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By gracessecretshelby

53.8K 1.9K 232

- ๐ˆ๐ง ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ก Madeline Lee finds herself forced into the once thing she swore she'd never do: marriage or... More

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4.3K 171 10
By gracessecretshelby

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

John abruptly stopped the car outside the small house on Watery Lane.

"Right we're here, come on," Arthur mumbled, stepping out and offering his hand to Madeline. She gave him a small smile and accepted his hand. "Nice car, John." Tommy said.

"Yeah beautiful, really smooth." John agreed, tapping the side of the car.

Polly stood with her hands on her

"Your sister is in there giving birth and you're talking about the bloody car," She said, placing a hand on Madeline's back as she stepped inside the house. "Not much us men can do now, Pol."

"Except go get drunk," Arthur grinned as he leaned back. "Right come on," Tommy huffed.

"At least one man should be here," Polly's eyes burned into their backs. Tommy turned, "you're right, Pol. Freddie should be here." He said, referring to Ada's husband.

"Is that a heartbeat I hear inside that chest?"

"The truth lasts till sunrise, on my oath, tell Freddie it's safe." Tommy told her. Polly smiled and went inside the house, "Ada!" She called out.

"All right boys, let's wet this babies head."


Ada's breath's were quick as her chest heaved up and down. Madeline pushed Ada's hair from her face gently and pushed the nervous feeling away.

"Keep going, that's right," Polly urged, "push," A scream left Ada's mouth and Madeline winced, placing her hands on Ada's lower stomach.  "Think it might be the wrong way round," Maddie spoke.

Polly thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think you're right. Come on Ada, come on." they both gently leaned Ada forward. "Right come on, not long to go now darling. Push, two three,"

Madeline quickly stepped away, covering her mouth as she felt her stomach churn. "I'm sorry," she apologised quickly, leaning against the wall.

Polly was confused but shook her head. "Don't apologise, love. You go down to the Garrison, that's where John will be. It's right up the road— go on, go."

"No, i'll stay. I'm alright." Madeline lied, taking a deep breath before kneeling beside Ada once more.


John finished off his drink, slamming the glass onto the table.

"I should go," he slurred, "i should go. It's me wedding night."

"No, no, you sit down," Arthur grabbed his shoulder, stopping him from falling forward. "You don't wanna be among women when there's a baby coming."

"So you think her husband with take the same advice and stay away?" The blonde barmaid asked as she placed a pint of beer down.

"Nah, no Freddie will be there," John said groggily, "nothing will keep 'im away, Tommy said it's okay for him to be there. Isn't that right Tommy?" He shouted.

Tommy appeared behind the barmaid.

"That's right, i'm all heart tonight." he admitted. John and Arthur began laughing once the barmaid had left and Tommy frowned. "Ya know what John boy, I think it's that lovely barmaid, that pretty barmaid that walked out that's made our brother go all soft!"

"Drinks to that," John grinned.

Tommy laughed slightly and puffed on a cigarette.


There was pounding on the door and Madeline looked at Polly who nodded, telling her to go see who it was.

As she opened the door, a brown haired man stood and pushed past Maddie, rushing into the room where Ada was. He paused.

"It's a boy, Freddie." Ada said softly. He placed his hands over his mouth, sitting in front of Ada. "It's a beautiful baby boy," he whispered, accepting the small child off Ada.

Freddie stared in shock as he held the baby in his arms. Madeline watched from the door and jumped when another bang sounded through the house.

"Open up, Police."

Ada sat forward, "Freddie," she said quickly. Madeline went to the door once more. "You can't come in here there's a baby just been born!" She shouted as they forcefully shoved her aside.

She watched as they dragged Freddie out into the hall, pushing him up against the wall.

"Stop you're hurting him!" Ada shouted. "You can't take me away from my baby! Ada!" Freddie shouted loudly as he was dragged from the house.


John and Arthur sat singing together, their heads turning when Polly swung the Garrison door open, Maddie close behind her. Tommy looked over.

"It's a boy." Tommys smile faded as Polly ran over to him.

"Polly, Pol!" John said, him and Arthur following after her and grabbing her arms. "But the police came and took his father away, don't you dare looked at me like that! You liar!"

Shock was displayed all over Tommy's face. John watched his aunt walk away and his eyes landed on Madeline who stood sheepishly by the door.

Arthur cleared his throat. "Er..come on love. Come av a drink," he said, waving her over. She walked to him, accepting the glass of whiskey he'd offered her.

Maddie didn't drink whiskey.

John attempted to avoid her eyes, keeping his head down and his hands inside his pockets.

She lifted the glass to her lips, taking a big sip of the drink and wincing as the amber liquid travelled down her throat.

"That's rancid," she coughed, covering her mouth and shoving the glass into Arthur's hand. He laughed and pushed John's shoulder.

John looked up, his eyes searching her face once more.

"Come on, John boy. Sit down with ya new wife." Arthur teased. "Shut up Artha," John shook his head, looking at Maddie again. She looked away quickly and Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Wouldn't think youse just got married," He said. John pursed his lips into a straight line and Maddie sat down in the booth, crossing her legs.

