A Study of John's Gospel

By Gmattix

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I invite you to join me in this verse by verse study of the gospel of John. While the other gospels are cente... More

John 1:3-5: The Light Shines in the Darkness and is Not Overcome
John 1:6-8: Sent to Bear Witness About the Light
John 1:9-11: The True Light Rejected by the World
John 1:12-13: Children of God by Belief in His Name
John 1:14: The Word Became Flesh and We Have Seen His Glory
John 1:15-18: Grace and Truth Through Jesus Christ
John 1:19-23: Make Straight The Way of the Lord
John 1:24-28: Whose Sandal I Am Not Worthy to Untie
John 1:29: Behold, the Lamb of God
John 1:30-34: This is The Son of God
John 1:35-39: Come and See
John 1:40-42: We Have Found The Messiah
John 1:43-44: Follow Me
John 1:45-51: The Son of God, and the King of Israel
John 2:1-5: Woman, My Hour Has Not Yet Come
John 2:6-7: Jesus said: Fill the Jars With Water
John 2:8-10: The Best Is Yet To Come
John 2:11-12: Jesus Came to Manifest His Glory
John 2:13-17: Zeal For Your House Will Consume Me
John 2:18-22: Destroy This Temple And In 3 Days I Will Raise It Up
John 2:23-25: Jesus Knows What Is In Man
John 3:1-3: Only The Born Again Will See God's Kingdom
John 3:4: How Can a Person be Born When They Are Old?
John 3:5-8: You Must Be Born Again
John 3:9-13: The Son of Man Descended from Heaven
John 3:14-15: The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
John 3:16: God So Loved The World
John 3:17-18: God Sent His Only Son to Save the World
John 3:19-21: The Judgment: People Loved Darkness Rather Than Light
John 3:22-24: Jesus the Baptist
John 3:25-30: He Must Increase, but I Must Decrease
John 3:31-33: He Who Comes From Heaven Is Above All
John 3:34-36: Believe In The Son and Have Eternal Life
John 4:1-4: And Jesus Had to Pass Through Samaria
John 4:5-6: Jesus, Weary and Sitting by a Well
John 4:7-9: Jesus is Different
John 4:10-15: "Where Do You Get That Living Water?"
John 4:16-19: Jesus Speaks About a Woman's Sin
John 4:20-26: Worship the Father in Spirit and Truth
John 4:27-30: Can This be the Christ?
John 4:31-34: My Food Is Doing God's Will
John 4:35-38: One Sows and Another Reaps
John 4:39-42: Jesus Is The Savior Of The World
John 4:43-46a: Jesus Returns To Palestine
John 4:46b-48: A Distressed Father Seeks Jesus
John 4:49-54: Jesus Heals A Man's Dying Son
John 5:1-3,5-9: Jesus Heals a Disabled Man
John 5:10-14: Jesus Tells a Man to Stop Sinning
John 5:15-18: Jesus Says He is God
John 5:19-20: Jesus and God the Father
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John 5:28-30: Jesus Will Resurrect Everyone
John 5:31-40: The Five Witnesses of Jesus
John 5:41-47: Jesus Will Not Accuse Nor Excuse
Jesus Heals the Sick and Ascends a Mountain
Jesus Tests His Disciples
John 6:10-15: Jesus Feeds Over 5,000 People
Jesus Walks On a Stormy Sea
Food That Endures To Eternal Life
The Bread of God Gives Life

John 1:1-2: He Who Was in the Beginning

26 2 2
By Gmattix

A study of John 1:1-2

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God."

‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭2‬

Definitions of the original language in the context of this passage:

-The Beginning: "ἀρχή", "archē"; feminine noun - beginning, origin; used absolutely, of the beginning of all things.

-Word: "λόγος", "logos"; masculine noun - specifically, the doctrine concerning the attainment through Christ of salvation in the kingdom of God; In several passages in the writings of John "ὁ λόγος" denotes the essential Word of God, i. e. the personal (hypostatic) wisdom and power in union with God, his minister in the creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world's life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man's salvation put on human nature in the person of Jesus the Messiah and shone forth conspicuously from his words and deeds.

