succession | d. targaryen

By sansasrose

24.8K 1.9K 706

Declining in health and uncertain about his house's future in his eldest son's hands, King Aerys II makes the... More

cast + summary.


1.8K 150 69
By sansasrose

299 A.C.

ELAENA WATCHED AS HER ARROW SAILED THROUGH THE AIR AND LODGED ITSELF IN THE TARGET. AS SHE LOWERED BOW, she noticed that she'd just barely missed the bullseye. She frowned at the sight and walked toward the target, tugging the arrow out and walking back over to grab the bow. She aims again and shoots the arrow and misses just barely once again.

Elaena stares at the target. She didn't miss.

Elaena grabbed another arrow and nocked the bow. She took a deep breath, aimed at the target, and watched as the arrow missed the bullseye.

"Fuck," Elaena muttered under her breath. She walked over to the target grabbed both the arrows out of the straw target and walked back over to the bow, snatching it off the ground. She shoots the first arrow and hits the target, missing the bullseye.

Elaena drops the bow and snaps the arrow over her leg before marching over to the target, taking the arrow out and snapping it in half as well.

"What did that arrow do to you?"

Elaena looks up to see Sansa standing there, Lady at her side. The wolf lets out a bark and Elaena looks at Lady curiously. She didn't think wolves barked. Then again Elaena wasn't commonly around wolves.

She looks at the broken arrow in her hand and then back up at Sansa, "It did not listen to me."

"So, you snapped it?"

"The arrows are faulty," Elaena responds as she walks over to the bow, picking it up.

"And how do you know it is the arrows and perhaps not your own miscalculations?" Sansa asks.

"Because I don't miscalculate," Elaena says. She looks through the arrows and grabs another one. This time she relaxes as she nocks the bow and aims it at the target. This time the arrow sails through the air and lodges itself into the center of the target.

"See? I did the same thing that I did with the other arrows, only this time I hit the bullseye," Elaena explains.

"You were barely missing the bullseye previously," Sansa says with a laugh, "You truly can tell the arrows were faulty because you missed wide slightly."

Elaena smiles as she picks up the broken arrow and walks over to Sansa. She holds out the arrow to Sansa who accepts it. She looks at the arrow and then back at Elaena.

"What am I supposed to be noticing?"

"Here," Elaena says as she traces her finger over the break. She looks up at Sansa to see her eyes following Elaena's finger. She averts her attention back to the arrow and explains, "The dark spots? The wood has begun to rot."

"In both arrows?" Sansa asks as she looks up at Elaena.

"Mhm," Elaena answers, "You see when the wood begins to rot, it softens and then dries out. It changes density which leads to arrows being slightly wide."

Sansa lets out a laugh, "I cannot believe that you believe in your skills that much that you knew the arrow was faulty."

"It's sort of like – walking. We do it every day and we don't really think about it. I've been shooting arrows at targets since I was three. It's like walking. If I miss, I know there's something wrong."

"Hm," Sansa says thoughtfully as she looks at the arrow. She smiles as she looks up at Elaena, "I have a younger sister. Arya. We couldn't be more different. There were nights when I would take Lady for walks, and I would hear her out in the courtyard shooting arrows. She wasn't good, but every night she was out there."

"I say that to say that I think she would admire you," Sansa says, her smile turning shy as she holds the arrow out to Elaena.

"I'm sure that I would admire her as well," Elaena says with a small smile, "How old is Arya?"

"Fourteen," Sansa says, "I'm certain that she's running my father and older brother ragged. She's a wild one."

"Ah," Elaena says nodding her head, "And that makes you the disciplined older sister."

"Yes, but I am a wolf of Winterfell," Sansa responds lifting her chin proudly, "And wolves cannot be tamed."

Elaena looks at the tamed wolf on a leash at Sansa's side, but she says nothing. She understands what Sansa is trying to do. She's trying to show she's not the prim and proper lady that she truly is. Elaena finds it adorable, but to say such a thing would probably cause Sansa to retreat within herself.

"Has someone tried to tame you recently, Sansa?" Elaena asks.

Sansa meets Elaena's gaze, and the Hightower tilts her head with a smile. Sansa quickly averts her gaze as a shy smile crosses her lips.

"Well, no not really," Sansa says sheepishly.

"You know you should be able to defend yourself if someone tries," Elaena says, "Would you like to try your hand at archery?"

