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***17 + or viewer discretion please*** -šƒšŠššŠ šŽšŒš„š†š€š•š„š‘š’š„- šŠššš­š¬š®š¤š¢ šššš¤š®š šØ š¢š¬ š­š”... More

I: Four Years
II: Sweet Rose
III: Diamond-Crest
IV: Propositions
V: The Change
VI: Planning Phase
VII: Crashing Paradise
VIII: Guilty to Know
IX: Wine, Dine & Dash
X: Too Many Thoughts
XI: The Other Woman
XII: Specialty
XIV: Countdown to Breakdowm
XV: One's Own Discretion
XVI: Now Marks Five
XVII: Don't Stress It
XVIII: The Broken Bakugo
XIX: Bittersweet Anniversary
XX: Brat

XIII: Only Two

370 21 4

XIII: Only Two

Third POV

Katsuki felt numb today.

After being dismissed at the company yesterday, it felt like whatever fight he had within himself had disappeared.

He wasn't sure what he feeling, but he could no longer physically push himself.

Kaminari and Kirishima had texted him yesterday, asking him if things were successful, but Katsuki could barely muster the never to respond to them as he just showered, changed into loungewear and fell into a deep sleep.

He missed breakfast, lunch and even when Asui made him dinner and brought it up to him, he merely told her to take whatever she wanted and to leave.

Such a stoic woman, and yet in her calm eyes he could see that she pitied him.


This time, Izuku really hadn't came home.

His rose was there, but not a note.

As of recent times what made him deserve one?

It was now 9 am, as Katsuki laid curled in bed, feeling sick to his stomach and pale as ever, with his inner omega feeling like it was dying.

Katsuki's luminescent crimson eyes, inspected the delicate flower that laid on his nightstand, gently fidgeting with the petals.

He could feel his phone ping on Izuku's pillow, picking it up and wincing at the brightness to see a message from Izuku.


"Please eat something and just focus on yourself, I'll be back, tonight."

Well, alright then.

Just then a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in," Katsuki called out, his voice weak as he pulled the blanket closer to his face, assuming it was Asui.

Lo and behold, Kaminari and Sero.

Bright smiles on their faces with Asui behind them.

"They wished to surprise you this morning." Asui announced, "Please enjoy yourselves and call if you need anything." 

Kaminari and Sero placed their bags down and went to go hug Katsuki who laid motionless in bed.

"How're you holding up? We got worried when you didn't respond." Kaminari muttered as they got off of Katsuki.

"Everything is going downhill..." Katsuki groaned, "I saw that woman, that was at Vivicarti the other time we went to Diamond-Crest at the company."

Sero and Kaminari went wide eyed, "What business did she had there? And did you speak to Izuku?"

"I have no idea, she just said 'Mr.Midoriya is such a sweetheart and good luck if I needed to talk to him' even before then I was denied access up to see him because he was in a meeting." Katsuki repeated, feeling shivers run down his body as he repeated it.

Izuku was actively avoiding this.

Hiding this from Katsuki.

"I don't know anymore," Katsuki groaned, "If I've done something to offend or make him think I can't handle it then I'll apologize, but it's hard to do that when he shuts down every conversation we've had."

"At this point, I'm just about willing to drop it."

Sero's lips pursed together, really wanting to tell the truth.

He reached into the bag, pulling out a breakfast sandwich, "Come on, you need to eat something."

Kaminari nodded with him, as the two of them took out their own sandwiches and took a seat on the other couches, watching as Katsuki sat upright and unwrapped the foil from it.

"Thank you." Katsuki pitifully gushed, trying to muster up the courage to smile.

That was it.

Sero bounced his knee as he briskly swallowed the sandwich bite, looking at Kaminari who felt unbridled tension arising from their silence.

"You aren't allowed into the company, but I don't think you need to go there to know." Sero proposed, gaining Katsuki's attention.

"Hm?" Katsuki raised his brows, "I just said Izuku won't tell me-,"

"That's not what he means." Kaminari chimed, a hopeful look in his eyes, "all the information you could possibly want, Is closer than what you might assume."

Katsuki furrowed his brows,


• • • Meanwhile • • •

Izuku's brows pinched firmly as he stared out into the distance.

In the direction of where his home should've been.


He could hear slight static on the office phone he held to his ear, suddenly hearing the person on the other end clear their throat.

"Ah yes, it's been completed and is now in its drying stage, sir."

Izuku looked to the ground, "That was faster than expected, I take it you can deliver my painting by this evening?"

"Absolutely, we wouldn't dare to withhold such a fine piece from you any longer than necessary," the person on the other end stated excitedly, "I'm sure your wife will love this for an anniversary present."

Izuku inwardly smiled.

"I hope so, thank you." Izuku nodded before he ended the call.

He was honestly hoping Ochaco wouldn't be making her surprise visit today.

Within the past few days, it got so bad to the point where he couldn't predict when she would show up.

And he simply couldn't have her and Katsuki cross paths so for the time being, even though it hurt having to deny Katsuki access, it was for the best.

Yesterday was a slip up he hoped wouldn't have to happen again.

Kirishima and Todoroki said they were nearly done, so Izuku supposed things should go smoothly.

And in time too, as their anniversary was coming up in less than a few days or so.

Izuku's eyes wandered to the framed photograph of Katsuki from their wedding day.

He'd finally done it.

Oh how the excitement was eating at him to just call the omega over and show him now.

But, he had to wait.

He needed to be patient.

Just then the office phone trilled again.

He picked it up, placing it to his ear before feeling a growl wanting to escape his lips.

"Right." He merely said, prematurely ending the call as he placed the phone down onto the receiver.

He slipped off his ring and put away his favorite photo of Katsuki on their wedding day back into the lower drawer.

In its place was the photo of him and Ochaco.

An image he wouldn't mind putting away.


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