Dracoria: A New World (Book 1)

By NovaFornax

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Dracoria: A New World (Book 1) Story Description: The story revolves around a woman from earth named Ashley S... More

Story Details
Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: Distant Emergence
Chapter 3: Visions
Chapter 4: Tragedy
Chapter 5: A Uncle's Message
Chapter 6: Preparations
Chapter 7: Entering the Portal
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Town
Chapter 10: A Taste of America
Chapter 11: The Meeting with the King
Chapter 12: Choosing a Master
Chapter 13: The Eye
Chapter 14: First Tasks
Chapter 15: Imprisonment
Chapter 16: Echoes of Genesis
Chapter 17: Kidnapped
Chapter 18: Verax's Vengeance
Chapter 19: A Second Chance
Chapter 20: Peaceful Day and a Mystery
Chapter 21: A New Home
Characters of the Story: [From Chapter 1 to 21]
Chapter 22: Exploring
Chapter 23: Unknown Facility
Chapter 24: The Change of Laws
Chapter 25: Draconic Tyranny
Chapter 27: Plans for a New Kingdom
Chapter 28: Silah's Encounter
Chapter 29: Foundation of a New Kingdom
Chapter 30: Project Genesis
Chapter 31: Days of Training
Chapter 32: Freeing Sidney Village
Chapter 33: Drexath's Treason
Chapter 34: Love and Binding
Chapter 35: Facilities
Chapter 36: Mysteries of the Precursors
Chapter 37: Destiny
Chapter 38: Krex's and Sarah Marriage
Chapter 39: Sarah's training
Chapter 40: The Forest Guardian
Chapter 41: Amilda's Master
Characters of the story: [Chapter 20 to 41]
Chapter 42: Xantarian Attack
Chapter 43: Dragon Rider Training
Chapter 44: Arc Magic Bound
Chapter 45: Locking
Chapter 46: Protonic Rise
Chapter 47: Starfall
Chapter 48: Remnants
Chapter 49: Draconic Language
Chapter 50: Alliance
Chapter 51: Exodus of Dawn City
Chapter 52: Crimson Dominion Attack
Chapter 53: Firewall Ambush
Chapter 54: Dragon of Light
Chapter 55: King's Retreat
Chapter 56: Sarah and Krex Journey
Chapter 57: The Truth
Chapter 58: The Queen and the King
Characters of the Story: [Final]
Author's Notes
Southern Islets Map
Chapter Extra: The Isolated

Chapter 26: American Bloodshed

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By NovaFornax

Firewall Kingdom / Verax arriving / Midday

I was heading back home and Ashley on my back enjoying the adventure we had, we are going to get ready and bring this artifact back to its place as much it hurts me to accept this deal I must do it. I see my old home and proceed to land at my entrance.

Ashley: (On Verax back and he landed) Wooo!! I love flying!!

Verax: (Entering the cave) I know you do! So, lets see where I put my (Seeing the Purple dragon inside of his cave waiting for him) Oh!! Varath!?

Varath: Hey you two....

Ashley: What are you doing here??

Varath: (Draconic sigh) Folks...... we got a problem and is a serious problem..

Verax: What happened my friend??

Varath: Firewall Kingdom changed.....

Verax: Changed?? What do you mean?

Varath: King Draco has been behaving quite rhetorically lately and he changed Chatter 12 and now says that all humans will be property of all the dragon kind.

Verax: What!?

Ashley: Holy shit!! Silah was right Verax!!!

Verax: (Looks at her) She was!!

Varath: Silah??

Ashley: Someone we meet days ago! She predicted something similar like this would happen!

Varath: Really?? And also by the way where you two have been!? Are you done exploring??

Verax: Oh!! we have more to explore! We did great discoveries! But ill explain those later because I need to pick up something and we head off!

Varath: Actually friend I need you and you too Ashley.

Ashley: You need us??

Varath: Yes, well this is something I trust you can do it by yourself..... King Draco ordered an attack on one of our villages.... I need you to get your weapons and kill every dragon you see in the town of Virandas....If you see Krellex...... Kill him!

Ashley: Krellex!?

Verax: Wait why Krellex???

Varath: Because he sided with the king.... Verax this is bad! The king knows he cannot torture and exploit humanity like this!! And im saying because I know you had similar views before.

Verax: (Draconic sighed) I may not like humans Varath, but I agreed.... This is wrong.... Chatter 14 said that this kingdom must protect humanity at all cost!

Varath: And he eliminated that law yesterday...