"Me?" Sansa asks, "Oh but I couldn't. I wouldn't be quite good and if anyone messed with me, Lady would be able to handle them."

"Of course," Elaena says with a smile. Sansa was right when she said that she didn't get the attention of many suitors. She seemed oblivious to sweet words. It presented a challenge and Elaena knew she shouldn't like that, but she did. It was all too boring when people played into her hand immediately.


The faint calling of her name is heard by both of them.

"It seems that the Princess is searching for you," Elaena says, "You two haven't been spending much time together lately. Why is that?"

"Daenerys doesn't like you," Sansa says.

"I know," Elaena responds, "But that doesn't answer the question."

"I don't blame you for what you did. And I know I do not know you the way that Daenerys does, but I have no reason to dislike you. That is the reason. We have different opinions."

"I am a stranger to you," Elaena states, "You shouldn't distance yourself from the people you know for the ones you don't."

Sansa's lips curl up in a small smile, "You know my father is supposedly the most honorable man who ever lived. Throughout Westeros, they speak of Ned Stark's honor. My father is supposedly an excellent judge of character. I like to think I'm my father's daughter."

Elaena is rarely left speechless, but Sansa's words leave her without any. Perhaps it was the words paired with the shy smile. Perhaps it was because for so long Elaena had been seen as something to be feared and Sansa wasn't running.

It's Elaena who feels shy as she looks at Sansa sheepishly, "I do hope I don't let you down."

Sansa's smile widens, "I know you won't."

"Sansa-" Daenerys cuts herself off as she observes the looks being exchanged by Sansa and Elaena. Both Sansa and Elaena look away from one another and the latter clears her throat as she looks up at Daenerys.


"Lady Elaena," Daenerys says, her voice rough as she speaks the title.

"You called for me?" Sansa asks.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to break our fast together?" Daenerys asks her eyes still on Elaena.

"I would enjoy that," Sansa responds, "Come Lady."

"Go ahead without me," Daenerys says as Sansa and Lady begin making their way back toward the castle. Sansa stopped walking and looked at Daenerys who was approaching Elaena.

"Daenerys," Sansa says firmly, as though she sensed that Daenerys wanted to talk to Elaena for all the wrong reasons.

"It's alright," Elaena says, "The Princess was simply inquiring about archery lessons."

Daenerys's brows furrow as she looks at Elaena, but she simply quirks a brow. Daenerys gets the message as she turns to look at Sansa and shrugs.

"She is the best after all," Daenerys says. Elaena has to look down at the ground as a wide smile engulfs her lips. She knew that was painful for Daenerys to say. She still loved hearing it.

"Oh," Sansa says, "I shall take Lady to the kennels for breakfast before joining you."

Daenerys smiles, "Okay."

Sansa offers them both a smile before walking away. Elaena and Daenerys both watch her go and once she's out of sight they turn to one another.

"You told me to spend more time with Sansa, but how can I do that when you are constantly finding ways to steal her attention?"

Elaena chuckles as she begins walking back toward the area where her bow lies on the ground, "You act as though I seek Sansa out. She came to me."

"Would it kill you to be a little less charming then?" Daenerys requests.

"Would it kill you to be a little more assertive?" Elaena retorts, "If you want Sansa, then do something about it. If you're afraid to pursue a woman then you have no business pursuing a throne."

Daenerys scoffs, "Don't act like I came begging to you for your help. You asked me."

Elaena rolls her eyes, "If you don't want the throne, then let us stop all of this right now. Jocelyn can put your sister on the throne and use her as the puppet for the rest of her days. It is of no consequence of mine."

Daenerys watches as Elaena tries to dismiss the situation by grabbing an arrow and pulling the string back on her bow. She waits until Elaena is about to release before responding, "But it is."

Elaena releases the arrow, and it lands in the center of the target, but narrowly misses the bullseye. Elaena huffs as she lowers the bow and looks at Daenerys who looks at the target unimpressed.

"If Shaena sits on the throne, then it means that you've lost. To Jocelyn. We both know you cannot allow your sister to win. So, it is of consequence to you," Daenerys responds, "Do not try to act like you're above it all."

Elaena takes a deep breath as she calmly walks over to the target, grabs the arrow from the target, and yanks it out. She looks over at Daenerys as she snaps the arrow in half.

"I think you underestimate me," Elaena responds, "Truly. Do you think that this is truly a competition between Jocelyn and me? It isn't. Jocelyn isn't shit compared to me. I could take a commoner off the street and put them on the throne if I truly desired. I don't need you Daenerys. And I don't need to win. I know my worth. I know what I am. Do you?"

