Fixing A Broken Compass

By lexiloo7

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Death. It's the one thing that can tear everything apart. The Lightwood family was no different. The death o... More

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Rooftops And Good Talks
Who Doesn't Love Glitter?
A Day In The Life
Not So Happy Birthday?
Twenty Questions
Teacher, Teacher

Uh oh...Mango's and Red Bull

675 49 81
By lexiloo7

"Like rain. I fall but like water, I flow like the sun, I'll shine everything takes time and I'll be fine again."

Miles POV

There she stood bright blonde hair cascading down her back.

A bright blue bow tied into her hair half up letting some stray pieces fall into her face.

Her blue eyes were staggering. Long black lashes framing them. A pretty pink blush coated her cheek and lips making his heart warm.

She was beautiful.

She was his.

She looked slightly frustrated.

And hot.

A tight blue dress hugged her hips and chest making him swallow.

Pretty girls and boys would be the death of him he held no weight to them.

Her hip was cocked arms crossed defensively making him feel ten times more nervous.

She had a habit of making him nervous."Hi," he said meekly his steps fumbling a bit as he opened his door and closed it.

They hadn't spoken.

Normally when they got into a fight or argument Miles would come rushing to her.

He would never let it sit he hated being on the wrong foot with her.

But now Miles couldn't just take his and her feelings into account he had a family to look after and he was struggling with how to manage.

"Hi Miles," her pretty voice made him want to fall on his knees and beg her for forgiveness.

He's been a shitty boyfriend.

He knows that.

He loves her so much and wants to devote everything he has to her but he can't.

He's struggling.

She sucked in a breath her eyes grazing over him.

He didn't know what to say.

What to do.

How to fix this.

He didn't want to lose her.

She was everything he couldn't do better than her. He didn't want to.She-she had this wild energy about her. He felt like a moth to a flame when she was around.

He swallowed deeply too.

How odd it was to be so close to someone and feel so many miles away.

They both stayed silent for a long while.

Miles closed the door behind him putting his hands in his pocket as he glanced at her.

Sometimes she was hard to read.

Hard to be with if he was being honest.

She could just be back and forth a lot. It always made him anxious.

But god when she was sweet and when she gave him that smile- it felt like everything had melted away.

"I-I'm upset with you." Her tone was cold her eyes sad and it made Miles's chest burn.

Her frown deepened and she tugged the bottom of her hair slightly as she looked up at him.

"I feel like there's zero time for me in your life."


"Miles." She snapped. "You always come to me when we've had a fight and now we haven't talked in-"

"I called you!" Miles cut her off his chest heaving.

"You didn't!" Avery laughed a sarcastic laugh shaking her head her hair flying widely over her shoulders. "That is the lamest comeback-"

Miles couldn't help but be frustrated.

He had called her and left so many messages.

She didn't return one."Avery-"

"I shouldn't have come-" She turned but Miles grabbed her hand.

Spinning her towards him.

She stopped her feet almost landing on his own her hand falling onto his chest.

His breath hitched as he glanced down at her.

She was beautiful.

Avery's mouth parted slightly as she gazed up at him.

He couldn't help but note her thick eyelashes and how the darkness of them brought out the blue in her gaze.

"I'm trying to manage a new routine with the kids. Augustus is going to be coming home soon. He'll be helping and will be tackling this together." Miles's voice was soft.

Avery's lips formed a tight line. "I'm their caretaker now. I can't just run off and leave when I want or-"

"It's not fair to me." She stated making his chest feel numb. She furrowed her eyebrows the frown on her face deepening. "You can't even take me on a date! We haven't been to a party together in months! It's-kids, kids all the time, and there brats-"

"They're my siblings." Miles shut that down quickly."And you need more help than just you."

Avery cut in, "Willow isn't even talking Miles. That's not normal. That's not okay. She needs help. The twins-"

"I'm trying my best," He cut in shaking his head. "I'm trying my best. She just lost her parents. Reggie is a baby I can't just leave him to two twins they are still too young-"

"I'm not asking you to I'm god Miles let me help. Let Lachlen help. Tell Augustus to get here. You have a life too!" Avery shouted, "And it's just stopped-"

"It's taking on a new direction Avery," Miles shook his head feeling so deeply sad. "And when Gus gets here I'm still going to be putting the kids first-"

"What about you?" Avery asked letting go of his chest. "What about us? Even before they died you were different-"

Miles sucked in a breath he couldn't help the way he got more upset.

The way it felt like his emotions picked up tenfold. "What do you want from this Avery? What do you-"Avery's mouth smacked onto his her hands cupping his cheeks.

He couldn't help but melt into the kiss his hands landing on her waist.

He squeezed her hips making her moan.

He couldn't help the satisfaction that that brought. The way he forgot everything for a moment.

Avery was one hell of a kisser.Just as he was leaning in more she pulled back.

"I want to kiss you. And fuck you. And spend time with you Miles. I get your having more responsibilities now but that doesn't mean your old ones went away. Make time for the people who are still here. Or break up with me! But I don't want half-assed phone calls and to see you whenever." Avery stated sounding defeated. "There's a lot I put up with in our relationship. But lately, it's only been me in the relationship. Do you know how embarrassing that is-"

Miles cringed feeling guilty as he quickly grabbed her hands. "I'll do better-"

Avery nodded satisfied with this, her eyes ran over Miles's figure. "You need a haircut. And are you coming to the party next weekend? You never come out anymore. Can you-"

She let herself into the house and Miles could almost see it in her steps as she paused glancing around.

"I'm sorry- it's a mess- I haven't been sleeping and the kids-"She scrunched her nose in disgust as she moved lifting an old snotty outfit on the couch that Reggie threw up on.

"Miles it's filthy how can you even live like this? Gosh. Do you want me to send a cleaner-"

"No!" Miles blushed in embarrassment. "I'll be cleaning this weekend-" He closed the door behind him carefully.

It was late and he didn't want the others to wake up.

"This is gross and good. Do you not make the twins clean up after themselves? Geesh Miles. Why don't you come to my house tomorrow-"

"The twins have soccer practice-"Avery turned to him with big eyes, "please please please-" she kissed his cheek blinking up at him.

Miles melted slightly rubbing the back of his neck."I- ok." He didn't know what else to say he was embarrassed and flustered and-"I love you but there's no way I'm staying here. Ooo can we go to the mall tomorrow? I wanna get my nails done!" She moved pecking his lips.

"And we can go to the sushi place-""I don't like sushi I-"

"I'll see you tomorrow!" She pecked his lips moving towards the door. "And miles clean up!"

Miles couldn't help the anxiety that crawled up under his skin.

He opened his mouth and closed it watching as the door closed.

He couldn't help but take in a deep breathe as he locked the door and moved into the bathroom.

He stared at his reflection for a long while.

Glancing at the way his hair fell to his shoulders. Curling and waving in a weird pattern.

His fingers toyed with his a pit growing in his stomach.

His phone rang and Miles took in a deep breath. "Hello?"

"Hey, Milo." Lach's voice made some of his anxiety calm down. "I should be asking why you're up this late but-"

"I have a baby brother, I should be asking why you are up this late." Miles chirped back.

It was silent on the other line and Miles knew Lach was struggling.

The other boy wasn't always great at sharing his feelings.

He did however reach out to Miles and Miles could always tell.

And Miles had felt that something wasn't quite right.

He knew Lach would tell him when he was ready though. If he pushed he'd insist nothing was wrong.

So Miles would talk to him until he was ready.

"Do you think it's bad to become friends with more people?" Miles asked hesitantly familiar faces popping into his head.

"Of course not, why would you think so?"Miles was silent it was hard for him to talk about friends.

His life before the Lightwoods- it's everything now and then is hard to talk about.

New friends meant that they wouldn't get certain things.

They wouldn't get Miles."I- well. I-"

"Anyone would be lucky to have a friend like you Miles." Miles stayed silent and Lach pressed. "Is this about- your parents?"

Miles swallowed, that was a big issue. He didn't have time for friends with the kids. He wasn't ready to let more people in but, "partly." He admitted.

"Your life can't stop too Miles."

He thought of what Avery said earlier the almost similar phrase caught him off guard. He was still living. Wasn't he?

"Yeah, I suppose," Miles mustered clearing his throat. "Just with the kids and-"

"Hasn't stopped me I love the kids. And if you make new friends and they don't respect you have responsibilities and things then they're not worth it. It's your senior year. You're only going to get this one time. Make it worthwhile."

"No one will ever be as good of a friend as you."Lach laughed, "Better not be I don't have time to fight off some new friends of yours."

Miles grinned, "wouldn't fight for the death for me? I'm heartbroken."

"I'm so sorry."Miles laughed glancing away from the mirror. "God I miss your sexy ass-"

They chatted about everything and nothing and Miles felt a little lighter.

He was grateful for Lach.


"Fudge nuggets!" Miles yelped as he slammed himself into the shelf in the bathroom.

He hit his wrist hard. He was just getting ready to leave when he tripped over a doll.

Where it came from and why it was in the bathroom he didn't know.

He was two seconds away from flushing it down the toilet. He glared at the doll.

"You wanted to fight me? I'm an angel!" he kicked the doll lightly with his foot.

"Miles?" Damien's voice rang out, Miles turned off the bathroom light quickly leaving as he turned down the hall.

He still had his hand on his chest.

Damien was standing in a T-shirt that was way too big. It made him look so very small. A pair of flannel pants that Miles knew were his own made his lips curve up. Damien's toes were poking out at the bottom making him chuckle.

