The Faith in the Leap

By DaJewelers213

2.6K 25 13

Miles has trusted the leap so far but right now, he doesn't know if he should go with the flow or follow his... More

I am my Toughest Fight
Open your Eyes
Seeking Forgiveness
Deepest fears

Imagine My Surprise

312 4 5
By DaJewelers213

Miguel Pov:/

"Has anyone seen Miles?" I asked through the coms.

"No but I saw something that is going to piss you off" Jess said through the coms.

"What did you see now?" I asked already tired of the day of chasing that idiot around my dimension.

"I saw Gwen at Miles' house" she stated through the coms.

"What how is that possible?" I asked back angrily.

"How am I supposed to know. I thought you turned off her watch when, you sent her home" she said back just as angrily must be the pregnancy hormones.

"Wait where is Ben?" I asked as I realized that the second most annoying Spider-person alive has not been responding to the coms.

"I don't know I didn't see him at the at his post" she said back to my question.

"Ok let's go back to base to found out what happened" I stated back to find out, what happened. Damn this day has been a big piece of crap. First that anomaly caused so much trouble and escaped to cause another hole in the multiverse but does he care no because he just a kid. Why can't he comprehend that saving one person could cause the destruction of a whole world. Now Gwen is being a pain in ass too with her silly little girl crush on Miles is causing her to lose sight of her judgement on the canon events. Of course she would side with him because it is so obvious but from what I am guessing that it is obvious to everyone but to each other. The worst thing is that if Gwen had found a way to travel dimension that means she is looking for Miles and going to help him destroy a whole universe. As I realized this I quickly set my watch to headquarters and a portal opened and I walked through to see some spider-people fixing the destruction, Miles caused. I walked into my office and saw that Jess was already waiting for me. 

"Ok let's see what has happened to Ben" Jess stated as she pulled up the video of what happened to him. We saw portal opened from a distance from where was Ben watching Miles' house was and saw that he went to investigate while, he was monologuing himself. We saw a web shout out of the portal and wrap up Ben while, taking off his watch all at the same time of dragging him in the portal. When the portal closed, we saw that it was Gwen and she kicked up the watch and crushed it in her hand. The look that was plastered on her mask showed so much determination and I know that it was to help Miles and that she was willing to fight anyone who gets in her way. We saw her climb Miles' building and go into his room but something is wrong because she just stood there with a confuse look on her face as if she gotten a feeling of something wasn't right but his parents were talking and from the way that Gwen puts on one of Miles' jackets and talked to his parents for awhile. She left the building with a smile on her face but it turned into a look of determination as she opened a portal to who knows where.

"Lyla can you track, where she went?" I asked to my trustee hologram. 

"let me see" She said as she opened the dimensional map for us to see where she went.

"It looks like she went to Earth 50101, 616, 138, 14512, 22191, 90214, 8311 and 42 and spend some time there before she went to the next" she said as she went to each world point on the map. 

"Wait why would she go to Earth-42 as we never sent to her that earth or any knowledge of that earth?"Jess asked in confusion and she has a point.

"Yeah that is true so that means she must know something that we don't" I stated as I saw her point in her question.

"Yeah but what is it?" Jess asked out loud as she was trying to figure it out.

"Maybe something to have to do with Miles" Lyla suggested with her hand under her holographic chin. 

"Wait, wait, wait. What about the spider that bit Miles. It could be from there" I suggested an idea on why would Gwen go to Earth-42.

"That could be it. Lyla can you check on what earth that spider is from" Jess asked the hologram. 

"Yeah I can find out, where that spider is from" Lyla stated as she was looking at the information that we had on that spider.

"Ok, I have found that when the Alchmax in Miles' dimension were trying to find ways to go to other dimension was taking things from other dimension and one of them was a spider from another dimension and it was marked with the number 42" She stated after a minute of looking at the information that we had on that spider.

"Wait 42 so that means that it was taken from Earth-42" Jess stated as it was so obvious. Which it  was. 

"Ok so we know a possible location for that pendejo" I stated with determination to stop that anomaly.

"Yeah but since she went to all those other worlds that means she has a team willing to fight for Miles" Jess stated a little proud of her apprentice by having a small smile on her face. 

"Ok so that means that their gang from the collider incident with Hobie, Pavitar, and Margo so that will be a pretty strong group" Lyla stated.

"Yeah so that means that we will need to get a team our own" Jess stated with a small frown and I knew that she didn't want to fight against Gwen.

"Ok but this time I am going to need a new suit to go against that pendejo's bio-electricity powers" I stated as my suit was used against me.

"How?" Jess asked.

