Ink and Parchment ~ blood and...

De JustBeing_Nat

171K 7.1K 1.1K

Eliza Potter was abandoned in an orphanage by the Dursley's and so 11 years later she refuses to be the Light... Mais

12: A riddle interlude I
13: what happens in the common stays in the common room I
22: what happens in the common room stays in the common room II
33- what happens in the common room stays in the common room III
34: A riddle interlude- II
46: What happens in the common room stays in the common room- IV
56- What Happens in the Common Room, Stays in The Common Room- V
57- A Riddle Interlude III
65- What Happens In the common room & A riddle interlude
The End!!!


3.1K 130 24
De JustBeing_Nat

Overall, Eliza thought as she slipped into her seat at the Slytherin table, using a time turner was really quite confusing. Thanks to the minister she had a 6 hour time turner, the furthest way back anyone could currently travel using the time turner.

Eliza really didn't like to think too hard about what happened when she used a time turner, it confused her too much. Because one could say that she was simply going back in time and that was why two versions of her were always present. But when she did her first run through of the day without using a time turner, and then went back and re-did she was essentially altering everyone's reality. After all a muggle studies class without Eliza in it meant Hermione Granger earned more points for Gryffindor than a muggle studies class if Eliza was in it. So whenever she went back in time she essentially created a pocket universe for herself that would affect real time when it began.

Like she said, it was horribly confusing.

But she had developed a perfect method. Whenever she had double classes on a day she would attend normal lessons until the end of lunch, then turn back the time turner six hours and attend the lessons she had missed. Of course she couldn't be seen by herself or anyone else so Eliza had taken too seeking refuge in the chamber of secrets in her 'second days' as she had dubbed them.

At first the chamber was a mess but soon she had acquired help to bring it back to its former glory. And it came in the form of a rather batty house elf.

She had almost forgotten about Dobby in the events of last year but considering the elf's fanatical devotion to her Eliza figured calling for the elf might be worth a shot. And for an agreed one galleon a week and any spare socks he wanted Dobby became her very own house elf who was more than happy to clean up the chamber as Eliza studied the rare and coveted books in Salazar's chamber. There were even some books on parselmagic which made her ecstatic.

Then, when lunch was over she would re-join her friends for the next set of classes. If she also had conflicting lessons in the second half of her day she would eat tea in the great hall with the rest of them and then turn back another six hours to attend the other lesson, hiding away once again before time caught up with her.

It was confusing, and it was hard work keeping up with all her conflicting times but it was beyond worth it. Although she did have a lot more work now Eliza was still finding it comparatively easy in comparison to her peers. She was already years ahead in her core subjects and at its current stage Arithmancy was just muggle maths. When it came to divination and muggle studies Eliza barely had to try to keep up with it. She had yet to have a care of magical creatures lesson but she couldn't imagine Hagrid setting any of them homework.

Alchemy and Ancient Runes were by far the most interesting lessons she had ever taken at Hogwarts. Professor Trelawney predicting her death had nothing on those lessons.

Today was the first Care of Magical creature's lesson, only Draco had taken it in her court but that didn't mean there were no other Slytherins. Crabbe, Goyle and Bulstrode trailed behind them. Pansy Parkinson was also taking the class and kept giving Eliza such looks of undisguised hero worship that it actually made her uncomfortable, something that Draco had pounced on to tease her ruthlessly with straight away.

Eliza came to a halt on the opposite side of the Gryffindor's who were animatedly chatting with Hagrid. When the giant spotted the rest of the class he greeted them all, and began leading them further down the sloping hill. Sharing dubious glances with Draco, he and Eliza set off after the oaf. Feeling someone staring at her Eliza looked around curiously until she locked eyes with Hermione Granger who was giving her undisguised looks of confusion. Possibly because that version of Hermione knew a version of Eliza should be in arithmancy at the same time.

Time travel, mind boggling.

Just to mess with the girl Eliza made sure no one was looking before she flashed the time turner that hung around her neck at Hermione with a wink. Granger blinked in shock and almost stumbled on a stray rock when she saw the time turner and Eliza muffled a laugh.

Hagrid finally called them to a stop in front of a large empty paddock, addressing the crowd of students

"Now firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books-

"How?" Draco drawled from beside her and Eliza snickered at the sight of the blonde posturing.

"Eh?" said Hagrid

"How do we open our books?" Draco said and held his copy of the Monster Book of Monsters aloft which had been tightly bound with a length of a rope. The rest of the class followed suit, holding their books up which various different bindings, belts and bags and clips. Eliza finally pulled hers out of her bag and watched as it flopped docile in her hand.