"I suppose you're going to say the arrow's rotted?" Daenerys asks as she looks at Elaena, ignoring what she previously stated, "You always did that when we were children and you missed."

Elaena can't help the amused smirk that settles on her lips. She approaches Daenerys and shows her the inside of the arrow. Daenerys looked at it and she noticed the inside of the arrow did have dark spots.

"I don't miss," Elaena says as Daenerys looks at her, "And I am above it all. What I know is that I can walk away from all of this unscathed. You cannot. Apologies for trying to help you."

Elaena spins and begins walking away from her and Daenerys grows angry.

"I don't need your help!" Daenerys yells, "I didn't need it all those years ago and I don't need it now!"

Elaena spins quickly, a brow quirking as she looks at Daenerys, "You didn't need my help?"

"No! I had everything under control! But then you came along and now I am to spend the rest of my life feeling guilty for your scars!" Daenerys yells.

Elaena can't help the laugh that escapes her, "You haven't thought of my scars. All you've ever thought of is if I'll share your little secret. Don't worry Daenerys, your secret is safe-"

"I don't care about the fucking secret!" Daenerys yells as she marches over to Elaena snatches the broken arrows from Elaena and throws them on the ground.

"Then what do you care about?" Elaena asks, her voice doesn't rise it stays unusually calm and Daenerys hates it. She hates how Elaena maintains her composure and makes her seem crazy.

"I – I," words falter on Daenerys's tongue as she stares at Elaena.

"You killed your brother," Elaena says calmly.

Daenerys shakes her head, "No-"

"At the age of nine, you weren't afraid to do what was necessary. To take what you wanted. And yet here you are at eighteen. So fearful. So untruthful. To me. To yourself. It seems that I must have made a miscalculation, you're not ready for the throne-"

"How could you say that?"

"You won't even go after what you want," Elaena asserts.

"You wouldn't want me to go after what I want," Daenerys says in a low tone.

"And why not?"

Daenerys looks at Elaena's scar and her expression softens. She retracts slightly, "People get hurt when I go after what I want."

"Me?" Elaena asks with a laugh, "You can't harm me. Not unless I allow you to."

That was how the scar got there. With Elaena's permission. A well-crafted element of their well-orchestrated lie. At nine and twelve the two of them had worked together to cover the true reason for her brother's death. At twelve and nine, they had intertwined their fates forever.

"Sometimes I wonder if he would have been better suited for the throne than any of us," Daenerys says softly, "Perhaps-"

"Do not," Elaena says firmly, "He is dead. He has no claim. He would not have been a good king." Daenerys stares at Elaena who shakes her head as she softly repeats, "Do not."

Daenerys wanted to be brave. She wanted to be like Elaena, where nothing shook her. Daenerys had spent the last nine years hating Elaena for leaving her. She hated her for leaving. For abandoning her. However, perhaps deep down, Daenerys hated Elaena first because she knew that if the truth ever came out, it would be Elaena who would hate her.

Elaena was the only person in Daenerys's life who'd protected her.

It was assumed that the thing Daenerys so desperately wanted was Sansa.

Perhaps Daenerys was ready to admit that it wasn't.

"I want the throne," Daenerys admits softly. And even if that was untrue, she'd lie. She didn't want the throne. She wanted Elaena and if the throne was the thing that would get her, then she'd claim it.

"If you truly want it, tell Sansa how you feel," Elaena responds, "Then we will continue the plan."

Daenerys groans and throws her head back, "Why?"

"To prove to me that you're serious," Elaena states.

"I am," Daenerys responds, "Just – just don't make me do that."

"Do it," Elaena orders, "Or else I will."

Daenerys's brows furrow, "Wait, what about Jaime?"

"I can multitask," Elaena says, "There's something about Sansa's innocence that intrigues me." Daenerys frowns as she looks at Elaena. The Hightower points at Daenerys, "See that right there indicates to me that you feel something from her. Some sort of jealousy."

"I don't care what you do," Daenerys responds.

"Yes you do, I can hear it in your voice."

"Fine, I care what you do!" Daenerys exclaims, "Can you just – please leave Sansa alone."

"Then you know what you have to do."

Daenerys shakes her head, "I don't – that's not what I want."

Elaena rolls her eyes and turns, "Then we're done."