Verax: (Shouted) He did WHAAT!?! Why he would delete that!?!

Varath: You ask me!? I said the same why he is doing these stuff!! Hes now becoming very authoritarian and im telling you, many nations will not like his new stance.

Verax: I guess is time to put my differences aside for now and save humans... Gods I cannot believe im saying this!!

Ashley: (Laughing aloud!!!) Aahahahahaa!!!!! I know!! Is that really you Verax!?

Verax: (Draconic Growl!!!) Im only doing this because we both know this is wrong!!

Ashley: It is! So Let me grab my weapons and we will head off! Do you have anything else to offer me?

Varath: We can go to my house! I shall get you prepared! Come follow me!

We both took off and we were heading towards my friend personal house. We arrived there ten minutes later.

Varath: (Landed and shifted back to human form) Come my girl!

Ashley: (Dismounting Verax) I got my American babies! I might need maybe new armor or anything...

Varath: (Opened his door to her) I shall get you ready for battle my dear..  Right inside!

She entered and Varath was guiding her to his own room and there was a wardrobe made of marble and he opens it.

Varath: I got some capes and some clothings, you have to get rid of those since they are damaged. Here how about these white leather clothes 

Ashley: Oh i like that one! I have to remove these clothes i have! let me get dressed up quick! 

She grabs a white tunic that has leather too on it as she wants to go lightweight, she also has a hood on it.

Ashley: (Finished dressing) Oof! i feel so much better now! So you say there's only dragons in this town attacking?

Varath: All dragons and some dragon warriors that sided with them, I say fifteen including Krellex.

Ashley: (Smirking!!!) Oh!! Ohoho!!! I know what I will grab! (She picks her Barret 50. Cal Case and place it on Varath's bed and she opens it) What do you---

Varath: That's a big weapon!! How powerful is that!?

Ashley: Boy!! My pretty purple dragon!! You don't want to know!! All I say this thing is powerful enough to kill one Shadow Drake!

Varath: You killed a Shadow Drake with that!?!

Ashley: I did! Ive killed two of them when I arrived! All it takes is one shot from this weapon to kill one!!

Varath: Okay! Im trusting you got this! Shadow Drakes are quite strong and if you manage to kill one then you got this!

Ashley: The problem I have is that I only have two magazines for this weapon, and I have twenty bullets. I don't want to waste them all.

Varath: Maybe a duplication trick won't hurt!

Ashley: Duplication?? What are you mention-

Varath: Get your bullets, ill duplicate them! And your magazines!

Ashley: Okay I don't know how this going to work... (She went and pick up her backpack and place it on the bed and grabbed one box of 50 BMG and open it and the bullets fall from it flawlessly) Those are the bullets.

Varath: (Picking one inspecting it) This thing is heavy! Well let start duplicating so how much munitions do you need?

Ashley: As many you can give me!

Varath: (Putting the bullet on his bed and holding it with his palm) Rexavry...

Ashley: Huh?

Varath: (Few more moment of silence and he finished duplicating) And lets pull this blanket! (He pull his blanket and theres fifty BMGs)

Ashley: (Impressed) OH!! How do you do that!?!

Varath: Magic my girl! Now give me a magazine.

Ashley: Yeah! Here! (Pulls the magazine from the Barrett)

Varath: (Holding the magazine and slap it and one fell and slap it again and he is duplicating magazines with each slap and theres four of them) Theres your magazines!

Ashley: Oh my gosh!! Im well armed now! I might need you if I need more ammo!!

Varath: Im going to be your ally Ashley, if you need anything come to me.

Ashley: (Went and hug him and he hugs back)

Varath: (Hugging her) I trust you will make changes in this kingdom...

Ashley: (Finishing hugging him) Ill try Varath! Ill start reloading these magazines and ill be off, all I need is something to hold the magazines with me.

Varath: (Looking at the magazines and he sees a metal component) A belt.... Ill create something for you ill be back. (He left the room to create something with magic)

She started placing all the bullets on the magazines and each of them can hold on to ten of them. Few minutes later, he came back.

Varath: Try this belt! (He gives her a belt)

Ashley: (Putting the belt on her and placed each magazines and it was well attached) Perfect!! This is perfect!! Thank you!!

Varath: (Looking at her placing each mag on her new belt) But look at that!.... You left some of those mags do you need them?

Ashley: Put them on your wardrobe, each of these things can hold up to ten bullets! (Finishing placing her mags) Once im out there hunting I would love if you could duplicate me more BMGs if you can.

Varath: Alright! and what about the other ammos?