Observation/Summary(short explanation of what the passage says in your own words):

While there are 4 gospel accounts in the Bible written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, they can be better understood to be a single "four-fold" gospel. It is likely John's account was the last one written in about A.D. 85. John's account differs from the other three "synoptic (see together) gospels" in that he left out many significant events in Jesus' life that the other three gospels include, and this makes sense considering John wrote his account after them and decided to focus on different aspects of Jesus' life and nature.

Firstly, while the other gospels are centered on the ministry of Jesus in Galilee, John centers his account on Jesus' ministry in Jerusalem. Also, while Matthew's gospel explains Jesus was descended from Abraham and King David, Mark's gospel explains Jesus was raised in Nazareth, and Luke's gospel explains Jesus is the perfect human man descended from Adam, John's gospel demonstrates that Jesus is God Himself who came to us from heaven. While John skips over significant events such as Jesus' birth, baptism, temptation in the wilderness, and other events, he instead tells us who Jesus is by giving an account of seven different miracles or "signs", seven powerful "I am" statements from Jesus Himself, and by providing the testimony of multiple witnesses who spoke openly of who Jesus' was and is.

John wrote this gospel account so that we who read it "may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in the name" (John 20:31). This gospel of John has accomplished that very purpose for many people just as God intended. The oldest fragment we have today of the gospel of John was discovered in Egypt and is dated long before A.D. 150 which is evidence of its broad circulation by even that early time.

It is important to note this gospel was written by John the apostle, one of the original 12 disciples of Jesus, not John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus. John the apostle was the son of Zebedee, and his mother was Salome, one of the women who went to the tomb of Jesus when it was first discovered He had been resurrected, just as He had foretold He would be. John's brother James was also one of the original 12 and is not to be confused with James the brother of Jesus who wrote the book of "James" in the New Testament. John also partnered with the apostle Peter in a fishing business and John and his brother James were nicknamed "The Sons of Thunder."

In these opening 2 verses of John's gospel he tells us about "the beginning," "the Word," and that the Word was "with" God, "was" God, and was "in the beginning with God."

Implication (what does this mean to us):

"The beginning" John writes of is the beginning of creation; of all time and space. It is a clear reference to Genesis 1:1 which opens with "In the beginning..." and any Jew in John's day would have immediately caught the reference. Interestingly John speaks of the beginning and the Word who already "was." This is not contradictory, he says this to declare the pre-existence of the Word before the beginning of time and space. This speaks of the existence of the Word from eternity past. The Word had no beginning, He is the "Is" that always "Was". He has always been and always will be.

"Word" is translated from the Ancient Greek word "logos" and this was a word that held deep meaning in both Greek and Jewish thought. Jewish rabbis would even refer to God as the "Word of God". The pagan Greek philosophers used the "Word" or the "Logos" to describe the power that created the universe and holds it in place. For this reason the meaning of John's opening statement would have been clear to his contemporaries as being a reference to "The Word" Jewish rabbis and Greek philosophers had been thinking of and pontificating about for centuries. This word "logos" was well ingrained in the people's understanding of reality and John is essentially saying with this opening, "The 'Word' you have all been seeking knowledge of has come, and I will tell you who He is."

First, "the Word was with God, and the Word was God". While the other three gospels begin in Bethlehem, John begins his gospel account before the creation of the world. He presents to us a Being, the "Word" who both "was" God and "was with" God. This speaks of the perfect unity or "oneness" of Jesus, God the Son, and God the Father, and also of the distinct personhood of Jesus. Almighty God is One Being existing in three distinct, but perfectly unified Persons. He is the Triune God: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. While we are each one being and one person, God is One Being existing in 3 Persons. Because we are beings who exist as one person this concept is complicated, but not illogical. And we should expect that God, the Infinite One, the Ancient of Days who has existed from eternity past might present us with some concepts that go beyond our finite understanding.

We need to be humble and accept that as finite beings we will not be able to fully comprehend our infinite God, but He has and will reveal to us what we need to know and He will also give us faith to trust Him. As we wrestle with these concepts, prayerfully study them, and discuss them with each other and consider the teaching of the Christians who have come before us and done the same, while we may not come to a complete understanding of the many complexities of God, we will grow in confidence in who He is, His nature, and His immutability.