Daenerys's brows furrow and she grabs Elaena's hand, "No, we're not."


The name dies on Elaena's lips as she looks at Daenerys who is looking at her intensely.

"I don't need to go after Sansa, and you won't either because you don't care about her. You're trying to get under my skin, and you think it will make me act. It won't. I want the throne and you don't need me, but I need you. So, you will seduce Jaime. You will do what it takes to make me queen. Do you understand?"

Elaena quirks a brow at Daenerys and nods her head, "Very well."

"Good," Daenerys responds, "I must go."

"Then go," Elaena responds as she looks down at her hand which Daenerys was still holding.

"Oh," Daenerys says softly as she releases her hand.

"Princess," Elaena tells her with a smile.

Daenerys rolls her eyes, "Goodbye Elaena."


Margaery Tyrell knew that she wasn't the mastermind that her cousins were. Elaena and Jocelyn had grown up trying to outsmart one another and Margaery did not have such rivalry with her brothers. She had learned from her grandmother who taught her that her greatest asset was that she was a woman. Many would underestimate her because of it. Others would fall for her allurement. So she may not be a mastermind like her cousins, but she knew how to play the game.

It was why she chose Viserys.

He was simple-minded. All she had to do was smile at him and show an ounce of kindness and he was eating out of her hands. Getting him was easy, turning into something worthy of the Iron Throne was going to be the hard part.

"I was surprised to hear that you were joining our game," Margaery says as she looks up at Elaena who is reading a book.

"I didn't want to," Elaena says, not looking up from the book, "Jocelyn burned letters Daenerys sent me after the incident."

Margaery's brows furrowed, "Letters?"

Elaena looks up from the book, "Apparently Daenerys wrote me apology letters. It doesn't matter. They're gone."

Margaery stares at Elaena. It was no secret that Margaery favored her younger cousin. Elaena was a quiet and gentle creature. She genuinely cared about small folk and she loved her younger brother. It was Elaena who had welcomed her with open arms when they were first introduced, and it was Jocelyn who kept her distance until Margaery could prove her worth.

If anyone should have been a prospect for Rhaegar when he was set to become king, it was Elaena. She had the traits of a queen. It was Elaena that Margaery modeled herself after.

Margaery didn't know the whole truth about what happened in King's Landing, she was told bits and pieces. What she did know is that Jocelyn believed that Daenerys was in love with Elaena. And that to some extent Elaena cared for her. Elaena did not talk about Daenerys. Even now as they were in King's Landing, Elaena rarely spoke of her.

But Jocelyn was insistent that Daenerys was her sister's weak spot.

Which was why she did not burn the letters.

Jocelyn had shown Margaery the box of letters prior to their return to King's Landing. She'd kept them all these years in case she needed to keep her sister in line and Margaery supposes that Jocelyn had lied to her sister to keep the upper hand.

"She did not burn the letters," Margaery speaks.

Elaena seems to sit straighter when Margaery says that, "I'm sorry?"

"Jocelyn kept the letters. I've seen them," Margaery shares.

"What did they say?"

"She didn't allow me to read them, but she has. Every single one. She believes that Daenerys is in love with you," Margaery responds, "I think that is her true reason for wanting to play this game. Some sort of humiliation for the girl."

Elaena sighs as she closes her book and stands from her seat.

"Where are you going?" Margaery asks.

"To ruin my sister," Elaena answers.

Margaery watched as Elaena walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind her.

Elaena made her way through the castle where she found Jaime standing guard outside of the Maegor's Holdfast. He was without his helmet, and he stood there looking as regal and handsome as any Lannister.

"Elaena?" Jaime says at the sight of her.

"Jaime," Elaena says.

"It's late for you to be wandering the castle."

"If you say so," Elaena says with a smile, "I need a favor. Are we at a stage where I may ask for those?"

"It depends on what you're requesting," Jaime tells her.

"Princess Shaena," Elaena states, "Are there any men that she hangs around? Close friends? Potential suitors?"

"What do you intend to do with this information?" Jaime asks.

"Many things," Elaena answers.

"I have a nephew," Jaime answers, "He comes to visit from Dorne. Shaena seems quite taken by him."

Elaena's brows knit together, "Shaena likes your nephew? The son of Cersei Lannister and Oberyn Martell?" A giggle escapes her and she places a hand over her mouth, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh it's just Shaena is so sweet and I can only imagine that their child is – well – not."