"What happened?" Damien asked his voice cracking.

"I hit my hand, I-what's wrong-" he paused analyzing his sibling, "Dami," Miles moved quickly forward running a hand through his younger brother's hair.

Damien looked tired.

Way too tired.

The twins were both struggling with sleep.

His younger brother didn't say anything but Miles knew.

He could tell by the way his eyes were glistening and his breathing was slightly labored that his brother just had a nightmare.

Miles cupped his cheek pressing a kiss to his baby brother's head.

"C'mere pinhead," he wrapped his arms around Damien and the boy quickly wrapped his arms around Miles's waist.

He was shaking and Miles's heart broke. "You know why the chicken crossed the road?"

"Why?" Damian asked his voice sounding so tired."To get to the other side of course."

Damien huffed squeezing Miles tighter. "You couldn't think of anything better?"

"Nope!" Miles popped the P.

Giving Damien a tight squeeze and ushering him towards the door. "Come on let's go lay down."

Damien stuck by his side as they went back up the stairs.

Miles glanced back at the messy living room and kitchen on the way up his chest tightening.

He felt ashamed.

He'd do better.

He and Miles made it to Miles's room.

Willow was tucked into his bed already, and Reggie was sleeping peacefully in the crib.

Miles got in carefully letting Damien tuck himself into his side.

The twins were only thirteen.

They were still babies.

He played with Damien's hair noting the way the other boy was clinging to his shirt.

With his other arm, he pulled Willow close as he tried to fight back tears.

Miles didn't sleep anymore, he did relax when he felt Damien's breathing slow into a sweet slumber.


The only good thing about this morning was that it was Friday.

Miles loved Fridays.

The weekend he could just spend with the kids.

Not having to deal with the endless temper tantrums of his younger siblings.

The littles did not like their various daycare and schools.

Miles couldn't blame them.

He didn't even like his school. Maybe he'd like it more if his school wasn't such a shit show. He took a long sip from his Red Bull.

Parker would kill him if he saw him drinking it but Miles needed it. These last few weeks his sleep was practically non existent. Besides the few hours he got in classes.

He was ready to get today done and over with. With hopefully no more crying.

"Oooo Red Bull. I've never had one." Luke popped up beside Miles making him crack a smile. The blonde boys hair was down. His chocolate eyes looking at the container curiously. His outfit was simple jeans and a blue polo. He looked good. Something Miles noticed was that these guys were always nicely dressed.

Miles tipped it towards him, "I don't mind sharing sugar," he smiled brightly as Luke matched his pace. They walked side by side and Miles didn't mind the company.

Luke was funny.

The brown-eyed boy looked eager as he moved forward grasping the can and taking a large sip. His eyes widened, "it tastes like licorice!" He chirped brightly.

Miles couldn't help but smile widely. "It gives you a real good kick in the booty!" He nodded brightly "I've got a few in my bag you can have that one if ya like."

He had picked them up after dropping off the  little kids.

Luke happily accepted it holding it like it was the grandest gift he'd ever received. It was adorable. Luke didn't see the small smile that curved on to Miles's lips. Luke was pretty cute.

As they walked into their first class Kota and the others had already claimed their spots.

A bag on a chair for both Miles and Luke made his heart warm. It was such a simple gesture and honestly Miles wasn't sure how to express how much it meant to him.

It was odd having someone look out for him in such a simple manner.

Kota's eyes zeroed in on the can in Luke's hand.

A frown slowly tipped across his lips as Luke bounced bounding over to his desk, "Hi-"

"Who gave Luke Red Bull?"

Miles gave a coy grin blinking at Kota. He slowly raised his hand he was met with wide eyed stares from Kota, Corey and Gabe.

"I've heard Red Bull gives you wings but I've drank a bunch and haven't received any yet. Dami says it's 'cause I'm a devil but I don't have any horns."

Kota pulled his backpack from Miles's desk blinking at the boy.

"Red Bull is amazing," Luke said staring at the can in awe.

"Red Bull is terrible for you," Corey commented looking at it with a disapproving face. "Plus Brandon won't let me drink it..."

"Red Bull doesn't affect me anymore. I think it's ingrained into my blood," Miles took a long sip. His fingers danced across the table his eyes shifting across the room. "Corey I can be your red bull dealer-"

"Can you be mine?" Luke asked poking Miles shoulder.

Kota was in the desk next to Miles, Corey was in front of Miles turning to face him, Gabe was on the right side of Miles and Luke was behind him.

"No and no," Kota said firmly Miles frowned at the boys quick response.

"I think it helps me," Miles said seriously, "Although it makes my heart beat fast."

"That's not good." Corey said slowly, "How many do you drink a day-"

"bah!" Miles blew a raspberry in response, Corey and Kota kept pestering him but realized quickly Miles was not answering.

"Oy Mile I love your outfit!" Gabe's deep baritone voice had Miles blinking surprised.

He glanced down at his outfit a happy smile coming to his lips.

He was wearing a blue long-sleeve denim polo button-down. It was rolled up to his elbows, a pair of white jeans that were slightly baggy.

He matched them with a pair of white vans his usual rings and necklaces tied the outfit together. He attempted to cover up his bruised head but the cut was turning into an ugly color.

He realized maybe putting makeup on it wasn't the best idea.

So he flopped his hair so it was parted the opposite way to cover it up a little bit more. He'd never hear the end of it from his twins.

"Where'd you get that bruise from?" Gabriel asked making Miles blink.

Gabe didn't hesitate though reaching out and taking his wrist gently.

He turned it slightly and Miles winced.

Stupid dolls.

He remembered barely hitting something hard when leaving the bathroom.

He knew he caught the corner of the object but he didn't expect it to look so red and vibrant. The mark was ugly.

He did bruise so easily

"I tripped," Miles sighed moving to roll his sleeves down to cover it up.

He sat back into his chair a slight frown on his face.

He needed to clean the house.

That ashamed feeling washed back over him making him glance down.

He couldn't believe how embarrassed he was.

Avery thought he was a total slob and-

"You sure trip a lot," Luke commented slowly.

Miles glanced up catching the other's sharing a look.

"Do you want to ice it?" Corey asked quickly making Miles glance away from Luke.The boy was giving him a sad look. "It looks like it hurts."

"I'm fine," Miles defended quickly. "I don't need any ice. I bruise like super easy."

He tugged his arm sleeves again clearing his throat as Ms. Johnson came in.

"Settle down class-"

Miles felt eyes on him in class and he couldn't help the odd frown that covered his lips throughout it.

"On a serious note," Gabe whispered leaning to Miles, "how many of those do you drink a day?"

Miles leaned close to him, "Gabe I will never tell."

"North is going to kill you." Gabe said back eyes wide, "hell I might,"

"Let the moose try," Miles rolled his eyes pulling the red bull close to his chest. "No one's taking away my baby."

"You have a problem," Corey stated.

"I'll have a problem with you," Luke whispered loudly.

Kota shushed the group, "Stop talking and listen." He paused, "And don't make me ban Red Bull."

Psst. Kota couldn't take away his Red Bull if he tried. Still he held the can closely to his chest for the rest of class.

Just as a safety precaution.


In geometry, he stuck with Alexis and Becca.

Ignoring North, Brandon and Nathan like a hawk. He never understood that saying but his dad said it a lot.

It was awkward but North was glaring daggers at him so he didn't dare try to attempt to say hi two the other boys. Still the whole thing was his fault...he couldn't help stealing a few glances there way during class.

But that wasn't a big deal. He was bored. He frowned as the teacher gave them more homework. He was starting to fall behind in that class.

Why did he even need geometry? He had found his eyes closing several times. The only thing that saved him was Alexis and Becca poking him during class. He'd catch himself and try and focus but geometry sucked.

Like seriously? What was the purpose of it? To torture high schoolers?

Miles would use a calculator for any math he needed.

Or a Parker. Parker was great at math.

The homework he did have and was ready to give was for Biology. Which he happily skipped to after leaving the god awful Geometry class.

He went straight to Mr. Toma he couldn't help the puff of pride in his chest.

He stopped at the man's desk a wide smile across his face. Mr. Toma glanced up at him and Miles couldn't help the way his breath hitched.

That was one handsome man.

What was with all these hot new teachers?

The man before him couldn't be that old.

The early twenties tops.

He was wearing a pretty blue shirt with a matching tie.His glasses were off letting Miles's catch his eyes more clearly.

They were almond shaped. An dark too. Almost so dark that Miles couldn't tell if they were black. They were serious and curious and when the light hit his eyes Miles realized they were a dark brown.

They were pretty.

His tanned skin looked slightly darker making Miles wonder if he spent some time outside.

"Hi Miles," Mr. Toma greeted him kindly his head titled as he looked at the boy.

Miles grinned wildly waving his papers in the air. "I got the homework for you!" he chirped brightly.

Mr. Toma's lips twitched up into an almost smile.

Miles was disappointed he didn't get anything bigger.

"Thank you, Miles."

"...That's it?" Miles's smile turned into a frown as he gaped at Mr. Toma. "I don't like a gold star of anything?"

The man before him snorted tilting his head, "Do you want a gold star?" He asked sincerely.

Miles nodded vigorously, "Who wouldn't?"

"Go take a seat, Miles."

Mr. Toma shook his head as the bell rang standing up from his desk.

Miles frowned bouncing slightly on his heels as he moved to the back of the classroom. truthfully he didn't know anyone in this class and he was okay with that.

