Imagine My Surprise

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Miguel Pov:/

"Has anyone seen Miles?" I asked through the coms.

"No but I saw something that is going to piss you off" Jess said through the coms.

"What did you see now?" I asked already tired of the day of chasing that idiot around my dimension.

"I saw Gwen at Miles' house" she stated through the coms.

"What how is that possible?" I asked back angrily.

"How am I supposed to know. I thought you turned off her watch when, you sent her home" she said back just as angrily must be the pregnancy hormones.

"Wait where is Ben?" I asked as I realized that the second most annoying Spider-person alive has not been responding to the coms.

"I don't know I didn't see him at the at his post" she said back to my question.

"Ok let's go back to base to found out what happened" I stated back to find out, what happened. Damn this day has been a big piece of crap. First that anomaly caused so much trouble and escaped to cause another hole in the multiverse but does he care no because he just a kid. Why can't he comprehend that saving one person could cause the destruction of a whole world. Now Gwen is being a pain in ass too with her silly little girl crush on Miles is causing her to lose sight of her judgement on the canon events. Of course she would side with him because it is so obvious but from what I am guessing that it is obvious to everyone but to each other. The worst thing is that if Gwen had found a way to travel dimension that means she is looking for Miles and going to help him destroy a whole universe. As I realized this I quickly set my watch to headquarters and a portal opened and I walked through to see some spider-people fixing the destruction, Miles caused. I walked into my office and saw that Jess was already waiting for me. 

"Ok let's see what has happened to Ben" Jess stated as she pulled up the video of what happened to him. We saw portal opened from a distance from where was Ben watching Miles' house was and saw that he went to investigate while, he was monologuing himself. We saw a web shout out of the portal and wrap up Ben while, taking off his watch all at the same time of dragging him in the portal. When the portal closed, we saw that it was Gwen and she kicked up the watch and crushed it in her hand. The look that was plastered on her mask showed so much determination and I know that it was to help Miles and that she was willing to fight anyone who gets in her way. We saw her climb Miles' building and go into his room but something is wrong because she just stood there with a confuse look on her face as if she gotten a feeling of something wasn't right but his parents were talking and from the way that Gwen puts on one of Miles' jackets and talked to his parents for awhile. She left the building with a smile on her face but it turned into a look of determination as she opened a portal to who knows where.

"Lyla can you track, where she went?" I asked to my trustee hologram. 

"let me see" She said as she opened the dimensional map for us to see where she went.

"It looks like she went to Earth 50101, 616, 138, 14512, 22191, 90214, 8311 and 42 and spend some time there before she went to the next" she said as she went to each world point on the map. 

"Wait why would she go to Earth-42 as we never sent to her that earth or any knowledge of that earth?"Jess asked in confusion and she has a point.

"Yeah that is true so that means she must know something that we don't" I stated as I saw her point in her question.

"Yeah but what is it?" Jess asked out loud as she was trying to figure it out.

"Maybe something to have to do with Miles" Lyla suggested with her hand under her holographic chin. 

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