Jaime chuckles, "Maron is quite different from his parents. He's gentle-natured. I think it's because he spent more time in the Water Gardens with his uncle."

"So when Maron comes to visit, what do he and Shaena do?" Elaena asks, "I only ask because besides Rhaegar it seems none of the potential heirs are courting."

"Well, they spend their days in the gardens," Jaime says, "They read together. It's innocent. Maron probably doesn't believe himself worthy of the princess. Cersei would state he is too good, but he did not inherit my sister's superiority complex."

Elaena chuckles, "Do you know when your nephew will be visiting again?"

"Could be tomorrow. Could be a fortnight," Jaime responds, "He comes and goes as he pleases. Though he may visit soon after hearing of the king's intentions to pick his heir."

"Hm," Elaena hums.

"What do you intend to do with that information?" Jaime wonders.

"Nothing," Elaena responds, "May I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"Why did you join the Kingsguard?" Elaena asks, "You are the eldest son. You would have been Lord of Casterly Rock. Could have had your pick of any woman."

"You haven't met my father," Jaime says as he sits down against the wall. Elaena follows suit as she sits down beside Jaime, "He has such high expectations. I knew I'd never be able to meet them."

"Why not? You're an excellent fighter. I hear you may be the newt Lord Commander of the Kingsguard."

"I could cut through men all day. It's the politics I'm not good at," Jaime says, "I would have ruined my house. Everything my father built. I wouldn't marry the right woman or something else. I couldn't bear that burden."

"I don't think you would have ruined your house," Elaena confesses, "The Lannister name has stood the sands of time. It wouldn't be destroyed by one measly Lord Jaime."

Jaime chuckles as he looks at Elaena.

"And perhaps you wouldn't have married the wrong woman. Well if you married my sister it would have been the wrong woman," Elaena says with a small smile, "I'm much better than she is."

"Ah, so you'd be Lady Lannister?"

"Oh no, of course not," Elaena responds, "You would have to kill me to get me in red and gold."

Jaime laughs loudly and Elaena smiles at him.

"Perhaps you can be Lord Hightower. We wouldn't inherit anything, however."

"I wouldn't mind that," Jaime tells her, "In fact, I may prefer things that way."

"As a child," Elaena begins, "I used to envy my sister. She was the firstborn. The heir to Hightower and Oldtown. I wanted to be the heir. I thought I wanted the burdens. Turns out that I simply wanted a purpose."

"Did you find one?" Jaime asks.

Elaena smiles as she nods her head, "My younger brother, Daemon. He's so precious. My purpose in life is to keep him safe. Ensure that he never knows the spoils of war."

"I hope he never knows," Jaime tells her.

"I think he would admire you," Elaena says with a grin, "A gentle knight."

"Shush," Jaime says as he looks around, "You can't say such things aloud."

Elaena laughs, "I'll keep your secret."

"Can I ask you a question?" Jaime asks.

"It is only fair," Elaena responds.

"Did you truly kill Prince Jaehaerys?" Jaime asks. Elaena's smile fades away and she looks at the ground. She could tell the truth. She could confide in Jaime that she would never think of harming another person. Or she could tell the truth that she'd constructed.

She looks at Jaime and she longs to be honest with someone in her life, but she knows she can't.

"I did," Elaena answers, "To protect Daenerys."

She waits for Jaime to give her the look that everyone else does. The one where they're disturbed but they can't really show it. But it never comes.

"That was brave of you," Jaime says, "Taking a life isn't easy."

"No," Elaena says, "But they never tell you that what comes after is so much worse."

"You were supposed to marry him?" Jaime asks.

Elaena nods her head, "Truthfully, Jaehaerys was annoying, and he could be inappropriate. But he was always respectful when it came to me. He never made me feel uncomfortable. I – I think after what happened to Daenerys, I had to forget the moments that he made me laugh and make him this monster to make what I did easier."

"I understand that," Jaime says, "When my brother was born, our mother died not too long after. Cersei, she hated him. I wanted to hate him too. I needed to, I mean he killed my mother. But he would sit there, crying. I realized he was as much a victim as I was. Opposite situations, but I mean to say I understand."

Elaena looks at Jaime with a small smile and she fights the urge to cry. She just wanted to go home to her brother. She wishes she could go back to that day. Maybe Jaehaerys didn't need to die, maybe he could have been sent to the Wall. Maybe she could have married Jaime and she'd never have to deal with Jocelyn again. Maybe Elaena didn't have to spend her life being ostracized.