"How?" Draco dead panned quietly beside her as Hagrid addressed the class.

"I may have used it for a bit of spell practice" Eliza murmured before grinning wickedly "I think it's scared of me"

Draco snorted and they both turned their attention back to Hagrid who was telling them that to open the books you had to stroke them.

"Oh how silly we've all been!" Draco exclaimed "We should have stroked them, why didn't we guess" he said dramatically, voicing the ire of the whole class as Eliza smirked softly beside him.

"I thought they were funny" Hagrid said uncertainly towards the Gryffindor's and Draco interrupted again

"Tremendously funny, really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off"

Eliza, and several others, snorted at the blonde's words but Eliza quietly shushed him to let Hagrid carry on with his train wreck of a lesson. After all this lesson had to end on time for Eliza to go back in time on time for her second run through of the day.

Hagrid came back from the forest then and, trotting beside him were some of the most bizarre creatures Eliza had ever seen. Hippogriffs.

"These certainly aren't meant for third years" Eliza murmured to Draco as they watched Hagrid deliver the lesson on the extremely dangerous creatures.

"Right who wants to go first?" Hagrid addressed the class at large and everyone immediately took two giant steps back, Draco dragging Eliza back by her satchel as she watched the creatures curiously.

"Anyone?" Hagrid said desperately

"Eliza, whatever your thinking please don't" Draco said next to her and Eliza looked at him confused.

"Why would I be doing anything?" Eliza responded in faux innocence

"You always get this Look when you're about to do something that will give us a heart attack"

"That's an oddly specific look Draco"

"And you're an oddly specific problem"

Eliza snorted and then pushed the blonde away.

"I'll do it" she said confidently striding towards Hagrid. She had taken this bloody class for a reason, she wasn't going to cower away from magical creatures in a magical creature's class.

"Excellent" Hagrid boomed and then began directing her on how to approach one of the hippogriffs. It was a stormy grey and eyed Eliza dangerously as she approached but Eliza didn't let herself feel intimidated. Meeting the creature's amber eyes (which had nothing on a basilisk) Eliza sunk into a sweeping bow. The hippogriff considered her for a few brief tense moments. Eliza didn't remove her stare from the creature and soon it sunk into a returning bow.

"Well done Eliza!" Hagrid boomed "yeh can touch him now"

Eliza moved forward slowly until she was standing in front of the beast. Slowly, so very slowly, Eliza raised her hand and scratched the Hippogriffs beak who leaned into her touch, seemingly enjoying the attention.

"Righ' then, I reckon he migh' let yeh ride him"

Eliza didn't even have time to put up a token protest before she was being hefted up onto the Hippogriff's back by Hagrid and before she could even comprehend what was happening the hippogriff took off in a loping canter and soon they're gone.

It's exhilarating.

The hippogriff took to the skies, giant wings beating on either side of Eliza as she wrapped her arms around its neck. Eliza let out an ecstatic 'whoop' as the Hippogriff sailed over the black lake and Eliza honestly felt like she could take on the world. The winds attacking her face, her eyes are watering and she can't feel her legs but this is so much better than flying on a broom.

Soon, too soon, the hippogriff returned to the paddock, landing with a thud that jolted Eliza from her place on its back. She slid off and hugged the beast and it nudged her gently with its beak. She knew her hair was an absolute mess and her grin must be absolutely manic because Draco was shaking his head at her in fond exasperation but forget anything bad she's ever said about Hagrid.

That was brilliant.


Of course not all of Eliza's lessons were that exciting, the closest they had gotten to excitement in potions was when Snape had chosen to use Longbottom's own toad as the test subject for his own potion. It turned out that the potion had been brewed correctly much to Snape's obvious disappointment.

It was Thursday morning now and Eliza was penning a response to Tom's most recent letter at the breakfast table as Daphne preened about how well Astoria was doing in her classes.

Dear Tom,

I did in fact take Alchemy, actually I'm taking every course that Hogwarts offers so you can kiss your record breaking OWL scores goodbye. That is if I continue taking muggle studies and divination just to spite you.

I rode a Hippogriff in care of magical creatures yesterday, I thought flying on a broom was brilliant but Tom you have no idea how amazing it was. I know you'll probably chastise me for doing something so 'dangerous' but I was mostly safe and have already gotten that lecture of Daphne.

