Hakai Akuma (Chainsaw Man x M...

By RWBYCheesecoffee

8.4K 447 133

A boy raised to be a weapon travels to Japan with hopes of finding a lost love and escaping his tormentors, b... More

Japan and Kisaragi
The Helmet
Storming Strike

Chainsaw Girl

1K 61 16
By RWBYCheesecoffee


I sat there in the train seat like an awed buffoon, just staring at the business card. My mind was still registering that the entire encounter that just happened was actually real! Not only had the beautiful woman caught me so I wouldn't fall completely, but she was kind enough to help me back into a seat!

And her lovely name! I couldn't get it out of my head!




It kept rolling through my mind like a symphony, myself loving the sound of it each time it left my lips. I imagined this is how a high school boy would feel upon seeing a hot girl in class, or a hot teacher that taught the class.

Well...I imagined it because I never got to go to normal school in the first place.

That woman...Makima...I couldn't get my mind off of her! Those hypnotically gorgeous eyes, that busty chest, that sexy waist and wide hips...

That Ass~!

The image of it kept playing over and over again in my head. The firm fitness of the bubbly cheeks, the way it lightly jiggled beneath her tight dress-suit pants as she walked. The manner that her posture seemed to emphasize it oh-so perfectly. I'd sell my soul in an instant just for a chance at putting my face between them and motorboating the absolute work of art that was her ass cheeks. That was a peach that I wanted to permanently be the chair for. What I'd give to have my head squeezed between those two immaculately endowed thighs! The perfection of her hourglass figure as her body flowed from top to bottom like a statue sculpted by the Gods...imagining those lovely breasts wrapping around my rock-hard cock was enough to make me erect~

I quickly came out of my horny-induced stupor as the train came to a halt. A small bell dinging as the announcer named the stop we were at. Normally...I would have stayed on longer, this stop wasn't the one I planned on getting off the train at. However...something absolutely reeked.

     The stench of rot and death.

     I could sense someone in distress, a small scream followed it.

     An urge for the rush of combat flowed over me as I felt an excitement that I haven't felt since escaping the facility back in the USA. My heart began to beat with an adrenalinizing vigor that I struggled to comprehend, but had to satiate.

     Getting out of the train; I immediately took off running, following the rancid smell of decay. People watched on in surprise as I darted through the streets. I cut through several alleys and jumped over many fences, doing all I could to get there as fast as I could. It was almost as if the world was going by slower while I was running.

     The smell of rot got more and more potent with every step I ran. I came across a road with rushing traffic but refused to let that stop me as leapt from roof-to-roof of the cars that sped by. Their horns blared out at me but I ignored it, fully focused in on my objective of reaching the source of the odor. The invisible trail was leading me to a warehouse in the distance that was practically a beacon of the stench.

     There were so many people, cars, and other nuisances that were in the way of the path that I decided going to the rooftops would be much faster. I jumped up and grabbed onto a high window sill, and began rapidly climbing the building until I got to the roof. I leapt from rooftop to rooftop, occasionally looking down at the maze of building alleyways beneath me. Yeah, this was definitely faster than navigating through those.

     I quickly came up upon the dingy warehouse, it's metal walls and dirty windows blocking out any hope of seeing inside or out. I didn't even stop running. I just tucked my chin, put up my arms to protect my face, and rammed straight through the top window. It easily shattered and peppered the floor inside the building with glass shards, but my skin was completely unfazed.

     This warehouse was quite a bit bigger on the inside, or it certainly seemed that way at least. Looking beneath me while in midair, I noticed three men walking below. If you could really even call what they were doing "walking" at all. It was more like an agonizingly slow stumble as they dragged their lagging lethargic bodies around.

     I landed on the roof supports; giant steel joists that crisscrossed across the ceiling. Taking a second to gather my thoughts, I looked down again. Even from up here I could still smell them. The men smelled absolutely horrendous, confirming that this building was definitely the source of the rancid stench. The distressed panic that I heard earlier was also beckoning to me louder than it had before.

     Looking down and taking aim, I jumped from the ceiling joists and plummeted towards the slow rancid men. It was odd, they seemed to not actually realize that I was there and could only let out pained groans as they moved. I landed on one; the momentum crushing him entirely as the raw force of my leap cratered the ground beneath be, splattering the other two men and splattering blood, bone, and brain matter all over the place around me.

     Their bodies were so fragile that they looked barely even held together, like squishy rotten fruit that had long since gone out of date. Another shocked scream echoed through the warehouse as I looked ahead of me. I saw more of the slow lethargic men gathering around a single point like sick animals around food.

