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Kim Taehyung has had a long-standing crush on his classmate Park Jimin and finds himself engaged to the obedi... More



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Taehyung lay on top of his tired Jungkook, their bodies still joined intimately, the aftermath of their passionate lovemaking noticeable in the sweaty sheen on their skin. Jungkook looked beautiful lying beneath him, his breath coming in raspy pants, his eyes glazed with a mix of satisfaction and love.

As they caught their breaths, basking in the euphoria of their connection, Jungkook broke the silence. "Taehyung," Jungkook said softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "I love you, and I want us to grow stronger together. Have you ever considered therapy for your anger issues?"

The question lingered in the air, and Taehyung's heart skipped a beat. His anger had been a constant struggle, causing tension and occasional outbursts that he was well aware of. And sure Jieun was also a thing but she wasn't his proper therapist- they were close and she understood him as more than a client so it was super easy for Taehyung to open up to her. 

But actual therapy? Taehyung had never truly considered it as he had always believed he could manage his emotions on his own.

Taehyung looked into Jungkook's eyes, seeing the genuine concern reflected in them. Taehyung loved this man with all his heart, and his desire to see them both thrive made him willing to explore any possibility. Taking a deep breath, he replied- "I'm willing to try therapy if it means becoming a better version of myself for you and for us, princess." Taehyung said with a gruff- pulling his cock out and lying naked beside Jungkook, looking up at the ceiling.

Jungkook's face lit up with a mixture of relief and hope. Jungkook turned on his side, holding Taehyung's face tenderly in his hands, his thumbs caressing his cheeks. "Thank you, Taehyung," Jungkook whispered, his voice filled with gratitude. "I believe therapy can help us find healthier ways to manage your anger, and it'll also give us a chance to strengthen our bond."

"Thank you for giving me another chance." Taehyung said, reaching out to kiss the top of Jungkook's forehead and then Taehyung sighed softly as he buckled his trousers, buttoning it back.

Jungkook took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "I want us to start being completely honest with each other, Taehyung. I've said it before, but it's something that's been on my mind lately. I want open communication between us, without any secrets or hidden feelings."

Taehyung's brows furrowed as he listened, realizing that Jungkook had been struggling silently while trying to maintain an air of normalcy. "I understand, Jungkook," Taehyung replied, his voice gentle yet firm. "Honesty and open communication are crucial for a healthy relationship. I promise to be more transparent with you from now on but it's just- I don't know how."

Jungkook nodded, his eyes searching Taehyung's face for any sign of hesitancy. Taehyung desperately wanted to tell him everything, to lay all his thoughts and emotions bare, but a lingering fear held him back.

As the silence lingered, Jungkook muttered a quiet- "Goodnight," disappointment evident in his voice. Jungkook turned on his other side, and Taehyung's heart sank at the lack of answer, realizing that his silence had been louder than any words he could have spoken.

Taehyung sat quietly in the dimly lit room, his gaze focused on the peaceful face of Jungkook, who lay deep asleep on the bed. The gentle rise and fall of Jungkook's chest filled the room with a calm rhythm, as though it was a lullaby, soothing Taehyung's tired soul.

Unable to resist the urge, Taehyung shifted closer, his fingers hesitantly reaching out to gently touch the strands of Jungkook's long hair. As he entwined them between his fingers, a warm sensation spread through his chest, radiating a feeling he had never experienced before. It was as if a flock of butterflies had taken flight in his stomach, fluttering with contentment.

A tender smile formed on Taehyung's lips as he whispered softly to himself, overwhelmed by the emotions flooding his heart. "I am truly the luckiest man in the world to have Jungkook with me, right here, right now." 

With a sense of both awe and protectiveness, Taehyung continued to stroke Jungkook's hair, savoring the softness and the subtle scent that was uniquely his. After a while, Taehyung tore himself away from Jungkook's side. As he walked out of the bedroom and made his way upstairs while putting a black tee on, he found himself drawn to the familiar sight of his father sitting alone in the kitchen area.

As Taehyung approached, he couldn't help but notice a certain emptiness in his father's eyes, a reflection of a soul burdened with unspoken worries.

Reaching out, Taehyung gently put a hand on his father's shoulder. "Dad, is everything okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice. His father looked up and offered him a weak smile, though the heaviness in his gaze remained.