His social battery was starting to be wiped out most days. He just needed some time and was struggling to find that.

As Mr. Toma spoke Miles pulled out his phone his hands hovering over Augustus' number.

The text there was filled with voice memos back and forth.

The last one Miles sent was before their parents died.

They'd exchanged some phone calls and spoke at the funeral but...that was about it.

Miles swallowed debating reaching out.

As he started to recall the events that led to them not speaking Miles locked his phone. A tight feeling crossed his chest. He scratched at his arm feeling a little out of place.

The rest of Biology went by in a flash.

Miles was honestly surprised he collected the homework and gave a soft smile to Mr. Toma before heading to family consumer science. The class always lifted his day the bad morning classes getting out of his head as he goofed around with the boys.

They had been a group since the first day. Victor, Luke, Marc and Miles. Miles had been a bit distant but know was turning himself around and chatting more sense there hang out session.

He was trying to keep Lach's words in mind as he chatting and shared more with them. Friends didn't have to be bad. Right?

"You're going to burn yourself," Victor grabbed his hand pulling his sleeve away from the lit stovetop. "Good gracious-"

Victor was interesting. He was funny and a little quiet. Miles and he hadn't gotten to talk too much besides some quick exchanges but he enjoyed the other's presence.

Something about him was just...comforting.

It was strange.

"Oops. LOL."

"...You did not just use an acronym for laughing," Marc stated a disgusted look on his face.

Victor chimed in, "Why are we brushing past that this is the third time Miles has almost burnt himself. I'm concerned."

"Sh." Miles patted Victor's head despite being the same height as the boy.

"S'okay."Lucian laughed, "You are a klutz aren't you?"

"No," Miles whined, "I'm not. Stop it."

Lucian and Victor laughed. Marc had an amused smile.

"It's okay will protect you. But we're protecting ourselves from not letting you do any of the pancake mix. You're a bad cook." Victor stated, "Seriously Miles. Terrible."

"This little trio group of yours is abusive I feel emotionally abused."

Miles stated before turning to Victor, "Cake me!"Victor's lips twitched as he plated Miles a pancake. Miles brightened.

Marc groaned, and Luke kept making more pancakes.

He couldn't help but smile as he and Victor watched as Marc and Luke fought over who would make the last of the pancakes.

Their bickering was so familiar and easy.

You could tell they were close and it made Miles wonder how they become friends. It was even more amusing though because Luke was being more bouncing and persistent likely because of the Red Bull. He was like a toddler.

The rest of the class was filled with more jokes and quips.

The four of them walked together before Miles parted ways to go to his study hall. Instead of working on homework with Miss Jane. He worked by himself counting the minutes until lunch.

He was feeling slightly anxious since the women still wasn't helpful at all. The whole point of there one on one session was to be beneficial to Miles and yet he was struggling. She didn't spend any of there study halls working with him and he was starting to flounder.

How was he going to keep this up?

He was trying to remind himself that Augustus would be coming soon. An while they had issues at least when he moved back Miles could put more time into his studies. He just had to be patient.

As soon as the bell rang he moved to get the to cafeteria as fast as he could. Quickly working to collect lunch for the twins and dropping it off to them.

He liked knowing that they for sure were getting food. Parker had spent a lot of summer skipping meals and it made him nervous.

He was noticing more over the last week the slight thinning of his face. Damien and him were always the same size. Lean and lanky but Parker was looking more and more like a shell of his past self.

Miles was trying to make sure they were taken care of but he was having a hard time. He found the twins easily before heading to his favorite spot by his tree.

He was going to take advantage of it for as long as he could before winter made it too cold to eat in the courtyard. "Why the fuck did you give my brother Red Bull? He's bouncing like a maniac." North grunted stopping Miles in his mission to his favorite lunch spot.

Behind him was the rest of there ever their large friend group. The group ironically was pretty close to his favorite spot.

Some of them were sitting on the grass, but most were taking over the lunch table.

Besides North who was glaring at him his large frame easily towering over Miles. 

Miles struggled to keep track of them all. "Hi, Miles!" Luke chirped loudly, he was shushed by Marc but the boy was merely bouncing in his seat.

"If I was a vampire I'd drink someone's blood and mix it with Red Bull," Miles said moving and sitting on top of the table the rest of the group was gathered at, he grabbed another can from his backpack letting out a loud yawn as he moved so he was sitting cross cross applesauce on the table.

His eyes shifted across the courtyard. "Hm."

The twins weren't sitting together. He had given them their lunch but it looks like they instantly moved apart from each other afterwards.

He couldn't help but take note of their distance. He'd keep an eye on it. The twins were always attached at the hip.

He wondered what they were fighting about to cause a shift in their dynamic.

"...Miles that's a weird thing to think about," Marc commented pausing as the group turned toward him.

"I love it."

"What would a zombie be like on Red Bull?" Nathan questioned seriously looking lost in thought. Maybe Nathan was cool. He got on board with Miles weird headspace.

"Fucking terrifying." Gabriel said, "What if they moved at a human pace? Like a mom's speed walk."

"No, I don't think they'd get that fast. Maybe an elderly person walk." Corey commented offhandly scratching his head. "Moms speed walk fast."

"A dad walk?" Victor asked quietly.

He got a chorus of no's as Miles grinned.

"I would like to see a zombie strut on a runway. Like what would their fashion sense be?" He cooed clasping his hands almost spilling some of the Red Bull on Silas who was sitting half next to him. "Ah!"

"Ah!" Silas laughed shaking his head. "Those are no good for you."

He hadn't talked to Miles too much to Silas.

The boy was a bronzed god and was the size of a giant.

He and the twins easily toppled over Miles and the boy didn't realize it till seeing them all together.

Miles always thought he was tall but these guys must have eaten something crazy growing up. He gave Silas another look. He was probably the quietest person in their group.

At Kota's house, Miles realized the pair shared health class.

Silas had been protective of Miles when Greg was being a dick. Honestly, Miles felt very uncomfortable in that class and hadn't been paying attention to it much since.

He just counted the minutes until class was over.

"You're missing the important point!" Miles poked his nose as North grumbled sitting down next to Silas glaring at Miles.

Victor was closest to Miles sitting directly in front of the boy.

Miles waved brightly and Victor smiled waving back amused.

Beside him was Brandon and Corey.

Kota sat on the opposite side.Behind him were Nathan and Gabriel.

Luke went from sitting to bouncing smiling brightly.

Miles smirked.

North's glare deepened.

"Would zombies wear the outfits of their victims as kinda a chic turning point? Or would they-"

"They would for sure fashion guts." Gabriel shuttered, "I can already see brain hats-"

"This conversation is stupid," North grunted.

"Your face is stupid," Miles poked the big moose's chest.

"That's not nice," Silas frowned giving Miles a sad look. His voice was deep and quickly protective.

It reminded Miles of how he sounded when he was protecting Miles. He didn't like being on Silas's bad side. The boy looked disappointed.

Why did that make him feel bad?

"I didn't say I was nice," Miles shot back, "I said I was Miles."

"That doesn't even-" North shook his head. "But sure go ahead. Now choose to be friends and all buddy-buddy-"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"To be fair you have been hot and cold," Brandon added rubbing the back of his neck. "Yesterday you were kinda being rude to North."

"Guys why don't we all take a breath," Victor said finally looking up from his phone. His eyes were wide as he glanced between Miles, North, Brandon, and Silas.

"Oh, he does as he snores through classes," North commented and Miles blushed. He had fallen asleep in his classes. Even with the Red Bull he had found his eyes fading in geometry. He tried to stay awake but it was boring and he was struggling.

He hadn't meant to it's just been hard-"That's what I got this for," Miles chirped giving North a big smile. "I'll take my naps as I please thank you very much."


"What Kota?" North boomed his eyebrow twitching. "I'm sorry if I don't want to be friends with someone who doesn't even respect the classes he's in or the environments. All he does is goof and fuck around."

"Good thing I didn't ask you how I should be acting in classes," Miles stated narrowing his eyes. he didn't know why he kept getting that snippy tone around North.

"When you even bother to show up. One week in and you've skipped, acted like a fool, and fallen asleep in class." North commented taking a sip of his water. "Your real mature."

Miles didn't show the way that the comment hurt his heart.

He had been a dick to North. He'd just been going through it. Unfairly he took it out on the other guy.

Too bad Miles was now heated in the conversation and his thoughts weren't processing how they had been the previous day.

"Right 'cause you're so mature! You were wearing glitter in the mall!" He could almost see the vein popping out of North's head.

"Glitter you threw at me!" North growled as some of the other's cringed. Gabe had a hand covering his face but he was peaking between his fingers back and forth between the pair.

Miles blinked, "Oh yeah." He laughed lightly rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Brandon gaped at him like he was completely baffled as to how Miles could forget that.

"You are a  child!" North barked darkly.

"Hey! I'm eighteen! I'm legal." Miles nodded his head sipping his Red Bull. "Thank you very much!"

"You sitting crisscross apple sauce in the middle of a lunch table." North spat out, "Can you get rid of that and drink some water damn it!"

North took the Red Bull and Miles gasped leaping towards the mouse before being pulled back and into the middle of Nathan and Gabriel.

He watched as his red bull was splashed spilling out of the can as North ripped the drink away. He leaned over and grabbed Luke's too but the boy was bouncing so much he didn't even notice.

"MY CHILD!" Miles wailed throwing his arms back dramatically. "MY CHILDS GUTS ARE ALL OVER THE TABLE-"

His mouth was covered by Nathan's hand who looked half concerned and amused.

