, that's the only reason I know the upperclassman. To them I'm just 'Julian's younger sister', I wouldn't really say I'm friends with them. My class though, I've always naturally got along with people."

"Ha, I wish. I can't even open my mouth without committing social suicide."

"What are you talking about? You're funny and, ya' know... good looking," she blushes a bit when she says the last part and avoids my eyes.

"I wasn't always, but I appreciate that," I tell her genuinely. "So you're telling me good looks is the way to popularity?" If that's all it takes, Kayla has it in the bag. Kayla is definitely pretty given her beautiful features and a body that every hormonal boy drools over. Not to mention she has a kind, yet confident personality. If I wasn't gay, I'd probably be into her. But she's like a sister now and I'm scared of pussy, so that would never work.

"I mean... look at me," she winks before chuckling, "I'm joking, but honestly," she shrugs, "I just be myself and confident whether I feel it or not; fake it till you make it, right?" She had a point and confidence was something I lacked at my old school.

"I wish you were a junior," I whine when I hear the warning bell go off.

"I know, but I'll see you in between class and when I get home," she tells me. She already informed me about her cheerleading practice and that I'll be getting a ride from her brother which I was less than happy about.

With a smile and a wave goodbye, Kayla was off, leaving me to fend for myself.

I sigh and head to my first class. Confidence, confidence, confidence, I keep in my head and I hope that's enough for me to make friends.


Hello Lovelies, Happy Thursday!

I've been thinking about writing a dystopian fantasy book (gay ofc), after I finish Fools in Love, would you guys be interested in that? We'll see lol

Anyway, thank you for reading <3

-Xoxo, Bert

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