"I'm just feeling a bit down tonight, son," Mr. Kim replied, his voice tinged with weariness. "Sometimes life can overwhelm you, you know?"

Taehyung nodded, understanding all too well the weight of the world and the uncertainty that could creep into one's heart. Taehyung pulled up a chair in front of his father and Mr. Kim poured some whiskey into an empty glass for Taehyung and pushed it- Taehyung watched the glass slide closer to him.

"Why are you still awake?" Mr. Kim asked, and Taehyung placed his elbow on the table, his fingers brushing through his hair. "Couldn't sleep, and dad, there's something I need to tell you," Taehyung continued.

Mr. Kim, sensing the seriousness in his son's voice, set his utensils down and gave him his full attention. "What is it, Taehyung? You know you can talk to me about anything."

Taehyung fidgeted with his fingers, struggling to find the right words. "It's about Jungkook. Lately, I've been going over this entire thing in my mind and... I wish to admit the truth, but I'm so scared. Scared that if I tell him, he might hate me." Taehyung whispered, taking a sip of the drink.

"Sometimes the truth can be difficult to face, but honesty is always the best path to take. It may seem scary, but hiding the truth can cause more pain in the long run. You owe it to yourself and Jungkook to be frank and truthful with him." Mr. Kim said, placing his arms over the dining table. "I don't really understand what you're trying to do Taehyung but it's my suggestion- you should confess. There's no point in hiding."

"Dad- I don't know what to tell him- or how to even begin. Each time I feel like opening my mouth, it- it seems so long. I love Jungkook, I like him a lot-" Taehyung trailed off, as Mr. Kim listened attentively, his expression warm and understanding and before Taehyung got to proceed, Mr. Kim interrupted. 

"I know, Taehyung. I know how you feel, presumably, I'm the only one who knows how you feel. If you didn't love Jungkook, you wouldn't be asking me to arrange your marriage with him." Mr. Kim said, and Taehyung paused, narrowing an eyebrow and his black hair cast shadow over his eyes.

As the engine hummed softly, Taehyung gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white under the strain. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town they were driving through. Beside him, his father, Mr. Kim, sat in the passenger seat, his face etched with worry lines.

"Dad," Taehyung began, his voice trembling with anticipation, "when we step out of this car, I want us to act... differently."

Mr. Kim glanced at his son, curiosity evident in his eyes. "What do you mean, Taehyung?"

Taehyung took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "I want us to pretend that you're forcing me into an arranged marriage."

His father's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Arranged marriage? Taehyung, I don't understand. You've never mentioned anything like this before. You were the one who said you have an infatuation with Jungkook and wanted me to bring up the conversation of your marriage to Jungkook's dad?"

Leaning over, Taehyung whispered, his voice barely audible. "Yeah I know, dad, but do as I say, for now. And you know I have a silly little crush on Jimin, so we're... the scene should be I like someone else. I can't betray my feelings by marrying someone I don't love."

The car slowed to a stop at a red light, allowing Mr. Kim a moment to process his son's revelation. "I will never understand you." Mr. Kim admitted.

"I know, dad, but that's the plan," Taehyung replied. "I suggested this idea of an arranged marriage to Jungkook, the son of your friend because it's the perfect way for me to convey my true feelings plus I'm only 20- Jungkook is my endgame but I also want to fool around with others honestly and act my age but if I do that, Jungkook will slip away from my hand."

A mix of concern and surprise flickered across Mr. Kim's face. "So.. I still didn't understand." Mr. Kim admitted, and Taehyung frowned, his gaze fixed on the traffic light, as if seeking guidance. "Oh my god, dad- what's not clicking. I want to claim your friend's son without giving it away. Without giving myself to Jungkook in return. For now. Naturally, fool around and do things boys around my age do- get my heart broken a few times and then realize at the end of the day, it's him and him alone." 

"Ohh- what the actual fuck." Mr. Kim's lips twitched in a hint of a scowl. "Well, Taehyung, this certainly is an unorthodox way to pursue someone you like."

"I know, dad, but it's the best option I have. I didn't want to risk what'll happen if he found out how deeply I've fallen for him- and I have stalker tendencies and I've been hyperfixated on him for the last five years and I probably know more about him than he knows about himself." Taehyung confessed. 