"...oh my god." Corey whispered his eyes flickering back and forth. "he took the red bull-"

"he took the red bull," Gabe repeated as he squeezed Miles shoulder. "the red bull he probably didn't even need..."

Nathan let go of his mouth and Miles instantly spoke.

"Take that back," Miles whispered to Gabe. "That was my child."

"If your child is a red bull I'm concerned who the mother is," Nathan commented an amused look on his face as he glanced to the white haired boy.

They had gained the attention of several of the tables around them who were all now staring at their group.

"Can everyone quiet down," Kota shook his head, "We're going to get in trouble."

North looked proud a victorious smile coming to his face.

Brandon looked disturbed.

Silas looked utterly lost...and Miles was wrenched.

"You have already had a few Red Bull today it's not healthy." Kota commented a frown coming across his cute face. Miles didn't care about that

"Do you have any lunch?"Miles blinked at Nathan's question.

"Oh. No. I'm not hungry." He turned back to North, "and another thing-"

"Miles." Victor quickly cut Miles off before the pair could get into another argument.

"You should eat something. I don't think you can live off just energy drinks." He paused. "And a single pancake that you took one bite of before throwing at Marc's back."

"You said you didn't throw it at me Miles," Marc gaped at the boy shaking his head. "Betrayal."

"Why?" Miles asked blinking at Victor. "...I-"

Victor opened and closed his mouth turning to Kota. "I-you handle this one I-I'm going to the bathroom." As he walked away Miles heard him grumbling about burns and Red Bull.

"Here." Brandon took half of his sandwich and handed it to Miles. He grabbed an apple from his back pack setting it in front of the smaller boy.

"Eat." Miles blinked poking the apple. It rolled across the table into North's lap.

The moose didn't move to grab it he merely barred his teeth at Miles.

"...Are you trying to antagonize him?" Corey asked shaking his head, he picked up the apple quickly setting it directly in Miles's hands.

Brandon shook his head as Miles went to open his mouth, "Eat." He grabbed a bottle of water setting it in front of him.

Miles frowned as conversations took place around him.

He ate a bite of the sandwich using his other hand to run his fingers through his hair. He winced as he touched the bruise. "That looks pretty bad-" Luke started to say.

The bell rang and Miles jumped up from the lunch table.

He quickly handed Brandon the remainder of the sandwich which he only took one bite from. Brandon looked confused and a little disturbed to be handed the food.

Miles didn't wait to say anything else to the group as he took off rushing to his health class.

That friend group was strange.

He moved through the halls like a madman. Bouncing between people ducking and running through the school.

He would have made it into class at a record past had he not bumped into a hard chest. He blinked as two hands came to steady his arms stopping him in his tracks.

"Woah there take a minute there's no race going on." The pretty voice paused amusement laced in its tone, "Or is there? Please don't tell me there's a fire?"

Miles snorted glancing up at the curly-haired blonde. Mr. Green his health teacher.

The man was stunning too. Miles spent most of their health drawing little doodles of the pretty teacher. He was honestly pretty good at health and well he spent a lot of time zoning in and out he did a very good job of catching up.

Miles wasn't worried about the class at all. So not worried he spent the first week sleeping in it. To be fair he had a really hard first week. An he really struggled with sleep.

"No fire." Miles stated grinning at the blonde, "unless were both unaware of it. Then we're going to probably burn and die."

"Pretty dark there-"

"Well, you Brought up the fire."

"It's not my fault you were running as your life depended on it," Mr. Green teased a playful look in his eye. "Go take a seat. An try and pay attention in class-"

Miles started to retort but Mr. Green shot him that stupid teacher look that told him not to. At least with all the Red Bull he wouldn't be sleeping today.

Sadly for him, he was bouncing the whole class.

Again from the Red Bull...

"Your very jumpy," Silas commented making Miles blink.

Miles cleared his throat surprised the boy was talking to him, "Uh aren't you supposed to pay attention?" He whispered back turning his head back slightly to glance at the boy.

Silas gave him an amused look. "You've listened?"

Miles flushed, "We're not talking bout me," He shot back making Silas grin.

The grin turned into a puzzled look making Miles tilt his head.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something in my teeth?"

Silas snorted but the sad look in his eyes stayed, "Why don't you like North?" He asked curiously his eyes flickering over Mile's features.

Miles couldn't help the way his chest tightened. Why didn't he like North?

First, the boy had rubbed him the wrong way taking his chest. He was just so stubborn. Then the teacher made Miles out to look like a fool.

And then Miles and him actually were semi-okay at the mall and then Miles just messed it all up and now they kept-The bell rang and Miles cleared his throat.

"I-I don't know." He admitted before moving out of the classroom.

He didn't bother to turn around he bumped briefly into Greg who sneered at him but Miles moved away before he could say anything more.

Maybe Miles was just a bad person and that's why he and North weren't getting along. It soured his mood. The rest of his classes were fine. Miles easily bounced back from his soured mood. Photography he lied and said he was going to take photos around the school.

Easily hiding out in the bathroom until he had gym.

Which was fine.

Nothing crazy.

He didn't have the energy to work out so when their gym teacher-the hot Russian wasn't looking he would stop and just goof around the group of guys.

They asked if he could hang out after school but he denied saying he had plans.

They took it easily and it made Miles feel better.  He was just heading to his locker after leaving the gym to grab a couple of his things before leaving for the day.

The hallways were almost empty everyone rushing out. Seemed like everyone was excited for the weekend. Miles was feeling slightly overwhelmed he had just made it up the staircase and to his locker when he was shoved harshly into a row of lockers.

He couldn't help the big breath of air that escaped his lips at impact.

He quickly stood up rolling his shoulder, before he could even get a chance to look and see who touched him but before he could even blink he was being held up and pressed against the lockers by three bodies.

The metal dug into his skin making him want to bite his lip. His shoulder's and forearms were being pressed in and when he wiggled they pushed even harder.

"Hello Greggory, would you mind taking a breath mint before breathing in my face?" Miles scrunched his nose, trying to tilt it away from the boy. "You smell like a bad garbage can."

Greg and his goons all snarled.

The boy before him barred his teeth his eyes dark as he gave Miles a once-over.

"Checking me out? I hope you know I'd never go for you-" Greg gave a harsh punch to his gut making Miles gasp as he moved trying to wiggle out of their grips.

He boxed as a form of workout but Miles wasn't great with actual fighting. It made his stomach squirm. Sadly he's come home with his fair share of bruises and school fights. It didn't help that despite not liking the altercations if he saw other's getting bullied he'd step in.

It usually left him with a pretty big target on his back.

His mouth tended to get him into a lot of trouble to so that never helped.

That's at least what his momma always said.

"You know fag, I see you're hanging around a new friend group this year." Greg seethed out, "Don't make that think that you can get away from me."

"Oh no," Miles stated dryly tilting his head as he stopped wiggling.

Their grips tightened on his hands and upper arms and he immediately regretted his choice.

"I know you are jealous of my style but,"Greg punched him hard in the mouth making Miles's head hit the back of the locker. He groaned as he bit his Tongue blood drawing in his mouth. Miles couldn't help but zone out as Greg started stating more slurs to him.

It hit too close to home.

Greg and his goons were letting up there punches. Normally Miles did a better job of defending himself. At least protecting himself from his hits.

Right now he just let them come.

He was tired.

To tired to fight.

To tired to block out the noses.

At some point he had ended up on his knees. One good kick to the side left him falling onto the ground. They took the opportunity to land more kicks to his body.

The phrases reminded him too much of-

"Hey, what the hell is going on out here!" A loud voice boomed across the hall. There was a loud smack against the locker, "Get off him now!"

The pain of numerous kicks hitting his stomach made him let out harsh groans but he didn't block them. Not one.

His mind just blanked and-

"Miles you okay?" It took Miles a minute to recognize the voice. He blinked up finding it was Mr. Toma who was looking down at him. He blinked again looking at either side of him for Greg and his goons but instead he just found the dark eyes teacher.

"Peachy." Miles's voice was deep. Tiredness and pain laced throughout it. He didn't remember Greg and his goons leaving.

He couldn't remember half of what they said. He was pretty sure that's because his own mind took him to places he struggled to forget.

"Come on let's get you up," Miles winced and groaned as Mr. Toma helped sit him up. He managed to stand his hands coming to wrap around his stomach. "Can you hear me?"

Miles didn't respond. Mr. Toma's grip tightened on his arm and he grunted something under his breathe.

Miles didn't say anything instead he just let Mr. Toma led him down the hall. He felt like he was in a daze.

He wasn't sure where they were going his mind was distant. Miles was taking in sharp breaths as he tried not to cry. Each step felt atrocious and his knee felt buckled. Whatever injury he got from the skateboard felt worse as he leaned into Mr. Toma's side.

"Axel-what the-Miles-what happened?" Mr. Green's voice broke Miles out of his thought. He blinked a few times realizing he was in the nurse's office.

Mr. Green looked like he was going a hundred miles per minute as he moved Miles into the nurse's office trying to place him on the bed. Mr. Toma's grip was still firm on him, most of Miles weight was pressed into the man's side.

Mr. Green took to the other side and made a nose of frustration as Miles refused to sit.

Miles refused to sit moving away from both of their outreached arms.

"Miles-" Mr. Blackbourne's stern voice made his shoulders tense. He straightened feeling completely on guard around the three men.

When did the third teacher even get here?

His eyes flickered over Mr. Blackbourne and he couldn't help but note how he and Mr. Green were wearing similar outfits.