Ashley: My rifle rounds eehh... you could duplicate them and my pistol rounds too.

Varath: Alright! ill get those ammos ready for you! But Ashley once this is done I need you and Verax to leave this Kingdom asap! The king wants me to tell Verax that you are his property!

Verax: (From outside his window) I heard that!! No way he wants me to do that!?

Varath: He did friend!

Ashley: Ppfffft!!! Little did he know me and Verax are now more friends than ever before.

Varath: How is that working for both of you?

Ashley: How is working??? Verax is my dragon now! My lifelong guardian!

Varath: (Confused) What???

Ashley: Is a long story! but i love my dragon more than ever! We are doing a lot of exploring around together!

Varath: That's great! Im glad you both settle everything and are working together!

Ashley: More like we are living together.

Varath: Living together??

Ashley: Oh boy! The amount of things me and him we are doing! Ill explain later. (She picks up her Barrett 50 and removes the scope and place its magazine, but she didn't pull the chamber handle yet)

Varath: That's a big cannon I swear!

Ashley: Its one of the most powerful weapons made in my world! This thing, Is made by my Humanity on Earth!

Varath: (Still admiring) I wonder how advanced your humanity on Earth is.

Ashley: You will know soon! Well time for me to hunt! I know ill be wanted but me and Verax we are not going to live here anymore.

Varath: Well, leave this kingdom as soon as you finish hunting and return here to get your things.

Ashley: I will and thank you so much! Im going to carry only this and leave these two weapons of mines in here so take care of them while I hunt!

Varath: Always my lady! Happy hunting! Show them what YOUR Humanity is capable of!

She exited his home and went towards me holding her big weapon in her both hands as she is walking to me.

Verax: What kind of weapon is that!?!

Ashley: (Laughing!!!) This thing Verax.... Can kill a Shadow Drake one shot! If I can kill drakes I can kill these dragons with no problems!

Verax: (Draconic Smirk showing sharp teeths) I want to see this!! Mount up!!

She is mounting on my back and I took off and ready for battle im sure she got this because she is holding one of the most powerful rifles ever created in her world.

Ashley: May the American Bloodshed Begins!

Verax: Impress me Ashley! I want to see what those weapons are made off!

We are arriving as we reached the town for twenty minutes and we see Virandas burning and dragons perched on top of houses and people gathered around and we see Krellex there, they are actually enslaving everyone down there.

Verax: (Seeing Virandas) They are there! I see people around probably surrendered.

Ashley: Damn I see Krellex and some other Humans that may chose his side??

Verax: They are working for them too! Humans helping the dragons enslave!?

Ashley: That's it!! Every one of them gets to meet a 50 BMG!!!

Verax: Im going to enjoy this so much!!

I proceed to land a little bit far away from the town just so I don't get spotted. Ashley use a hood like a cape so she can cover her identity while we are entering the town to confront these dragons and their servants helping them. I cannot believe im siding with the humans that needs help, maybe I was wrong about them before but im glad I can set my hatred and distrust of them for now and face maybe a potential threat.

Verax: (Looking at her while she is dismounted) Now... impress me!!

Ashley: (Putting her hood and she is covered by a dark leader cape and her barret is on her back strapped) Lets save these people!

We started walking together and we are closing in to a massive opening in the town and we see Krellex and several dragons in the area subjugated the town and ordering the people here to kneel before them. We started hearing cries of grief and terror.

Krellex: Executioner! Bring me that woman there!!! (One of the executioners went to the woman and she is screaming for help and more cries are follow) Kneel!!!

Mara: (Put down by the Humans executioners) (Crying) WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOING THIS!!?

Krellex: Things changes!! We change now!! and our king expect everyone of you to put the best of your work to our great kingdom!! Work for us and we will reward you and if you do not you will be torture until you are nothing but a useless corpse!! (More sobbing where heard) Now im your new overlord for this town! And you will serve me specifically!! What do you say?

Mara: (Sobbing) I DO NOT!!! I REFUSE!!

Krellex: (Growled low) Very well.... Executioner, kill her!!!

More scream follow as one executioner raise its axe ready to kill her. Ashley proceed to walk in the distance towards then like she has ZERO Fear on them. She knows she and I will be most wanted for this but we give no shit on this anymore.

Ashley: (Walking towards everyone in the distance) (Shouted) THAT'S ENOUGH KRELLEX!!!

Everyone went silent and so is the dragons as they all looked at the strange, hooded woman walking to them in the distance and holding her mighty Barrett 50. Cal. as she took it from her back.