How's Egypt? Have you collected more of your family heirlooms yet? I've always wanted to travel, I think it comes from being locked in a drab orphanage for most of my life. Do you think you could send me postcards?

Also I've been visiting Jormy quite a lot these days and I've taken great pleasure in searching through Salazar's collection of books. Are you sure the enchantments on the chamber will hold up? I want to hold a Samhain celebration this year, at least for the older students, and would prefer if we went undetected.

As for loyal death eaters? I hate to break it to you Tom but your followers aren't really anything to place stock in anymore. The only person left from your knights is Theo's grandfather who may support you now you have returned to your old self. Lucius Malfoy is another avid supporter but he will always place his family first although as you're no longer a lunatic he might be a safe bet. Severus Snape is a death eater, or was a death eater, his alliance is to himself only and I wouldn't trust him.

Some say Sirius Black was a death eater, I'm not too sure about that but he did blow up twelve muggles. The Lestranges are all in Azkaban, along with the Carrow's, Rowle, Avery and Rosier. Karkaroff is a turn coat.

If I was you I would simply begin again. These people gladly followed you at the height of your insanity, they care only for bloodshed. You however are now fighting battles on multiple fronts. I would trust Lucius and perhaps Theo's grandfather as he will remember you.

It's time to begin again Tom, if anyone can do it you can



p.s do you know anything that helps with dementors? We have a bit of a situation at Hogwarts.

Eliza was just folding up the letter when the daily prophet was delivered, Theo parsed through the pages and Daphne immediately turned to the society columns, always interested in a good scandal.

"Anything interesting?" Eliza asked scratching Hedwig under her beak as she tied the letter to the owl's leg.

"Sirius Black sighting" Theo said turning another page. Eliza hummed in acknowledgment and took another sip of her coffee.

"I have to say I'm surprised you've taken to the news of Sirius Black so calmly Eliza" Blaise remarked ignorant of the warning glare Draco shot him. Eliza laughed softly and reached for another strawberry.

"That he's my godfather you mean? I've known since first year" she said idly.

"No I meant-

Whatever Blaise was going to say was cut off by Draco jabbing the Italian boy with his elbow. Now intrigued Eliza turned to look at them raising an eyebrow.

"Well won't you let him speak Draco?" Eliza drawled and she instantly knew there was something dangerous in her tone from the way they shuffled nervously in response.

"Do you know why Black was sent to Azkaban Eliza?"

"Well he blew up a bunch of muggles, murder is quite frowned upon you know" Eliza said and watched warily as they all exchanged glances.

"It was a bit more than that" Blaise said softly and they all looked towards Theo, begging them with their eyes for him to be the one who explains. Eliza knew what they were going to say would be bad news just from that alone. They only ever got Theo to explain something when they needed to make sure Eliza would stay calm.

"What do you know about the night your parents died Eliza?" Theo said haltingly, drumming his fingers against the table.

"Not much" Eliza said in a clipped tone and kept her eyes on Theo who heaved a sigh.

"When the war was as its peak your parents went into hiding from the Dark Lord in Gordric's Hallow, with you. They cast a fidelius charm, do you know what that is?" Theo paused to ask her and continued when Eliza nodded "well they made Black their secret keeper, and then on Samhain night he betrayed their location leading the dark lord to their home" Theo finished grimly keeping a wary worried eye on Eliza.

"Eliza?" Daphne said softy when Eliza didn't respond, too caught up in her own thoughts.

She really didn't know how to feel about that reveal. She had never felt attached to her parents, hell she wasn't even particularly bothered that Tom had killed them. For one Tom hadn't been in the right frame of mind and two, they were at war. And in war people died. She had no right to have any sort of feelings on the matter really, James and Lily Potter died, and became another statistic in the war. And it was hard to feel attached to a statistic.

But just as she hated Dumbledore for leaving her at the Dursley's and robbing her of a chance to have a proper home she found herself hating Sirius Black for betraying her parents. For bringing about the succession of events that led Eliza to becoming exactly what she was to this day.

"Eliza?" said Draco this time, stormy grey eyes looking at her in undisguised concern

"If I ever see him" Eliza said slowly "I think I'll kill him"

"I believe you" he said in response.

The conversation moved on to safer topics after that. But Eliza couldn't shake the icy fury that had filled her veins.


It was after lunch when Eliza and her court walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom in equal amounts of dread and anticipation.

They didn't exactly have a good track record when it came to defence teachers after all.

