Year in Time

De ShefaniCaskett41319

802 1 0

Castle and Beckett experience the challenges and triumphs of parenting together during Avery's first year of... Mai multe

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 9

36 0 0
De ShefaniCaskett41319

November 17, 2014 — Kate's 35th Birthday
      She rolls over in bed with a smile on her face when she notices the bedside bouquet of roses. She grabs the card that sticks out of the top and reads it:
Happy Birthday, KB. Avery and I are in the kitchen making you breakfast. Don't get up! Avery wants to bring Mama breakfast-in-bed. We love you and appreciate everything you do for us.
Castle & Avery
This is her first birthday as a mom and a wife and that alone makes it ten time better than any other birthday she's every celebrated.
When she and Castle first started dating, it was hard for her to appreciate his love of birthdays. His affection was higher as he showered her with gifts and appreciation. What he didn't know was it was the first time someone had acknowledged her birthday since 1998. After her mother died, her father and her avoided each other's birthdays like the plague because, much like Castle, her mother loved celebrating their birthdays probably more than they did. She remembers how bothered Castle was when she explained this to him during her first birthday that they were dating. He actually called her dad and insisted he wish her a 'happy birthday'.
    Her thoughts are cut short when the bedroom door opens and Castle walks in with Avery in one arm and a tray in the other, "Say 'good morning, Mama. Happy birthday'." Castle coos. Kate smiles as she sits up and immediately reaches for the baby. Castle places Avery in her arms, "Good morning, beautiful." She coos. Castle sets the tray down before scooping down to press his lips to hers, "Happy birthday." He whispers. She smiles, "Thank you." He then lifts Avery from her lap and her arms feel empty without the child.
      "We made you breakfast." He says as he places the tray in her lap and her eyes widen at the array of waffles, eggs, bacon, and fruit along with a cup of coffee. "Thank you. This looks amazing." "Enjoy, I will be getting the little miss ready. We figured we'd take Mama for a walk in the park." Rick suggests and she nods, "That sounds nice." She smiles. Castle then disappears upstairs into the nursery with Avery while Beckett enjoys her breakfast. Once she's done, she takes the tray out to the kitchen and begins cleaning the dishes.
      Rick walks downstairs with the baby, "Woah, woah, woah! What are you doing?" He questions and she looks at him quizzically, "Dishes?" "No! It's your birthday. You aren't supposed to be doing anything today." He stops her by pass her Avery. "I'm capable of doing dishes, Castle." "I know but today is your day. You shouldn't be doing dishes." He argues. She rolls her eyes with a smile as she carries Avery over to the couch. The baby settles against her chest and begins pulling at the top of her shirt. "Are you trying to tell me something?" She coos.
      She cradles Avery in her arms and lifts her shirt to allow her daughter to attach to her breast. Once Castle is done with the dishes, he joins them on the couch. Beckett hisses when Avery begins gnawing on her boob. "She using you as a teething ring?" Castle asks. She nods and pulls Avery away from her chest. The baby immediately begins crying, "Can you grab her teething ring?" Kate asks and Castle nods as he stands and goes into the kitchen and pulls the baby's teething ring out of the freezer before bringing it to his daughter to help her find relief.
     "You go get ready for our walk. I'll try to get Ms. Cranky Pants down for a nap before we go." Rick offers as he cradles Avery in his arms. Kate stands and goes into the bedroom where she changes into a pair of jeans and a turtleneck along with a vest to keep her warm. She slips on her shoes and notices Castle entering the bedroom, "Avery napping?" "Yep. She's out like a light. Let me change and then we can get going." Castle says. She makes her way upstairs where Avery is napping in her crib.
      They've been putting her in her crib for naps so in a few months when she's six months old the transition from their bedside bassinet to her crib upstairs is easier for her. She doesn't even realize how long she stands there looking and her baby girl until she feels Castle step up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist, "How about a present before we go?" He whispers in her ear and holds a thin, wrapped box. "I thought the flowers were my gift." She says, "Beckett, you know me better than that." He insists.