Krellex: Who are you to dare trespass here in our operation!?! Are you another civilian from this town??

Ashley: Verax stay away now (Verax walked away from her while she is still walking to them) You think you can enslave an entire town like this!? Won't happen anymore! I vow to free the people of Virandas!! (She removes her hood and cape with her left hand as it flies away from her revealing herself to everyone who she is as everyone gasped) (Pulls Barrett 50. Cal chamber handler down and release it!!) Im Ashley Sanders and I vow to eradicate all of you supremacists!!

Krellex: Ashley!?! Executioners!!! Kill her!!!

The human soldiers all in steel armor with swords went to attack her.

Ashley: Oh yes!! Bring me those human soldiers!!! For Freedom!!!! (Aim Barret at one FIRE!!!!!!........FIRE!!!!!......FIRE!!!!!!!........FRE!!!!!!!)

Loud deafening gunshots where heard aloud and she kills each one of them and the weapon is so powerful that she made huge holes on their armor and the dust from the ground rises because of the firing shockwave, and the civilians are taking cover and One dragon went to her

Ashley: (Aim, FIRE!!!!!! and kills the dragon as he collapses)

Krellex: (Scared) NO!!! THIS CANT BE!!! EVERYONE KILL HER!!!!

Ashley: I had enough of you Krellex... (Aim at Krellex and FIRE!!!!)

Krellex: (Injured on a leg very badly) (SCREAM LIKE ROAR OF PAIN!!!) AAAAAGHHH!!!!! HOW DARE----(Died as he was shot again and body collapses)

Verax: (Snarling like smiles) Thats my girl.....

Two more dragons went to attack her for revenge.

Ashley: (Aim....FIRE!!!!!......FIRE!!!!!!!)

She kills them and they are laying now on the ground and she continues firing at the other dragons, she change the magazine and continues firing as many are still covering their ears from the loudness of the weapon. Then two dragons remain alive as the two of them are behind some houses not to get shot by her and they are scared of fighting her.

Ashley: Where you two are!? I remember I seen fifteen and I only killed thirteen!? (Silence as they are still hiding) (Aim Barrett up at the skies and FIRE!!!!! FIRE!!!!! FIRE!!!! Everyone screamed scared) SHOW YOURSELF YOU TWO NOW!!!!!

The dragons walked from their hiding still nervous.

Mirnevir: (Shaking) IM HERE!! IM HERE!! DON'T SHOOT!!

Verax: (Went to her) MIRNEVIR!?!

Mirnevir: Verax!?

Xileth: We yield!! Don't kill us please!!

Verax: You too!? What the Fuck are you guys doing here enslaving these people!?!

Mirnevir: We were ordered I swear!! I was thinking-


Mirnevir: (Shaking and walking back) I was.....

Verax: SPEAK!!!!

Mirnevir: We were forced to abide Krellex!!! Im sorry!!! I was thinking in leaving everything behind!!! To Desert Myself!! 

Xileth: We were just told to follow Krellex but didn't give us a briefing on what we are going to do!!

Mirnevir: But you girl! Are you suppose to be Verax Servan---(Ashley Aims at the skies and FIRE!!!!!! And he got scared again) OKAY OKAY!!! SORRY!!!

Ashley: (Still aiming at him) Verax and I we are just more than a master and a servant.... We are now trusted friends that we have each other's back......

Verax: We are, im her guardian and I am willing to do what it takes to protect her. You have problems with her then you have problems with me....

Ashley: And besides from that, look at what your king is doing. Changing Chatter 12 that says now all humans must be the slaves of all dragons!? (Everyone of the civilians gasped scared) Don't tell me this is for the better of his kingdom!! If its so then me and Verax we are about to free as many people we can and leave this kingdom until it collapses!!

Xileth: You dare to say----(FIRE!!!!!!) (Scared and eyes wide)

Ashley: I say it yes!!! You have a problem with it?? then deal with it!! So now.... what you two will say?? Are you going to side with us or remain with your "King"?

There was a silence....then...

Mirnevir: (Conflicted) I don't know what to do....

Xileth: Im going to stay with my kingdom!!

Ashley: Then go with your king!! (Shot him in one of his back legs)

Xileth: (SCREAMED) AAAGAHHHH!!!!!! (Trying to stand as he is badly injured) I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS!!!! (He took off fast and he is flying while being injured)

Ashley: (Aims at Mirnevir and he is shaking again as the barrel with the muzzle brake is aiming at him) What do you say??

