" Work the next day was interesting I'll say that much. Mostly cause it's hard to act fucking normal when you know there's someone else there that you can't fucking see. Weirdest part is I'm the only one who knew Izuku was there so I had to act like I didn't know that in front of the extras."" That proved to be more difficult than I thought because honestly as soon as I stepped through the front door of that place I wondered if he was standing there waiting and I almost said hi to him. Told him that I was back just like I had promised. There was no outright sign of him right away but I had a strong feeling that he was definitely there. It was like the feeling of something being just out of eye shot, something you can sense but can never lay eyes on. Like a fucking itch you can't reach. That feeling was actually annoying to me because I wanted to see him."
" My idiot friend must have noticed that I was distracted as soon as we walked in."
" Man Bakubro, you anxious to get to work today? You practically ran in here this morning."
" I rolled my eyes trying to defer this conversation."
" Tch. I just wanna get my day started Shitty Hair, nothing wrong with that."
" He laughed much to my annoyance."
"Yeah, whatever you say man. Hey you want me to help you upstairs today? I bet we could get the work done faster if..."
" I cut him off before he could finish, and I did it pretty damn quick."
" No! You stay right there fuck down here, you and the other extras have your own shit to do down here and I work better alone."
" He was surprised by my sudden outburst, I could tell. Honestly there was a couple reasons for me being so snappy so fast. Reason one is I actually do work better on my own and I prefer it that way. But the bigger and deeper reason here is petty as fuck. I didn't want Izuku to interact with them, I wanted my time on my own with this guy to try and communicate any way I could figure out and I didn't want the extras in the way of that."
" Honestly I'm not even sure he would have. The four of us have been working on this place all together from the start and for whatever reason I'm the only one who had any kind of encounter with him in the first place."
" I wanted to keep it that way."
" Damn alright Bakubro, you didn't have to get all loud about it bro, we'll stay down here."
" I didn't respond, just dug around in my toolbox until they all walked away to other parts of the house."
" I glanced around after they left, not even sure what I was looking for really but then I started my way up the steps."
" And that's when I heard it. The light pit-pat of smaller feet behind me. I smiled as I tuned around glancing down to those dusty ass steps to once again see the faint outline of those Converse sneakers ."
" So he was waiting for me, just like I thought."
" I could help the slight chuckle that escaped me cause, I dunno it made me fucking happy for some reason as werid as that was."
" Morning Izuku, I told you I'd be back."
" I said it too damn loud without realizing it because suddenly..."
" Bro? You say something man?"
"I turned around to see Soy Sauce looking back up the stairs at me with a raised brow of confusion to which I immediately scowled at."
House 356
FanfictionKatsuki Bakugo is a no nonsense kinda guy. he doesn't believe most anything he hears and only half of what he sees and he definitely doesn't believe in the bullshit ghost stories that revole around the house his construction crew is now working on...