Arrival In Hell (Loona x Male...

By ObelisskA

8.2K 113 14

Sam Railor, fan of katanas, found a unique one, which prisoned a demon inside. At the same time he made frien... More

Chapter 1. Slasher's Dream
Chapter 2. Satanic sword
Chapter 3. Helluva Boredom
Chapter 4. The BBQ evening?
Chapter 5. Enel, prisoner of the blade
Chapter 6. An invitation
Chapter 7. New target!
Chapter 8. Blade Master arrives at Party
Chapter 9. Susan's cottage pt. 1
Chapter 10. Susan's Cottage pt. 2
Chapter 11. Rooftop randevu! pt. 1
Chapter 12. Rooftop randevu! pt. 2
Chapter 13. Help that poor girl!
Chapter 14. Meanwhile in Hell
Chapter 15. Alive!
Chapter 16. Different worlds, same thoughts
Special for first 1k views!
Chapter 17. Flow of emotions!
Chapter 18. Sam's past pt. 1
Chapter 19. Sam's past pt. 2
Chapter 20. Unfair Fight.
Chapter 22. Concert
Chapter 23. Seeing Stars! 💫
Chapter 24. Send her back home
Chapter 25. Leave everything behind
Final? Epilogue

Chapter 21. Tomorrow

179 3 0
By ObelisskA

Both of them finally fell asleep closer to morning. At about 7 a.m. Sam opened his eyes, looked around still feeling sleepy and rubbed them, trying to completely wake up, but with no success. No doubt he had a sleepless night thinking about his 'confession', his past and actions he took years ago. Then Sam's thoughts changed their direction again, this time he thought about Loona. Something about this girl was different, she reminded him of Jessica, who understood him and didn't blame for his mistakes. He appreciated it.

It must be said that Loona had alike thoughts during that night: Her teenage, orphanage for Hellhounds, where she spent most of her life, her adoption by Blitzo, work at IMP and, of course, her failed mission, which was the reason why the girl wasn't able to go home now. Then thoughts about Hell, she really worried about coming back home, she had no ided how to do that.

What would the others at IMP do when she didn't come back? She couldn't answer, but had to admit she didn't have other way but stay with Sam. She would hate the idea before, but now saw him as a good man. She trusted the guy and felt really sorry for such horrible turn of events which destroyed his life.

Sam finally made it and got out of the bed. It was stuffy in the room. He opened the window and enjoyed the cool air from the outside. It was absolutely usual early morning, when Sun isn't shining yet and it's a bit cold.

Sam: Ahh... what a pleasure...

*Yawns with a relish*

Sam: Oh, it's only 7 now, why did I wake up so early?

He didn't want to go to bed though. But in the nearby room Loona was still sleeping, so Sam needed to do something for a while. He got dressed and looked for something to do. Actually, his room had lots of stuff to do, starting with mess. It was the point by the way, as he would never do that at any other time. Sam wished himself good luck and started cleaning his dump. After half an hour he (to his surprise) had a success. All the litter was packed in the trash pack, when Loona wakes up, he will throw it out. Sam then took a look at his electro guitars and asked himself a question, what did Loona enjoy listening to. Maybe he will offer her to play something together... After that Sam turned on his pc and scrolled the news, events, memes and videos. One of them took his attention, Sam saved the page just in case. He skipped about 2 hours in such a way of routine, it was 9:02 when he decided to leave his room, thinking his guest was already awake.

"His guest" woke up indeed. She sighed as deep inside thought it was all a dream and she would wake up in her room in Hell. She felt depressed but mostly likeable about it.

Loona: Sam must be sleeping still. Well, what about the leg?

She tried to move it and noticed the pain was weaker, the scar itself was better as well. Her hellhound form really helped to heal it. Loona looked through the window at Sam's backyard: Sun had already come up and was shining. She smiled, in Hell she had never had a chance to look at it, and sunshine was worth seeing. She smiled and then Sam's door opened, owner of the room himself left it and surprisingly noticed Loona was awake. He waved his hand and wished her good morning:

Sam: Morning, how the night was?

Loona: Morning, Sam, it's ok, slept like dead...

Sam: Huh, nice to hear that. Well, let me cook something for breakfast.

Loona: Ok, take your time... Uhm... can I have a shower while you're cooking?

Sam: Yes, of course, please, gimme a second... I'll do it myself (Several minutes passed, Sam left the the place) -Here.

He gave Loona a towel and she went to the bathroom. Sam moved to the kitchen and looked inside the fridge, now it had enough food to cook something tasty. His choice were waffles, so he opened waffle iron, mixed the dough and put it inside. Loona had already left the bathroom, feeling relaxed after the warm water.

While waffles were baking, Sam took trash pack and left the house.

Loona felt smell of something being cooked and licked her lips, she hadn't eaten for a whole day already and was hungry. Suddenly, a scream broke the silence

???: OH! FU...

It was Sam. Loona quickly went to the main door, to the source of sound. She saw the guy standing near two trash cans, one of them was lying on the ground.

Loona: What happened?