     Lunging forward; I ripped through one's back with my bare hand, it's heart destroyed by the force. Throwing the body into into two others as they splattered against the wall; I then punched one in the head which splattered it like a rotten watermelon as the body fell over. Reacting too fast for them; I kicked one which in-turn had enough force to send three more of them flying back, where they struck an empty shipping crate with a loud splat!

I looked down to see what the rotting men had congregated around before I killed them and was immediately taken aback when I saw a cute girl!

The girl looked rather downtrodden, her wrinkled clothes ripped and cute blonde hair very messy and unkempt. She had a very exhausted look in her left bronze eye; the right one being behind an eyepatch, assuming she had one. She wore tight ripped up short jean shorts that I only noticed after my eyes traced her lovely pale, smooth, slender legs all the way up. Beneath her tattered green jacket, she had on a white tank top that tightly fit around her nicely sized breasts...which due to the tightness I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra.

She exhaled as we made eye contact, a little bit of drool running down the side of her cute mouth, though I couldn't quite tell why. I tilted my head in curiosity, this girl was very cute! There was something odd about her though, I couldn't quite tell what though. She had an incredibly powerful and ferocious scent about her, like something within just begging to he awakened.

She must have noticed that she was drooling, as she quickly wiped her mouth with her jacket sleeve. I couldn't help but smile at the girl as she pushed her messy hair out of her eyes; her face having a faint blush as she looked back at me and formed another smile. She had pointed teeth that gave her grin a somewhat goofy look but in an endearing way.

We were having a rather cute moment as we gazed into each other's eyes, only to be interrupted by the groggy voice of someone or something else in the room. I looked over in the direction of the voice to see...well..I'm not too sure what the hell I'm looking at. It was a giant floating, decaying torso with a brain coming out of the neck but it's face formed on the right side of it's chest. Several tendrils that looked to be intestines kept the thing standing upright but it also had one of the tendrils attached to a carcass, like some bizarre parasitic puppet. It groggily spoke, it's voice sounding like it was gargling and growling at the same time.

??????: What is this?! Another dumb child you employed?

The man with the torso thing's tendril in his back spoke.

??????: No! I don't know who this boy is!

??????: Then he'll DIE all the same!

A grotesque tendril launched right at me but I kicked it as it arrived; tearing it into pieces.

     ??????: Kill them both!

     As the gross devil ordered, many of the rotting men began to run at both the girl and I. I responded by running towards them and when they were only a few yards away, I leapt into the air and grabbed onto one of the joists in the ceiling. Using it as a point to push off of, I launched myself back down and slammed into the floor of the warehouse feet first; creating a massive crater and shattering what few windows remained intact in warehouse.

     This absolutely obliterated most of the zombies that had charged; caking the entire area in blood, guts, and rotted flesh. With another yelling order of the devil, even more started to run in. One leapt from behind, but I ducked responded with a kick, cleaving it in two. Two more rushed at each side, but I grabbed them both by the head and slammed them into the pavement. Three more from the front, but one strong spin-kick ripped all three apart. Five of them lunged from all around me as one leapt through the air. I punched a hole through one in front of me and cleaved the legs off one behind me with a low kick. With no time to rest I elbowed the one's head to my right and kicked the one on the left in the abdomen which blew it to pieces. I looked up and caught the one that jumped through the air and grabbed another that rushed towards me. This time, I crushed their skulls in my grip.

     I didn't realize it until now, but I had a smile on my face. It felt like this was what I was made for, and I never felt more excited and thrilled than when I was in a combat test back home. I suppose now wouldn't be considered a "test" though. That's just what the Military called it. Constantly mowing down braindead enemies wasn't getting me very far though...it's time to cut out the root of this problem.

I ran towards the devil, cleaving through a few more zombies that got in my way as I rushed forward. I couldn't tell why, but the devil started mumbling out a monologue as it flung more and more of it's deceased soldiers in my direction, but with my reflexes as good as they are I was able to easily dodge them.

??????: Why are you so determined to get in the way?!

The man the devil was puppeteering spoke.

??????: All we want is the Devil's power!

Then the main Devil spoke.

??????: And all I want is the deaths of all Devil hunters!

A tendril was flung at me but I leapt into the air as it cratered the pavement below; landing on it and running towards the gross Devil. Once I was close enough to it, I jumped forward and punched the ugly fucker right in it's left eye. It let out a guttural scream of pain but I didn't stop there. With my hands in each side of it's left eye socket, I pulled and ripped it's left eyes right out of the socket! It screamed loud enough to shatter car windows and leapt back off of it's disgusting face.