White shirts, navy blue slacks, different ties. Mr. Green's was grey and Mr. Blackbournes's was a light purple.

"Can you take a seat?" Mr. Green asked his voice lightly, "Geez what the hell happened there sugar plum?"

Sugar plum? Who was the last person to give him an endearing term? His mom or dad?"On the school bed?" Miles rebutted finally finding his voice, "Kids get sick on that thing'"

He couldn't help the way his southern accent deepened his eyes widening in a paranoid way. "Ain't no way-"

"You're not going to get sick sitting on a bed Miles," Mr. Toma stated giving him a look. "You just took a beating take a seat-"As Mr. Toma moved to gently usher Miles to sit the boy jumped spinning and landing behind Mr. Blackbourne.

The quick movement made him let out a yelp but he stayed firm. Mr. Toma and Mr. Green were looking at him with wide eyes.

He hid behind the man peeking out behind his shoulder. He watched as Mr. Blackbourne tensed his muscles turning his head to glance back at the shorter boy.

"People have colds and grossness comin' to the nurse's office!" Miles chirped his body tensed. He hated getting sick or being around sick people.

It left him freaking out and feeling like he couldn't completely get the sick off of his hands.

"No-"Mr. Green grabbed his spinning chair wheeling it in front of Miles. "butt in the chair-" He stated sternly. Miles gaped as the man used his shoulders to guide him into the chair.

"I can feel the illness in the air-I'm suing the school if I get sick."

"Okay Miles," Mr. Green chirped. He started moving to grab stuff and Miles shot the other two men in the room a confused look. "Where's the nurse-"

"I'm a doctor silly," Mr-Doctor Green winked at him his hands on his hips as he glanced down at Miles. "now tell me what happened?"

"Huh?" Miles repeated his mouth agape. The three men all tilted their heads as they glanced down at Miles. The boy couldn't help but feel utterly confused as he stared up at them.

"Did you hit your head?" Doctor Green asked and Miles touched the back of his head which had been slammed against the locker.


"Liar." Mr. Toma stated. Mr. Blackbourne was silent his eyes watching everything carefully making Miles feel dizzy.

"Where were you hit?"

"He was being kicked in the ribs when I found him," Mr. Toma said all three of the men's gazes darkened and Miles felt flushed and embarrassed.

"I-it wasn't that bad?" Miles defended.

Mr. Toma raised a single eyebrow. The frown on his face now seemed permanent and Miles didn't know how to take it. "Why were they hurting you?" Mr. Blackbourne asked and Miles immediately flushed.

What was it about these three that had him feeling so nervous and unsure? It's like Miles lost all ability to keep his cool. Miles shrugged staying silent.

He didn't want to admit that Greg had bullied him for years. Honestly, a few people at Ashley Water's had. It wasn't a big deal.

"Let's get back to that," Doctor Green stated quickly making Miles glance at him in relief. "I'm going to check your eyes. How's the back of your head?"

"I didn't-"

"Miles." He stated his voice firm. Miles scrunched his nose as he followed Doctor Green's directions as the men checked his eyes.

He admitted that the back of his head hurt slightly and he had a headache. The man nodded seriously giving Miles some medicine who accepted it easily.

The man took a look at his cheek which was red from when Greg got him in the face. His lip got hit slightly so it was sure to be puffy.

Bruised in a couple of days. At this point wasn't he just a mess of bruises? He glanced down at his shirt and noticed blood. He wondered where he was bleeding?

"Can I take a look at your ribs? I wanna make sure none of them are fractured."

Miles blushed, "I'm really fine I just lost my breath is all they didn't have me down long." he stated. All of this was too much.

What happened to when the nurse would just give you an ice pack and send you on your way?

"Miles-"His phone rang and Miles jumped he took in a sharp breath when he moved too fast his hand moving to clutch his stomach.

He didn't deter though as he picked up the phone quickly. "Hello?"

"Miles where the heck are you?" Damien stated, "We're going to be so late to soccer practice and the littles."

"Oh, mother hecker! I'm so sorry Dami!" Miles rushed he blinked a wave of guilt coursing over him. How in the hell could he forget about the kids? "Good gracious I- I'll be right there. I forgot something in my locker and I'll be right out."

"Miles." Doctor Green shot him a look. "Your not leaving yet. You need to sit."

Miles blinked a few times gaping at them. "Dami I'll be right there I'm just finding my keys-" he hung up the phone hoping out of the seat.

"Miles." Doctor Green repeated a concerned gaze in his eyes. "I really should finish checking you out."

" You just got the shit beat out of you." Mr. Tom finished Mr. Blackbourne shot him a look which he ignored. "Whoever you hanging out with can wait." His tone left no room for pushback.

To bad he hadn't met Miles he was the king of pushing buttons.

"My brothers have soccer practice." Miles winced as he moved grabbing his backpack. His eyebrows furrowed as he shuffled through it. "Where are my keys?"

"Miles you haven't even said how you're feeling." Doctor Green looked completely and utterly distraught, "Your bleeding and bruised and there's no way I'm letting you leave so put your tush right back down."

"I'm feeling like I ate a bad burrito," Miles scrunched his nose, "He always gets the worst spots-"

"Always?" Mr. Blackbourne stated his tone dark. Miles cringed but didn't say anything more. "Mr. Lightwood please sit back down. There's not even a possibility we're letting you leave until we can throughtly check over your injuries."

"Hey, Doctor Green, I had a question about todays assignment," Kota's voice made Miles jump glancing behind him. "Have you seen Mr. Blackbourne?"

The boy's green eyes widened as saw Miles state he rushed into the nurse's office. "Jesus Miles, what happened? Are you okay?"

"I can't find my keys," Miles complained as Kota gently set a hand on his shoulder making him jump.

"Your keys? Miles." Kota's voice was firm and did not leave room for Miles to say anything more. "What happened?"

"-Kota!" He only just realized it was either Brandon's or Corey's voice before the large giant stepped into the room.

Miles blew out a breath placing his hands on his hips. "Good gracious you guys are like ducklings Dami is right."

Doctor Green snorted and Mr. Toma pushed him back down into the swirling chair. Miles only then noticed his car keys in the man's hands making him open his mouth to complain.

"Miles are you okay?" It was Brandon. He could tell as he took in his eyes. They were sad and hurt and so different from Corey's that he was surprised more people couldn't tell them apart. "What the fuck happened? You look like you've been plummeted and dumped in a trash."

"Um that's rude," Miles blinked tilting his head, "I still look hot. Don't make me put on a trash bag?"

"What?" Mr. Blackbourne's nose scrunched his head titling as he looked perplexed.

"What the fuck," Brandon repeated his eyes dark. He turned to Mr. Toma, "What happened?"

"We're still trying to determine that," The man responded and Miles shook his head.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, good gracious you all are giving me whiplash." Miles blinked his hand coming to his chest. His heart felt too fast and his stomach really freaking hurt. "I really need to get the twins to soccer practice."

"I can take them, " Kota stated and Miles blinked going silent as he glanced up to the boy. He couldn't help the way his eyes widened.

"Oh no-"

"That's a great idea." Doctor Green stated a smile coming to his face. "And then I can finish giving you a once over."

"Really Miles it's okay," Kota said quickly, "is that alright with you?"The looks the other men in the room sent him made him realize he really didn't have a choice in the matter. He just needed to get this over with so he could get the littles.

The daycare closed late so he'd be fine getting Reggie. Willow, however.

He glanced at the clock. "Okay, can we just hurry this up," Miles stated his knee starting to bounce anxiously. "You can just drop them off okay? They can give you directions. I'll give you gas money."

"Be quiet," Brandon stated, "We don't want your money."

Kota took the confirmation and ran. Brandon insisted he would stay with Miles even at the other boy's statements that he was fine. Miles ended up lying down on the school bed despite several protests and fighting tooth and nail.

Mr. Toma stated he would give Miles a gold star and hand sanitizer and it left Miles laughing hard enough that he needed to lie down.

Once Miles was lying he started unbuttoning his shirt. He felt ridiculous under their prying eyes but he knew there was no getting out of this.

"I can't believe this blood is never going to come out of this shirt," Miles grumbled under his breathe his breathing still shallow. He didn't understand why it felt so hard to breathe.

"Gabe can take you shopping," Doctor Green said shaking his head.

His body may be lean but Miles was muscular, his chest was pale and smooth.

His stomach was toned abs adorning it.

As he slowly unbuttoned the shirt he made sure to keep the tattoo on his lower hips covered. It was a pretty quote that he wasn't wanting to share.

He shifted as his pants lowered slightly down his hips an awkward blush that went from his cheeks to his chest making him feel even more embarrassed. He hated being so pale. It made him seem even more flushed. Avery always liked teasing him about it.

Fuck his plans with Avery.

She was going to be so pissed he was late.

It was silent as Doctor Green cleared his throat moving forward to example his stomach. It was red, tender with each move Miles made. An gosh did it hurt.

"Well there snookums looks like you've had a pretty eventful first week. Ah-better choose your next words carefully. I'm a doctor you know I won't be afraid to issue a cure..."

Miles smiled a true smile. He wasn't sure what the cure was but the doctor was pretty and...

"Owwww," Miles cried, Doctor Green gave a sad smile.

He pressed his hands to his stomach and Miles grit his teeth so hard tears almost came to his eyes. Brandon moved to his side grabbing his hand and Miles took in a stuttering breath. Doctor Green gave him a sad look.

