Illusive | Tim Bradford

By fineline981

201K 3.1K 52

In which a detective asks to return to patrol work, the reason unknown to anyone. Madison "Maddy" Hale was a... More

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6.9K 116 1
By fineline981

The next morning I found myself stepping into the bustling police station.

The air felt as though it was th in with the scent of coffee, a low hum of conversations filling my ears. I made my way towards the briefing room, where Officer Grey already stood.

I took a seat beside Bishop, as Officer Grey stood at the foot of a large map of there city. The map was pinned to the wall behind him. Grey eyes remained sharp as he scanned the room, before he begin to brief us on this days assignments.

"Good morning, everyone," he begin, his voice carrying that familiar sound of authority. "Today we have a crucial case on our hands. We have received new leads on the Thompson drug trafficking operation. It suggests they are moving a large shipment tonight." He explained.

I remained attentive to Officer Grey's every word. The room remained silent as the gravity of the situation at hand begin to settle in.

"Our objective is clear: we need to intercept this shipment and apprehend the suspects involved. Hale, you'll be working with Officer Bradford. Your focus will be on the warehouse near the waterfront. We believe that's white entry might be storing the drugs before distribution." He explained.

As Bradford and myself both made our way to our shop, I realised we had yet to speak about the night I stayed at his. Whilst nothing happened, we both revealed sensitive topics the following morning that we should probably clarify whilst fully sober.

The silence between us was palpable. It was filled with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. As we climbed into the shop, Bradford remained focused on the road ahead. Once again, his grip remained tight on the steering wheel.

I stared out the window, mind racing with thoughts about how to address the situation. This assignment was too important to let our personal issues interfere, but the awkwardness was undeniable.

Clearing his throat, Bradford finally broke the silence. "Hale," he began, his voice steady. "We need to talk about what happened. We can't let it affect our work, especially on an assignment this big." He told me.

I nodded, my eyes fixated on the passing scenery. "I agree," I replied, voice soft. "I'm sorry I put you in the position I did. I wasn't in the right mind." I apologised.

Bradford sighed, glancing at me briefly before his eyes returned to the road. "I appreciate the apology, Hale. We need to trust each other, especially today. Let's deal with this later." He offered and I replied with a nod.

The drive to the waterfront warehouse remained mostly quiet. The tension was slowly dissipating as we both focused on the assignment ahead. When we arrived, we parked the shop at a discreet distance. We were out of sight from the warehouse.

We both climbed out of the vehicle, Bradford passing me a chest plate to stop bullets from going through. We approached the warehouse quietly, finding a concealed spot from which we could observe the building from without actually being detected.

For hours, Bradford and I kept a close watch on the warehouse. There was nothing particularly suspicious happening, but we also monitored the comings and goings of people around the areas.

The night fell soon and it was cold and silent, the only sounds we could hear were the occasional distant hum of traffic and the lapping of water against the nearby dock.

Despite unresolved tension, both Bradford and I had barely spoken since being on watch. Hours had passed since we'd first arrived, and finally our vigilance may of been paying off.

Bradford spotted a group of individuals entering the warehouse, carrying boxes that matched the description of the suspected shipment. Swiftly, Bradford called for backup. His voice was firm and urgent over the radio.

However, both Bradford and myself exchanged a determined look. We made a split-second decision. We couldn't afford to let these criminals escape with the drugs, endangering the community even more. Without a word, we both silently agreed to intervene and attempt to stop the the criminals as a duo.

I gripped my firearm tightly, eyes focused and senses felt heightened. Bradford was equally as poised, nodded i me which signalled he was ready. With swift, calculated movements, we approached the warehouse, remaining hidden in the shadows.

As we peered inside, we could see the criminals were in the process of unloading the boxes. Their attention was solely focused on their illicit tasks. Both Bradford and I moved silently, closing the distance between us and the criminals.

Praying the element of surprise was on our side.

