70s The delicate beauties of...

By CNovel_Reader

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Original title: 七零大杂院的娇软美人 Author: Qingting Zhiyin Jiang Rou has a delicate figure and beautiful appearance... More

Chapter 1-10
Chapter 11-20
Chapter 21-30
Chapter 31-40
Chapter 41-50
Chapter 51-60
Chapter 61-70
Chapter 71-80
Chapter 81-90
Chapter 91-100
Chapter 111-120
Chapter 121-130
Chapter 131-140
Chapter 141-150
Chapter 151-160
Chapter 161-173 (end)

Chapter 101-110

3K 22 4
By CNovel_Reader

Chapter 101 Small Trader


Jiang Rou took her son and daughter to the department store to go shopping with Meng Wen and her son.

Along the way, Doubao was very excited and explained everything to Han Wenhao, just like a little teacher who knew everything.

Han Wenhao, on the other hand, had a look of confusion on his face and believed in what he said.

The three children were sitting in the back seat of the bus. Doubao whispered: "When we arrive at the department store in a while, you must listen to me. I will buy soda and candy for you two."

Soda candies are a newly launched candy. When you bite into the candies, there will be a burst of soda inside, which is very sweet and novel.

When Han Wenhao heard this, he nodded sharply, "Brother, I will definitely listen to you."

Mango also wanted to eat candy, but she didn't want to listen to Doubao, so she had an idea, "Brother, please take out the soda candy first and let us see, so that we can listen to you."

But there was no candy on the bean bag, so he pursed his lips, took out two cents from his pocket, and gave each of them 10 cents. "This is money to buy candy. You can take it first. If you obey, I promise to buy it for you." Eat sweets."

Han Wenhao took the money with a blank look on his face, always feeling that something was wrong. Mango took the money and smiled very happily. She had long discovered that her eldest brother was too stupid.

He already had the money, who would use him to buy candy?

As the car pulls into the bus stop.

Jiang Rou took them out of the car. It was Meng Wen's first time shopping here. She looked around and made an objective evaluation of the place, "The surrounding area has convenient transportation and many residents. The place you picked is really good."

Jiang Rou was very happy after hearing this. She held her arm and asked, "How about you work with us? I guarantee you will make a profit without losing any money."

Meng Wen smiled and shook her head. She liked teaching and educating people and was not interested in other jobs. Moreover, she was unexpectedly pregnant and wanted to keep the child.

Jiang Rou was surprised to hear that she was pregnant, "How many months is it now? Does my elder brother know?"

"I just found out and he doesn't know yet. If he knew, I wouldn't be able to come out today."

"How about we go back and stop shopping today."

Jiang Rou stared at her belly, afraid that something would go wrong. Seeing how nervous she was, Meng Wen was amused: "It's really not the case. This is my second child and I have a lot of experience. By the way, have you heard? Next year, the family planning policy may be implemented. You won't have a baby this year." Three?"

Regarding having a second child, Jiang Rou refused, "No, I think having two babies is enough. And Chengdong also said no, we both have the same idea."

The two of them chatted and came to the department store. Doubao was responsible for taking care of his younger siblings.

They first went to the stationery area and bought new school bags and various school supplies for the children.

Han Wenhao, who is in kindergarten, cannot use these things for the time being. He looks at them eagerly and wants them, but he dare not tell his mother.

Doubao saw his thoughts and decided to give him half of his things.

After leaving the stationery area, Jiang Rou bought new clothes for each child. She did not go shopping elsewhere because she was afraid that Meng Wen would be tired.

"Why don't you go shopping?" Meng Wen didn't take her pregnancy seriously and was a little surprised.

Jiang Rou lied that she was tired and wanted to take them to a place to rest for a while.

The place to rest nearby is a teahouse with two floors and an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

There were not many people drinking tea in the teahouse. Jiang Rou and the others found a seat and sat down. The waiter immediately came over and greeted them warmly.

In addition to tea, there are also various snacks here. Jiang Rou ordered some snacks for the children and a pot of green tea.

After ordering the meal, she asked curiously: "Comrade, I see that the house next door is empty. Do you know who the owner is?"

The waiter looked wary, obviously he knew.

"What's the point of asking this?"

Seeing the drama, Jiang Rou smiled and explained, "I want to buy the house next door, so I'm looking for the landlord. If you know, that would be great."

Hearing her answer, the waiter relaxed, "That house belongs to my boss, let me ask you about it."

"Okay, thank you." Jiang Rou smiled brightly, thinking that this might be possible.

She had seen that house before, but it was too big and she wasn't interested in it at the time. There are no good choices nowadays, so it's not impossible to buy it.

After the waiter left, Meng Wen asked in a low voice: "Do you really want to buy it? How much does it cost for such a large area?" What if we lose money in the transaction?

She didn't say the last words.

Jiang Rou said with a smile: "This is not a big problem, I still have a partner."

Soon, the boss followed the waiter and recognized her at a glance, "Huh? Are you the announcer Jiang Rou? I really like your program!"

"..." Jiang Rou's mind was racing and she did not admit it: "I'm sorry, you made a mistake. Many people said that she and I look alike."

The boss couldn't help but feel disappointed when he heard this, "That's it... it's okay. It's a fate to see you."

Next, the two parties sat together and chatted about the house next door.

The house is about the same size as the teahouse. The only difference is that the teahouse is a two-story building and the house is a bungalow.

Both suites were returned a few years ago.

The boss' ancestor was a tea merchant and he was not good at other businesses, so he only opened a teahouse and the other house remained vacant.

Recently, some people have inquired about renting it, but they were all sold out when they heard the rental price. Moreover, with the small western-style building in the way, the bungalow on the first floor does not look so eye-catching. Whether it can start a business is still unknown.

Jiang Rou pondered for a moment and asked: "Are you selling this house? If so, what is the price?"

The boss looked at them and made a decision in his mind, "To be honest, I didn't want to sell that house at first, but this teahouse needs money. If you sincerely buy it, the fixed price is 3,800 yuan."

The price is neither high nor low. It is considered a standard price and is within Jiang Rou's tolerance.

She lied that the house was for others to look at and she would bring the buyer here tomorrow.

Coming out of the teahouse, Meng Wen was still in shock.

Her monthly salary is 120 yuan, and it takes her three years to save 3,800 yuan. Jiang Rou didn't even blink her eyes, but she had to spend 3,800 yuan to buy a house. She really dared to spend money!

At this time, Jiang Rou was very excited and planned to go back to the courtyard to tell Shi Lan the good news. If all goes well, they will be able to open the clothing store this year!

Shi Lan is a person who has no ideas. For things like business, she listens to Jiang Rou.

So, she gave her all her savings, a total of two thousand yuan, which she had saved through so many years of hard work.

Jiang Rou accepted the money and joked with a smile: "Aren't you afraid of losing all your money?"

Shi Lan answered seriously, "I'm not afraid. If it weren't for you, I would have been defrauded of all my money. I'll rest assured if I follow you."

Being able to gain this kind of trust made Jiang Rou feel warm in her heart.

The next day, they came to the teahouse and paid a deposit. A week later, the transfer procedures were completed.

It's midsummer now, so it's definitely too late to sell summer clothes. Excluding the renovation time, it's just right to open in September.

So the two divided their labors and cooperated. Jiang Rou was responsible for the store decoration, while Shi Lan and Jiang Xiaowen were preparing to go south to wholesale clothing.

It happened that Shen Chengdong was in Guangdong Province and could handle them.

This was Shi Lan's first trip away from home. Thinking of her introverted personality, Chen Aihe was worried.

Shi Lan had long regarded her as her biological mother and comforted her softly, "Don't worry, there is a brother-in-law over there, and Xiaowen and I will be fine."

Jiang Xiaowen was very excited to go out and see the outside world, "Nai, when I come back, I will buy you delicious food. Don't worry, I will take good care of my mother!"

Chen Aihe looked at them and could only warn them repeatedly: "You should be careful on the road, and don't pay attention to strangers when you meet them!"

A few days later, Shi Lan and her daughter boarded the train bound for the south. Yuan Qi was busy and attentive.

Shi Lan saw his performance over the past year and finally softened his attitude and stopped caring about the two children's relationship.

On the other side, besides going to work, Jiang Rou also has to worry about house decoration. Fortunately, Yuan Qi is here to help her share a lot of work.

As for how to recruit salespersons? This was also a major headache, and she planned to wait until Shi Lan came back to discuss it.

However, the recruitment information can be posted first. If there is a suitable candidate, write down the contact information first.

Knowing that they were going to open a clothing store, the teahouse owner was surprised and was not optimistic about it, so he advised her to open a restaurant instead.

Jiang Rou just smiled and didn't answer.

With her proficient kitchen skills, she is only suitable to be a small vendor who does not touch the fireworks of the world.


The days passed by, and it was already the end of August in a blink of an eye.

Thinking that tomorrow is the first day of school, Jiang Rou found all the children's schoolbags and rechecked the stationery inside.

This check didn't matter, it almost gave her a heart attack.

"Beanbao! Why is your book broken? And why is this eraser broken in half?!"

Hearing his mother's roar, Doubao was frightened, "Mom, I was wrong, please forgive me once."

Jiang Rou tried her best to suppress her anger and asked in a kind manner: "I can forgive you, but you have to tell me why you tore up the book?"

At this time, Mango raised his little hand and replied: "Mom, he gave his other half to brother Wenhao, please forgive him once."

Although her brother was very troublesome, she still wanted to help him speak.

Jiang Rou took a deep breath, her head buzzing, "Why did you give half of it to your brother?"

Doubao lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "Because he wanted it too, so I gave it to him."

Seeing that he had good intentions, Jiang Rou did not blame him anymore, but educated him: "If you want to give it to your brother, you can tell your mother and I will give him a new set of stationery. It is everyone's responsibility to take care of books. Now you put them It's torn, what should I do at school tomorrow?"

Doubao was deeply aware of his mistake and said nothing.

In desperation, Jiang Rou could only help him buy another set of stationery.

On the first day of school.

She led the two children to [Jiefang Primary School]. When sending them to the school gate, Doubao suddenly took out a piece of wine-filled chocolate from his jacket pocket and handed it to Jiang Rou, "Mom, I'm sorry about yesterday. This It's for you. When I grow up, I will definitely buy you many, many chocolates!"

Looking at his childish face, Jiang Rou felt warm in her heart. She took the chocolate and ruffled his hair, "Thank you for the gift. Come in quickly. I hope you can make many good friends here."

"Yes! We will!"

The children smiled brightly, and after watching them walk into the campus, Jiang Rou left.

The school is not too far from the courtyard house. It only takes fifteen minutes to walk to your home.

On the way back, she bought a few more fried dough sticks and planned to eat fried dough sticks for breakfast. In the days without Shen Chengdong, her three meals a day became much simpler.

Unknowingly, she returned to the door. When she raised her eyes, she saw Shen Chengdong standing there not far away and smiling at her.

There was also a snow-white kitten in his arms, which was soft and especially cute.

Chapter 102 Little Kitten

Jiang Rou walked over quickly, her eyes full of surprise.

"Where did this come from? It's so cute~"

Suddenly there was a little kitten, and her heart almost melted.

Shen Chengdong handed the cat cub to her and said with a smile: "This is a gift from someone else. It's called a Persian cat. I thought you would like it, so I took it back."

The little kitten was very quiet in her arms, as if it had found a soft nest, and even arched slightly.

Shen Chengdong was a little envious when he saw this scene.

Jiang Rou lowered her head and kissed its head, and asked softly: "Does it have a name?"

"No. Why don't we go in and talk about it? The luggage is still outside."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Rou realized that the man had come back from the south, dusty and dusty, and he hadn't even entered the house yet.

"Let's go, have you eaten? I bought fried dough sticks."

"I'm not hungry. Stop eating fried dough sticks. I'll cook for you later."

Shen Chengdong picked up the luggage on the floor and the bamboo basket for the cat, strode into the house, and became concerned about the current situation of the children.

"I planned to come back last night, but the train was delayed, so I arrived in Beijing this morning. How are the children? Do you like the new school?"

Jiang Rou put the little kitten on the bed, and while helping it arrange a sleeping place, she replied: "They are fine, there are no adverse reactions for the time being. I will ask them again tonight."

Seeing that she only saw the kitten and not him, Shen Chengdong couldn't help but feel disgusted. He shamelessly approached her, hugged her waist from behind, and asked softly: "Daughter-in-law, do you miss me?"

Jiang Rou finally turned around, gave him half a look, and thought it was funny, "I find that you seem to be getting more and more clingy."

After hearing this, Shen Chengdong admitted generously, "Well, I also find that I can't live without you more and more. What should I do?"

"..." Jiang Rou blushed and gently pushed his handsome face away with her fingers, "Don't be poor, help me think of a name."

Shen Chengdong glanced at the cat, which was still sleeping soundly, and felt that it was heartless, "Why don't you call it a fool? It doesn't look very smart."

Jiang Rou glared at him and rejected the name without thinking. In the end, she decided to leave the naming rights to the children and wait until they were out of school.

"By the way, are sister-in-law and Xiaowen back? How are they doing during this time?"

Mentioning this, Shen Chengdong gradually became solemn.

