A New Life

By FoxyBananaaaz

424 1 0

Lucien learns the secret of his parentage through Elain. Follow him as he adjusts to life in the Day Court. More

Lucien Appreciation Week Prompt List
Starting Over
Acting Tough
Falling Apart
Coming Together
In The Afternoon


52 0 0
By FoxyBananaaaz

Lucien tries to convince Helion to let him tweak the Day Court Attire for himself.

*** *** ***

It had been six months since he moved to the Day Court and it wasn't that Lucien didn't like living in the Day Court, because he did. He absolutely did. It was just that he wasn't ... Lucien was working on adjusting to the lifestyle of the Day Court. The way things worked. Customs. The way of life.

He was not yet announced as Helions son, and for that, he was grateful. He was not sure he was ready for the whole of Prythian to look at him as if he were different. As if he were not the same male he had always been before. He was especially not ready for the way this would affect his mother.

He knew his father would be embarrassed and would 'have a discussion' with his mother. At least, that's what his father always told the servants. Everyone knew what 'having a discussion' meant though. But no one would speak against his father, lest they- No.

The male was not his father. Had never been. He'd only raised Lucien, the two of them believing him to be his father. This had been the hardest adjustment to make.

While Lucien had loathed the male for most of his life, Beron had still raised him as his own son. He always made it very clear what he thought of Lucien, but he still raised Lucien as his own son. It was very difficult to stop calling the male father.

He was trying, though, because he could see, when talking to Helion, every time he slipped, Lucien saw the anger in Helions eyes, barely hidden. The first time, Lucien apologized. Shocked, Helion told him not to apologize, that it was not his fault. He was frustrated that Beron was the one to raise him, and got that title, while he was left in the dust.

Even though he was told that anger he saw each slip was not his fault, Lucien still felt more guilty than the last. But, he instead would change the topic, swiftly, and expertly, trying to convince Helion that there must be pants he could wear, that fit the attire of the Court.

Three months later, and still Luciens status in the Day Court remained a mystery to the rest of Prythian. Though he was hearing whispers all over during his travels, and everyone had now learned of his move. Someone was a quick gossip. In his line lf work, Lucien had quickly learned that, unless the information was life threatening, he was to always wait many months more than this before gossiping, so the people involved would not have their heckles rise quite so high. Just as Luciens had been at that moment.

The gossip was crucial, and he would often recieve more truthful gossip in return. But the only people who knew, were Elain, Feyre, Rhysand, Helion and his mother, as well as himself. Unless others knew, and would let the secret out, thus putting his mother in harms way, and-he wasn't paying attention, as someone bumped into him, spilling their deep red shirt all down his rediculously expensive coat.

He'd bought it with Tamlins' money, back when they were friends. When Tamlin didn't care about Lucien using his money, as long as he looked the part and did his job. Thinking about it now, he didn't feel bad about using so much of Tamlins' money. Tamlin didn't care. He didn't even ever notice it he had so much. Lucien could have gotten fifteen of these expensive coats. The coat that was now ruined.

He heard Feyre call out from across the tavern, something about Mr. Stylish, not being stylish now. Lucien felt his cheeks warm.

He honestly didn't know why Feyre would choose this place for her birthday. Or the night before her birthday, really. He also didn't understand why she would insist on Lucien coming as well. But an invitation from Feyre was not to be ignored.

Lucien simply shrugged out of his jacket and decided to give it to some female who was just about to leave. It was December, and he didn't want her to freeze. He didn't notice as a golden brown haired female walked up to the female, demanding the jacket, while offering her a different jacket in return.

That Solstice night went slightly differently. Upon opening his gift, Elain actually smiled. She didn't look at him or thank him, but she smiled at his gift for her. It was simply an ornate decorative glass box, with different items inside.

A dried out flower her father had given him for no reason, the day they met, the ribbon that was holding his hair tied back that fateful yet awful night for her. A rose from the Spring Court, magically preserved to forever hold its lively beauty, because, even though he doubts she would go there after hearing her sisters stories, and he would not go there outside of work, he still thought the Spring Court held the most beautiful flowers he had ever seen.

And, possibly the most important was when he had asked Feyre to paint a memory for him, small enough to fit in the box.

The small painting was a memory. A memory of their father, standing on the beach of the continent his three personal ships in view, and while he sailed on The Nesta to battle, this memory had him smiling softly up at The Elain, because he knew how much it was her dream to visit the continent.

Lucien wasn't too much a fan of the continent. Though he had only been on sand for most of his time there, and then getting on the ships to sail back. Then the trip back, it was fine, he could have done without the salty sea mist. Between that and the sand, he lost so much clothing. Which reminded him to look into Day Court attire that would be appropriate, yet also suit his own tastes.