"I have been making a new suit that is made of a new material" I stated as I remembered that I was knocked back to earth from Miles' powers against my suit. I pulled the new suit from the crafting station and saw that it was almost ready. 

"Just give me like an hour and Lyla keep tracking them to see if they travel to another dimension or if they go back to 1610" I stated to Lyla as she nodded.

"Got it boss" she responded with as she disappeared to do what she was told to.

"What about me?" Jess asked.

"I want you to find Ben and make a team so that if we have to fight against Gwen's team" I stated   with a frown that I have to fight this nuisance again but this time I am going to be fighting his little girlfriend and their friends. 

"Got it" She stated as she went to recruit people to fight Miles and Gwen's team. After she left I walked into my workshop and started to finish the suit and I decided to make the suit built with a stronger traps so, it will be harder for anyone to get out of them and it will be near impossible for Miles to use his powers on these updated traps. Ok since, this suit is made with a different material I have to make sure that my claws don't ruin the suit and after some test it looked like the claws don't rip through the suit. The best thing is that this suit can't be fully absorbed by that pendejo's power. 

"Lyla, any updates?" I asked as she appeared next to me.

"No nothing yet. She is still in Earth-42" She stated as I growled at that because I am wondering what they are doing there. 

"What are they doing" I asked myself as I was thinking of possibilities. As if Jess heard me or something because she walked into the room I was in and by the look of her face seemed like she had an answer.

"They are looking for Miles as we thought" Jess stated with a stoic expression on her face.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"I checked the go-home machine's record and saw that during the time of Miles' escape" She was saying as I grunted at that but she ignored as she continued, "For some reason it send him to Earth-42" She finished with smile on her face as she saw my annoyance on letting a 15 years old kid of getting the best of me.

"Ok so she went to his dimension, after finding someway to travel dimensions but she didn't find him there. So, she went to dimension for people she knows will help her find Miles and to help save his father" Lyla stated from her usual spot in the air.

"That is what it seems like" I said as I was becoming more annoyed by this kid.

"Did you set up the team?" I asked Jess.

"Yeah, I got Ben, Kaine, Julia, Malada, Metro, webslinger, and Spider-Cat" She stated the member of the team and it seems like it will be an even team vs team. 

"Ok that is good team to handle Gwen's team" I stated back to her decision on the team to fight the other spider-team.

"I also set up a team in 1610 to see if Spot makes an appearance" She stated as she knows as that was the next thing I was going to order to someone to do.

"Ok so you, me and the team are going to Earth-42 to find Miles if Gwen hasn't already and contain him and if we have to fight Gwen and this team that she has put together" I stated because I am already tired of Miles and Gwen and their idiotic thinking. Jess nodded at that order.

"What about me Boss?" Lyla asked.

"I want you to keep tracking them just in case, they go to another dimension" I told her and she gave me a thumbs up as she disappeared. 

"Ok so, is your new suit ready yet?" Jess asked.

"Yeah and I was able to make the traps tougher to hold Miles in even with his powers" I stated.

"Yeah good thing too because he was able to escape and kick your ass the first time" Jess said as a joke. I grunted at that joke because I hate thinking about knocked back from that pendejo's powers. 

"Well imagine my surprise of you getting webbed you up in an instant" I retorted back to her own joke and I saw her roll her eyes.

"Ok we got everything so that means we are ready to head out" she stated as I nodded.

"OK let's go" She said as she opened a portal to Earth-42. As we walked out the portal and saw the rest of the team waiting so, I am guessing that Jess told them to wait in Earth-42.

"Since, all of us are here. Let's go stop the anomaly from destroying the multiverse" I stated as they all nodded when, I finished. 

"Ok, Ben, me and Jess will go towards the east side" I said.

"Kaine, Julia, and Malada will go west" I continued as they nodded.

 "Metro, webslinger, and Spider-Cat will go south" I stated as they nodded as well.

"Ok if no one finds anything then go to Miles' house and will head north from there" I stated to the group as they nodded as they webbed away in their proper direction. I turned back to Jess and Ben.

"Ok lets go" I said as both of them didn't answer but just webbed off to the east side.

"Dad, hurry up" Ben said sarcastically through our earpiece's com channel. I sighed as I webbed away to catch up to them.

I hate this kid so much right now! We have just spent the last two hours of looking around for this pendejo to find barely anything at all. The only thing we found was mushroom shape cloud in the sky so, I am guessing the kid started another explosion. What is with explosion and this kid like he damn near destroyed the room as he was escaping. I just told them to head towards Miles'  house in this dimension.  We all were webbing towards his house. When my watch beeping like crazy saying something about an anomaly detected and it was towards the Williamsburg Bank Building and why does it look familiar. 