He asked some questions as he moved tenderly poking at Miles's stomach. "I think you have some bruised ribs there sugar. Your stomach is slightly swollen, will keep an eye on the color to see what kind of discoloration it has. You may still feel pain when you resting or moving. Icing is going to be important, keep taking medicine, I'll give you some cream. Slow breathing exercises-"

"I'm okay Doctor Green, really my momma's a doctor," Miles's breathed out taking in a sharp breath. "Side's I've had a lot worse bruising."

"Don't tell him that." Brandon shook his head, "don't tell me that. Jesus Miles, what happened?"

Miles waved him off as he moved slowly to sit up, buttoning up his shirt. "M'fine. Thanks for the save Mr. Toma."

"Miles are you sure you don't want to talk about what happened-"

"I really gotta get home," Miles stated waving them off. "Thank you though. Uh-"

"We need to call your parents." Mr. Blackbourne stated, "and Miles. We can either check the cameras for you too tell us who hurt you or you can tell us. Either way they're not getting away with this."

Miles blushed gaping at the man. He didn't even think Mr. Blackbourne liked him he wasn't sure why the man was pressing so hard over who hurt him.

"You really don't need to call my parent's there at work," Miles said so without thinking. He blinked a wave washing over him as he realized they weren't at work. He glanced to Brandon...he had made it seem like to the others they were alive. He felt too far in deep now to correct it.

This whole situation kept getting more and more sticky.

"I'll call and leave a message then," Mr. Blackbourne said firmly not letting it go. Miles shrugged not pressing. He still called his parent's phones when he wanted to hear there voices. His teacher calling wouldn't hurt.

"I don't think you should drive," Mr. Toma said giving a look to Brandon.

The boy quickly offered to give him a ride and Miles accepted. He didn't want to chance driving right now his knee was killing him too.

It was awkward for a moment as the older men glanced at him. All with various expressions on their faces. Miles felt overwhelmed and awkward.

"Miles." Mr. Blackbourne's gaze was hard. He was giving him a choice. Miles swallowed.

"It...was Greg," Miles said after a moment his gaze down cast. 

It was silent and Miles...Miles didn't want to say anything more to the teachers around him. Instead he found himself turning to Brandon with wide pleading eyes.

"Taxi?" Brandon snorted as he grabbed Miles's car keys from Mr. Toma the pair shared a look and Miles waved them goodbye as he quickly moved out of the room.

Before he even got a chance to put his backpack on Brandon was already swinging it over his shoulder. It was silent as they moved out of the school and to the parking lot. It took Miles longer than he expected to get there.

He had to take multiple breaks and he even ended up leaning on Brandon part of the way through.

"It's okay," Brandon reassured and Miles let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. This...was nice. He tried to look at Brandon discreetly before glancing away quickly.

The other boy was really nice. He didn't know why he was being protective of Miles when Miles hadn't been great to North...he did like the way Brandon was being protective over him though. It made his stomach feel fuzzy.

Once he finally got into the car Brandon buckled him.  It made Miles face turn even more red.

The move felt very intimate and Miles was shocked by it. Brandon didn't hesitate to sit in the driver's seat and take off.

It was only a moment out of the parking lot that Miles cleared his throat, "I um, am supposed to pick up my little siblings. My moms at work and.."

"Of course," Brandon gave him a small smile. Miles took out his phone listening to his voicemail. He had several missed calls from the school.

The voicemail just stated that Willow was waiting and they were making sure he was on the way. He quickly called back apologizing profusely and stating he was only a few minutes away. Next was a voicemail from Avery, his tulip.

He was disheartened to listen as she canceled their plans stating something came up with one of her friends. Miles couldn't be too mad because he had missed one too many things between him and her.

Still, it just felt like after yesterday they were going to try better.

"You okay?" Brandon asked quietly his sad eyes matching Miles's expression. Miles nodded and Brandon glanced at him curiously.

"What happened?" Miles toyed with the bottom of his shirt, "Greg doesn't like that I'm a little fruity." He snorted that wave of guilt crossed over him again. "Maybe that's his excuse at least. I think he'd find one reason or another to single anyone out."

Brandon's tight grip on the wheel, "Has he singled you out often?"

A twisted smile came to Miles's lips as a laugh escaped his breath, He couldn't help but cringe as he grabbed his stomach. "More time then I'd like to admit."

"You don't deserve to be treated that way," Brandon spoke seriously and Miles shrugged. They both were quiet.


Miles glanced to the blonde twin, Brandon glanced over to him too and Miles tilted his head. "What is your deal with North?"

"I don't know," Miles admitted shifting, "I think he just really knows how to get on my nerves and I keep saying the wrong thing."

Brandon frowned, "He's not so bad...I used to think he was a dick to."

Miles chuckled, "I think he just happens to catch me in bad moments and I've...taken it out on him. Wrongly. I'm just going through a little something right now."

Brandon nodded slowly, "Do you want to be our friend? I don't understand you."

"I don't understand me either," Miles said lowly he swallowed, "I do think I'd like to try being your guys's friend though. Maybe we can have a re do?"

Brandon gave him a small smile, "I think we could do that."

They sat in silence after that. Miles mumbled directions here and there. He knew the way to his sisters school like the back of his hand.

Miles pointed out the school and Brandon quickly parked in the empty lot.

"Did you want me to come in?" Brandon asked.

  "Um," Miles licked his lips.

He didn't want to ask for help. But his brain was all over the place. Brandon took that as his cue and came around to Miles door. The other man stayed by his side as they moved into the school.

They had to wait to get buzzed in and Miles took the time to apologize to Brandon again. The other boy rolled his eyes waving him off but Miles still felt guilty.

When the door finally clicked  Miles couldn't help the tears that sprang to his eyes as he took in Willow.

The poor girl was sitting in her seat. Her backpack clutched in her lap tears streaming down her face. Her hair was back in a loose braid. A pretty bow tied to the back of it. Her eyes were downcast and her leg was bouncing.

The receptionist was by her side holding out a tissue that was ignored. Miles quickly moved ignoring Brandon's outstretched hand as he dropped to his knees in front of his baby sister.

"Oh, princess I'm so sorry I'm so late," It wasn't a moment later that Willow threw her arms around his neck. Her body moved so fast into Miles that he felt a hiss escaping his lips. Her body shook as she held onto him. He stroked her hair.

The actions almost killed him he did everything to keep from groaning. He ignored the pain as he took in his little sister.

He hated Greg for making him late.

"Oh my sweet pea," He pressed so many kisses to her head. "I am so sorry!"

"Miles," The sweet receptionist glanced at him a concerned look, "Oh dear, Miles..."

"There was a fight at school," Brandon informed her quietly shooting a curious look to Willow and Miles. He ignored the boy whispering a thousand sorries into the little girl's ear. She didn't let go of Miles and Miles didn't dare make her.

He struggled briefly to get up and winced as she wrapped her little legs around his stomach. Brandon shot him a glance opening his mouth but Miles shook his head. He talked briefly to the receptionist, apologizing profusely.

She just gave him a concerned look and a sad eye. It wasn't the first time he picked up his sister in bruises. As they left the school Brandon kept shooting him looks but Miles ignored them talking to his sister.

He sat in the back with her moving her car seat to the middle. He then gave Brandon directions to Reggie's daycare. Thankfully the two were fairly close.

The car ride was painful. Miles was trying not to showcase just how much Willows actions hurt him.

Willow had finally stopped crying but now she was shooting shy glances to Brandon. She hadn't met any other people his age. Parker and Dami's friends. Not Miles though. Only Lach and Avery. She was shy more so since their parent's deaths.

"Alright Willow," Miles spoke so both parties in the car could hear him. "This is Brandon. We like Brandon. If your nice he'll give you a sandwich."

Brandon snorted glancing at him in the mirror. Miles smirked winking at the boy.

Willow didn't glance up at either of them holding on tight to Miles's shirt.

"Is it okay if you sit in your seat with Brandon? I gotta go get Reggie." Willow glanced up shaking her head.

"We can play music?" Brandon said softly his voice extra gentle. It took a lot of coaxing, she didn't glance at all at the other boy. She did however perk up when Miles suggested rolling down the window and looking out it for him.

He even had Brandon pull up closer to the doors so she could watch him the whole way. He made sure despite his labored breathing to take quicker steps. Reggie was crying when he got there. It seemed like both kids were terrible when their schedules even remotely changed. He quickly picked his brother up and grabbed his diaper bag.

He listened as the daycare walked him through the boy's day. They sent him curious looks because of his bruised face but Miles waved it off. He just wanted to get home. He still had to get the twins after practice. He apologized for the change of time.

They're open till 5 though so they assured him it was no worries. He moved to the car the pep in his step completely gone. Reggie was still crying and Willow had tears lining her eyes.

He hushed them both his breathing still ragged. He quickly buckled up Reggie as Brandon asked if he needed any help. The minute he sat back down Willow curled back into his side. Reggie's screams echoed in the car. Miles couldn't say a word as Brandon started driving.

He kept looking back into the seat his mouth opening and closing as if he was struggling for words. Miles merely shot him tired smiles each time.

He was surprised as they pulled into Kota's driveway his mouth popping open. Brandon was out of the car and to his side helping him out before he could even say anything. Willow was tugging on his shirt wanting to be held.

Reggie's cries were loud and making Miles's headache worse.

"Kota came back here after dropping the twins off like you said, we figured we could hang out and help watch your siblings before picking back up the twins. We can do dinner here." Brandon stated slowly, "If that's okay?"Miles normally would push back but as Reggie's cries grew louder he couldn't help but shrug moving to grab Willow's hand as he closed the door.