Looking down, I threw the severed eye into the pavement and then crushed it with my landing. The Devil was enraged, blood spirting freely from it's now vacant left eyehole. It screamed in pain, which quickly turned into desperation as it screamed another order.


     The biggest wave of rotted men yet all stormed us. There were so many of them that I'm surprised the smell alone didn't alert everyone in the prefecture. I breathed in deeply, and let out a calm exhale. My chest burnt so fiercely that I instantly recognized it as the Destruction Devil's urge to make it's namesake. I gently put my right hand against my chest, feeling the heat. It was as though everything moved in slow motion and everything around me went dark. I didn't want to fully unleash it, not now. It just seemed far too dangerous. I controlled it well enough, but what if things got out of hand and I couldn't? It would be an absolute disaster.

(Y/n): No, not yet.

The burning fury in my chest seemed to calm down a bit, but I didn't have enough time to really pay it much mind as the sound of a tool's engine revving caught my attention. It sounded like the sounds of a...a chainsaw? The sound came from behind me and it was only getting louder and louder. Even the "Zombie Devil" halted and was looking around, though in a much more panicked fashion.


     All of a sudden...


     A massive pile of the zombies were all shredded in an instant!!! A laughing figure ripped through all of them as though they were just paper-mache, laughing maniacally as it did so. The humanoid figure had tattered clothes and...wait!

     Holy Shit!

     It's the girl they were all trying to kill earlier! Only this time she was far different! Her body stayed mostly the same but each of her arms had chainsaws protruding through them from the forearms down to the hands! Her head had formed into an orange mechanical but rather demonic shape with vicious jagged teeth and a chainsaw handle on the back. Through the slits that would be vents for a chainsaw to "breath" without overheating, there were two glowing eyes. She's another Hybrid!!!

     The Destruction Devil bellowed out as she leapt forward, taking me off guard.

     Pochita?! You're alive! EXCELLENT!

     He spoke that name with an admirable familiarity, like greeting an old friend. An entire row of zombies were shredded by the unstoppable bladed chains of the Chainsaws, ripping and tearing anything that got in her path. I was so focused on her that I couldn't even tell what the Zombie Devil was saying as it rambled in panic as more and more of it's goons were slaughtered.

     Several of the zombies ran up at me but I was so reinvigorated that I immediately sliced through all of them with a single kick. More rushed forward as I began punching through them; each hit thundering like a storm and blasting them to pieces. More jumped in behind me, only to be cut to ribbons by the Chainsaw Hybrid. I couldn't tell if it was from me or the Destruction Hybrid, but I felt an odd sense of camaraderie with this Chainsaw girl. The more that encircled us, the more that we killed. The Chainsaw Girl yelling throughout much of it, her rage directed at the zombies and Zombie Devil in particular.

     Chainsaw Hybrid: I know! If I kill every last one of you, then it's BYE BYE DEBT!

     I hadn't the slightest clue of what she was talking about but it was so exhilarating cleaving through crowd after crowd of zombies that I didn't bother asking. Before...I carefully focused on eliminating each one, but now I'm just letting loose and destroying every last one that dares attack. The entire warehouse interior was absolutely painted in blood and entrails.

     There was a small moment where we both stopped, the Chainsaw Girl and I. We looked at each other and there was another moment where we didn't even speak a word. We didn't need to. It was like both of our goals systematically aligned.

     With a scream of fear the Zombie Devil unleashed both of it's remaining tendrils at me and her; only for me to catch them both, one in each hand. The Zombie Devil tried it's best to pull them free, only for me to rip them both off; effectively disarming it...albeit temporarily before they'd likely grow back. It screamed, more in fear than agony as the Chainsaw Girl leapt through the air like a lethal pole vaulter and jammed one of her Chainsaw arms right through the devil's remaining eye. She continued to cut through layer after layer of flesh as gravity pulled her back down to the ground; cutting the Zombie Devil in half and killing it, at least I think it was dead...it clearly wasn't a threat anymore at the very least.

     I exhaled a sigh of relief, happy it was over but still...hungry for more. The Chainsaw Girl turned around to face me, tilting her demonic head, to which I did the same. Her chainsaws had stopped revving and I could now properly hear her eager heartbeat. I smiled, showcasing my equal joy as we both enjoyed a small moment of peace.

     Before I could even say a word to her though, the click of the warehouse door latches opening alerted me. Turning around to face the doors, I held my arms up in a protective manner; unwilling to let whatever was on the other side hurt what I hoped was my new friend.

     Slowly the glowing evening sun peeked through the crack as the doors opened.

     Only there wasn't another monstrosity that I saw...

     My heartbeat fluttered as I saw...

     Ms Makima~!

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