Lilies for a Lifetime

By howboutnoxoxo

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What do you know about Vincent Russell? Well...most people don't know anything, considering he is an absolute... More

Intro and Notes
Chapter 1 // Bitchin' Beginnings
Chapter 2 // Football? Football.
Chapter 3 // Popularity and Pressure
Chapter 4 // Bottoms Up
Chapter 5 // Girls, Girls, Girls
Chapter 6 // What a Shitshow
Chapter 7 // A Night to Remember
Chapter 9 // The Double Breakup
Chaper 9.5 // Practice Makes Perfect, Right?
Chapter 10 // Cheerleader
Chapter 11 // Tears and Tension
Chapter 12 // Some Healthy Communication
Chapter 13 // Blossoming
Chapter 14 // The Christmas Crew
Chapter 15 // Welcome Back...Hottie
Chapter 16 // It Was Just a Joke
Chapter 17 // Burning Desire
Chapter 18 // Wedding Bells
Chapter 19 // Show and Tell
Chapter 20 // Breakup and Make Up
Chapter 21 // Someone is Getting Killed Today
Chapter 22 // Epiphany
Chapter 23 // He's Definitely Not Drowning...I Hope
Chapter 24 // Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 25 // Another Bitchin' Beginning

Chapter 8 // Sharing is Caring

622 36 21
By howboutnoxoxo

Twelfth grade / Age 18...

The only thing heard in the peaceful room is the rustling of sheets. Lips are softly connecting. Skin is being caressed in the most delicate of ways. Some clothes are thrown about the room, but for the most part, the actions remain innocent and tender.

Vincent's hands softly slide up Sabrina's hips and ribs. Sabrina smiles into the action as she runs her fingers through his soft black hair and presses her body against his.

The couple just came back from their sixth-month anniversary dinner, so affection has been coursing through their souls.

Vincent and Sabrina instantly hit it off in the weeks following their junior prom and began dating shortly after. Although he has never pegged himself as the relationship type, Vincent greatly enjoys the girl's company because she understands all of his weird quirks and doesn't try to change him. If Vincent wants a day to himself, she doesn't get offended. She also doesn't complain about Vincent's lack of affection because she cares enough to realize that his caring actions are the way he expresses himself best–not words or touch.

Vincent gently rolls over so that Sabrina is now underneath him. She lovingly gazes up at her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his neck because she has never felt so safe with another person in only her undergarments. Likewise, Vincent is shirtless, happily staring down at Sabrina because he's never felt this close to another girl.

"Love you," Sabrina whispers, gliding her hands up his muscles back.

"Uh...l-love you too," Vincent repeats even though he is still not used to expressing his feelings openly.

Vincent smiles before faintly attaching his lips to the girl's neck. Sabrina sighs blissfully at the sensation as her eyes flutter shut and she feels herself sinking into his care.

Only a few people know this about Vincent, but he can be the gentlest person to exist with the right people. His select few soft spots belong to Asher, Hayden, and now Sabrina, who is his number one.

As things get more heated in Sabrina's bedroom, their lips collide faster than Vincent could've ever imagined with another person. His tongue licks into her mouth and Sabrina matches his pace with enthusiasm. As a matter of fact, Vincent is feeling very lustful, but he also knows that there is no chance of them going any further than this, and for what reason? Vincent doesn't know.

Sabrina, unaware of Vincent's inner turmoil, hopes that they can finally open up to each other physically. They haven't exactly been intimate before, so Sabrina is hoping to finally satisfy a craving she's had for her boyfriend.

Sabrina cheekily grabs Vincent's hands as their lips are hot and heavy. Vincent doesn't think much of the action, instantly lacing their fingers, but he feels nervousness shake his bones when she rests it right over her belly button. Wanting to not cross into that territory, Vincent tries to distract his girlfriend by sucking her collarbone, but Sabrina has always been very open at expressing what she wants.

Sabrina starts dragging Vincent's hand down her skin and Vincent freaks out when his hand takes the tiniest dip into her underwear.

