By stillobsessed000

220K 6.3K 3.9K

"ᴡᴇʟʟ, ʟᴏᴏᴋꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴡᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴏ'ꜱ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ɢᴜᴛᴛᴇᴅ ɴᴇxᴛ, ʜᴜʜ, ᴠɪʀɢɪɴ ᴍᴏʟʟʏ?" "ꜱʜᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʟʟ ᴜᴘ, ꜱᴛᴜ!" ••• ||... More

𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 || "darnit, the blood ruined my makeup"
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐓𝐖𝐎 || "im actually like super scared of blood"
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 || "we were never innocent"


529 27 29
By stillobsessed000

If it hadn't already, this would have been the moment when Molly's life came crashing down in a heaping pile of flames and rubble.

She couldn't breathe. She couldn't cry. She couldn't even stand.

Molly's legs turned to jelly almost immediately, and she had to brace herself against Billy's chair to keep her from collapsing. She let out a shakey breath, her mouth went bone dry.

Billy was incredibly tense. He'd frozen immediately, and his hands clenched in fists. Sidney had gasped and taken a few staggering steps backward in shock.

Monty Lipton stood in front of them all for the first time since 1996. He stood with an uneasily calm expression on his face, and a smirk that sent shivers down their spines. He didn't say anything for a moment, and just let the three stare at him with wide, fearful eyes, taking their reactions in with satisfaction.

He took the glove of his right hand off, then waved to them. He jerked his eyebrows a little before looking down to his left hand and taking that glove off as well.

"Look at this...hell of a reunion. Am I right?" Monty looked back up again. "You know, we always did talk about having a get together after college...there's a few of us missing, though." He tossed the gloves over his shoulder like a balled up piece of trash. His voice went cold. "Shame."

"...H-...H-how..." Was all that managed to come from Sidney's mouth, as the other two were petrified.

Monty's eyes flickered to her. "Use your words, Sid."

Sidney swallowed. "H-How are...you here?" There was uncertainty in her voice.

A small smirk played at the corner of Monty's lips. "I don't think that's the question you should be asking, Sid." He pulled the Ghostface robe off of him; he wore blue jeans that were about two sizes too tight, and a white wife-beater that was stained red with blood in some places, particularly near a stab wound in the back of his shoulder. "What you should be asking...is why am I here?"

Molly had finally managed to get rid of the dryness in her mouth by the time he said that.

"Well?" She said suddenly, causing the eyes to turn on her. Her fear was subtle in her voice. "Why? Why're you here? You couldn't stop with one bloodbath?"

Monty studied her for a moment, a moment that felt like ages. Then his smirk grew just a little wider. "Did you ever take me as such an easy man to satisfy, Molly?"

It was as if they had fallen back into their old habits of patronizing each other, as if the past four years had not happened, as if they had not tries to kill one another.

"You'll find out soon, Molly. I can promise you that." Monty told her. Then he glanced over to Roman, nodding that he was done for now.

In the livingroom of John Milton's mansion, Dewey had managed to free himself from the ropes around his wrists. He jumped up from his chair and immediately went to Gale, beginning to untie the ropes restraining her. Once she was free, Dewey pulled her up out of her seat, and then the two of them rushed over to Kincaid, who was panting on the floor near the fireplace, wounded and in pain.

"You're gonna be alright." Dewey told him firmly. "Just apply pressure-"

He was cut off by screams from himself, Gale, Kincaid, and-


The actress - presumed dead - had limped up behind them, and clasped each of her hands over Dewey and Gale's shoulders.

"Yeah...it's me..." She whispered breathily, as if she had been running. There was a slight grimace on her face, and she was covered in blood from the brutal cut in her stomach.

"Oh my...Jane!" Gale exclaimed quickly putting a hand on her shoulder, her expression aghast at the blood covering her.

"Y-you...you're alive!?" Dewey said, as if it were outrageous. "I-I watched the killer stab you, I-"

"Yeah, well..." Jane shook her head. "I'm not dying until I return the favor to that murdering, dick-brained, son of a bitch."

"Here," Kincaid said suddenly, his voice raspy, pained, and breathy. He pulled his gun out and held it up for Dewey to take. "Like she said; get that son of a bitch."

"You both got what you wanted." Molly's voice wavered in her failure to hide her fear as she spoke to Roman. "You've got Sidney...Monty's got me...It's reminding me of a popular movie troupe, no? You wrote your script this way on purpose - you directed it this way on purpose." She huffed, as if she were amused, but showed no sign of it on her face. "Heroes and villains...face to face."

There was anger in Sidney's voice as she spoke next. "You know what happens now? The villains die!"