Sam: Cats... One of these nasty creatures was hiding inside a trash can and rushed out of it when I threw the bag.

Loona: Yea, I don't like cats too

Sam: Are you a dog person?

Loona: Yeah... (Literally - she continued in her head with a sly smile)

Both of them felt smell of burning waffles and Sam rushed to the house. He got in time, a minute more and their breakfast would be ruined. After they had the meal, Sam offered Loona to set her new phone, she agreed. Of course the human realm phone couldn't use apps from Hell, but she was grateful to Sam anyway. The process took about 20 minutes and Loona was now online again! Having nothing to do she was scrolling Instagram, Youtube and some other human social networks. Sam was in his room, trying to manage the pile of cables near the desk. After he had made it, he called Loona. The girl came and saw him holding a guitar.

Sam: Loona, how about playing something... together?

Loona: Playing? But, I can't, never tried to hold a guitar in my life

Sam: Everything can be the first time you know... Wanna try?

Loona: Yea!

Loona smiled at that coincidence, as she wanted to have a guitar lesson as well. She sat next to her teacher and he gave her the second instrument.

Sam: Well, look, basic electro guitar have six strings, they are numbered from the thinnest one, here. These divisions are called frets and every fret made the string to sound higher. Like that:

Sam then played a quick solo on the guitar, making Loona to awe. She liked rock music and solos always sounded cool. After that he explained her basics of guitar music, gave her some information about chords and barre. She enjoyed all that new information and her eyes were shining with inspiration.

When she started playing, Sam noticed she did it good. Of course, there were mistakes, attempts again and again. And nothing surprising, as Loona never tried to play the guitar at least because she had claws in her normal form, they could damage the instrument. After 2 or 3 hours she was able to play simple solos on her guitar. He showed her some guitar tabs and they played several songs in a row, Sam played as a rythm guitar and Loona was solo. They kept great synchronization and both liked their instrumentals.

Loona: Wow! That was amazing!

Loona was breathing fast after the dynamic solo she completed almost without any mistakes.

Sam: Yes, that's for sure! Your solo part is an extremely good one!

Loona: Huh, thanks, you played hard as well, it was like an eruption!

They both laughed, the drive filled the room. Sam turned his head to Loona.

Sam: By the way, do you enjoy rock? I can bet you do!

Loona: Hell yeah! I really like it! Especially when music is fast and change the tone rapidly!

Sam: Huh, yeah, for real.

Loona: What about you?

Sam: Well, I enjoy different music, not only rock but hip-hop as well. Maybe you remember, when I picked you up before that party, one of my favorite band's song played. They're called Gorillaz. I listen to them since I was a teenager.

Loona: Remember something, can you show me some songs of those guys?

Sam: Yes, of course.

He showed her some tracks from different albums. They listened to Dirty Harry, Kids with Guns, 19-2000, Feel Good Inc., DARE, Stylo, Rhinestone Eyes and some more. Loona was surprised to admit that to herself but she liked the songs.

Loona: Wow, Gorillaz have great music! It's very chill.

Sam: That's what I'm talking about! I'm glad you liked it

Loona smiled, she felt really good. She couldn't remember the moment of her life, when she was like that: just sitting and listening to music with someone who isn't a complete asshole or pervert but just a good friend of hers. Sam felt in similar way, even having some friends, it was long time since he just hang out with someone and felt so relaxed.

It was already 2 pm. Sam ordered pizza and they had a great meal, after that Loona told she was sleepy and went to her couch, after 10 minutes she really fell asleep. Sam thought she must have been recovering, she needed some rest. So he left the house and went for a walk. He felt so excited about their fun time. What a pretty girl she was, she tried to hide her real face under the bitchy attitude. But with Sam she showed her real character, he liked it. Sam sighed and his face became darker.

On the other hand he was worried about her home. From where did she come, why she couldn't name at least her home state? He was sure she tried to hide it for some reasons. This morning he examined her wound to find it was almost completely healed. Sam felt confused about that one detail, as he knew it just can't be cured so fast. He was happy about Loona's quick recovery though. He then remembered their first encounter and strange circumstances of it. She came from nowhere, went to the party and then got involved into that fight with Tony. Wasn't that suspicious?
Sam swallowed and stopped for a moment. He now was in another area with crossroad of two streets and rows of houses here and there. This location was busier than Sam's countryside. In the big distance he saw the seaside and some yachts in the water. Cars were racing along the streets with great noise, it disturbed Sam, so he turned the other side and left the place. On the corner the group of boys were playing music, trying to catch some money. Sam put a dollar to the guitar case and one of them even called him "Bro" making Sam to smile.

* * *

Among the people, who were in a hurry, there was one, different from the others. He wore a crimson waistcoat, same colored trousers and a monocle. Wide smile never left his face. The stranger looked somewhere, to opposite side of the street, where Sam was walking.

Stranger: So this is the guy, who can become the source of puuure entertainment, isn't it?

Cane in stranger's hands replied.

Cane: Yes, Sir

No one around seemed to notice this creepy man in the middle of the sidewalk. He followed Sam with his gaze and smirkled.