He rolls off of her body and sits on the edge of her bed, breathing heavily from their previous activities. He anxiously runs his hands through his hair as he closes his eyes.

Sabrina, albeit very confused by his actions, sits up in bed and stares at her boyfriend.

"Shit, I'm sorry," he mutters, wondering why it's so hard for him to show him all of her.

"It's okay," Sabrina smiles softly, wrapping a blanket around her body before she cuddles up to Vincent's shoulder. She sweetly lays her head on his shoulder, showing that she isn't upset with him at all. "It's okay to not want to go any further. Sorry for making you uncomfortable."

Vincent only feels guilty for how understanding she is when he doesn't know the reason why he can't do anything sexual with her.

"You can always be honest with me, Vinny."

Without thinking, he corrects her. "Vincent."

She is a tiny bit shocked and bewildered at not only the statement but how fast he says it.

"But Hayden calls you–"

"Sorry, but please just call me Vincent," he reasons as an internal battle goes on in his head about why he is so possessive of only Hayden using that nickname.

"Okay," she sighs, pressing a kiss to his shoulder despite not knowing what the big deal is.

She climbs out of bed. Vincent silently watches as Sabrina takes his sweatshirt off the ground and throws it over her head. She politely brings Vincent's shorts back over to him when it's clear that nothing else is going to happen between them tonight.

"Thanks," Vincent mumbles. "And I'm sorry again."

"Don't be," Sabrina expresses sincerely, joining him once again. When Vincent's conflicted attitude doesn't change, Sabrina tries to distract him. "Where's your football sweatshirt? You practically live in that thing."

Vincent cracks a smile at her humor before saying, "Hayden has it."

She scrunches her eyebrows in confusion. "But doesn't he have one of his own?"

"Yep," Vincent chuckles. "He just prefers to wear mine."

"Interesting," Sabrina says under her breath.


"Nothing," she smiles, pecking his lips.

Honestly speaking, Sabrina has no problems with Hayden. She doesn't just like him because he is her boyfriend's best friend, but because he has always made her feel welcome in their already existing friend group. She thinks Hayden is hilarious and has no problem with him crashing the majority of their dates, but Sabrina is growing suspicious of how close the two are.

She isn't accusing either one of anything, but she does strongly believe that Hayden relies too heavily on Vincent.

"So..." Sabrina prompts.

Vincent gives her his complete attention when Sabrina tosses her legs over his. She also grabs his hand and moves it to her back because Vincent isn't exactly a cuddly person, but always complies if Sabrina makes the first move.

"I know that you are sick of me bringing this up, but I really want to talk about meeting your parents again," Sabrina explains.

Vincent sighs and looks away because every time they have this conversation, it always ends the same.

"I mean, how bad can it be?" Sabrina persists. "We've been dating for six months, Vincent. You know everyone in my family, so how is it fair that I know none of yours? I've never even had a chance to meet your little brother and sister who you talk about so much."

"Sabrina," Vincent reasons, staring into her eyes. "I understand where you are coming from, but you have to understand that my family isn't like yours. I mean, fuck, if I could, I would've introduced you a long time ago."

"You can–"

"No, you don't get it," Vincent claims. "I'm not allowed to date. My family is very traditional and I know we are only going to end up hurting if we tell my parents."

Vincent is leaving out a very crucial part of why he won't tell his parents about Sabrina, but he doesn't have the courage to break her heart. Vincent's parents would be disappointed if he didn't come home with an Asian girl. Now, of course, he is only allowed to date to marry so bringing someone home is entirely out of the question for at least five more years. However, Vincent doesn't give a shit about what his parents have to say, especially if they still think so close-mindedly in a country open to all races and identities.

"I just don't understand why you won't at least try," Sabrina says with sullen eyes.

"Sabrina, I love you–I really do–but I can't give you what you are asking me," Vincent confesses. "Listen, you aren't some damn little secret. I'm not ashamed of you either, so what can I do to ease your mind?"

"Can I ask you one question?"


