House 356

By Laughingwolf78

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Katsuki Bakugo is a no nonsense kinda guy. he doesn't believe most anything he hears and only half of what he... More

1. Unbeliever
3. Tell me Everything
4. Information
5. Interaction
6. Not so Normal Work Day
7. Dabi Todoroki
8.First Talk
9. What He Knew
10. Trip back to the Bayous
11. Demolition Day
12. The Source
13. Finally
14. The Happy Ending

2. The First Signs

1.7K 110 68
By Laughingwolf78

" So by this point you're probably wondering what the hell is was that happened that began to shift my mindset that just maybe there might be something to this ghost are real bullshit. Well I'm getting ready to start that explanation so settle the fuck down."

" It started pretty damn quick honestly, well, shit started happening pretty quick, my mindset took a bit to catch up. Very first day on the job before I even stepped inside the damn place Shitty Hair started to ramble on at full speed about all the shit he had heard about the place as we unloaded supplies from my work truck."

" I can't believe we're working on this house man, I've been hearing stories about this place for years."

" I rolled my eyes at him, hardly paying any attention at all as I grabbed a large tool box from the bed of the truck."

" You have got to be fucking kidding me. Not your dumb ass too, believing this place is haunted or some shit."

" He laughed at this, knowing that this was my normal way of thinking. My no nonsense approach to almost everything."

" Well I mean you gotta admit at least that this place definitely looks creepy man."

" Creepy doesn't mean haunted, in most cases, like this one, creepy just means old. This place has been let the fuck go that's all."

" Yeah I get that bro but the real question is why was it let go? Like why didn't anyone choose to stay here?"

"House was too big, too expensive to fix, people suck. Could be any number of reasons. Just because this place has had a lot of different owners doesn't mean the damn place is haunted.", I told him with a scoff in my tone.

"He had brought up and interesting point though, even if I wouldn't admit it. It was strange to me that the house had shifted through so many people, especially over the past four years. That's something I had learned when I went to the city building code office to get the original blue prints for the house. I saw under the public records that over the past four years that house had gone through five owners, meaning they lived there only a year or less. That's pretty strange but still this didn't mean haunted."

" By the time we had made it to the front porch Dunce and Soy Sauce finally showed up but immediately started the same shit talk ghost story. Kaminari was of course first to start rambling word vomit."

" I can't believe you accepted the offer to work on this place Bakugo. You better be ready to tell my mother it's your fault when a ghost or demon kidnaps me!"

" I rolled my eyes so hard I gave myself a damn headache at this."

" Tch. Don't worry, if something does kidnap you, it'll have your ass back before lunch, you are that fucking annoying."

" Hey! That's not nice! We've been friends since high-school, how can you be so rude?!"

" I only smirked at this with a slight chuckle. The fact that my rudeness still surprises any of them is fucking beyond me. I mean, it's part of my personality at this point.".

" Soy Sauce had only laughed at all of this without really saying much about shit ghost stories or haunted rumors and because of that I was starting to think he might actually have one whole brain cell instead of half like the other two idiots but as soon as I tuned the key and unlocked the door that changed."

" Damn, did.. did you feel that? It felt like a cold wind just blew right out of the door and right through us. I mean, maybe there's something to this place not being right."

" Now I didn't say anything at first, I didn't turn around either, but I just knew all three of their stupid faces were more than likely pale as fuck. I could actually feel Dunce shaking behind me. And I'm not gonna lie here, I definitely was hit with a wave of cold when I opened the door, not that that kind of thing is unusual in an old house that hasn't been touched in months, but that gust of cold air was a hell of a lot harder than most I've felt almost like there was strong down draft from an open window and that's how I played it off even though I knew there's no way that's what it could have been."

" Tch. It's an hold house, drafts and cold spots come with the territory. You should know that by now."

" Yeah ok but even you gotta admit that didn't feel normal."

"Soy Sauce had brought up again, but I wasn't admitting shit because I honestly didn't believe there was anything to admit."

" All I'm admitting is that I made a mistake when I hired you shits, but I did, so get your asses to work."

"They know their jobs, know what they're supposed to do so we spilt up and started to get to work. This was the first time I'd actually been in this place, in fact this was the first job I ever took on without doing a walk through first. I was so confident in my work that I just blindly accepted. So I took a minute to familiarize myself with the place to see where I wanted to start. First thing I did was head up this huge wooden staircase, I was impressed by it, but it definitely needed work which I knew I could do. Again, cocky, remember? Anyway by the time I reached the top I noticed the rail was loose, as I was inspecting it I heard steps coming up behind me. I didn't think anything of this, not at first anyway. I thought it was one of the idiots, but it wasn't."

" Oi, one of you run down and get my tape measure so I can make sure I have enough supplies to fix this shit."

" There was no answer, absolute fucking silence which was bullshit cause the steps I heard behind me were clear as fucking day. They were heavy even. I hadn't turned around because I was so focused on the damn railing that I thought whichever one of them it was just hadn't heard me."

" You hear me extra? I need my tape measure. In fact just bring my green tool box up, I think I'm just gonna start up here."

" The no response thing was passing me off now, so I whipped around, ready to mouth off at them, imagine my surprise when I was met face to face with...."