"Exactly!" Roman exclaimed, taking a step forward and pointing at Sidney. "But - I'm not the villain, Sid. Monty might be, but when is he never?" He pulled his knife out; Molly, Sidney, and Billy all felt their breath catch in their throats. There was a terrible smirk that played at his lips. "Billy and Stu are the villains this time."

Their hearts sunk.

With a nod from Roman, Monty strode quickly across the room and opened a wardrobe cabinet. He reached in and forcefully yanked out a tied up and gagged John Milton, and drug his over to Roman.

"Here he is, Sid." Roman said with a senile smirk. "The man who gave away your mother's innocence. Huh?" Roman handed his knife to Monty, who immediately held it to Milton's throat with an unwavering grip. "What he did to her made her a slut! Huh? Didn't it? She never recovered from that night, right here in this room! They fucked her three ways from Sunday. Ruined her life."

Monty spoke next. "Ruined your life, too, huh, Sid? Ruined mine, too. It ruined all of our lives, didn't it? Molly's, Billy's, Stu's...Randy's...Tatum's..." He grinned slightly, sharp canines showing. "Isn't that funny to think about? How everyone in this room is connected through one fuck-rag slut?"

There was a creak of wood as Billy clenched his hands around the arms of his chair, a cold stare if hate on his face. The heads in the room were turned to him.

"Something on your mind, Billy?" Monty said. Billy stayed silent and still, like he was paralyzed. Monty huffed, appearing amused. "Come on, Billy. I know that look on your face...You're at your limit." The two boys maintained eye contact, like that were having a separate conversation through telekinesis. "You hate him...you wanna kill him...don't you? You're just waiting for the chance to jump out of that chair and drive a knife through his heart, aren't you? Because you know that I know that no matter how much you deny it...you enjoy it."

Billy didn't answer. But his fists clenched tighter and so did his jaw. Monty smirked knowing the line he was crossing.

"Come on, Billy boy...I know you do...I have proof."

Monty glanced over at Roman from the corner of his eyes, and the older man pulled out a tape recorder, and pressed play.

"Listen to me, you son of a bitch! I know who you are and what you did. I killed Casey Becker and I'll kill you too! Me and Stu are gonna find you and when we do, you'll wish you never had a dick to fuck with!"

It was Billy's voice.

The tape ended, and both Monty and Roman had smirks on their faces.

"That's what the police are gonna find on Milton's answering machine, right next to his lifeless, mutilated corpse!" Roman said with a sneer.

From where the film producer was pinned under Monty's arm, his shook her head and mumbled beneath the duck tape over his mouth.

"What?" Said Roman with sarcasm. "Can't hear ya'." Then he ripped the duck tape off his mouth.

Milton gasped as he took a deep breath, and then spoke quickly and urgently with a raspy voice.

"You don't have to do this, Roman. Just tell me what you want - I can make it happen." Milton said desperately. "Any picture. Name your budget. Script approval. Final cut!"

Roman's eyes shifted from Milton up to Monty. "I already have it."

Then Monty slit Milton's throat in a lightening fast movement.

There were horrified shouts from Molly and Sidney. Monty let go of Milton's choking, dying body and flung it to the floor harshly.

"Goddamnit!" Billy suddenly shouted as the girls shrieked, making it the first thing he had said since Monty showed up. "You spineless fucking bastards!"

"No, Billy!" Roman countered just as harshly. "That would be you and Stu. You did it! You both killed them all! Even your closest friends, even Stu's girlfriend...even the actress you were slowly falling in love with." As Roman spoke, he took several threatening steps towards Billy, who was struggling against his restraints now in a rageful panic.

"Stay the fuck away from him!" Molly screamed, still standing in front of him protectively.

Sidney came up beside her and her immediate reaction was to get Billy out of the chair as soon as possible, and she quickly started to unknot the ropes around his wrists. As Sidney did this, Molly grabbed the closest thing to her; a wooden candlestick, and she held it up like a baseball bat, a furious glare on her face, a few tears forming in her eyes. Roman, seeing her determined threat, took a smooth step back, his voice lowering in volume slightly as he went on, and he pointed one of his knives at the trio.

"The two of you living in isolation, the pressure of another movie about you, the trials to prove your non-deserved innocence, the constant nightmares, and your sadistic and conflicting feelings towards murder, the discovery that Milton was the real root of your torment and not Monty...You boys finally just snapped!"

Dewey, Gale, and Jane stared at the doors to the room Molly and Sidney had locked themselves in.

"Able-bodied first." Jane said, nodding to Dewey and Gale as she hung back a step.

Dewey shot her a look before he and Gale exchanged a glanced at looked back the doors, bracing themself for impact to bust them down.

Dewey started counting down. "One...two...three!"