"Jess, the watch is going crazy towards Williamsburg Bank Building" I said through the comms but with confusion on why it sounds familiar.

"Isn't that the place that Gwen and the kid were hanging out at, when we send her to his dimension" Jess said as she reminded me of when I saw them hanging out from one the screens that I use to observe the Spider-Society. 

"Yeah you are right" I said as I started to web towards the building. I just know that cabrón is going to be there for the way, my watch is detecting something. It only took like 5 minutes for us to get to the buildings surrounding them. I used the watch to see what is happening and I saw from the corner of my eye that Jess was looking over my shoulder. We saw that the whole group of  Spider-people standing over a person holding another person in their lap. Which I am guessing is Gwen holding Miles and it seemed like they were coming up with a plan to save Miles' dad and stop spot or just checking up on how Miles is doing.

"Well, well, well it looks like your prodigy is cozying up to the anomaly" I said to Jess slightly disappointed of all the times, she reassured me that Gwen won't visit him in his dimension.

"Look, I thought that she would be able to put her emotion aside for the greater good but it looks like her feelings for him are too strong" She said back to me with annoyed.

"Plus you were the one that got their ass handled by the kid" She added in with a smirk. I grunted at that statement.

"Well it looks like the couple are sleeping or talking" Lyla said from my shoulder as she appeared  over it. She was right because Gwen was still holding on to Miles on her lap but we couldn't tell if they were talking or not. I think that Gwen is talking to a sleeping Miles.

"Yeah so what are going to do?" Jess asked.

"I think we should wait to maybe hear any plans that they decide" Lyla suggested. Jess and I agreed with her.

"Ok, I want everyone to surround the Williamsburg Bank Building and observe and listen for any kind of plan that they might conspire" I said through the coms. I got an affirmative from the whole team.

For the next hour, we just saw the group of people to be talking up their plan but we couldn't really here it all because I am guessing that they had something set up to block any surveillance from listening in but we were able to hear some things like going to get help from someone but we didn't hear nothing else after that. It was all quiet,  until the couple made some movement it looked like one of them got up in a hurry, it seemed like they were trying to get away from the other and this caused the other one to get up from the floor. While the other was seemed like was saying something, I am guessing that Gwen was talking about something to a sleeping when he woke up to Gwen's face and I am guessing that Miles hasn't forgiven Gwen by how quickly, he got up. I guessing the rest of the group walked away to let them have their talk until, they heard Miles getting louder because they went to their side of the building and just looked at the scene from a distance. After some time it looked like the couple was able to make up because it looked like they were hugging for awhile until it looked like one of them was laying the other one down and walked away to the others after, getting free from the other person's arms. 

"Aww look, it looks like Gwen or Miles fell asleep in their arms" Lyla said gushing over them.

"Hey, focus. They are trying to destroy the multiverse" I interrupted her gushing over the couple of idiots that can't even see that they liked each other. I was thinking about how she gets easily distracted by a couple of children doing goo-goo eyes at each other. I was of thinking of ways to improve her code to make her slightly less annoying or something. 

"Hey yo boss" Metro said through the comms as he interrupted my thoughts.

"What's up?" I asked back to him.

"It looks like something is happening" Metro said back to my question.

I looked to the building and saw that he was right because it looks like they are getting their things to leave somewhere. I am guessing that they are finally going through with their plans but something weird happened it looked like one of them took off towards another dimension and I am guessing that it was Miles and this is good because that means we can get him and trap to let the cannon event go through. 

"Ok it looks like Miles is leaving the group on his own and that means that we can stop here and now. So, we are going to be following him until, we subdue him" I stated as, I webbed after Miles and followed from a distance. I saw that everyone else is following me too. Imagine my surprise but I thought catching Miles this time was going to be harder but I guess not.

 I know that Lyla has someway of tracking other people in different dimensions from their homes one because she was able to track the Spot in the movie so, if there are in confusion that is why, I have this part in the story. I chose Spider-people to go against the band like a mirror image but I also found some spiders that will make an awesome team.

Ok, sorry for the late post but life got in the way and some stuff happened but I am slowly getting it back together and I will try to work on my rate of posting new chapters but I just want to give my thanks for still reading my story even though that I haven't posting as much but like I said I will try. I am going to be working on my Amourshipping story so if anyone is interested in Ash and Serena from Pokemon go check it out but I can't believe that my story has gotten over 1k reads and that makes me happy to know that people are reading my story. Also, is there anything y'all want to see in this story? I just want to say thank you for 1.4k reads!

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