Total Drama Invitational Insa...

By TotalDramaII

777 19 92

Chris wants some of the returning cast + 2 new people to come back to the island, but it's not the same as la... More

Chapter 1; A Goodbye to Home and a 2nd Hello to Camp wawanakwa pt. 1
Chapter 2: a goodbye to home and and a second hello to camp Wawanakwa pt. 2
chapter 2.5; Heather's POV
TDII art :3
Chapter 3; Falling into my head.
Chapter 4; Hang in there!
Chapter 6; Still (be)Heading South
chapter 7; Next time use the trash can!
chapter 8. real eyes, realize.

Chapter 5; You missed a spot!

71 1 16
By TotalDramaII

It has been 3 days since Ezekiel's death, and almost a week since Duncan's death. And I'm still actually terrified to my gut to ever do anything alone! Now everyone does things in big groups. And so far it's working. I genuinely hope everyone else makes it out alive! even. heather(I mean I guess)

I woke up to Heather's beefing with everyone else. Like girl chill tf out. Last time, right after ezekiel died, Her and leshawna got into a heated agreement. It was REALLY bad. Leshawna smacked the teeth outta her! //ate// I can still see the mark Leshawna left on Heather's now bruised skin. She's been looking a little paler. I remember how she used to bully and tease Gwen about it, but now? She's been very quiet..

I rubbed my eyes and got outta bed. I changed into my favorite turquoise hoodie i got from dollar tree, summer shorts that were way too over priced, and pale brown sandals that i wear everywhere I go. I really need to clean them again, yikes. I go to the bathroom to wash my face, I see Lindsay and Sierra already there. I greet them as I pump the acne wash twice and spread it across my face, I shiver in my steps as the cold water runs down my face, reminding me of the excessive amount of blood on Ezekiel and Duncan's bodies. I cant stop thinking of them! You know what, why did I have to be an interesting competitor?Oh how part of me wishing I was as "boring" as Katie and Sadie, and got to stay. They would be enjoying their share of fame and forgetting about this cruddy island. Im seriously jealous. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't want them in this same situation either!

"Hey Bianca, you missed a spot on your left cheek!" Lindsays points to my face as I snap back into reality.

"Oh thanks, also my names Bridgette!" I respond.

"Okay, Briella!" She nods.

Sierra starting tying. 

"Day 6 on camp wawanakwa or should I say Murderawka, Here with the blondies, Bridgette and Lindsay!" Sierra types again. I knew it wasn't an insult but something about that gave me weird vibes, yknow? Like I was a stereotype or something.

"Bridgette, a fan favorite nice girl vegetarian who surfs and cares for the dolphins," She typed quickly. And Lindsay, another fan favorite who's looks aren't real. Your basic blondie who's good looking and popular."

"I'm not real?" Lindsay questions.

"Oh it was just a complement, hehe," Sierra took a selfie as she brushed her teeth.

I left. This time I didn't go to the cafeteria. I decided I wanted to hang out with someone in my freetime since I wasn't really connected with the whole cast. I thought maybe trying to make friends with everyone wasn't so bad because we were in a stressful situation and at least being nice to eachother would be good. But the question was who? Who havent I tried to bond with?

I decided i wanted to hang out with someone i didn't know much about, but wasn't too mean like heather. It would be pointless making friends with her. hmmm... maybe... Cody??? I should start making

I walked over  to the front of the cafeteria just after he left.

"Hey Cody, whats up?" I said, trying to start a conversation nicely.

"Oh hey Bridgette. I'm doing fine i guess. The whole murder thing scares me. I can barely survive without the murder alone," He looked down at the ground for a moment.

"Me too. I mean, why would someone commit such a cruel act?What did they do?" I responded.

"Duncan was mean, and Ezekiel used to be sexist, but the killer took things way too far! I hope nobody else dies."Cody shook.

"Hey," I put a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him,"Along as you stay determined and fight, you'll do just fine." 

"Thanks. I needed that," he smiled at me.

"If we keep doing what were doing, well be out of here and no time," I cheered.

"Wait a minute," he stopped, "last time,Chris only let us stay for 2 months. That means, WE CAN GO HOME IN 2 MONTHS!! 

"Wait, YOUR RIGHT," I exclaimed as a bright smile grew on my face.