Stranger: Enough for now.

He moved out of the streets, to the nearby lane and was about to leave the mortal realm, when a group of uncouth men followed him.

???: Hey, YOU!

He didn't turn his head.

???: You look like a rich asshole! Is that easy to live when you don't have to do anything with your hands but only play with your small dick, AAAH?

He turned his head this time.

Stranger: I don't know what are you talking about my dear friend. Is that a joke or confession?

*Sound of laugh appeared from nowhere*

The man growled:

Bandit: Am I a joke for you? Just look at your face! I will be the one who erase that smile from your... (He tried to grab stranger's shoulder)

He wasn't able to finish as he heard some noise, like radio interference sound and then felt something on his own shoulder. He turned his head and screamed: it was covered with blood and... guts... The brave bandit looked around and saw his friends who were lying on the ground, dismembered, on the walls of the lane some unknown words were written with their blood. He felt something warm flowing inside him and tried to run as fast as he could feeling madness, only to see a big hole inside his stomach. His own entrails were out of the body this time. He started catching air without even lack of success. The stranger was looking at that performance with a wide smile, listening to their screams.

Stranger: Well, that play was a boring one! Maybe you'll be able to entertain me next time, HAHAHA!

*Disapproval roar sound*

The cruel monster conjured a spell and went through the portal which showed streets of a normal city, but coloured with different tones of red.

* * *

Sam reached his own area finally. All the way home he was trying to figure out about Loona's origins.

Sam: Huh, isn't she a demon from Hell by the way?

He smiled at his genius theory, but after a moment got serious, remembering about Enel and the fact of Hell existence. That way it could make sense: fast healing, cursed weapon wasn't able to hurt her. Sam swallowed and shook his head, trying to think straightly.

Sam: What a nonsense, Sam! She didn't... even have horns or a tail, or... what demons from Hell usually have? She's just an incredulous person, that's all. Furthermore, she is too cute to be a demon at all!

He kept going and was almost near his house when his phone biped. Sam looked at the display and saw it was a message from Mike.

M: Hey, Sam. Firstly I'd like to apologize for that 'incident' with Tony. Well, you know. I don't want to have any business with this asshole anymore! I hope you didn't have any arguments after that one, did you?..

Sam: *thinking* Did we? Well, it was not the argument at all...

*Mike's message continues*

M: So, closer to the deal, I was going to invite you to the "Ring of Regards" concert to spend time together like we used before. But I caught really bad cold, so catch that.

*Mike sent a file, Sam opened it and saw 2 e-tickets to the concert. He was surprised, Mike must have bought these tickets for two of them*

Sam smirkled after seeing that, he read about that one this morning and even saved the page, just in case, as tickets must have been sold already. Well, maybe it's the destiny. He then wished Mike to recover fast and thanked him for tickets.

Sam felt excited about the event. He heard about RoR for the first time 3 years ago. Since then he liked their music, he even played one of their songs with Loona, and the girl liked it. It was going to be the amazing experience. For now Sam made it to the house and saw Loona still sleeping, nothing surprising, as he only walked for about an hour or little more.

* * *

Loona woke up soon and right after that went to Sam's room. He was sitting there with headphones in his ears and doing something on his computer. She softly touched his shoulder, the guy turned his head and took off the headphones.

Sam: Hey, now feeling better?

Loona: Yes, I do. That nap was a good idea for real

Sam: Brilliant idea (He smiled, teasing her a little)

Loona: Oh, shut up, Blade Master...

Sam: I've never thought anyone would call me like that. (Sam tried to act surprised) By the way, while you were sleeping, something absolutely crazy happened!

Loona: What's that?

Sam: Remember the last song we played?

Loona: Yes, I do.

Sam: The band, who created it, Ring of Regards are having a concert in our town's stadium tomorrow!

Loona's eyes widened. A concert? Of a rock group? She had never been to anything like that, she felt really excited as Sam did.

Loona: WOW! That's really cool! Sam, but how did you...

Sam: Mike gave me two tickets, he couldn't visit it, so...

Loona: Damn... Sorry for him... but It's so cool! I'm about concert.

Sam: Yes, I can't wait too! We'll have to prepare for tomorrow night.

Loon: We have to look like rockers, don't you think so? Some 'special' clothes you know, it would be cool to put something which fits in all that rock theme.

Sam: Yes, I got you. Great idea by the way!

Loona: But where will be find all of that?

Sam: A great shop is nearby, called 'Sixtagram'

Loona: Huh, what's wrong with the name?

Sam: I ask myself same question every time I go there, but they sale really wonderful clothes and some other stuff

Loona: Ok, if you say so. I can't wait to visit the event!

Both of them were looking forward to seeing that concert the next day. For now they, however, had to calm down, it was evening already and Sam offered Loona to walk around the place, as she seemed to have never been in the area before. It needed to be said, that Sam enjoyed going out, especially in cool summer evenings. So he decided to have that another walk even after he had just come back home. He didn't care, as a walk together with such a nice girl was even better than a common one.

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