"You saw Jungkook the first time at your therapist and Namjoon's wedding, right?" Mr. Kim asked, and Taehyung saw the traffic light turned green, and Taehyung gently pressed his foot on the accelerator, propelling them forward once again. The wind rustled through their open windows.

Silence settled between them as they continued their journey, both lost in their own thoughts. Taehyung's mind swirled with scenarios of how this charade would unfold. He envisioned a tangled web of misunderstandings, dramatic confrontations, and ultimately, a revelation of his true feelings.

Finally, Mr. Kim broke the silence, his voice filled with a mixture of skepticism and support. "Taehyung, I can't say I fully understand your plan, but as your father, I trust your judgment. Just remember, honesty and communication are key in any relationship, even if it's built on a rather unusual foundation."

Taehyung nodded, gratitude flooding his heart. "Thank you, dad. I'll keep that in mind. I don't want to deceive anyone either, especially Jungkook. This is just my way of trying to navigate through these complicated feelings. Additionally, what other paths could you even expect from an awful being like me?" Taehyung asked back, and Mr. Kim exhaled out a sigh. 

"Taehyung, you cannot make horrible decisions and then say you're already an awful being so what's the issue- you know what's wrong with you exactly yet you don't make any effort to change yourself." Mr. Kim clarified, and then Taehyung tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "I don't make any effort because I know I can't change. I'll have to earn Jungkook's love first, since I don't think trust is possible before explaining my situation to him." 

"Also dad- relax, Jieun said her brother-in-law is very close with Jimin, and told me how Jungkook is interested in me, if not as much and Jieun believes if I make moves on one of them, the other will come running. So for now, I want to test that theory too. I'll come clean- just let me bond with Jungkook for real at first." Taehyung continued, and Mr. Kim stared at Taehyung quietly. "What's a sudden marriage if you've been liking Jungkook for so long already?" 

"Ah.." Taehyung began, pressing his tongue against his inner cheek. "My friends were kind of.. pissing me off, saying I'm delusional and Jungkook will forever stay only an unhealthy fixation because I'll never get the courage to make moves on him. And I didn't have any intention to make moves at first but those comments affected my ego." 

"I let my ego talk and now I'm on the brink of ruining Jungkook's life." Taehyung whispered, placing his hand over his chest and felt his heart pump so fast. Iseul must be still hospitalized, that too if he survived. Taehyung could have potentially caused severe brain damage and head injury by piercing the nail deep into his skull. "Dad- I'm so fucking scared." 

"Of what exactly? There are a lot of things you should be scared for right now," Mr. Kim commented, his remark easing the tense atmosphere. 

"I think I might've killed someone."

"Taehyung, you know what your mom would've said if she heard this?" Mr. Kim said, and Taehyung frowned. "As long as you don't get caught."

"I know I know-" Taehyung continued, his voice laced with concern. "I'm not worried that he might've died or that I have any guilt- I'm worried if the police finds out it was me or what if I left any evidence behind? I was certain there was no testimony left but Namjoon.. I think he might find this case out." 

"Then kill Namjoon off." Mr. Kim said mindlessly, and Taehyung was about to drink the whiskey but he ended up laughing. "I might. I honestly might." 

"No- oh god. Taehyung, I was kidding. Don't kill or commit crimes but even if you do, don't get caught." Mr. Kim said, and Taehyung swirled his glass around in a circular motion. "I'm still so worried- my Jungkookie."

"Your 'Jungkookie' is a grown man with dick and balls." Mr. Kim mindlessly said, and Taehyung placed the glass against the table in a thud, giving his dad an annoyed stare. "But Taehyung, I understand you're worried. You are probably the worst husband known to mankind. I'm chill with you right now because you're my son and I believe your issues were most likely hereditary. After all, many of your cousins are actual criminals who've been in jails."

"You want to claim Jungkook yet you don't want to commit to him until you feel like doing so. Kind of a womanizer and you don't think when you speak. Say the most disturbing things written in the dictionary in anger and then lie you don't mean it when you get in your clear senses when in reality, you tell the raw truth you wanted to tell but never did in anger. You knew Jungkook and Jimin were up to winning you yet you let them and we're infidele to both but they both were playing with you to win so you think that doesn't count. You bask in the romantic attention you get from people so you leave your own partner in the dark by saying they either should suck it up as a replacement or second choice or screw off. You're indeed awful."