"I would have married you," Elaena admits softly, "You could have been Lord of Casterly Rock and I would have handled the politics."

Jaime smiles, "Like Brandon and Alayne?"

Elaena is surprised by the reference, "How do you know?"

"I've read the stories," Jaime responds, "I wanted to be like him when I was a boy. A strong knight with a good heart."

"I always wanted to be Alayne," Elaena says.

"You would have saved my family name," Jaime says as he looks at her.

"And I think I would have been safe with you," Elaena tells him as a tear slips from her eye. Jaime looks at her alarmed.

"Is – do you feel unsafe?" Jaime asks her.

"I've always felt unsafe here," Elaena says as she wipes falling tears, "I can't even trust my own sister."

Jaime slides closer to her and he wraps her in an embrace. Elaena buries her face in his neck and she knows she can't show weakness like this, but who could she cry to? Daenerys needed her to be strong. Jocelyn would throw it back in her face. Her father was dealing with enough and so was Margaery.

Perhaps she could trust Jaime. Perhaps he was her Brandon.

"I'll protect you," Jaime whispers into her hair, "You have nothing to fear."

And that makes her cry harder.

There's a flaw in being strong your entire life. It's that you eventually break and when you've made yourself out to be the support for everyone else, who can you cry to?

So Elaena clings to Jaime and she prays that the gods don't take him away.

"Ser Jaime, my father is-"

Jaime and Elaena both look up to see Daenerys standing there.

"-looking for you," she finishes as she looks at them.

Jaime clears his throat and rises to his feet. He bows before Daenerys and spares Elaena a look before walking in the direction of the King's chambers.

Elaena wipes her tears, but the damage is done. Daenerys has seen her.

Elaena rises to her feet in hopes that maybe Daenerys will let her walk away and won't ask questions, but Daenerys has always had a painfully inquisitive mind.

"What was that?" Daenerys demands.

"Leave it alone, Daenerys," Elaena orders as she continues down the hall.

"This is your plan?" Daenerys asks, "Crying? Aren't you better than that?"

"I said leave it alone!" Elaena yells as she spins and looks at Daenerys. The princess's eyes go wide at Elaena's reaction. She wasn't used to seeing Elaena like this.

"Are – are you okay?" Daenerys asks as she reaches out to Elaena.

Elaena takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, "I am fine."

"Are you sure?" Daenerys asks, "If you want to-"

"I don't," Elaena says, shaking her head, because she knows that if Daenerys keeps pressing, she will blow up at her and she doesn't want to. She doesn't deserve it.

"Okay," Daenerys says nodding her head.

Elaena is about to walk away, but she has to know. She needs to know that this is all for something.

"Jaehaerys," Elaena says, "He was going to hurt you, right?"

"What?" Daenerys asks.

"Jaehaerys," Elaena states firmer, "That night when I walked into the room. You said he was getting in your bed and trying to take advantage of you. That's the truth?"

Daenerys's brows knit together, "Why – why are you asking?"

"Why aren't you answering?" Elaena asks.

"Yes," Daenerys states, "He was going to hurt me. I had no choice."

Elaena stares at Daenerys and she doesn't look away. Elaena simply nods her head.

"I'm sorry," Elaena apologizes shaking her head, "I – I just found out that Jocelyn did not burn the letters. She has them. So, she knows. And she thinks you are in love with me. She is fucking smarter than I thought."

Daenerys swallows, "She – she has the letters?"

Elaena shakes her head, "Don't worry about it."

"How can I not worry? She knows the truth. She knows that I-"

"And she would never say anything because it would ruin our family's reputation," Elaena responds, "She's just going to use it to torment you."

"How is that any better?" Daenerys asks.

"It simply is," Elaena responds.

Daenerys nods her head, "So you and Jaime-"

"Don't ask, I just, I needed something no one else can offer me."

Daenerys's brows furrow. What could Jaime Lannister offer her that no one else could? That Daenerys herself couldn't?

"Safety," Elaena responds.

"I could offer you that," Daenerys says stepping forward.

Elaena shakes her head, "You couldn't. I protect you, not the other way around."

"It could be," Daenerys asserts, "I – I am a Princess and a dragonrider. I can protect you."

"Protect yourself," is all Elaena says before disappearing down the hall. Daenerys watches her go and she can't help but feel sick to her stomach.

If Elaena ever knew the truth, she'd hate Daenerys forever.

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