"They are back too, but my sister-in-law is not in a good mood. She may need someone to enlighten her."

"What happened?" Jiang Rou frowned.

Shen Chengdong was silent for a moment and briefly recounted what happened in the south.

After Shi Lan and her daughter arrived in Guangdong Province, he accompanied them to visit many wholesale clothing places and found several sources of excellent quality.

Everything was going smoothly, but suddenly one day, Shi Lan broke down and cried after coming back from outside, which shocked him and Jiang Xiaowen.

After asking, she found out that she had seen a man who looked very much like the eldest brother of the Jiang family in the department store. Unfortunately, she only passed him by. By the time she reacted, the man had long gone.

In the next few days, Shi Lan was confused and went to the department store every day, hoping to see the man again. Others were worried when they saw this. Later, Jiang Xiaowen chatted with her all night before she returned to normal.

However, she had been depressed all the time, and she still looked worried until she returned to Beijing.

After Jiang Rou heard this, her brows furrowed tightly.

"Is it really that similar? Or...just a little bit similar?"

Shen Chengdong shook his head, indicating that he was unclear.

Jiang Rou thought for a long time and went to the courtyard near noon.

As soon as she entered the middle courtyard, she heard another noise coming from the Tang family, and many neighbors around her were talking about it.

Jiang Rou didn't listen carefully, but she got a rough idea.

Now, Tang Xin has been assigned a job and is divorcing her original husband. The man doesn't want to divorce, so he is making trouble at the Tang family.

This is not the first time this has happened.

Jiang Rou didn't listen anymore and went straight to Shi Lan's room.

At this time, Shi Lan was sitting in front of the sewing machine, lost in thought. She was still recalling what happened a few days ago, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was Jiang Bohuai.

This made her so distraught that she wished she could go to Guangdong Province now to continue looking for him. But she promised Xiaowen that she would live a good life in the future and not allow random thoughts.

The two emotions were so intertwined that it was devastating.

At this moment, Jiang Rou's voice sounded outside the door, "Sister-in-law, are you at home?"

Seeing her coming, Shi Lan hurriedly opened the door. Before the other party could speak, she said to herself: "Xiaorou, I feel very confused."

When Jiang Rou saw her eyes were red, she knew that she couldn't let go of the past at all. Even meeting a man who looked very similar to her elder brother would make her mood fluctuate violently.

"Sister-in-law, let's go in and talk."

The two of them sat on the chairs. Shi Lan could no longer control his emotions and expressed all the anguish in his heart.

"Xiaorou, do you think that person will be your eldest brother? Is it possible that he is still alive?"

Jiang Rou recalled the plot in the book again, but couldn't find any plot related to Jiang Bohuai.

"Sister-in-law, does that person really look like my elder brother?"

"Yes, it looks very similar! I can feel it's him! But he left without seeing me."

Speaking of this, Shi Lan choked up and regretted that she had reacted too slowly and missed him.

Seeing that she was about to cry again, Jiang Rou hurriedly advised: "Maybe it's just that they look alike. How about I go to the army and ask about what happened back then? Maybe there will be clues?"

These words were just to appease Shi Lan. Jiang Rou did not think that after twenty years, her eldest brother would still have hope of living.

If he was really alive, why didn't he come back to find them?

At this moment, thousands of miles away in Guangdong Province.

A young man was reporting to Jiang Boyhuai about the situation in the capital city, "Dad, I have already checked the person you asked me to check. Her name is Jiang Rou. She is married, her parents are still alive, her husband has just graduated from university, and she has two children in school." primary school."

Hearing this, Jiang Bohuai frowned, "Is there anything else? I want to know more detailed information."

When he saw "Xinwen Lianbo" for the first time, he felt an inexplicable affinity with this person. His intuition told him that maybe this was related to the memory he had lost, so he found someone to investigate her.

The young man was stunned for a moment, then quickly nodded and said, "I will continue to investigate clearly."


Come back from school in the evening.

When Doubao and Mango saw the little milk cat, they both became very excited!

Doubao was afraid that he would be too strong to hug it, so he could only squat next to him and watch Mango hug him.

"Mom, can we really give it a name?"

"Of course, he will be your brother from now on. You two can think about what kind of name you should give him?"

After careful consideration, Mango wanted to call it "Maomao", while Dou Bao felt that such a name was unmanly and wanted to call it "Da Zhuang".

For a while, the brother and sister had a heated argument over their names.

Jiang Rou felt her head hurt when she heard it, and finally said domineeringly: "It will be called dough from now on, you don't have to argue."

They are white and curled together like dough.

"..." The brother and sister looked at each other, neither of them expected such a result.

Next, they argued over whose house the kitten should sleep in. However, they had a tacit understanding this time and did not quarrel in front of Jiang Rou. Instead, they came to the study and decided by drawing lots: Who should Dough sleep with?

Doubao had better luck and successfully won the right to accompany/sleep with the cat. When he came to his parents' door to ask for the cat, Jiang Rou looked confused: "I never said that Dough can sleep with you. It belongs to me and can only sleep with me."

Doubao pursed his lips, feeling aggrieved.

Seeing this, Shen Chengdong patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him in a low voice: "Don't be discouraged. Little animals are willing to follow whoever is nice to them. When it chooses you in the future, even if your mother likes it, it won't matter. You can't stop it from running towards you."

Doubao thought it made sense. From then on, he took care of all the food, clothing, housing and transportation of Dough. He even shoveled the cake, but he didn't mind it being dirty...


On this day, Shen Chengdong was called to Ye's house.

As soon as he entered the study, he heard Ye Honglin ask in a deep voice: "Have you offended anyone recently?"

Shen Chengdong raised his eyebrows slightly, "No. What's wrong?"

"Someone is investigating you in the south, and I have blocked all kinds of information. You should be more careful when you go out in the future."

Shen Chengdong frowned, "Who is that person?"

"It's a wealthy businessman who came back from overseas. His name is Jiang Haichao. He is currently in Guangdong Province, and you have just returned from Guangdong Province. That's why I asked, are there any holidays between you?"

Shen Chengdong carefully recalled everything in Guangdong Province and said with certainty: "I don't know him. What exactly is his business?"

In order to nip all dangers in the bud, Ye Honglin investigated clearly.

"He is in the electrical appliance business. He is in his forties, has a clean background, is unmarried, and has an adopted son. They may come to Beijing in the near future."

"When did he come to China?"

"In May this year, I originally wanted to leave in June, but for some unknown reason, I haven't left yet."

After hearing this, Shen Chengdong found something he couldn't figure out - why did this person want to investigate him? And what happened to him in China?

After coming out of Ye's house, Shen Chengdong was still thinking about this matter, so much so that Huo Zheng honked the horn frantically several times before he responded.

"What are you thinking about? Do you want to go sit at my house for a while? Siyi misses you all?"

"No, she is thinking of Jiang Rou, not me."

After saying that, Shen Chengdong was suddenly startled. He figured out something that he had not thought about just now.

Maybe the man named Jiang Haichao is not checking him, but checking Jiang Rou, or other members of the Jiang family?

At this time, the image of Shi Lan breaking down and crying flashed in his mind. He inexplicably felt that everything seemed to be related?

As for what it is, further verification is needed.

Chapter 103 Shop Opening

Although I feel depressed, life must go on.

Taking advantage of the break, Jiang Rou and Shi Lan rearranged the shelves in the store.

They have never sold clothing, so they can only slowly explore everything on their own. For example, the display of clothing is based on the model of a department store.

But after the display was finished, Jiang Rou looked left and right and felt dissatisfied.

"Sister-in-law, do you think the colors of these clothes are a bit plain when put together, and they don't attract much attention?"

The spring and autumn clothes of this era were mostly plain colors. Shi Lan raised his head and glanced around, and suddenly felt the same way.

"That seems to be the case. How about we try it with some brightly colored silk scarves?"

Jiang Rou thought this was a good idea, and the two of them rummaged through and found a few beautiful silk scarves. These were gifts that Shi Lan wanted to give to everyone, and they are now used here.

When paired with silk scarves, the effect is very good.

Seeing this, Jiang Rou smiled and praised: "Sister-in-law, you are so awesome! You look much better like this than before."

Shi Lan's face turned red when she heard the compliment.

After a while, several girls came to the door one after another. They had seen the recruitment information and applied for sales assistants.

Shi Lan is the boss on the surface, and she is in charge of interviews. There were six applicants in total, and two were left in the end.

They are all from Beijing and are full of curiosity about this job.

Among them was a girl named Tong Xiaoxue, who was very tall, beautiful, and very familiar. Shi Lan asked her to officially go to work tomorrow, but she didn't leave.

"Sister, what are you busy with? I can stay and help for free. Just pretend to be familiar with the environment in advance."

The way she smiles is very friendly.

Shi Lan became a boss for the first time and couldn't stand the enthusiasm. "It's okay for you to stay, or I'll start calculating your wages from today."

"Okay! Thank you sister!"

Tong Xiaoxue quickly picked up the rag on the side and started to wipe the dust.

Another girl named Qu Ting, seeing her like this, also stayed.

With more people and greater strength, it didn't take half a day to make the entire store look presentable. Finally, they put the same clothes that were not on display into the warehouse.

The two girls didn't watch much TV, so they didn't recognize Jiang Rou. They only knew that she was the boss's sister-in-law, and she came here to help.

After everything was sorted out, Shi Lan secretly asked Jiang Rou what to do next.

Jiang Rou was amused and told her: "You are the boss, you decide, and I will listen to you."

Shi Lan pursed his lips and hesitated for a while before making up his mind, "How about I treat everyone to eating dumplings? I've been busy all day and I'm all tired."

Jiang Rou agreed, while the other two were happy.

When they arrived at [Chen's Dumpling Restaurant], Chen Aihe saw this and quietly asked Jiang Rou: "Is your sister-in-law in a better mood?"

"Well, it's much better. I didn't mention big brother again today. It seems like it's good to be busy."

Chen Aihe nodded happily and cooked several plates of dumplings for them.

In the next few days, the clothing store installed a particularly eye-catching plaque, which was still conspicuous even if it was blocked by the teahouse.

Especially at night, there is a circle of neon lights hanging on the plaque, which is difficult to see.

When the teahouse owner saw this plaque, he gave a thumbs up and was very impressed. He asked Shi Lan, "Who came up with this? What a genius!"

Shi Lan replied with a smile: "It was my brother-in-law's idea. He traveled a lot, so he designed this."

Afterwards, at Jiang Rou's request, they also distributed a lot of leaflets. On September 18th, the clothing store finally opened!

Many people came here with leaflets, and some were relatives and friends who came to support us.

In the morning, two firecrackers went off together.

Tong Xiaoxue and Qu Ting changed into store clothes and acted as models, attracting many passers-by to watch.

Looking at the customers coming in and out, Jiang Rou seemed to smell the smell of money. She raised a bright smile and looked very cute like she was obsessed with money.

Shen Chengdong looked at her, couldn't help but laugh, and whispered in her ear: "Are you so happy? How about I open a store for you after the next funds arrive?"

Jiang Rou turned her head to look at him and directly rejected the kindness, "Just opening this store is enough to keep me busy, I don't want to be so tired."

She doesn't have any new ideas for the time being and doesn't want to die from overwork just to make money.

Shen Chengdong laughed out loud this time, took her hand and kissed her secretly. "Then take a break and watch me make money for you from now on."

"Okay~" Jiang Rou looked up at him and smiled sweetly.

At this time, Ye Siyi came over wearing a newly bought windbreaker and asked: "Xiaorou, what do you think of the clothes I picked?"

Since giving birth to a baby, her figure has become more curvy. She wears a waist-cinching windbreaker to show off her figure. Coupled with her height, she is beautiful and generous, with an outstanding temperament.

Jiang Rou looked up and down and praised sincerely: "It looks great on you! Why don't you wear it with bell-bottom pants underneath? It will make your legs look longer."

Ye Siyi was so moved that he directly pulled Jiang Rou away regardless of Shen Chengdong's presence, "Xiaorou, help me choose one, you have the best taste!"

Jiang Rou followed her and left. When Shen Chengdong saw this, he sighed helplessly. Huo Zheng, like him, didn't want to get into the crowd of women, so he could only stand outside the door and wait.

The two of them chatted one after another, and unknowingly started talking about the Ye family.

"I heard that Aunt Siyi has been trying to trick the old man recently and wants to be transferred back to the capital. If the old man is soft-hearted for a moment, he will definitely make trouble again when he comes back. You'd better pay attention."

Hearing this, Shen Chengdong nodded, but didn't take it to heart.

Ye Zhilian is a fool. He believes that the old man will not be so stupid as to bring people back and make the family restless.

The clothing store is open from nine to five. After get off work, Shi Lan and Jiang Rou calculated today's turnover.

When they saw the amount, both of them were shocked.

"Xiaorou, we made a net profit of 200 yuan today?!"

Jiang Rou nodded, "Yes! Sister-in-law, we are rich!" She did not expect to make so much...

Shi Lan swallowed hard twice and decided to do it well in the future! Try to buy an apartment for my daughter as soon as possible!