"Good afternoon" Professor Lupin said as he strode through the classroom door observing the class "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson"

Blaise and Theo shared two overly exaggerated looks of shocked surprise beside her and Draco wrinkled his nose in distaste at Lupin's shabby robes like the loveable classist snob he was. She and Daphne smiled at each other and Eliza held her arm out so the blonde girl could link it as they set off walking behind Lupin.

After her confession in the chamber of secret Eliza had found herself growing closer to her court and already she could see how happy her efforts made them. She chastised herself for not trying to open up sooner.

Soon Lupin lead them all to the staff room and Eliza exchanged curious looks with her court as Lupin ushered them all inside. The staff room was almost empty, full of mismatched chairs and a wardrobe set up in the middle of the room that rattled whenever anyone came too close to it. Eliza could only hope it wasn't what she thought it was.

Snape stood up from his chair, his usual sneer fixed in place as he spoke

"Leave the door open Lupin, I'd rather not witness this"

Snape ignored her exaggerated wave and carried on striding towards the door, robes billowing behind him.

"I thought you liked to see you students excel professor" Eliza chirped desperately trying to smother a smirk when Draco groaned beside her, slamming his head into Blaise's shoulder.

None of them understood her obsession with annoying professor Snape and Draco hated it whenever she went out of her way to antagonise his godfather. At first Eliza had annoyed the man because of their very first potions class but over the years she simply thought she had fallen into the habit of it.

Plus it was fun.

"Not if that student is you Miss Potter" he drawled and then swept away when Eliza snorted much to the exasperation of her friends. Lupin seemed determined not to look at her throughout the whole interaction but Eliza could see a small smile tugging at his lips when he heard her and professor Snape arguing.

The wardrobe gave another horribly loud rattle and a few students actually jumped back.

"Nothing to worry about" Lupin said calmly "It's just a boggart"

Sometimes Eliza really hated being right.

As Lupin began to lecture on the boggart and run through the incantation Eliza checked on all her Slytherins. Most of them had grown up in ancestral homes and would probably have had experience with boggarts before, but if any of them were looking truly scared Eliza would stage an accident and take them to the hospital wing. She glanced questioningly at each Slytherin student and then back at the wardrobe raising an eyebrow.

All the Slytherin's nodded back, determined.

Let it never be said that Gryffindor's were the only brave ones.

"Now is everyone ready?" Lupin asked after he had ordered them all into a line behind Neville, ready to face the boggart. After getting the affirmative off everyone Lupin unlocked the door.

The image of professor Snape swept out of the wardrobe looking murderous, Longbottom cast the charm and soon the boggart!Snape was wearing a long lace trimmed dress and a large hat topped with a vulture.

Eliza could have died laughing.

Student after student tackled the boggart, spiders and snakes and banshees, the horrible shadow of the dark mark all faced and vanquished until soon Eliza and her court were the last ones left to face against the boggart.

Blaise stepped up first and with a loud crack the boggart shifted into a woman who could only be his mother. She was certainly beautiful and Eliza could instantly understand how she had gained so many husbands even with her notoriety.

"Hello Blaise" the boggart said in a wind chime voice "won't you join me for tea?"

Blaise was shaking as he stared at the figure of his mother, her perfectly manicures hands that had blood under the fingernails, that welcoming smile with too sharp teeth.

"Riddikulus" Blaise muttered and watched as his mother's hair dropped off her head with a horrified screech. It didn't draw a laugh from the despondent boy but it did the job and he sullenly shuffled towards where the rest of the class was standing.

Draco was up next and the boggart once again shifted into a family member of her court. This time Draco was facing down his father who looked at his son with a disgusted sneer

"And you think yourself a Malfoy do you?" Lucius said and Draco immediately cast riddikulus even though his hands were shaking. Instead of the boggart being defeated however it changed forms, this time showing Eliza herself

"You're worthless Malfoy, no one wants you here" her doppelganger spat venomously and Draco paled even further. Brushing past Daphne and Theo Eliza laid a hand on Draco's shoulders talking to him soothingly.

"We all know that's not true Draco, we love you remember" Eliza said and ignored how she herself tripped over the words. Draco took a deep shuddering breath and cast the spell at the boggart, her doppelganger's hair turning a bright Gryffindor red from the time Daphne had jinxed her. Letting out a small laugh Draco moved to stand with Blaise as Daphne faced the boggart next.

