Starting Over

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Lucien reminisces on his past, bouncing from home to home, until he has an unexpected chat with Elain.

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Lucien was never truly exiled. Well, technically, he was. He exiled himself. And after the first time, he knew if he went back there would be trouble with his father. His adoptive father(though he didn't know that piece of information).

And sure enough, when he and Feyre traveled up North, on their way to the Night Court, they had to travel through the Autumn Court, because of course Feyre had to go and get herself a Blood Ruby from Tarquin and the Summer Court. So, traveling through the Autumn Court, his brothers found them, and made brought hell down.

Which brings up the second time Lucien exiled himself. Feyre had planned on leaving the Spring Court, and would have left him behind, had it not been for Ianthe. Feyre had stopped what Ianthe was doing, and Lucien caught onto Feyres plans. Lucien decided then that he was going with her. To meet his mate officially, but also to get away from the abuse of Ianthe, as well as... as well as Tamlin.

But his brothers were bringing down hell, right at the border to Winter Court. If only they could cross the border, then perhaps Kallias would feel that sons of the Autumn High Lord attacking the Cursebreaker and her friend(coincidentally also a son of the High Lord of Autumn) in his court, and come to put a stop to it.

But Feyre and Tamlin never made it to the Border. Instead, two winged lesser fae flew in, and it was around then that Lucien learned that Feyre was High Lady of the Night Court. Which was shocking to say the least.

Lucien didn't say anything, least of all object, when the short haired male picked him up, and flew off, away from his brother's, and assumably back to the Night Court.

The third time Lucien exiled himself was from the Night Court. It wasn't a full exile though. He still worked for Rhysand, as Emesary to the Human Lands. He had to report in every so often. Then he was invited by Feyre to holidays, which meant, he had to go. Usually invitations were a choice. But not when Feyre was the one giving them out. Not when Rhysand stood behind her, with his power.

So no. It wasn't a full exile. But he had to move away. He was so conflicted with the damned mate bond(the guilt at calling the thing damned crept up, making him feel horrible), was eating away from him. Elain wanted nothing to do with him. He understood why. But he would remain patient, and respect her boundaries.

But he found himself longing for her, dreaming about her. But he also found his guilt towards Jesminda growing increasingly by the day, as he thought of Elains beauty, or the sound of her voice would take his attention away from whoever was talking to him.

He found himself forgetting what Jesminda looked like. What colour was her hair? He tried to picture it, but all he saw were Elains golden brown curls. He tried to remember her eye colour, but saw Elains doe brown eyes. He was sure he remember Jesmindas laugh. Because Elain never laughed around him. They were both equally uncomfortable with this bond.

Maybe one day... No. No, he can't let himself hope. So many times he'd been let down after hoping. He's lost now three homes because of hope.

So Lucien semi exiled himself from the Night Court to go live in the Human Lands with his friends Jurian and Vassa.

The fourth, and final time Lucien exiled himself, was from the human lands. Again, this would be a semi exile, because Jurian and Vassa would still be his friends. But this was after they broke Vassas curse. The three, named the Band of Exiles were so relieved that Vassa was finally free. That she was the Queen of the human lands on Prythian.

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