" Absolutely fucking NOTHING. That's right, there was no one there, no Dunce, No Soy Sauce, No Shitty Hair, but trust me there WAS something there, there had to be because I fucking heard it. I raised a brow completely confused by this. Just as I was getting ready to open this big mouth I got and yell, asking who the fuck is was cause I knew it had to be one of them a hard shot of freezing cold air blew right through me. That's right, through me, like right through me, so damn strong it knocked me back almost off my feet and that's not easy to do, I'm a big guy and it was cold, like freezing so cold it actually hurt my God damn bones for a split second. The kind of cold like when you touch an ice cube and hold your finger to it too long that it starts to ache and burn the skin, that's what this shit felt like. I couldn't describe what happened, I don't even think I processed it at first, but still the ghost theory was shit to me, I was sure of it, I mean a freezing cold gush of air wasn't going to convince me other wise, even when my eyes landed on what I saw next I just didn't buy it, or I was just in denial."

" My brow immediately furrowed when I caught sight of the stairs. The stairs that I had just walked up, the stairs that were covered in a thick layer of dust and grime from the past few years of abandonment. There were foot prints in that shit, but not just mine, there was another set, a smaller set, not child sized but not the size of my big ass boots either. When I took a step closer bending down to look at them I noticed they were the prints of sneakers, Converse by the look of the print, something I know because I have a few pairs myself. Ok, so Converse rules of any of the three other extras because we all wear boots to work, so what the fuck or who the fuck was this?! I tried to tell myself that they were probably already there and I just didn't notice at first but some where in the back of my mind I knew that wasn't true because I make it a habit of looking down at each step I take in these places because lots of times the stairs are rotted out. These prints came right up behind me, not at my side but behind. I was confused as fuck, I'll admit it but still I figured there had to be an explanation for this. I decided not to bring it up to the idiots because they had enough ideas about this place without me saying anything about this shit, so I just shrugged this shit off and moved on."

" Even though the stair thing was still on my mind I had a job to do so as I tried to figure out that puzzle I was soon going to stumble my ass right into another one."

" In a room down the hall I can across what I would assume was the master bedroom. It was the largest and was floor to ceiling with book shelves, built in wooden ones. They were sturdy and well made and in pretty good condition. I ran my hand over them impressed by how well they held up over the years."

" Well damn, these are nice. Just need a little bit of sanding and some stain, nice polish and it'll be good as fucking new. Looks like someone loved you enough to redo you not long ago though huh."

" I was just mumbling this to myself as I looked over it when suddenly of the cabinets all the way at the bottom of the shelves popped opened."

" Was this a little unusual? I mean yes and no. Could be explained honestly, the hinge could be loose, the wood might be a little warped so it didn't close right, a number of other things could cause this but what made it unusual is that when I bent down to close it there was something in it. Just one singular thing in the whole damn cabinet. At first I thought it was a piece of paper but when I reached in and pulled it out I realized it was actually a picture and not an old one like you might be thinking like I new one. One definitely taken within this time period. I tried to get a good look at it, but the room was too dim, the lighting in it was shit and not bright enough. I took it over to a window and pulled back the dusty ass curtain that was hanging there. This only helped a little because the damn window was so dirty that it wasn't much help so I tried to open it. This proved to be a little hard cause the damn thing was caked with so many layers of old paint and shit that it was practically glued shut. Finally though with a little brute force that bitch finally opened enough to let the sun come through. I held the picture under the sunlight and ran my thumb over the dust that covered it."

" I squinted to see it better, it was cloudy so the light wasn't all that great and the picture needed to be cleaned off better but what I could make out was that it was a guy, with dark hair though I couldn't make out the exact color."

" And who are you huh? Relative of someone who lived here? This shit isn't that old so I mean I suppose you could have lived here fairly recently."

" No sooner did those fucking words leave my mouth that window that I had to pry open slammed the fuck down so hard and so fast that it shocked this shit outta me and made my heart feel like it was going to jump out of my damn chest. I dropped the picture, took a step back and then once I got my senses together I bent down to pick it back up but when my eyes shifted up to the window there were prints on the glass, two hand prints that I know damn well were not there before."

" I surprised and yeah ok I didn't really have an explanation, trust me I tried to figure one out as I placed my hand on that slightly smaller print."

" I tucked that picture in my back pocket, cleared my fucking throat and just started to work going over in my mind everything I needed. I didn't have anymore shit happen that day but it was definitely on my mind. By the time I met up with the idiots to leave that night it was Dunce that spoke up first."

" Hey Bakubro! I guess you were right! It's just a big ol' house and those were just silly stories cause I didn't hear or see nothing all day!"

" Shitty Hair and Soy Sauce agreed with him."

" Yeah man, nothing at all."

" How about you bro, you see anything werid?", Shitty Hair grinned at me.

" My eyes glanced back up that staircase and for some reason I stuck my hand in the pocket of my hooded sweatshirt which is were I put that picture I found and I ran my thumb over it as I scoffed at them."

" Nah, not a damn thing. Let's go"

Humm 👀👀👀

Our ghost tale continues! Stay tuned

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