Coming back to, Lucien noticed Elain was looking through the box, carefully looking at everything, being ever so gentle as if it all might disintegrate in her hands. Lucien nearly lost his breath, as well as the capability to breathe when he noticed that she was still softly smiling at it.

Four months later, and rumors were flying everywhere. Eris had mentioned during their meeting two weeks prior that their father was getting rather frustrated with them all. That he was preparing to formally call Lucien home, because, according to Eris, his father- Beron had been saying repeatedly, that no son of his should be spending any time in the Day Court, or it's filth.

A rage rose in Lucien, that was wholly unfamiliar. It took a minute, though Lucien did manage to stamp it out. Eris was not the one in the wrong here. He debated telling Eris, and wondered if he could trust his brother.

He was the oldest, clearly the Heir set to inherit the powers and title of High Lord of the Autumn Court when Beron dies. He had been there when Jes... When Jesminda was taken from him. Had helped take her. But he also helped Lucien escape. He's the only one of Luciens brothers who remained civil with him after Lucien left. Actually, his whole life. He would be there to cheer Lucien up when his father was extra cruel growing up.

Before he fully decided what to do, the words were out of his mouth. The first time, he had actually said them. When telling Helion, he was stumbling so much to actually say the words Elain had stepped in to say them. Helion is my father, Mother had gone behind everyone's backs, and with Helion, she made me. Lucien stood there, shocked that the words just came tumbling out, as Eris stood there, shocked at the words in general.

Lucien explained how he was not going back to the Autumn Court and that technically their father... Eris' father could not make him. But one thing, before Lucien could even finish his sentence, Eris picked up on what he was saying and finished for him. They agreed that when news got out, if their mother was still in the Autumn Court, her life may be in danger.

Eris told Lucien to give him some time, but he would ensure that their mother would be out of the Autumn Court before the following month.

Lucien, not wanting to go back right away, decided to walk for a while, rather than winnow. He walked a good two hours, even after it started pouring rain. He did winnow, after his clothes were completely soaked through. But not to the main house. He winnowed to the seamstress across the Day Courts main town.

He explained to the male running the shop that he needed a wardrobes amount of Day Court attire, fit for the High Lord. But it must have pants. He agreed to a sheer, sash, thing, that went from the pants over the shoulder. It also had a gold band on the inner side of it.

As the seamstress was putting together his new wardrobe, something caught his eye off to the side. Walking over, Lucien studied the golden item. It appeared to be an arm band. Where the two sides met, they curved upward and downward to form a snake.

Finishing up, the seamstress walked up and noticed Lucien studying the snake arm band. The male commented on how it would match Luciens eye. He then explained that many have wanted the arm band, as it was exquisitely designed and crafted, though he would not sell it. Lucien then tried to return the seemingly priceless item to the male, but he would not take it before continuing his explanation.

He would not sell it, waiting for the right fit. Lucien seems to match the arm band, and the arm band matches Lucien. The seamstress gave Lucien a knowing grin before insisting he keep the armband free of charge.

After paying for his new wardrobe, Lucien then asked if the seamstress had a room he could change in. He needed to get out of the soaking wet clothes. Gratefully, the male had a room and was more than willing to let Lucien use it, insisting Lucien leave his soaked, ruined clothes in the waste bin.

As Lucien returned to Helions' house, not ready to have the conversation that Eris now also knew their secret, he paused. Lucien looked down on himself. Helion had been adamant he go all out and get a wardrobe of Togas. Lucien was set on pants. Now he was about to walk in, in Day Court attire, in pants.

Standing tall, Lucien took his ribbon and tied his hair up, something he always did to help him feel brave. After tying his hair up, he walked inside.

His wardrobe must have already arrived then because Helion was waiting for him as he walked in, looking as though he was about to say something, but then stopped.

There Lucien stood, infront of his ... In front of Helion, with a smirk, that one might consider fox-like.

"Did you really think Togas were the only thing that could be styled correctly in your Court? Give me any odd thing with a pair of pants, and I can create a style that would outshine nearly anyone within a block." With a quick glance down at the sheer sash, as well as the armband he was wearing.

Lucien smirked at Helions' stunned face as he walked past him, onward to the room Helion had put him in. Lucien stopped when he noticed his jacket, the one that had been ruined by the strangers red wine, the one he had given to the random female so she wouldn't freeze while walking home, was sitting, folded on his bed, cleaned, without any hint that it had been stained.

Walking closer, Lucien noticed a note.

Dont worry, I gave her one of my sisters. 

But as for this?

I am the only one who gets your jackets.

Between this, and the smile as she saw his gift, and her help telling Helion, and her even telling him to begin with... Were he and Elain becoming ... friends?

He could have sworn he felt the faintest tug in the centre of his chest in response. But he was probably imagining it.

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