Suddenly, after a good 4 seconds, the air filled with smoke. It smelled horrible, like a fire, or some type of gas. Cody dropped to the floor unconsciously. I Screamed in horror as I felt myself being unable to breathe. I dropped to the ground as well and I tried to clear my throat. Nothing worked. I once again felt unconscious... this rots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I sat up from my bed again, wondering if I just had a nightmare or something. 

"Hey you! did you just have a nightmare like a baby?" Sierra pointed at me as she strted recording.

"Wh-what?" was all I managed to blur out.


I woke up again but this time with everyone else near a campfire after figuring out that me and cody weren't the only ones who became unconscious, we must've been out for hours because by the time everyone woke up it was dark out. Sierra checked her phone.

"6:49PM," She read.

"Aahh! What the heck!?" Courtney screamed. Everyone looked.Next to her in bloody words it said, 'LETS GO CAMPING :)'  

"Did you always have that missing hand Courtney?" Tyler asked.

"What?" She looked at her arms. Her right one was completely gone! Drenched in blood that looked fresh. "Aah!"

"Im scared.. I wish Tyler were here," 

"I am here Lindsay!! Right here!"  Tyler said as Lindsay pulled him into a tight hug. 

I noticed we were all in a circle. there was a circle around us, more words that said: don't leave until its dry. I'm pretty sure everyone else noticed it too...or most. There were assigned marshmello's to all of us that had our names written  on it in blood(most likely courtneys)

"I'm hungry, but this is scaring me.." Owen said as he popped the marshmallow into his mouth with hesitation and chewed slowly.

"Your sick!" Heather mocked him. Owen frowned in embarrassment and guilt.

"I dont think im hungry anymore.."


everything was going good so far. Everyone was telling campfire stories and personal comedic experience's. Tyler had to go to the bathroom so he took lindsay with him. So did Izzy so she took Eva with her.

"And that's how I won the national eating contest" Owen seemed proud.

"Awesome dude," Justin fist bumped him.

Everyone stood quiet for a second.


"Are you kidding me AGAIN, I cant believe it.. another streak broken, whos dead now? Izzy, Lindsay, Tyler, Eva?" Noah crossed his arms,"All..?" He mumbled.

We all ran, It took us a while to get there but once we did we saw the expected...

Next to him was  a bloody unconscious Lindsay. We all looked in horror. All of his teeth were ripped out, the razor marks on his neck, arms and legs, his ripped off nose, hand, and ears, the brain..

And the razor was SHARP..

"Are they both.." Cody leaned towards Gwen as she pushed him slightly away.

"Tyler is, but I can still hear Lindsay breathing a little..." Dj said as he checked for lindsays heartbeat." This brain damage is a different story, If she manages to wake up she'll need to be hospitalized.."

We stood there, horrified.

"Tyler... please don't leave me.." we heard Lindsay mumble as her arm twitched slightly. A tear fled from her face.

a few more minutes passed. Nobody said a word.

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU GUYS," Izzy and Eva ran towards us. Their shiny figures looked at the bodies in horror.

"Another's dead, anyone got a shovel, or razor hehe," Izzy said as Eva kicked her slightly signaling for her to shut up.

"Oops.. sorry," She looked down.

As Lindsay was carried back to the infirmary, nobody said a word. 

I didn't want to think of it but tyler's death was a lot to take, I knew someone was gonna die but it was just so unexpected! Nobody deserved to die!

I headed back to the cabin and go to sleep after changing, nobody was hungry that night. 

Once again I showered and changed into my pajamas. I realized being here after the murder made me have a intense fear of the dark, especially after that one night.

I walked back to the cabins with heather. She looked at my pajamas and made a disgusted face. I rolled my eyes as I walked back.

I got onto my bunk and closed my eyes I tried so hard to sleep. Luckily, it started raining. That always helps me sleep. I felt myself drift away to the continuous quiet thuds. I wonder what was in stock for tomorrow....


I woke up and yawned. I could tell the rain stopped. I put on some sandals and walked over to go check if lindsay was okay. I immediately could tell something bad happened because there was a small trail of blood. I hesitantly walked inside to see the expected but horror on one of the beds..

I stared at the flowers and her eye one of the stitch socket things. The same chill went down my spine. I could infer because of the small trail she tried to run but didn't get far.. Poor, poor Lindsay...

// 1380 words! Thanks so much for the support!//

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