The Blue Blood Alpha

By bleu_azur

46.9K 1.3K 172

"I, Caden Knight, Alpha of the Mystic Falls Pack, reject you Lily Rose of Silver Moon Pack! From this day fo... More

Chapter 1 - Goodbye my little mate
Chapter 2 - Positional Asphyxia
Chapter 3 - Dick Pics
Chapter 4 - Hunger
Chapter 5 - Who's that girl?
Chapter 6 - Fangirl
Chapter 7 - Best Friends
Chapter 8 - Blood Oath
Chapter 9 - Nipples
Chapter 10 - Whipped
Chapter 11 - Mate!
Chapter 12 - Say My Name
Chapter 13 - Mating Game
Chapter 14 - Luna Lily
Chapter 15 - Love at first sight
Chapter 16 - Never Felt Freer
Chapter 17 - Always in our hearts
Chapter 18 - Mix Up
Chapter 19 - The fucking cake's been cut!
Chapter 20 - Who are you?!
Chapter 21 - Escape
Chapter 22 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 23 - Clean me mate!
Chapter 24 - Swallow
Chapter 25 - Like an Angel
Chapter 26 - Two Blue Bloods
Chapter 27 - Cousins
Chapter 28 - Rejection
Chapter 29 - Into the wild
Chapter 31 - Uncle Bob
Chapter 32 - Shift!
Chapter 33 - Deal with the devil
Chapter 34 - Stubborn Heart
Chapter 35 - Go to her!
Chapter 36 - Free-range eggs
Chapter 37 - I am Atlas
Chapter 38 - Bulgogi
Chapter 39 - Hold Me
Chapter 40 - Let Her Go
Chapter 41 - Not Just a Chicken
Chapter 42 - Surrogate Mate
Chapter 43 - Jin's Story
Chapter 44 - Pine Lake Pack
Chapter 45 - Surrender
Chapter 46 - Acceptance
Chapter 47 - Mated Pair
Chapter 48 - Luna Rose
Chapter 49 - The Hunt
Chapter 50 - Operation Redemption

Chapter 30 - Pregnant

1K 36 2
By bleu_azur

Persistent knocking against her door, was irritating Lily. She groans, why did anybody want to disturb her? Couldn't she be left to wallow in her own misery in peace? Twelve weeks had passed since the night of the blood moon, and Lily hid further and further away from pack life. Even her wolf had retreated to the recesses of her mind, refusing to shift to fur form. The last time she shifted was 3 months ago, when she had gone running with Caden. Rarely did she venture out of her room. She would wait until the end of dinner service, when most of the pack had finished eating, and skulk into the pack cafeteria. Armed with a Tupperware container, she would snatch up whatever food was left, and scurry back to her room to eat by herself. She didn't care if all the good dishes were gone, she hardly had any appetite anyway.

In the initial days of being rejected, she had naively hoped Caden would change his mind. Maybe he was just beside himself with grief over Ava's death, and he wasn't thinking straight? Surely, he would come to his senses and realise Lily was his true mate? As the days turned into weeks, she had thought, maybe he would at least make contact with her, he must want to know if she was alright? In desperation Lily rang his cell phone number from the packhouse landline, but it went straight to voicemail. She didn't leave a message, she figured he would see the number, and know it was her that called. He never rang back. One particularly sorrowful evening, she got out her watercolours and began painting, she got lost in her artistic moment. When she had finished her artwork, she realised she had beautifully depicted Caden's large black wolf nuzzling her smaller golden wolf, they were entwined in a loving embrace. With tears in her eyes, she carefully placed the watercolour picture in a plastic pocket and sealed it up in a A4 sized brown envelope. She addressed it formally to Alpha Knight and marked it confidential, she wanted to write him a letter, but she didn't dare. She knew anything addressed to an Alpha marked confidential would only be seen by him, but just in case she didn't want to write anything that could give away they were mates. She hoped the heart felt picture was worth more than a thousand words. Posting it off to Mystic Falls, she waited patiently for a reply. After eight weeks went by with no reply, she stopped counting the days, and vowed never to write to him again.

Four weeks ago, the last of her hope evaporated. She had been eating lunch in the cafeteria, when she overheard a few of the she-wolves gossiping.

"It is so romantic" sighed Lisa, an 18-year-old she-wolf "they secretly claimed each other when they were only 18, our age! They were hidden mates for 8 years, until the CBC discovered their secret".