Mirnevir: (Draconic sighed) Ill side with you two, I know this is wrong what we did today. Ill betray King Draco.

Ashley: Very well! Now we have freed the people of this town!! (Everyone erupted in cheering and regarding Ashley and Verax as the heroes of the day)

Mara: (Coming to Ashley and hugs her) Thank you for saving us!!! Thank you!!!

Ashley: My pleasure!! Verax, we need to get these people out of here.

Verax: That's the thing Ashley.... To where they will live?

Ashley: Oh shit!! I didn't think of this detail....

Verax: I was thinking about that detail since we went here!

Mara: Yeah we have no place to live! This town has over one hundred people living! And now our kingdom is no longer the kingdom it uses to be!

Ashley: (Thinking for ideas)

Verax: Which is the nearest nation close to here where you all can settle down?

Mara: The closest nation is like a week of travel from here! It's the Elven Kingdom!

Ashley now thinks of an idea that I never though about it I almost rejected it that day but she had good points.

Ashley: Verax.... did you say that where we are living are unclaimed territories?

Verax: You are not thinking bringing these people to our home are you!?

Ashley: Yes and no.... But I have a wild idea.

Verax: Well I want to hear this because I don't want these folks inside of our cave!

Ashley: How about claiming the entire region and build our very own Kingdom?

Verax: (Tilt head thinking) A kingdom in this region??

Ashley: Would it be cool!?

Verax: We are somewhat far away from Firewall Kingdom and if we get these humans to there and if we make more exodus from other villages.... Gods Ashley!!! You are brilliant!! Yes I like that!!

Mara: Building a new kingdom for us dragons and humans actually coexisting and not being enslave??

Ashley: Yes! there will be strict laws that can't be change and we must build a parliament like a senate for this.

Verax: Senate??

Ashley: Ill explain more when we head back. You and I we need to start writing our own laws.

Verax: So if we are building a whole kingdom does that means the rulers are...

Ashley: You! I mean.... Won't you? Would you like to proclaim yourself as the king for this project!?

Verax: Me being a king?? Huh? Well, I don't mind ruling my own Humans and maybe the dragons that will join us! But I wonder why I must be the King?

Ashley: You know more about these regions than we are and besides from that, ive been serving you in being your companion!

Verax: Then if that's the case, you shall be now my ward! (Looks at the people) And you all despite I may have not good trust with humans for reasons I have, I will try do my best to protect you all in our new land!

Mara: Our new king! The people of Virandas shall join you!! (She kneeled and everyone proceed to kneel before Ashley and Verax)

Ashley: I guess that's what we must do my King! Building a new kingdom!

Verax: Yes we are my dear.... (Looks at the people kneeled before them) You may all rise! (They all rise) I cannot believe we are going to do this...

Mirnevir: Neither can I my king.... (Bowed to Verax) Whatever you need.... I am at your service...

Verax: I accept your allegiance friend, you may rise.

Mara: So where are we heading?

Ashley: To the Southern Islets!

Mara: Hey! That's a nice place! Its almost unexplored! That would be perfect to build our new nation!!

Ashley: It is!! It could be well strategically for trade with other nations! So what's your name brown dragon??

Mirnevir: I'm Mirnevir my King's Ward....

Ashley: Mirnevir you have new orders....

Mirnevir: Anything.....

Ashley: You will guide our people here towards the Southern Islets, me and King Verax....Oof it sounds weird when I say that!

Verax: I know it does! But you get use to it!

Ashley: (Laughing) I know, anyways. Me and King Verax we have other matters to attend real quick if I see you do something with our people here like torturing or do any damage to them you will receive this in your head right away.. (Aim somewhere without looking and FIRE!!!!!! Everyone jumped even Mirnevir) Am I made myself clear?

Mirnevir: Yes! Yes! I understand, I promise I wont do harm on them! Gods.... That weapon is scary!!

Verax: Keep them safe Mirnevir! Now all of you go and get your things and follow Mirnevir! We will see you soon!

Mirnevir: Ill see you soon my King! I know where the Southern Islets is!

Verax: Very good! Come on my Ward! Climb up!

Ashley: Yes my King! (Climbing up and she is ready to go) Im ready!

I took off and flying to my friend Varath. I cannot still believe we have come to this, me being a King to a new nation we are about to create? How times are changing! Me having some hate with humans I am now going to be their new king? This year is becoming a wild ride and things gets really weirder every day passing by! But im glad Ashley sees me now her King too and so im happy to see her my Ward.

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