He and Brandon moved to Reggie's side Miles scooped the boy up as Brandon grabbed all three of their bags. Miles's pace was slow as he walked to the door. It popped open Victor, and Kota there making him blink.

Victor's mouth opened as he took in Miles form. It looked like he had a million things to say but as he took in the little girl beside Miles he kept his mouth shut.

They blinked back glancing at Miles with a crying baby and a tearful little girl. He gave them a tired smile as Kota motioned for them to come in. Brandon's hand was on the back of his shoulder squeezing it lightly.

Miles hesitated slightly but Brandon squeezed again ushering him forward and leading them to the living room. Willow stayed glued to him as she glanced back and forth at all the faces. Miles melted into the couch as he bounced Reggie in his lap.

Each movement made him wince. He couldn't help but hold back a sharp gasp as Willow hopped up jumping into his side.

"Willow," The girl looked startled immediate tears coming to her eyes as Brandon said her name. It made the large giant's eyes widen in shock as the girl started crying too. "No-I'm sorry don't cry I-" he gave Miles a panicked look.

Miles merely brushed the girl's hair. "Darlin he's not that ugly to look at whatcha tearing for?" He teased his tone tired and playful. "What's those tears for?"

Willow stayed silent moving into his chest. Tears falling down her face. Miles was struggling, on one hand he felt terrible for bringing her into an environment she wasn't comfortable in.

On the other hand he needed help. Even if it was in the form of company.

Reggie finally calmed down as Miles brushed his back.

Miles sighed as he shifted uncomfortably. The other's all moved hovering around the trio. They looked like they were floundering completely unsure what to do or say.

"Willow wanna meet my friends?" He questioned poking the girl in the side, "Psst. Psst." He carefully moved standing up making the girl whine.

He shot her a look and she quieted sitting on the couch. Miles glanced around the room grabbing a couple of pillows. Reggie's crying made him fall asleep. He'd have to wake him up in a little bit to eat but he could set him on the couch for a moment. That boy loved being held. He plucked two pillows on the opposite side of Willow, moving them so He could place them on either side of Reggie on the couch.

The boy's soft breathing stayed and Miles relaxed. He kept a hand on the boy's back.

"Willow," He tilted the girl's chin up wiping away her tears. "This is Kota, Victor, and you know Brandon. Ya'll is car buddies."

Willow glanced at each boy her big eyes wide as she took them in. "Hi Willow," Kota pushed up his glasses a friendly smile on his face, "Nice to meet you."

Willow stared.

Kota cleared his throat as Victor tried, "Hi Willow," His voice was almost softer, "How old are you?"

Miles glanced to the girl poking her cheek, "She's 7 ain't that right lil dove?" He playfully twirled her hair and she swatted his hand away shooting him a look. "Mh, someone's sassy today."She glared pursing her lips as she shot him a look.

"What?" Miles frowned taking in her stare. "Your mad I was late?"Willow's reached up her hands softly gazing at the bottom of his chin.

He winced and her eyes widened as she shot a panicked look to the others. Miles cleared his throat before they could speak, "I know I know, on the way to you I got into a pretty serious fight with a group of ninjas."

Victor let out a loud surprised laugh, well Brandon was watching him concerned. Willow pursed her lips tilting her head and crossing her arms.

Miles nodded vigorously, "Seriously tiger, it was crazy they were attacking me with water balloons and mangos-"The little girl let out a small laugh and Miles instantly perked. "And one of them had a bubble machine. Like seriously. I still don't know why he filled it with honey though." Miles looked away thoughtful.

Willow laughed more and he instantly warmed. She finally shook her head shooting him a look. He offered her a warm smile, "I got into a teensy little nasty brawl at school." Miles finally stated watching as the smile left her face. Willow was a smart kid. While he didn't like sharing ugly truths with her she was too smart for her own good.

"Now don't make that face. These guys helped me out a bit and a couple of nice teachers."

Willow shot a glance to the boy's again her eyes still weary. Brandon moved so he was kneeling. He was still taller than the small girl.

But he was more on her level, "Miles has a few bumps and bruises though. That means we have to be extra gentle. No jumping and helping him. Do you think you can help Miles if we're not around?"Willow gave a determined nod shaking her head at Brandon.

It was the first thing he said that she responded to. Brandon smiled patting her leg timidly. Willow turned to him turning his head back and forth.

Miles snorted, "I don't need a check up Willow." The girl ignored him shooting him a questioning look as she waved her hand.

She didn't sign because she knows Miles struggles with it. He however was failing slightly to understand what she wanted. He tilted his head analysing her. She waved to the room around him and clearly got frustrated when he didn't understand.

He was very surprised as she huffed standing up and moving past Brandon and Kota. The pair merely blinked watching as she moved around the room.

Miles watched as she looked around he couldn't help the curiosity he had. She finally seemed to get the answer she wanted when she saw a photo of Kota and his sister. She moved up to the boy tapping his shoulder before pointing to the kitchen.

"Oh. Are you hungry?" Kota asked moving to stand. She nodded and Miles watched as she and Kota moved into the kitchen.

It was only a moment later that Willow came back out with an armful of snacks and a bottle of water. "Now Willow don't be rude-"

"Oh she's fine," Kota assured.

Victor nodded, "Seriously we eat them out of a house more than her grabbing some snacks would." He added making Miles's shoulders relax slightly.

Willow carefully moved back to Miles before opening the water and pushing at his lips. Miles's eyes widened at the gesture and the guys laughed at him. He shot them a betrayed look as he gulped some water. "Dang girl careful going to drown me." He laughed wiping his chin off as Willow carefully placed the food on his lap motioning for him to eat. "I'm not hungry."

She glared opening the crackers and pushing one towards his lips. "...This is adorable." Brandon finally said a small smile on his lips.

Kota handed Miles and ice pack and Willow have him a small nod of approval as Miles pushed it to his stomach.

The boy grumbled as the others laughed.

Willow looked pleased as Miles chewed the cracker shaking his head. "Babygirl your killing me." Miles didn't get a break as the next half an hour went by Willow continued to feed him crackers. He denied each one but she insisted.

When the pack was finished he pushed the food towards Kota. "If I eat one more bit I'll die."Her head shot up and Victor quickly stated he wouldn't actually die.

She relaxed but only slightly. Miles patted her thigh, "Do you have to go to the bathroom? Go and then do homework okay? Then we can relax before getting Bubba's okay?" Willow frowned but complied Kota quickly explained where the bathroom was and offered to show her.

Miles asked if she wanted him to take her but she gave him a firm look when he started to get off the couch. Willow was worse than Damien.

Parker might be the worst though. Miles cleared his throat glancing towards the hallway.

"You okay Miles?" Victor quickly asked following the boy's gaze.

Miles waved him off offering a small smile. "M'fine,"

"You look exhausted," Brandon stated, "Do you want to take a nap?"

He shook his head, "No I should check on the twins." he sat forward. "Have you seen my phone?"

"Luke's going to pick them up," Kota stated and Miles blinked. "He texted they should be here any minute."

"You guys didn't have to do that," Miles said seriously gaping at them.

Before he could say more though he heard a loud voice.

"Miles what the hell?" Damien burst in the door his eyes fixated on his older brother. Parker was close to him pushing past as he moved up to Miles kneeling before him. "What happened?"

The twin's faces were both flushed. Their hair was mused and sweaty. Identical matching outfits. Blue shirts with their teams name on them and black gym shorts.

Miles was so proud of them for sticking with soccer after everything. He wasn't proud of the way they busted into a basically strangers' house loudly talking over one another and brushing past Kota and Victor.

Miles was blushing his hands coming to cover his face as he turned to Victor. "Kill me."Victor smirked his arms folded as he watched the twins, it seemed like his new friends were amused by his sibling's antics.

"Miles!" Damien barked waving a hand. "Your not even listening-"

"Where does it hurt?" Parker was asking a series of questions.

Miles groaned loudly, "Can you guys not talk over one another? I feel like I'm watching a bad tell-all on the bachelor I can't understand a thing."

The door closed and Lucian popped in his face flushed as he scratched his head. "It's like poof be gone!" He pointed between the twins before a concerned look came across his features. "Oh my gosh Miles you look-"

He didn't finish his sentence but his face said it all. Miles blushed sinking further into his seat. How did he end up here?

"Miles," Parker gave him a stern glance.

Miles couldn't help but be slightly amused his two thirteen-year-old brothers looked so small amongst the group of men in the room.

Their personalities were far from small though. They had been here less than five minutes and took over the house. He really couldn't bring them anywhere. He made a mental note to bring up a lesson in manners.

Parker made a noise and Miles blinked catching his gaze.

Before he could lie Parker shot him a look. "Fight at school. Bruised my stomach a bit and I'm pretty sore, I'm so sorry I-"

"Please don't with the sorries." Parker quickly stated his eyes roaming over Miles. "Your wrist."

His touch was gentle.

His hand brushed on the red mark. His eyes scooped out the rest of his features. "Where were you hurt?"

"Stomach," Miles waved off Parker but the boy was persistent. Just like their momma. Without asking Parker started unbuttoning Mile's shirt as the older boy whined.

"Have you iced it?"

"He did when he first got here," Brandon responded quickly watching the siblings interact. "Let me go get a new pack."