With a crack the boggart shifted again, turning into an older more subdued version of Daphne. She sat in a rocking chair, heavy ring glinting obnoxiously on her frail fingers as she slowly unravelled a piece of knitting without really looking at it. She looked tired, outside of the wrinkles and the greying hair, the spark that made Daphne so unquestioningly Daphne was missing.

"Riddikulus" Daphne whispered and watched as the boggart of Daphne revealed that the lump of knitting was actually a pair of racy lace lingerie, startling quite a few laughs out of the other students. Daphne laid a hand on Theo's shoulder as she walked past as the boy took her place facing the boggart.

Crack! The boggart changed again, a lot slower this time until it took the shape of a woman, she had Theo's eyes, his curly hair.

"Theodore" she crooned softly "you could have saved me Theodore"

Theo's eyes shuttered as he listened to the boggarts taunts, jaw set determined as he held his wand aloft

"Riddikulus!" he said strongly and the boggart shifted into an eleven year old Eliza and Blaise who were looking up at Theo with teasing grins

"Why do you look so disappointed Theo" eleven year old Eliza said.

"Yeah Theo lighten up!" the younger version of Blaise exclaimed, mischievous grin on his young face and Theo let out a soft laugh at the sight of it. It was hard to believe it had only been two years since they had all first met.

Eliza was the last one to face the boggart now, with a sickening crack the boggart shifted seemingly unable to land on a solid form for a few moments. It flickered between images of the matron, of her court dead and gone, bodies on the floor, oscillated between images of Tom with his sharp smile and bloodied teeth, her cupboard and an unmarked grave until finally it landed on an image.

It was her room at the orphanage. Eliza and all her classmates stared at it in confusion, Lupin stood to the side judging if now was the time to jump in. The room stayed static for a few moments before a doppelganger of Eliza appeared. She was in a muggle uniform and that's when Eliza realised what was so unsettling about the image.

All the books on her desk were muggle, there was no Hogwarts trunk, no Hedwig, no diary, no wand. The room looked lived in, her doppelganger looked sullen and Eliza realised with a sickening lurch what she was seeing.

A life without magic.

Completely and utterly ordinary.

"Riddikulus!" Eliza said angrily and watched in satisfaction as her room at the orphanage leapt up in flames before the boggart let out an inhuman screech and flew back into the wardrobe.

The silence hung uncomfortably around all of them for a while before Lupin cleared his throat

"Well excellent lesson everybody! That will be all today" Lupin said dismissing everyone. Eliza immediately strode over to her court but paused when Lupin called her name.

"Eliza can I have a word with you for a few moments?" Lupin asked. Eliza nodded towards her court dismissing them for now, they all had lessons after this anyway.

"Yes professor?" She asked politely when the room emptied and watched the way Lupin shuffled nervously beneath her gaze.

"I don't know if you knew this but I used to be best friends with your parents, I just – if you ever need to talk about anything Eliza, I'm here"

Eliza regarded him coolly as he stuttered through the offered olive branch that he probably only considered giving after seeing her boggart.

"Thanks professor" Eliza said cutting off his stammering smoothly "but you had thirteen years to reach out to me sir, and you didn't"

"So you'll excuse me for being disillusioned with your words" she finished sharply and turned to the door ignoring the professor's crestfallen face as she walked away.

She had more important things to worry about than a friend of her parents. Her parents were dead. Her court weren't, and they needed her.


"Roman" Eliza called quietly as she tracked down the elder Slytherin in the common room

"What's wrong?" he asked immediately after seeing her face, turning away from his friends to look at her.

"Can I ask you to take over up here for a few hours? We did boggarts in Defence today and the Court aren't doing well and-

"Eliza" Roman said standing up placing his hands on her shoulders "I'll be fine, go and look after them"

Eliza smiled thankfully in response and went to drag her court down to the chamber.

"Is this what we're doing now?" Draco snarked clearly uncomfortable "group therapy sessions"

He was the only one who had bothered to protest against Eliza when she had kidnapped them from their spot on the sofa to take them into the chamber.

"No but you're my friends and I want to make sure you're okay" Eliza said directly knowing her earnest replies freaked them all out more than when she was being deliberately obscure.

Blaise was the first to confess, about how scared he was of his mother, how one day he'd be replaced. Then Daphne explained how she was terrified of becoming nothing but another pureblood wife with too many kids and no ambition, becoming nothing more than a brood mare for the highest bidder. Theo finally revealed what had happened with his mother, how his father had poisoned her when he ran out of use for her and Theo's name had been the last thing to ever pass her lips.

