Dragon Rider

By SyidaNurulaina3

1K 80 25

Porsche Kittisawat is a young farm boy who lives with his father at the village.. Porsche's life starts to ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13(Final Chapter)

Chapter 8

50 5 1
By SyidaNurulaina3

Porsche pov..

Porsche got drag down by the Razacs while Odin is busy fighting with the other Razacs..Porsche then yell.. 'Shruikan! Watch out!' Vegas then communicate back with Porsche and say.. 'Save your self my rider!' Porsche take out his bow and arrow then shoot the Razacs.. Porsche is about to got attack by another Razacs but fail immediately as Odin stand in front of Porsche and yell.. 'Don't touch him! Come and fight me!' Odin then take out a blue sword and fight again while Porsche then strike the Razac and stab him...Odin then jump onto the other Razacs and stab through the heart and see the other Razac die as well.. Odin pull out the blue sword and keep it.. Porsche then walk towards Vegas and ask..'Oh God.. Shruikan.. Im truly sorry.. Please forgive me!' Odin then say..'Come on Porsche.. We need to treat his wing..' Porsche nod silently and walk out from the forest and sit down on the grass while Odin pluck a few of leafs and start to make a medicine.. Odin then apply it on Shruikan's wing and say.. 'Porsche.. Please protect Shruikan.. Please be more responsible! Your behaviour almost risk Shruikan' s life! 'Shruikan then communicate with Porsche and say..' Don't worry Porsche.. Im fine.. Besides, Im stronger than he thought.. Don't think too much alright? '

Odin noticed Porsche is just silent and ask..' Are you listening to me?! 'Porsche sigh slowly and reply back..'We just want to save your life Odin.. We can't go to Valhalla without you.. You know that very well..' Odin then get up and walk towards the river and wash his hands.. Feel annoyed by Porsche's behaviour.. Odin then ignore Porsche.. Porsche growl lowly and walk towards Odin and ask..' Who are you actually Odin? Everytime I look at you.. I feel more curious..Tell me the truth now..' Odin then reply back.. 'I already told you Porsche.. Who am I it's doesn't matter.. Your job is go to Valhalla alive!' Porsche pull Odin hand and say.. 'Im sorry Odin but I can't help it anymore..' Porsche take out a small knife from his pocket and cut the clothes on Odin's palm and feel shock...Porsche look at Odin and say.. 'So.. This is it.. You are a dragon rider..' Shruikan hear those words from far then say.. 'No wonder..'

Odin pull his hands slowly from  Porsche and reply back.. 'Well.. Im not a dragon rider anymore Porsche..' Odin walk away from Porsche and leave him speechless.. Porsche follow Odin then ask again.. 'What happen? Where's your dragon Odin?' Shruikan then say.. 'Please don't tell us that your dragon is already dead Odin..' Odin take a deep breath and reply back.. 'Yes.. Its true Shruikan.. My dragon is already dead long time ago..' Porsche then look at Shruikan and ask.. 'Mind to tell us what happened?' Odin nod and take out the blue sword that he used just now and say.. 'Actually, my dragon was kill by another rider along with this sword,Brisingr..' Porsche then ask.. 'Who is that person Odin?' Odin answers back.. 'The rider name is Karn Theerapanyakul..King Bahamut managed to brainwash him.. At that time, Karn's life was miserable.. He even asked a protection from King Bahamut.. That man agreed to help Karn but with one condition.. Karn must kill me..' Shruikan look at Odin and ask..' But why Odin? What have you done? 'Odin chuckle and reply back..' I used trying to kill the King.. but fail.. So the King try to get a revenge on me.. He asked Karn to kill me but my dragon sacrifice herself for me.. Those traitor ran away like a coward.. Then, I decided to look for Karn.. I found him and I killed him with this sword.. Not only him who is dead but his dragon as well.. Since then, Im no longer a dragon rider.. I feel like Im useless.. But then, you both appear and that give me a new hope and new beginning even Im no longer a dragon rider.. I feel shame actually.. But.. thanks to both of you.. Right now.. I feel like Im a dragon rider again.. 'Porsche pat Odin' s shoulder and say.. 'You aren't alone Odin.. You still have us..By the way, Are we going to take a rest or continue moving?' Shruikan then communicate with Porsche and reply back.. 'Its almost evening Porsche.. You both need to rest.. We can continue our journey by tomorrow morning..' Odin nod in respond and say.. 'Shruikan is right Porsche.. We must get enough rest.. Let's sleep here tonight..' Both Porsche and Odin lay down on the grass and rest along with Vegas..

At Hollowston..

Kinn pov..

Kinn arrives at the mine and see Urgals are doing their work... Kinn walk towards one of the urgals and say..'You..bring me the blade..' The urgals feel hesitate but still bring his blade to Kinn.. Kinn then take the blade and look at it and say.. 'What a nice blade you have my friend.. Elegant and simple.. but can kill you!' Kinn stab those blade towards one of the Urgals.. The urgals fall on the floor and die.. Kinn start to feel frustrated and say.. 'Those farm boy managed to kill a Razacs! I guess I can't trust you guys anymore! It will be better if I do this by my own!' Kinn dissappear and appear in front of King Bahamut.. King Bahamut then ask..'How long do I need to wait Kinn Anakin? And how much more you want to disappoint me huh?!!' Kinn flinch and avoid King Bahamut's gaze at him.. King Bahamut then walk towards Kinn and lean his face near Kinn and whisper.. 'Bring me the boy or I will end your life... Now get out!!!' Kinn quickly leave and walk towards his chamber and see Thanya is already awake.. Kinn stand beside Thanya and say... 'Im getting fed up right now.. I will bring the boy here by my self..' Kinn start to use his power on Thanya..

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