The Clayborn: MCU

By Bodineaf

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This story won't follow along with the MCU timeline entirely, but it will be pretty close. (I'm not sure how... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

84 9 0
By Bodineaf

As the centuries rolled by Rhagnar aged slowly, though he was well over his natural age he still looked as if he was 14 - 16 years old. Yet, beneath that perpetual youth, he carried the weight of countless years of experience and wisdom. He had witnessed the ebb and flow of history in Asgard, seen heroes rise and fall, and observed the ever-changing tapestry of the cosmos.

Rhagnar's ageless visage became a symbol of his unique position in the realm of the gods. He was a reminder that the passage of time did not affect him in the same way as mortals or even some of his fellow Asgardians. His youthful innocence had matured into a deep well of knowledge and understanding.

Rhagnar continued to be a source of inspiration and wonder to those around him. His boundless curiosity remained undiminished, and he was known for seeking out knowledge and truth in every corner of Asgard.

While his appearance may have remained the same, Rhagnar's character had evolved, shaped by the countless experiences and lessons he had gathered over the centuries. He had become a living testament to the enduring spirit of youth and the timeless wisdom it could harbor.

Soon the grand Throne Room of Asgard buzzed with anticipation as every Asgardian, from noble to warrior, gathered for a momentous occasion. It was a day of great significance, for today, Rhagnar would officially be bestowed with his godhood by his grandfather, Odin, the Allfather.

The massive doors at the far end of the chamber swung open, revealing Odin, his majestic presence filling the room. Rhagnar stood at his side, wearing a regal attire befitting the occasion.

Odin raised his hand, calling for silence, and the murmur of voices stilled. His one good eye scanned the assembly, and he spoke with a voice that resonated with the weight of ages.

"Today, we gather to recognize a unique soul among us," Odin began, his gaze resting upon Rhagnar. "Rhagnar, the Clayborn, a being created of clay and and his father's divine essence, a symbol of the enduring bond between Asgard and Midgard."

Rhagnar's heart swelled with pride and humility as he stood before the assembly, surrounded by the gods and goddesses of his realm. His grandfather continued, "Rhagnar, you have shown wisdom beyond your years, a heart filled with kindness, and a spirit that embodies the very essence of Asgard. It is with great honor that I bestow upon you the full rights and powers of a god."

With a gesture, Odin extended his hand, and a radiant light enveloped Rhagnar, transforming him from a symbol of youth into a full-fledged god of Asgard. The gathered Asgardians erupted into applause and cheers, celebrating this momentous occasion.

Rhagnar, now a god in the truest sense, stood tall and proud, ready to embrace his destiny and continue his journey in the grand realm of Asgard. Today marked a new chapter in his existence, one that held the promise of countless adventures, challenges, and triumphs as an immortal being.

"I present to you all, Rhagnar Thorson, the Clayborn, God of Youth." Odin announced to those assembled at the grand Throne Room.

As Odin's proclamation echoed through the Throne Room of Asgard, the assembled gods and goddesses burst into applause, their voices raised in joyful celebration. Rhagnar Thorson, the Clayborn, stood at the center of it all, his heart swelling with a sense of purpose and belonging.

With a humble nod and a grateful smile, Rhagnar acknowledged the recognition bestowed upon him. He had become Rhagnar Thorson, the God of Youth, a title that carried both responsibility and promise.

Thor, his father, approached with pride shining in his eyes, and placed a firm hand on Rhagnar's shoulder. "Well done, my son," he said, his voice filled with paternal affection. "May your reign as the God of Youth be marked by boundless vitality and the wisdom of ages."

Loki, ever the mischievous uncle, couldn't resist a playful grin. "Now, young Rhagnar, you have the whole of Asgard's youth at your fingertips. I hope you're prepared for the pranks and adventures that await."

Rhagnar's laughter rang out, and he replied, "I am ready, Uncle Loki, for all that youth and mischief have to offer."

And so, Rhagnar Thorson, the Clayborn and God of Youth, embraced his newfound role in the grand tapestry of Asgard. With the support and camaraderie of his family and fellow gods, he looked forward to a future filled with boundless energy, endless curiosity, and the eternal spirit of youth.

Rhagnar's smile radiated warmth as he embraced the younger gods of Asgard. These divine beings, newly introduced to the realm, looked up to him with awe and admiration, knowing that he embodied the very essence of youth and vitality.

With his guidance, Rhagnar would help nurture their potential, offering them wisdom and support as they embarked on their own journeys within the realm of Asgard. Together, they formed a new generation of gods, each with unique strengths and destinies to fulfill.

As Rhagnar welcomed them into the fold, he felt a profound sense of responsibility and joy. He knew that, as the God of Youth, he would play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Asgard, and he was determined to lead by example, embracing each day with the spirit of boundless enthusiasm and the wisdom of centuries.

As the celebrations continued into the night, Rhagnar reveled in the joy and camaraderie of his fellow Asgardians. It was a day to remember, a day when he had been officially recognized as the God of Youth, and he had felt the weight of his new responsibilities.

With a sense of determination and excitement, Rhagnar looked forward to the challenges and duties that awaited him in his role as a god. Tomorrow marked the beginning of a new chapter in his existence, one where he would serve Asgard and its people with unwavering dedication.

As he raised his goblet in a toast, surrounded by friends and family, Rhagnar felt a deep sense of gratitude for the life he had been given, the bonds he had forged, and the adventures that lay ahead. Tomorrow, he would embark on a path filled with purpose and destiny, ready to bring the youthful spirit of Asgard to every corner of the realm.

"I think that's enough drinks for tonight." Thor says taking his son's goblet.

Thor's words of caution were met with a good-natured chuckle from Rhagnar, who had been caught up in the festivities. He nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in his father's words.

"I suppose you're right, Father," Rhagnar replied, his enthusiasm undiminished. "Even gods need their rest. Tomorrow is a new day, and I want to be at my best for my duties."

Thor smiled with fatherly pride at his son's responsible attitude. "That's the spirit. Rest well, for tomorrow is indeed a new beginning."

With that, they bid farewell to the revelry of the night, knowing that the dawn would bring a fresh start and a world of possibilities for the God of Youth and his father, the mighty Thor.

When Rhagnar turned the corner he was met with his uncle Loki who held a finger to his lips signaling him to be quiet as he gave Rhagnar a small goblet of wine before disappearing.

With a quiet smile and a sense of anticipation, Rhagnar took a sip and carried on his way, excited for the adventures he may face, especially with a trickster like his uncle Loki.

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