Draco then confessed how scared he was about never living up to his name, about being worthless and insignificant and replaceable. Eliza then in turn told them all that her biggest fear was being absolutely ordinary. For who even was she without her magic?

"I can't promise you that everything's going to be fine" Eliza said at last, breaking the silence that enveloped them "but I can promise you that no matter what happens we'll get through it, and we always will"

It didn't sound like much of a promise. It wasn't hopeful or inspirational or comforting because Eliza wasn't any of those things. But her court smiled all the same, a wave of peace crashing over them because it was enough.

Eliza, at least for her court, was enough.


Dear Little Star,

Coming from a girl who considers a basilisk her pet I'm not surprised you're doing well in care of magical creatures, and as for your question on dementors; there's always the patronus charm but that is said to be highly complex. I, myself have not been able to cast it as much as it pains me to admit it. To counteract the general effects of being around a dementor however I suggest chocolate. It sounds strange but muggle science is actually far more developed in this area than magic. Chocolate tends to hold a compound called Tryptophan which is a precursor to the release of serotonin in the brain which evokes happiness, obviously counteracting the dementors affects. Or at least that's what I have learnt in my attempts to find an answer for your question. Muggles may be savages but no one can deny that they are advanced savages.

Egypt was truly wonderful, it felt like I spent years there instead of weeks. I did indeed find a family heirloom although it is now worthless to me, I thought perhaps you might like it. I am no longer in Egypt and have instead travelled to Albania. I learnt from the grey lady at the end of my school days that she had hid the lost diadem of ravenclaw in a tree in Albania and the tale definitely caught my interest.

You know how much of a magpie I can be darling.

Your advice on reacquainting with my old associates was invaluable and I'm afraid I must ask one more thing of you Little Star. I had always had plans to return to Hogwarts after my travels, it always felt like a home for me, the safest place I ever stayed in fact.

Did I ever tell you about the room I found at Hogwarts? On the seventh floor, pace back and forth three times across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and think about the room of Lost Things. I think you'll find it very interesting and I'm afraid I may have misplaced something of mine there years ago. I'm sure you'll know it when you see it.

And in regards to the chamber, the enchantments still hold although I would warn whoever you plan on taking down there about Jormugand before rather than after. Or don't if there's someone you think could do with a fright or maybe something more. I'm sure he would love a snack.

Keep me updated and stay out of trouble Little Star, even though I know that may be hard for you to accomplish



Tom's letter arrived late October and Eliza read it at the Slytherin table with a grin on her face

"Is that your beau?" Daphne asked buttering her scone. Her court had taken to calling Tom that, obviously not daring to call him by his title and yet still feeling uncomfortable to use his real name. It was infuriating but Eliza couldn't get them to kick the habit so it stuck.

"Yes it is" Eliza replied shortly but knew it didn't have the intended effect as she still had a smile on her face. She began digging through the rest of the envelope that Tom had sent over and ignored the look her court exchanging glances around her.

Eliza actually straight out laughed when she saw he had actually enclosed post cards for her because he really just was that kind of a git. There were also a few photos, wizard ones, of Tom around Egypt and Albania, waving or winking obnoxiously at the camera as he went on his adventures which only made Eliza smile harder. He had also enclosed what could have only been the former horcrux.

The ring itself was quite plain, an obsidian coloured band and a strange black polished stone inlaid in it. Eliza couldn't sense anymore of Tom's magic on the ring proving his word. Shrugging Eliza slipped the ring onto her finger, beside her two heirship rings that always remained invisible on her hand. She jolted at the curious warmth that flooded through her when she put on the ring, it felt like when she had accepted her heirship rings for the first time. When nothing else happened Eliza shrugged her suspicions off and went back to talking with her court. It's not like Tom would send her anything cursed anyway.

After lunch Eliza peeled away from her court and ducked inside the broom cupboard, turning the time turner all the way back by six hours before stepping out of the cupboard. Her past self would just be eating breakfast right now.

Eliza didn't usually have to use the time turner at lunch on a Tuesday, she usually waited until after tea before going back another six hours to attend her alchemy class and use the rest of the time to catch up on homework. But she desperately had to talk with Snape this morning about some of her plans, she could then use the rest of the time to take a nap in the chamber of secrets before her Ancient runes lesson began.

Setting off at a brisk walk Eliza cheerfully rapped on the door to Snape's office grinning when she heard a garbled 'come in'

He was obviously not a morning person. She had wondered why he had kept sending her glares all the way through lunch.