"Your eyes docked over Jungkook when we went to Jieun and Namjoon's marriage when you were 15. Okay, cool. A teen crushing on a cool man 6 years older than him. Not a big deal, then everyday you became more insufferable. Each day you talked about your crush but that was all about it. You proceeded with your normal life and have been in relationships regardless of that crush. Then you became an adult and you got in contact with Jieun, your therapist, and most of the sessions include you two talking about Jungkook there. And one day you beat your friend Sehun up because you didn't like the tone he used to talk about Jungkook."

"Yeah and I apologized- he was understanding." Taehyung affirmed, and Mr. Kim let out a chuckle, continuing with the monologue and the summary. 

"And last year on Halloween, according to you Jungkook was dressed too revealing for your taste so you had.. such a meltdown that you realized perhaps it was never a crush but rather an unhealthy fixation." Mr. Kim concluded, and Taehyung pursed his lips in a thin line. 

"Yeah." Taehyung added. "And that fixation isn't changing the fact I know I'm such a despicable human and the worst part of it is that I glorify myself. Like yes I do bad things but I do them well." 

"That could bring issues in your relationship with Jungkook." Mr. Kim said, and Taehyung grumbled. "Dad. There are already so many issues- I've talked about how I knew my option and whom to choose between Jimin and Jungkook to Hoseok- and everyone somehow thought the person I wanted to choose is Jimin and I'm only fooling around with Jungkook when it's clear the other way around. If I wanted to choose Jimin, he would've been the one wearing matching wedding rings with me, instead of Jungkook."

"Then tell that and clear this misunderstanding out." Mr. Kim said, and Taehyung made a face. "Dad, it's not that easy-" 

"It's not that hard either, Tae. You are just making this sound more complicated than it is." Mr. Kim interjected in a sharp voice. "You like Jungkook, and Jungkook likes you. You both are married. Tell Jungkook three out of four screws in your head are loose and there's no crime in this world you don't glorify. I know you inside out. Better than anyone else in this entire world and I know the issues you have. If you find it hard to tell Jungkook about how much of a horrible man you are, I can do it on your behalf."

"No no no- it's not that. I know.. but then what. Even if I tell him that I can't be sure about his safety with me, then what? That one day I might raise my hand on him for real because I don't have any proper self control or say horrible words to him? I should've thought this out before the marriage." Taehyung said. 

"If that happens, then it happens." Mr. Kim added. "If you two end up in a toxic relationship indeed with a power imbalance, there's always options for divorce and it depends on the situation, your mom and I might step in if things get too complex."

"Just the way I step in when you and mom argue." Taehyung added, and Mr. Kim hummed. "Right. Your mom and I are in what one may call a toxic relationship but it's been over 20 years since our marriage. Not to mention, if you are indeed trying to avoid making this toxic, by not treating Jungkook like your husband might make this worse."

"Dad, my case isn't like yours. You didn't want mom to stay home, be pretty and that's all. I do. I feel enraged when Jungkook has basic greetings with his parents, and especially his fucking dad and Namjoon." Taehyung affirmed, and Mr. Kim hummed in agreement. "True but what I'm saying is, you can't avoid something if it's destined to be." 

"You know Taehyung, your grandparents were friends and after my mother passed away, I pretty much lived with your mom and her family. Childhood friends then to marriage yet we fight almost everyday. Enemies at 11pm and lovers at 12am. If something is bound to you actually, you cannot avoid it no matter how much you run." Mr. Kim reassured, standing up. 

Taehyung heard his father walk closer to him and Mr. Kim placed his hand over Taehyung's shoulder. "Jungkook is more mature and more understanding than you, Taehyung. Tell him everything truthfully before it's too late, and I'm sure that's what Jungkook would prefer too." 

"And you're now a married man, Taehyung. I'm sure you are scared that focusing on your marriage and focusing on Jungkook will surely make your possessiveness worse but it'll be less harmful than fooling around with other men and women when you know there's your husband waiting for you at home." Mr. Kim continued. 

Taehyung closed his eyes, leaning back on the chair. 

"My priority is Jungkook and Jungkook only."

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