"I'll be an iceberg if you do that-"

"Shush," Parker stated examining the bruises a frown crossing his lips. "Jesus Miles why would you send us to practice-"

"I'm fine-"

"What's that cut on your head?" Parker sat forward brushing Miles's hair out of the way. Miles squirmed in his seat. "This looks old when did this happen?"

"Miles you fucking suck!" Damien barked moving in between Kota and Victor. "You suck at communication like what the hell!"

"You guys are so dramatic."

"You look like shit," The twins responded at the same time. Damien grabbed his chin tilting his head so he could examine the cut.

Parker grumbled shooting him a dirty look. Brandon laughed as he walked back into the room from the kitchen. "So?" Damien barked his voice not leaving any room for questions.

"So?" Miles repeated teasingly.

He knew what Damien wanted but he was being coy. The twins could be a little extra and honestly Miles was fading.

"Miles." Damien groaned pinching his nose his eyebrows scrunched. "Who was picking on you again? Was it the same guy from last year? Or-"

Kota, Victor, Brandon, and Luke all perked up turning their heads to Damien. Miles blushed he didn't want any of them in the middle of this.

"It was ninjas. They even had mangos," Miles's smile was all goofy his tone playful. He hissed as he pressed the ice pack to his stomach.

He quickly covered up some of the markings buttoning the shirt despite Parker's protest to finish examining him. Miles didn't want Willow to see.

Damien and Parker both groaned loudly.

"Every time," Parker shook his head. "Miles-"

"Parky," Miles shot back ruffling the younger boy's hair. "You guys have homework to do-"

"Miles-" Damien started but he cut them both off with a firm look. No words just a look. The twins grew silent both looked extremely upset by the minute though.

"Miles even if someone's bullying you that's not okay," Lucian spoke for the first time since letting the twins in. His brown eyes looked sad as he leaned forward his eyes roaming over Miles. "We can-"

"I'm fine," Miles cut him off too. "I can handle it,"

"Ninjas did not attack you!" Damien finally burst his face red with anger. "Who-"

"You right have you seen that new Russian gym teacher?"

"Miles," Brandon stated his voice darker than Damien's.

Maybe cause he was older his voice was deeper gruffer. His tone was no-nonsense.

Miles wiggled his eyebrows, "What something on my face?" He paused at their all equally upset expressions. "I'm kidding I said I could handle it "

"Clearly," Parker's voice was cut and dry laced with disappointment. He stood up backing away from Miles. The twins merely kept looking at him but Miles ignored them.

"I told a couple teachers." Miles said after a moment, "So relax."

The twins did relax at this news although they didn't look happy. Miles noticed the others share a look but he didn't have time to analyze it as he watched his sister start to come down the hall.

"Hi Willow," Miles was grateful the girl had popped up.

Parker and Damien knew better than to stretch a conversation like this with their little sister around. Damien knew it too because he growled glaring at the little girl. "You always have impeccable timing Williamina."

Willow stuck her tongue out at the boy shooting daggers at him. Miles covered his mouth to keep from laughing. Parker looked to the ceiling shaking his head.

"Willow I swear," Before Damien and Willow could start arguing Miles cleared his throat waving his hand and shooting them a no-nonsense look.

"We are at a friend's house can you too not be rude? Good gracious!"

Damien and Willow both scowled, Parker laughed before coughing to cover it up. "....bAH!" Reggie popped his head up a giggle escaping his lips.

Miles couldn't help but grasp his chest in surprise. His nine-month-old brother kept giving him heart attack after heart attack. "Gravy on toast my heart!" Miles scooped the boy up quickly.

Parker leaned forward taking his brother who was babbling happy from his nap. Parker blew a kiss on his cheek bouncing him slightly.

"Reginald," Damien gently caressed the baby's hair, as he observed the house. "I thought you guys said there was a pool?"

"Not in the house," Kota quipped a smile on his face. He was surprised by the interaction. "And that's at Nathan's,"

"Why don't you have a pool?"

"What kind of question is that?" Parker turned to his twin. "Why-"

"Parker can you not ruin everything-"

"-are you kidding me?" Parker gaped.

Not a moment later Willow kicked Damien in the leg.

Miles didn't even have time to blink as the twins started to bicker and Willow started signing. His eyes bounced between the trio as he blushed bringing a hand to his face.

Reggie was getting excited with the bickering babbling loudly and clapping his hands.

Miles merely fell further into the couch, "Seriously does anyone have a gun?" Brandon tossed a pillow at his head moving to sit next to the other boy.

Miles laughed as Brandon smirked.

"Well it's not glitter but-"

"Do you want me to glitter you? I'm scared Willow might attack me," Brandon joked lowly. Lucian was making faces at the baby but Parker kept turning as he and Damien got more heated. At some point, they switched from English to Ukrainian and Miles could feel his headache get worse.

"Guys," Miles started but his voice was weak. His stomach was killing him and his head was pounding. Brandon frowned sharing a glance with Kota.

Kota cleared his throat but was feeling a little lost with whether or not to step in the middle. His siblings were being completely disrespectful, his body was dead, and Miles's girlfriend ditched him.

And now he was sitting in Kota's house after having his butt kicked taking over their living room and making it a world war three territory.

"...Is anyone hungry?" Victor asked pulling out his phone, "I'm getting pizza."

The bickering stopped as the kids turned in the sink to the older boy.

Miles's mouth fell open in shock, "Oh no you heathens. You're not fighting and being rude and then getting pizza I'm done get into the car."

Miles stood up Brandon was quick beside him moving to help him stand but Miles waved him off.

"Miles," Kota started but Miles shot him a look. "Parker well Reggie is being tame will you put him in the car seat? Willow, can you go help him please?"

Parker nodded a blush coating his cheeks. Miles was honestly shocked that Parker let himself argue in front of strangers. Whatever was going on with the twins was going to be put on a shelf for their birthdays tomorrow.

Willow looked annoyed she couldn't stay with Miles but she obliged. Damien was still standing with a frown on his face clearly in his world.

"Dami can you get the bags?"

"We can help," Lucian insisted moving and grabbing Miles backpack along with Willows, and the diaper bags. "I'll put them in your car!"

Before he could blink the boy moved.

"I didn't know your sister knew sign language," Kota stated pushing up his glasses. "Luke and I know it too."

"Oh um," Miles rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah she's actually um, nonspeaking right complicated,"

He felt awkward and unsure. Kota, Victor and Brandon didn't look weirded out though. They just looked curious like it finally made sense why she was silent the whole time.

"It's not really complicated she can talk she chooses not to." Damien snapped, Miles, didn't know what was going on with his siblings today.

One look at Damien though and what other people saw as anger Miles took in the sadness. The frustration. He and Willow used to be pretty close and Miles was pretty sure her not talking was Damien's last straw.

Sure they always got on each other's nerves easily and argued but the last couple of months...they were bad.

Miles opened his mouth but Damien left saying a quiet thank you for the ride to practice. He watched his brother go as Lucian came back in his eyes flickering over the room.

"So...your siblings seem nice," Lucian stated. Miles shot him deadpan look and Lucian raised his hands. "What? I'm not kidding we were chatting a bit in the car. They were really worried about you though."

"Can we talk about the baby?" Victor had a small smile touching his lips, "He's so little..."

"Willow's so cute too," Kota added his eyes shining, "She looks a little like my sister when she was little."

"I think I scared her she wasn't chatty," Lucian started and Victor gave him look. "What?"

Miles actually laughed clutching his stomach. This afternoon just didn't even feel real. "Ow, ow, ow," Miles wiped a tear from his eyes, "I-sorry. I can't believe you're complimenting my siblings when they were little monsters. She's mute. I'm sorry I don't like talking about it around her but I didn't get to tell you guys before. Sorry."His voice was rushed at the end.

Nervous about admitting something so personal. It still felt real to him. He kept thinking she'd just speak and...

"Are you kidding?" Brandon smirked, "Little monsters? You should see the fights between North and Ra-and our siblings."

Miles rolled his eyes. "Sure."

"You guys really can stay for dinner-" Kota added, "I promise they were fine."

"No way I need to go tell them the proper do's and don'ts of going to people's houses." Miles scrunched his nose. "Again."

"Just...make sure you rest Miles," Victor said slowly his eyes looking concerned. The energy in the room shifted making Miles uncomfortable.

"And Miles," Lucian's voice was ever so soft. "If people are picking on you at school...we can help."

Brandon made noise at the back of his throat his eyes dark, "Oh will help alright."

"I got it covered," Miles quickly defended his eyes going downcast as he cleared his throat. "Thanks though."

They all looked upset and Miles...Miles wasn't sure how to handle it. "Peace out Boy Scouts." He teased handing the ice pack to Brandon.

The other boy frowned pursing his lips. Kota and Victor were sharing a strange look...and Luke looked like a sad puppy.

"I didn't even get to hold the baby," Luke whined and that truly made Miles smile.

"Seriously take it easy," Kota added pushing up his glasses. "And if you need any help with the kids-"

"My parents will be home later and I can relax." Miles quickly shot the idea down. The lie made his chest tight but he knew these guys would keep pushing.

He didn't know why he kept this on. It was terrible. He was terrible.

"If you wanna relax in company then," Victor suggested looking serious. "Will have enough pizza to feed an army and you are more than welcome to come over. Whenever."

Miles nodded and there was an honk outside, he scoffed, "Those kids are on one today," He shook his head waving once at the guys at taking off slowly. His body ached. He was not excited about the car ride home.



I'ma just keep the authors note short and sweet🥰

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Thanks  lovelies! I can't wait to hear your thoughts.🥰🥰

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