"Morning professor" Eliza chirped, pushing herself up onto one of the desks in the room.

"What do you want Potter?" Snape seemed to resign himself to the conversation, hand already rubbing his temple.

"Well there's two things I'd like to speak about in my capacity as Queen of Slytherin" Eliza said and smirked at Snape's groan of despair.

"Go on" he said looking like he'd much prefer to just kick her out of his office.

"Well I've been doing some research" Eliza said deciding to take the credit for Tom's discoveries because it was better than telling Snape she and the Dark Lord were pen pals.

"And I found that chocolate helps to lessen the effects of the dementors, we're not even a full term into the school year yet sir and already me and my court have been approached by multiple students who are troubled by the presence of the dementors whether it be bad dreams or mood swings and I can only imagine you've had more students approach you"

At Snape's nod Eliza continued.

"Well I was hoping that you could help me convince the house elves to keep a steady supply of chocolate in the Slytherin common rooms, or perhaps even a hot chocolate bay in the corner so every Slytherin can have a pick me up if they've been struggling"

Snape seemed to really consider her words for a few moments before nodding.

"That is do-able Miss Potter, a rather intelligent idea"

Eliza tried not to preen at the praise of her most surly professor but assumed she was largely unsuccessful because Snape let out a snort when he looked up at her.

"The other thing I wanted to talk about was Samhain" Eliza didn't even let Snape interrupt and instead ploughed through "It's unfair that our traditions are banned and it's doubly unfair that students can't even go home to celebrate with families for the night. I've found a place that isn't covered by the detection charms and would be a safe place to hold a Samhain celebration for any older students who wished to participate" Eliza continued to explain hurriedly hoping Snape would agree with her. This wasn't exactly the kind of thing she wanted to do behind the professor's back.

She ignored the fact that some part of her wanted Snape's endorsement. It was hard to admit she had become fond of the surly professor.

"Samhain celebrations are illegal Miss Potter"

"You were a death eater sir, I hardly think you're one to concern yourself with legality"

Snape looked like he really wanted to snap at her for that, then realised that he didn't have a leg to stand on, and then proceeded to glare at her mulishly.

"What do you need me to do?" he asked resigning himself to being the accomplice in her schemes.

"I just need an alibi, we'll return to the common room after the Feast and then after that I'll escort anyone who wishes to take part in the celebration to the chamber, just don't snitch on us Sir" Eliza said happily.

"Fine" Snape conceded and Eliza let out a small cheer "but you're marking the first and second year essays"

"Of course sir" Eliza hollered back already out of the door. How could extra work bother her when all she had now was extra time?

Eliza nodded happily to herself and set off towards the Chamber. She could study some more of Salazar's books. Or she could take a nap.

Either or really.


Eliza forgot all about Hogsmeade until it was Samhain morning. Draco's practically vibrating in his seat for a chance to see Hogsmeade and Eliza was forcibly reminded that she hadn't had her permission slip signed, mostly because she didn't have a guardian. When Blaise had asked if Eliza was coming with them their faces had dropped when Eliza told them she didn't have any guardian to sign her permission slip.

Eliza wasn't too bothered in all honesty, she could just ask the sixth years to pick her up some sugar quills and a butterbeer and she'd be content with that. Her court had been reluctant to leave her but Eliza had shooed them off ordering them to go and have fun.

She had planned to go to the owlery to draft a response to Tom's letter when she was stopped short.


It was professor Lupin, standing in the doorway of the office she had just wandered past.

"Why are you in the castle all alone?" Lupin asked curiously, poking his head around the door.

"Everyone else is off at Hogsmeade sir, I don't have anyone to sign my permission slip"

At that Lupin looked distinctly uncomfortable, proof that he had indeed been friends with her parents. It would make anyone uncomfortable being reminded of the fact your dead best friends daughter had been left to suffer in an orphanage.

"Why don't you come in Eliza? The grindylow for next lesson has just been delivered"

Eliza debated it for a few moments in her head. She had intended to just spend the day in the Chamber, planning to study some darker advanced battle magic's. She didn't know what Lupin wanted from her, which made him dangerous. But then again there was only one way to find out, plus Dumbledore would probably be pleased if he heard she was seeking out more stories about her parents.

She followed Lupin into the office, Lupin started rummaging around his draws to make them both a cup of tea and Eliza headed straight towards the water demon studying it curiously.