He and Gale ran towards the wooden double doors and collided with them. As soon as they did, they let out yelps as the doors gave way easily and burst open, sending them falling to the floor side by side.

Jane trotted up behind them with a hand pressed to the cut in her stomach an a raised eyebrow.

"...You guys probably could have checked to see if it was unlocked first..."

"And who's gonna be our hero, huh?" Roman looked between the conscious people in the room. "The sole survivor. Who's the one who bravely faced down the psychopaths - the old original Ghostface Trio - and killed them with their own knives!?"

Monty had been pacing almost impatiently behind Roman, his knife still in his hand which he clutched with white knuckles. "You boys are gonna pay for betraying me back home." He said. His voice was no longer playful or teasing, instead it was dark and angry. "Sid, you're gonna pay for the life you stole from Roman, and for the shit your mother put my whole life through." His mad eyes flickered to Molly. "And Molls...sweet, darling, Virgin Molly...you're gonna pay for the bullet you put through my shoulder...for the four years I spent in prison...for the death penalty I was given - and for the broken heart you gave me when we were eighteen - !"

"God, just quit whining like a goddamn cunt and get on with it already!" Molly interrupted, a teary glare on her face and frusteration and fear in her voice. "I've heard it all before, Monty! - and I've heard it all from you! You're just repeating yourself!"

As Molly held a candlestick up to protect herself, behind her, Sidney was still frantically trying to untie Billy, trying to block out the aggressive back and forth yelling.

"Don't! - interrupt me, you whore!" Monty warned with a rageful shout, pointing his knife in her direction.

"You know why you kill people, Monty? You know why you and Roman kill people? Do you!?"

"It's a good idea for you to shut your damn mouth right now, Molly." Monty said through gritted teeth, his face getting red.

Molly ignored him, too far gone into her angry hysteria that she'd been bottling up for four years to care about the consequences.

"It's because you choose to!" She exclaimed. "There's nothing else fucking to it! At least Billy and Stu had an actual reason; you were dragging them to your basement every night, stripping them naked, and then fucking the daylights out of them! You sick, twisted fuck! There's no one to blame, Monty! You can't even blame Roman! It's all you!"

"Goddamnit! What the hell did I say!?" Monty spat, taking a threatening step closer. Behind Molly, Sidney was working on the last rope around Billy's wrist.

"I don't give a flying shit what you said!" Molly kept on. "Why don't you you take some fucking responsibility, dammnit!"

"Fuck you!" Monty finally snapped, surging forward with his knife raised.

Molly was ready. "No, fuck you!" She raised her candlestick at the same time and swung it like a Major League batter.

The force of her swing sent Monty stumbling to the right, falling against one of the sofas. Molly stepped towards him, ready to swing again, but Monty quickly rolled over the couch and landed behind it before he hit her, and before she could swing again, he caught the candlestick and yanked it away from her. As Monty surged towards her again, Molly improvised, and kicked her leg out, sending him flying into one of the pillars on the sides of the room.

Before Molly could relish in her small victory, she spun around at the sound of Roman yelling and rushing at her with his own knife drawn. She had no time to jump out of the way, but before Roman sunk the blade into her skin, he was intercepted and tackled from the side by Billy, who had finally been freed from his restraints thanks to Sidney.

The two men landed a few feet away and instantly got trapped in a struggle on the ground - Roman trying to stick Billy with his knife, and Billy trying to prevent it.

"Molly, look out!"

Sidney's crying warning was too late, because before Molly could even turn back, Monty had collided with her, and they too hit the floor hard.

Molly let out a shout and struggled to crawl away from Monty, but the killer grabbed her leg and pulled her back towards him. Then he jumped on top of her and raised his knife, ready to bring it down. Before he could, Sidney ran up behind him with a vase raised over her head, and slammed it over Monty's head, shattering it. Monty let out a cry of pain and fell off of Molly, prompting the girl to scramble away and back to her feet, where she joined Sidney in grabbing anything near by that looked heavy and dangerous to slam into the killer's head.

A few feet away, Roman and Billy had made it their feet trapped in a similar predicament as the girls and Monty. Right after Billy slammed Roman's head into the bar, the older man shot right back up and landed a harsh right hook on Billy's face. Billy was stunned only for a split moment before he returned the blow in an even greater force.

The next time Roman went in for a punch, Billy ducked, but he shot back uo too soon, because Roman swung again, and Billy kneeled over the bar. Before he could try to stand back up straight, Roman grabbed the hair on the back of his head, and spammed his face down on the countertop of the bar, breaking his nose. In his pain, Billy jerked his head away, just as Roman brought his knife down to stab him, and he stabbed the countertop instead, right beside Billy's head. Billy stared at the blade wide-eyed before he looked up at the sound of a shout from Roman, seeing Monty flying into him after being kicked back by Molly and Sidney.