However, just as we were about to make our move, one of the criminals noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He quickly alerted his companions, and suddenly, the atmosphere in the warehouse shifted from casual to tense. The criminals swiftly drew their guns, their faces contorted with a mix of anger and fear.

"LAPD! Drop your weapons!" Bradford's voice cut through the tension, authoritative and commanding. I echoed his command to the criminals, my gun trained in them.

For a moment, there was a standoff. A silent battle of wills in the dimly lit warehouse. The air crackled with tension and every second felt like eternity to me.

But then, chaos erupted.

Gunfire echoed through the space as the criminals opened fire. Both Bradford and I dove for cover, adrenaline pumping through both of our veins. We returned the fire, aiming to suppress the criminals and therefore protect each other.

The warehouse was filled with the deafening sound of gunshots, acrid smell of gunpowder remained in the air. In the midst of the fight, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I winced, gritting my teeth against the pain.

Officer Bradford turned to see me injured, but it only intensified his efforts; determination unwavering. Together, I helped him fight back.

With the arrival of backup sirens, the criminals soon realised they were outnumbered. As they sensed defeat, they attempted to make a desperate escape. But both Bradford and myself prayed them, despite my own injury.

The backup units arrived by the time the criminals were apprehended, the threat neutralised. My injury was painful, but was just a graze. It was treated onsite by the arriving paramedics.

In the aftermath, amidst the flashing lights of police cars and the bustle of fellow officers, I caught Tim approaching me. Concern etched on his features. "Are you alright?" He enquired, voice sounding as though he was genuinely worried.

I managed a nod, "I'll be fine. We did it." I spoke softly.

Sitting back at home, where Officer Lopez had demanded she came to keep an eye on me. I sat at my table, working on my paperwork from todays assignment as I couldn't sleep.

"So, Hale, I've been meaning to ask," Officer Lopez begin, her tone casual. "Bradford mentioned you two trained together in the academy, how was that?" She enquired.

I looked up from my paperwork, offering a smile. "Training with Bradford was intense, but truth be told, he is one of the best. I've learnt a lot from him over the years, especially back then." I replied, my voice reflecting the respect I had for Bradford.

Lopez nodded appreciatively, intrigued by my response. "And I also heard rumours about an Agent Hale. Any relation? Sorry... got a lot of questions..." Lopez apologised.

I paused for a moment, "no need to apologise," I brushed off. My expression softened, "yeah he's my dad. He's been with the feds for years." I admitted. "He's the reason I joined law enforcement." I furthermore added.

Lopez smiled, clearly appreciating the honesty I was giving. "Must be quiet a legacy to live up to?" She remarked, a note of admiration able to be heard in her tone.

I nodded, a mix of emotions crossing my face as I contemplated my answer. "It is. But it's also a source of motivation. I want to make him proud of what I'm doing." I explained.

Silence settled over us temporarily, until Lopez spoke again. I didn't mind, I appreciated her curious nature. It was part of what made her such a good police officer.

"I always admired your skills as a detective, Hale. I don't want to pry, but it surprises me that you chose to become a T.O. Instead." She thought out loud, I knew that everyone felt the same way as her in their shock; so I appreciated her honesty.

I sighed, my expression thoughtful for a moment. "It's not the typical career trajectory, I know. Being a detective was fulfilling, until it wasn't." I commented, not wanting to further explain at all. "Training rookies plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our force. I feel like I could make a difference here." I expressed.

Lopez nodded, understanding my perspective I assumed. "I agree. Training the rookies is essential. I do enjoy mentoring new recruits, but I can't help but want to be a detective someday. I want to solve cases, make a real impact in the community." Lopez expressed.

I smiled at her, I appreciated her enthusiasm. "You should pursue your passion, Lopez. If being a detective is that you aspire to be, go for it. You have the dedication and drive. As for me, I hope I find fulfilment in guiding and moulding the next generation." I explained to her.

"Thank you Hale, your word means more than I can express." Lopez thanked me, a smile wiped across her features.

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