Arthur nodded toward her and John slowly sat beside her.

"What happened with your sisters husband?" Madeline asked. John looked down at her, taking a deep breath. "He fought in the war with Tom, they fell out over something. Then we all found out him an our Ada were shagging an she were pregnant, they got married. Tom and Freddie made up and here we are," John said.

Madeline almost laughed at his strange way of telling stories. "You talk quick," she observed.

"Well," he shrugged, "time doesn't wait for us does it?"

They all stayed in the Garrison for at least another hour and Tommy had remained at the bar speaking to the blonde woman, John and Maddie were asleep beside each other.

Her head was on his shoulder, his arm was around her back as if he was protecting her from something.

Arthur mumbled something and threw himself into the chair beside them, using his foot to nudge John.

"Fuck off Artha," he whispered, readjusting himself so that his other arm was laying under hers. Arthur groaned and threw his head back.

"John come on lad," Arthur said. John kept his eyes closed and aggressively shoved his foot into Arthur's leg causing his to shout on pain. "Bastard, you're a bastard!"

"Yeah so are you, fuck off." John muttered.

"Oi, you lot let's go." Tommy called out from the bar. Arthur chuckled and stood, knocking over a glass.

"Do your brothers ever shut up?" Madeline asked, slowly opening her eyes. John removed his arm and shook his head. "They're like songbirds in the fucking morning," he said, helping her up from the seat.

"Go on, you lot get home and i'll help Grace close up the pub," Tommy ordered.

Once again, John kept his arm around Madeline as they walked, keeping her close. The sky was black and the only light they had was from the street lamps. Arthur was stumbling left and right in front of them.

"Arthur what're you doing just walk!" John huffed. "I'm trying," he retorted, looking over his shoulder at him.

"You got a pretty one, John. Yeah, really nice," he slurred, referring to Madeline. John looked at her and hummed.

"Yeah I suppose she's okay," he joked causing her lips to part.

"John Shelby you shut your mouth." She hissed, pushing him away and walking to the side. He laughed slightly and pulled her back, shaking her. "Only messing with ya," he whispered.

Despite the fact they'd only met that day and were forced to marry, John thought she was gorgeous and he didn't mind that she was the one he had to marry. Madeline felt the same, although she was still unhappy with the arrangement, she knew it wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would.

She'd only seen a little of the Shelby family and out of all of them, John seemed like the better brother.

And she didn't mind the fact they'd been acting as though they'd known each other for years. It made things easier.


"How is she?" Polly asked when John entered the dimly lit kitchen. He paused at the sight of his aunt and cleared his throat. "Madeline?" He asked, "she's alright."

"Are you sure? Because when Ada was having that baby she looked like she'd seen a bloody ghost." Polly told him, sipping from a whiskey glass. John looked around, unsure what to say. "Have you asked her if she's okay? Oh and make sure you tell her that i've laid a night dress out for her."

"No— i haven't. Was I supposed to?"

"Yes you were supposed to, she's your wife now for christ sake!" Polly scolded, "just because you didn't know about the wedding until this morning an you don't know the girl, doesn't mean you shouldn't be checking up on her."

"All right. Jesus." John muttered. Polly raised her eyebrows at him but said nothing whilst he walked out.

John knocked on the door lightly, pushing it open and making himself known. Maddie looked away from the window and stayed quiet. "Polly said she's laid a night dress out for you," he informed her, keeping his hands in his pockets.

Maddie nodded slightly and remained by the window. "Madeline," he began, "are you alright?" John questioned, his Birmingham accent especially thick. She snapped her head toward him. "It's just Polly mentioned what happened earlier— you know with Ada?"

Madeline's lips parted and she hummed. "It wasn't the most comfortable situation to be in." She admitted, taking a seat on the end of the bed. A shaky breath left her mouth whilst she contemplated telling him. Fuck it. "My mum died during child birth, when she was giving birth to my younger brother. I just remembered seeing— everything."

John leaned against the wall and listened whilst she spoke about what it was like to practically be an orphan.

"Sorry, what a way to ruin the night." She laughed it off. There was a silence that overcame them but Madeline didn't like it. "I've never wanted to get married."

"Whys that?"

"Never thought it was necessary. What difference does being married make? As long as you love each other, that's all that matters..right?" It was clear that her voice had began shaking and John had noticed.

John took a step forward, standing before her and gently lifting her chin up. "Look at me." He whispered, "Madeline look at me."

She slowly looked up, meeting his eyes. "I understand that none of this was ever apart of your plans. And honestly neither— but i'm here to look after you now, yeah? I'm going to take care of ya." John assured her, cupping the sides of her face and kneeling down to be on her level. "You'll be safe with us. You'll be safe with me."

Madeline attempted to look away but John refused and kept hold of her face. He leaned her forehead on hers and looked her in the eye. "Think of it as a new start, eh?"

"A new start." Madeline repeated, "i think i'd like that."


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