"Has Hayden met your family?" she queries.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, that's why my parents hate his stupid ass and he is banned from our house," Vincent says. "Now can we please talk about something else?"

"Um...I think I just want to be alone for a while," Sabrina claims softly. Although she feels a tiny bit relieved about Vincent's parents not accepting Hayden, she just wants VIncent to let her in, and he never has.

Vincent looks at her patiently before letting out a resigned sigh. "Okay."

He quietly begins to gather his stuff.

Sabrina feels bad for shutting out her boyfriend, but he shuts her out too and the problem is that he doesn't even realize it. However, Sabrina wants to cut VIncent some slack when he picks up everything around the room that they have made a mess of over their weekend together. After all, Vincent has had to spew lie after lie just for a chance for them to spend quality time together.

Vincent briefly walks over to the brunette. Just when he begins to whisper a sweet goodbye in Sabrina's ear, the brunette knows her boyfriend well enough that he won't be the one to initiate a goodbye kiss. She leans over and pecks the corner of his mouth, and despite Vincent's smile, she doesn't believe that it's as bright as it can be.

Vincent finally leaves her room, leaving Sabrina with a train of thoughts that she has yet to confront.


When Scott walks into the house after a long day of work, he is surprised to find his son's back facing him as Hayden sits at the dining table.

"Hey, how was school today?" Scott caringly asks as he sets his bag by the door and loosens his tie.

When Scott doesn't get a response, concern fills his mind.


When he walks beside Hayden to get a glance at what he is doing, he is surprised to find that he doesn't have any earbuds in and is staring off into space. Scott takes note of his slouched form and tired eyes.

For the past couple of months, Scott has noticed his son almost sinking into a depressive state. He honestly has no idea what has changed in his boy, but he doesn't like that he never comes home to his cheeky smile and endless jokes. He feels so helpless in this situation, but he can't let this continue any longer.

Hayden takes a bite of the salad in front of him, and that's when Scott knows for certain that an intervention is needed. Hayden only eats salad when he is having an existential crisis.

"Hayden," Scott repeats, snapping his fingers to get the boy's attention.

"Hm?" Hayden says, disinterested.

Scott physically reaches out and spins Hayden's chair around until he is facing him.

"What's going on?" he gently pries.

Hayden looks away and crosses his arms, not having the courage to explain what has been taking control of his thoughts lately.

Instead of the direct approach, Scott chooses to distract him.

"Have you looked at any colleges yet?"

"Doesn't matter," Hayden shrugs. "I'm not smart enough to get in."

"Pfft, what kind of talk is that?" Scott scoffs.

"Real-world talk."

"Last I checked, you weren't from the real world. I don't know anyone else who can balance ten textbooks on their head while doing a free-style rap with a cup of tea in their hands," Scott smiles.

"It's what I do best," Hayden shrugs with a sigh.

"Are you scared about the future?" Scott questions. "Is that what it is?"

Yes and no, Hayden thinks in his head.

"I'll do whatever you need me to do to help you get out of this muck, but you have to talk to me in order for that to happen," Scott explains. "Do I need to bribe you again?"

Hayden looks at his dad intensely before muttering, "What are you offering?"

"I'll buy you that go-kart you wanted even though I'm like ninety-nine percent sure you are going to injure yourself," Scott laughs, rolling his eyes.

Hayden perks up and says, "Those are such slim odds, father."

"Sure," his dad muses before a quizzical expression crosses his face again. "Have you thought about where you want to go?"

Hayden sighs, "I don't really want to be here anymore. I know I'm going to miss you if I go out of state, but too many things here remind me of the bullying I had to put up with as a kid. I just want to start new, you know?"

"I get it," Scott says supportively. "Where are you thinking? Illinois? Texas? Massachusetts? California?"

Hayden laughs bitterly, "I don't have enough money for that. Not to mention the scholarships I won't be receiving."

"Don't worry about it," Scott grins, patting his shoulder. "I'll cover it."