After the two of them packed up everything and walked out of the store, Shen Chengdong was waiting outside. He pushed a bicycle in his hand and asked Jiang Rou to get on the bicycle while Shi Lan went to ride the other one.

After returning home, Chen Aihe also looked shocked when he heard about their turnover.

"Is selling clothes so profitable? No wonder there are many vendors in the market selling clothes."

Just when everyone was chatting happily, Tang Ce's voice came from outside the house, saying that there was a call from Shen Chengdong and that he had been called away.

Looking at the gray sky outside the house, Jiang Rou was very surprised. What could the Ye family do to him at this time?

On the other side, Shen Chengdong came to Tang's house and answered the phone. Ye Honglin only said a few words into the receiver. His expression immediately changed and he hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, he went back to the house to tell Jiang Rou and went to Ye's house.

In the study room, Ye Honglin looked solemn.

"It is currently confirmed that Jiang Haichao is Jiang Bohuai who died that year. The higher authorities attach great importance to this matter and are conducting further investigations. It will take some time to find out the truth. Don't tell the Jiang family yet."

Shen Chengdong didn't expect that that person was really the eldest brother of the Jiang family, and he couldn't help but frown: "Will he have any problems?"

"Based on the information currently available, it is true that he was rescued after losing his memory and was forced to stay abroad for twenty years without being able to return to the country. However, it is not enough to make a final conclusion and it will take some time."

After hearing this, Shen Chengdong was silent for a long time and asked, "Can I tell Jiang Rou? Only tell her."

Ye Honglin looked at him deeply and nodded in agreement.

When I got home, it was already late at night.

Jiang Rou didn't sleep and had been waiting for him. Seeing him coming back, he immediately stepped forward and asked, "What happened to your family? Why did grandpa call you over so late?"

Shen Chengdong took her back to the bedroom, and the two of them sat on the edge of the bed. He silently organized his speech before saying, "I have something to tell you. You'd better be mentally prepared."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Rou couldn't help but feel nervous and straightened her back, "What's going on? Can you please stop being so scary?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the dough appeared out of nowhere, and he nudged her calf with his head. She picked it up and hugged it, which relieved her tension a little.

Next, Shen Chengdong told the old man's words intact.

The low voice became extremely clear in this quiet night. The more Jiang Rou listened, the wider her eyes opened, and finally she exclaimed, "In other words, the person my sister-in-law saw last time was really my eldest brother?!"

"Well, yes. The higher authorities have intervened in the investigation and there should be results soon."

Jiang Rou couldn't help but panicked, "Will something happen to him? I believe he will never be a deserter."

"Don't worry, we have to trust the organization and just wait for him to come back." Shen Chengdong put his arm around her shoulders and comforted her softly.

Jiang Rou nodded, her eyes red, she believed that one day the truth would be revealed.

But she still felt very depressed. How could her eldest brother lose his memory? No wonder he hasn't come back in the past twenty years. It turns out that he can't find a home...


In the days that followed, whenever she saw the Jiang family, she would hesitate to speak. Thinking of Shen Chengdong's words, she could only bury this secret in her heart for the time being.

One day, she found two master workers and wanted to tidy up all the two rooms in the third courtyard.

The original gray walls need to be repainted, and the damaged areas on the floor need to be repaired.

When the eldest brother comes back and sees all this, I hope he will like this home.

Seeing this battle, Jiang Deshan was very surprised, "What are you doing? This is not a new year or a festival, so why bother?"

Jiang Rou made an excuse casually, "Why are the walls in our house so dark? It looks very dark when you enter the house. It will be very bright when the walls are painted white."

Shi Lan didn't go to the store and happened to be at home. He was surprised when he saw this scene, "Xiaorou, why don't I forget about my house and let Xiaowen live on campus. Anyway, I'm the only one living there now, so I don't have to clean it up."

"That's not possible. If you want to brighten up, you must brighten up together." Jiang Rou walked over, took her arm and said, "Sister-in-law, I think your hair will look good if it is permed into big waves. Why don't we get a perm tomorrow?"

Shi Lan was startled at first, then looked confused. She tucked her broken hair behind her ears, a little embarrassed, "No, I think it's good like this now."

In fact, Shi Lan looks good, but he doesn't like to dress up and looks too plain.

Jiang Rou lied: "People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. We are now in the clothing business. You must be fashionable and decent when you go out, so that customers can trust your vision and buy your things. So, it is better to perm this hair." good."

Shi Lan thought for a while and felt that this was the case, so he nodded in agreement.

The next day, Jiang Rou took her to the barber shop and had her straight hair permed into big waves.

This shop is where Jiang Rou often gets her hair done, and the chef's skills are particularly good.

When Shi Lan's hair was permed, Jiang Rou was shocked. "Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful!"

Everyone loves beauty. Shi Lan looked at herself in the mirror with a red face and was very satisfied with this hairstyle.

Half a month later, good news came from Shen Chengdong.

Jiang Bohuai has been found out and will soon be restored to his original identity. Others have arrived in Beijing and will be able to go home in a few days.

Jiang Rou was very happy and wanted to tell her family the good news immediately!

However, in order to give everyone a surprise, she refrained from saying anything.

On this day, Jiang Xiaowen came to the dumpling restaurant excitedly and told Chen Aihe good news.

"Grandma, my mother finally agrees with me and Yuan Qi! She asked us to get engaged first and then talk about marriage after graduation!"

"Really? That's good." Chen Aihe was also very satisfied with Yuan Qi. He felt that the young man had a good personality and was smart. He would definitely have a big future!

Jiang Rou happened to be there too, and was happy for the two of them, "When are you planning to get engaged? I will give you a big gift then."

Hearing that there were gifts, Jiang Xiaowen smiled and said, "Girl, you are so kind to us! I don't need any gifts. You are already good enough to Yuan Qi."

"It goes without saying. He and I have a cooperative relationship. As long as he does serious research, it will be the best reward for me. By the way, when do the two families plan to meet?"

Mentioning Yuan Qi's family, Jiang Xiaowen scratched his hair, "His parents passed away early, and he only has one uncle in Beijing, but his uncle was not very good to him, so we didn't plan for the two families to meet."

Jiang Rou listened and showed a hint of understanding.

Chen Aihe hated the kind of relatives who bullied orphans and widowed mothers, so he said angrily: "It's okay if you don't see me, but it's okay if you don't recognize this kind of uncle."

Seeing how open-minded she was, Jiang Xiaowen excitedly hugged her neck and blew a rainbow fart, "Grandma, you are so kind~ I love you so much!"

"You really love me so much. Please help me wash the dishes later."

"As you command!"

At this moment, the shop door was opened from the outside, and two tall men walked in.

The leader was a man in his forties, with a majestic temperament, and vague shadows of some soldiers could be seen.

Jiang Rou heard that the reputation passed, and there was only shock in her eyes...

Chapter 104 He is back

Imagination and reality are different after all.

Although she was mentally prepared that her eldest brother would come back, when Jiang Rou saw her eldest brother alive, she still couldn't believe it was true.

He is not much different from when he was young, and he can still recognize him at a glance. This is Jiang Bohuai. No wonder his sister-in-law is so excited.

Seeing her soulless look, Chen Aihe also looked towards the door and asked loudly: "What do you want to eat? Come here and order."

Jiang Bohuai had no original memory, so he did not know that the old man in front of him was his mother. He moved his eyes to Jiang Rou, walked over step by step, and introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Bohuai. Can I talk to you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Aihe said in disbelief: "What did you say your name was?!"

Jiang Xiaowen on the side also opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe his ears.

When he came closer, Chen Aihe finally saw his appearance clearly and was stunned.

"Is it really you? Bo Huai?"

Jiang Rou recovered from the shock and carefully introduced the two women around him to him.

"This is Chen Aihe, and the girl over there is Jiang Xiaowen."

I saw Jiang Bohuai's face changing again and again, and there was a little moisture in his eyes. He first looked at Chen Aihe. The name "mother" was in his mouth and became hot. He choked for a long time before speaking.

"Mom, I'm Jiang Bohuai."

Although he had no memory, he felt sad and uncomfortable for some reason.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of her, Chen Aihe burst into tears with excitement, "Where have you been all these years? Everyone thought you died! You don't know how long your dad and I have been crying because of this?" !"

As she said this, she burst into tears. Jiang Bohuai was a little at a loss when he saw this.

Jiang Rou quickly supported her mother and whispered softly: "Mom, it's a good thing that the eldest brother is back safely. If you cry again, you should scare him away."

These words were quite useful. Chen Aihe wiped away his tears and could only sob quietly.

At this time, Jiang Xiaowen suddenly asked: "Are you really my father? Why haven't you come back to us for so many years?"

Jiang Boyhuai heard the sound and looked at her, with a complicated look in his eyes. Compared with feeling sad when facing his mother, he felt nothing when facing this daughter.

But he still explained: "I don't remember what happened before, so I couldn't come back. I'm sorry."

His words surprised Chen Aihe and Jiang Xiaowen. Chen Aihe couldn't help but cried again.

"It's great that you can come back. The one who has suffered the most in these years is Shi Lan. She has been a widow for you for twenty years and raised her children alone. If she knew that you were back, she would be more excited than me."

Jiang Xiaowen frowned slightly, was silent for a while, looked at him steadily and asked: "Have you gotten married again in the past twenty years? If you have, please don't show up in front of my mother."

"..." Jiang Boyhuai didn't expect her to say that. He was stunned for a moment, and then gave the answer, "I'm not married and I don't have time to find a partner. You don't have to worry."

Hearing the answer, Jiang Xiaowen breathed a sigh of relief silently.

In fact, she felt very strange to the father in front of her. Growing up, everyone told her that her father was a great hero. In her mind, her father's image should be that of an iron-clad soldier.

But this one, wearing a suit and leather shoes, has a very typical image of a businessman. The gap is so big that there is inevitably a gap in his heart.

Chen Aihe was very enthusiastic. He took the person to sit down and asked him if he had eaten. Do you want to eat dumplings?

Jiang Boyhuai shook his head and said that he was not hungry.

Chen Aihe noticed a young man standing next to him and asked curiously: "Who is this?"

Only then did the young man bow and introduce himself, "My name is Jiang Ailun. I am my father's adopted son. Nice to meet you all."

His Chinese pronunciation is not very standard, and he looks like a child who grew up in a foreign country.

Chen Aihe greeted him with a smile, and did not forget to compliment him, "This kid looks so fair, just like a fair-faced scholar. Are you married?"

Ailun Jiang politely replied: "I am single. If grandma has a suitable girl, you can introduce me to one."

Chen Aihe was surprised to see that he was quite familiar.

Today was a happy day. She closed the restaurant early and then led Jiang Ailun back to the courtyard.

Jiang Boyhuai followed Jiang Xiaowen to the clothing store.

Thinking of the wife he was about to face, he felt a little uneasy. He tried hard to search his memory, but still couldn't remember anything...

At this time, Shi Lan was helping customers cut trousers in the store. The customer saw that her wavy hair was very beautiful and asked quickly: "Sister, where did you get your hair done? I'll get it exactly the same."

Shi Lan told her the address generously and did not hide anything.

After the customer left, Tong Xiaoxue came over and wanted to know the address of the barber shop. She had not dared to ask before because she was afraid that the boss would be unhappy.

Shi Lan found paper and pen to write down the address and gave it to her.

At this time, Jiang Xiaowen led the man into the clothing store.

Jiang Boyhuai happened to see the moment when Shi Lan raised his head. The fair oval face and gentle eyebrows were every part of his heart.

At this moment, his heart, which had been silent for a long time, skipped a beat.

Shi Lan turned his head when he heard the noise, and after seeing his appearance clearly, his eyes instantly became wet.

The pen in her hand struck the white paper, and the ink stained the paper blue, but she didn't notice it.

Thinking of giving them some space to be alone, Jiang Xiaowen took Tong Xiaoxue and Qu Ting away.

Soon, only Shi Lan and Jiang Boyhuai were left in the huge shop.

The man slowly walked towards her, introduced his identity softly, and asked: "Are you Shi Lan?"


Shi Lan nodded subconsciously, but couldn't speak because her whole body was trembling slightly, and her mind was filled with white...

I don't know how long it took before she dared to confirm, "Bo Huai, are you really alive?"

As she spoke, tears flowed down, reflecting all the pain she had experienced in the past twenty years.

Jiang Bohuai looked at her and wanted to hold her in his arms. He hesitated for a moment, then followed his heart and took her into his arms, whispering: "I'm really back alive."


By the time they returned to the courtyard from the clothing store, it was already afternoon.

After 20 years of vicissitudes, many old neighbors did not recognize Jiang Bohuai for a while. After learning the truth, the entire courtyard was boiling.

Meng Shuge looked left and right before he dared to confirm.

"Your parents have had a hard time these years. It's great that you can come back now."

Jiang Boyhuai didn't know these neighbors and smiled politely, "I will take good care of them in the future."

Some people were curious about his experiences over the years, but he patiently answered them one by one.

Chen Aihe saw the changes in him and couldn't help but sigh: "He is much more mature than before. He looks like a monkey back then. Tsk, tsk, tsk, only Shi Lan dares to marry him."