"I heard when the CBC captured Delta Ava, Alpha Knight single handedly rescued her, only to have her die in his arms. She professed her love to him in her dying breath" replied Vanessa.

Well Lily knew that part of the story wasn't true.

"Did you hear about his vows? He vowed to honour and cherish her until his dying day. He has sworn never to take another mate, and Ava has been given Luna status even in her death. The only she-wolf to ever achieve both Delta and Luna status, how incredible is that? Poor Alpha Knight, he must be so heart broken to lose such an amazing mate, no other female could ever compare to her", lamented Lisa.

"I don't know, maybe he'll eventually have a change of heart. He is so damn sexy; I'll gladly help him through the lonely nights" sighed Vanessa.

"Yeah, you and every other she-wolf in the country! He'll be beating them off with a stick now". The girls started laughing, while Lily's food got stuck in her throat. Lily had heard enough; she ran back to the pack house crying. When she was back in her room, she only just made it to her toilet to vomit up her lunch. That was the last time she ate at the cafeteria.

The knocking was getting louder.

"Lily if you don't open this door, I'm going to use my master key to open it!"

It was her Aunt Sophie; Lily groans and pulls her duvet up above her head. Maybe if she pretends to be dead, her aunt will go away. She hears a click in the lock, the Luna used the master key.

"Oh my goddess Lily, look at this room! And what is that smell?" Gasped Sophie. Lily peered over the top of her duvet to see her aunt looking at a collection of dirty tupperware containers, and a mountain of smelly laundry piled up in the corner. Maybe she should get up.

"Lily, I do not know what is going on with you, but we do not live like this" Sophie approaches the bed, and gingerly picks up a dirty bra off the bed covers and throws it into the corner with the rest of the dirty laundry. She leans down and gives Lily a good sniff. "Phew Lily, you smell disgusting! Even if I was human, I'd still be able to smell you. And look how oily and matted your hair is. Go and take a shower this instant and put on some fresh clean clothing. Then we can have a chat".

"Ok Aunt Sophie, I'll be quick". Lily throws her bed covers off, and a large pile of chocolate bar wrappers falls onto the floor. Her once white sheets have gone a weird greyish colour, and there is some of last night's spaghetti bolognaise sauce stuck to her pyjama top. Lily's once beautiful silky tresses are tangled up into an impressive bird's nest, she could house a whole family of sparrow's in there.

" need to rush my dear...please take your time. Make sure to use that body scrub I made you. And I think you should rinse your hair out twice...even three times if you want...and for the love of goddess please use extra conditioner, we need to try and run a brush through...whatever that is on your head. It wouldn't hurt to spray yourself all over with the rosewater perfume I made you...feel free to use the entire bottle...I can make more". Sophie ushers her niece into the ensuite bathroom, pinching her nose closed with her fingers, trying not to smell anymore of Lily's offensive odour.

Lily let the hot steaming water cascade down her body, it did feel soothing. She grabs the body scrub and begins ridding herself of all the build-up of grime. She spends much longer than she expected in the shower, scrubbing, lathering, shaving, and brushing, until she feels clean again. When she steps out of the shower, she finds some fresh clothing laid out for her on the bathroom vanity, Sophie must have left it. She grabs the clean bra and tries to put it on, but it feels too small and tight. Lately her breasts have gotten bigger, and they always feel heavy and swollen. None of her bras seem to fit anymore. She already had a voluptuous bust, but now her breasts were huge. She sighed, she would need to go bra shopping, what a hassle. She finishes dressing and grabs her hairbrush. Emerging from the bathroom, she is shocked at the sight.  Her bedroom is spotless, and there is fresh clean linen on her bed, and the room smells lovely. Sophie is putting a selection of cut roses in a vase, while the last of the cleaning crew is carrying away a large laundry bag, stuffed full of her washing. Sophie turns to Lily holding out the vase of beautiful fragrant roses "here you go sweetheart, I picked these for you, they should cheer you up". Lily looks at the roses, all different shades of red and pink, they remind her of the bed of roses Caden made. Lily's face crumples, and she begins sobbing. Sophie immediately puts down the vase and embraces her niece.