Hayden sits up in his chair. "I can't ask you to do that."

"Well, good thing you didn't ask and I'm telling you," Scott retorts.

"Why would you–"

"Hayden, I wish you believed in yourself as much as I do–as much as your friends do," Scott begins. "You have the potential to be anything you want to be."

"Pretty sure they said that in one of the Barbie movies," Hayden interjects.

"Focus, son," Scott teases before continuing. "I hope you never change. I get that people keep constantly telling you to grow up and mature, but you can be whoever you want. Nobody else can tell you any differently. And yeah, I'll probably have to work more shifts to cover the costs, but everything will be okay."

Hayden takes a deep breath before nodding, a smile finally pushing past his lips.

"Okay, now that I've had my good father spiel, it's time you tell me what the hell is going on because I know that isn't the only thing on your mind," Scott commands.

Hayden protectively wraps his arms around himself, looking away.

He isn't brave enough to tell his father what's been bothering him and that makes him feel horrible, especially with the offer he just made.

"Come on now," Scott encourages. "I've told you all of my embarrassing life stories. This is a judgment-free zone."

"Fine," Hayden huffs. "But you better take me out to my favorite restaurant after this."

"Since when are you the boss?" Scott laughs.

"I always have been and always will be," Hayden says sassily.

"Yeah, whatever," Scott rolls his eyes playfully, patiently waiting for Hayden to hopefully open up.

"Um...I haven't told you this, but Vincent's had a girlfriend for the past few months."

"Ah..." Scott says, finally starting to piece some things together. "So that's why I haven't seen him around here as often as he used to be. You still have Leo, Sawyer, Asher, and Jordan, though. I don't see what the problem is."

"They're not Vinny," Hayden mumbles.

"Is that really why you've been sad all this time?" Scott asks patiently.

"That's part of the reason."

"And what's the other part?"

"I'm scared that you'll treat me differently after I tell you something," Hayden admits, biting his lip.

Scott places his hand on Hayden's knee before whispering, "Is it that you like Vincent?"

Hayden nods as tears finally slip down his cheeks because he feels overwhelmed at admitting it for the first time. He tries to wipe away his tears but they only flow at a faster pace.

"Why are you crying?" Scott asks carefully.

Hayden sniffs, "I feel like all I do is disappoint you."

"Hayden," Scott mutters sadly, pulling his son up into a tight hug. Hayden sniffles into his chest as Scott assures him, "I've never once thought that about you, so I don't know where you are getting this idea from. I'm so proud of you, kid."

Hayden nods and smally says, "Thank you."

"And I'm not going to be disappointed in you just because you like a guy," Scott adds. "To be honest, I've kissed my fair share of men."

"What?" Hayden says, pulling out of his dad's arms to look at him.

"Hey, college me was down for anything," Scott shrugs with a smile. "So...are you gay?"

"No, I still very much like any human who breathes and smiles," Hayden chuckles. "I, uh, I'm actually pansexual."

A smirk grows on Scott's face.

"Dad, I swear to god. If you make the joke—"

"So are frying pans or sheet pans hotter?"

Hayden looks at Scott with an unamused expression.

"Kidding, Kidding," Scott laughs. "But I'm glad you told me."

Hayden grins, feeling like a weight has been lifted off his chest that he has been carrying for the past few months.

"So...tell me about your little crush," Scott offers, giving Hayden the opportunity to speak about it, but not forcing him to.

"It's hard seeing Vincent and Sabrina together," Hayden sighs. "And it sucks that he's my best friend because every time I start getting the tiniest bit distant, he instantly thinks something is wrong."

"That sounds difficult," Scott says sympathetically.

Hayden nods, "And Vinny always promised me that we'd go to the same college but now I'm not so sure because I know his girlfriend wants to go to Princeton. Vincent could easily make it into that school."

"I think you should have a little faith in him, you know?" Scott smiles. "He hasn't forgotten about you. I know that because when you were out with Sawyer and Leo the other day, he knocked on the door, wondering if you were alright."