Shi Lan stood beside him, forcing a smile. Now after the surprise, there is endless sorrow.

She and Jiang Bohuai hadn't seen each other for twenty years. His household registration had been canceled long ago, and they were no longer husband and wife legally.

Then, is he still willing to live with her?

Moreover, he has been abroad before, how long can he stay in China?

All of this is unknown...

When Jiang Deshan came back from get off work, he saw how busy the yard was. He still didn't know what was going on?

He pushed his bicycle in front of his house. At this moment, a man walked towards him not far away. The gray sky affected his vision, so he squinted his eyes and looked carefully.

When he saw it clearly, he was almost scared to death. Fortunately, Chen Aihe came over at this time, supported him, and said happily: "Deshan, look, our son is back!"

After some explanations, Jiang Deshan dared to believe that Jiang Bohuai was not a ghost, but came back alive!

He wished he could go and burn incense in front of his ancestors' graves now, and thank them for their blessings!

At the reunion dinner that day, Jiang Deshan was very excited. He took out the liquor he had collected for many years and poured a glass for his lost son.

Jiang Bohuai raised his glass, first to honor his parents and thank them for their upbringing.

Then he paid tribute to Jiang Rou and Shen Chengdong, thanking them for helping him find his family and find his roots.

When it was Shi Lan's turn, Jiang Bohuai raised his glass and his expression became a little unnatural, "You have worked hard for so many years."

The tip of Shi Lan's nose felt sour, and she tried hard to suppress the emotions in her heart, "I don't have to work so hard. I am very happy to be able to raise Xiaowen."

Jiang Boyhuai wanted to say something more, but before he could say anything, Jiang Xiaowen asked: "How long do you plan to stay in China?"

Hearing this question, everyone looked at Jiang Bohuai. The man was slightly startled and answered truthfully: "I'm leaving next week."

He also has some assets overseas that need to be disposed of.

Shi Lan didn't dare to ask him if he would come back? Jiang Rou saw her thoughts and asked for her: "Then do you want to live in China or abroad in the future?"

Jiang Boyhuai couldn't help but look at Shi Lan, his heart was beating wildly, like a young boy.

"If nothing else happens, I will come back."

Jiang Rou nodded with satisfaction and didn't ask anything else.

Jiang Ailun, who was sitting not far away, had a thoughtful look in his eyes at this moment.

After dinner, the issue of accommodation for these two people became the focus of discussion among the Jiang family.

Chen Aihe felt that Jiang Bohuai and Shi Lan were husband and wife, and they had finally reunited, so of course they had to live together!

But Jiang Deshan believed that after twenty years of separation, Jiang Bohuai had lost his memory again, and living with a stranger he had only met once would be embarrassing for anyone else.

Shi Lan also feels the same way. She really doesn't know what to do if they live together again after not seeing each other for many years.

Finally, Jiang Boyhuai and Jiang Ailun went to the second courtyard of Jiang Rou's house.

As they walked on the road, Jiang Rou explained to them the changes in the capital city in the past twenty years.

Seeing that Jiang Ailun was listening with great interest, she asked, "Are you of foreign descent? You don't look very Chinese."

Jiang Ailun looked confused and said that he was an orphan and had no idea what his bloodline was?

Jiang Rou listened and didn't ask any more questions.

Chapter 105: Inhumanity

This night was a sleepless night for many people.

Jiang Rou rested her head on Shen Chengdong's shoulder, still very excited, "It's great to have my eldest brother back! Do you think he and his sister-in-law can renew their relationship?"

Shen Chengdong kissed her forehead gently and said "Yes".

Jiang Rou raised her eyes in surprise, "Are you so sure?"


She immediately sat up straight, extremely curious, "Huh? Did you discover something?"

After all, they haven't seen each other for twenty years, and many things have changed. She has been worried about this.

While helping her smooth her slightly messy hair, Shen Chengdong replied: "During dinner, your eldest brother looked at his sister-in-law countless times, which shows that he cares about her. Don't worry, they will be together sooner or later."

Men know men best, and Jiang Bohuai's thoughts were too obvious.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Rou was even more surprised and decided to observe it carefully tomorrow.

At this time, in another room.

Jiang Bohuai was sitting at the desk reading. Jiang Ailun asked from the side: "Dad, do you really want to stay in China in the future?"

Jiang Bohuai raised his head from the book and replied in a low voice: "Yes, I have this plan."

Suddenly, he thought of something and continued to add: "You have grown up and you don't have to follow me everywhere. If you want to stay in the United States, I will give you a sum of money to do what you like."

Jiang Ailun frowned imperceptibly and immediately expressed his loyalty, "Dad, I only have you as a relative. Since you like China, I will stay here and live here."

Jiang Bohuai wants to be an enlightened father, hoping that he will not worry about others and live the life he wants.

After hearing this, Allen Jiang nodded and said he would seriously consider it.

Early the next morning, Shen Chengdong bought soy milk and fried dough sticks.

Jiang Bohuai was not uncomfortable with such a breakfast, but rather enjoyed it. Seeing that he loved to eat, Jiang Rou said with a smile: "It seems that you still have the stomach of a Beijinger. Nothing has changed. How about I take you to drink bean juice another day?"

Jiang Boyhuai didn't know what douzhier was, so he readily agreed.

Shen Chengdong saw it from the side and chuckled helplessly.

On the other side, Allen Jiang only ate a little bit, obviously not liking it.

Seeing this, Jiang Rou took out the milk powder at home and made him a cup of milk.

"You can tell me what you like to eat. You don't have to force yourself to eat something you don't like."

Ailun Jiang said "thank you" and drank the glass of milk in a few sips without any concern for gentlemanly manners.

He believes that compared to the breakfast in Guangdong Province, the breakfast in Beijing is more unpalatable.

Jiang Rou saw his actions in her eyes and thought that this man was quite interesting.

After breakfast, they came to the courtyard. Chen Aihe deliberately waited at home instead of going to the dumpling restaurant.

Seeing them coming, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet them and asked, "How did you sleep last night? If you are not used to sleeping, just scream and I will give you two more mattresses."

Jiang Bohuai felt warm in his heart and felt that it felt good to have parents who cared about him. He looked around subconsciously, but did not see Shi Lan.

As if reading his thoughts, Chen Aihe said with a smile: "Shi Lan is going to the store and will be back soon. Then I will ask her to take you shopping around. Maybe after shopping, you can remember what happened in the past." I remembered."


Jiang Bohuai was looking forward to it, but he didn't show it on his face.

At this time, Jiang Ailun reminded: "Dad, I have an appointment with the manager of Chengnan Department Store today. Don't forget it."

Jiang Bohuai waved his hand and told him that the appointment would be rescheduled to tomorrow.

Jiang Ailun's expression condensed and he said no more.

An hour later, Shi Lan rushed back from the clothing store and saw the man sitting in the outer room talking with his family. Suddenly, she felt unreal, like a dream. She hoped she would never wake up from this dream.

The next second, she gathered her mood and walked over.

Seeing that she was back, Chen Aihe hurriedly pulled Jiang Boyhuai and pushed her out, "You two go quickly, visit the places where we dated before, and eat something good out in the evening, so you don't have to go home to eat."

This ambiguous statement made Shi Lan's face turn red. She didn't dare to look at the man, so she turned and walked outside. Jiang Bohuai followed closely behind, showing a rare shyness that did not suit his age.

Ailun Jiang wanted to follow them, but was stopped by Chen Aihe, "Why are you kiddoing there? Don't be a light bulb! If you have nothing to do, just help me pick the garlic!"

"..." Jiang Ailun pursed his lips and reluctantly followed Chen Aihe.


In the past twenty years, Beijing and the city have changed a lot, and many shops are no longer there.

Shi Lan walked with him on the street, his whole body was in a tense state and could not relax at all.

Jiang Boyhuai unconsciously approached her shoulder, coughed slightly and asked, "Have we been here before?"

"Yeah, come often."

Shi Lan mustered up the courage to look at him sideways, then pointed to a corner on the street and said with a smile: "There used to be a master who made candy figures here. You wanted someone to make a flower and give it to me, but the master didn't want to. Oh, you just went to beg for help every day. Later, the master couldn't resist you and finally pinched a flower. After you gave it to me, I was reluctant to eat it. In the end, it was eaten secretly by the naughty kid from the neighbor's house because of this. , I cried for a long time."

Speaking of this, the tip of her nose felt slightly sour, and she still regretted not protecting the flower.

Jiang Bohuai listened silently, trying to recall the past but couldn't remember anything. Seeing her looking like she was about to cry, he felt inexplicably sore.

"Don't be sad. If you like it, I can give you another hundred flowers like that."

Hearing these words, Shi Lan raised his eyes suddenly, shock and endless joy flashed in his eyes. Just because Jiang Boyhuai said exactly the same thing when he learned that the sugar flowers had been eaten secretly.

"Did you remember something?"

Looking at her expectant eyes, Jiang Bohuai was silent for a moment and answered truthfully: "No, there is no picture in my mind."

Shi Lan couldn't help but be a little disappointed, but she thought that the future was long, as long as people were alive, one day he would remember it.

Afterwards, the two of them visited the place where they once studied. Jiang Bohuai listened to her talk about the past and couldn't help but feel jealous of his former self. He was so happy at that time...

They returned home after dinner, and Jiang Rou had already returned from get off work.

Seeing him coming back so late, Jiang Rou couldn't help but tease, "Where have you been? It seems you had a good time shopping?"

At this moment, she believed Shen Chengdong's words: These two people are really interesting!

Shi Lan was a little embarrassed and told her that they happened to pass by the cinema after dinner and they went to watch another movie.

The Jiang family was happy to see the speed of progress. Only Jiang Ailun pursed his lips and said nothing.

Afterwards, he looked at Jiang Xiaowen aside and asked softly: "I will call you sister from now on."

Jiang Xiaowen turned his head, unable to warm up to the strange man in front of him, "Everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. When I was in my mother's belly, my father saw me first and then met you. You should call me sister." That's right."

Jiang Ailun was confused and had no idea how seniority was arranged in China. He thought for a while and reluctantly said: "Sister, I understand."

Seeing that he really believed it, Jiang Xiaowen couldn't help laughing, "Well, good brother, you are so good~"

"..." Jiang Ailun blushed instantly, feeling that Chinese women are so thick-skinned.

In the evening, return to the courtyard.

Jiang Bohuai found Jiang Rou and wanted to have a chat.

The two came to the study and sat across from each other. Jiang Bohuai spoke first: "Xiaorou, I want to ask you for a favor."

"Say, what's going on?"

Jiang Rou straightened her back and listened carefully. Jiang Boyhuai replied: "I will be leaving in a few days. Please help me take care of my parents and Shi Lan. Also, I want to buy a house in Beijing. Can you help me find an agent?"

Jiang Rou didn't know what an intermediary was, so she guessed that people like Guo Yueqin were called intermediaries.

She was the best at buying houses, so she agreed without even thinking about it.

"How big a house do you want to buy? I can help you find out."

Jiang Boyhuai didn't know much about housing prices in Beijing. He looked around and thought her yard was pretty good. The only drawback was that it didn't have a separate bathroom.

Going to the bathroom is a hassle, but it can be overcome.

"How much does it cost to buy a house like yours? Or a bigger one. I want to live with my parents and... your sister-in-law."

Jiang Rou really doesn't know the price of a courtyard house.

She already had three courtyard houses, and she usually had to pay property taxes. She didn't want to buy a fourth one, so she didn't ask about it.

With house prices rising steadily in recent years, it is estimated that it will not be too cheap.

"Maybe tens of thousands of yuan, what's your budget?"

Jiang Bohuai was surprised to hear that such a big house only costs tens of thousands of yuan. "It's fine within 100,000 yuan, so I'll trouble you."

One hundred thousand yuan is an astronomical figure for Jiang Rou. She didn't expect that her eldest brother would be so arrogant?

More troubles were yet to come. The next day, a large truck arrived at the door of the courtyard, saying it was delivering home appliances to the Jiang family.

The Jiang family was shocked by this fight. After asking, they found out that these things were sent by Jiang Bohuai.

Immediately afterwards, household appliances were moved down from the truck one after another.

There were color TV sets, refrigerators, tape recorders, etc., and the neighbors were blinded when they saw them.

Everyone praised the Jiang family for their good fortune. Not only did their son not die, he also became a rich man. This was all blessing.

Chen Aihe's face flushed with excitement, and he didn't know what to do for a moment. She hurriedly asked Xiang Shilan, hoping that the other party could give her an idea.

Shi Lan was also shocked. She knew that Jiang Boyhuai was living a good life in the United States, but she didn't expect this?

She suddenly felt that the gap between the two was a bit big. Can the gap of twenty years really be made up in a short time?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

After the mover finished moving the appliances, he pointed to the other appliances in the car and said, "Those are going to Jiang Rou's house and [Chen's Dumpling House]. Which one of you will help me lead the way?"

Jiang Rou was a little confused when she heard that there was one of her own. A refrigerator costs 2,000 yuan. This gift is too big and she can't afford it.

"Excuse me, where is my eldest brother? I want to have a chat with him?"

