Dragon Rider

By SyidaNurulaina3

1K 80 25

Porsche Kittisawat is a young farm boy who lives with his father at the village.. Porsche's life starts to ch... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13(Final Chapter)

Chapter 1

158 8 1
By SyidaNurulaina3

At night

Thanya pov

Thanya is running away with her fellow guards.. Thanya is looking for another way to escape since the whole forest is caught by a fire.. Suddenly.. A man stand in front of Thanya and ask.. 'Where do you think you are going princess of Demetrius?' Thanya then ask.. 'What do you want from me shade?' That shade (Kinn) look at Thanya with an evil smirk on his face then reply back.. 'You know well what am I asking, my dear elf..' Thanya shake her head and yell.. 'No! I won't give this to you!' Kinn is about to use his power but stop as Thanya take out something and recite something.. The stone then vanish all of a sudden.. Thanya smirk at Kinn and ask.. 'Now.. Who will believe in you shade? How you will tell the king that you are fail huh?' Kinn's anger rise up and use his power to torture Thanya.. Thanya then yell in pain and faint.. Kinn then carry Thanya in his arms and teleport to Hollowston..

At the forest..

Porsche Pov

Porsche is walking in the forest with his bow and arrow.. Porsche then smile as he see an anthlers is appear right in front of him.. Porsche then speak in his heart.. 'Alright Porsche.. You can do this!' Porsche then take out his bow and arrow and about to shoot those antlers but feel shock as he see something appear instead.. Porsche frown and keep back his bow and arrow then walk towards those stone.. Porsche kneel infront of the stone and ask..' What is this?' It look so beautiful.. 'Feel amaze by it.. Porsche stroke the stone and carry it gently and say..' Wow.. this stone are quiet heavy.. I need to be careful.. 'Porsche then put the stone that he found into his bag and return to the village..

Porsche finally return to the village and see his best friend, Arm is helping Porsche's father with the work.. Arm then ask..' Eh Porsche? I thought you went out for hunting? How was it? Did you manage to catch those antlers?' Porsche shake his head slowly and reply back 'No Arm.. I fail to catch it..' Porsche's father then say.. 'Its ok my son.. Maybe its not your luck today..' Porsche smile at them and say.. 'I need to go to see a butcher.. I will be back later..' Arm nod and continue to help Porsche's father.. Porsche then walk to the butcher and see an old man who are busy cutting a meat.. Porsche then go in and say.. 'What's up dude?' That old man then reply back.. 'Ah.. Porsche.. Where have you been? Are you going for hunting again?' Porsche nod and lean closer.. 'Actually.. I have something to trade..' That old man start to feel amaze and ask.. 'What is it Porsche? Show me..' Porsche then take out the stone and give it to that old man and ask. 'Well?' That man then take out the stone and ask again.. 'How did you get it and where did you get this?' Porsche then rise his eyebrows and say.. 'I found it in the forest, Edgar..' Edgar then ask again.. 'Which forest?' Porsche smirk and reply back.. 'Is in Imgard..' Edgar's face quickly change and give that stone back to Porsche and say.. 'You shouldn't bring that stone here Porsche.. That stone belong to King Bahamut.. Get out now!' Porsche then ask.. 'Who is King Bahamut?' Edgar then say.. 'Just leave Porsche! I didn't want any trouble because of you! If the villagers know that you have that stone..all of us will die! Now leave immediately!' Porsche sigh slowly and take back the stone and put it into his bag again and say.. 'Thank you.. I hope you won't feel regret' Porsche then leave the butcher shop and walk back to his village.. Porsche then noticed another old man who is sitting near the village.. That old man look at Porsche with a sharp gaze.. Porsche avoid those gaze and continue walking.. Porsche then arrive at his village and notice Arm is no where to be seen.. Porsche's father then say.. 'If you are looking for Arm.. He is already went back son..' If you are hungry.. I already made a soup for you.. '

Porsche then walk towards his father and give those old man a warm hug and say..' Pho.. Thank you so much na krub.. Pho always be there for Porsche..' Porsche's father return the hug and say.. 'You are my son Porsche.. Arm is another son to me.. He is such a nice boy.. Just like you na krub..' Porsche then say.. 'Come on Pho.. Lets go inside.. Lets eat together na krub..'Phat then nod and go inside with Porsche.. Porsche then  walk towards his room and take out the stone and put it on the floor.. Phat then yell from outside..' Porsche! Lets eat! 'Porsche then come out and reply back..' Yes pho! 'Porsche then join his father for breakfast..

At Hollowston

King Bahamut pov..

Bahamut is resting on his chair then see Kinn and ask..' How was it Kinn? 'Kinn then shake his head and reply back..' Those elf refuse to tell me where did she send those stone.. 'Bahamut then stand up and look at the big map behind him and say..'You know very well Kinn.. You are my loyal servant.. The most loyal servant.. If Valhallian knows theres a dragon rider will rise up.. They will have a new beginning and hope.. They will challenge me Kinn.. I don't want them to challenge me and I don't want them to have a hope.. Im not interested at all Kinn.. Do everything in your power to kill that boy.. Or.. Bring him to me.. I don't want to hear any excuses.. 'Kinn nod and leave the throne hall.. Kinn then walk towards the prisoner room and see Thanya is laying on the bed.. Kinn then ask..' Where the hell did you send it?! 'Thanya smirk and reply back..' I won't tell you! 'Kinn slap Thanya' s face and try to use his power but fail.. Kinn then reply with a cold voice.. 'I will deal with you later..' Kinn then walk away.. '

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