Hayden has a giddy smile as he fiddles with his hands.

"You're blushing," Scott teases.

"I don't blush; I sparkle."

"Yeah, whatever," Scott smiles, slapping his son's leg. "I'm starving. Let's go eat."

"Perfect," Hayden chirps. "I have been craving some meat."

Scott laughs, "I don't know if that was intentional or not, but I would think about your word choice more next time."

Hayden groans, "Ew, Dad. Seriously?"

"You are the one with a crush on Vincent," Scott smugly says.

"Because he's hot as fuck," Hayden says exasperatedly. "How could I not have a crush on him?"

"Okay, okay, let's go eat before you start spewing a bunch of things about Vincent that I don't want to know," Scott laughs, grabbing his keys.



Vincent's parents are out of town for the weekend. Even though Vincent is an adult now, they don't trust leaving the six-year-old twins with him for the fear of him teaching them bad habits. Vance and Valerie are currently staying over at Kai's house because his parents have been missing little kids while Kai is off doing great things in college.

Nonetheless, Vincent isn't complaining about the space because he has plans to make Sabrina feel a bit better about what's been going on between them lately.

Vincent shot her a text not too long ago, telling her to come over and Vincent has been patiently waiting for her arrival. He made her a nice dinner, has some candles lit, and is still trying to make sure that everything looks perfect. Sabrina has never been to his house before, so Vincent hopes that she appreciates this.

After waiting around for a few minutes, Vincent finally hears a small knock on his door. He easily strides across the room to open the door and greet his girlfriend.

"Hey," she grins, stepping forward to kiss him.

Vincent takes in how she looks. She is practically drowning in his sweatshirt, which causes him to smile fondly. Her hair is in a high ponytail and Vincent can tell that she took a lot of effort to do her makeup nicely. Not to mention, Vincent loves the delicate touch of her pearl earrings for someone as strong as Sabrina.

Vincent thinks she looks beautiful, but for some reason, compliments have always been had for Vincent. However, Sabrina can tell by the look in his eyes exactly what he wants to portray.

Vincent gestures her inside and Sabrina happily steps through the door.

"What is all this?" Sabrina gasps as she looks at the romantic setup.

"I just wanted to apologize for the other day."

"Vincent," Sabrina breathes, placing her hand on his arm. "All this isn't necessary. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was drifting away; I was just genuinely upset at the situation. And about what happened before that, I'm not upset about you not wanting to go any further. We should've talked about it before, but I won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

"Yeah, I know. Can't I just be a damn good boyfriend for once?" he says with a teasing smile.

"Well, damn good boyfriend," Sabrina says, playing along. "Do you want to show me what you cooked up?"

"Do I?"

"Shut up and show me," she laughs, lightly hitting his chest.

Vincent gladly complies, grabbing her purse and leading her over to the table. He pulls out the chair for her and presents the homemade food to her.

"A little something from my culture I thought I'd share with you," Vincent explains.

The little action makes the girl ecstatic. However, before Sabrina can say anything there is a knock on Vincent's door.

Sabrina glances at her boyfriend curiously but he looks just as clueless at the unexpected guest. Vincent easily opens the door, surprised to see Hayden on the other side.

"Ready to get our Sunday night movie marathon started?" Hayden chimes enthusiastically. "I have a whole list of movies for us to watch, and yes, I promise it isn't the entire Fast and Furious franchise this time. Oh! I also managed to sneak out a bottle of wine so we can act like bad bitches as we eat popcorn and gossip."

Vincent takes note of the blanket slung over Hayden's shoulders as well as the mountain of snacks carefully cradled in his arms. When Hayden notices the guilty expression that dawns upon Vincent's face, only then does he recognize his silence and see Sabrina seated in his home.

"Oh..." Hayden mutters with a disheartened expression that he then tries to cover up with a smile. "I, um...I-I guess I can just see you at school tomorrow." Hayden turns his back. "Sorry, for ruining your–"

"Hayden," Vincent whispers, grabbing his hand and spinning him around. He feels terrible about forgetting his weekly movie nights with his best friend.