      She chuckles and unwraps the gift before pulling out a beautiful bracelet with different charms on it. "Allow me?" He asks. She turns around and holds her wrist out as he explains each charm, "The drama masks are for my mother, Lady Justice for your father, an angel for your mother, a pen for me, a gun for you, the pumpkin is for Alexis, and Winnie the Pooh is for Avery." He clasps it onto her wrist. Tears fill her eyes as she scans all the charms. She's noticed becoming a mother has made her much softer and emotional, but she wouldn't trade it for the world.
     "I love it and I love you." She whispers as she pulls him down for a kiss. "I love you too. Happy birthday." He whispers. She smiles up at him before they first turn upon hearing their daughter coo, "Hi sweet girl." Kate whispers as she leans down and lifts her from the crib. "Let's go for a walk." Castle says and they all make their way downstairs where Beckett bundles the baby up and places her in her stroller which Castle pushes. It takes them probably 15 minutes before they find themselves in Central Park.
      Once they enter the park, Kate stops in her tracks when she sees her dad in front of them. "Daddy?" "Hey, Bug, happy birthday." He says. She strides forward and allows him to wrap her in his arms. "Thank you for coming to see me." She whispers in his ear in the midst of their hug, "Oh, I'm not just here to see you. I'm also going to watch Avery tonight while Rick takes you out to dinner." Jim says as Rick walks up with the stroller. "Oh, Dad, I-I don't know. She's teething and cranky-,"
      Her father interrupts her, "Katie, I've dealt with a teething, cranky baby before. She turns 35 today and her husband wants to take her out to dinner to celebrate her." Jim insists. Beckett takes a deep breath and looks between her husband and father, "We'll do whatever you're comfortable with. If you don't want to go then I can cancel the reservation." Castle assures her. She looks back at her dad who nods. "No, it's fine. We can go." She says before they continue their walk. They walk around the park and Beckett holds Avery tightly in her lap as she gently sways in the swing.
     But they soon head back home as it's cold out and Avery is still fragile. Once back at the loft, Beckett nurses Avery and Jim holds her in his arms as she sleeps while Rick and Kate get ready for dinner. "You sure you're okay with going?" He asks as she does her makeup. He drops a kiss to her shoulder, "Yeah, I just wish you would've told me about it." She says, "I know, but I wanted it to be a surprise." He tries explaining. "I appreciate that, Babe, but we might no be able to do surprises while Avery is this little." She argues.
      Rick sighs, but it's his wife's birthday and he doesn't want to argue with her. "You're right. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry." He says and steps away from her. She grabs his arm and turns around to face him. She pulls him down for a kiss and he's suddenly very confused. "I love you and I feel so special everyday I'm with you, but especially on my birthday because of all the work you put into it. I don't want to seem unappreciative. I'm just nervous." She explains better.
     He smiles and kisses her forehead, "I know and I should've asked you. I know things are different now and it's not like it was before we had Avery-," "But it's still good, right?" "It's incredible, love. I couldn't imagine a different life for myself. You've made me the happiest I've been in a long time. I just want to treasure you, especially today." He cups her cheeks and her smile grows big, "I've felt treasured since that rainy night in May. Before that actually." She says and that makes him smile. He leans down and kisses her, "Let me finish getting ready and we can go." She says.
       An hour later, after giving her father the rundown (even though he already knew all the information his daughter was relaying to him) the couple finds them self sitting across from each other at Drago. "I'm glad you agreed to dinner." Rick says. She smiles, "I am too. Thank you for knowing what I needed, even if I didn't." "Always." He whispers and leans in to kiss her before their food arrives and they enjoy some alone time before heading home and getting Avery settled once Jim leaves. Once their little girl is down for the evening, Castle leads his wife into the shower where he makes love to her and reminds her how she'll always be his greatest treasure.
Part 9! I'm back! I'm so sorry about this little hiatus! It was not planned — last week was just very hectic. I hope to be able to be back to writing normally again soon.

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