The moving master didn't know what the boss was doing, so he smiled and urged: "I'm just a mover. Please help me lead the way. After delivering these two houses, I have other goods to deliver."

Jiang Rou had no choice but to take him home and thought to herself, what kind of gifts would it be better to buy and return?

Chen Aihe also went with her, because there was a refrigerator in the car that was sent to [Chen's Dumpling Restaurant].

This time, the cold noodle soup can be stored in the refrigerator, but how many bowls of cold noodles do you need to sell to earn back the money from the refrigerator?

It is estimated that it will take at least three years...

Thinking about it made her feel distressed, and she secretly scolded Jiang Bohuai for being a prodigal!

Chapter 106 Failed

After moving the refrigerator into the courtyard, Jiang Rou was not in a hurry to open it. She went to [Chen's Dumpling Restaurant] with Chen Aihe.

When Chen Ailan saw them coming, she was very puzzled: "Didn't I ask you to stay at home with your son? Why are you here again?"

At this time, the moving master carried the refrigerator into the house, and she was also shocked, "Boss, why did you buy it? This is too wasteful!"

Chen Aihe looked helpless and explained: "This is a gift from Bo Huai. I just found out about it."

"Oh my god, this kid is so bold!"

Chen Ailan walked around the refrigerator and couldn't help but sigh: "Your son is really good. Even if he has lost his memory, he never forgets to honor his parents. It seems that you and Deshan have taught him well."

Chen Aihe shook his head after hearing this, "This has nothing to do with how well we were educated. You see, Jiang Qiuyu was raised by me, so her temperament still follows that of her own mother."

Chen Ailan frowned subconsciously when she heard Jiang Qiuyu's name. She didn't expect that the child would become as virtuous as he is today.

At this time, in the meat factory.

Jiang Qiuyu just happened to hear the content of other people's chats, and the words "eldest brother of the Jiang family" were like a flash of fire, which immediately made her angry.

"Which eldest brother of the Jiang family are you talking about?"

The people chatting looked at her in unison, and then they remembered that she was once a member of the Jiang family.

There was a man named Liu Hong among them, who also lived in the alley in the courtyard. He looked down upon ungrateful people like Jiang Qiuyu the most, so he deliberately said angrily: "This is the Jiang family you are thinking of. Don't you know, Jiang Qiuyu?" My eldest brother is rich now and has bought a lot of good things for my parents! He is not like some people who are just white-eyed."

Being harmed in front of everyone, Jiang Qiuyu was so angry, "Who do you think is a white-eyed wolf? Believe it or not, I will fire you?!"

Liu Hong's eyes widened, not afraid at all, "If you have the ability, fire me. I want to see if you have the ability!"

Jiang Qiuyu frowned when he heard this, feeling that there was something in her words, "What do you mean?"

But Liu Hong didn't answer, but gave her a mocking smile. At this time, people around came to break up the fight and took Liu Hong away.

Seeing them walking further and further away, Jiang Qiuyu always felt that something was fishy, ​​but she didn't think much about it. What she was most concerned about right now was, why did Jiang Boyhuai come back early?

Obviously he came back after the millennium? !

In order to find out the truth, she went to [Chen's Dumpling Restaurant] that afternoon.

As soon as Chen Aihe filled the refrigerator with food, she came.

Originally, Jiang Qiuyu wanted to trick Chen Ailan, but when he saw Chen Aihe, he was frightened.

"Second Aunt, why are you here?"

Chen Aihe looked at her with his hands on his hips and said angrily: "Come over and order whatever you want to eat. If you want to talk nonsense and don't want to spend money, then leave quickly!"

"..." Jiang Qiuyu was stunned into silence and felt that she was very heartless.

"Second Aunt, after all these years, do you still hate me?"

Seeing her pitiful look, Chen Aihe's blood pressure rose, and he cursed with a "Bah" sound: "Don't play tricks with me here. Do you want to eat or not? If not, get out of here. I don't have relatives like you." !"

Jiang Qiuyu was so angry that he turned around and left, regretting his trip today.

Not far from the restaurant, she happened to bump into Jiang Bohuai. In shock, she called out his name. Jiang Bohuai turned his head when he heard the sound, doubts flashing in his eyes.

"Brother, do you still remember me? I'm Qiu Yu?"

In the previous investigation, did Jiang Boyhuai know who Jiang Qiuyu was? She also knew about the conflicts between her and the Jiang family, so she asked calmly: "What do you want me to do?"

In Jiang Qiuyu's impression, Jiang Bohuai's image still remains the same as when he returned to his hometown with honor in his previous life.

An affable and very wealthy old man.

But I never thought that he would have this attitude when we meet again?

"Brother, don't you remember me?"

Seeing the inquiry in her eyes, Jiang Boyhuai did not tell the truth, "I remember. However, you are no longer my sister, so there is no need to talk more."

He set his face down, looking very serious. In order to get a piece of the pie, Jiang Qiuyu wanted to explain further, "My mother is too vindictive. I also have difficulties with some things. Can you help me?"

Having been in business for many years, Jiang Bohuai could tell her thoughts at a glance and disliked people like her the most.

He frowned and said, "That's my mother, not your mother. I can't help you."

After saying that, he left without looking back. Jiang Qiuyu wanted to chase him to make his presence felt, but was blocked by Jiang Ailun.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Chen Aihe was angry.

When she saw Jiang Bohuai coming, she put away her anger and said deliberately: "Why are you so prodigal? How expensive is the refrigerator? What can you do with 2,000 yuan? Xiaowen is about to get engaged, you are the father." , but you can't say nothing at all."

"Xiaowen is getting engaged?"

Jiang Bohuai was surprised when he heard it for the first time.

"You don't know about this?"

He shook his head. The topics between him and Shi Lan usually revolved around the past and rarely mentioned the present and future, so he had no idea that Jiang Xiaowen was in love and was getting engaged.

"Mom, what does the person she is engaged to do?"

Chen Aihe didn't know much about research. He only said that Yuan Qi was helping Jiang Rou. He was a very nice person and a good boy who was sensible and polite.

Jiang Boyhuai pursed his thin lips after hearing this. For him, such conditions completely failed to meet the criteria for choosing a son-in-law.

On the other side, Yuan Qi and Jiang Xiaowen gathered together, and they couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.

This father-in-law who suddenly fell from the sky gave him a bad premonition. He asked Jiang Xiaowen, "When will your father leave Beijing? Will he attend the engagement party?"

Jiang Xiaowen also didn't know that she was both curious and cautious about this strange father.

Thinking that he hadn't officially paid a visit yet, Yuan Qi planned to buy some gifts and go to Jiang's house on Sunday. But what he didn't know was that Jiang Bohuai was leaving in three days. There is no way to "stop" this engagement party.

In the next two days, Jiang Bohuai will accompany Shi Lan to work every day, and will go home with her after get off work.

Shi Lan was a little embarrassed, but knowing that he was leaving, she acquiesced to his behavior.

On this day, the two of them chatted about Jiang Xiaowen.

Jiang Boyhuai asked: "You seem to be very satisfied with that Yuan Qi. Don't you think he has accomplished nothing in his career?"

In his opinion, a man's success is directly linked to his career, and he doesn't want his daughter to marry a soft-boiled man.

Shi Lan thought for a while and said truthfully: "I used to worry about their affairs, but later I figured out that children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. They have their own way of life and don't need anyone else's guidance, so don't worry about it too." ."

Jiang Bohuai didn't talk about it anymore, but took out a small box from his suit pocket and handed it to her solemnly.

"I personally selected this, I hope you like it."

Shi Lan took the box and opened the lid, and was stunned. Inside was a gold ring. It was very elegant and she liked it very much.

"Try it on and see if the size fits. If it doesn't fit, I'll go to the gold shop to exchange it."

Shi Lan took out the ring and put it on her ring finger. The size was just right.

At this moment, Jiang Bohuai suddenly said: "Shi Lan, when I come back, I will definitely come back to you as soon as possible this time."

She raised her head, her eyes wet, nodded and said "ok".

The next day.

Jiang Rou and Shen Chengdong sent Jiang Bohuai and Jiang Ailun to the international airport.

On the way, Jiang Boyhuai did not forget to tell Jiang Rou to help him buy a house.

Jiang Rou agreed wholeheartedly and told him to pay attention to safety and come back as soon as possible.

When they were put on the plane, her eyes were still very red. Shen Chengdong gently held her shoulders and comforted her softly, "Don't be sad, brother will be back."

"Well, he will definitely come back."

Jiang Rou put away her disappointed mood and walked out of the airport, and then asked: "Where are we going now?"

Shen Chengdong came in a jeep today. He opened the door for her and told her that she was going to Jiefang Primary School for a parent-teacher meeting next.

After he said this, Jiang Rou remembered that today was the day of the parent-teacher meeting.

Because of image issues, she had already agreed with Shen Chengdong that he would be solely responsible for holding parent-teacher conferences in the future.

She sat in the car and waited quietly. Shen Chengdong took a pen and paper and came to the classroom of Grade 3.

This was his first parent-teacher meeting. As soon as he entered the classroom, everyone looked over at him, making him a little confused.

It's no wonder that everyone is curious. After all, among the fifty children in this class, all are mothers. There is only one man, Shen Chengdong, and he is a handsome man.

Even if it is a little bit of green among thousands of flowers, it is difficult not to attract attention.

Teacher Sun, the head teacher, was also surprised, but she still wanted to continue the meeting, so she pretended to be calm and took him to Doubao's seat.

Before the meeting started, someone came over and asked, "Why isn't your wife here? Who are your children?"

Shen Chengdong replied calmly and briefly.

After a while, the meeting officially started. Teacher Sun first briefly introduced the students' strengths and weaknesses.

When describing the bean bags, she described it more euphemistically, "Child Jiang Chengzhou has a lively and cheerful personality. It would be better if he could get rid of his bad habit of talking a lot in class."

Because the teacher introduced him first, the image of Doubao immediately left a deep impression on the parents.

Shen Chengdong didn't listen to the comments around him, but still listened carefully to the teacher's continued introduction.

Soon, it was Mango's turn. Teacher Sun liked her very much, and the adjectives came out one after another.

For example, beautiful, generous, smart and polite.

Everyone was shocked to learn that this was also Shen Chengdong's child.

Someone asked: "Are your two children twins? Why don't they have the same last name?"

Afraid of spreading rumors, Shen Chengdong rarely explained seriously, "Well, a son takes his mother's surname, and a daughter takes her father's surname, so the surnames are different."

After hearing this, the parents found it strange.

Next, the first test results were announced. When Teacher Sun read the results of Doubao, he did not forget to look at Shen Chengdong.

"Jiang Chengzhou, with a score of 59 in Chinese and 32 in mathematics, ranks last in the class."

Shen Chengdong: "..."

Chapter 107 Fulfilling Wish

Once again, everyone looked at Shen Chengdong. His face felt hot and he was so embarrassed.

If there was a hole in the ground, he could not wait to crawl into it.

Seeing his sullen face and fierce look, Teacher Sun was so frightened that he swallowed twice and said anxiously: "Actually, Jiang Chengzhou is not stupid, he just doesn't like to study. As long as we guide him well, he will definitely become better."

Shen Chengdong nodded in response without saying a word.

No one around the parents dared to say anything, thinking that this father was really a murderer. It seemed that the unlucky child would definitely be beaten tonight.

Next, Teacher Sun continued to read the test scores of other students. Of the 50 children in the class, 20 scored double hundred points, including Mango. Others who did not get double hundred points in the test also scored above 80 points.

After hearing the end, Shen Chengdong's face turned even darker.

Teacher Sun was afraid that he would punish the students corporally when he went home. After hesitating for a moment, he plucked up the courage to persuade him: "Jiang Chengzhou's father, your first test score doesn't mean anything. You should talk well when you go home, but you must not hit your child."

Shen Chengdong nodded and said "thank you" to her.

After the parent-teacher meeting, Shen Chengdong returned to the jeep. Jiang Rou saw his cold face and asked curiously: "Who provoked you? Could it be that their test scores were not satisfactory?"

Seeing that she had guessed, Shen Chengdong suppressed his anger and told her, "Dou Bao is the last in the class in this exam. I really want to beat him."

He said the last sentence through gritted teeth.

Jiang Rou was stunned for a few seconds and asked uncertainly: "You mean Doubao is last? What score did he get in the exam?"

"Well, he scored 59 points in Chinese and 32 points in mathematics. The total score difference between him and the second to last person is 69 points."

Jiang Rou only felt confused. She never expected that her son's academic performance would be so poor?

He obviously reads a lot of books every day when he comes home. Has he not absorbed the knowledge? Or don't like learning at all?

Jiang Rou couldn't help but fell into deep thought, thinking that she didn't like studying when she was a child, and she was always at the bottom of every exam. Now that she is asking Doubao to study well, she seems a little lacking in confidence?

"This is just a small test, don't be angry. I didn't do well in the test when I was a kid, and my dad wasn't as cruel as you."

"..." Shen Chengdong took a deep look at her and realized who Doubao was following in his studies.

Meeting his gaze, Jiang Rou felt guilty, "Although I was not good at studying before, I have never been ranked last in an exam."

Shen Chengdong chuckled helplessly, "That can only mean that one is better than the other."

