The Smash Bros Story [Rewriti...

By Bowz01

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Old plot: This Story starts out with Samus Meta Knight and Luigi and King Deedee falling through a time porta... More

Chapter 1 An unlikely team of heroes

Chapter 2: Mysterious quest and a mysterious Companion

30 2 16
By Bowz01

Last time our heroes were just causing drama... And teams were split unevenly and sadly Bowser and Luigi were just a team of two and The others Samus, King Dedede and Meta Knight were a team of three but anyway Bowser and Luigi have encouraged someone mysterious.

"Don't be shocked or surprised I'm..." The person stopped talking.

"You are?" Luigi raised an eyebrow.

"GIVE US A ANSWER IDIOT! WHO ARE YOU?" Bowser yelled he was losing his patience.

"That I will not answer. But I will gladly help you." The person chuckled.

"THAT'S IT." Bowser picked up the mysterious person. "Tell me your identity or you will face my flames!"

"No. But I can tell you a story." The mysterious person said.


The villains were dealing damage around the area of the Smash Mansion.

"I saw them dealing damage..... I couldn't do anything though. They just kept attacking. Of course I couldn't do anything. So I put on my hood and ran away."

End of flashback

"Okay...?" Luigi was confused.

"That doesn't answer my question TELL ME WHO YOU ARE." Bowser glared.

"I'm afraid not. It's a surprise. Why tell you anyway. You Koopas have a bunch of stupidity." The mysterious person laughed.

"ALRIGHT I'M NOT PLAYING GAMES WITH YOU!" Bowser then used his fire breath on the mysterious person.

The mysterious person got hit by the flames and reduced in size.

Luigi sweatdropped. "Uh Bowser? I don't think you should hurt this person any further. You made them shrink!"

"Not my fault Green satche. That's what happens when people stay mysterious." The Koopa king laughed.

"But you shouldn't hurt them!" Luigi crossed his arms.

"Well if people are stubborn they face my flames!" Bowser smirked.

The mysterious person ran away to hide somewhere while Luigi and Bowser were talking.

Bowser then noticed the mysterious person running away. "HEY! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME! TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!" He chased after them.

"Oh boy...." Luigi followed.

The mysterious person then did a long jump to get away from Bowser. They then stuck out their tongue and watched.

"GRRR...." Bowser started growling.

Luigi caught up and he was trying to catch his breath. "Uh what's the matter Bowser?"


"And what if I don't?" Luigi snickered.

"ROAR!!!" Bowser used his fire breath.

"WAHHH!" Luigi got hit and he shrank. "Okay just let go of me and I'll go to the other side."

Bowser then put Luigi down. "There. Now get moving plumber boy."

"Yes Sir...." Luigi sighed and he did a long jump to the other side.

Bowser watched although he was pulling out his phone to call for backup.

"Oh you are following me now?" The mysterious person asked Luigi.

"Look you don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you. It's not like I can anyway. Ha ha...." Luigi laughed nervously.

Bowser then called for backup. "LUIGI IS TRYING TO LEAVE MY TEAM!"

"We should run...." Luigi started running away.

The mysterious person was walking casually.

Bowser then did a ground pound attack causing the ground to shake.

Both Luigi and the Mysterious person fell on the ground.

The mysterious person's hood fell off and it fell off the edge. "Dang it....."

Luigi was on his face. "Uh.... HELP!!!"

The mysterious person then ran away since they didn't want Luigi to discover them yet.

"My backup is coming!" Bowser smirked.

"Backup? Nope! I'm out! Gotta find a Super mushroom fast!" Luigi stood back up and he ran away.

"Luigi won't know what's coming." Bowser laughed.

To be continued

There's a reason why the other team hasn't been shown since the first chapter but y'all will find that out soon so enjoy another cliffhanger. 😉

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