"Vinny," Hayden mumbles back sadly, taking the chance to squeeze Vincent's hand before he lets go. "Don't worry about it. I'll leave."

Vincent glances back at Sabrina, who only looks confused about why he isn't telling him to go. Vincent sighs before facing Hayden again and realizing that he is already headed down the driveway steps.

Vincent chases after him, grabbing some snacks from his hands to help him out.

"Come inside," Vincent says shortly.

"Vinny, I don't want to intrud–"

"Get your ass inside before I force you to, okay?"

Hayden looks deep into his eyes for any indication that he doesn't want him to be there, but he finds none.

"Okay," Hayden finally agrees.

Vincent caringly takes the majority of the stuff Hayden is carrying and leads him back into the house. Hayden shuts the door behind him, uneasily glancing at Sabrina. Hayden doesn't even think that Vincent notices how weird this is.

"Is it okay if he joins us?" Vincent asks his girlfriend.

"Sure," she says with a tight-lipped smile.

She doesn't like this one bit when Vincent has planned a whole nice night for them. It doesn't help that Hayden also showed up in Vincent's football sweatshirt.

Hayden gasps, "Oh my god! You made Satay and braised potatoes. I love this shit."

Hayden immediately takes the seat where Vincent was going to sit and picks up one of the meat skewers.

"Oh, um, that was Vincent's plate," Sabrina says awkwardly.

Vincent instantly snatches the food out of Hayden's hands to take a bite for himself. Hayden sulks. Vincent then gives the skewer back to Hayden with a little smirk.

"You can have it."

"I fucking love you, Vinny," Hayden claims, happily chowing down on the meal.

And there it is, Sabrina thinks. The nickname that Vincent won't let anybody call him except for Hayden.

"Yeah, yeah," Vincent says, rolling his eyes with a playful laugh.

"Wow, Vincent," Sabrina grins. "The food is so good."

"Thank yo–"

"Isn't it the best? He used to make this and stir fry for me all the time," Hayden interjects before getting distracted. "Wait, Vinny. Where are Vancey pants and Vallie?"

"They are staying at my parent's friend's place for the weekend," Vincent explains. "Vance wanted me to tell you that he says hi, though."

Sabrina openly sighs from her spot, but Vincent and Hayden don't even seem to notice as they discuss how close Vance is growing to Hayden and how Valerie has been coloring a collection of pictures to give Hayden.

Sabrina didn't think that Vincent was lying when he told her about how his parents don't like Hayden, but Vincent failed to mention that Hayden is still over at his house all the time. Even if he has to sneak in, he's over so much that he has a good relationship with Vincent's siblings when Sabrina hasn't even met them.

"Sabrina," Vincent says, pulling the girl out of her thoughts.


"Can I get you a drink?"

Sabrina smiles softly, "Sure."

Just when Vincent is about to leisurely walk into his kitchen, Hayden darts toward the fridge.

"Hayden, I'm going to beat your ass if you touch my damn lemonade," Vincent warns before chasing Hayden into the kitchen.

Hayden grabs the pitcher from the fridge with a victorious smile, but Vincent instantly snatches it away from him.

"But, Vinny!" Hayden pouts, lunging for the pitcher only for Vincent to pull it out of his reach.

"No, you lost this privilege since you think it's okay to drink it all without telling me every fucking time you come over," Vincent explains, grabbing a glass for Sabrina.

"Vinnyyyyyy," Hayden groans, clinging to Vincent from behind.

Vincent only chuckles at his ridiculousness when Hayden's arms tighten around his stomach and the boy buries his head in Vincent's back.

"Get the hell off me."

"Please, Vinnyyyyyy."

"Nope, get away."

"Vinnnyyyy," Hayden continues to whine.

As the two continue to bicker in the kitchen, that's when Sabrina sees it. That's when everything all starts coming together.

Sabrina is sharing her boyfriend, and Vincent doesn't even seem to realize what he's doing.

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