Hearing that he dared to harm herself, Jiang Rou glared at him fiercely, "It sounds like you are so smart. What was your test score when you were in school?"

Shen Chengdong raised his eyebrows slightly and said rather arrogantly: "I have always been the first in the group throughout the year, and he really didn't follow me on this point."

Jiang Rou was silenced and felt that he must be bragging. For example, the elementary school she attended had more than 100 people in the whole-year class, and he got first place in the exam every time. How awesome is that?

But what she doesn't know is that Wangshui Village Primary School has only one class for each grade, with only 15 students in each class. It's not that difficult to get the first place in the whole class...

The couple was speechless. After a long while, Jiang Roucai said: "Doubao didn't do well in the exam this time, but it doesn't mean he will never do well in the exam. We have to have confidence in him. Even if we try hard, he still can't learn well, but we still have to be happy." Accept his mediocrity, not everyone becomes a genius. Are you right?"

Shen Chengdong agreed with her words and most of his anger was gone.

Seeing that his expression had softened a lot, Jiang Rou asked again: "By the way, you haven't said how Mango did in the exam?"

"She scored double hundred and did well in the exam."

This was expected by Jiang Rou, and she felt quite comforted.

Return to the courtyard.

Chen Aihe couldn't wait to ask: "Did your brother get on the plane safely?"

"Well, he has left. He said he would come back as soon as possible after taking care of his overseas affairs."

Shi Lan listened silently and breathed a sigh of relief. She lowered her head and glanced at the ring on her ring finger, hoping that he would return safely.

At this time, Doubao didn't know that his academic results had come out. He walked over with a smile and asked: "Mom, what did Teacher Sun tell you? Did she praise me?"

Jiang Rou looked at his silly and sweet smile and was speechless. Shen Chengdong tried to calmly say: "Doubao, come with me, let's talk."

Doubao was startled and subconsciously looked at Jiang Rou, suddenly having a bad premonition. Before he could react, Shen Chengdong patted his shoulder, hugged him, and took him away.

When Chen Aihe saw this, he was a little confused, "What's going on? Did Doubao get into trouble at school?"

Jiang Rou lowered her head, scratched her eyebrows lightly, and replied: "No, his test scores were not very good this time. His father wants to talk to him."

Chen Aihe was shocked when he heard this. "Chengdong doesn't know how to beat children, right? If the bean buns have fine skin and tender flesh, don't beat them, so they won't cause any problems!"

Jiang Rou was helpless, "Mom, he won't beat the child, don't worry."

But Chen Aihe was still worried, so he immediately put down his work and went to the window to listen to the sound.

At this time, in the room.

Shen Chengdong and Dou Bao sat across from each other, Dou Bao secretly glanced at him without daring to say a word.

"The results of this test are out, how many points do you think you can get?" Shen Chengdong looked at him intently, with a strong aura.

Doubao suddenly felt stressed and said in a whisper as quiet as a mosquito: "Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't do well in the exam this time."

Seeing his good attitude in admitting his mistake, Shen Chengdong almost laughed out loud.

Outside the house, Chen Aihe only heard this before being pulled away by Jiang Rou, "Mom, please leave them alone. Let's go. I have something else to tell you and my sister-in-law."

Guessing that what she was about to say was related to Jiang Bohuai, Chen Aihe could only leave with him, and they came to Shi Lan's house.

Jiang Rou took out three things wrapped in newspapers from her bag, which looked very thick.

"My brother gave these to me before he left, one for my mother, one for my sister-in-law, and one for Xiaowen's engagement."

Shi Lan immediately understood what was wrapped there, her eyes were slightly moist, and she was also a little flustered, fearing that he would not come back again.

But the ring on her finger gave her confidence again. Soon, she calmed down and said, "Xiaowen's engagement is just for the whole family to have a meal. It doesn't cost so much, so Xiaowen's share should be given to mom."

How could Chen Aihe ask for the money? The two sides pushed and pushed, but in the end, the money was divided according to Jiang Bohuai's wishes.

That night, after the kids go to bed.

Jiang Rou asked about the conversation between father and son. Shen Chengdong rubbed his swollen temples and replied: "He said that during the exam, it was raining outside, and there was a bird taking shelter by the window. He was afraid that the bird would be in danger, so he kept watching the bird."

This reason caught people off guard. Jiang Rou was curious, what happened to the little bird in the end?

"Before I finished the exam, I was found by the mother bird and picked up."

After Shen Chengdong finished speaking, he showed a hint of surprise, "You believe him so much, aren't you afraid that he will lie to you?"

"Don't be afraid. He is my child. I know his temper and character best. He will not lie."

Regarding this, Jiang Rou is very confident. Maybe her child is not the smartest, but he must be the kindest!

After that, the two talked a lot. Shen Chengdong decided to pay more attention to the children's studies from now on. Jiang Rou also wanted to do her part, but she was too busy with her work and was a little overwhelmed.

It has recently been rumored that "International News" and "Xinwen Lianbo" will be merged into one column.

She and Fan Jiashen have been busy with meetings, large and small, which is a bit overwhelming.

After the meeting that day, Fan Jiashen rarely showed a tired look and complained in a low voice, "If I continue to be so busy, I feel that I am not far from ascending to heaven."

Jiang Rou chuckled after hearing this, "That's not the case. How did I hear that you found a partner? When do you plan to get married?"

Fan Jiashen felt a little embarrassed when he mentioned this, "It was introduced by our leader as his wife's cousin. I think that girl is okay, so I just want to give each other a chance."

"Congratulations, I wish you a beautiful girl as soon as possible."

"Thank you. I will try to get married as soon as possible and treat you to wedding candy then."

The two left the conference room chatting and laughing, and happened to bump into Lin Yuanyou. There was a thin woman standing next to him, holding a lunch box in her hand. It seemed that she was here to deliver food.

Jiang Rou recognized her as Lin Yuanyou's wife at a glance, so she smiled and said hello.

Lin Yuanyou's wife is Yang Sixu. She has watched Jiang Rou on TV and likes it very much. However, because of her introverted personality, she just smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Rou was going to report the news, and left after saying a few words to them.

After watching her leave, Yang Sixu turned his attention to Fan Jiashen.

"How are you getting along with Tao Tao? She can be a little willful sometimes, so please bear with her."

Yang Sixu's father was once a big capitalist, and she has the temperament of a lady. But she had suffered disaster before, and she became nervous. As long as there is any disturbance, it will be like a frightened bird.

Seeing this, Fan Jiashen hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, we get along well, you don't have to worry."

Lin Yuanyou also echoed, "We won't get involved in their affairs. Why don't we think about this New Year's Eve, if your brother comes back, how will we celebrate the New Year?"

Hearing him mention his younger brother, Yang Sixu changed his attention and really started to think seriously.


Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye it was the day of Jiang Xiaowen's engagement.

Everyone gathered at [Chen's Dumpling Restaurant]. Jiang Xiaowen was dressed in red and looked very festive.

Yuan Qi is also wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with a silly smile on his face. His shawl hair has long been cut short, and he looks much more energetic than before.

At the engagement party, Shi Lan gave Jiang Xiaowen a set of gold jewelry, saying it was from Jiang Bohuai.

She accepted it happily, and suddenly realized that having multiple rich fathers was quite nice!

Although it was just an engagement, Shi Lan's eyes were still red. She felt that it was no different from marrying her daughter. One day, she had to accept the reality.

Jiang Rou sat next to her and persuaded softly: "Don't cry. If my brother sees it, he will definitely feel distressed. Yuan Qi is a promising young man. Don't worry, Xiaowen will be happy if she marries him."

Shi Lan nodded, sniffed, and changed the subject: "It seems that there is a clothing store opening opposite our store. I don't know exactly what styles of clothes they will sell. What do you think we should do?"

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and opening a clothing store at this time is a wise choice. Jiang Rou thought for a moment and felt that there was no need to pay attention to it. It was best to coexist peacefully.

Half a month later, the clothing store opposite opened.

Tong Xiaoxue pretended to be a customer and went shopping there. When she came back, she was so angry that she turned into a pufferfish.

"They are going too far. The styles are similar to ours, but the price is half cheaper than ours. Isn't this malicious lowering of prices?"

Jiang Rou happened to be here. She looked out the window and asked, "How do you think the quality of the clothes is? Is it the same as us?"

Tong Xiaoxue recalled it, frowned and replied: "The quality is different, its quality is not as good as ours."

After Jiang Rou listened, she didn't ask any other questions.

In the next few days, their clothing store was indeed affected. Many customers asked, why are the same styles sold cheaper across the street but more expensive here?

Tong Xiaoxue and Qu Ting can only explain this: "You get what you pay for. Different prices will definitely produce different effects."

Some customers who are not short of money still choose to spend money here. In addition, there are some customers who will go to the opposite side to buy clothes in order to get cheaper prices.

Because of this incident, Shi Lan couldn't eat well or sleep well, and lost several pounds.

Jiang Rou asked Cheng Xi and Ye Siyi to go to the shop opposite, and the answer they got was: the quality is very poor, the price is extremely low, the styles are similar, and they use small profits but quick turnover.

Hearing this, Jiang Rou no longer worried. She comforted Shi Lan: "We are in the clothing business. We can't just do it for a year or two. If we want to develop for a long time, the quality of the clothes must pass the test in order to accumulate old customers. The shop opposite only Making quick money won't last long."

Shi Lan thought about it and thought it made sense, and said sincerely: "Xiaorou, thank you, thank you, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Later, Jiang Rou proposed activities during the Chinese New Year, such as buying one piece of clothing and getting a 20% discount on the second piece, and holding a lottery, which would definitely attract people. Shi Lan didn't understand this, but still did as she said.

Before the event, the store also distributed a lot of leaflets. During the few days of the event, there was an endless stream of customers, and Jiang Rou and Shi Lan made a lot of money.

After that, the store opposite also wanted to follow their example and hold activities, but it was New Year's Eve soon and it was too late to hold any more activities.


On New Year's Eve in 1982, the courtyard was bustling with activity.

Grandma Zhou has been having trouble with her legs and feet recently, so Jiang Deshan and Shen Chengdong carried her home.

Meng Shuge has nothing to do. He has recently become obsessed with calligraphy. He and Tian Wenbin are responsible for writing Spring Festival couplets for everyone.

Meng Wen was pregnant. She sat in the back room and chatted with Jiang Rou and others about family planning. Zhao Xiaolu originally wanted to have a second child, but unfortunately she never got pregnant. Now it was completely impossible.

Yuan Qi also stayed at Jiang's house for New Year's Eve. He was the youngest among them and was responsible for raising the children together with Jiang Xiaowen.

Since the last conversation between father and son, Doubao has become much more honest than before. He finally made it through the final exam, and he was still feeling very nervous on the day when his transcripts were distributed.

Not only him, Jiang Rou and Shen Chengdong were also worried. When they saw the scores were 66 and 60, all three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, it passed.

Today is New Year's Eve, a festival for children. He planned to let himself go, so he led Han Wenhao and Mango into the back room to play hide and seek.

At this time, Han Wenhao saw a firecracker hanging on the Kang box. He asked blankly: "Brother, when will the firecrackers be set off? I want to see the fireworks."

Doubao is a good brother. He will try his best to satisfy any requests of his younger brothers and sisters. He looked at the hanging whip and then at the long fuse in front of the firecracker. His mind changed and he had an idea.

"Go get the matches and the comb, and I'll let you see the fireworks now."

Han Wenhao didn't doubt that he was there and hurriedly went to get the things with his short legs. Mango couldn't guess what he was going to do, but still reminded him: "Brother, if you get into trouble again, dad will definitely spank you!"

Doubao waved his hands with a relaxed expression. He didn't think he was causing trouble, he was just trying to fulfill his brother's wish.

Chapter 108 Punishment

Soon, Han Wenhao brought the matches and comb over and handed the bean bag to him, his eyes full of expectation.

Beanbao took them and asked the two to stay away. Immediately afterwards, he took out a match from the matchbox and lit it, turned to Han Wenhao and said, "Brother, look at that line quickly. You will see the fireworks in a moment."

After saying that, he took two steps forward to light the fuse, and saw the flames gradually rising, with scattered sparks burning shorter and shorter.

Han Wenhao saw this and clapped his hands excitedly, "Brother, you are so awesome! There are really fireworks!"

Seeing that the fuse was almost burning out, Doubao hurriedly used a comb to cut it.

His original intention was that as long as the fire was extinguished, the firecrackers would remain intact and his brother could see the fireworks, which was the best of both worlds.

Unfortunately, things went counterproductive. He couldn't extinguish the flames just by blocking them.

I saw that in the next second, the flames burned on the firecrackers, and the "cracking" sound of firecrackers resounded throughout the courtyard.

The room was filled with the smell of sulfur. In panic, Doubao hurriedly pulled his younger siblings and ran out. Han Wenhao was frightened and cried, calling "Mom" while crying.

When everyone heard the noise, they ran out quickly and wanted to know what was going on? Seeing the frightened expressions on the three brothers and sisters' faces, and the deafening sound of firecrackers in their ears, everyone understood immediately.