Both killers landed on the floor, their knives landing far away. Molly didn't think twice before grabbing a chair from the bar and raising it over her head, ready bring it down on the killers. But before she could break it over their bodies Monty swiped his leg out and caught Molly's foot, sending her falling to the floor.

Sidney rushed to get her back to her feet, but Monty kicked out his foot again and the heel of his boot collided with Sidney's face, sending her flying backwards, and her forehead slammed into the edge of the bar - Sidney slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Roman managed to find one of the fallen knives and started to stagger to his feet. Billy, being the last one standing, took notice and ran forward before Roman could get to Sidney. But it was in poor taste. As Roman stood up and saw Billy charging at him, he saw the perfect opportunity to drive his knife into Billy's stomach, causing the boy to freeze and gasp painfully.

Molly, who was struggling to sit up, saw it all. Her eyes widened in fear and she yelled out Billy's name, frantically trying to get to her feet to save him. But she was intercepted by Monty and his hand, which grabbed her hair from behind and yanked her back.

"Not this time, you insufferable bitch." Monty growled, pulling her away from Billy and Roman as she let out pained whimpers. Then he turned the girl around to face him and she could see the insane, rageful determination on his face. "I don't need a knife to kill you."

Monty's hands moved up to Molly's throat, closing around it tightly with a grip strong enough to leave bruises. Molly gasped and choked for air, hed own hands shooting up to claw at Monty's fingers. But Monty's thumbs pressed down too hard on her throat. Her eyes fluttered and strangled noises came from her as her hands slowly went limp. Monty grit his teeth, set on strangling her until she stopped breathing.

And he got so close.

Before Monty could kill Molly, a body collided with him, forcing him to release Molly, sending him flying into the wall.

As Molly was dropped, she collapsed and hit the floor with a harsh thud, gasping for air with hot tears pricking at her eyes. Her hand shot up to hold her bruised throat, struggling to breathe. As she saw a familiar pair of boots rush into her line of vision and saw the owner of them kneel down beside her, her eyes widened.

"...St-Stu..." She choked out, her voice hoarse and raspy. She stared up at the blonde man with bleary eyes.

Stu - despite the dried blood still covering the side of his face - couldn't help a grin from forming on his face. "Hey, Molls." He said in a gentle voice, reaching out to take her face in his hands. "You didn't think I was gonna miss out on the Act 3 fight scene, did you?"

Molly quickly wrapped her arms around him and clung to him like it was the first time she was seeing him in years. "Oh, fuck...No, I didn't..." She said thickly, her voice still hoarse.

Stu put an arm around her as he lifted her off the ground and back to her feet. "Molly, I need you to listen to me carefully." He said, bringing his hands back to cup her face. She stared at him, listening, breathing heavily. "Get Sidney, get out of this room, find Dewey and Gale. I'll get Billy."

Just as Molly attempted to protest, her eyes flickered past Stu and widened as what they saw. "Stu - !"

Stu spun around just in time to see Roman surging at them with his fist.

Roman landed his fist on Stu's face, but the blonde managed to recover quickly and grab the older man by his Ghostface robes, and he shoved him up against a wall with a rageful force. Stu then repeatedly rammed his own fist into the killer's face until he was unconscious, and his knuckles were bloodied and split.

Once Stu realized Roman wasn't fighting back, he stopped and dropped him, letting his limp, unconscious body slide down the wall and slump over.

Right before he turned back to Molly, he heard her frightened scream. He spun back around to find Monty was back on his feet, one of the knives in his hand as he surged for Molly.

Stu ran for them, and he shoved Molly out of the way and took her place, sending her crashing into the chairs by the bar. Then it was Monty's turn to shove Stu up against the bar, and he gritted his teeth in a sadistic grin before he drove his blade into Stu's shoulder, drawing a loud, agonized yell from the blonde that could be heard outside the room.

Monty drew his knife back and raised it again, preparing to stab Stu in the chest this time, but he stopped mid slash as the lights all flickered off at the same time.

"Molly! Sidney!"

The sound of Gale and Dewey's voices and their fists banging on the secret door caused Monty to turn his head and for his knife to faulter. He looked over his shoulder at the secret door for a moment before he turned back to Stu and grit his teeth in a frusterated way, bringing his knife down.

A cruel smirk flickered across his lips for a split moment. "Looks like it's time for Plan B."






um it's literally been almost six months but hey guys hope you enjoyed this soulcrusher heartbreaker of an update, let me know how much you hate me after this, next update will definitely be within this month (???)

- Dan <3

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