With that said, John is telling the readers and hearers of this gospel that Jesus is God who has existed since before the beginning. Jesus is a distinct person within the Trinity. He is the "Word" and is distinct from the Father and the Holy Spirit, but is also equally God. God is also "One," which is why John says Jesus, or the Word, was both with God, was God, and "He was in the beginning with God." Jesus is not a created being. He always has been and always will be. This wording is critical.

"Jehovah's Witnesses" have a corrupted and completely inaccurate translation (we know it is inaccurate because again, we have early manuscripts dating to A.D. 150) which says "god" instead of "God" and writes "the word was 'a' god." Like the Mormons they do not believe Jesus and God the Father are One. This is a critical component of the Christian faith and to disbelieve this is to not believe in Jesus at all. If Jesus is not fully human then we have no acceptable substitute to stand in the place of all mankind for the punishment our sin requires. And if He is not fully God, then we have no infinite and perfect Being capable of perfectly fulfilling the righteous requirement of the Law on our behalf. Jesus is both fully God and fully man, and to strip away either aspect of His nature is to walk away from salvation entirely (1 John 2:22-27).

There is much more that could be said about the erroneous nature of the Jehovah's Witnesses (who are certainly no true witnesses of Jehovah) translation but to summarize for those interested I will leave a few quotes pertaining to their false gospel from experts on Ancient Greek compiled by David Guzik on enduringword.com:

"Real Greek scholars do not recognize the Jehovah's Witness translation of John 1:1-2.

· "A GROSSLY MISLEADING TRANSLATION. It is neither scholarly nor reasonable to translate John 1:1 'the Word was a god.' But of all the scholars in the world, so far as we know, none have translated this verse as Jehovah's Witnesses have done." (Dr. Julius R. Mantey)

· "Much is made by Arian amateur grammarians of the omission of the definite article with 'God' in the phrase 'And the Word was God.' Such an omission is common with nouns in a predicate construction. 'A god' would be totally indefensible." (Dr. F.F. Bruce)

· "I can assure you that the rendering which the Jehovah's Witnesses give John 1:1 is not held by any reputable Greek scholar." (Dr. Charles L. Feinberg)

· "The Jehovah's Witness people evidence an abysmal ignorance of the basic tenets of Greek grammar in their mistranslation of John 1:1." (Dr. Paul L. Kaufman)

· "The deliberate distortion of truth by this sect is seen in their New Testament translations. John 1:1 is translated: '...the Word was a god,' a translation which is grammatically impossible. It is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest." (Dr. William Barclay)"


I say none of this to lead anyone to despise Jehovah's Witnesses. I say this to alert us all to the grave error of their teaching and I hope this would cause us to have compassion for them as we pray for God to open their eyes to see the truth and receive the salvation freely offered to all by grace through faith in Jesus, the "Word" who was and is fully Almighty God.

Application (How does this change how I think, act and pray?):

From this passage we learn "The Word" describes Jesus Christ, God the Son. He has coexisted as One with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit from eternity past. He has no beginning because He has existed before the beginning. True saving faith requires confession and belief in Jesus as He has been revealed to us on the pages of Scripture. There are many false gospels and presentations of Jesus out there, two very prominent ones being the "Jehovah's Witnesses" and the "Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons)" who present themselves as Jesus followers, but in fact preach a false gospel that is anti-Christ, just as John warned us of in 1 John 2:18, 22-23.

We must be aware of this error, but also compassionate and loving towards those who hold to this erroneous belief. We are called to be representatives of Jesus and to show His love to others. This means as we take action to share the truth with people such as these, we must share the truth graciously and respectfully. And in everything we need to pray for God to open their hearts to believe in Him. The power to save is God's. It is not by our clever words or arguments that a person can come to faith in Christ. We are the means God uses, but it is only by a miraculous work of God the Holy Spirit that anyone can be resurrected from death to life in Jesus Christ, the eternally existent Word who was "in the beginning with God."

Self Reflection:

Am I confident the Bible I have is an accurate translation as seen in the thousands of 1st-2nd century original papyri we have today? (https://www.josh.org/manuscript-validate-old-testament/)

How does my understanding that Jesus is God affect my daily life?

How does my understanding of Jesus' deity and nature affect how I pray for and witness to other people?

#thebeginning #JesusChrist #TheWord #JesusIsGod #truth

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