When Han Wenhao saw Meng Wen, he immediately rushed over. Everyone covered their ears and didn't relax until the sound of firecrackers ended.

Shen Chengdong walked into the house with a dark face. The house was filled with a pungent smell and firecrackers scattered everywhere.

It's a good thing it didn't cause a fire!

Beanbag followed him, scared as a quail. Shen Chengdong turned around and asked loudly: "Did you do this?"

"Yeah." Doubao nodded and carefully explained: "I just wanted my brother to watch the fireworks. I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

Shen Chengdong felt a pain in his head. He casually grabbed the feather duster from the hat bucket and started to hit Doubao.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Aihe walked in and saw this scene, and hurriedly interceded for Doubao: "He knows he was wrong, Chengdong, please give him another chance!"

After saying that, she scolded Doubao and asked him to quickly apologize.

Doubao is afraid of being beaten and has a very good attitude towards admitting his mistakes. But what's the use of having a good attitude? He will continue to cause trouble when he should.

Shen Chengdong was so angry that he secretly decided to send him to Huo Zheng for training starting tomorrow.

At this time, Doubao still didn't know that today's incident had changed his life...

That night, when they went to Ye's house for a reunion dinner, Shen Chengdong told Huo Zheng about it. Huo Zheng was amused and laughed and agreed.

Jiang Rou was a little reluctant, so she asked Shen Chengdong: "Do you really want to send him to exercise? He is less than eight years old, and isn't it normal for him to have a naughty personality?"

Afraid of her anger, Shen Chengdong explained: "I went there mainly to keep fit, and secondly to exercise his willpower. You can let him try it first. If he doesn't like it, I won't force him."

After Jiang Rou thought carefully, she agreed with his decision.

The next day, Doubao looked excited and was sent to Huo Zheng's regiment to start the road to physical fitness.

When he got there, he seemed to have opened the door to a new world. He was curious about everything. He never felt tired from various exercises and still enjoyed it. Huo Zheng took note of his performance and thought he was a good prospect.


After New Year's Eve, Shi Lan took Jiang Xiaowen to the south to purchase goods.

Jiang Rou was left to take care of the store, but she had to go to work and couldn't keep an eye on the store's updates. Fortunately, the two salespeople were nice and saved her a lot of worry.

On this day, Jiang Rou came to the clothing store again. I saw Tong Xiaoxue standing at the door with an anxious look. When he saw her, he immediately came up to her and said very quickly: "Sister, it's bad! Qu Ting was pried away by the clothing store opposite!"

Jiang Rou's heart skipped a beat and she quickly asked, "When did it happen?"

"She didn't come to work today. I thought she was sick and couldn't take leave. I didn't expect that she was working as a salesperson in the store opposite. I guess she wanted to leave a long time ago, but she just waited until her salary was paid. What should we do now? ?"

Jiang Rou had no choice but to say, "Keep recruiting people. I will only have to work hard for you these two days."

"I don't work hard. If there is any work, you can ask me to do it."

Jiang Rou chuckled after hearing this. She didn't want to exploit her employees. There were not so many salespeople now, so she could only stay in the store during her break.

In order not to be recognized by customers, when selling goods, I also brought the insect mirror, which is particularly popular in the south.

Some customers saw it and thought it looked very good, paired with a windbreaker, and they sold five pairs of glasses every day. When Tong Xiaoxue saw this, she was particularly envious, "Sister Xiaorou, you are so awesome! Those glasses were gathering dust there. I didn't expect you to sell them all in just a few days."

Jiang Rou didn't expect that the glasses would sell so well. She immediately called the guest house where Shi Lan lived and wanted to wholesale more glasses.

After hearing this, Shi Lan immediately agreed.

Within three days, Jiang Rou hired a new salesperson. The girl is eighteen years old. By coincidence, she comes from Wangshui Village. Her name is Shen Jiao and she is not related to the Shen family.

Shen Jiao is very hard-working and has a good figure. She looks very attractive when she wears the clothes in the store. Jiang Rou was very satisfied with her.

Another half month later, Shi Lan came back with Jiang Xiaowen. This time, all the clothes were bought in spring. Shi Lan took out a woolen coat, which he wanted to give to Jiang Rou.

Apricot color, very beautiful.

"When I saw this dress, I thought it would look good on you, so I bought it. You try it on, and if the size doesn't fit, I'll change it."

Jiang Rou put on the woolen coat. She liked it very much. The size was just right, as if it was tailor-made.

"Sister-in-law, the quality of the goods you bought this time is really good. Why don't we just sell clothes of this brand in the future?"

Shi Lan also had this intention when going to the south this time, and the clothing factory also proposed very generous cooperation conditions.

She was thinking about discussing it with Jiang Rou, but unexpectedly, their ideas coincided.

Two days later, Shi Lan went south again and signed a contract with the manufacturer.


As the days go by, the weather gets warmer.

The columns of Huaguo TV have gradually become more colorful. In June of this year, three newcomers were recruited to the station. Among them was a girl named Zhang Yuanyuan, who was taught by Jiang Rou.

This is Jiang Rou's first time taking a disciple, and it feels amazing.

On the first day of internship, she led Zhang Yuanyuan to visit the entire TV station.

Zhang Yuanyuan looked around curiously and said with a smile: "Sister Jiang Rou, it's great to work with you~ I want to ask, if I follow you now, does it mean that I can stay in the news team in the future?"

Jiang Rou really doesn't know this question. She answered truthfully, "This is decided by the leadership above, and I don't know much about it."

Zhang Yuanyuan didn't ask any other questions.

She and Jiang Rou have different working hours. Jiang Rou will only study with her for two hours every day. At first, she was quite active in studying, but later she often couldn't find anyone.

That day, when Jiang Rou arrived at the unit, Guan Ling came over and whispered: "Your little apprentice is really capable. He has been pestering Fan Jiashen recently and wants to become his disciple."

Jiang Rou was slightly startled. This was the first time she heard of such a thing. She quickly reacted and said: "If the leaders above agree, I don't care."

Guan Ling hesitated for a moment and then said: "I think she is concerned about your position as anchor and wants to push you down. You'd better be more careful."

"Yeah, I will."

Jiang Rou has always been grateful for the kindness of others.

When she put on makeup and came to the studio, she stopped thinking about those messy things. Now that "International News" and "Xinwen Lianbo" have merged, she no longer has to travel back and forth between the two column groups.

Chapter 109 The first separation

After the news broadcast, Jiang Rou walked out of the studio. Just as she was going to change clothes, she saw Fan Jiashen walking towards her with a bright smile on her face.

"Jiang Rou, wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

She heard the sound and looked over, surprised that he would come to the TV station during this time period.

"Aren't you taking a break? Why are you here?"

Fan Jiashen walked up to her, took out a red invitation from his jacket pocket, and handed it over, "I came to you specially because I want to give this to you personally. You must arrive early on the day of the wedding banquet."

When Jiang Rou saw the invitation, she exclaimed, "Are you getting married? Congratulations!"

With that said, he took it and opened it to look at it. The bride's name inside was Tao Tao, and the wedding date was next Sunday.

"The wedding will be held at a hotel near the Workers' Cultural Palace. If you can't find a place, I will send someone to pick you up then."

"Don't bother, I should be able to find it."

Thinking that there was still work to be done, Jiang Rou exchanged a few words and planned to leave, but Fan Jiashen said at this moment: "Zhang Yuanyuan wanted me to take her, but I refused. That girl has a lot of thoughts, so you have to be more careful. "

He said it tactfully, but Jiang Rou understood what he meant. During the internship, everyone noticed that this girl Zhang Yuanyuan was indeed not very smart.

A week later, the wedding day.

Jiang Rou wore a light yellow dress and came to the state-owned hotel where the wedding banquet was held with Guan Ling.

Many other colleagues have come, including Zhang Yuanyuan and two other interns.

Jiang Rou walked towards the table and wanted to find a seat to sit down. Suddenly someone called her name. She turned around and saw that it was Lin Yuanyou.

Lin Yuanyou sat at the next table and greeted them: "You and Guan Ling can sit here. I just have something to ask you."

The people sitting at his table were all the leaders of the TV station, and everyone greeted Jiang Rou when they saw her.

In desperation, Jiang Rou could only lead Guan Ling to their table, politely say hello to the leaders, and then asked Xiang Lin Yuanyou, "What do you want from me?"

Lin Yuanyou pointed to the chair beside him and said, "You guys sit down first and then we can chat."

Guan Ling pulled Jiang Rou to sit down with a smile. She felt that her status had been raised to a higher level by sitting at the same table with a group of leaders for dinner.

On the other side, Zhang Yuanyuan felt mixed emotions when she saw this scene. She whispered to the intern next to her: "Our leader is so kind to Sister Jiang Rou. He even asks her to eat with us. Aren't we afraid of some bad rumors?" ?"

When the intern heard this, his eyes almost popped out of his head, "What are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense! Our leader's wife is here today, and the bride is a relative of the leader's family. She is an upright person, so you really think dirty!"

Zhang Yuanyuan was stunned. She didn't know this at all before. She pursed her lips and quickly rounded off her words, "Aren't I worried about them? If that's the case, that's the best."

The intern glanced at her dissatisfiedly and moved his chair, intending to stay away from this person in the future.

When Zhang Yuanyuan saw this, she was extremely angry, but she did not dare to speak out because if this matter was revealed, she would be the one who would be embarrassed in the end.

At this time, Jiang Rou didn't know that she was almost slandered by someone for a romantic scandal. She listened carefully to Lin Yuanyou's speech and felt a little excited.

"You're saying that our station wants to organize a party for me or Fan Jiashen to host it?"

"Yes, it's next year's New Year's Eve party. We just have a rough plan at the moment. You and Jiashen should be mentally prepared in advance."

"Okay, I will."

Jiang Rou nodded in agreement, never expecting that one day she and Fan Jiashen would become competitors.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuanyou introduced her to the director of the party who was sitting at the same table. The director looked at Jiang Rou and nodded politely.

"I always hear Lao Lin praising you, saying that you and Jiashen are the treasures of our TV station. Today I can meet them in person. They are indeed outstanding."

Jiang Rou smiled and exchanged greetings with him. At this moment, the wedding officially began, and everyone's attention turned to the bride and groom.

Lin Yuanyou had a dual identity today. He was not only the leader of the TV station but also a relative of his mother's family. He quietly left the table to find his wife. When he saw Yang Sixu just sitting there quietly, unwilling to communicate with others, he sighed silently in his heart.

After sitting down next to her, he asked softly: "What are you thinking about?"

Yang Sixu came back to her senses, with a hint of loneliness in her eyes, "My brother didn't come back on New Year's Eve, and Tao Tao didn't come back after getting married. Do you think he will never come back in the future?"

Lin Yuanyou patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Don't worry, he will come back one day."

Yang Sixu nodded, but her mood did not get better. She especially hoped to see her brother get married and have children one day. As long as it was a girl he really liked, she would accept it no matter what.

The wedding is still going on.

When Fan Jiashen came over to toast, Jiang Rou could see clearly the appearance of the bride. She had a little baby fat and a happy look on her face. She looked at least seven or eight years younger than Fan Jiashen.

"I wish you a happy marriage and a son soon."

Jiang Rou raised the tea in her hand and said auspicious words. Fan Jiashen smiled broadly and remained stable.

Tao Tao looked at Jiang Rou, her eyes filled with joy, "Sister Jiang Rou, I love watching you broadcast the news the most. I can't get enough of it. Can I be your friend?"

Faced with this enthusiasm, Jiang Rou was a little flattered. She nodded in agreement and told the other party that he could come and play with her at any time.

When the bride and groom went to pay their respects to the next table, Guan Ling whispered: "Did you know? The bride's family is very rich, and Fan Jiashen has fallen into a lucky nest. I am the leader of his wife, who was also the daughter of a big capitalist. , the returned property will never be spent in this lifetime. I heard that she also has a younger brother who lives overseas and is very handsome, just like a movie star."

Jiang Rou couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "You are really good, you can find out everything."

"Of course, there are no secrets in our station that I don't know about."

Guan Ling was quite arrogant, and then said: "Just watch, it won't be long before Fan Jiashen will move out of the family building and live in a small foreign-style building."

Jiang Rou smiled, still thinking about the New Year's Eve party. How to host a large party. She really had no experience.

Go to work the next day.

What Zhang Yuanyuan said at the wedding banquet was widely circulated. No one thought that she, a newcomer, could be so bold and dare to arrange a scandal involving Jiang Rourou's leader.

This made Lin Yuanyou so angry that he reported directly to his superiors and transferred Zhang Yuanyuan out of the column group.

His original words were: "Whoever likes this kind of newcomer will want it. Anyway, the "Xinwen Lianbo" column team will never want it."

Because of this incident, Zhang Yuanyuan was in an awkward situation. She didn't expect that the trouble would come out of her mouth and it would directly affect her future. In order to stay on the Chinese TV station, she can only keep a low profile. I hope that as time goes by, everyone will gradually forget...


Time flies by and it's summer vacation in a blink of an eye.

After more than half a year of hard training, Doubao has not only grown taller, but also developed small muscles in his arms. He is a little more stable than before. Standing next to the boys in the same grade, his temperament is obviously different.