"Oh my poor dear, whatever is the matter? Come sit on the bed with me. I'll brush your hair and you can tell me what's wrong". Sophie leads Lily to the bed and takes the brush from her hands, and begins brushing out Lily's hair, gently working out all the tangles. Lily looks around her clean room, she inhales the smell of the beautiful roses, and feels her aunt's hands gently running through her hair as she brushes out all the tangles. It dawns on her that she is loved, even though her mate doesn't love her, somebody loves her. "Thank you for caring about me Aunt Sophie" Lily says as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"I love you Lily, you were a gift from the moon goddess, you repaired my broken heart. I would do anything for you. Please tell me what is troubling you so I can help?" Lily thought about her aunt's words, and she wondered who would be able to repair her own broken heart? Lily desperately wanted to confide in her aunt, but she was too scared to say anything. Caden had threatened her and made it clear that nobody was to know about them.

"I can't tell you. I've been sworn to secrecy. If I tell anybody I could be accused of slander".

"Who said that? Lily I am your aunt and your Luna, I demand you tell me this instant what is going on?! How can I help you, if you won't tell me what is troubling you?"

Lily turns to Sophie and clutches her hands "You have to swear to the moon and swear on my life you will not tell anybody".

"Lily I can't swear on your life, you're too precious. But I swear to the moon and I swear on my own life that I will not tell anybody your secret".

Lily looks at her beautiful Aunt, she knows she can trust her, and she is so tired of carrying around this heavy burden. She needs to vent to somebody, or she will slip further and further into depression. Slowly Lily begins retelling her story, she tells Sophie everything from her friendship with Ava, the blood oath, to her virgin heat and falling in love with Caden, and then finally the rejection. By the time she is finished telling her sad tale, the pair of women are lying on the bed together. Lily is snuggled into her aunt's arms while Sophie is stroking her hair.

"I'm so sorry this has happened to you my darling girl" Sophie says as she leans in and gives her niece a kiss on the forehead and takes a deep sniff of her hair, she seems to stiffen slightly. Sophie starts sniffing Lily's neck, and then moves to her belly inhaling deeply. She even moves down to the apex of Lily's thighs and nuzzles in smelling her.

"Aunt Sophie! What are you doing?" Lily says as she tries to push her aunt away.

"Lily when did you say your virgin heat was?"

"Just before the blood moon, about 3 months ago. But it only lasted 24 hours. Caden was able to break my fever in one night".

"He broke your fever in 24 hours? That's impossible, even the most potent Alpha's take at least 72 hours. Ordinary wolves take up to a week".

"Well he is a blue blood Alpha, could that by why?"

"He's a blue blood?! No wonder the CBC are so determined to capture him! Oh goddess Lily...that can only mean one thing! The reason your heat ended so quickly...he must have impregnated you...I would say almost instantly. My dear girl you're pregnant!"

"What?! No, I can't be! How can you be so sure?" Lily began to think about the last 3 months, and the penny began to drop. Her emotions running high, nausea, her sore breasts and not being able to shift. Perhaps she was pregnant?

"I couldn't smell it at first, because you stank so bad. But now you're all clean, I can faintly detect it. Your pregnant scent will get stronger Lily, soon everyone will know" Luna Sophie stood up from the bed and began to pace the room, she had a worried expression on her face. Inadvertently Lily had hidden her pregnancy well to date, by secluding herself and masking her scent, but Sophie knew she would not be able to hide it much longer.

"Oh no Aunt Sophie, what if Caden finds out? He'll take the baby from me!"

"Are you sure Alpha Knight does not want you Lily? How can he resist such a sweet and loving person? It just doesn't make any sense; you would make a wonderful mate!"

"He definitely doesn't want me. I'm ashamed to admit, that I became desperate and rang him. He never rang me back. I also sent him a painting I did of our wolves, and he didn't even so much as thank me. He claimed Ava as his mate, even in death, and gave her the Luna title. He loved Ava not me. He told me he was just trying to get me pregnant, so he could have an heir. I was only ever a breeder to him". Lily puts her head in hands and starts to cry again, what was she going to do now, how could she stop Caden from taking her baby?

"Lily there are worse things that could happen then Caden finding out. It's imperative we keep your pregnancy a secret, especially from Alpha Roberts!"

"From Uncle Jacob? But why? Wouldn't he try and help me?"

Sophie knew that Lily might be carrying a future blue blood Alpha, and if Jacob found out, he could sell the baby to the CBC. The only thing more valuable than a blue blood Alpha, was a baby blue blood. NO! She could not let history repeat itself. She would not let Lily lose her baby, like she lost Caspian. Sophie would protect Lily and the pup at all costs.

"Lily, pack your bags immediately! Today you leave Silver Moon forever. I know a place you can go, but we must hurry!"

Who predicted the pregnancy? If you like the story please follow me, vote, and comment - so I know to continue – I really appreciate your support :)

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