"I only have tea bags" Lupin said breaking the awkward silence "But I dare say you're sick of tea leaves"

"Gossiping about me in the staff room professor?" Eliza quipped taking a seat across from him.

"Well it's not often there's a student as exceptional as yourself Eliza" Lupin complimented and Eliza smiled bashfully at him, ever the modest student.

"It's just time and hard work professor, time and hard work"

Whatever Lupin was going to say next was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in" called Lupin sending Eliza an apologetic glance, Eliza waved him off and went back to cradling her tea.

The door opened and Snape strides in carrying a steaming goblet and stopped at the sight of Eliza, dark eyes narrowing.

"Ah thank you Severus, could you leave it on the desk for me?"

Snape set the smoking goblet down and Eliza took a discrete sniff of it ignoring Snape's glare.

"And what are you doing here Potter" he asked even though it really didn't sound like a question.

"The scintillating conversation of course professor, feel free to join us"

Snape glowered at her and then must have decided she wasn't worth the effort and turned back to face Lupin.

"You'll need to drink that directly Lupin, I've got a whole cauldron full if you need more"

And with that he swept out of the room. Eliza idly wondered if he placed charms on his robes to make them billow that dramatically about him.

"Shame sugar makes it useless" Lupin said wrinkling his nose after taking a sip. Eliza studied the potion curiously, she couldn't place it straight away which meant it had to be highly advanced. It was still smoking and Eliza was certain she could smell aconite coming from the potion which was odd. Eliza didn't know many potions, at least for illness, that used wolfsbane-

She was an idiot.

"You're a werewolf" Eliza declared with satisfaction. Snape's half breed comments made a lot more sense now, and the scars that ran down Lupin's face.

Lupin had gone extremely pale at her exclamation and was now stuttering through many jumbled explanations but Eliza waved him off.

"You don't need to worry about me, I don't care that you're a werewolf, you're the best defence teacher we've had so far"

Which was true, Eliza really didn't fancy going back to marking potions essays just so she could get her Slytherin's a good education.

"Besides I don't prescribe to most wizarding prejudices" Eliza tacked on seeing Lupin's confused and worried face. It was almost pitiful, how confused he was about being accepted. Wizarding Britain truly was a sorry state of affairs.

"People class you as a monster because one night a month you lose control, you could kill someone, or bite someone" Eliza said "but a wizard can kill anyone whenever they damn well please and we still carry on as normal"

"It's ridiculous" she finished strongly and the two sat in silence sipping their tea. It wasn't quite comfortable but there was definitely something more relaxed in Lupin now and Eliza couldn't help but feel the same way.

"That's why I never contacted you" Lupin said suddenly over his cup of tea "dark creatures, we're rarely allowed jobs let alone children"

Eliza will fix that, one day. She doesn't say that to Lupin however, instead she placed her empty cup of tea on the table and smiled at him.

"Well you're here now"

"I'm here now" Lupin echoes.

Eliza has no idea what she's doing, she doesn't care about her parents, and she already has a family, a plan. And nowhere in that plan does it say to befriend her new werewolf professor.

She doesn't mind diverting from the plan that much really.

Plus Lupin brews some stellar tea.


Her Court didn't arrive back at Hogwarts for a while but when they did return Eliza was instantly burdened with all their shopping. It was obvious they felt bad about not being with her just from the veritable mountain of sweets and chocolates and cases of butterbeer they had ladened with her.

Eliza led all the Slytherin students into the hall again for this year's Halloween Feast and as the other houses again rambunctiously celebrated her house sat in silence. It was a quiet celebration of their faith, to participate in the feast in silence, and it was also a shockingly loud rebellion in the din of the hall.

Eliza filled her plate with food, splitting it in half. They had forgone the usual preparations for the feast, they had to as many were illegal now, but all around Eliza could see different variants of the celebration. Some people, like her, had split the food on their plate in half, an offering to their ancestors. Others were burning pieces of paper in the candles that floated on the table, messages to those who they had lost. And they all ate in silence, even the first years, as they marked the solemn night with their respect.

When Dumbledore called the feast to a close Eliza stood and led the Slytherins out of the hall where they were finally allowed to talk. Small conversations erupted between everybody as they all made their way to the common room, excitement bubbling underneath. Eliza had informed them all she had prepared the chamber for anyone who wanted to take place in a basic Samhain ritual and their excitement over the prospect was evident.

It had barely been five minutes after they returned to the common room when Professor Snape stormed into the room, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw everyone was still present.

Because Sirius Black had just broken into Hogwarts.

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