Mango looked at his height of over half a head and was very unconvinced, "Why are you so much taller than me when we were born on the same day?"

Doubao touched her soft hair and said very irritating words, "This is not simple. I followed our father's height, and you followed your mother's. However, you are not as beautiful as your mother, and your appearance may be yours."

"..." Mango looked up and stared at him, wanting to kick him.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the courtyard, and Doubao hurriedly opened the door. Outside the door were Huo Zheng, Ye Siyi, and their baby Huo Yiting.

Ye Siyi saw him and asked with a smile: "Where is Xiaorou? I miss her so much."

Doubao was very excited when he saw them, "My mother is at home, should we leave now?"

Seeing how impatient he was, Huo Zheng was helpless, "Not yet, I have to say hello to your parents before I can leave."

Doubao let them into the yard and shouted in the direction of the main house: "Mom and Dad, my aunt and uncle are here."

Jiang Rou and Shen Chengdong heard the noise and walked out of the room, carrying two duffel bags in their hands.

Because Huo Zheng's parents are in the south, he and Ye Siyi are going to visit their parents in the south this summer. They are afraid that she will be scared in a strange environment, so Huo Zheng wants to take the bean bags and mangoes with her.

Jiang Rou also hoped that the two children could go out and see more of the world, so she agreed.

They came today just to pick up the children.

Ye Siyi saw Jiang Rou and hurriedly went to hold her hand, "It would be great if you were free. We could go to Qiong Province together."

Jiang Rou was also helpless. She didn't have such a long vacation due to work reasons. "Remember to call me when you get there. I'll wait for you to come back and bring me delicious food."

Ye Siyi agreed seriously. She didn't know what delicious food there was in Qiong Province? However, as long as it is not available in Beijing, she will bring it back!

Mango is more sentimental than bean bag. Before leaving, he hugged Jiang Rou reluctantly.

This was their first time traveling far away. Jiang Rou warned softly: "You must listen to your aunt and uncle, protect your brother, and don't be impulsive when encountering any danger. Do you understand?"

The two children nodded after listening, and Shen Chengdong also added: "When you get there, you can only swim with an adult present. You have to call home every day. Don't play too crazy."

After speaking, he deliberately looked at Beanbao.

After receiving the signal, Doubao quickly promised, "Don't worry, I will be a good brother and will never be naughty."

Watching them get into the jeep and leave, until the car was out of sight, Jiang Rou realized that her eyes were red.

Shen Chengdong put his arm around her shoulders and asked softly, "How about I call them back?"

Jiang Rou sniffed and shook her head, "Sooner or later they will grow up, and I have to learn to let go."

But it's easier said than done.

That night, she lay on her bed and stayed up almost all night. She looked at her watch from time to time, guessing where they were?

It takes more than 2,000 kilometers from Beijing to Qiong Province.

Shen Chengdong held her in his arms and comforted her in a low voice, "Go to sleep quickly. It will take them four or five days to take the train to get there. Haven't you been sleeping these past few days?"

Jiang Rou hugged his waist and hugged him, "I can't sleep, why don't you sing a song to me?"

"..." Shen Chengdong can't sing and would rather do something else, "How about I read you an English poem?"

Thinking of his poor English pronunciation, Jiang Rou finally smiled, "I don't want to hear it. Let's go to bed. I'm afraid you won't feel sleepy after reading the poem."

Seeing that she was willing to sleep, Shen Chengdong breathed a sigh of relief. The two hugged each other and spent this long night...

In addition to them, others are also very concerned about the current situation of the children.

The next day, Jiang Rou came to the courtyard.

The first thing Chen Aihe said when he saw her was: "Where are the bean bags and mangoes? Did you call?"

Jiang Rou felt that her mother was more exaggerated than she was, "They just left yesterday and are still on the train. When they arrive at their destination, they will call us."

"Where to fight? The Tang family?"

"Yes, there is only one public phone in our alley."

Thinking of what happened recently in the Tang family, Chen Aihe sighed, "Don't you know? Tang Zhen and Feng Xiaomin divorced. She met a rich man in a dance hall and went to Guangdong Province with him. And what about Tang Xin? It was a divorce, the child belonged to the man, and he was given 500 yuan in alimony. Tang Guangan was so angry because of these things that he didn't leave the house for several days."

Jiang Rou was very surprised after hearing this, "Then where does Tang Xin live now?"

"Their unit has a staff dormitory, and she lives in the dormitory. I heard that she has been on a blind date recently. She wants to find a man with a formal job. None of the matchmakers in our hospital dare to introduce her to her. By the way, Tang Ce is going to be assigned a room. Yes, this is the only happy event for the Tang family."

When Jiang Rou heard about "dividing rooms", she became interested, "Are they going to move out in the future? Will Uncle Tang move too?"

"I don't know. It's probably too much. He's getting older and it's hard to leave his hometown. He has lived here all his life, how can he be willing to move away?"

Jiang Rou thought about it and thought so, so she didn't ask any more.

At this time, at Huaguo International Airport.

Jiang Boyhuai carried his suitcase and strode out. His face was full of excitement, and he couldn't wait to see his parents, wife and children in the next second.

Ailun Jiang followed him and reminded him helplessly: "Dad, the car that picks us up is parked on the left. You are walking on the right."

Hearing this, Jiang Bohuai paused and quickly changed direction.

"Thankfully you reminded me, otherwise I would have wasted time again."

Ailun Jiang's mouth twitched and he opened the back seat door for him, then opened the passenger door and got in.

Soon, the car was on the road.

Looking at the street scene outside, Jiang Bohuai felt like returning home.

Chapter 110 Zoo

It's midsummer now.

Because of the refrigerator bought by Jiang Bohuai, the cold noodles in the dumpling restaurant became even more popular.

After Chen Aihe finished chatting with Jiang Rou, he had to go to the restaurant to work. Jiang Rou wanted to help, but she stopped her.

"More and more people know you now. You should just stay at home. I hired two aunts to help, and the store is busy every day."

"Okay, I'll go sit with my sister-in-law."

Jiang Rou didn't want to let herself be idle. As long as she was idle, she would think of her children.

After that, the two went their separate ways.

When Jiang Bohuai arrived at the courtyard, there was no one at home, so he could only carry his luggage to the dumpling restaurant.

At this time, Chen Aihe didn't know that he was back. She smiled happily as she watched bowl after bowl of cold noodles being sold.

I don't know how long she had been busy, but Chen Ailan suddenly attacked her and said with excitement: "Aihe, look who's back?!"

Chen Aihe turned his head in the direction of her finger and saw Jiang Bohuai standing at the door, looking at her with a smile.

Chen Aihe blinked hard, and then she dared to believe that her eldest son was finally back!

She hurriedly walked over and asked with a trembling voice: "Why didn't you say something in advance when you came back? I could ask Chengdong to pick you up at the airport."

"I wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't say anything."

Jiang Boyhuai handed his luggage to Jiang Ailun. Seeing that the store was full of customers, he immediately rolled up his shirt cuffs and asked for help.

He just came back today, and the suit he was wearing was very expensive. Chen Aihe didn't let him do such rough work. "I don't need your help here. Go and see Shi Lan."

After saying that, he pushed him out of the door and told him: "You two come back early in the evening. I will buy some meat later and cook you an authentic Chinese dish to satisfy your cravings in the evening."

"Okay, thank you, Mom."

Afraid that the restaurant would be too busy, Jiang Boyhuai left Jiang Ailun here to help, while he went to the clothing store alone.

Chen Aihe felt that young people should exercise more and ordered Jiang Ailun to work without any courtesy.

Looking at the cold noodle bowl in his hand, Jiang Ailun showed a hopeless expression.

On the other side, Jiang Bohuai came to the clothing store.

When Shi Lan saw him, he stood up violently, his eyes were moist, and he had mixed feelings in his heart.

In order to leave them some space alone, Jiang Rou said hello to Jiang Bohuai and hurried away.

Soon, they were the only two people left in the store.

Seeing that she was still wearing the gold ring, Jiang Bohuai raised the corner of his mouth.

"How are you and Xiaowen? I've missed you so much this year."

Shi Lan nodded slightly, indicating that he was doing well.

The two sat side by side. After a long time, Jiang Bohuai suddenly said: "My identity has been restored. How about we get a new marriage certificate first."

This sentence caught people off guard. Shi Lan was stunned for a moment. After he came to his senses, he said "Okay".

The Jiang family was particularly happy to know that they were going to register their marriage. Chen Aihe plans to invite a few tables of guests, which can be regarded as a welcome blessing for Jiang Bohuai.

The date is set for a week later, and the treat will be at the dumpling restaurant.

Before the wedding banquet, Jiang Rou took Jiang Bohuai to see the courtyard house he bought. It was located near her home. The courtyard had two entrances and two exits. It cost 50,000 yuan.

Jiang Boyhuai looked around and was very satisfied with this place.

"Xiaorou, thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Rou handed him the key and replied with a smile: "You are my brother, there is no need to be so polite between us."

Jiang Bohuai wanted to bring his parents to live here, but Jiang Rou was not optimistic.

"I tried to persuade them once before to let them move, but they couldn't let go of those old neighbors, so let's just let it go. I guess your persuasion is in vain."

Jiang Boyhuai wanted to give it a try. He led Chen Aihe and Jiang Deshan to the courtyard. As expected, they were unwilling to move.

In desperation, he could only give up the persuasion temporarily.

In the courtyard.

Jiang Rou finally got a call from Qiong Sheng!

The moment she answered the phone, the tip of her nose felt sore. Beanbao was on the other end of the phone, which was also very uncomfortable.

"Mom, my sister and I are fine. I..."

Before he could finish speaking, the receiver was snatched away by Mango.

"Mom, I miss you so much~"

Hearing her soft voice, Jiang Rou's nose became even more sore.

"You guys have to listen to my aunt over there. If you encounter something that you can't solve, just call me. Do you understand?"

"Well, we'll be good."

Mango answered so happily that Jiang Rou didn't know if she heard clearly, so she repeated it again.

Afterwards, the mother and son also chatted about the interesting experiences in Qiong Province. Afraid that it would be bad if the call lasted too long, Jiang Rou hung up the phone after chatting for a while, feeling full of reluctance.

A few more days passed.

Jiang Bohuai and Shi Lan successfully received their certificates.

The guests Chen Aihe entertained were all relatives and friends with whom he usually had good relationships. Yuan Qi followed Jiang Xiaowen to meet people, and he called "Dad" to Jiang Boyhuai.

Although he was not very satisfied with this son-in-law, as long as his daughter liked him, Jiang Bohuai did not want to embarrass anyone.

Seeing them enjoying themselves, Jiang Ailun stood aside quietly, still missing everything about the United States.

He prefers bread and milk to the soy milk and fried dough sticks here.

Just when he was thinking about trance, Jiang Xiaowen slapped his arm and asked: "Brother, do you have any plans to settle in China in the future?"

Ailun Jiang looked at her, gritted his teeth and said, "I asked my friends. In China, people are ranked by age. I'm older than you, so you should call me brother."

"Really? I think your friend must not be a native of China. How about I show you someday how someone who became a nurse at the age of three can help you?"

"..." Jiang Ailun was suddenly speechless. He was trying to reason with her, but she could only quibble. Chinese women are too insidious!

Shortly after the wedding banquet, Jiang Bohuai and Shi Lan moved out of the courtyard. Everyone praised Shi Lan for his good fortune and his ability to keep the flowers blooming and the moon shine.

This summer has gone by so fast.

On the eve of the start of school, Ye Siyi finally came back with the children!

After the baptism of this summer vacation, both children have become dark, especially Doubao. It is almost impossible to see his original appearance.

He ran over and hugged Jiang Rou, telling her how he missed her during this period. Mango took out the specialties from Qiong Province that he bought with his new year's money and gave them all to Jiang Rou.

"Mom, if you think it tastes good, I'll buy it for you next time."

Seeing how caring she was, Jiang Rou also took Mango into her arms and refused to let go for a long time...

At this time, Ye Siyi stepped out of the jeep.

What else are you holding in your arms?

When she got closer, Jiang Rou saw clearly that she was holding a gray chick.

But not quite like a chick? It clearly looks like a little chicken, but it's much bigger than a normal chicken.

Ye Siyi handed it to Jiang Rou and said seriously: "Others wanted to eat it, but I stopped them. I will give it to you now. I hope you can treat it well in the future."

Jiang Rou let go of her arms and went to pick up the chicken. She was a little curious about what kind of chicken it was.

Just as she was about to ask, Doubao said excitedly: "Mom, don't look at how ugly he is now, he will be beautiful when he grows up! His feathers are blue, and he can also open his tail!"

There is only one kind of animal that can open its tail.

Jiang Rou froze on the spot and said in disbelief: "You mean, it's a peacock?!"

"Yes, it's a blue peacock. Please, you must raise it."

Seeing Ye Siyi's pleading eyes, Jiang Rou couldn't bear to refuse.

Her family now has dogs, cats, and fish, and it doesn't seem impossible to have more blue peacocks in the yard.

ps: Blue peacocks can be raised privately, but green peacocks are national first-level protected animals and cannot be raised privately.

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